The Clothes Study Investigating the Topic
Vocabulary—English: clothes, special, fanned, tally, clothespins, coat hangers, fabric, pajamas, whimper, fret, weeping, wailing Spanish: ropa, especial, abanicar, llevar la cuenta, pinzas para colgar la ropa, colgadores, tela, pijamas, lloriquear, inquietarse, sollozar, lamentarse
Exploring the Topic
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Make Time for…
Interest Areas
Dramatic Play: clothing
Library: books about clothes Dramatic Play: hangers and
Art: collage materials, fabric
scraps, glue, scissors
Dramatic Play:
doll clothes
Outdoor Experiences
Exploring Scarves
• Bring scarves outdoors for exploration.
• Use descriptive language as children experiment
with the scarves, e.g., “You chose a red- and
yellow-striped scarf. How can you make
it move?”
• Teach children spatial concepts as they move
their scarves, e.g., “Can you move your scarf
[high, low, fast, slow, in front of you, behind
you, inside the circle]?”
• If scarves are unavailable, use streamers,
ribbons, or any long pieces of fabric.
Clothing Conversations
• Ask children what they notice about their
clothes outdoors, e.g., “ey keep me warm,”
“I can feel the wind through my shirt,” or
“When I get sweaty, I take o my jacket.”
• Record their comments on a notepad and add
them to the chart, “What do we know about
clothes?” created during large-group time.
Physical Fun
• Intentional Teaching Card P11, “Jump
the River”
Family Partnerships
• Invite a dad or other male family member
and a family member with a baby to visit the
classroom during Investigation 1.
• Ask the dad to bring a couple of shirts with
him (especially ones that he’d feel comfortable
contributing to the classroom clothing
collection) and, if possible, a picture of
himself when he was a baby.
• Ask the family member with the baby to bring
one or more items of clothing the baby wore as
a newborn.
Question of the Day
Did you wear clothes for hot
weather, warm weather, or
cold weather last weekend?
What colors are you wearing
What clothes are you wearing
Do you have a favorite shirt?
What do you want to know
about clothes?
Large Group
Song: “Purple Pants”
Discussion and Shared
Introduction to the
Clothing Collection
Materials: Mighty Minutes
03, “Purple Pants”; clothing
Song: “Scat Singing”
Discussion and Shared
What makes our
clothes special?
Materials: Mighty Minutes
14, “Scat Singing”; a favorite
article of clothing
Movement: Dancing With
Discussion and Shared Writing:
Describing Clothing
Materials: Scarves or fabric
streamers; clothing collection
Prepare a chart called, “What
do we know about clothes?”
Song: “Scat Singing”
Discussion and Shared
What do we know
about clothes?
Materials: Mighty Minutes 14,
“Scat Singing”
Game: Just Like Mine
Discussion and Shared
What do we want to nd out
about clothes?
Materials: Mighty Minutes 02,
“Just Like Mine”
Caps for Sale
Book Discussion Card 01
(rst read-aloud)
Uncle Nacho’s Hat Caps for Sale
Book Discussion Card 01
(second read-aloud)
Llama Llama Red Pajama Caps for Sale
Book Discussion Card 01
(third read-aloud)
Small Group
Option 1: I Wear This When…
Intentional Teaching Card
LL01, “Shared Writing”
Option 2: Exploring the
Clothing Collection
Intentional Teaching Card
LL01, “Shared Writing”;
clothing collection
Display the charts and save
the information you record
for later charts.
Option 1: Clothing Sorting
Intentional Teaching Card
M03, “Seek & Find”;
clothing collection; large
Option 2: Sorting &
Classifying Clothes
Intentional Teaching
Card M05, “Sorting &
Classifying”; objects that
dene boundaries; clothing
Option 1: Going on a Clothes
Intentional Teaching Card
M06, “Tallying”; clipboards;
paper; pencil or crayons
Option 2: Organizing the
Clothes Collection
Intentional Teaching
Card M02, “Counting
& Comparing”; clothing
collection; cardstock paper
Option 1: Favorite Clothes
Intentional Teaching Card
LL01, “Shared Writing”
Option 2: Bookmaking
Intentional Teaching Card
LL02, “Desktop Publishing”;
digital camera; computer;
paper; printer; bookbinding
supplies; each child’s word
bank; Mighty Minutes 03,
“Purple Pants”
Option 1: Setting the Table
Intentional Teaching Card
M01, “Dinnertime”; dishes;
napkins; utensils; cups;
Option 2: Button Match
Intentional Teaching Card
M04, “Number Cards”; set of
numeral cards; buttons
Mighty Minutes
Mighty Minutes 07, “Hippity,
Hoppity, How Many?”
