International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 11, July-2017 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718 Copyright 2017.All rights reserved. 2533
Anand Kumar Singh
, Mitesh L Patel
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, KJ Institute Of Engineering and
Technology, Savli, Dist Vadodara Gujarat, India 391770
[email protected]; +918000154233, [email protected]; +919726765354
Abstract: Pneumatic is a branch of engineering that deals
which study of air/gas characteristic and also their use in
engineering appliances either in atmospheric or above
atmospheric pressure. Now a day number of application
increases in pneumatics system due to high carrying
capacity, low maintenance cost and most important not
dangerous. Either compressed air or inert gas are generally
used, this paper deals with different components of
punching machine (proto type) and their assembly and also
their related diagrams.
Pneumatic is a branch of engineering that deals which study
of air/gas characteristic and also their use in engineering
appliances either in atmospheric or above atmospheric
pressure. Now a day number of application increases in
pneumatics system due to high carrying capacity, low
maintenance cost and most important not dangerous.
Pneumatic systems are power systems using compressed air
as a working medium for the power transmission. Their
principle of operation is similar to that of the hydraulic power
systems. An air compressor converts the mechanical energy
of the prime mover into, mainly, pressure energy of the
compressed air. This transformation facilitates the
transmission, storage, and control of energy. After
compression, the compressed air should be prepared for
desired work. A pneumatic system is a system that uses
compressed air to transmit and control energy. Pneumatic
systems are used in controlling train doors, automatic
production lines, mechanical clamps etc. Pneumatic
cylinder(s) (sometimes known as air cylinders)
are mechanical devices which use the power of compressed
gas to produce a force in a reciprocating linear motion.
Like hydraulic cylinders, something forces a piston to move
in the desired direction. The piston is a disc or cylinder, and
the piston rod transfers the force it develops to the object to
be moved. Engineers sometimes prefer to use pneumatics
because they are quieter, cleaner, and do not require large
amounts of space for fluid storage. Because the operating
fluid is a gas, leakage from a pneumatic cylinder will not drip
out and contaminate the surroundings, making pneumatics
more desirable where cleanliness is a requirement. For
example, in the mechanical puppets of the Disney Tiki
Room, pneumatics are used to prevent fluid from dripping
onto people below the puppets. A pneumatic motor (Air
motor) or compressed air engine is a type of motor which
does mechanical work by expanding compressed air.
Pneumatic motors generally convert the compressed air
energy to mechanical work through either linear or rotary
motion. Linear motion can come from either a diaphragm or
piston actuator, while rotary motion is supplied by either a
vane type air motor, piston air motor, air turbine or gear type
motor. Pneumatic motors have existed in many forms over
the past two centuries, ranging in size from hand-held motors
to engines of up to several hundred horsepower. Some types
rely on pistons and cylinders; others on slotted rotors with
vanes (vane motors) and other uses turbines. Many
compressed air engines improve their performance by
heating the incoming air or the engine itself. Pneumatic
motors have found widespread success in the hand-held tool
industry,[1] but are also used stationary in a wide range of
industrial applications. Continual attempts are being made to
expand their use to the transportation industry. However,
pneumatic motors must overcome inefficiencies before being
seen as a viable option in the transportation industry.
HVAC (Heating, Ventilation& Air Conditioning)
HVAC equipment needs a control system to regulate the
operation of a heating and/or air conditioning system.
Usually a sensing device is used to compare the actual state
(e.g. temperature) with a target state. Then the control system
draws a conclusion what action has to be taken (e.g. start the
Why we choose the Pneumatic system?
High effectiveness
High durability and reliability\
Simple design
High adaptability to harsh environmentSafety
Easy selection of speed and pressure
Environmental friendly
Punching Machine
A punching machine is a machine tool for punching.
Principle of Operation
After programming the work pieces and entering length of
bars the control automatically calculates the maximum
number of pieces to be punched (for example 18 pieces of a
bar of 6000 mm). Once the desired number of work pieces is
entered, the bar is pushed toward the stop. The machine is
fully automated once the production process is launched.
