VOL. 5, NO. 2, 2017 Page 48-58
* Ahmad Sedaghat, Mechanical Engineering Department, Australian College of Kuwait, Mishref, Ku
Email: a.sedaghat@ack.edu.kw
Mohammad AlJundub, Mechanical Engineering Department, Australian College of Kuwait, Mishref, Ku
Email: m.aljundub@ack.edu.kw
Armin Eilaghi, Mechanical Engineering Department, Australian College of Kuwait, Mishref, Ku
Email: [email protected]u.kw
Ehab Bani-Hani, Mechanical Engineering Department, Australian College of Kuwait, Mishref, Ku
Email: [email protected]u.kw
Farhad Sabri, Mechanical Engineering Department, Australian College of Kuwait, Mishref, Ku
Raouf Mbarki, Mechanical Engineering Department, Australian College of Kuwait, Mishref, Ku
M. El Haj Assad, SREE Department, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates ait
Application of PBL in the Course Fluid and Electrical Drive Systems, Case
Study: Manufacturing an Automated Punch Machine
Ahmad Sedaghat, Mohammad AlJundub, Armin Eilaghi, Ehab Bani-Hani, Farhad Sabri,
Raouf Mbarki, M. El Haj Assad *
The PBL unit of fluid and electrical drive systems is taught in final semester of
undergraduates in mechanical engineering department of the Australian College of
Kuwait (ACK). The recent project on an automated punching machine is discovered more
appealing to both students and instructors in triggering new ideas and satisfaction end
results. In this case study, the way this PBL unit is coordinated and facilitated is
explained. Two examples of student works are presented. The aim is to expose the students
to real world engineering problems but in a satisfying manner. Similar to real life
problems for engineers, restrictions are applied for the students on costs, availability of
ACK facilities, and application of automation tools. Students are directly engaged by
using technical standards on punching heads and dies, standard tensile testing of plates,
and so on. Arduino microprocessor programming, an open-source hardware and
software electronic platform, and electro-pneumatic devices are adopted for developing
the automated punching machine. The goal of the PBL course is to acquaint students
learning based on the concepts of team working, engineering design, professional
manufacturing, and sequential testing of the end product. It is found that students
achieved their best and developed new skills in this PBL unit as reflected in their
A.Sedaghat, M. AlJundub, A. Eilaghi et al JPBLHE: VOL. 5, NO. 2, 2017
Keywords: Arduino processing, Automation, Fluid and electrical drive systems, Project based
learning, Punching machine.
The concept of PBL (problem based learning) was probably initiated from McMaster
University (De Graaff & Kolmos, 2007) although the idea was applied in nursery schools,
medical sectors, and other areas earlier (Schweinhart & Weikart, 1997; Van der Vleuten et al.,
1991; Sang, 2001; Schmidt, 1993). The acronym PBL was later extended to Project Based
Learning in engineering discipline (De Graaff & Bouhuijs, 1993; De Graaff et al., 2006). A
PBL facilitator guide was developed in Australian College of Kuwait (ACK) for consistency of
delivery in all PBL units presented in ACK. In these units the instructor task is described as
“facilitator” rather than general lecturing (Jaeger & Adair, 2015; Jaeger, 2017). The effective
learning of students in PBL is described by project oriented, student self-directed, activity-
based, real life context, analytical thinking required, and team-based learning. In the PBL
environment, students may imagine that they are hired as engineers by a company (ACK) and
they operate under a line manager (course instructor). During class sessions, students may
consider the classrooms equipped with computers as their workplace, and an engineering
workbook and a reflective journal as their tool. In the ACK PBL environment, the emphasis is
on learning outcomes (Jaeger, 2017); therefore, students may pass the PBL units if they satisfy
the learning outcomes of the unit and perform their tasks professionally. However, more
credential will be given to successfully executed projects.
