B2 KentucKy new era Thursday, August 22, 2024
Here is a complete
guide to the 2024-25
Kentucky men’s basket-
ball schedule, the first
under head coach Mark
Big Blue Madness
will be Oct. 11 at Rupp
Arena at Central Bank
Center. A Blue-White
Preseason Event will be
Oct. 18 at Memorial Col-
Kentucky Wesley-
an College will play an
exhibition against Ken-
tucky at Rupp Arena on
Oct. 23.
Minnesota State
Mankato will play UK in
an exhibition on Oct. 29
at Rupp Arena.
Here is the November
schedule for UK.
Nov. 4 Wright State
at Rupp Arena. Nov. 9
Bucknell at Rupp Arena.
Kentucky will go
against Duke on Nov. 12
at the Champions Clas-
sic in Atlanta at State
Farm Arena.
Nov. 19 will be Lip-
scomb (BBN Invita-
tional) at Rupp Arena.
Nov. 22 is Jackson
State (BBN Invitational
| Unity Series) at Rupp
Kentucky will host
Western Kentucky on
Nov. 26 (BBN Invitation-
al) at Rupp Arena. Nov.
29 is Georgia State at
Rupp Arena.
Here is the December
schedule for Kentucky.
Dec. 3 at Clemson
for the SEC/ACC Chal-
lenge. Dec. 7 against
Gonzaga (Battle in Seat-
tle). Dec. 11 Colgate at
Rupp Arena.
The Kentucky-Louis-
ville game will be Dec.
14 at Rupp Arena.
Kentucky will play
Ohio State on Dec. 21
(CBS Sports Classic) in
New York City’s Madi-
son Square Garden.
Dec. 31 will close the
2024 part of the sched-
ule with a visit from
Brown at Rupp Arena at
Central Bank Center.
SEC play will start
on Jan. 4 when Florida
comes to Rupp Arena.
UK will play Jan. 7-8 at
Georgia, and UK will be
at Mississippi State on
Jan. 11.
Kentucky will host
Texas A&M on Jan.
14-15 at Rupp Arena.
Kentucky will meet Ala-
bama on Jan. 18 at Rupp
Kentucky will travel
to Nashville, Tenn., for
a Jan. 25 matchup at
Vanderbilt. UK will be at
Tennessee on Jan. 28.
The much anticipated
matchup with Arkansas
and Hogs coach John
Calipari will be Feb. 1 at
Rupp Arena.
UK will be at Ole Miss
on Feb. 4-5. Kentucky
will host South Carolina
on Feb. 8.
Tennessee will have
its return date on Feb.
11-12 with Kentucky at
Rupp Arena.
Kentucky will travel
to Texas on Feb. 15. UK
will host Vanderbilt on
Feb. 18-19.
Kentucky will be at
Alabama on Feb. 22.
UK will go to Oklaho-
ma on Feb. 25-26.
Auburn will visit Ken-
tucky on March 1 at
Rupp Arena.
Kentucky will meet
LSU on March 4-5 in
the last regular season
game at Rupp Arena.
UK closes the regular
season at Missouri on
March 8.
the second half scoring
started eleven minutes
in as Alex Hale found
Leland Creamer in the
box, who finished the
pass off with a head-
er in the 51st minute.
Hale added a second
assist moments later
by finding Christian
Lopez off of a direct
kick in the 57th min-
After Trigg County
allowed an own goal in
the 61st minute, Chris-
tian Lopez finished the
scoring in the 70th min-
ute off of an assist from
sophomore Jensen Nolte
for the final score of 5-0.
Coach Seeger emptied
his bench with 15 min-
utes left to play.
Coach Seeger on the
importance of getting
his younger players
game experience, “I
think any chance that
we get to get them in
(the game) to get more
experience is great
for the overall team.
Because that means that
they will get better, and
as they get better they’ll
start vying for more
starting positions, and
that creates more com-
petition and that compe-
tition drives everybody.
So, I think it’s a great
thing, and I think we are
lucky to have the depth
that we do. Even when
we do sub off and we
put some more of our
inexperienced players
we don’t drop off in
Christian County will
look to continue their
strong start to the 2024
season on Tuesday,
Aug.27, at the Stadium
of Champions Field 2
as they host the visiting
Falcons of Fort Camp-
bell High School.
