How-To Guide for Teachers
Setting Up Your Weekly Template
Customizing Your Monthly Calendar
Customizing Your Weekly Calendar
Teaching with an Intentional Teaching
Adding Documentation While Using an
Intentional Teaching Experience/Opportunity
Viewing an Intentional Teaching Experience/
Opportunity in Spanish
Printing an Intentional Teaching
Sharing LearningGames
from Intentional
Teaching Experiences/Opportunities
Sharing Letters to Families
Adding and Removing Studies in
Your Calendar
Creating a Weekly Plan for Each Child
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Curriculum, LearningGames, GOLD, Tadpoles, Mighty Minutes, Mega Minutos, the open book/open door
logo, and MyTeachingStrategies are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
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The TEACH area provides planning functionality to help you link
your assessment data with instruction. Here you’ll nd weekly and
monthly planning calendars and digital curriculum assets.
Within the Teach SUBNAVIGATION BAR you’ll nd three options:
MONTH shows your monthly
calendar view. Here you’ll
see a high-level snapshot of
what topics you’ll be covering
throughout the month. In the
monthly view you can:
Add studies (for subscribers
to The Creative Curriculum
Digital Resources)
Remove studies (for
subscribers to The Creative
, Digital Resources)
Modify days
Clear days
WEEK shows your weekly
calendar view. Your weekly
calendar will provide more
detail into your daily schedule
of activities. In the weekly view
you can:
Add activities
Delete activities
Reorder your day
View Archived Weekly Plans
Print your calendar
Submit a weekly plan
Share plans with families
you to customize your weekly
calendar view. Changes made to
your template will be reected
in your weekly calendar view
week-after-week. In the weekly
template you can:
Add to your template
Delete from your template
Reorder your template
Copyright © 2018 by Teaching Strategies, LLC. All rights reserved. Teaching Strategies, The Creative
Curriculum, LearningGames, GOLD, Tadpoles, Mighty Minutes, Mega Minutos, the open book/open door
logo, and MyTeachingStrategies are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
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Setting Up Your Weekly Template
By setting up your weekly template you can automatically populate
your weekly plans with your classroom schedule. You can add,
delete, or reorder times of day within the template to reect your
classroom schedule.
From the sub-navigation, select WEEKLY TEMPLATE.
If your classroom has additional digital curriculum resources, the
template will already include times of day coming from the At-a-
Glance section of the Teaching Guides. Otherwise, the template will
be blank and can be customized as needed.
When you rst access the Teach
area, your calendars will be blank.
Follow the steps below to customize
your calendars.
Copyright © 2018 by Teaching Strategies, LLC. All rights reserved. Teaching Strategies, The Creative
Curriculum, LearningGames, GOLD, Tadpoles, Mighty Minutes, Mega Minutos, the open book/open door
logo, and MyTeachingStrategies are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
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Adding Times of Day to
Your Weekly Template
To add times of day to the
Weekly Template, follow
these steps:
Select one or more days of
the week that you wish to
modify, then select NEXT.
Select a time of day from the
drop-down menu, and then
select DONE.
The time of day that you
selected will now appear on
the Weekly Template for the
day(s) selected.
If you select the “Custom”
time of day, you can click into
the title of that time of day
and rename it.
Select SAVE to recalibrate
your template.
Deleting Times of Day from
Your Weekly Template
To delete times of day from
your Weekly Template, follow
these steps:
Choose the desired times
of day to remove and select
Select SAVE to recalibrate
your template.
Reordering Times of Day
in Your Weekly Template
To reorder times of day in
your Weekly Template, follow
these steps:
Drag and drop times of day
to where you’d like them to
appear on your schedule and
select DONE.
Select SAVE to recalibrate
your template.
Note for The Creative Curriculum
Digital Resources users: Times of
day that are automatically populated
from The Creative Curriculum
be deleted.
