Kigali, January 2014
1. Itegeko n° 37/2012 ryo ku wa 09/11/2012 rishyiraho umusoro ku nyongeragaciro………………....................4-49
Law n° 37/2012 of 09/11/2012 on the code of Value Added Tax ……………………………………..............4-49
Loi n° 37/2012 du 09/11/2012, portant instauration de la Taxe sur la Valeur Ajoutée ………………………..4-49
2. Iteka rya Minisitiri nº 002/13/10/TC ryo kuwa 31/07/2013 rigena imikoreshereze y‘imashini
y‘ikoranabuhanga yemewe mu gutanga inyemezabuguzi…………………………………………………….50-81
Ministerial order nº 002/13/10/TC of 31/07/2013 on modalities of use of certified electronic
billing machine ……………..............................................................................................................................50-81
Arrête Ministériel nº 002/13/10/TC du 31/07/2013 portant modalités d‘utilisation
de la machine de facturation électronique agréée……………………………………………………………..50-81
3. Amabwiriza ya Komiseri Mukuru nº002/2013 yo kuwa 12/09/2013 ashyira mu bikorwa Iteka
rya Minisitiri nº002/13/10/TC ryo kuwa 31/07/2013 rigena imikoreshereze y‘imashini
y‘ikoranabuhanga yemewe mu gutanga inyemezabuguzi………………………………………………….82-114
Commissioner General Rules n°002/2013 of 12/09/2013 implementing the Ministerial Order
no002/13/10/TC of 31/07/2013 on modalities of use of certified electronic billing machine…………82-114
Directives du Commissaire General No 002/2013 Du 12/09/2013 portant mise en application
de l‘Arrêté Ministériel No002/13/10/TC du 31/07/2013 portant modalités d‘utilisation de la
machine de facturation électronique agréée…………………………………………………………………82-114
4. Itegeko 16/2005 ryo ku wa 18/08/2005 rigena imisoro itaziguye ku musaruro………………115-164
Law nº 16/2005 of 18/08/2005 2005 on direct taxes on income...................………………………………115-164
Loi nº 16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative aux impôts directs sur le revenu…………………………………..115-164
5. Iteka rya Minisitiri nº 004/07 ryo ku wa 09/05/2007 rishyira mu bikorwa itegeko nº 16/2005
ryo ku wa 18/08/2005 rigena imisoro itaziguye ku nyungu………………………………………………...165-187
Ministerial order n° 004/07 of 09/05/2007 governing the implementation of the law no 16/2005
of 18/08/2005 on direct taxes on income…….………………....…..........................................................165-187
Arrêté Ministériel nº 004/07 du 09/05/2007 portant mesure d‘exécution de la loi nº 16/2005 du
18/08/2005 relative aux impôts directs sur le revenu………………………………………………….......165-187
6. Amabwiriza ya Komiseri Mukuru nº 001/2007 yo kuwa 15/06/2007 ashyira mu bikorwa itegeko
nº 16/2005 ryo kuwa 18/08/2005 rigena imisoro itaziguye ku nyungu……………………………………188-191
Commissioner General rules nº 001/2007 of 15/06/2007 implementing the law nº 16/2005
of 18/08/2005 on direct taxes on income ………………………………………..........................................188-191
Directives du Commissaire Général nº 001/2007 du 15/06/2007 mettant en application la
loi nº 16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative aux impôts directs sur le revenu…………………………………..188-191
7. Amabwiriza ya Komiseri Mukuru nº 007/2009 yo kuwa 07/12/2009 ashyira mu bikorwa itegeko
nº 16/2005 ryo kuwa 18/08/2005 rigena imisoro itaziguye ku nyungu……………………………………192-194
Commissioner General rules nº 007/2009 of 07/12/2009 implementing the law nº 16/2005
of 18/08/2005 on direct taxes on income ……………………………………….........................................192-194
Directives du Commissaire Général nº 007/2009 du 07/12/2009 mettant en application la loi nº
16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative aux impôts directs sur le revenu……………………………………192-194
8. Amabwiriza ya Komiseri Mukuru no 009/2010 yo kuwa 03/09/2010 ashyira mu bikorwa itegeko
nº 24/2010 ryo kuwa 28/05/2010 rihindura kandi ryuzuza Itegeko n° 16/2005 ryo kuwa
18/08/2005 rigena imisoro itaziguye ku musaruro………............................................................................195-196
Commissioner General rules n
009/2010 of 03/09/2010 implementing the Law nº 24/2010
of 28/05/2010 modifying and complementing law n° 16/2005 of 18/08/2005 on direct
taxe on income ……………………………………………………………………………………………..195-196
Directives du Commissaire Général n
009/2010 du 03/09/2010 portant mise en application de la
loi nº 24/2010 du 28/05/2010 modifiant et complétant la loi n° 16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative
aux impôts directs sur le revenu……………………………………………………………………………195-196
9. Amabwiriza ya komiseri mukuru nº12/2012 yo kuwa 23/02/2012 ashyira mu bikorwa
itegeko Nº 24/2010 ryo kuwa 28/05/2010 rihindura kandi ryuzuza itegeko Nº 16/2005 ryo
kuwa 18/08/2005 rigena imisoro itaziguye ku musaruro…………………………………………………...197-198
Commissioner General rules n°12/2012 of 23/02/2012 implementing the law N°24/2010
of 28/05/2010 modifying and complementing law Nº 16/2005 of 18/08/2005 on direct taxes on income.197-198
Directives du commissaire general Nº 12/2012 du 23/02/2012 portant mise en application
de la loi N°24/2010 du 28/05/2010 modifiant et completant la loi n°16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative
aux impots directs sur revenu………………………………………………………………………………197-198
10. Amabwiriza ya Komiseri Mukuru Nº 001/2013 yo kuwa 06/03/2013 ashyira mu bikorwa Itegeko
N° 16/2005 ryo kuwa 18/08/2005 rigena Imisoro itaziguye ku musaruro…………………………………199-200
Commissioner General rules n° 001/2013 of 06/03/2013 implementing the Law N° 16/2005
of 18/08/2005 on Direct Taxes on Income…………………………………………………………….........199-200
Directives du Commissaire Général 001/2013 du 06/03/2013 portant mise en application de la
Loi N° 16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative aux impôts directs sur le revenu…………………………………199-200
11. Itegeko n° 25/2005 ryo kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize y‘isoresha………………………...…....201-262
Law n° 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax procedures …………………………….……………………….......201-262
Loi nº 25/2005 du 04/12/2005, portant création des procédures fiscales…………………………………..201-262
12. Iteka rya Minisitiri nº 002/07 ryo kuwa 09/05/2007 rishyira mu bikorwa itegeko nº 25/2005
ryo kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize y‘isoresha …………………………………………………..263-266
Ministerial order nº 002/07 of 09/05/2007 governing the implementation of the law nº 25/2005 of
04/12/2005 on tax procedures…………………………………………………………............................263-266
Arrêté Ministériel nº 002/07 du 09/05/2007 mettant en application la loi n° 25/2005 du 04/12/2005
portant création des procédures fiscales…………………………………………………………………….263-266
13. Amabwiriza ya Komiseri Mukuru nº 002/2007 yo kuwa 15/06/2007 ashyira mu bikorwa itegeko
nº 25/2005 ryo kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize y‘isoresha…………………………………........267-279
Commissioner General rules n° 002/2007 of 15/06/2007 implementing the law n° 25/2005 of
04/12/2005 on tax procedures …. ………………………………………………………….....................267-279
Directives du Commissaire Général nº 002/2007 du 15/06/2007 portant mise en application de
la loi nº 25/2005 du 04/12/2005 portant création des procédures fiscales…………………………..……...267-279
14. Amabwiriza ya Komiseri Mukuru nº 005/2009 yo kuwa 15/05/2009 ahindura kandi yuzuza
amabwiriza ya Komiseri Mukuru nº 002/2007 yo kuwa 15/06/2007 ashyira mu bikorwa itegeko
nº 25/2005 ryo kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize y‘isoresha………...............................................280-284
Commissioner General rules n° 005/2009 of 15/05/2009 modifying and completing Commissioner
General rules n° 002/2007 of 15/06/2007 implementing the law n° 25/2005 of 04/12/2005
on tax procedures .. …………………………..............................................................................................280-284
Directives du Commissaire Général n° 005/2009 of 15/05/2009 modifiant et complétant les
directives du Commissaire Général nº 002/2007 du 15/06/2007 portant mise en application de la
loi nº 25/2005 du 04/12/2005 portant création des procédures fiscales……………………………………280-284
15. Amabwiriza ya komiseri mukuru nº13/2012 yo kuwa 26/04/2012 ashyira mu bikorwa itegeko
n°25/2005 ryo kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize y‘isoresha nk‘uko ryahinduwe kandi
ryujuje kugeza ubu………………………………………………………………………………………….285-287
Commissioner General rules n°13/2012 of 26/04/2012 implementing law n°25/2005
of 04/12/2005 on tax procedures as modified and complemented to date……………………………….285-287
Directives du commissaire general nº13/2012 du 26/04/2012 portant mise en application
de la loi n°25/2005 du 04/12/2005 portant creation des procedures fiscales telle que modifiee
et completee a ce jour……………………………………………………………………………………….285-287
16. Itegeko nº 26/2006 ryo kuwa 27/05/2006 rigena kandi rishyiraho imitunganyirize y‘umusoro ku
byaguzwe wakwa ku bicuruzwa bimwe na bimwe bitumijwe mu mahanga n‘ibikorerwa mu Rwanda …288-306
Law n° 26/2006 of 27/05/2006 determining and establishing consumption tax on some imported and
locally manufactured products …. …………… ……………………………………………………….......288-306
Loi n° 26/2006 du 27/05/2006 portant organisation et instauration du droit d‘accise sur
certains produits importés et de fabrication locale…………………………………………………………288-306
17. Iteka rya minisitiri n
009/10 ryo kuwa 20/08/2010 rishyira mu bikorwa itegeko nº 26/2006
ryo kuwa 27/05/2006 rigena kandi rishyiraho imitunganyirize y‘umusoro ku byaguzwe
wakwa ku bicuruzwa bimwe na bimwe bitumijwe mu mahanga n‘ibikorerwa mu rwanda……………......307-311
Ministerial order n
009/10 OF 20/08/2010 implementing law Nº 26/2006 of 27/05/2006
determining and establishing consumption tax on some imported and locally manufactured products........307-311
Arrêté Ministériel Nº 009/10 du 20/08/2010 portant mise en application de la loi n° 26/2006
du 27/05/2006 portant organisation et instauration du droit d‘accise sur certains produits
importes et de fabrication locale……………………………………………………………………………307-311
18. Itegeko n° 14/2009 ryo kuwa 30/06/2009 rishyiraho amafaranga yo kwandikisha ikinyabiziga…………..312-315
Law n° 14/2009 of 30/06/2009 determining motor vehicle registration fees…………………………........312-315
Loi n° 14/2009 du 30.06.2009 portant fixation des droits d‘enregistrement du véhicule………………….312-315
19. Iteka rya Minisitiri n° 008/2009 ryo kuwa 01/12/2009 rigena umubare w‘amafaranga
yo kwandikisha ikinyabiziga kinjira n‘igisanzwe mu Rwanda……………………………………………..316-319
Ministerial Order n° 008/2009 of 01/12/2009 determining the amount of registration fees
for imported and already vehicles in Rwanda………………………………………………………………316-319
Arrêté Ministériel n° 008/2009 du 01/12/2009 fixant le montant des droits
d‘enregistrement des véhicules importés et ceux immatriculés déjà au Rwanda…………………………..316-319
20. Itegeko nº 29/2012 ryo kuwa 27/07/2012 rigena umusoro ku mikino y‘amahirwe………………………...320-324
Law nº 29/2012 of 27/07/2012 establishing tax on gaming activities………………………….................320-324
Loi nº 29/2012 du 27/07/2012 regissant la taxe sur les jeux de hasard…………………………………….320-324
21. Itegeko nº55/2013 ryo kuwa 02/08/2013 rishyiraho umusoro ku mabuye y‘agaciro………………………325-330
Law nº55/2013 of 02/08/2013 on minerals tax………………………………………………..................325-330
Loi nº55/2013 de la 02/08/2013 portante instauration de l‘impôt sur les minerais………………………...325-330
22. Iteka rya Minisitiri Nº 001/13/10/TC ryo kuwa 05/07/2013 rigena urutonde rw‘ibintu
bisonewe imisoro n‘amahoro by‘ihahiro ry‘ingabo z‘u Rwanda na Polisi y‘u rwanda…………………331-377
Ministerial Order Nº 001/13/10/TC of 05/07/2013 determining the list of goods exempted
from taxes and duties of the rwanda defence forces and rwanda national police shop……………………331-377
Arrêté Ministériel Nº 001/13/10/TC du 05/07/2013 déterminant la liste des biens exoneres
des taxes et impôts du comptoir d‘achat des Forces Rwandaises de défense et de la
Police Nationale du Rwanda……………………………..............................................................................331-377
23. The East African Community Customs Management Act 2004……………………………………............377-541
Amendments to the fifth schedule (exemption regime) of the EAC Customs Management Act 2004 ......342-550
N.B: Amategeko ahindura kandi yuzuza amategeko y’ibanze yashyizwe mu mategeko y’ibanze.
The laws and regulations modifying and completing the basic laws and regulations are incorporated in
the basic laws and regulations
Les lois et textes réglementaires modifiant et complétant les lois et textes réglementaires principaux
ont été incorporés dans les lois et textes réglementaires principaux.