Mighty Minutes 47, “Step
Up,” using the previous day’s
small group chart(s)
Mighty Minutes 47, “Step Up,”
using one of the charts from
day 1
Mighty Minutes 28, “Counting
Mighty Minutes 04, “Riddle
Dee Dee”
What do we know about clothes? What do we want to nd out?
©2016 Teaching Strategies, LLC. Teaching Strategies and The Creative Curriculum names and logos and Mighty Minutes name are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
The Clothes Study Investigating the Topic
Vocabulary—English: small, medium, large, size, tape measure, yardstick, ruler, measure, long, short, bigger, smaller, equal, measure, nervous
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Make Time for…
Interest Areas
Art: clothing of dierent sizes
and features
Technology: eBook version of
Goldilocks and the ree Bears
Blocks: standard measuring
tools, e.g., rulers, yardsticks,
measuring tapes
Technology: eBook version of
Goldilocks and the ree Bears
Library: props from
Goldilocks and the ree Bears
Toys and Games: baby, child,
and adult clothes; standard and
nonstandard measuring tools
Technology: eBook version of
Button, Button, Who’s Got the Button?
Art: materials to make
thank-you notes
Outdoor Experiences
Measuring Tools
• After introducing measuring tapes and
rulers during large-group time, bring them
outside for the children to use.
• Provide clipboards and pencils for
the children to record measurements
of objects.
Physical Fun
• Intentional Teaching Card P12,
“Exploring Pathways”
Family Partnerships
• Ask family members to bring in old baby
clothes that their children wore as babies.
• Invite families to access the eBooks,
Goldilocks and the ree Bears and Button,
Button, Who’s Got the Button?
Wow! Experiences
• Day 3: A visit from a dad or other
male family member
• Day 4: A visit from a family member
with a baby
Question of the Day
What do you know about the
story Goldilocks and the ree
Is the tag inside your shirt
marked with a number or the
letter S, M, or L? (Have sticky
notes available for answers.)
What shapes do you see on
your clothes?
What size clothes do you think
babies wear?
How many buttons do you
have on your clothes?
Large Group
Song: “Farmer in the Dell”
Discussion and Shared
Exploring Sizes of
Materials: Mighty Minutes
08, “Clap the Missing Word”;
small article of clothing;
small, medium, and large
T-shirts; digital camera
Rhyme: “Riddle Dee Dee”
Discussion and Shared
Measurement Tools
Materials: Mighty Minutes
04, “Riddle Dee Dee”; bag or
box with a variety of standard
measurement tools
Game: Finding Shapes on
Discussion and Shared
Looking at Large
Materials: Mighty Minutes
20, “I Can Make a Circle”;
shape cards; standard and
nonstandard measuring tools;
digital camera
Rhyme: “Riddle Dee Dee”
Discussion and Shared Writing:
Baby Visit
Materials: Mighty Minutes 04,
“Riddle Dee Dee”; a few samples of
baby clothes; digital camera
Music: Drums
Discussion and Shared
How do clothes stay
on our bodies?
Materials: drums; other objects
that can be used as drums; shirt
and pants with buttons
Goldilocks and the ree Bears Goldilocks and the ree Bears
Materials: props to act out
Goldilocks and the ree Bears;
Intentional Teaching Card LL06,
“Dramatic Story Retelling”
A Pocket for Corduroy Button, Button, Who’s Got the Button? e Mitten
Book Discussion Card 02
(rst read-aloud)
Small Group
Option 1: Play Dough
Intentional Teaching Card
M15, “Play Dough” (See card
for equipment, ingredients,
and recipe.)
Option 2: Biscuits
Intentional Teaching Card
M10, “Biscuits” (See card for
equipment, ingredients, and
Option 1: What’s Missing?
Intentional Teaching Card
LL18, “What’s Missing?”;
clothing collection; large piece
of paper
Option 2: Memory Card Game
Intentional Teaching Card
LL08, “Memory Games”;
a memory game or set of
duplicate pictures of clothing
Option 1: Bigger Than,
Smaller Than, Equal To
Intentional Teaching Card
M09, “Bigger an, Smaller
an, Equal To”; building
blocks; measuring tools
Option 2: Measure &
Intentional Teaching Card
M12, “Measure & Compare”;
clothing collection;
nonstandard measuring tools
Option 1: Small, Medium, and
Large Book
Intentional Teaching Card LL04,
“Bookmaking”; paper; pencils or
crayons; binding materials
Option 2: Small, Medium, and
Large Computer Book
Intentional Teaching Card LL02,
“Desktop Publishing”; digital
camera; computer; printer;
bookbinding supplies; paper; each
child’s word bank
Option 1: Tallying Features
of Clothing
Intentional Teaching Card
M06, “Tallying”; paper,
clipboards, and pencils
Option 2: How Clothes Stay
on Our Bodies
Intentional Teaching Card
M11, “Graphing”; clothing
fasteners, e.g., zippers, Velcro®,
buttons, laces
Mighty Minutes
Mighty Minutes 18, “I’m
inking Of …”
Mighty Minutes 20, “I Can
Make a Circle”
Mighty Minutes 27, “Diddle,
Diddle, Dumpling”
Mighty Minutes 74, “Jack in
the Box”
Mighty Minutes 25, “Freeze”;
dance music; letter cards
Investigation 1
What are the features of clothes?