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Curriculum, LearningGames, GOLD, Tadpoles, Mighty Minutes, Mega Minutos, the open book/open door
logo, and MyTeachingStrategies are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
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Customizing Your Monthly Calendar
You can customize your monthly calendar to account for holidays,
school closures, or any other deviations from your typical schedule.
You can also clear any days you have modied if there is a change.
Reference the “Additional
Information for Preschool and
Kindergarten Classrooms
section later in this guide for more
information on this functionality.
Modifying Days
Select or tap MODIF Y DAYS on
the left-hand side of the screen;
then select a day on the calendar
you wish to modify.
Type in the modification you
wish to make (e.g., Thanksgiving,
Professional Development Day,
Snow Day), choose how many
days this customization affects,
and then select CONFIRM.
Your customized day(s) now
appears on the calendar. What was originally planned on that day has
now automatically moved to the next day.
Clearing Days
To remove any modified days on your calendar, select CLEAR DAYS on
the left-hand side of the screen.
Select the day you wish to clear in your calendar, then select SAVE.
The modied day is now removed from your calendar. Any planned
days that were moved to a future date to accommodate the original
modication will now automatically shift back.
Preschool and Kindergarten subscribers to the digital
curriculum resources have the option to add and remove
studies from The Creative Curriculum®.
Copyright © 2018 by Teaching Strategies, LLC. All rights reserved. Teaching Strategies, The Creative
Curriculum, LearningGames, GOLD, Tadpoles, Mighty Minutes, Mega Minutos, the open book/open door
logo, and MyTeachingStrategies are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
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Customizing Your Weekly Calendar
Once you’ve set up a template and used the monthly features, your
weekly calendar will update to reect these plans. You can also
modify your weekly calendar to add additional activities beyond
what is coming from your weekly template. You can also delete any
activities and reorder a particular weeks schedule.
Adding Intentional Teaching Experiences/Opportunities
If you select CUSTOM ACTIVITY, use the Custom Activity form to
create an activity and select “Add to Plan.
OPPORTUNITY, follow the step-by-step instructions on how to
purposefully use the Class Prole to plan for Intentional Teaching
experiences or opportunities.
What is an Intentional Teaching
Experience or Opportunity?
Intentional Teaching experiences
or opportunities are activities
designed to help you support
individualized instruction for
children in small-group, large-group,
or one-on-one settings. If using
to plan for a
preschool classroom, you will use
Intentional Teaching experiences.
For infants, toddlers, and twos
classrooms, you’ll see Intentional
Teaching opportunities. If using
, MyTeachingStrategies
will draw from the most recent
assessment information available
for each child in your classroom
to help you plan for and teach
these experiences/opportunities.
While teaching, you will have the
opportunity to add documentation
with preliminary levels into children’s
Select ADD ACTIVITY from the left-
hand side of the screen.
Select the days of the week you wish to
add activities to; then select NEXT.
Copyright © 2018 by Teaching Strategies, LLC. All rights reserved. Teaching Strategies, The Creative
Curriculum, LearningGames, GOLD, Tadpoles, Mighty Minutes, Mega Minutos, the open book/open door
logo, and MyTeachingStrategies are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
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Adding Custom Activities
You can create your own custom activities to add to your weekly plans.
These activities can be saved and used again for future weekly plans.
Select any unplanned time of day on your weekly calendar
and select NEXT.
Add a title and a description under “What You Do,” select a time of
day, select any related objectives/dimensions, select the children
participating in the activity, and select if you wish to save this
activity to your library for future use.
If you have saved custom activities, you can select one to prell
the items.
Select SAVE to add the activity to your plan.
Note for The Creative Curriculum
Digital Resources users: Times of
day that are automatically populated
from The Creative Curriculum
be deleted.
Copyright © 2018 by Teaching Strategies, LLC. All rights reserved. Teaching Strategies, The Creative
Curriculum, LearningGames, GOLD, Tadpoles, Mighty Minutes, Mega Minutos, the open book/open door
logo, and MyTeachingStrategies are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
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Deleting Activities from Your Weekly Calendar
To delete an activity you have added from your weekly calendar,
select DELETEACTIVITY from the left-hand side of the screen.
