e Creative Curriculum® for Preschool
Weekly Planning Form
Week of: Teacher: Study:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Interest Areas
Large Group
Small Group
Outdoor Experiences:
Family Partnerships:
Wow! Experiences:
©2015 Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD; www.TeachingStrategies.com
Permission is granted to duplicate the material on this page for use in programs implementing
The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool.
©2015 Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD; www.TeachingStrategies.com
Permission is granted to duplicate the material on this page for use in programs implementing The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool.
e Creative Curriculum® for Preschool
Weekly Planning Form, continued
Reflecting on the week: “To Do” List:
Individual Child Planning