Spanish: pequeño, mediano, grande, tamaño, cinta para medir, vara para medir, regla, medir, largo, corto, más grande, más pequeño, igual,
medida, nervioso
©2016 Teaching Strategies, LLC. Teaching Strategies and The Creative Curriculum names and logos and Mighty Minutes name are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
The Clothes Study Investigating the Topic
Investigation 2
How do we take care of our clothes?
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
Make Time for…
Interest Areas
Sand and Water: powder,
liquid, and bar soaps; egg
beaters; whisks
Dramatic Play: laundry
Technology: eBook version
of Wash and Dry
Sand and Water: soap,
mixers, and beaters from the
previous day’s experience
Library: letter stamps
Art: pieces of paper with a
variety of lines drawn on them,
e.g., straight, zigzag, curved;
one or two lines per sheet
Library: clothesline story and
props or the pocket storytelling
Technology: eBook version
of Wash and Dry
Outdoor Experiences
Walking the Line
• Make long lines outside with masking tape or
sidewalk chalk.
• Demonstrate how children can walk on them, e.g.,
when they walk on the straight line, tell them to
keep their bodies straight; on curved lines, they
should walk with a curved back, etc.
Going on a Line Hunt
• Invite children to look for various lines outside. Use
a digital camera to take photos or let the children
take pictures of the lines they nd.
• Create a book of lines by using the photos the
children took or download them onto a classroom
computer or tablet for children to look at.
Family Partnerships
• Ask family members to accompany the class on the
site visit.
• Invite a family member who sews to visit the
class during Investigation 3, “How do people
make clothes?”
• Invite families to access the eBook, Wash and Dry.
Wow! Experiences
• Day 1: Visit to a laundromat
When you call to schedule the site visit, talk
with the manager to arrange for the children
to interview a sta member if possible.
Question of the Day
Which soap will make the
best bubbles: liquid, powder,
or bar?
Which soap will clean best:
liquid, powder, or bar?
Can you nd something with
a straight line and something
with a curved line in our
Do you have pockets on your
clothes today?
Large Group
Music: Beating Drum Patterns
Discussion and Shared
Cleaning Clothes
Materials: drums or objects
to be used as drums; stained or
dirty piece of clothing; Mighty
Minutes 26, “Echo Clapping”;
Wash and Dry; washboard;
Intentional Teaching Card
SE01, “Site Visits”
Movement: Move Like a
Washer or Dryer
Discussion and Shared
Remembering a Trip
to the Laundromat or read
Wash and Dry
Materials: Wash and Dry; a
clothesline and clothespins for
hanging clothes to dry.
Song: “is Is the Way We
Wash Our Clothes”
Discussion and Shared
Finding and Making
Materials: Mighty Minutes 06,
“is Is the Way”; clothesline
Book: A Pocket for Corduroy
Discussion and Shared Writing:
Materials: Mighty Minutes 04,
“Riddle Dee Dee”; A Pocket
for Corduroy; torn clothing;
mending items, e.g., patches,
zipper, Velcro®, button with
needle and thread
e Mitten
Book Discussion Card 02
(second read-aloud)
Llama Llama Red Pajama e Mitten
Book Discussion Card 02
(third read-aloud)
Wash and Dry
Small Group
Option 1: Letter Stamps
Intentional Teaching Card
LL07, “Letters, Letters,
Letters”; alphabet stamps; ink
pads; construction paper or
magnetic letters and board
Option 2: Shaving Cream
Intentional Teaching Card
LL13, “Shaving Cream
Letters”; shaving cream
Option 1: Button Letters
Intentional Teaching Card
LL03, “Alphabet Cards”;
buttons; alphabet cards
Option 2: Feeling Letters
Intentional Teaching Card
LL15, “Texture Letters”;
letters cut out of a variety
of fabrics
Option 1: Observing Changes
Intentional Teaching Card
M07, “Ice Cubes”; ice cubes;
paper towels; cups; measuring
Option 2: Baggie Ice Cream
Intentional Teaching Card
M08, “Baggie Ice Cream”
(See card for equipment,
ingredients, and recipe.)