Choose any activity from your weekly calendar you wish to delete
and then select SAVE.
Reordering Times of Day in Your Weekly Calendar
To reorder times of day in your weekly calendar, select REORDER
on the left-hand side of the screen.
Drag and drop times of day to reect the order that you want
them in, then select SAVE.
Upload a Document
To upload documents to your weekly plans, select “Upload a
Document. This can be used to supplement the Intentional
Teaching experiences/opportunities and custom activities you
have planned for in the Teach area with additional resources
created outside of MyTeachingStrategies
View Archived Weekly Plans
To access your past Weekly Planning Forms, from the previous
version of GOLD
This list does not include weekly plans created in GOLDPlus
. Those weekly plans can be accessed
through the calendar in the Week view.
To print your weekly plan, select PRINT on the left-hand side of
the screen.
You can customize how the printed plan appears by including or
removing a print view, the days of the week, display options, and
the times of day. Then, select SUBMIT.
A PDF of your weekly plan will generate in a separate browser tab,
where you can save to your computer, or print.
Share with Family
To share your weekly plan with family members who have accounts
for MyTeachingStrategies
. Select SHARE WITH FAMILY. Next, choose
the names of the children whose families you want to share with, then
select SUBMIT.
Copyright © 2018 by Teaching Strategies, LLC. All rights reserved. Teaching Strategies, The Creative
Curriculum, LearningGames, GOLD, Tadpoles, Mighty Minutes, Mega Minutos, the open book/open door
logo, and MyTeachingStrategies are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
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Submitting Weekly Plans
Once you’ve added plans to your weekly calendar, you can submit
your plans to an administrator.
In the Week view, select SUBMIT
from the left-hand navigation bar.
Click SUBMIT to share
your weekly plan with your
A new screen will appear asking you to provide a title for
your weekly plan.
Add a title for your weekly plan.
Select the administrator you’d like to
share the plan with. You can only share
your plan with one administrator at a
time. If you’d like to share your plan with
more than one administrator, please
follow these steps again.
Copyright © 2018 by Teaching Strategies, LLC. All rights reserved. Teaching Strategies, The Creative
Curriculum, LearningGames, GOLD, Tadpoles, Mighty Minutes, Mega Minutos, the open book/open door
logo, and MyTeachingStrategies are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
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Upload Documents to Weekly Plans
Teachers can now upload documents to their weekly plans! This is
a great feature for teachers who wish to supplement the Intentional
Teaching experiences/opportunities and custom activities they
have planned for in the Teach area with additional resources created
outside of MyTeachingStrategies®.
To upload a document to a weekly plan:
While in the
Teach area
View the week you are
about to plan for
Copyright © 2018 by Teaching Strategies, LLC. All rights reserved. Teaching Strategies, The Creative
Curriculum, LearningGames, GOLD, Tadpoles, Mighty Minutes, Mega Minutos, the open book/open door
logo, and MyTeachingStrategies are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
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Select the days you wish
to upload the document
select ADD FILE to choose a le
from your device to upload.
We recommend uploading a PDF to
maintain your desired formatting, but
you can also upload a Word document,
.png image le, .jpg image le, or .jpeg
image le to the plan, with a size limit
of 5MB. Once you have selected a le,
select SUBMIT
day will then appear for each selected
day at the top of your weekly plan with a
link to the document. Selecting the link
will open the uploaded document in a
separate tab.
1 2 3
Copyright © 2018 by Teaching Strategies, LLC. All rights reserved. Teaching Strategies, The Creative
Curriculum, LearningGames, GOLD, Tadpoles, Mighty Minutes, Mega Minutos, the open book/open door
logo, and MyTeachingStrategies are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
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Managing Uploaded Documents
The UPLOADED DOCUMENT time of day can be utilized like any
other time of day on your calendar. You can delete any UPLOADED
DOCUMENT times of day to remove them from your calendar, and
you can reorder any UPLOADED DOCUMENT time of day to position
it in your schedule.