Ingingo ya mbere: Icyo iri tegeko rigamije
Ingingo ya 2: Ibisobanuro by’amagambo
Ingingo ya 3: Iyakwa ry’umusoro ku
Ingingo ya 4 : Ibintu na servisi bisoreshwa
n’ibitumizwa mu mahanga bisoreshwa
Ingingo ya
5: Ibintu na serivisi byakwa
umusoro ku ijanisha rya zeru
Ingingo ya 6: Ibintu na serivisi bisonewe
Ingingo ya
7: Ibintu na serivisi byakwa
umusoro ku ijanisha rya zeru ndetse bikaba
Article One: Purpose of this Law
Article 2: Definitions of terms
Article 3:Taxation of value added tax
Article 5: Zero-rated goods and services
Article 6: Exempted goods and services
LOI 37/2012 DU 09/11/2012 PORTANT
Article Premier: Objet de la présente loi
Article 2:finitions des termes
Article 3: Imposition de la taxe sur la valeur
4: Biens et services imposables et
importations imposables
Article 5: Biens et services impos
s au taux
Article 6: Biens et services exonérés
Article 7: Biens et services imposés au taux
ro et exorés
Official Gazette n° Special of 05/02/2013
Ingingo ya 8: Ibintu na serivisi
Ingingo ya 9: Ibintu cyangwa serivisi
Ingingo ya 10: Igihe cyo kwaka umusoro
Ingingo ya 11: Agaciro k’ibintu na serivisi
Ingingo ya 12 : Kugura serivisi zo mu
Ingingo ya 13: Igihe cyo gutumiza ibintu mu
Ingingo ya 14: Agaciro fatizo mu gusoresha
ibintu bitumizwa mu mahanga
Ingingo ya 15: Kwemererwa umusoro ku
Ingingo ya 16: Umusoro ku kiranguzo ku
musoreshwa wiyandikishije vuba
Ingingo ya 17: Kutemererwa umusoro ku
Article 8: Goods and services
Article 9: Complementary goods or services
Article 10: Taxation period
Article 11: Value of goods and services
Article 12: Acquisition of foreign services
Article 13: Time for importation of goods
Article 14: Basic value for taxation of
imported goods
Article 15: Allowance of input tax
Article 16: Input tax for a newly registered
Article 17: Denial of input tax
Article 8: Biens et services
Article 9: Biens ou services complémentaires
Article 10: Moment d’imposition
Article 11: Valeur des biens et services
Article 12: Achat de services étrangers
Article 13: Moment de l’importation des biens
Article 14: Valeur de base pour l’imposition
des biens importés
Article 15: Acceptation de l’impôt amont
Article 16: Impôt amont pour un contribuable
nouvellement enregistré
Article 17: Refus d’accorder l’impôt amont
Ingingo ya 18: Ibishobora gukorwa nyuma yo
Ingingo ya 19: Impinduka ku musoro ku
nyongeragaciro nyuma y’igurisha
Ingingo ya 20: Ihinduka rikorwa nyuma yo
kugurisha rijyanye n’imyenda idashobora
Ingingo ya
21: Kubara umusoro ku
nyongeragaciro wakwa mu gihe cy’isoreshwa
Ingingo ya 22: Isubizwa ry’umusoro ku
Ingingo ya 23: Inyemezabuguzi, umwenda
n’impapuro zigaragaza ko umusoro wakuwe
mu kiguzi
Ingingo ya
24: Ikoreshwa ry’imashini
z’ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi z’ibyacurujwe
Article 18: Post-sale adjustments
19: Value added tax post-sale
Article 22: Value added tax refund
Article 23: Invoices, credit and debit notes
Article 18: Ajustements aps vente
Article 19: Ajustements de la taxe sur la valeur
ajoutée après vente
Article 20: Ajustement après vente pour
créances irrécouvrables
21: Calcul de la taxe sur la valeur
payable pendant la période
Article 22: Remboursement de la taxe sur la
valeur ajoutée
Article 23: Factures, crédit et notes de débit
24: Utilisation des machines de
facturation électronique
Ingingo ya 25: Kumenyekanisha umusoro ku
Ingingo ya 26: Kwishyura umusoro ku
Ingingo ya
27: Kwakira umusoro ku
nyongeragaciro ku bintu bitumijwe mu
Ingingo ya 28: Icyemezo cyo kwiyandikisha
Ingingo ya 29: Ikigo n’amashami yacyo
Ingingo ya 30: Amafaranga akoreshwa
Ingingo ya 31: Abahagarariye ibihugu byabo
mu Rwanda n’amasezerano mpuzamahanga
Ingingo ya
Agaciro k'ibintu cyangwa
servisi biri ku isoko
Ingingo ya 33: Itegurwa, isuzuma n’itorwa
ry’iri tegeko
Ingingo ya 34: Ivanwaho ry’itegeko n’ingingo
z’amategeko zinyuranyije n’iri tegeko
Ingingo ya
35: Igihe iri tegeko ritangira
Article 25: Value added tax declaration
Article 26: Payment of value added tax
Article 28: Certificate of registration
Article 29: Enterprise and subsidiaries
Article 30: Currency conversion
Article 32: Market value of goods or services
Article 34: Repealling provision
Article 35: Commencement
Article 25: Déclarations de la taxe sur la valeur
Article 26: Paiement de la taxe sur la valeur
Article 27: Perception de la taxe sur la valeur
ajoutée sur les biens importés
Article 28: Certificat d’enregistrement
Article 29: Entreprise et succursales
Article 30: Conversion monétaire
Article 31: Missions diplomatiques et accords
32: Valeur marchande des biens ou
Article 33: Initiation, examen et adoption de la
présente loi
Article 34: Disposition abrogatoire
Article 35: Entrée en vigueur
Twebwe, KAGAME Paul,
Perezida wa Repubulika;
Umutwe w‘Abadepite, mu nama yawo yo kuwa
03 Nyakanga 2012;
Ishingiye ku Itegeko Nshinga rya Repubulika y‘u
Rwanda ryo kuwa 04 Kamena 2003, nk‘uko
ryavuguruwe kugeza ubu, cyane cyane mu
ngingo zaryo, iya 62, iya 66, iya 67, iya 81, iya
90, iya 91, iya 92, iya 93, iya 94, iya 108 n‘iya
Ishingiye ku Itegeko 25/2005 ryo kuwa
04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize y‘isoresha,
nk‘uko ryahinduwe kandi ryujujwe kugeza ubu;
Ishingiye ku Itegeko 08/2009 ryo kuwa
27/04/2009 rigena imiterere, imikorere
We, KAGAME Paul,
President of the Republic;
The Chamber of Deputies, in its session of 03
July 2012;
LOI N°37/2012 DU
09/11/2012 PORTANT
Nous, KAGAME Paul,
Président de lapublique;
La Chambre des Députés, en sa séance du 03
juillet 2012;
Vu la Constitution de la publique du Rwanda
du 04 juin 2003, telle que révisée à ce jour,
spécialement en ses articles 62, 66, 67, 81, 90, 91,
92, 93, 94, 108 et 201;
Vu la Loi
25/2005 du 04/12/2005 portant
création des procédures fiscales telle que modifiée et
complétée à ce jour;
Vu la Loi 08/2009 du
27/04/2009 portant
organisation, fonctionnement et attributions de
n‘inshingano by‘Ikigo cy‘imisoro n‘amahoro,
cyane cyane mu ngingo yaryo ya 3;
Isubiye ku Itegeko n
06/2001 ryo kuwa
20/01/2001 rishyiraho umusoro ku
nyongeragaciro, nk‘uko ryahinduwe kandi
ryujujwe kugeza ubu;
Ingingo ya mbere: Icyo iri tegeko rigamije
Iri tegeko rishyiraho umusoro ku nyongeragaciro
wakwa ku bintu na serivisi bikorerwa mu
Rwanda no ku bintu n'imirimo bitumizwa hanze
Ingingo ya 2: Ibisobanuro by’amagambo
Muri iri tegeko, amagambo akurikira asobanura:
umutungo ufatika cyangwa
udafatika ariko hatabariwemo amafaranga;
ibintu cyangwa serivisi bigomba
gusoreshwa ”: ibintu cyangwa serivisi bigomba
gusoreshwa bihawe umuntu;
“ibiribwa bitunganyijwe”: uretse
ibiteganywa ukundi n'iri tegeko, ibiribwa
bitunganyijwe bisobanura ibiribwa bitunganyijwe
Having reviewed Law n
06/2001 of 20/01/2001
on the code of value added tax, as modified and
complemented to date;
Article One: Purpose of this Law
This Law establishes the value added tax on
supplies of goods and services in Rwanda and on
imported goods and services.
Article 2: Definitions of terms
For the purposes of this Law, the following terms
shall mean:
“taxable goods or services”: taxable goods or
services supplied to a person;
“processed foodstuffs”:
except where this
Law provides otherwise, processed foodstuffs
refer to foodstuffs that are transformed into a
l‘Office Rwandais des Recettes, spécialement en
son article 3 ;
Revu la Loi 06/2001 du 20/01/2001 portant
instauration de la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée telle
que modifiée et complétée à ce jour ;
Article Premier: Objet de la présente loi
La présente loi instaure une taxe sur la valeur
ajoutée sur les biens et services fournis au
Rwanda et sur les biens et services importés.
Article 2:finitions des termes
Aux fins de la présente loi, les termes suivants
« biens »: biens corporels ou incorporels,
exclusion faite de l‘argent;
biens ou services imposables »:
biens ou
services taxables fournis à une personne;
3º«aliments transformés »: sauf dispositions
contraires de la présente loi, les aliments
transformés se réfèrent à la transformation des
ku buryo bivamo ibiribwa by'ubundi bwoko
n'agaciro bishya, nk'uko byagenwa n'Iteka rya
“igihe umusoro ku nyongeragaciro
ugomba gutangirwa”:
ukwezi kubariwe ku
ngengaminsi cyangwa igihembwe;
“ikiguzi”: igiteranyo cy‘umubare
w‘amafaranga akurikira ku bireba kugurisha
ibintu cyangwa serivisi:
a) igiteranyo cy‘amafaranga yishyuwe
cyangwa azishyurwa umuntu ku buryo
butaziguye cyangwa buziguye, ku bintu
cyangwa serivisi byakozwe;
b) agaciro k'ibintu cyangwa imirimo biri ku
isoko n‘ikiguzi cyabyo cyarishywe mu
bundi buryo butari amafaranga, ku buryo
butaziguye cyangwa buziguye;
amahoro, amafaranga ayo ariyo yose
yakwa cyangwa yishyurwa n‘imisoro
hatarimo umusoro ku nyongeragaciro
yarishywe cyangwa arihwa ku bintu
cyangwa imirimo;
“imenyekanisha ry’umusoro ku
nyongeragaciro”: inyandiko iteganywa n‘iri
tegeko umusoreshwa agomba kugeza ku
buyobozi bw‘imisoro, nk‘uko biteganyijwe mu
ngingo ya 25 y‘iri tegeko;
7° “imirimo ikorewe mu Rwanda”:
new form and value, as the Minister may
prescribe by Order;
value added tax period”: calendar month or
the total of the following
amounts in relation to the supply of goods or
the total amount in money paid or
payable to any person, directly or
indirectly, for goods or services supplied;
the fair market value of an amount paid
in kind directly or indirectly, for goods
or services;
c) any duties, levies, fees, charges and taxes
excluding value added tax paid or
payable on goods or services;
“value added tax declaration”:
provided for by this Law which the taxpayer
shall submit to the tax administration in
accordance with Article 25 of this Law;
“services provided in Rwanda”:
aliments qui leur confère une nouvelle forme et
une autre valeur tel qu‘un arrê du Ministre peut
4° « période de la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée »:
mois calendrier ou le trimestre;
«contrepartie »:
la totalité des montants ci-
après en rapport avec la livraison des biens ou
le montant total en argent payé ou
payable à une personne, directement ou
indirectement pour les biens ou services
la juste valeur marchande d‘un montant
payé en nature directement ou
indirectement, pour la livraison de biens
ou services;
tout droit, prélèvement, frais, charges et
taxes autre que la taxe sur la valeur
ajoutée payés ou payables sur la livraison
des biens ou des services ;
déclaration de la taxe sur la valeur
ajoutée »: document prévu par la présente loi que
le contribuable doit remettre à l‘administration
fiscale tel que prévu par l‘article 25 de la présente
7º « services prestés au Rwanda »: les services
ifatwa nk'ikorerwa mu Rwanda iyo uyikora:
a) afite icyicaro mu Rwanda kandi nta handi
b) nta cyicaro afite mu Rwanda cyangwa ahandi
hose, ariko akaba asanzwe atuye mu Rwanda;
c) afite icyicaro mu Rwanda n'ahandi ariko
icyicaro cy'ibikorwa bye byitirirwa uwo murimo
ukorwa kikaba ari ikiri mu Rwanda;
d) nta cyicaro afite mu Rwanda ahubwo
akakigira ahandi kandi abo iyo mirimo ikorerwa
bayikenera cyangwa ikabagirira akamaro mu
Rwanda ;
“itegeko rya gasutamo”: itegeko rigenga
imicungire ya za gasutamo ry‘Umuryango
w‘Ibihugu bya Afurika y‘Iburasirazuba ;
“Komiseri Mukuru”: Komiseri Mukuru
w‘Ikigo cy‘Imisoro n‘Amahoro;
10º “Minisitiri”: Minisitiri ufite imari mu
nshingano ze ;
: ibindi byose bitari ibintu
cyangwa amafaranga ;
12º“serivisi mbumbe ku bukerarugendo :
uburyo umuntu utanga serivisi mu rwego
rw‘ubukerarugendo ategura serivisi
shall be regarded as provided in Rwanda if the
services provider:
a) has the headquarters in Rwanda and no where
d) has no headquarters in Rwanda but it has it
elsewhere and the recipients of the services need
it or benefits from them in Rwanda;
“customs legislation”:
the East African
Community Customs Management Act;
“Commissioner General”: Commissioner
General of Rwanda Revenue Authority;
10° Minister”: Minister in charge of Finance;
12° all inclusive tour package”: arrangement
whereby a tour operator organizes a service
package of necessary services such as
sont considérés comme étant prestés au Rwanda
lorsque le prestataire :
a) a son siège d'activités au Rwanda et nulle part
b) n'a ni siège d'activités au Rwanda ni nulle part
ailleurs mais a sa résidence habituelle au Rwanda;
c) a des sièges d'activités au Rwanda et ailleurs
mais le siège d'activités directement concerné par
la prestation des services en question est celui du
d) n'a pas de siège d'activités au Rwanda mais
plutôt ailleurs et le consommateur de ces services
les utilise ou en bénéficie au Rwanda ;
«législation douanière»:
loi portant gestion
douanière au sein de la Communauté Est-
« Commissaire Général »: Commissaire
néral de l‘Office Rwandais des Recettes ;
10º « Ministre »: le Ministre ayant les finances
dans ses attributions ;
ervices »
: signifie tout ce qui n‘est pas
biens ou argent;
12° « service tourisque global »: arrangement
par lequel un tour-opérateur offre aux touristes
des services comprenant le logement, le transport
zikomatanyije zose za ngombwa, harimo
amacumbi no gutwara ba
mukerarugendo n‘ibindi, ku giciro kibumbiye
hamwe ;
13º “umuguzi” : umuntu ibintu cyangwa serivisi
bigenewe ;
14º umuntu”
: umuntu ku giti cye, isosiyete,
ikigo cy‘ifatanyabikorwa, amashyirahamwe
n‘imiryango y'ubwoko
bwose yemewe
Guverinoma y‘u Rwanda,
guverinoma y‘igihugu cy‘amahanga cyangwa
umuryango mvamahanga;
15 º “umutungo: umutungo, waba ufatika
cyangwa udafatika umuntu yabonye kugira ngo
awukoreshe mu kigo cye cy‘ubucuruzi, ariko
a) umutungo washatswe hagamijwe
cyane cyane kongera kuwugurisha
mu buryo busanzwe bwo gukora
ubucuruzi, uwo mutungo waba
ugamije cyangwa utagamije kongera
kugurishwa nk‘uko wari umeze
igihe wabonetse;
b) ibikoresho bishira cyangwa
ibikoresho fatizo;
16º “umusoro ku kiranguzo”: umusoro ku
nyongeragaciro ku bintu bisoreshwa cyangwa ku
bicuruzwa bitumijwe mu mahanga bisoreshwa,
ariko hatarimo ibihano byaciwe biteganywa
accommodation, transport of tourists and any
other things, sold to the client as an all-inclusive
an individual, company,
partnership company, associations and any kind
a legally recognised organisation, the
Government of Rwanda, a foreign government or
an international organisation;
a) asset acquired for the principal purpose
of resale in the ordinary course of
carrying on an enterprise, whether or not
the asset is to be sold in the form or state in
which it was acquired;
b) consumables or raw materials;
et autres à un prix global ;
13º « bénéficiaire »: personne à laquelle des
biens ou services sont destinés ;
14° « personne »: toute personne physique,
société, associations et toutes sortes
d‘organisations reconues par la loi,
Gouvernement du Rwanda, un gouvernement
étranger ou une organisation internationale ;
15° « un bien »: un élément d‘actif, corporel ou
incorporel acquis par une personne pour l‘utiliser
dans son entreprise, à l‘exception de :
un bien acquis en vue de le revendre
essentiellement dans le cadre normal de la
gestion de l‘entreprise, qu‘il soit ou non à
vendre dans la forme ou l‘état il était
au moment de son acquisition;
b) consommables ou matières premières ;
16º « impôt amont »: taxe sur la valeur ajoutée
payable en vertu d‘une acquisition taxable ou des
marchandises importées imposables mais qui ne
comprend pas une pénalité imposée en vertu de la
n‘Itegeko 25/2005 ro ku wa 04/12/2005 rigena
imitunganyirize y‘isoresha, nk‘uko ryahinduwe
kandi ryujujwe kugeza ubu biturutse mu kugura
cyangwa gutumiza ibintu mu mahanga;
17º “umusoro wakiriwe”: umusoro utangwa ku
bicuruzwa cyangwa imirimo cyangwa serivisi
byakozwe cyangwa byatanzwe n'umuntu;
18ºumusoreshwa: uwiyandikishije mu
buyobozi bw'umusoro ku nyongeragaciro kandi
ubifitiye icyemezo.