Option 1: Dramatic Story
Intentional Teaching Card LL06,
“Dramatic Story Retelling”; e
Mitten; story props
Option 2: Pocket Storytelling
Intentional Teaching Card
LL09, “Pocket Storytelling: e
Mitten”; mitten-shaped pocket;
toy or picture props
Mighty Minutes
Mighty Minutes 53, “ree
Rowdy Children”
Mighty Minutes 22, “Hot
or Cold Shapes”; variety of
three-dimensional shapes
Mighty Minutes 19, “I Spy
With My Little Eye”
Mighty Minutes 13,
“Simon Says”
Vocabulary—English: powder, liquid, solid, laundromat, clothesline, straight, curve, slant, mend Spanish: polvo, líquido, en barra, lavandería, cuerda para secar ropa, recta, curva, inclinada, arreglar
©2016 Teaching Strategies, LLC. Teaching Strategies and The Creative Curriculum names and logos and Mighty Minutes name are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
The Clothes Study Investigating the Topic
Vocabulary—English: sketch, design, fashion designer, seamstress, tailors, stitch, hem, sewing machine, manufactured, huipil, tapestry Spanish: boceto, diseño, diseñador(a) de modas, costurera, sastres, puntada, ruedo, máquina de coser, manufacturado, huipil, tapiz
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Make Time for…
Interest Areas
Art: materials for designing
shirts: pencils, paper,
stamps, stencils, rulers,
Toys and Games: fabric
scraps cut into pieces to
match or pattern
Art: large paper for body
Technology: eBook version
of e Quinceañera
Toys and Games: geoboards;
Dramatic Play: fabric pieces that
can be draped or tied to create
Art: large paper for body tracing
Art: large paper for body tracing
Library: materials for thank-you
Art Area: fabric scraps; glue
Toys and Games: matching
fabric scraps
Outdoor Experiences
Follow the Leader on a Line
• Make long lines with masking tape or
sidewalk chalk outside.
• Lead a game of follow the leader,
having children move in dierent ways
along dierent lines, e.g., skip on the
curved line, hop on the straight line,
and gallop on the zigzag line.
• Invite children to take turns leading.
Physical Fun
• Intentional Teaching Card P09,
“Up and Away.”
Family Partnerships
• Invite a family member who knits
or crochets to visit the class during
Investigation 4, “How is cloth made?”
• Invite families to access the eBook,
e Quinceañera.
Wow! Experiences
• Day 3: A visit from someone who sews
Question of the Day
What is written on your
clothes: words, numbers, or
Do you think we can we
make clothes?
What colors mix together to
make green?
Which fabric pattern do you like
best? (Display dierent fabric
What kind of clothes will you
design today?
Large Group
Game: Sort by Shirt Design
Discussion and Shared
Designing Clothes
(show sketch in e
Materials: digital camera;
e Quinceañera
Book: e Quinceañera
Discussion and Shared
Do You ink We
Can Make Clothes?
Materials: e Quinceañera
Movement: Making Shapes
With Scarves
Discussion and Shared
Visitor Who Sews
Materials: scarves; shape cards;
music; digital camera
Movement: Body Lines
Discussion and Shared Writing:
inking About Lines
Materials: Mighty Minutes 09,
“Writing in the Air”
Book: Something From Nothing
Discussion and Shared Writing:
Using Fabric Pieces to Make
Materials: Something From
Nothing; A Pocket for Corduroy;
fabric scraps
e Girl Who Wore Too Much
Book Discussion Card 03
(rst read-aloud)
Something From Nothing e Girl Who Wore Too Much
Book Discussion Card 03
(second read-aloud)
Abuela’s Weave e Girl Who Wore Too Much
Book Discussion Card 03
(third read-aloud)
Small Group
Option 1: Patterns on
Intentional Teaching Card
M14, “Patterns”; clothing
collection; crayons,
markers, or pencils; paper
Option 2: Button Patterns
Intentional Teaching Card
M14, “Patterns”; buttons;
crayons, markers, or
pencils; paper
Option 1: Sewing Paper
Intentional Teaching Card
P01, “Let’s Sew”; hole
punch; yarn; toothpicks;
heavyweight paper
Option 2: Let’s Sew
Intentional Teaching Card
P01, “Let’s Sew”; burlap or
other loosely woven fabric or
plastic mesh; blunt needles;
yarn or thick thread
Option 1: Mixing Paints
Intentional Teaching Card P30,
“Mixing Paints”; red, blue,
yellow, black, and white paints;
tray; paintbrushes; paper; e
Girl Who Wore Too Much; e
Option 2: Dyeing Paper Towels
Intentional Teaching Card
P31, “Tie-Dyed Towels”;
paper towels; food coloring;
eye droppers; ice cube tray;
clothespins; clothesline; e
Girl Who Wore Too Much
Option 1: Writing Poetry
Intentional Teaching Card
LL27, “Writing Poems”; audio
Option 2: A Collection of
Intentional Teaching Card
LL27, “Writing Poems”; audio
recorder; digital camera
Option 1: Writing Poetry
Intentional Teaching Card LL27,
“Writing Poems”; audio recorder
Option 2: A Collection of Poems
Intentional Teaching Card LL27,
“Writing Poems”; audio recorder;
digital camera
Mighty Minutes
Mighty Minutes 16,
“Nothing, Nothing,
Mighty Minutes 12,
“Ticky Ricky”
Mighty Minutes 24,
“Dinky Doo”
Mighty Minutes 28,
“Counting Calisthenics”
Mighty Minutes 42, “Come Play
With Me”
Investigation 3
How do people make clothes?