Injuries have been a
nagging concern for the
Kentucky football pro-
gram throughout the
offseason, and even after
taking precautions in fall
camp, the Wildcats will
enter the 2024 campaign
a bit shorthanded.
UK, which wrapped up
its final scrimmage Sat-
urday in Lexington, will
be without running back
Chip Trayanum and
wide receiver Hardley
Gilmore at least through
the start of the season.
Trayanum, an Ohio
State transfer who was
projected to take over
UK’s backfield after Ray
Davis left for the NFL,
recently broke his hand
in practice and, although
there’s no timetable for
the senior’s return, he’ll
miss at least the Cats’
opening-week contest
against Southern Miss.
First-year UK offen-
sive coordinator Bush
Hamdan has previously
indicated that the Cats
plan to spread touches
among their ballcarriers,
but now they’ll have to
rely on younger players
like Jason Patterson and
Jamarion Wilcox to help
fill the void.
“Obviously, with us
losing Chip, it becomes
even more of that,”
Hamdan said Tuesday.
“Again, we’ve made that
comment of however
many times we’re hand-
ing the ball off, making
sure that we have a plan
of who’s receiving those
handoffs. We’re trying
tobe creative, with multi-
ple guys touching it, and
that’s what we’re trying
to get done.”
True freshman wide
receiver Hardley Gilm-
ore also suffered a col-
larbone injury and “will
be out for a decent bit,”
according to head coach
Mark Stoops. Expecta-
tions are for Gilmore,
who earned acclaim as
a standout performer
during spring and fall
camps, likely won’t be
back until midseason
and could be in line for a
redshirt season.
UK coaches are still
confident in their crop of
pass-catchers, too.
“The biggest thing
is all those guys are
bought into Coach
Hamdan’s system, so
it makes it a lot easi-
er,” said wide receivers
coach Daikiel Shorts. “...
Everybody in that room,
they’re really good kids
and they work their tails
off. That’s the thing I’m
most happy with coming
out of this camp.
“They continue to buy
in and work hard, and
they care about each
other, so it makes it a lot
And, as always, the
Cats aren’t making
“There’s contingency
plans, obviously, when
guys go down,” Ham-
dan added. “It’s a next-
man-up philosophy with
every team, but we’ve
got to get those next
guys up and ready to
go because we’ve got a
serious schedule ahead
of us.”
UK will kick off its
2024 season on Aug. 31
against Southern Miss at
Kroger Field.
Kentucky Wildcats moving ahead,
navigating through injury woes
RB Trayanum, WR Gilmore will miss signicant time
Visit us online at: www.kentuckynewera.com
The Christian County Fiscal Court is seeking qualified engineer -
ing firms to submit qualifi cations for the design of thirteen (13)
tornado safe rooms. The project includ es six (6) safe r ooms with
a capacity of 5 00 persons each and seven (7) s afe rooms with a
capacity of 110 persons each. These safe rooms must meet the
FEMA P-361 standards for tornado safe rooms. The objective of
this project is to design tornado safe rooms that will provide safe
fuge for the residents of Christian County. The safe rooms
must comply wi th the latest edition of FEMA P-361 and all applic-
able local, st ate, and federal codes and regulations .
To be considered, proposals must be received by 4:00PM lo cal
time (CST) on Tuesday, September 1 0, 2024. Proposals must be
submitted by 4:00PM CST September 10, 2024 to:
Christian County Fiscal Court
C/O Amy Frogue 300 Hammond Drive
Hopkinsville, KY 42240
Phone: 270-886-9484
Electronic submissions will be accepted using the email address
above. Late submissions will not be considered.
All questions or requests for clarification must be submitted in
writing, no less than 5 days prior to the d eadline for submission
on September 10, 2 024, to Amy Frogue at amy.frogue@ky.gov.
Responses will be pro vid ed to all interested parties.
For a copy of the full Req uest for Q ualifications including scoring
criteria, please contact Amy Frogue at amy.frogue@ky.gov or by
phone at 270-886-9484.
The Christian County Fiscal Cour t will adhere to the provisions of
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Section 3 in the imple-
mentation of this project. N o person shall be excluded from parti-
cipation in, denied benefits of, or subjected to discrimination in
the im plementation of this pro gram on the grounds of r
ace, c olor,
national origin, or sex. Attention is particularly called to the re-
quirements as t o conditi ons of employment to be observed un-
der the contract, Section 3, Segregated Facilities, Section 109,
Title VI, E.O. 11246, the Anti -Kickback Act and Section 504 re-
quire ments. Female and minority firms encouraged to apply.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Oil Change / Tire Tech / Light
Mechanic. Some experience
required. No late hours or
weekends. Apply in person.