Ingingo ya 3: Iyakwa ry’umusoro ku
Umusoro ku nyongeragaciro utangwa kuri ibi
ibintu na servisi bisoreshwa;
ibintu na serivisi bisoreshwa biturutse mu
Umubare w‘umusoro ku nyongeragaciro utangwa
ku bicuruzwa na serivisi bisoreshwa cyangwa
ibintu na serivisi bitumijwe mu mahanga
bisoreshwa, ubarwa hakoreshejwe igipimo
kivugwa mu gika cya 3 cy‘iyi ngingo ku gaciro
Procedures as modified and complemented to
date in respect of such acquisition or import;
Article 3: Taxation of value added tax
Value added tax is charged on the following
taxable goods and services;
taxable imported goods and services.
Loi 25/2005 du 04/12/2005 portant création des
procédures fiscales telle que modifiée et
complétée à ce jour en ce qui concerne une telle
acquisition ou importation;
impôt aval »:
taxe imposée sur des biens
livrés ou services effectués par une personne;
18°« contribuable »: toute personne physique ou
morale qui a été enregistrée à la taxe sur la valeur
ajoutée et qui
possède un certificat
Article 3: Imposition de la taxe sur la valeur
La taxe sur la valeur ajoutée est imposée sur :
les biens et services imposables;
biens et services importés imposables.
Le montant de la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée
payable imposé sur les biens et services
imposables ou des biens et services importés
imposables est calculé en appliquant le taux
spécifié à l‘alinéa
3 du présent article à leur
Igipimo ry‘umusoro ku nyongeragaciro ni:
zeru ku ijana (0%) ku bicuruzwa cyangwa
serivisi bisoreshwa ku ijanisha rya zeru;
cumi n‘umunani ku ijana (18 %) ku bindi
bicuruzwa na serivisi byose.
Umusoro ku nyongeragaciro urihwa :
1º ku bicuruzwa cyangwa serivisi bisoreshwa,
ugomba kurihwa kwa Komiseri Mukuru
n‘umusoreshwa watanze ibintu cyangwa serivisi
hakurikijwe iri tegeko;
ku bicuruzwa cyangwa serivisi bitumijwe mu
mahanga bisoreshwa n‘uwabitumije.
Ingingo ya 4 : Ibintu na servisi bisoreshwa
n’ibitumizwa mu mahanga bisoreshwa
Ibintu na serivisi bitangwa n‘umuntu, bisoreshwa
iyo bitangiwe mu Rwanda hatabariwemo ibintu
cyangwa serivisi bisonewe.
Igurisha ry‘umutungo uwo ariwo wose
ukoreshwa n‘umuntu mu bikorwa by‘ubucuruzi
rifatwa nk‘igikorwa gisoreshwa.
Iyo umuntu ahagaritse kwiyandikisha ku musoro
ku nyongeragaciro, afatwa nk‘aho yagurishije
ibintu harimo n‘ibikoresho fatizo cyangwa
serivisi bisoreshwa iyo ibyo bintu n‘izo serivisi
yari abifite ubwo yahagarikaga kwiyandikisha
The rate of value added tax is:
zero percent (0%) on taxable goods or
services that are zero-rated;
eighteen (18%) percent for other goods and
The value added tax payable:
on imported goods or services, is paid by the
Le taux de la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée est :
zéro pour cent (0%) sur les biens et services
imposables au tauxro;
dix-huit (18 %) pourcent pour tous les autres
biens et services.
La taxe sur la valeur ajoutée payable :
sur les biens ou services imposables, est payée
au Commissaire Général par le contribuable qui
la livraison de biens ou services
conformément à la présente loi;
sur les biens ou services importés, est payée par
4: Biens et services imposables et
importations imposables
Exclusion faite des biens ou services exonérés, les
biens et services fournis par une personne sont
imposables s‘ils sont livrés ou effectués au
La vente de tout actif utilisé par une personne
dans le cadre de ses affaires constitue un acte
Une personne dont l‘enregistrement à la taxe sur
la valeur ajoutée est arrêté est considérée comme
ayant vendu tous les biens y compris les matières
premières ou services imposables, disponibles au
moment où l‘enregistrement est annulé mais
ariko ibyo biba gusa iyo umuntu yari yarasubijwe
umusoro ku kiranguzo mu gihe yaguraga
cyangwa yatumizaga ibintu cyangwa serivisi mu
Iyo umusoreshwa akoresheje ibintu cyangwa
serivisi byose cyangwa igice cyabyo mu mirimo
ye bwite, biba gutanga ibintu cyangwa serivisi
bisoreshwa, ariko bikaba gusa iyo umusoreshwa
yasubijwe umusoro ku kiranguzo mu gihe
yaguraga cyangwa yatumizaga ibintu cyangwa
serivisi mu mahanga.
Ibintu cyangwa servisi bitumijwe mu mahanga
birasoreshwa iyo bidasonewe.
Ingingo ya
5: Ibintu na serivisi byakwa
umusoro ku ijanisha rya zeru
Ibintu na serivisi bikurikira bisoreshwa ku
ijanisha rya zeru:
ibintu n‘imirimo byoherejwe mu mahanga:
a) ibintu byoherejwe mu mahanga bifitiwe
ibimenyetso byemewe na Komiseri Mukuru;
imirimo y‘ubwikorezi n‘indi mirimo ijyana
nabwo ifitanye isano no kohereza ibintu mu
mahanga bivugwa mu gace ka a) k'iyi ngingo;
imirimo y'ubwikorezi bw'ibintu binyura mu
Rwanda bigana mu mahanga harimo
n'imirimo ijyana na bwo;
to the person on acquisition or import of the
goods or services.
If a taxpayer uses taxable goods or services
wholly or partly for personal purposes, it shall be
considered as a donation but only if the input tax
was refunded to the taxpayer during the time
when he/she acquired or imported the goods or
Imported goods or services are taxable if they are
not exempted.
Article 5: Zero-rated goods and services
The following goods and services shall be zero-
exported goods and services:
a) exported
goods bearing
recognised by the Commissioner
b) transportation services and other related
services with regard to export goods
referred to in item a) of this Article;
c) transportation services of goods in transit
in Rwanda to other countries including
related services;
uniquement si l‘impôt amont a été remboursé à
ladite personne lors de l‘acquisition ou
l‘importation des biens ou services.
Si le contribuable utilise les biens ou services
imposables entièrement ou partiellement à des
fins personnelles, cette utilisation est considérée
comme un don si l‘impôt amont à été remboursé
au contribuable lors de l‘acquisition ou de
l‘importation des biens ou services.
Les biens ou des services importés sont
imposables s‘ils ne sont pas exonérés.
Article 5: Biens et services impos
s au taux
Les services et biens suivants sont imposés au
taux zéro:
services et biens exportés :
a) biens exportés avec une marque reconuee
par le Commissaire Général;
b) les services de transport et autres services
connexes relatifs à l‘exportation des biens
visés au point a) du présent article;
c) services de transport de biens en transit au
Rwanda vers l‘étranger y compris des
services connexes ;
d) lisansi y‘indege;
e) imirimo ikorerwa mu mahanga;
f) ibintu bikoreshwa mu ndege ziva mu Rwanda
zijya mu Mahanga;
ibintu bigurishirizwa
mu maduka
adasoreshwa, nk'uko biteganywa n'itegeko
rigenga za gasutamo;
serivisi zishyuriwe umukerarugendo kandi
zatanzweho umusoro ku nyongeragaciro;
ibintu na serivisi bikurikira bigenewe abantu
a) ibintu n‘imirimo bigenewe abahagarariye
ibihugu byabo mu Rwanda bikoreshwa
mu mirimo ijyana n'akazi kabo ariko
ibyo bihugu bikaba
na byo byemerera
uhagarariye u Rwanda cyangwa ibiro bye
ubwo burenganzira bwihariye ;
ibintu n‘imirimo bigenewe imiryango
mpuzamahanga ifitanye amasezerano n‘u
c) ibintu n‘imirimo bigenewe imishinga
iterwa inkunga n‘abafatanyabikorwa
bafitanye amasezerano na Guverinoma
y‘u Rwanda.
Komiseri Mukuru ashyiraho amabwiriza agena
uburyo agace ka k‘iyi ngingo gashyirwa mu
d) aircraft benzene;
e) services rendered abroad;
f) goods used in aircrafts from Rwanda to
goods sold in shops that are exempted
from tax as provided for by the law
governing customs;
services rendered to a tourist for which
value added tax has been paid;
the following goods and services
intended for special persons:
a) goods and services intended for
diplomats accredited to Rwanda that
are used in their missions but whose
countries should also give the same
privileges to the Rwandan diplomats;
b) goods and services intended for
international organizations that have
signed agreements with Rwanda;
c) goods and services intended for
projects funded by partners that have
signed agreements with the
Government of Rwanda.
The Commissioner General shall set out rules
governing the procedure for implementing the
Sub Paragraph 4° of this Article.
d) benzine d‘aéronef;
e) services rendus à l‘étranger;
f) biens utilisés dans les aéronefs provenant
du Rwanda vers l‘étranger;
tous biens vendus dans les magasins
exorés, en vertu de la loi douanière;
services rendus à un touriste sur lesquels
la taxe sur la valeur ajoue a épayée;
biens et services suivants destinés aux
personnes spéciales:
a) biens et services destinés aux
diplomates accrédités au Rwanda.
Cependant, leurs pays doivent aussi
accorder les mêmes privilèges aux
diplomates rwandais;
biens et services destinés aux
organisations internationales qui ont
sigdes accords avec le Rwanda;
biens et services destinés aux projets
financés par les partenaires qui ont sig
les accords avec le Gouvernement du
Le Commissaire Général détermine les règles
établissant la procédure de la mise en application
du point du présent article.
Ingingo ya 6: Ibintu na serivisi bisonewe
Ibintu na serivisi bikurikira bisonewe umusoro ku
serivisi yo gukwirakwiza amazi no
gutunganya ibidukikije mu gihe
bitagamije inyungu ukuyemo imirimo
yo kuyobora amazi yanduye
hakoreshejwe pompe;
na serivisi
bijyana no
kubungabunga ubuzima:
a) serivisi yo kubungabunga ubuzima,
n'imirimo ikorwa mu buvuzi;
b) ibikoresho bigenewe abafite ubumuga;
c) ibintu n'imiti bigaragara ku rutonde
rugenwa n‘Iteka rya Minisitiri.
Ibigo bishobora gusonerwa ibintu bivugwa mu
gace ka b) k‘iyi ngingo bigomba kuba bizwi
n'amategeko akurikizwa mu Rwanda nk'ibigo bya
Leta, imiryango igamije imibereho myiza
y'abaturage n'ibindi bigo byose bikora ibikorwa
byo gufasha bidaharanira inyungu.
serivisi n'ibikoresho mfashanyigisho
mu burezi:
a) serivisi y'uburezi igenewe abanyeshuri
Article 6: Exempted goods and services
The following goods and services are exempted
from value added tax:
services of supplying clean water and
ensuring environment treatment for non-
profit making puposes and with
exception of sewage pumping out
goods and services related to health
a) health and medical services;
b) equipment designed for persons with
c) goods and drugs appearing on the
list provided for by an Order of the
educational materials and services:
educational services provided to
Article 6: Biens et services exonés
Les biens et services suivants sont exonérés de la
taxe sur la valeur ajoutée:
les services de distribution d‘eau potable
et d‘assurer la salubrité environnementale
à des fins non lucratives à l‘exception
des services d‘évacuation des eaux usées à
l‘aide des pompes ;
biens et services de santé :
a) services de santé et services médicaux ;
b) les articles destinés aux personnes vivant
avec handicap;
c) biens et médicaments apparaissant sur la
liste établie par un Arrêté du Ministre.
Les établissements susceptibles de bénéficier de
l‘exonération prévue point b) du présent article
doivent être reconnus par la législation rwandaise
comme étant des institutions publiques, des
organismes à caractère social et toute autre forme
d‘institutions caritatives sans but lucratif.
les biens et services pédagogiques:
a) services pédagogiques destinés aux élèves
bo mu mashuri y‘incuke, abanza
ayisumbuye n‘amakuru;
b) serivisi y'uburezi ikorwa n'imiryango
iharanira imibereho myiza y'abaturage
ikorewe abanyeshuri n'urundi
rubyiruko mu iterambere
ry‘umuryango, iry'ubumenyi
n'iry'amadini kandi igakorwa ku buryo
budaharanira inyungu;
c) serivisi
y'uburezi ikorewe ibigo
bihugura abakozi;
d) ibikoresho mfashanyigisho bihita
bihabwa ibigo by'uburezi.
Ibigo byemererwa gusonerwa uwo musoro
bigomba kuba byemewe n'amategeko kandi
byujuje ibisabwa.
ibitabo, ibinyamakuru, amagazeti n‘ibindi
bikoresho by‘ikoranabuhanga byakoreshwa
serivisi z'ubwikorezi:
gutwara abantu ku nzira y'ubutaka mu
matagisi n'amabisi yabiherewe uruhushya
n'itegeko rigenga ibinyabiziga binyura mu
muhanda kandi bifite ubushobozi bwo gutwara
abantu cumi na bane (14) bicaye cyangwa
students of nursary, primary, secondary
and higher institutions of learning;
b) educational services provided by social
welfare organizations to students and
other youths, meant for promoting the
social, intellectual
and spiritual
development and for non- profit
making purposes;
educational services provided for
vocational institutions;
d) educational materials supplied directly
to institutions of learning.
Bodies eligible for this exemption shall be
required to be recognised by law and fulfil the
required conditions.
transportation services:
a) transportation of persons by road in a bus
and a coach licensed under the law on
vehicles in traffic and which have a
seating capacity for fourteen (14) persons
or more;
des écoles maternelles, primaires,
secondaires et institutions d‘enseignement
b) les services pédagogiques fournis par des
organismes à caractère social aux élèves
et aux autres jeunes pour le velopement
social, intellectuel et spirituel de leurs
membres et à des fins non-lucratives;
c) les services dagogiques fournis aux
institutions à caracre professionnel;
d) matériels didactiques livrés directement à
des institutions d‘enseignement.