©2016 Teaching Strategies, LLC. Teaching Strategies and The Creative Curriculum names and logos and Mighty Minutes name are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
The Creative Curriculum
for Preschool
The Clothes Study Investigating the Topic
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Make Time for…
Interest Areas
Discovery: fabric;
magnifying glasses;
Intentional Teaching Card
LL45, “Observational
Drawing”; clipboards; felt-
tip pens
Art: strips of paper for
children to weave in and
out of paper or cardboard;
prepared paper for weaving
Library: Abuela’s Weave
Discovery: e Quinceañera
Dramatic Play: class loom
(See the directions for making
a loom that are given on the
next page.)
Question of the Day
What does the fabric on
your shirt feel like?
What comes next in the
pattern? (Display a simple
repeating pattern, such as
What comes from sheep?
Large Group
Game: Sorting Ourselves
Discussion and Shared
How Is Cloth
Materials: e Quinceañera;
pieces of woven fabric
Movement: Body Weaving
Discussion and Shared
Materials: broom handles
or yardsticks; crocheted or
knitted clothing item or
blanket; magnifying glasses
Song: “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep”
Discussion and Shared
How Cloth Is Made
Materials: Mighty Minutes
29, “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep”;
e Quinceañera; a piece of
raw wool (if available); class
loom; ribbon
e Paper Bag Princess Button, Button, Who’s Got the
Uncle Nacho’s Hat
Small Group
Option 1: Playing With Print
Intentional Teaching Card
LL23, “Playing With
Environmental Print”;
environmental print, e.g.,
cereal boxes; logos; stop signs
Option 2: Shopping Trip
Intentional Teaching Card
LL31, “I Went Shopping”;
environmental print found
in a grocery store, e.g.,
empty product containers
or labels; grocery bag
Option 1: Geoboards
Intentional Teaching
Card M21, “Geoboards”;
geoboards; bands; shape cards
Option 2: I’m Thinking of a
Intentional Teaching Card
M20, “I’m inking of a
Shape”; geometric solids;
empty containers shaped like
geometric solids
Option 1: Play Dough Weaving
Intentional Teaching Card
P02, “Play Dough Weaving”;
play dough; play dough tools
Option 2: Twisted Pretzels
Intentional Teaching Card
P03, “Twisted Pretzels”
(See card for equipment,
ingredients, and recipe.)
Mighty Minutes
Mighty Minutes 19, “I Spy
With My Little Eye”
Mighty Minutes 29, “Baa,
Baa, Black Sheep”
Mighty Minutes 21, “Hully
Gully, How Many?”
Investigation 4
How is cloth made?
How to Make a Loom
Use a large cardboard rectangle and mark every
ÂĽ" on both the top and bottom. Make 1" cuts
on each of the marks you measured, making sure
that the bottom marks line up perfectly with the
top marks (see picture above). String the warp
or vertical yarns. Tie a large knot on the end of
your string to hold the string in place. Slide the
string into the rst slot and gently pull until
knot is secure. Pull the string tightly down the
corresponding slot on the bottom and insert the
string into this rst slot. Tightly pull the string
up the back and insert into the second top slot,
and then down to the second bottom slot. Repeat
procedure until all slots are full. Tie o the string
and trim the excess (see picture).