The unit of fluid and electrical drive systems, delivered in the department of Mechanical
Engineering at ACK, introduces fluid and electrical drives and the design of integrated drive
systems for use in industry (Sedaghat et al., 2016). It covers comparison of characteristics,
construction, selection, design and operation of fluid and electric drives and drive systems, use
of mathematical models to analyze performance, machine protection and control schemes, and
evaluation of drive system performance. Students apply formulas and explain and record
calculations. They adopt professional approaches to work in teams and learn collaboratively to
manage and complete projects, to lead their own learning, and to communicate professionally
using discipline language to investigate, design and check their work, and present designs and
problem solutions, and use suitable software to develop their prototypes.
A.Sedaghat, M. AlJundub, A. Eilaghi et al JPBLHE: VOL. 5, NO. 2, 2017
The course objectives and student learning outcomes of this unit are listed as (Sedaghat et al.,
1. Describe and explain characteristics of fluid drive and electric drive systems, design
industrial drive applications to meet performance specifications, and justify selections
made and designs approaches.
2. Compare construction and operational characteristics of DC and AC electrical machines
and fluid drive machines.
3. Design and explain mathematical models to analyze drive performance.
4. Design and explain machine protection and control schemes for electric and fluid drives
in typical industrial applications.
5. Evaluate the performance of the drive systems using appropriate assumptions, non-linear
models, solution techniques and simulation software
6. Describe and explain DC and AC electrical energy and generation and uses in a
sustainable development environment
7. Apply formulas and record and explain processes used to calculate solutions related to
electrical power and energy and their conversions
8. Work and learn demonstrating professional approaches to teamwork, management and
completion of projects, and collaborative learning
9. Apply professional self-management principles and independent learning approaches to
ensure competence and experience is gained in all content areas
10. Communicate effectively using appropriate terminology, symbols and diagrams related
to electric and fluid drives and use professional approaches to investigate problems,
justify and check designs and present solutions
The case study was conducted in the department of mechanical engineering at the Australian
College of Kuwait in fall 2016. The project brief of the case study is listed below.
Case study: Automatic punching machine for a circular flange
Project Brief:
As a team of engineers, you are requested to develop the best idea, design, and
product. At the end of semester, all products will be evaluated based on the
product evaluation criteria and the students who have created the best product
will be awarded with an official “ACK best automatic punching machine award”
and allowed to attend the graduation exhibition. On the other hand, you will be
evaluated 100% on portfolios with respect to the 10 learning outcomes listed in
your unit outlines. A criteria sheet provided suggest four categories of
Unacceptable, Acceptable, Good, and Excellent for your portfolios evaluations.
A.Sedaghat, M. AlJundub, A. Eilaghi et al JPBLHE: VOL. 5, NO. 2, 2017
Based on the provided grading rubric, student’s overall mark in this PBL unit
will be calculated.
Student design should fulfill the following:
1. Consideration of relevant codes and standards, as well as industry
2. Required material should be available in Kuwait.
3. Assumption of all missing information.
4. Available budget: maximum 50 KD; teams should buy only materials not
available at ACK.
5. Preliminary design (planning) should be completed to minimum size and
presented on the beginning of week 6 by student teams (maximum 3
students per team).
6. All implementation and build works must be conducted in ACK under
supervision of course Instructor and Lab or Workshop technicians.
7. Managing the design/production processes (including submission of
design, quality control, time monitoring, budget control, organizing
meetings, project management, etc.).
The final product should fulfill the following criteria:
1. Satisfying the seven requirements listed above;
2. Demonstration of creativity, innovation, and novelty;
3. Demonstration of actual operation on handling a glass;
4. Stability and uniformity of precise operation at real work condition;
5. Automatic operation and demonstration for one working cycle; and,
6. Quality of the manufactured product.
Example of the circular flange is shown below. The material (preferably non-metallic) and the
number of holes for the flange are arbitrary; therefore, the machine should automatically
create the holes in the flange one-by-one using appropriate programming in Arduino
The best project award will be given to the smallest size designed, manufactured and operated
A.Sedaghat, M. AlJundub, A. Eilaghi et al JPBLHE: VOL. 5, NO. 2, 2017
Figure 1: Example of a circular flange for operation under the punch machine
Students in the PBL unit were introduced to the projects briefs. They were allowed to form
teams of maximum three members. The students had two sessions of two hours in classroom
with the instructor (facilitator) and one session of two hours in the fluid mechanics lab on
weekly basis. The lab activities include practicing with five electro-pneumatic circuits and five
sessions in practicing with Arduino processer and programming during the ten-week program.