Les établissements susceptibles de bénéficier de
cette exonération doivent être reconnus par la loi et
remplir les conditions requises.
livres, journaux, magazines et autres
équipements éléctroniques utilisés comme
matériels didactiques.
services de transport:
a) transport des personnes par route dans des
minibus et bus autorisés à cet effet par la
loi régissant la circulation routière et ayant
une capacité de quatorze (14) places
assises ou plus;
b) gutwara abantu mu ndege;
c) gutwara abantu cyangwa imizigo mu mato;
d) gutwara ibintu ku nzira y‘ubutaka;
gutiza, kugwatiriza no kugurisha:
a) kugurisha cyangwa kugwatiriza
kugurisha igice cyangwa inzu yose
yagenewe guturwamo bisanzwe;
c) gukodesha cyangwa gutanga
uburenganzira bwo kuba mu nzu
yagenewe byumwihariko guturwamo
n‘umuntu umwe hamwe n‘umuryango
we, igihe cyose ubwo burenganzira
bwo kuyibamo burengeje iminsi
mirongo cyenda (90);
7° serivisi zerekeye imari n‘ubwishingizi:
a) amafaranga yerekeye ubwishingizi
bw‘umubiri no kwivuza;
b) amafaranga banki ikura ku bantu bakoresha
konti zitunguka;
c) ihererekanya ry‘imigabane;
ibicuruzwa byo ku isoko ry‘imari
b) transportation of persons by air;
c) transportation of persons or goods
by boat;
d) transport of goods by road;
lending, lease and sale:
a) sale or lease of a land property;
sale of a whole or part of a building
meant for residential purposes;
renting of or grant of the right to
occupy a house used
predominantly as a place of
residence of one person and
his/her family, if the period of
accommodation for a continuous
term exceeds ninety (90) days;
financial and insurance services:
a) premium charged on life and medical
insurance services;
fees charged on the operation of
current accounts;
c) transfer of shares;
d) capital market transactions for listed
b) transport des personnes par avion;
transport des personnes ou des biens par
d) le transport des biens par voie terrestre;
prêt, bail et vente:
a) vente ou bail d‘une propriété foncière;
b) vente en tout ou en partie d‘un immeuble
à usage résidentiel;
location ou la cession du droit
d‘occupation d‘une maison conçue
principalement comme résidence d‘une
seule personne et sa famille, lorsque la
riode d‘occupation dépasse quatre vingt
dix (90) jours ;
services financiers et d‘assurances :
primes relatives à l‘assurance vie et
médicale ;
frais bancaires imposés sur les
opérations des comptes courants ;
c) transfert d‘actions ;
les titres cotés sur le marché des
amabuye y‘agaciro:
kugurisha Banki Nkuru y‘u Rwanda ibimanyu
bya zahabu;
ibintu cyangwa imirimo ijyana no gushyingura
cyangwa gutwika umurambo harimo n‘itangwa
ry‘uruhushya cyangwa icyemezo cyo
10° ibikoresho bitanga ingufu:
a) amatara akoresha umuriro muke;
b) ibikoresho bishyushya amazi bikoresha
imirasire y‘izuba;
c) uburyo bukoresha ingufu z‘umuyaga;
d) gazi, amacupa yayo n‘ibindi bijyana nayo;
e) ibikoresho bya biogazi;
f) peteroli icanwa, lisansi na mazutu.
11°imigabane itangwa mu mashyirahamwe
y‘abakozi ;
12° ikodesha gurisha ry‘ibintu bisonewe ;
13° ibikomoka ku buhinzi n‘ubworozi byose,
uretse ibitunganyijwe bisonewe umusoro ku
nyongeragaciro. Cyakora, amata yatunganyijwe
mu nganda zo mu gihugu asonewe uwo
musoro ;
14° inyongeramusaruro n‘ibindi bikoresho byo
precious metals:
sale of gold in bullion form to the National Bank
of Rwanda;
any goods or services in the course of burial
or cremation of a body, including the provision
of any related licence or certificate;
10° energy supply equipment:
a) energy saving lamps;
b) solar water-heaters;
c) wind energy systems;
gas, gas cylinders and related
equipment used in the supply of
biogas energy;
f) kerosene intended for domestic use,
premium and gasoil.
11° trades union subscriptions;
12° leasing of exempted goods;
13° all agricultural and livestock
products, except processed ones, which
are exempted from value added tax.
However, milk which is processed in
local industries is exempted from this tax;
14° agricultural input and other
métaux précieux:
la vente à la Banque Nationale du Rwanda de
lingots d‘or;
biens ou services se rapportant à l‘inhumation
ou à l‘incinération d‘un cadavre y compris l‘octroi
d‘une licence ou d‘un certificat ad hoc;
10° équipements de fourniture d‘énergie:
a) lampes économiseurs d‘énergie;
b) réchauffeurs solaires d‘eau;
c) systèmes énergetiques éoliens ;
gaz, cylindres à gaz et le matériel y
e) matériel utilidans la fourniture de
l‘énergie du biogaz ;
f) pétrole
lampant pour l‘usage
domestique, essence et diesel.
11° cotisations dans les organisations syndicales ;
12° locations-ventes des biens exonérés ;
13° tous les produits agricoles et d‘élevage, sauf
s‘ils sont transformés, sont exonérés de la taxe sur
la valeur ajoutée. Toutefois, le lait transformé
dans les industries locales est exonéré de cette
taxe ;
14° intrants agricoles et autres matériels et
mu buhinzi n‘ubworozi
bigenwa n‘iteka rya
15° ibintu na serivisi bikurikira bitumijwe mu
mahanga n‘abantu bafite icyemezo
cy‘ishoramari bisonewe umusoro ku
a) imashini zo mu nganda;
b) ibikoresho fatizo byo mu nganda;
c) ibikoresho by‘ubwubatsi n‘ibikoreshwa mu
kurangiza neza ibyubatswe bitumijwe
n‘umushoramari wujuje ibyangombwa
bigenwa n‘Iteka rya Minisitiri;
imodoka zifite ibyuma bikonjesha,
izikoreshwa mu bukerarugendo, izitwara
abarwayi, izizimya inkongi y‘umuriro
n‘izitwara imirambo;
e) imodoka n‘ibikoresho byimukanwa
by‘abashoramari b‘abanyamahanga
n‘ab‘abanyarwanda batuye mu mahanga
n‘abakozi babo b‘abanyamahanga;
ibikoresho byo mu bukerarugendo no mu
mahoteli n‘iby‘ahantu ho kuruhukira biri ku
rutonde rugenwa n‘Iteka rya Minisitiri;
g) ibikoresho na serivisi bigenewe ahantu
hakorerwa ibikorwa by‘ubukungu
h) ibikoresho by‘ubuvuzi, imiti, ibikoresho
byo mu buhinzi, ubworozi, uburobyi
agricultural and livestock equipments
provided by an Order of the Minister;
15° the following goods and services
imported by persons with investment
certificate are exempted from value
added tax:
a) Industrial machinery;
b) raw materials for industries;
c) building and finishing materials
imported by an investor fulfilling the
requirements determined by an Order
of the Minister;
d) refrigerating vehicles, tourist
vehicles, ambulances, fire-
extinguishing vehicles and hearses;
vehicles and movable property and
equipment for foreign investors and
Rwandans living abroad and their
expatriate staff;
equipment for tourism and hotel
and relaxation
appearing on the list determined by an
Order of the Minister;
goods and services meant for free
economic zone;
h) medical equipment, drugs, agricultural
equipment input, livestock and fishing
équipements agricoles et d‘élevage établis par un
arrêté du Ministre;
15° biens et services suivants importés par des
personnes tentrices d‘un certificat
d‘investissement sont exemptés de la taxe sur la
valeur ajoutée:
a) machines indutrielles;
b) matières premières pour les industries;
c) matériaux de construction et finissage
importés par un investisseur remplissant
les conditions fixées par arrêté du
d) véhicules frigorifiques, véhicules pour
touristes, ambulances, camions-citernes
pour services d‘incendie et les corbillards;
e) hicules et biens
meubles et
équipements des investisseurs étrangers et
rwandais résidant à l‘étranger ainsi que
leur personnel expatr;
f) équipements destinés au tourisme, à
l‘hôtellerie et aux lieux de détente
figurant sur la liste déterminé par un
arrêté du Ministre;
g) biens et services destinés à une zone
économique franche;
h) équipements médicaux, médicaments,
matériel et équipement agricoles,
Official Gazette n° Special of 05/02/2013
i) ibikoresho byo mu rwego rw‘uburezi;
j) indege zihariye zitwara ba mukerarugendo.
Ubusonerwe buvugwa mu gace ka a), h) na i)
bugenewe abashoramari bose n‘iyo baba badafite
icyemezo cy‘ishoramari.
16° telefoni zigendanwa na SIM card;
17° ibikoresho by‘ikoranabuhanga, itumanaho
n‘ikwirakwizwa ry‘amakuru biri ku mugereka
w‘iri tegeko.
Ingingo ya
7: Ibintu na serivisi byakwa
umusoro ku ijanisha rya zeru ndetse bikaba
Ku byerekeye ishyirwa mu bikorwa ry‘iri tegeko,
ibintu cyangwa serivisi bisoreshwa ku ijanisha
rya zeru nk‘uko bivugwa mu ngingo ya gatanu
(5) ndetse bikaba binasonewe nk‘uko bivugwa
mu ngingo ya gatandatu
(6) bifatwa
nk‘ibisoreshwa ku ijanisha rya zeru.
Ingingo ya 8: Ibintu na serivisi
Ibikorwa bikurikira byitwa gutanga ibintu:
equipment and agricultural input;
i) didactical equipment ;
j) special tourist aeroplanes.
Exemptions referred to under Sub Paragraph a),
h) and i) concern all investors even if they do not
possess the investment certificate.
16° mobile telephones and SIM card;
Article 8: Goods and services
d‘élevage, piscicole et intrants agricoles;
i) matériel didactique;
j) avions spéciaux pour touristes.
Les exonérations prévues aux points a), h) et i)
concernent tous les investisseurs même ceux qui
ne possèdent pas de certificat d‘investissement.
16° téléphones portables et carte SIM;
17° matériel de la technologie, de la
communication et de l‘information dont la liste se
trouve en annexe de la présente loi.
Article 7: Biens et services imposés au taux
ro et exorés
Aux fins de l‘application de la présente loi, les
biens ou services imposés au taux zero
conformément à l‘article
5 et éxonérés
conformément à l‘article 6 sont considérés
comme imposés au taux zéro.
Article 8: Biens et services
Les actes suivants constituent une livraison des
igurana, cyangwa gutanga
uburenganzira bwo gutunga ibintu nka
kugwatiriza ibintu mu rwego rw‘amasezerano
Ikintu cyose gikozwe kitari ugutanga ibintu
cyangwa amafaranga kiba ari ugutanga serivisi,
habariwemo :
gutanga cyangwa kurekera undi muntu
uburenganzira ;
gutanga uburyo bwo korohereza;
kwihanganira ibyabaye;
kwirinda gukora ikintu icyo aricyo cyose;
5°kugwatiriza ibintu mu rwego rw‘amasezerano
y‘ikodesha-gurisha rigamije ahanini gukodesha.
Ingingo ya 9: Ibintu cyangwa serivisi
Haseguriwe ibivugwa muri iri tegeko, gutanga
ibintu cyangwa serivisi zihariye nk‘igikorwa
cyunganira ikindi cy‘ubundi bwoko cy‘ibanze
bifatwa nk‘aho ari igice cy‘igikorwa cy‘ibanze.
Ingingo ya 10: Igihe cyo kwaka umusoro
Haseguriwe ibivugwa mu bika bikurikira, igihe
giteganijwe umusoro wakirwa ku bintu no kuri
sale, exchange, or other transfer of the right to
dispose goods by the owner;
lease of goods under a leasing agreement;
Any act done but not supply of goods or money
is considered as an act of service delivery which
the transfer or surrender of any right to any
other person;
provision of any means for facilitation;
the toleration of any situation;
the refraining from doing any act;
Article 9: Complementary goods or services
Article 10: Taxation period
Without prejudice to the following paragraphs,
the taxation period for the supply of goods and
vente, échange ou autre cession de droit à
disposer des biens par le propriétaire;
bail des biens dans le cadre d‘un contrat de
Toute autre opération qui n‘est pas une livraison
de biens ou d‘argent est une prestation de
services, y compris :
la cession ou la remise d‘un droit;
la mise à disposition de toute facilité ou d‘un
avantage ;
la tolérance d‘une situation ;
s‘abstenir de poser un acte quelconque ;
le bail des biens dans le cadre d‘un contrat de
crédit-bail d‘opération.
Article 9: Biens ou services complémentaires
Sous réserve des dispositions de la présente loi,
une fourniture de biens ou services de nature
particulière qui est complémentaire à un bien ou
service d‘une autre nature est considérée comme
faisant partie de la fourniture principale.
Article 10: Moment d’imposition
Sans préjudice des alinéas suivants, le moment
d‘imposition pour les biens et services est celui
serivisi ni ikibanziriza ibindi mu bihe bikurikira:
ku itariki inyemezabuguzi itangiweho ;
ku itariki igicuruzwa cyangwa serivisi
byishyuriweho harimo n‘ubwishyu bw‘igice.
Cyakora, aka gace ntikareba avansi ihabwa
abubaka nyuma bakazayisubiza bayikura mu
nyemezabuguzi bakorera umukiriya ;
ku itariki ibintu bivaniwe mu mazu ya nyiri
ukubitanga cyangwa biherewe uwo bigenewe ;
ku itariki iyo serivisi yakorewe.
Ku birebana n'amashanyarazi, amazi cyangwa
ikindi kintu, ibintu cyangwa umurimo bibarwa
hakoreshejwe mubazi, igihe cyo guca umusoro
kiba igihe mubazi cyangwa ubundi buryo bwose
bwo kubara bukoreshwa bwerekana umubare
ukurikira ibipimo biheruka gukoreshwa.
Igihe cyo kwaka umusoro ku muntu uhagaritse
kwiyandisha ku musoro ku nyongeragaciro kiba
ako kanya mbere y‘uko ukwiyandikisha
Ibintu cyangwa serivisi bisoreshwa bivugwa mu
ngingo ya 4 y‘iri tegeko, bikoreshejwe muri
gahunda z‘umuntu ku giti cye cyangwa
byakoreshejwe mu buryo busonewe kwaka
services shall be the one that is the earliest
among the following:
1° the date on which the invoice is issued;
the date on which the service is delivered.
Taxation of goods or services under Article 4 of
this Law used for personal purpose or used as
exempted goods and services occurs on the date
on which goods or services are consumed.
qui précède les autres parmi les moments
la date à laquelle la facture est établie;
la date à laquelle tout paiement y compris le
paiement partiel est effectué. Cependant, ce point
ne concerne pas l‘avance accordée au
constructeur qui, par la suite, la rembourse en la
déduisant de la facture adressée au client ;
la date à laquelle les biens sont enlevés des
locaux du fournisseur ou sont mis à la disposition
du néficiaire;
la date à laquelle le service est réellement
S'agissant de l'électricité, de l'eau ou de tout autre
bien, les biens ou services mesurables par
compteur, le moment d‘imposition est celui
auquel le compteur ou un autre appareil de
mesure indique les unités relevées après la
Le moment d‘imposition en cas de cessation
d‘enregistrement à la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée est
celui qui précède immédiatement la levée de
L‘imposition prévue à l‘article 4 de la présente loi
sur les biens ou services utilisés à des fins
personnels ou comme des biens et services
exonérés devient effective à la date à laquelle les
umusoro biba ku itariki ibintu cyangwa serivisi
Ingingo ya 11: Agaciro k’ibintu na serivisi
Agaciro gasoreshwa kuri buri kintu cyangwa
serivisi kagenwa ku buryo bukurikira :
uretse ibyo iri tegeko riteganya ukundi,
agaciro gasoreshwa ku kintu cyangwa kuri
serivisi ni ikiguzi cyabyo cyarishywe n‘abaguzi
mu mafaranga ;
agaciro gasoreshwa ku kintu no kuri serivisi ni
ako bihabwa iyo bishyizwe ku masoko,
hatabariwemo umusoro ku nyongeragaciro, iyo
ibintu byaguzwe cyangwa serivisi zakozwe:
a) hadatanzwe ikiguzi
mu mafaranga;
cyangwa ;
b) hatanzwe ikiguzi igice kimwe mu mafaranga
n'ikindi mu bitari amafaranga;
c) hatanzwe ikiguzi kiri munsi y'agaciro ibintu
cyangwa serivisi bifite ku isoko.