Outdoor Experiences
Go In and Out the Windows
• Have the children stand in a circle holding
hands, lifting them up in the air to form
“windows.” As you sing, invite one child to
weave in and out the windows (your raised
Physical Fun
• Intentional Teaching Card P10,
“Jumping Rope”
Family Partnerships
• Inform families that the class will be
conducting a clothing drive at the end of the
study. Ask them to start collecting clothing to
donate. You may also want to ask a few family
members to help take the clothes to a donation
site after the clothing drive.
Wow! Experiences
• Day 1: A visit from someone who knits
or crochets
Vocabulary—English: loom, weave, knit, crochet, cloth, appreciate, decent Spanish: telar, entretejer, tejer, croché, tela, apreciar, decente
©2016 Teaching Strategies, LLC. Teaching Strategies and The Creative Curriculum names and logos and Mighty Minutes name are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
The Clothes Study Investigating the Topic
Where do we get our clothes?
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Make Time for…
Interest Areas
Toys and Games: geoboards; geobands;
shape cards
Dramatic Play: props for setting up a clothing
Technology: eBook version of Button, Button,
Who’s Got the Button?
Dramatic Play: more clothing store props
Art: materials to make thank-you notes
Outdoor Experiences
Weaving Wall
• If you have access to a chain-link fence or a piece
of lattice, you can use it to create a weaving wall.
Tie long strips of fabric to the fence at a height the
children can reach and invite them to move the
fabric in and out of the open spaces.
Family Partnerships
• Ask families to send in pictures of family members
in work clothes to use during Investigation 6,
“What special clothes do people wear for work?”
• Invite a family member who wears a uniform to
work and a family member who uses costumes for
work or enjoyment to visit the classroom during
Investigation 6, “What special clothes do people
wear for work?”
Wow! Experiences
• Day 2: A site visit to a clothing store
Arrange to visit a clothing store during a
time when the children can interview the
manager or an employee.
Question of the Day
Where do you get your clothes? (Display
choices, e.g., store, older sibling, present.)
How should we behave on our visit to the
clothing store?
What was your favorite part of the visit to
the store?
Large Group
Music: Rhythm Sticks
Discussion and Shared Writing: Where and
How Do People Get eir Clothes?
Materials: rhythm sticks
Song: Mighty Minutes 23, “Hi-Ho, the
Discussion and Shared Writing: Preparing for
Site Visit or Visitor
Materials: clipboards; pencils; Intentional
Teaching Card SE01, “Site Visits”
Music: Rhythm Stick Patterns
Discussion and Shared Writing: What
Other Items Do We Need for Our Store?
Materials: rhythm sticks; Mighty Minutes
26, “Echo Clapping”; Mama and Papa Have
a Store
A Pocket for Corduroy Button, Button, Who’s Got the Button?;
a few small manipulatives for each child
Something From Nothing
Small Group
Option 1: Rhyming Riddles
Intentional Teaching Card LL11, “Rhyming
Riddles”; props
Option 2: Clothes Poem
Intentional Teaching Card LL10, “Rhyming
Chart”; clothes poem that rhymes
Option 1: Show Me Five
Intentional Teaching Card M16, “Show Me
Five”; buttons
Option 2: Nursery Rhyme Count
Intentional Teaching Card M13, “Nursery
Rhyme Count”; cotton balls; green construction
Option 1: Sly Salamanders
Intentional Teaching Card LL16, “Tongue
Option 2: Same Sound Sort
Intentional Teaching Card LL12, “Same
Sound Sort”; items that do and do not start
with S; box or bag for storage
Mighty Minutes
Mighty Minutes 07, “Hippity Hoppity, How
Mighty Minutes 24, “Dinky Doo” Mighty Minutes 18,
“I’m inking Of…”
Investigation 5
Vocabulary—English: rhythm, manager, salesperson, cashier, tattered, splotched, splattered Spanish: ritmo, administrador(a), vendedor(a), cajero(a), harapiento, manchado, salpicado
©2016 Teaching Strategies, LLC. Teaching Strategies and The Creative Curriculum names and logos and Mighty Minutes name are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
The Clothes Study Investigating the Topic
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Make Time for…
Interest Areas
Blocks: play people in
uniforms or work clothes;
digital camera
Technology: eBook version of
Who Wears What?
Dramatic Play: work clothes Music and Movement:
rhythm sticks
Toys and Games: button and
lacing boards
Dramatic Play: costumes
Outdoor Experiences
Physical Fun
• Intentional Teaching Card P14, “Moving rough
the Forest”
Family Partnerships
• Continue to ask families to send in photos of
family members in work clothes to use in this
week’s investigation. Oer to take photos of
family members during drop-o time if they
arrive in their work clothes.