The third CNC axis always moves the cylinder exactly over
the tool, which keeps the wear on the bearings and tools to a
minimum. All pieces are sent down a slat conveyor and are
pushed sideways on a table. Any scrap is carried to the end
of the conveyor and dropped into a bin. Different workpieces
International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 11, July-2017 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718 Copyright 2017.All rights reserved. 2534
can be produced within one work cycle to optimize
CNC Punching
Punch presses are developed for high flexibility and efficient
processing of metal stampings. The main areas of application
are for small and medium runs. Those machines are typically
equipped with a linear die carrier (tool carrier) and quick
change tools. Today the method is used where the application
of lasers are inefficient or technically impractical.
Programming is done on a PC equipped with appropriate
software that can be part of the machine or a connected
external workstation. For generating a new program
engineering data can be imported or pasted per mouse and
keyboard. Through a graphic and menu-driven user interface
previous CNC programming skills are not required. All the
punches in a work piece are shown on the screen making
programming mistakes easily detected. Ideally each program
is stored in one database, in this manner it is easy to recover
them by search and sort functions. When selecting a new
piece, all the necessary tooling changes are displayed. Before
transferring it to the control unit the software scans each
program for possible collisions. This eliminates most
handling errors.
Tool changing system
The linear tool carrier (y-axis) has several stations that hold
the punching tools and one cutting tool. Especially for
flexibility and efficient processing are setup times a crucial
cost factor. Downtimes should be reduced to a minimum.
Therefore, recent tool systems are designed for fast and
convenient change of punches and dies. They are equipped
with a special plug-in system for a quick and easy change of
tools. There is no need to screw anything together. The punch
and die plate are adjusted to each other automatically
Punches and dies can be changed rapidly meaningless
machine downtime.
Manish Kale, 2015 - Most of the manufacturing industries
are going for automation to increase the productivity and to
overcome shortage of skill labour. The purpose of this paper
is to reduce the cycle time by replacing drilling machine and
riveting machine by special purpose machine(SPM) for
drilling and riveting operation. The concept is that the plate
having different size and thickness are drill on drilling
spindle first and then riveted on orbital riveting spindle. Both
the operation performs on same machine having two separate
spindles. In this paper gives the detail information of design,
fabrication and analysis of special purpose machine and
compare the cycle time with conventional method. This
machine is containing automation by using pneumatic
system. Modeling is done using CAD software and analysis
by FEA tool. The design is analysed for induced stress on
work piece due to various load condition.
GirishGharat, 2015 - The pneumatic system has gained a
large amount of importance in last few decades. This
importance is due to its accuracy and cost. This convenience
in operating the pneumatic system has made us to design and
fabricate this unit as our project. This unit, as we hope that it
can be operated easily with semi-skilled operators. The
pneumatic press tool has an advantage of working in low
pressure, that is even a pressure of 6 bar is enough for
operating the unit. The pressurized air passing through the
tubes to the cylinder, forces the piston out whose power
through the linkage is transmitted to the punch. The work
piece thus got is for required dimensions and the piece can
be collected through the land clearance provided in the die.
The die used in this is fixed such that the die of required
shape can be used according to the requirement. This enables
us to use different type punch dies resulting in a wide range
of products. Different types of punch as requirement can be
thus got. According to the work material the operating
pressure can be varied.
P.Goyal, 2015 - This project work deals with the design of
pneumatically controlled small scale punching machine to
carry out piercing operation on thin sheets (1-2 mm) of
different material (aluminum and plastic). Reduction in
punching force requirement being the main aim of this
project work is obtained by modification in punch tool
design i.e. by provision of shear on punch face. Subsequently
it results in reduction in amount of punching force
requirement. And further a CATIA model of the machine is
developed on the basis of calculations with respect to
punching force requirement.