Ingingo ya 12 : Kugura serivisi zo mu
Iyo umusoreshwa yakiriye serivisi ahawe
n‘umuntu uri hanze y‘u Rwanda, umusoreshwa
afatwa nk‘uwatanze serivisi zisoreshwa kandi
akaba yarakiriye umusoro wakiriwe ahawe
Article 11: Value of goods and services
The taxable value of each good or service is
determined as follows:
except where this Law provides otherwise, the
taxable value on goods or services is the
consideration paid in money by the recipient;
the taxable value on goods and services is the
fair market value, exclusive of the value added
tax, if goods or services are supplied for:
a) a non-monetary consideration;
b) a monetary consideration for one part and
non-monetary for the other;
c) consideration that is less than the market
value of the goods or services.
Article 12: Acquisition of foreign services
biens ou services sont consommés.
Article 11: Valeur des biens et services
La valeur imposable de chaque bien ou service est
terminée comme suit:
sauf disposition contraire de la présente loi, la
valeur imposable d‘un bien ou service est la
contrepartie payée en argent par le bénéficiaire ;
la valeur imposable de biens et de services est
la juste valeur marchande des biens ou services, la
taxe sur la valeur ajoutée non incluse, lorsque les
biens sont vendus ou les services sont prestés
a) une contrepartie non monétaire;
b) une contrepartie qui est partiellement
monétaire et partiellement non monétaire ;
c) une contrepartie qui est inrieure à la valeur du
marché des biens ou des services.
Article 12: Achat de services étrangers
Si un contribuable reçoit les services d‘une
personne résidant en dehors du Rwanda, il est
considé comme s‘il avait rendu des services
imposables et a reçu un impôt aval de la part de
n‘uwo muntu utaba mu Rwanda.
Gutanga serivisi bifatwa nk‘ibyakozwe ku itariki
izo serivisi zatangiweho n‘umuntu uba hanze y‘u
Rwanda ku gaciro kagenwa mu ngingo ya 11
y‘iri tegeko. Umusoro wakiriwe utangwa ku
itariki yo gutanga imenyesha ry‘umusoro ku
nyongeragaciro mu gihe cy‘isoreshwa izo serivisi
zatanzwemo. Umusoro wakiriwe ugomba
kugaragara ku mpamyabwishyu yakoreshejwe
mu kwishyura uwatanze serivisi zivuye mu
mahanga, kandi iyo nyandiko ifatwa
nk‘inyemezabuguzi y‘umusoro ku
Hatitawe ku bivugwa mu gika cya mbere n‘icya 2
by‘iyi ngingo, abaguzi ba serivisi zivuye mu
mahanga zitaboneka mu Rwanda, bemerewe
kuvana umwenda w‘umusoro ku kiranguzo mu
musoro wakiriwe.
Serivisi zifatwa nk‘aho zitaboneka mu Rwanda
iyo nta muntu n‘umwe utanga serivisi nk‘izo
cyangwa izisa na zo ku masoko yo mu gihugu.
Ingingo ya 13: Igihe cyo gutumiza ibintu mu
Ibintu biba bitumijwe mu mahanga ku itariki
byinjiriyeho ku butaka bw‘u Rwanda hakurikijwe
outside Rwanda.
Article 13: Time for importation of goods
Importation of goods occurs on the date on
which the goods enter Rwandan territory under
cette personne qui réside en dehors du Rwanda.
La prestation des services est considérée comme
ayant été effectuée à la date lesdits services ont
été accomplis par la personne qui réside en dehors
du Rwanda pour une valeur déterminée prévue à
l‘article 11 de la présente loi. L‘imt aval est
payable à la date de la déclaration de la taxe sur la
valeur ajoutée pour la riode au cours de laquelle
les services ont été accomplis. L‘impôt aval doit
figurer sur le reçu justifiant le payement au
prestataire des services provenant de l‘étranger, et
ce document est considéré comme une facture de
la taxe sur la valeur ajoue.
Nonobstant les dispositions des alinéas premier et
2 du présent article, les bénéficiaires des services
provenant de l‘étranger qui ne sont pas
disponibles au Rwanda sont autorisés à déduire
l‘impôt amont de l‘impôt aval.
Les services sont considérés comme n‘étant pas
disponibles au Rwanda s‘il n‘existe aucune
personne qui offre des services identiques ou
similaires sur le marché local.
Article 13: Moment de l’importation des biens
L‘importation des biens a lieu à la date à laquelle
ces biens entrent sur le territoire du Rwanda
conformément à la législation douanre.
ibyo amategeko ya gasutamo ateganya.
Ingingo ya 14: Agaciro fatizo mu gusoresha
ibintu bitumizwa mu mahanga
Haseguriwe ibivugwa mu bika bikurikira, agaciro
fatizo mu gusoresha ibintu bitumizwa mu
mahanga ni igiteranyo cy‘ibi bikurikira :
agaciro k‘ibintu ku byerekeye ishyira mu
bikorwa ry‘imisoro n‘amahoro ya gasutamo
hakurikijwe amategeko ya gasutamo, uwo
musoro waba wakwa cyangwa utakwa kuri
ibyo bintu bitumizwa mu mahanga;
ku bitavugwa mu gace ka 1º k‘iyi ngingo:
a) ikiguzi cy‘ubwishingizi n‘icy‘ubwikorezi
bw‘ibintu biva mu mahanga bizanwa mu
Rwanda ;
b) ikiguzi cya serivisi zifatwa nk‘izagize uruhare
mu gutumiza ibintu mu mahanga.
umubare w‘amahoro ya gasutamo, umusoro ku
byacurujwe, amahoro y‘icyambu, cyangwa
indi misoro itari umusoro ku nyongeragaciro
yakwa ku bintu bitumijwe mu mahanga.
Iyo ibintu byongeye kugarurwa mu Rwanda
nyuma yo gusubizwa mu mahanga kugira ngo
bisanwe, bigirwe bishya cyangwa binononsorwe
kurushaho, kandi imiterere yabyo ikaba
itarahindutse, agaciro kabyo ni umubare
the Customs legislation.
Article 14: Basic value for taxation of
imported goods
1° the value of the goods for the implementation
customs duty under the customs legislation,
whether or not such a duty is payable on such
imported goods;
for matters not specified under Sub Paragraph 1°
of this Article:
the cost for services which facilitate the
import of goods.
Article 14: Valeur de base pour l’imposition
des biens importés
Sans préjudice des dispositions des alinéas
suivants, la valeur des biens importés est la
somme de (s):
la valeur des biens pour l‘application des droits
douaniers dans le cadre de la législation
douanière, que ces droits soient applicables ou
non sur ces biens importés;
matières non prévues par le point du présent
a) le coût de l‘assurance et du transport
encouru pour importer les biens au
le coût des services ayant permis
l‘importation des biens.
le montant de toute taxe douanière, accise, frais
portuaires, ou autre charge fiscale autre que la
taxe sur la valeur ajoutée payable en rapport avec
Si les biens sont réimportés après être exportés
pour réparation, novation ou amélioration, et
que leur nature n‘a pas changé, la valeur de
l‘importation est le montant de l‘augmentation de
la valeur des biens résultant de la réparation, de la
w‘ubwiyongere bw‘agaciro k‘ibyo bintu katewe
n‘uko gusanwa, kugirwa bishya cyangwa
Ingingo ya 15: Kwemererwa umusoro ku
Haseguriwe ibiteganywa n‘iri tegeko, iyo ibintu
byose cyangwa serivisi bitanzwe n‘umusoreshwa
mu gihe cy‘isoreshwa ry‘umusoro ku
nyongeragaciro ari ibintu na servisi bisoreshwa,
umusoreshwa yemererwa umusoro ku kiranguzo
ku byerekeye ibyaguzwe bisoreshwa cyangwa
ibintu bitumizwa mu mahanga bisoreshwa mu
gihe cy‘isoreshwa kugira ngo agurishe ibintu
cyangwa atange serivisi zisoreshwa.
Iyo umusoreshwa yaguze mu gihugu cyangwa
yatumije mu mahanga ibintu cyangwa serivisi
bisoreshwa bifite aho bihuriye, ku buryo
buziguye cyangwa butaziguye, ku ruhande
rumwe n‘igice cy‘ibicuruzwa cyangwa serivisi
bisoreshwa no ku rundi ruhande n‘igice cy‘ibintu
cyangwa serivisi bisonewe, igiteranyo
cy‘umusoro ku kiranguzo wemewe ni igice
cy‘umusoro utangwa ku bicuruzwa cyangwa
serivisi bisoreshwa bijyanye n‘ubucuruzi bwe
Nta musoro ku kiranguzo wemewe iyo
ibyaguzwe mu gihugu cyangwa ibyatumijwe mu
or improvement.
Article 15: Allowance of input tax
Without prejudice to the provisions of this Law,
all goods or services supplied by a taxpayer
during a value added tax period are taxable goods
and services, the taxpayer is allowed a credit of
the input tax paid in respect of taxable
acquisitions or taxable imported goods during the
tax period for the purposes of selling or
delivering taxable goods and services.
If a taxpayer purchased in the country or
imported taxable goods or services which are
directly or indirectly related, on one hand partly
to taxable goods or services and partly to
exempted goods or services on the other, the sum
of the input tax is a portion of the tax paid to the
taxable goods or services in relation with his/her
taxable business.
novation ou de l‘amélioration.
Article 15: Acceptation de l’impôt amont
Sans préjudice des dispositions de la présente loi,
si tous les biens ou services fournis par un
contribuable au cours de la période de la taxe sur
la valeur ajoutée sont des biens ou services
imposables, il est accordé au contribuable un
crédit d‘impôt amont payé sur les acquisitions ou
les biens importés imposables au cours de la
période d‘imposition dans le but de vendre des
biens imposables ou de prester des services
Si un contribuable a acquis au pays ou a importé
les biens ou services imposables ayant des liens
directs ou indirects d‘une part en partie avec les
biens ou services imposables et d‘autre part en
partie avec les biens ou services exonérés, la
somme de l‘impôt amont autorisé est une portion
de la taxe attribuée aux biens ou services
imposables en relation avec ses affaires
Aucun impôt amont n‘est accordé tant que
l‘acquisition imposable ou l‘importation des biens
mahanga bigamije gukoreshwa n‘umuntu ku giti
Umusoro ku kiranguzo usubizwa iyo ibintu
bisoreshwa byaguzwe cyangwa byatumijwe mu
mahanga. Cyakora, iyo mu gihe cyo gutanga
imenyesha ry‘umusoro ku nyongeragaciro
ugendanye n‘igihe cy‘isoreshwa ry‘umwenda
w‘umusoro ku kiranguzo ubundi wari ukwiye
kuba watangwa ukundi hakurikije ibyo iri tegeko
riteganya, umuntu udafite inyandiko za ngombwa
zimwemerera gusaba umusoro ku kiranguzo,
umusoro ku kiranguzo ntutangwa muri icyo gihe
ahubwo utangwa mu gihe cya mbere cy‘umusoro
ku nyongeragaciro umusoreshwa afitiye ibya
ngombwa biba gusa bitarengeje imyaka ibiri (2)
nyuma y‘igihe ibyaguzwe bisoreshwa cyangwa
ibyatumijwe mu mahanga bisoreshwa uwo
mwenda usabirwa.
Ingingo ya 16: Umusoro ku kiranguzo ku
musoreshwa wiyandikishije vuba
Haseguriwe ibivugwa muri iri tegeko, umuntu
wiyandikishije ku musoro ku nyongeragaciro
ashobora gusaba, mu imenyesha rye rya mbere,
umusoro ku kiranguzo ugenwa hakurikijwe
ingingo ya 15 y‘iri tegeko wishyuwe ku
bicuruzwa yari afite ku munsi yiyandikishijeho,
iyo ku munsi wa nyuma ubanziriza itariki
yiyandikishijeho, umusoreshwa yari afite ibintu
mu bubiko.
Usaba umusoro ku kiranguzo agomba
for personal purposes.
An input tax is allowed when the taxable goods
are acquired or imported. However, if at the time
of a value added tax declaration for a tax period
in which an input tax would otherwise be
allowed under this Law, a taxpayer who does not
have the relevant documents for input tax claim,
the input tax is not allowed in that period but
instead it is allowed in the first value added tax
period in which the taxpayer holds such
documents provided that they are not exceeding
two (2) years after the time of the taxable goods
are acquired or imported for which the credit
Article 16: Input tax for a newly registered
The taxpayer who claims for an input tax shall
ou services imposables est destinée à des fins
Un impôt amont est accordé au moment de
l‘acquisition ou de l‘importation des biens
imposables. Cependant, si, au moment de la
déclaration de la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée pour
une période d‘imposition dans laquelle un impôt
amont serait autrement attribuable en vertu de la
présente loi, le contribuable ne dispose pas des
documents nécessaires pour appuyer sa demande
d‘imt amont, celui-ci n‘est pas accordé dans
cette période d‘imposition mais est plutôt accordé
au cours de la première période d‘imposition de la
taxe sur la valeur ajoutée pour laquelle ce
contribuable détient les documents nécessaires à
condition que la validité de ces derniers ne
dépasse pas deux (2) ans à compter du moment de
l‘acquisition ou de l‘importation des biens
imposables auxquels l‘imt amont se rapporte.
Article 16: Impôt amont pour un contribuable
nouvellement enregistré
Sans préjudice des dispositions de la présente loi,
une personne enregistrée à la taxe sur la valeur
ajoutée peut demander, dans sa première
claration, l‘impôt amont terminé
conformément à l‘article 15 de la présente loi,
payé sur les biens détenus à la date
d‘enregistrement, si à la fin du dernier jour
précédant la date d‘enregistrement, le
contribuable détenait les biens en stock.
Le contribuable qui demande l‘impôt amont doit
Official Gazette n° Special of 05/02/2013
kugaragaza impapuro zikurikira:
1° impamyabuguzi y‘umusoro ku
nyongeragaciro, ku byerekeye ibintu na
serivisi bisoreshwa;
impapuro za gasutamo zemewe zigaragaza
ko yishyuye, ku byerekeye ibintu byatumijwe
mu mahanga bisoreshwa;
inyandiko igaragaza ko umusoro ku
nyongeragaciro wavanywemo hakurikijwe
ingingo ya
23 y‘iri tegeko, ku byerekeye
umusoro ku kiranguzo ufatwa nkaho
wishyuwe hakurikijwe ingingo ya 15 y‘iri
ku byerekeye umusoro ku kiranguzo utangwa
hakurikijwe ingingo ya 15 y‘iri tegeko, kopi
y‘inyandiko igaragaza ko umusoro ku
wavanywemo yahawe
Ingingo ya 17: Kutemererwa umusoro ku
Nta musoro ku kiranguzo wemewe ku bintu
1º imodoka itwara abagenzi, cyangwa ibyuma
by‘imodoka cyangwa ku mirimo yo gukoresha
no gufata neza iyo modoka, keretse iyo
ubucuruzi bw‘umusoreshwa bugamije
gucuruza iyo modoka cyangwa kuyikodesha
kandi iyo modoka ikaba yaraguriwe
gukoreshwa muri ubwo bucuruzi;
provide the following documents:
the value added tax invoice, in the case of
taxable goods and services;
the value added tax debit note issued in
accordance with Article 23 of this Law, in the
case of input tax considered as paid under Article
15 of this Law;
Article 17: Denial of input tax
No input tax is allowed on the following goods:
passenger vehicle, or spare parts or repair and
maintenance services for such a vehicle, unless
the taxpayer‘s business involves the re-sale or
rent of such a vehicle and the vehicle was solely
acquired for the purpose of such taxpayer‘s
présenter les documents suivants :
la facture de la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée,
lorsqu‘il s‘agit de biens et services imposables;
tout document de la douane qui atteste le
paiement, lorsqu‘il s‘agit des biens importés
la note de débit de la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée
délivrée en vertu de l‘article 23 de la présente loi,
lorsqu‘il s‘agit d‘un impôt amont considéré
comme payé en vertu de l‘article 15 de la présente
une copie de la note de crédit de la taxe sur la
valeur ajoutée délivrée au bénéficiaire, lorsqu‘il
s‘agit d‘un impôt amont accordé en vertu de
l‘article 15 de la présente loi.