• Share the date of the end-of-study celebration
with families.
• Post a sign in a prominent area encouraging
families to continue gathering items for the
clothing drive.
• Invite families to access the eBook,
Who Wears What?
Wow! Experiences
• Days 4 and 5: Have someone who wears a uniform
or costumes for work, recreation, or both come to
the classroom
If a family member is unavailable, ask the
cook, janitor, school crossing guard, or
other school employee to visit in uniform.
Call a local theater company to invite
someone to visit in costume if there are
no theatrical family members. If you can,
arrange for a site visit to go backstage
and see the costumes.
Question of the Day
Which of these does a
reghter wear at work?
Does anyone in your family
wear a uniform to work?
Is there a re station in your
neighborhood? (chart with yes,
no, I don’t know options)
Do you have an uppercase D or a
lowercase d in your name?
Do you have a lowercase e in
your name?
Large Group
Song: “What Is My Job?”
Discussion and Shared
Exploring Workers’
Materials: common job
clothing, e.g., a reghter’s
hat (if allowed), a doctor’s coat,
a camouage uniform;
Who Wears What?; Mighty
Minutes 11, “What Is My
Job?”; digital camera
Music: Rhythm Stick
Discussion and Shared
What Do Your
Family Members Wear
to Work?
Materials: rhythm sticks;
Mighty Minutes 26, “Echo
Clapping”; photos of family
members in work clothes
Song: “e People in Your
Discussion and Shared Writing:
Questions to Ask the Visitors
Materials: book created during
the previous day’s small-group
experience; Mighty Minutes
01, “e People in Your
Rhyme: “Diddle, Diddle,
Discussion and Shared Writing:
Class Visitor Wearing a Uniform
Materials: Mighty Minutes 27,
“Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling”;
digital camera
Rhyme: “Diddle, Diddle,
Discussion and Shared
Class Visitor Wearing a
Materials: Mighty Minutes 27,
“Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling”;
digital camera
Who Wears What? Uncle Nacho’s Hat Little Red Riding Hood
Book Discussion Card 04
(rst read-aloud)
Llama Llama Red Pajama
Intentional Teaching Card SE05,
“Character Feelings”
Little Red Riding Hood
Book Discussion Card 04
(second read-aloud)
Small Group
Option 1: Jumping Beans
Intentional Teaching Card
LL05, “Jumping Beans”;
bean-shaped cards; coee can
Option 2: Walk a Letter
Intentional Teaching Card
LL17, “Walk a Letter”;
masking tape; alphabet cards
or chart
Option 1: Family Photo
Intentional Teaching Card
LL04, “Bookmaking”;
photos of family members in
work clothes; tape or glue;
bookbinding supplies
Option 2: What Kinds of
Clothes Do People Wear
to Work?
Intentional Teaching Card
LL04, “Bookmaking”;
magazines; scissors; tape or
glue; bookbinding supplies
Option 1: More or Fewer
Intentional Teaching Card
M59, “More or Fewer Towers”;
interlocking cubes; more–fewer
spinner; numeral–quantity cards
or die
Option 2: What’s More?
Intentional Teaching Card M19,
“Which Has More?”; ice cube
trays or egg cartons; resealable
sandwich bag; collection of
objects that are similar in size, e.g.,
counters, coins, colored chips
Option 1: Story Problems
Intentional Teaching Card M22,
“Story Problems”; manipulatives
Option 2: Problems at a
Clothing Store
Intentional Teaching Card M22,
“Story Problems”; collection of
Option 1: Story Problems
Intentional Teaching Card M22,
“Story Problems”; manipulatives
Option 2: Problems at a
Clothing Store
Intentional Teaching Card M22,
“Story Problems”; collection
of clothes
Mighty Minutes
Mighty Minutes 15, “Say It,
Show It”
Mighty Minutes 10, “Words
in Motion”
Mighty Minutes 25, “Freeze” Mighty Minutes 12,
“Ticky Ricky”
Mighty Minutes 14,
“Scat Singing”
What special clothes do people wear for work?
Investigation 6
Vocabulary—English: uniform, heartbreak, neighborhood, protect, patient Spanish: uniforme, partirse el corazón, vecindario, proteger, paciente
©2016 Teaching Strategies, LLC. Teaching Strategies and The Creative Curriculum names and logos and Mighty Minutes name are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
What other special clothes do people wear?
Investigation 7
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Make Time for…
Interest Areas
Art: butcher paper; paints; fabric scraps;
glue; markers
Technology: eBook version
of Little Red Riding Hood
Art: butcher paper; paints; fabric scraps;
glue; markers
Technology: eBook version
of Who Wears What?