Uploading Additional Documents
You can upload as many documents created outside of
as you wish to each weekly plan, for any day or
week. This will add multiple UPLOADED DOCUMENT times of day to
your weekly plan, which you can then manage as you see t.
Sample Weekly Plan Templates from The Creative Curriculum
We have provided several weekly plan templates in the Support
and Resources library on the WEEK page to use for uploading.
These templates, from The Creative Curriculum
, are editable PDFs.
Download one for Infants, Toddlers, & Twos, for Preschool, or for
Kindergarten, type in your planned activities, then upload to your plan!
Printing, Submitting to Administrators,
and Sharing with Families
When you print your weekly plan, submit your plan to administrators,
or share your plan with family members, any uploaded documents
will be attached to the end of the PDF.
To remove these
documents, select PRINT.
before generating the PDF to print.
Once you have unchecked this option and
saved, uploaded documents will also be
removed when submitting weekly plans to
administrators for approval and sharing
weekly plans with family members.
1 2
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Curriculum, LearningGames, GOLD, Tadpoles, Mighty Minutes, Mega Minutos, the open book/open door
logo, and MyTeachingStrategies are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
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Teaching with an Intentional
Teaching Experience/Opportunity
Each Intentional Teaching experience/opportunity includes step-
by-stepWhat You Do” instructions and an embedded, color-coded
teaching sequence that oers guidance on how to adapt the
experience/opportunity for each individual child.
Childrens names appear within the teaching sequence based on
the most recent preliminary ratings or checkpoint ratings that
you have entered. The guidance that appears alongside children’s
names can be used to promote each childs development and
learning for the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the experiences/
opportunities primary objective/dimension.
If children join mid-experience/opportunity, include them by simply
choosing their names in the Teaching Sequence and selecting SAVE.
Intentional Teaching Experience/Opportunity Navigation
Within an Intentional Teaching experience/opportunity, the left-
hand navigation bar provides helpful resources to assist your
teaching practice.
Objectives/Dimensions lists the
primary objective/dimension and
any related objectives/dimensions
for the experience/opportunity.
Materials oers a list of the
materials needed for the
Including All Children oers
guidance on including children with
special needs or children who are
English- or dual-language learners.
Questions To Guide Your
Observations helps you focus
your observation planning; these
questions also appear in the
Assess” feature.
Make A Family Connection
oers the option to print or share
with family
Additional Ideas And Background
Information provides further
guidance to support your teaching.
Print oers the option to print the
Intentional Teaching experience/
opportunity with the children’s
names embedded in the Teaching
View in Spanish reveals the Spanish
version of the Intentional Teaching
Copyright © 2018 by Teaching Strategies, LLC. All rights reserved. Teaching Strategies, The Creative
Curriculum, LearningGames, GOLD, Tadpoles, Mighty Minutes, Mega Minutos, the open book/open door
logo, and MyTeachingStrategies are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
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Adding Documentation While Using
an Intentional Teaching Experience
You can assess childrens knowledge, skills, and abilities while
teaching with Intentional Teaching experiences by adding
documentation with preliminary levels.
While teaching with an Intentional Teaching experience, toggle
from the TEACH area to the ASSESS area. Here you will nd the
Questions to Guide Your Observations; select a question to reveal
that question’s related objective’s/dimensions progression.
The children taking part in the Intentional Teaching experience
appear beneath the progression. To answer the question, select a
level for each child.
You can select another question if you would like; otherwise, select
SAVE when you are done. This will add documentation with the
selected preliminary levels into each child’s portfolio.
In each childs portfolio, the documentation will appear with a
system-generated observation note explaining the experience,
as well as any included preliminary levels. This will also appear
within the progressions at checkpoint time, so you can use this
documentation to inform your nal checkpoint decisions.