The first six weeks of the course is allocated to the planning phase while the remaining six
weeks is focused in implementation phase. During the first six weeks period, students are
provided with short lectures in pneumatic and electrical systems, a training session on FluidSim
the software on electro-pneumatic circuit design, and investigating in standards on punch heads
and testing plates using tensile testing equipment. Progress of planning of students is monitored
on a bi-weekly basis. Weekly meeting minutes and agenda of student teams are discussed
during meeting with facilitator. The entries to students’ workbooks and reflective journals are
monitored weekly or bi-weekly by the instructor.
By the week six, students have to complete their planning by providing 3D and 2D drawings of
the mechanical part of their automated machine. A reflective paper on AC and DC machines is
submitted at this week preferably on outcome of consulting with an industrial practitioner or
from the selected electrical drive machine of each team. The developed designs of student teams
are presented in the week six using PowerPoint presentation. Feedback and criticisms are
received from an internal examiner, lab instructor, the course instructor, and also other student
teams in the class during the presentation.
After the week six, the implementation phases are conducted and fully supervised by ACK
faculty staff in the ACK labs, workshop, and other internal or external advisors. The students
A.Sedaghat, M. AlJundub, A. Eilaghi et al JPBLHE: VOL. 5, NO. 2, 2017
have to familiarize themselves with automation and application of the Arduino micro-
processing programming, testing standard samples of plates in the tensile testing lab if required,
and acquainted with other software to design, analysis, and test their manufactured machine.
By week twelve, all projects have to be completed, tested and evaluated by course instructor
and the internal committee of one or two faculty members. Portfolios are submitted in week 13
and evaluated by the course instructor. In weeks 14 or 15, the final presentation of teams
including PowerPoint and Poster presentation are conducted and individual viva-voce is carried
out by an examiner panel of two or more faculty PhD holders. The evaluation is based on
satisfying 10 learning outcomes. If one learning outcome is unacceptable or the attendance of
a student is below 80% then the student has to repeat the unit.
Team Design 1
Team 1 designed the punch machine shown in Figure 2 and manufactured the machine as shown
in Figure 3 to create holes in a gasket material. The design uses a stepper DC motor with 200
steps (1.8 deg/step) to turn the flange at equal angles and a 32 mm pneumatic cylinder to exert
the punching force. The electro-pneumatic circuit is controlled by an Arduino microprocessor
and is programmed to make an optional number of similar sized holes in the flange. The
compressed air is supplied with 5 bar pressure at the ACK Fluid Mechanics lab. The backward
and forward movements of the piston’s head which is connected to a standard size punch head
(AW Precision LTD, 2017; Edwards, 2017) and operation of the stepper DC motor are
controlled by the relay board which is programmed to work using Arduino microcontroller. The
press force is calculated by adding two forces of cutting and stripping force as follows (Goyal
et al., 2015):
 
The cutting force is calculated by (Goyal, 2015):
The stripping force constitutes 15 percent of the cutting force.
For the chosen gasket material, it is decided to use tensile test facility at the ACK Civil lab.
Hence, the standard ASTM D-638-02a (2003) shown in Figure 4 is adopted to design the shape
and sizes of a testing sheet of the gasket material. The deigned gasket sheet was tested using
the tensile testing machine.
The team used a wood piece under the flange sheet instead of a die. This turns out later as a
clever decision for creating effective punching holes in the gasket material.