Art: butcher paper; paints; fabric scraps;
glue; markers
Dramatic Play: photo album or family photos
Outdoor Experiences
Shape Hunt
• Bring shape cards outside.
• Invite children to select a shape card and
then nd objects outside that are the same
shape as that on the card.
• Take photos or let the children take pictures
of what they nd.
Family Partnerships
• Ask families to bring in photos of family
events, e.g., a big brother’s soccer game, a
wedding, a holiday celebration, a beach trip.
• Invite families to bring in items for the
clothing drive.
• Invite families to access the eBook,
Little Red Riding Hood.
Question of the Day
Is Little Red Riding Hood a real person or
pretend character?
What do you put on rst when you get
dressed in the morning? Your socks, your
underwear, or your shirt?
What special event has your family attended?
Large Group
Game: Rhythm Sticks Cooperation
Discussion and Shared Writing: Clothing
for Playing
Materials: rhythm sticks; Who Wears What?
Song: “is Is the Way at We Get
Discussion and Shared Writing: Special
Materials: Mighty Minutes 06, “is Is
the Way”
Game: Leaping Sounds
Discussion and Shared Writing: Special
Family Events
Materials: Mighty Minutes 17,
“Leaping Sounds”; pictures of families at
special events
Little Red Riding Hood
Book Discussion Card 04
(third read-aloud)
Who Wears What? e Girl Who Wore Too Much
Small Group
Option 1: I’m Thinking of a Shape
Intentional Teaching Card M02, “I’m inking
of a Shape”; geometric solids; empty containers
shaped like geometric solids
Option 2: Straw Shapes
Intentional Teaching Card M42, “Straw
Shapes”; geometric shape cards; drinking straws
cut into dierent lengths; pipe cleaners
Option 1: Tongue Twisters
Intentional Teaching Card LL16,
“Tongue Twisters”
Option 2: Sorting C
Intentional Teaching Card LL12, “Same
Sound Sort”; items that do and do not
start with a hard c sound
Option 1: Letters, Letters, Letters
Intentional Teaching Card LL07,
“Letters, Letters, Letters;” alphabet
stamps; ink pads; construction paper or
magnetic letters and board.
Option 2: Buried Treasures
Intentional Teaching Card LL21,
“Buried Treasures”; magnetic letters;
large magnet; ruler or similar object;
tape; sand table with sand
Mighty Minutes
Mighty Minutes 24, “Dinky Doo”
Mighty Minutes 15, “Say It, Show It” Mighty Minutes 04, “Riddle Dee Dee”
Vocabulary—English: straight, sequence, inspiration Spanish: recto, secuencia, inspiración
©2016 Teaching Strategies, LLC. Teaching Strategies and The Creative Curriculum names and logos and Mighty Minutes name are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.
The Clothes Study Investigating the Topic
Day 1 Day 2
Make Time for…
Interest Areas
Dramatic Play: the clothing for
the clothing drive; boxes
Technology: eBook version
of e Quinceañera
Library: all of the books the
children made during the study
Outdoor Experiences
Physical Fun
• Intentional Teaching Card P29, “Stop &
Go.” Follow the guidance on the card.
Family Partnerships
• Include families in the celebration.
Question of the Day
What would you like to show our
guests tomorrow at the celebration
about the clothes study?
What was your favorite part of
the clothes study?
Large Group
Game: Rhythm Sticks
Discussion and Shared
Preparing for the
Materials: rhythm sticks
Song: “Purple Pants” (and
feature special clothes)
Discussion and Shared
Sharing Special
Materials: Mighty Minutes 03,
“Purple Pants”
e Quinceañera Caps for Sale
Small Group
Option 1: What’s Missing?
Intentional Teaching Card
LL18, “What’s Missing?”;
clothing collection; large piece
of paper or cardboard
Option 2: Memory Game
Intentional Teaching Card
LL08, “Memory Games”;
memory game or lotto game
Option 1: How Many Clothes?
Intentional Teaching Card
M06, “Tallying”; clothing
collection; clipboards
Option 2: Dierent Kinds
of Clothes
Intentional Teaching
Card M02, “Counting
& Comparing”; clothing
Mighty Minutes
Mighty Minutes 21, “Hully
Gully, How Many?”
Mighty Minutes 04, “Riddle
Dee Dee”
Celebrating Learning
Vocabulary—English: celebration, characteristic Spanish: celebración, característica
©2016 Teaching Strategies, LLC. Teaching Strategies and The Creative Curriculum names and logos and Mighty Minutes name are registered trademarks of Teaching Strategies, LLC, Bethesda, MD.