Copyright © 2018 by Teaching Strategies, LLC. All rights reserved. Teaching Strategies, The Creative
Curriculum, LearningGames, GOLD, Tadpoles, Mighty Minutes, Mega Minutos, the open book/open door
logo, and MyTeachingStrategies are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
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Viewing an Intentional Teaching
Experience/Opportunity in Spanish
To view an Intentional Teaching experience/opportunity in Spanish:
While viewing in Spanish, you
can select specic children
and add it to your plan. The
experience/opportunity will
then be in Spanish when you
go to teach.
Select VIEW IN
SPANISH in the left-
hand navigation.
Select VIEW IN ENGLISH in the
left-hand navigation to switch
the language back to English.
Navigate to a specic Intentional
Teaching experience/
Copyright © 2018 by Teaching Strategies, LLC. All rights reserved. Teaching Strategies, The Creative
Curriculum, LearningGames, GOLD, Tadpoles, Mighty Minutes, Mega Minutos, the open book/open door
logo, and MyTeachingStrategies are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
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Printing an Intentional Teaching
To print an Intentional Teaching experience/opportunity:
Navigate to an Intentional Teaching experience/opportunity.
Select PRINT in the left-hand
Verify print settings in the call-out
box, then select SUBMIT.
A PDF of the Intentional Teaching
experience/opportunity will then be
made available.
Copyright © 2018 by Teaching Strategies, LLC. All rights reserved. Teaching Strategies, The Creative
Curriculum, LearningGames, GOLD, Tadpoles, Mighty Minutes, Mega Minutos, the open book/open door
logo, and MyTeachingStrategies are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
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Sharing LearningGames
Intentional Teaching Experiences/
Subscribers to the infants, toddlers and twos and preschool/
prekindergarten digital curriculum resources ae able to share
from any Intentional Teaching experience/
To share a LearningGame
from any Intentional Teaching experience/
opportunity, rst navigate to your planned Intentional Teaching
Select VIEW IN
the left-hand navigation.
Select the name of the LearningGame®
to preview the activity.
Select the SHARE button next to
the English or Spanish version of
the related LearningGame®.
3 4
Copyright 2008 Joseph Sparling
Esta actividad es apropiada para los niños y para las niñas.
Juego 194
Hagamos rimas
Recite una serie de palabras
que rimen y pídale a su hijo
que cuando oiga una palabra
que no rime, le diga: ¡Para!
Así, su hijo le prestará
atención a los sonidos al final
de las palabras.
Gato, zapato, pato.
Copyright © 2018 by Teaching Strategies, LLC. All rights reserved. Teaching Strategies, The Creative
Curriculum, LearningGames, GOLD, Tadpoles, Mighty Minutes, Mega Minutos, the open book/open door
logo, and MyTeachingStrategies are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
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Select a child or children,
then select SUBMIT.
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Curriculum, LearningGames, GOLD, Tadpoles, Mighty Minutes, Mega Minutos, the open book/open door
logo, and MyTeachingStrategies are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
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Sharing Letters to Families
Teachers in a classroom with The Creative Curriculum
, Digital
Resources can access and share study specic Letters to Families
from an added study in the Teach area.
Select the rst week of
an added study.
To share a letter, select
MONTH from the Teach area
1 2
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Curriculum, LearningGames, GOLD, Tadpoles, Mighty Minutes, Mega Minutos, the open book/open door
logo, and MyTeachingStrategies are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
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Select the share  icon on the
Family Partnerships time of day on
the rst day of the study.
Copyright © 2018 by Teaching Strategies, LLC. All rights reserved. Teaching Strategies, The Creative
Curriculum, LearningGames, GOLD, Tadpoles, Mighty Minutes, Mega Minutos, the open book/open door
logo, and MyTeachingStrategies are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
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Select the checkbox next to one or both
letters, then select the children whose family
members you wish to share the letter with.