AMIT M. GEDAM, 2014 - In today world, due to advance
manufacturing process and advance machining process the
time of production is reduces. Thus the productivity
increases which effect on mass production and batch
production. So it is essentially to products name plate parts
to be the manufacture. There are a variety of crafts for an
embossing machine that allow you to create unusual,
signature pieces of artwork. Embossing machines come in
several varieties. There are multi-tasking embossers
available at craft and scrapbooking stores that allow you to
embellish and cut card stock and paper pieces into a variety
of different designs in a single motion. You can also use
embossing machines that feature
Custom-made thick rubber dyes secured with hand-held or
desk-mounted metal handles. These machines allow you to
create personal monogrammed or logoed designs with a
raised surface, and they can be ordered through office and
business supply stores.
Baoren Li and Jinyun Li, 2008 - The Pneumatic Center in
Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) is
one of the most active research center in fluid power
transmission and control in China. The main fields of
Pneumatic Center in HUST are component development and
control technology of fluid power. Hydraulics research is the
most important part of fluid power in the Pneumatic Center
in HUST. Based on several decades of the research on the
hydraulics in HUST, the further research and new
application in this field are made, include underwater motion
platform, automatic buoyancy regulation technology and
new type hydraulic valve, etc.. From 1996, the Pneumatic
Center in HUST focuses on the combination of electronics,
computer technology and pneumatics, and the research
achievement play a very important role in some state key
engineering projects successively. The pneumatic research
International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 11, July-2017 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718 Copyright 2017.All rights reserved. 2535
and applications have been developed, such as the gas
temperature control technology, pressure and vacuum servo
control technology, leak-testing technology, pneumatic
muscle platform and the high pressure pneumatic valve, etc..
In this paper the main research and application of hydraulic
and pneumatic in Pneumatic Centre in HUST are introduced.
Also some practical examples research projects and subjects
in above fields are presented.
Yunxu SHI, 2005 - The air with certain pressure in a
pneumatic cylinder is usually exhausted into the atmosphere
after work process. It is of significant that the air energy can
be saved and re-used. In this paper, the constitution of an
exhausted-air reclaiming system for pneumatic cylinders is
studied. To find the possible influence on the cylinder work
process, the effect of the system on the cylinder velocity
characteristics is also researched and different control switch
points are tested. Experimental results show that attaching a
reclaiming device would not cause bad influence on the
velocity stability if the switch point could be properly
controlled. Experiments also indicate that the switch control
differential pressure ΔPsw varies with Pc in the receiver and
the supply pressure Ps would affect the velocity stability of
cylinders. Therefore to reclaim more energy and make less
influence on the cylinder velocity characteristics, the suitable
differential pressure ΔPsw and switching-point are also tested
and suggested.
Hand operated punching has many advantage and
disadvantages, like hand punching has accuracy and job
availability but due to late work complete, accident and high
cost, alternate source of operation started.
Pneumatic punching machine give us high accuracy with
before time completion and second most important, it is not
dangerous and second does not worried about slot of jobs.
Double Acting Cylinder
120psi Pneumatic double acting cylinder(60*80)
2. Solenoid valve
3. Solenoid coil
4. Solenoid valve wide switch
5. Tank- 120psi plastic round with 3 out put
6. Pipe- 190psi ,6mm pipe (air)
International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 11, July-2017 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718 Copyright 2017.All rights reserved. 2536
7. 12v D.C coil
8. Compressor 12v D.C , 300psi
Working Layout
Solid works is a computer graphics system for modeling
various mechanical designs for performing related design and
manufacturing operations.
The system uses a 3D solid modeling system as the core, and
applies the feature base parametric modeling method.
Solid works is a feature based parametric solid modeling
system with many extended design and manufacturing
Desire model of project
Final model of project
Pneumatic system is better than hydraulic system and
mechanical system in terms of maintenance, cost, accuracy,
Productivity. Based on calculation project model work on
max 42 bar punching force.
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