A.Sedaghat, M. AlJundub, A. Eilaghi et al JPBLHE: VOL. 5, NO. 2, 2017
Figure 2: Design of the punching machine, three views drawings of the punch machine
Figure 3: Team 1 punch machine in testing
A.Sedaghat, M. AlJundub, A. Eilaghi et al JPBLHE: VOL. 5, NO. 2, 2017
Figure 4: The ASTM D-638-02a standard shape for tensile testing of sheets
Team Design 2
Team 2 has used a punch head and a die element in their design (see Figure 5). They faced
several challenges to complete their project. They have listed their challenges as follows:
A.Sedaghat, M. AlJundub, A. Eilaghi et al JPBLHE: VOL. 5, NO. 2, 2017
Figure 5: The punch machine of team 2 in testing
Challenge 1: The first challenge faced is tuning the punch head to directly pass through the
flange sheet and into the die element due to slightly misalignment.
Solution 1: The team has used a smaller diameter punch head to adequately pass through the
flange and the die although the quality of the holes is slightly affected.
Challenge 2: The team faced a problem with mounting the motor in a secure place to prevent
it from being damaged in the case the punch head hits the die piece below the flange.
Solution 2: The motor is mounted into a stand by bolts which allow the shaft of the motor to
not absorb impact force of the punch head.
Challenge 3: One problem is that the height of the machine has passed the allowed limit due
to the pneumatic piston being mounted inside the frame, and the team has to give more room
for the extension of the rod.
Solution 3: The problem is solved by shortening the steel bars of the frame to enable to mount
the pneumatic cylinder on top of the frame as shown in Figure. This approach reduced the
overall height of the machine while maintaining the clearance needed for the rod extension.
Challenge 4: The main problem this team faced was with the stepper motor as it didn’t work
as planned using the programmed code in Arduino. They discovered the motor was factory
defect when they checked with the supplier of the unit.
Solution 4: The team replaced the motor malfunctioning unit with a brand new one.
All team members worked professionally and achieved their best in this team work. The teams
have enjoyed their learning journey by utilizing the standards on punching head designs and
testing plastic sheets and have successfully created holes in the flange sheets using their punch
A.Sedaghat, M. AlJundub, A. Eilaghi et al JPBLHE: VOL. 5, NO. 2, 2017
The PBL unit of fluid and electrical drive systems is generally delivered in the last semester of
undergraduates in mechanical engineering department of the Australian College of Kuwait
(ACK). ACK has a rigorous plan to promote PBL courses in the Engineering departments,
including Mechanical Engineering, to foster sustainable engineering development. Therefore,
students who are enrolled in this course have the experience of passing three PBL courses
before. This would allow students to familiarize themselves with the PBL style of learning.
The unit of fluid and electrical drive systems has progressively been improved over the past
few years. This PBL unit is developed to educate our students with real life problems and
challenges. Based on received feedback from students, the length of lectures are reduced to
allow students to study the provided materials on their own pace, more examples of previous
semester project shared with students, and the developed knowledge are shared among lab
technicians, instructors, and new students.
Examples of what entries are expected in the individual workbooks and reflective journals are
explained. Students are trained with assembly of pneumatic circuits in the lab, introduced to
software FluidSim to simulate their pneumatic circuits, and five extra lab activities are added
to introduce students to programming in Arduino microprocessor. These changes, together with
the eagerness of ACK students to learn and to have hands on works, have produced a promising
learning environment.
Most of the successful students in the degree program are now pursuing higher degree studies.
As the school of engineering presents some of the students’ achievement in PBL units in the
exhibition day and as PBL scheme is introduced to the diploma program in addition to other
degree PBL units, it may be suited to run a PBL exhibition day alongside the ACK PBL
symposium day or side by side to the school of engineering graduation exhibition day. By
sharing the details of course and reporting experiences we aim to provide some insight for
implementation of the course in other institutions.
The first author wishes to cite and acknowledge the student teams, Team 1: Meshal Al-Hajeri,
Bader Al Otaibi, and Meshal Al Mutari awarded the best ACK punching machine in 2016;
Team 2: is Ali Dib, Mahdi Ali Daneshi, and Fatma Al Shatti.
A.Sedaghat, M. AlJundub, A. Eilaghi et al JPBLHE: VOL. 5, NO. 2, 2017
AW Precision LTD, Metric punch and die set, http://penta-
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