Article 17: Refus d’accorder l’impôt amont
Aucun impôt amont n‘est accordé sur les biens
un véhicule de transport de personnes, ou des
pièces de rechange ou des services de réparation
et de maintenance pour un tel véhicule, à moins
que les affaires du contribuable ne consistent dans
la revente ou la location de ce véhicule et que le
hicule a éacheen vue de telles affaires ;
Official Gazette n° Special of 05/02/2013
ibintu byaguzwe cyangwa byatumijwe mu
mahanga kugira ngo bikoreshwe mu bikorwa
byo kwidagadura,
keretse ubucuruzi
bw‘umusoreshwa burimo ibijyanye no
kwidagadura kandi uko kwidagadura kukaba
guteganyijwe mu mirimo isanzwe y‘ubwo
bucuruzi kandi bitarahawe
umufatanyabikorwa cyangwa umukozi ;
ibintu byaguzwe bikoreshwa mu rwego
rw‘amacumbi, keretse:
a) ubucuruzi bw‘umusoreshwa burimo no
gucumbikira abantu kandi amacumbi
akaba ateganyijwe mu mirimo isanzwe
y‘ubwo bucuruzi;
icumbi ryarahawe umuntu wari kure
y‘urugo rwe ku nyungu z‘ikigo
uwacumbikiwe akorera cyangwa ku
nyungu z‘umukoresha we;
ibintu byaguzwe biha umuntu uwo ariwe wese
uburenganzira bwo kuba umunyamuryango
cyangwa kwinjira mu ishyirahamwe rikora
ibikorwa bya siporo, gusabana, clubs zo
kwidagadura no kuruhuka n‘ibindi.
Umusoro ku nyongeragaciro utangwa kubera
inyungu ikomoka kuri bene ubwo bucuruzi nko
gucuruza telefoni n‘amashanyarazi, ku buryo
imikoreshereze yabyo idashobora
gutandukanywa ngo hamenyekane
ibyakoreshejwe mu mirimo ireba umuntu ku giti
cye n‘iyo mu bucuruzi bwe, uhwanye na 40%
goods acquired or imported for entertainment
purposes unless the taxpayer‘s business involves
providing entertainment and the entertainment is
provided in the ordinary course of that business
and was not entrusted to a partner or employee;
a) the taxpayer‘s
business involves
providing accommodation services and
the accommodation is provided in the
ordinary course of that business;
b) the accommodation was provided to the
person who was away from his/her usual
residential home for the interest of the
business or employer‘s interests;
the acquired goods give right to membership
or accession for any person to an association of
sporting, social, recreational clubs.
Value added tax paid on such business overheads
as in the case of telephones and electricity whose
use cannot be practically separable from private
and business use shall be equal to 40% of the
input tax.
des biens acquis ou importés à des fins de
divertissement, sauf si les affaires du contribuable
comprennent le divertissement et que ce
divertissement est prévu dans le cours normal de
ces affaires et n‘a pas été confié à un partenaire
ou à un employé;
les biens acquis pour être utilisés dans le cadre
de logement, sauf si:
a) les affaires du contribuable comprennent
la fourniture de logements et que les
logements sont prévus dans le cours
normal de ces affaires;
b) le logement a été fourni à une personne se
trouvant loin de sa résidence habituelle
pour les interêts des affaires de son
les biens acquis donnent lieu au droit
d‘adhésion ou d‘accès de toute personne à une
association sportive, sociale, clubs créatifs, etc.
La taxe sur la valeur ajoutée payée sur les frais
généraux de ce genre d‘affaires comme pour les
léphones et l‘électricité dont l‘utilisation ne peut
pratiquement être séparée d‘une affaire privée est
égale à 40% de l‘impôt amont.
by‘umusoro ku kiranguzo.
Komiseri Mukuru agena umusoro ku kiranguzo
ushobora kutemerwa ku bintu byaguzwe
bisoreshwa cyangwa ibyaturutse mu mahanga
bisoreshwa bivugwa mu gika cya mbere cy‘iyi
Ingingo ya 18: Ibishobora gukorwa nyuma yo
Impamvu zatuma haba impinduka nyuma
y‘igurisha ni izi zikurikira:
ibintu bisoreshwa cyangwa serivisi zisoreshwa
imiterere y‘ibintu bisoreshwa cyangwa serivisi
zisoreshwa yahindutse cyangwa yononekaye;
ikiguzi cy‘ibintu bisoreshwa cyangwa serivisi
zisoreshwa cyahindutse;
ibintu cyangwa igice cyabyo byasubijwe ku
wo byavuyeho.
Ingingo ya 19: Impinduka ku musoro ku
nyongeragaciro nyuma y’igurisha
Iyo habayeho impinduka zatewe n‘impamvu
zivugwa mu ngingo ya 18 y‘iri tegeko ku bintu
na serivise bisoreshwa bigatuma umusoro
Article 18: Post-sale adjustments
if taxable goods or services no longer existing;
if the nature of taxable goods or services is
changed or damaged;
if goods or part of the goods are returned to
the supplier.
19: Value added tax post-sale
Le Commissaire néral termine l‘impôt amont
qui n‘est pas accordé sur les biens acquis
imposables ou sur les biens importés imposables
mentionnés à l‘alinéa premier du présent article.
Article 18: Ajustements aps vente
Les circonstances d‘ajustement après-vente sont
les suivantes:
les biens ou services imposables n‘existent
la nature des biens ou services imposables est
modifiée ou endommagée;
la contrepartie des biens ou services
imposables a éte modifiée;
les biens ou une partie des biens sont
retournés au fournisseur.
Article 19: Ajustements de la taxe sur la valeur
ajoutée après vente
Si un ajustement intervient en vertu des
circonstances visées à l‘article 18 de la présente
loi sur les biens et services imposables de telle
watanzwe n‘ugurisha ujya hejuru y‘uwagombaga
kwishyurwa, ugurisha afata uwo musoro
w‘inyongera nk‘umusoro ku kiranguzo wishyuwe
ku bintu cyangwa serivisi akawusubizwa.
Cyakora, iyo ugurisha yagurishije ibyo bintu
cyangwa serivisi ku muntu utariyandikishije ku
musoro ku nyongeragaciro,
gusubizwa umusoro w‘inyongera ari uko
agaragaje ko yawusubije uwaguze.
Uwaguze wiyandikishije afata umusoro
w‘inyongera nk‘umusoro wakwa ku bintu
cyangwa serivisi byacurujwe.
Iyo habayeho impinduka ku bintu na servisi
bisoreshwa bigatuma umusoro wishyuwe
n‘ugurisha uba hasi y‘ugomba kwishyurwa, icyo
gihe uwaguze wiyandikishije asabwa kwishyura
umusoro ku nyongeragaciro uhwanye n‘ako
gaciro kiyongereye katewe n‘iyo mpinduka.
Uwaguze wiyandikishije afata umusoro
w‘inyongera nk‘umusoro usubizwa.
Ingingo ya 20: Ihinduka rikorwa nyuma yo
kugurisha rijyanye n’imyenda idashobora
Iyo usoreshwa wiyandikishije afite ibintu
cyangwa serivisi yagemuye ku kiguzi kandi
akaba yarishyuye Komiseri Mukuru imisoro yose
added tax paid in respect of the taxable goods or
services exceed the value added tax to be duly
payable by the supplier, the seller benefits the
balance as a deductible input tax. However, if the
seller, delivered taxable goods or services to a
value added tax non-registered person, the seller
shall be allowed to benefit the balance as a
deductible input tax only when he/she
substantially proves that the balance was repaid
to the recipient.
The registered buyer shall consider the additional
tax as output tax on taxable goods or services.
20: Post-sale adjustment for
unrecoverable debts
sorte que la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée réellement
déclarée et payée par le fournisseur dépasse la
taxe sur la valeur ajoutée qui devait être
initialement payée sur ces biens ou services, le
fournisseur doit considérer le montant de
l‘excédent comme un impôt amont déductible.
Toutefois, si le fournisseur a vendu les biens ou
services à une personne non enregistrée à la taxe
sur la valeur ajoutée, la duction de cette taxe
supplémentaire n‘est autorisée que si le
fournisseur justifie qu‘il a remis cette taxe sur la
valeur ajoutée au bénéficiaire.
Le bénéficiaire enregistré considère la taxe
supplémentaire comme un impôt aval des biens
ou services vendues.
Si un ajustement sur les biens et services
imposables entraîne la diminution de la taxe
payée par le fournisseur par rapport à la taxe
normalement imposable, le bénéficiaire enregistré
est invité à payer la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée
correspondant à la valeur additionnelle provenant
de l‘ajustement après vente.
Le bénéficiaire enregistré considère la taxe
supplémentaire comme une taxe remboursable.
Article 20: Ajustement après vente pour
créances irrécouvrables
Si un fournisseur enregista livré des biens ou
des services moyennant contrepartie et a payé
toutes les taxes y relatives au Commissaire
Official Gazette n° Special of 05/02/2013
yakwa kuri ibyo bintu n‘izo serivisi, ariko mu
gihe cy‘amezi makumyabiri n‘ane (24) nyuma yo
kugemura ibyo bintu akaba atarishyurwa
amafaranga yose cyangwa igice cyayo
n‘umuguzi, uwagemuye ibintu cyangwa serivisi
wiyandikishije yemerwa gusubizwa umusoro
wishyuwe atabonye, amaze kuzuza ibisabwa
umubare w‘amafaranga ahwanye n‘umwenda
yari yarabariwe mbere ku bintu cyangwa serivisi
bisoreshwa ;
2º umwenda wasibwe mu bitabo by‘ibaruramari
by‘uwagemuye ibintu cyangwa watanze serivisi ;
uwagemuye ibintu cyangwa uwatanze serivisi
yanyuze mu nzira zishoboka zose kugira ngo
yishyuze kandi akerekana ibimenyetso bifatika
bigaragaza ko umufitye umwenda adashobora
Ingingo ya
21: Kubara umusoro ku
nyongeragaciro wakwa mu gihe cy’isoreshwa
Umubare w‘umusoro ku nyongeragaciro
umusoreshwa agomba kugeza ku Buyobozi
bw‘Imisoro mu gihe cy‘isoreshwa ni wo musoro
wakwa muri icyo gihe. Uwo musoro ubarwa
havanyweho umusoro ku kiranguzo wemerewe
General, but has not within twenty (24) months
after the delivery of such goods and services
received payment in whole or in part from the
recipient, the registered supplier is allowed a
refund of the tax paid for which he/she did not
receive upon fulfilling the following conditions:
the debt is written off in the books of
accounts of the supplier of goods or services;
The amount of value added tax that a taxpayer
must remit to the tax administration in the
taxation period is the tax payable for the period.
The tax is calculated by deducting the input tax
allowed to the taxpayer under Articles 15, 16 and
Général, mais n‘a pas reçu, au cours des vingt
(24) mois suivant cette fourniture, le
paiement intégral ou partiel de la part du
bénéficaire, il lui est accordé la restitution de la
taxe payée qu‘il n‘a pas reçue si les conditions
suivantes sont remplies:
un montant correspondant à la dette qui était
déjà inclus dans la valeur des biens ou services
imposables ;
la dette est rayée dans les documents
comptables du fournisseur des biens ou services;
le fournisseur des biens ou services a
suivi toutes les étapes possibles pour obtenir le
paiement et a montré des preuves convaincantes
que le débiteur est insolvable.
21: Calcul de la taxe sur la valeur
payable pendant la période
Le montant de la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée qu‘un
contribuable doit remettre à l‘administration
fiscale pendant la riode d‘imposition est la taxe
payable pendant cette période. La taxe est
calculée en déduisant l‘impôt amont accordé au
umusoreshwa uvugwa mu ngingo ya 15, iya 16
17 z‘iri tegeko mu gihe cy‘isoreshwa
ukavanwa mu musoro ku kiguzi wakwa ku bintu
bisoreshwa cyangwa serivisi zisoreshwa
zatanzwe cyangwa ugafatwa nk‘aho watanzwe
n‘uwo muntu mu gihe cy‘isoreshwa.
Ingingo ya 22: Isubizwa ry’umusoro ku
Iyo, mu gihe cy‘isoreshwa cyihariye cyagenwe,
umusoro ku kiranguzo wemewe urenze, Komiseri
Mukuru asubiza uwo muntu wagemuye umubare
yamusigayemo nk‘umwenda kubera icyo
kirenga, amaze kubona inyandiko igaragaza
imenyesha yakoze mu minsi mirongo itatu (30):
nyuma y‘umunsi igihe cyagenwe cyo gukora
imenyesha kirangiriye ;
nyuma yo kubona gihamya ko imenyesha rya
nyuma ryari risigaye ryakozwe.
Mbere y‘iyishyura, Komiseri Mukuru ashobora
gutegeka ko hakorwa igenzura ku busabe bwo
gusubizwa cyangwa kugabanyirizwa
bwamugejejweho. Iyo bigenze bityo, igihe
igisubizo kigomba kuba cyahawe uwasabye
ntikirenga amezi atatu
(3) guhera ku itariki
ubusabe bwatangiwe.
17 of this Law in the taxation period from the
total output tax payable in respect of taxable
goods or services supplied or considered as if it
was paid by the person in the taxation period.
Article 22: Value added tax refund
after receipt of proof of the last
outstanding tax declaration.
Prior to payment, the Commissioner General
may order for verification of the claim for refund
or deduction submitted to him/ her. In such a
case, the period for the response to be
communicated shall not exceed three (3) months
from the date when the claim was lodged.
contribuable conformément aux dispositions des
articles 15, 16 et 17 de la présente loi pendant la
période d‘imposition du total de l‘impôt aval
payable sur les biens ou services imposables
fournis ou est considérée comme ayant été payée
par le contribuable au cours de la période
Article 22: Remboursement de la taxe sur la
valeur ajoutée
Lorsque, relativement à un exercice fiscal
particulier déterminé, l‘impôt amont autorisé
dépasse l‘impôt aval pour cet exercice, le
Commissaire Général rembourse au fournisseur le
montant correspondant au crédit du fournisseur en
raison de l‘excédent, dès la réception du
document relatif à la déclaration faite dans un
lai de trente (30) jours:
un jour après l‘expiration de la période
prescrite pour présenter la déclaration;
réception de la dernière déclaration en
Avant que le paiement ne soit fait, le
Commissaire Général peut ordonner la
vérification de la demande de remboursement ou
de duction lui présentée. Dans ce cas, le délai
pour communiquer la réponse ne doit pas excéder
(3) mois à partir de la date à laquelle la
demande a été présentée.
Ingingo ya 23: Inyemezabuguzi, umwenda
n’impapuro zigaragaza ko umusoro wakuwe
mu kiguzi
Umusoreshwa wiyandikishije ku musoro ku
nyongeragaciro ugurishije ibintu cyangwa utanze
serivisi agomba, igihe abitanze, guha uwo
abihaye inyemezabuguzi y‘umwimerere.