Clearview Tire & Auto Service,
1079 N. Main Street.
In accordance with Chapter
65A.080 (2), KRS 424.220, of
the Kentucky Revised Stat-
utes, the financial report and
supporting data of the East
Fork Pond River Watershed
Conservancy District may be
inspected by the public at the
Todd County Conservation
District Office located at 101
Elk Fork Road in Elkton, Ken-
tucky between the hours of
8am-4:30pm Monday through
Friday, except for legal holi-
days. East Fork Pond River
Watershed Conservancy Dis-
trict holds
regularly scheduled
board meetings at 6:00pm on
the 2nd Thursday of February,
April, July and October at the
Catfish Dock located in
Powderly, Kentucky. All meet-
ings are open to the public.
Contact Customer Service at
(270) 886-4444, Option 1 or
Monday-Friday 7AM-3PM
Holidays advance deadlines by 24 hours.
2330 Dawson Road,
Hopkinsville KY
August 29th,30th & 31st
from 6:00AM-11:30AM
Toys, tools, electronics,
furniture, home improvement
supplies & MUCH MORE!
AtmosEnergyCorporation(“AtmosEnergy”)intendstoproposerevisionsto itstariffextendingitsGasCostPerformanceBasedRatemaking
mechanism(“PBR”)onfilewith theKentuckyPublicServiceCommission(“Commission”)byapplyingforanextensionforfiveyearswiththe
CommissiononorafterAugust30,2024inCaseNo.2024-00205.Thetarifffilingwillrequestthattheproposedrevisionsbecomeeffective on
Present Proposed DollarsIncrease PercentIncrease
G-1PBRCharge $0.1680perMcf$0.1680perMcf$00%
G-2PBRCharge $0.1680perMcf$0.1680perMcf$00%
TotalImpacttoAtmosRevenues $0 0%
AtmosEnergyintendstoproposeanextensionoffiveyearstoitsPBRmechanismrevisingSheetNo.18ofitsCommission-approvedtariff until
May31,2030. AtmosEnergyisalsoproposingupdatingSheetNo.29fortheannualreportsdatetobeginin2025andthereviewdatetobeginin
2029tomatchtheproposed five-yearextensionproposal.AtmosEnergybelievesthePBR hasbeenabenefittoitscustomersandits
shareholders.ThePBR mechanismisexplainedindetailinSheetsNos.18-29ofitstariffandAtmosEnergyisnot requestingthatitberevised.
Additionalinformation,links,andacopyofAtmosEnergy’stariff revisionscanbefound atAtmosEnergy’s principaloffice(3275HighlandPointe
thistariff filingattheCommission’sofficeat211 SowerBlvd.Frankfort,Kentucky,MondaythroughFriday,8:00a.m.to4:30p.m.,orthroughthe
Frankfort,KY40602. Apersonmay submitatimelywrittenrequestforinterventiontotheCommission,211SowerBoulevard,PostOffice
actiononthetarifffiling. TheCommission’sphonenumberis(502)564-3940 anditswebsiteishttp://psc.ky.gov.The revisionscontainedinthis
noticearetherevisionsproposedbyAtmosEnergybut theCommissionmayorderrevisionsthatdifferfromtheproposed revisionscontainedin
thisnotice. AtmosEnergyisnotproposingany changestoanyrateschedulesandtheaveragecustomer billwillnotchange.
Notice of Hearing
The Todd County Board of Education
will hold a public hearing in the
Board Room of Todd County Board
of Education on September 5, at
5:00 p.m. to hear public comments
regarding a proposed general fund
tax levy of 47.3 cents on real property
and 47.3 cents on personal property.
The General Fund tax levied in scal
year 2024 was 46.6 cents on real
property and 46.6 cents on personal
property and produced revenue of
The proposed General Fund tax rate
of 47.3 cents on real property and
47.3 cents on personal property is
expected to produce $4,306,212.13.
Of this amount $912,577.26 is from
new and personal property.
The compensating tax for 2025 is
45.5 cents on real property and 45.5
cents on personal property and is
expected to produce $4,142,339.36.
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Call: Frankie Thomas
270-484-9092 or