You can select the English or the
Spanish version of that study’s
letter to preview the letter – it will
open in a separate browser tab
4 5
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Curriculum, LearningGames, GOLD, Tadpoles, Mighty Minutes, Mega Minutos, the open book/open door
logo, and MyTeachingStrategies are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
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Adding and Removing Studies in
Your Calendar
Subscribers to the preschool/prekindergarten and kindergarten
digital curriculum resources are able to add the At a Glance content
from any of the Teaching Guides from The Creative Curriculum
Preschool or The Creative Curriculum
for Kindergarten to the
TEACH calendars.
Adding a Study
Select ADD A STUDY on the left-
hand side of the screen.
Select the calendar day on which
you wish the study to begin.
After verifying your selection,
the study will be added to
your calendar.
If you want to add a study to
your calendar beginning mid-
study, repeat the rst step and
choose “I want to select my own
starting point within this study”
– this will add the study from
that point forward.
1 1
Removing a Study
Select REMOVE A STUDY on the
left-hand side of the screen.
Select a day on the calendar that
contains study content.
This functionality will remove the
study from that day forward. Any
planned days in the future will
now automatically shift back.
Copyright © 2018 by Teaching Strategies, LLC. All rights reserved. Teaching Strategies, The Creative
Curriculum, LearningGames, GOLD, Tadpoles, Mighty Minutes, Mega Minutos, the open book/open door
logo, and MyTeachingStrategies are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
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Creating a Weekly Plan
for Each Child
Teachers or caregivers for infants, toddlers, and twos classrooms can
create a weekly plan for the ve routines for each child in a classroom:
Hellos and Goodbyes, Diapering and Toileting, Eating and Mealtimes,
Sleeping and Nap Times, and Getting Dressed. These individual care
plans can be created for each child, and used to help you keep track
of family-provided information about a childs routine, select routine-
specic strategies to use for each child, and select routine-specic
Intentional Teaching opportunities to use during each routine.
Creating an Individual Care Plan
This child’s Individual Care Plan is now saved for one routine. Continue
these steps to enter information for other routines for each child.
Respond to the questions with
information provided by the child’s
family members and select SAVE.
the Teach area sub-navigation.
Select CREATE PLAN to begin creating
an individual care plan for a child.
1 2
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Curriculum, LearningGames, GOLD, Tadpoles, Mighty Minutes, Mega Minutos, the open book/open door
logo, and MyTeachingStrategies are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
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Adding Intentional Teaching Opportunities to a Child’s Routines Plan
the Teach area sub-navigation.
Select EDIT.
Copyright © 2018 by Teaching Strategies, LLC. All rights reserved. Teaching Strategies, The Creative
Curriculum, LearningGames, GOLD, Tadpoles, Mighty Minutes, Mega Minutos, the open book/open door
logo, and MyTeachingStrategies are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
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If you wish to plan for the opportunity
that you’ve previewed, select the child’s
name in the Teaching Sequence and
select ADD TO PLAN.
OPPORTUNITIES option to reveal dierent
Intentional Teaching opportunities to use for
a child for the selected routine. Select the
name of an Intentional Teaching opportunity
to preview.
You can then select additional
Intentional Teaching
opportunities or select SAVE.
Copyright © 2018 by Teaching Strategies, LLC. All rights reserved. Teaching Strategies, The Creative
Curriculum, LearningGames, GOLD, Tadpoles, Mighty Minutes, Mega Minutos, the open book/open door
logo, and MyTeachingStrategies are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
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Adding Strategies to a Child’s Routines Plan
Infants, Toddlers & Twos programs who subscribe to The Creative Curriculum
Digital Resources can also add Strategies to a child’s routine plan.
the Teach area sub-navigation.
1 2 3
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Curriculum, LearningGames, GOLD, Tadpoles, Mighty Minutes, Mega Minutos, the open book/open door
logo, and MyTeachingStrategies are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
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Expand the STRATEGIES section
to reveal dierent strategies to use
for a child for the selected routine.
These include generic strategies as
well as suggested options from The
Creative Curriculum
Select one or
more strategies
and select SAVE.
1 2
This child now has saved strategies for one routine. Continue to
select strategies for other routines for each child.