Ibigomba gushyirwa kuri iyo nyemezabuguzi
bisobanurwa mu itegeko rigena imitunganyirize
Iyo habaye impinduka nyuma yo kugurisha
nk‘uko biteganywa mu ngingo ya 18 y‘iri tegeko:
uwagurishije wiyandikishije ku gutanga
umusoro ku nyongeragaciro agomba
guha uwaguze wiyandikishije ku
musoro ku nyongeragaciro inyandiko
y‘umwimerere isobanura uko umwenda
w‘ikirenga w‘umusoro ku
nyongeragaciro uzagabanywaho. Iyo
nyandiko y‘umwimerere ishingira ku
nyemezabuguzi yakozwe. Ibigomba
gushyirwa muri iyo nyandiko
biteganywa n‘iteka rya Minisitiri;
umusoreshwa wiyandikishije ku
gutanga umusoro ku nyongeragaciro
wagurishije ibintu kandi umusoro
wakwa kuri ibyo bintu ukaba urenga
umubare ugaragara ku nyemezabuguzi
Article 23: Invoices, credit and debit notes
In case of post sale adjustment as specified in
Article 18 of this Law:
the value added tax registered seller must
give to the Value added tax registered
recipient an original credit note showing
how the credit on the value added tax
will be reduced. The credit note shall be
based on the invoice produced. The
details of this credit note shall be
provided by an Order of the Minister;
a value added tax registered taxpayer
who sold goods while the amount of tax
payable exceeds the amount shown on
the invoice as the value added tax
charged, the supplier must provide the
Article 23: Factures, crédit et notes de débit
Une personne enregistrée à la taxe sur la valeur
ajoutée qui effectue une livraison de biens ou
services imposables doit, au moment de la
livraison, donner au bénéficiaire une facture
originale. Les détails de la facture sont précisés
dans la loi relative aux procédures fiscales.
En cas d‘ajustement après vente en vertu de
l‘article 18 de la présente loi:
le fournisseur enregistré à la taxe sur la
valeur ajoutée doit donner au bénéficiaire
enregistré à la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée
une note de crédit originale montrant
comment le crédit sur la taxe sur la valeur
ajoutée sera diminué. Cette note de crédit
réfère à la facture établie. Les détails de
la note de crédit sont déterminés par
arrêté du Ministre;
un contribuable enregistré à la taxe sur la
valeur ajoutée qui a vendu les biens alors
que le montant de la taxe exigible dépasse
le montant qui est sur la facture, le
fournisseur doit donner au bénéficiaire
nk‘umusoro ku nyongeragaciro watswe,
uwagurishije agomba guha uwaguze
inyandiko y‘umwimerere isobanura uko
umusoro uzongerwaho. Ibigomba
gushyirwa muri iyo nyandiko
biteganywa mu Iteka rya Minisitiri.
Ingingo ya
24: Ikoreshwa ry’imashini
z’ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi z’ibyacurujwe
Abantu biyandikishije ku gutanga umusoro ku
nyongeragaciro bafite inshingano yo gukoresha
imashini y‘ikoranabuhanga yemewe
n‘Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro ikoreshwa mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi igaragaza umusoro. Iteka rya
Minisitiri rigena imiterere, uburyo n‘inshingano
bigomba kuba byujujwe mu gukoresha izo
Ingingo ya 25: Kumenyekanisha umusoro ku
Mu gihe kitarenze iminsi cumi n‘itanu
nyuma y‘igihe cy‘umusoro ku nyongeragaciro,
umusoreshwa wiyandikishije agomba gukora
imenyekanisha ry‘umusoro ku nyongeragaciro
hakurikijwe impapuro n‘uburyo bugenwa na
Komiseri Mukuru.
Ku basoreshwa bafite ibyacurujwe bingana
recipient with an original debit note
showing how the tax will be increased.
The details of the debit note shall be
provided by an Order of the Minister.
Article 25: Value added tax declaration
For taxpayers whose annual turnover is equal to
une note de débit originale montrant
comment cette taxe sera augmentée. Les
détails de cette note de débit sont
terminés par Arrêdu Ministre.
24: Utilisation des machines de
facturation électronique
Les personnes enregistrées à la taxe sur la valeur
ajoutée ont l‘obligation d‘utiliser une machine de
facturation électronique agréée par
l‘administartion fiscale qui imprime des factures
mentionnant les taxes. Un Arrêté du Ministre
termine le format de ces machines ainsi que, les
modalités et les conditions à observer dans
l‘utilisation de ces machines.
Article 25: Déclarations de la taxe sur la valeur
Endéans quinze
(15) jours après la fin de la
période de la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée, le
contribuable enregistré doit remettre une
déclaration de la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée,
conformément aux formulaires et formalités
terminés par le Commissaire Général.
Pour les contribuables dont le chiffre d‘affaires
cyangwa biri munsi y‘amafaranga y‘u Rwanda
miliyoni magana abiri (200.000.000 Frw) ku
mwaka, imenyekanisha
ry‘umusoro ku
nyongeragaciro rikorwa buri gihembwe kandi
rigatangwa riherekejwe n‘ubwishyu bw‘umusoro
mu minsi itarenze cumi n‘itanu (15) nyuma
y‘icyo gihembwe.
Icyakora, abasoreshwa bafite ibyacurujwe
bingana cyangwa biri munsi y‘amafaranga y‘u
Rwanda miliyoni magana abiri
Frw) ku mwaka babishaka bemerewe gukora
imenyekanisha ry‘umusoro ku nyongeragaciro
rya buri kwezi.
Umusoreshwa wiyandikishije agomba gukora
imenyekanisha ry‘umusoro ku nyongeragaciro,
yaba yacuruje, yaba atacuruje, haba hari umusoro
yishyura, yaba asaba gusubizwa umusoro
cyangwa ikinyuranyo ari zeru.
Ingingo ya 26: Kwishyura umusoro ku
Umusoro ku nyongeragaciro utangwa
n‘umusoreshwa mu gihe cy‘isoreshwa ubarwa
hakurikijwe ingingo ya
21 y‘iri tegeko uba
ugomba kwishyurwa kandi ugatangwa ku itariki
imenyekanisha rigomba gukorerwaho muri icyo
gihe cy‘isoreshwa.
Umusoro ku nyongeragaciro utangwa n‘utumiza
uba ugomba kwishyurwa kandi ugatangwa igihe
ibintu byatumijwe bigeze mu gihugu.
or less than two hundred million Rwandan francs
(200,000,000 Rwf), the value added tax
declaration is quarterly and shall be submitted
with payment of the tax due within fifteen (15)
days after the end of the quarter.
However, taxpayers whose annual turnover is
equal to or less than two hundred million
Rwandan francs (200,000,000 Rwf) who wish
may opt for a monthly value added tax
A registered taxpayer must submit value added
tax declaration, whether he/she made sales or
not, whether he/she is claiming for refund or
whether the difference is zero.
Article 26: Payment of value added tax
annuel est inférieur ou égal à deux cent millions
de francs rwandais (200.000.000 Frws), la
déclaration de la TVA est trimestrielle et doit être
déposée avec paiement de la taxe due endéans
quinze (15) jours après la fin du trimestre.
Toutefois, les contribuabless dont le chiffre
d‘affaires annuel est inférieur ou égal à deux cent
millions de francs rwandais (200.000.000
Frws) qui le désirent peuvent opter pour la
claration mensuelle.
Le contribuable enregistré doit remettre la
déclaration de la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée, que ce
contribuable ait vendu ou pas, qu‘il soit dans la
position de restitution ou que la différence soit
Article 26: Paiement de la taxe sur la valeur
La taxe sur la valeur ajoutée payable par un
contribuable pour une période d‘imposistion
calculée conformément à l‘article
21 de la
présente loi est exigible et payable à l‘échéance
pour la soumission de la claration de la taxe sur
la valeur ajoutée pendant cette période
La taxe sur la valeur ajoutée payable par un
importateur est exigible et payable lorsque les
biens importés entrent au pays.
Ingingo ya
27: Kwakira umusoro ku
nyongeragaciro ku bintu bitumijwe mu
Gutumiza mu mahanga ibintu bisoreshwa
bigomba gutangirwa umusoro ku nyongeragaciro
kuri gasutamo hakurikijwe itegeko rya gasutamo.
Ingingo ya 28: Icyemezo cyo kwiyandikisha
Uwiyandikishije agomba gushyira ahagaragara
aho akorera, icyemezo cy'uko yiyandikishije.
Ingingo ya 29: Ikigo n’amashami yacyo
Ibikorwa by‘ubucuruzi umusoreshwa akorera mu
mashami atandukanye bifatwa nk‘ikigo
cy‘ubucuruzi kimwe rukumbi ku byerekeye
ishyirwa mu bikorwa ry‘iri tegeko. Umuntu
ukorera ubucuruzi mu mashami atandukanye
afite inshingano yo kwandikisha ubwo bucuruzi
mu izina rye aho kubwandikisha mu izina ry‘ayo
Ingingo ya 30: Amafaranga akoreshwa
Amafaranga akoreshwa mu gushyira iri tekego
mu bikorwa ni amafaranga y‘u Rwanda.
Iyo umubare uwo ariwo wose wanditswe
Importation of taxable goods is subject to value
added tax at the customs point in accordance
with the customs legislation.
Article 28: Certificate of registration
A registered taxpayer must display the certificate
of registration at his/her principal place of
Article 29: Enterprise and subsidiaries
Article 30: Currency conversion
If any amount is expressed or paid in a currency
Article 27: Perception de la taxe sur la valeur
ajoutée sur les biens importés
L‘importation de biens imposables est soumise au
paiement de la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée au poste
de douane, conformément à la législation
Article 28: Certificat d’enregistrement
Le contribuable enregistest tenu d'afficher à son
lieu de travail le certificat d‘enregistrement.
Article 29: Entreprise et succursales
Une entreprise gérée par un contribuable et qui
comporte des succursales est considérée comme
une seule entreprise pour l‘application de la
présente loi. Une personne qui exploite une
enterprise comportant des succursales doit être
enregistrée sous son nom et non pas aux noms
desdites succursales.
Article 30: Conversion monétaire
Tout montant en argent pris en compte en vertu de
présente loi doit être expri en Franc
Si un montant quelconque est exprimé ou payé en
cyangwa wishyuwe mu mafaranga atari ay‘u
ku bintu bitumijwe mu mahanga, uwo
mubare ugomba guhindurwa mu
mafaranga y‘u Rwanda ku gipimo
cy‘ivunjisha gikoreshwa hakurikijwe
amategeko agenga gasutamo hagamijwe
kubara umusoro wa gasutamo wakwa ku
bintu bitumijwe mu mahanga;
ku bindi byose, uwo mubare ugomba
guhindurwa mu mafaranga y‘u Rwanda
ku gipimo gitangwa na Banki Nkuru y‘u
Rwanda gikoreshwa hagati y‘ifaranga
ry‘amahanga n‘ifaranga ry‘u Rwanda ku
uwo mubare w‘amafaranga
y‘amahanga utangiwe ku byerekeye
ishyirwa mu bikorwa ry‘iri tegeko.
Iyo nta gipimo cy‘ivunjisha gikurikizwa kiriho
ku mafaranga y‘amahanga runaka gikoreshwa na
Banki Nkuru y‘u Rwanda, igipimo gikoreshwa
kigomba kubarwa hakurikijwe igipimo Banki
Nkuru y‘u Rwanda ikoresha ku madolari
y‘amanyamerika, n‘igipimo cyashyizwe
ahagaragara cy‘iryo faranga ry‘amahanga
rigereranyijwe n‘Idolari ry‘Abanyamerika.
Ingingo ya 31: Abahagarariye ibihugu byabo
mu Rwanda n’amasezerano mpuzamahanga
Komiseri Mukuru, abisabwe kandi mu gihe
asanga ari ngombwa, ashobora kwemera
gusubiza igice cyumusoro ku nyongeragaciro
other than Rwandan francs:
in the case of importation of goods, the
amount shall be converted into Rwandan
francs at the exchange rate applicable
under the Customs legislation for the
purposes of computing the customs duty
payable on the import;
in any other case, the amount is to be
converted into Rwandan francs at the
National Bank of Rwanda exchange rate
applying between the foreign currency
and Rwandan franc on the date on which
the amount is given for the purposes of
this Law.
If there is no existing applicable exchange rate
for a certain currency used by the National Bank
of Rwanda, the applicable rate shall be computed
on the basis of the National Bank‘s rate for the
U.S. Dollar, and a published cross-rate for that
currency in question against the U.S Dollar.
une monnaie autre que le Franc rwandais:
dans le cas d‘une importation de biens, le
montant doit être converti en Francs
rwandais au taux de change applicable
conformément à législation douanière
pour le calcul de la taxe douanière sur
dans tout autre cas, le montant doit être
converti en Francs rwandais au taux de
change de la Banque Nationale du
Rwanda applicable entre la devise
étrangère et le franc Rwandais à la date à
laquelle ledit montant est pris en compte
pour l‘application de la présente loi.
Lorsqu‘il n‘y a pas de taux de change applicable
pour la devise en question par la Banque
Nationale du Rwanda, le taux doit être calculé sur
base du taux de la Banque Nationale du Rwanda
pour le Dollar Américain, et un cours croisé
publié pour la devise en question par rapport au
Dollar Américain.
Article 31: Missions diplomatiques et accords
Sur demande et s‘il le juge nécessaire, le
Commissaire Général peut autoriser le
remboursement d‘une partie ou de la totalité de la
cyangwa se umusoro wose ku bintu bisoreshwa
biguzwe cyangwa bitumijwe mu mahanga na:
ambasade cyangwa ibiro by‘uhagarariye
inyungu z‘igihugu runaka mu burucuzi
cyangwa abakozi babyo babifitiye
ubudahangarwa busesuye cyangwa
budasesuye hakurikijwe amategeko
agenga abahagarariye ibihugu byabo mu
Rwanda n‘itegeko rigenga imibanire
hagati y‘ibihugu
mu rwego
umuryango mpuzamahanga ugengwa na
Leta cyangwa Guverinoma y‘igihugu
cy‘amahanga, ku rwego bikeneweho
hakurikijwe amasezerano
Gusaba gusubizwa
amafaranga nk‘uko
biteganyijwe muri iyi ngingo, bigomba
gukorerwa ku rupapuro rwuzuzwa rwemejwe mu
buryo bwagenwe na Komiseri Mukuru kandi
rugaherekezwa n‘inyandiko za ngombwa
Komiseri Mukuru ashobora gutegeka
gushyikirizwa. Zimwe muri izo nyandiko ni :
ikimenyetso kigaragaza ko umusoro ku
nyongeragaciro usabirwa gusubizwa
wabayeho koko ;
ikimenyetso ko usaba gusubizwa
umusoro afite uburenganzira bwo
kubisaba hakurikijwe iyi ngingo.
a diplomatic or consular mission, or by a
diplomat or consular official who enjoy
or limited immunity, rights,
according to the law governing
diplomats accredited to Rwanda as well
as the law governing trade cooperation
between the countries;
governmental international
organisation or foreign Government to
the extent required under an international
The application for a refund under this article
must be made on the approved form and in the
manner prescribed by the Commissioner General
and be accompanied by supporting documents as
the Commissioner General may require. Some of
such documents are the following:
evidence that the value added tax for
which the refund is sought was incurred;
evidence of the applicant‘s entitlement to
make an application for refund under this
taxe sur la valeur ajoutée encourue en rapport
avec une acquisition ou importation imposable
une mission diplomatique ou consulaire
ou ses agents jouissant d‘une immunité
totale ou limitée, en vertu de la loi sur les
privilèges et immunités diplomatiques ou
loi portant coopération entre les pays
matière de commerce;
organisation gouvernementale
internationale ou un gouvernement
étranger, dans la mesure requise en vertu
d‘un accord international.
La demande de remboursement en vertu du
présent article doit être faite dans la forme
approuvée et de la manière prescrite par le
Commissaire Général et doit être accompagnée
des documents à l‘appui que le Commissaire
Général peut exiger. Ces documents sont
notamment les suivants:
la preuve que la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée
dont le remboursement est sollicité a été
effectivement encourue;
la preuve que le requérant est habilité à
faire une telle demande en vertu du
présent article.
Muri iyi ngingo, amasezerano mpuzamahanga
bisobanura amasezerano hagati ya Guverinoma
y‘u Rwanda na Guverinoma y‘igihugu
cy‘amahanga cyangwa umuryango
mpuzamahanga ugengwa na Leta ajyanye no
gufasha Guverinoma mu rwego rw‘imari, urwa
tekiniki, urw‘ubutabazi cyangwa mu rwego
Ingingo ya
Agaciro k'ibintu cyangwa
serivisi biri ku isoko
Agaciro k'ibintu cyangwa serivisi biri ku isoko ni
ikiguzi ibyo bintu cyangwa serivisi byagira
bijyanywe ku isoko ku munsi bitangiweho.
Iyo bidashoboka kugena agaciro k'ibintu
cyangwa serivisi biri ku isoko ku gihe runaka
cyihariye, agaciro k'ibintu cyangwa serivisi biri
ku isoko ni ikiguzi ibimeze nkabyo byagira ku
isoko muri icyo gihe hitawe ku itandukaniro riri
hagati y‘ibintu bimeze kimwe n‘ibintu ubwabyo
nyakuri. Kugira ngo bishoboke, ibintu biba bisa
n‘ibindi iyo ari bimwe, cyangwa bisa cyane
n‘ibyo bindi hitawe ku miterere yabyo, ubwiza
bwabyo, imikorere, icyo bikozemo
n‘ubwamamare bwabyo.
Iyo agaciro k‘ibintu cyangwa serivisi biri ku
isoko kagomba kugenwa ku bintu cyangwa
serivisi byihariye, cyangwa ku mutungo utunzwe
n‘umuntu, ako gaciro kagenwa hifashishijwe
agaciro ku isoko k‘ibyo bintu cyangwa serivisi,
cyangwa k‘uwo mutungo, nk‘uko kagenwa
Article 32: Market value of goods or services
If it is impossible to determine the market value
of taxable goods or services at a particular time,
the market value is the consideration similar
goods or services would ordinarily obtain in the
open market in consideration of the difference
between the similar goods or services and the
actual goods or services. For this purpose, goods
are similar if there are the same or closely
resemble the other goods taking into account the
character, quality, functionality, materials, and
their reputation.
If the value of goods and services on the market
is to be determined on specific goods or services
or on the value of a person‘s acquisitions, the
value shall be determined in consideration of the
market value of those goods or services or of
such acquisitions as determined by this Article in
Dans le présent article, un accord international
signifie un accord entre le Gouvernement du
Rwanda et un Gouvernement étranger ou une
organisation gouvernementale internationale pour
la fourniture d‘une assistance financière,
technique, humanitaire ou administrative au
32: Valeur marchande des biens ou
La valeur marchande des biens ou services est la
contrepartie que les biens ou services auraient
normalement sur le marché libre au moment de la
S‘il n‘est pas possible de déterminer la valeur
marchande des biens ou services à un moment
don, la valeur marchande est la contrepartie que
des biens ou services similaires auraient
normalement sur le marché libre à ce moment-là,
ajusté pour tenir compte des différences entre les
biens ou services similaires et les biens ou
services proprement dits. A cette fin, les biens
sont similaires à d‘autres s‘ils sont les mêmes, ou
ressemblent étroitement à d‘autres, compte tenu
du caractère, de la qualité, de la fonctionnalité,
des matières et de leur réputation.
Si la valeur marchande des biens ou services doit
être déterminée pour les biens ou services
spécifiques ou pour les acquisitions d‘une
personne, la valeur marchande est déterminée en
tenant compte da la valeur marchande de ces
biens ou services ou acquisitions telle que prévue
Official Gazette n° Special of 05/02/2013
hakurikijwe iyi ngingo, ku gihe runaka.
Iyo agaciro k‘ibintu cyangwa serivisi biri ku
isoko kadashobora kugenwa hakurikijwe
ibivugwa mu bika bibanziriza iki, agaciro kabyo
ni ikiguzi kigenwa na Komiseri Mukuru
abicishije mu mabwiriza nyuma yo kubikorera
ubushakashatsi bufite ibipimo ngenderwaho.
Ingingo ya 33: Itegurwa, isuzuma n’itorwa
ry’iri tegeko
Iri tegeko ryateguwe mu rurimi rw‘Icyongereza,
risuzumwa kandi
mu rurimi
Ingingo ya 34: Ivanwaho ry’itegeko n’ingingo
z’amategeko zinyuranyije n’iri tegeko
Itegeko n
06/2001 ryo kuwa 20/01/2001
rishyiraho umusoro ku nyongeragaciro, nk‘uko
ryahinduwe kandi ryujujwe kugeza ubu,
n‘ingingo zose z‘amategeko abanziriza iri kandi
zinyuranyije na ryo bivanyweho.
Ingingo ya
35: Igihe iri tegeko ritangira
Iri tegeko ritangira gukurikizwa ku munsi
ritangarijweho mu Igazeti ya Leta ya Repubulika
y‘u Rwanda.
a given period.
This Law was drafted in English, considered and
adopted in Kinyarwanda.
Article 34: Repealling provision
Article 35: Commencement
This Law shall come into force on the date of its
publication in the Official Gazette of the
Republic of Rwanda.
par cet article, pour une période donnée.
Si la valeur marchande des biens ou services ne
peut être terminée en vertu des paragraphes
précédents, elle doit être déterminée par le
Commissaire Général par voie des directives
après une recherche répondant aux normes
Article 33: Initiation, examen et adoption de la
présente loi
La présente loi a été initiée en Anglais, examinée et
adoptée en Kinyarwanda.
Article 34: Disposition abrogatoire
La Loi 06/2001 du 20/01/2001 portant
instauration de la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée telle
que modifiée et complétée à ce jour ainsi que
toutes les dispositions légales antérieures
contraires à la psente loi sont abrogées.
Article 35: Entrée en vigueur
La présente loi entre en vigueur le jour de sa
publication au Journal Officiel de la République
du Rwanda.
Kigali, kuwa 09/11/2012
Kigali, on 09/11/2012
Kigali, le 09/11/2012
Perezida wa Repubulika
President of the Republic
Président de lapublique
Dr HABUMUREMYI Pierre Damien
Dr HABUMUREMYI Pierre Damien
Dr HABUMUREMYI Pierre Damien
Minisitiri w‘Intebe
Prime Minister
Premier Ministre
Bibonywe kandi bishyizweho Ikirango cya
Seen and sealed with the Seal
Vu et scellé du Sceau de lapublique :
of the Republic:
Minisitiri w‘Ubutabera/ Intumwa Nkuru ya Leta
Minister of Justice/Attorney General
Ministre de la Justice/ Garde des Sceaux
Imashini itunganya amakuru mu buryo
Mudasobwa igendanwa itarengeje ibiro 10
Ubundi bwoko bwa mudasobwa iri kumwe
cyangwa itari kumwe n‘ibindi bice
Izindi mashini z‘ubwoko butandukanye
zifite imiterere nk‘iya mudasobwa kandi
Analogue or hybrid automatic data
processing machine
Portable digital computer weighing not
more than 10 kg
Any other type of computer with or
without other accessories
Other various machines of the same
structure with the computer that
complement each other
Machine automatique de traitement
de l'information, analogique ou
Ordinateur portable d'un poids
n'excédant pas 10 kg
Autre type d‘ordinateur comportant
ou ne comportant pas d‘autres
Autres diverses machines
automatiques se psentant sous
forme d‘un ordinateur et qui se
Ibindi bice bitandukanye n‘ibivugwa muri
84.71.4100 na bishobora
kuba bifungiye hamwe n‘ibibiherekeza
birimo ibyinjiza amakuru , ibiyasohora
Bimwe mu bigize mudasobwa birimo
ibyinjiza amakuru, ibiyasohora biri kumwe
cyangwa bitari kumwe n‘ibibika amakuru
Ibibika amakuru muri mudasobwa
Ubundi bwoko bwa mudasobwa butunganya
Ubundi bwoko bwa mudasobwa butunganya
amakuru mu buryo bw‘ikoranabuhanga
mu bigize
Imashini yagenewe kubika umuriro
yifashishwa na mudasobwa
Ubwoko bwa telefoni zitagendanwa
bukoresha igice cyitaba kidakoresha imigozi
Other digital processing units different
from those mentioned
in nº
8471,4100 and 8471.49.00 which
may be packed together with
accessories including storage input
units, output units and storage units
certain accessories of the computer
including input or output units of the
computer, whether or not containing
storage units
Storage units
Other units of automatic data
processing computer
Other digital automatic data
processing computers
Certain parts of the computer and its
Static converters /uninterrupted power
supplies (UPS)
Line telephone sets with cordless
Autres unités de traitement
numériques autres que celles prévues
84.71.4100 et
pouvant comporter sous une même
enveloppe des accessoires y compris
les unités de mémoire, unités d'entrée
et unités de sortie
Unités d'entrée ou de sortie d‘un
ordinateur, pouvant comporter ou
non les unités de sortie
Unités de mémoire
Autres unités d‘ordinateur de
traitement de l'information
Autres types d‘ordinateur
automatique de traitement de
Certaines parties et accessoires d‘un
Convertisseur statique (onduleur)
Postes téléphoniques d'usagers par fil à
combinés sans fil
Ubundi bwoko bwa telefoni zitagendanwa
Imashini zikoreshwa mu itumanaho mu
gusohora amakuru ku mpapuro
Imashini zikoreshwa mu guhuza imiyoboro
ya telefoni
Izindi mashini zikoreshwa mu itumanaho
Izindi mashini
Other fixed telephones
Telephonic or telegraphic switching
Other apparatus, used in
communication systems
Other apparatus
Autres postes phoniques
Appareil de commutation pour la
léphonie ou la télégraphie
Autres appareils, pour la
Autres appareils
Ibindi bice
mu kubika amajwi
n‘amashusho hatarimo ibiyasoma
mu kubika amajwi
n‘amashusho hatarimo ibiyasoma
Amakaseti akoreshwa mu kubika amakuru
atarimo amajwi n‘amashusho
Amakarita afite agace ka rukuruzi
Amakarita elegitoronike
Other parts
Audio and visual storage equipment
excluding decoders
Discs for laser reading systems for
reproducing phenomena other than
sound or image other
Magnetic tapes for reproducing
phenomena other than sound or image
Cards incorporating a magnetic stripe
Cards incorporating an electronic
integrated circuit ("smart" cards)
Autres parties 0%
Appareils d'enregistrement du son et
d‘image autres que les lecteurs 0%
Disques pour système de lecture pour
faisceau laser pour la préparation des
phénomènes autres que le son ou 0%
l'image: Autres (disques et
Bandes magnétiques pour la
reproduction des phénomènes autres 0%
que le son et l‘image
Cartes munies d'une piste magnétique 0%
Cartes munies d'un circuit intégré
Ibikoresho bikoresha ikoranabuhanga
Sirikwi ikoresha ikoranabuhanga rya
Izindi sirikwi zikoresha ikoranabuhanga
rya ―monolithiques numériques‖ zituruka ku
ruvange rw‘ikoranabuhanga ―bipolaire‖, irya
Izindi sirikwi zikoresha ikoranabuhanga
Sirikwi ikoresha ikoranabuhanga rya
Udukoresho duto dukoreshwa mu
guteranya ibintu elegitoronike
Utubati dukoze mu byuma babikamo
―serveur‖, ―swich‖ (Racks)
Metal-oxide semi conductors (MOS)
Circuits obtained by bipolar
Other circuits obtained by a
combination of bipolar and MOS and
BIMOS technologies
Monolithic integrated circuits
Hybrid integrated circuits
Electronic microassemblies
Metal cupboard for servers, switch
Semi-conducteurs à oxyde allique
Circuits obtenus par technologie
Autres circuits intégrés
monolithiques numériques, y compris
les circuits obtenus par l'association
des technologies MOS et bipolaire
technologie BIMOS
Autres circuits intégrés
Circuits intégrés hybrides
Micro-assemblages électroniques
Armoire métallique pour conserver
les serveurs, swich (Racks)
Bibonywe kugira ngo bishyirwe ku mugereka w’Itegeko 37/2012 ryo kuwa 09/11/2012 rishyiraho umusoro ku nyongeragaciro
Seen to be annexed to the Law 37/2012 of 09/11/2012 on establishing the value added tax
Vu pour être annexé à la Loi n° 37/2012 du 09/11/2012 portant instauration de la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée
Kigali, kuwa 09/11/2012
Kigali, on 09/11/2012
Kigali, le 09/11/2012
Perezida wa Repubulika
President of the Republic
Président de lapublique
Dr. HABUMUREMYI Pierre Damien
Dr. HABUMUREMYI Pierre Damien
Dr. HABUMUREMYI Pierre Damien
Minisitiri w‘Intebe
Prime Minister
Premier Ministre
Bibonywe kandi bishyizweho Ikirango cya
Seen and sealed with the Seal of the Republic:
Vu et scellé du Sceau de lapublique:
Minisitiri w‘Ubutabera/Intumwa Nkuru ya Leta
Minister of Justice/Attorney General
Ministre de la Justice/Garde des Sceaux
Ingingo ya mbere: Icyo iri teka rigamije
Article One: Purpose of this Order
Article Premier: Objet du présent arrê
Ingingo ya 2: Ibisobanuro by’amagambo
Article 2: Definitions of terms
Article 2: Définitions des termes
Ingingo ya
3: Kwiyandikisha k’ukoresha
3: Registration as Electronic billing
Article 3: Enregistrement en tant qu’utilisateur
imashini y’ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
machine user
de machine de facturation électronique
Ingingo ya 4: Isonerwa ku bisabwa n’iri teka
Article 4: Exemption from the obligations under
Article 4: Exonération des obligations prévues
this Order
par le présent arrêté
Ingingo ya
Kugenzura imashini
Article 5: Inspection of certified electronic billing
5: Inspection des machines de
facturation électronique agréées
Ingingo ya 6: Ibiranga uburyo bwo gutanga
Article 6: CIS Features
Article 6: Composantes du SFC
inyemezabuguzi bwemewe
Ingingo ya 7: Ibigomba kugaragara ku
Ingingo ya 8: Kwemererwa gukoresha
imashini y’Ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
Article 7: Receipt data requirements Article 7: Données à faire figurer au reçu
Article 8: Electronic billing machines Article
8: Accréditation des machines de
accreditation facturation électronique
Ingingo ya
9: Ikoreshwa ry’Imashini
y’ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
Ingingo ya
10: Kugenzura no gutuma
imashini y’ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi ihora ikora neza
Ingingo ya
11: Inshingano z’ukoresha
imashini y’ ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
Ingingo ya
12: Gutanga uburenganzira
k’ugurisha n’ushyikiriza abaguzi ibicuruzwa
uburyo bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi
bwemewe n’iimashini y’inyemezabwishyu
Ingingo ya 13: Inshingano z’ugurisha uburyo
bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi bwemewe
cyangwa imashini nyemezabwishyu
Ingingo ya 14: Iyemerwa ry’ukora imashini
y’inyemezabwishyu (SDC)
Ingingo ya
15: Kudakoresha imashini
y’Ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
Ingingo ya 16 : Gukoresha imashini
y’Ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi mu buryo bw’uburiganya
Ingingo ya 17: Kutubahiriza ibiteganyijwe
9: Use of a certified electronic billing
Article 10: Maintenance of a certified electronic
billing machine
Article 11: Obligations of a certified electronic
billing machine user
Article 12: Licensing of CIS and SDC supplier
and its distributors
Article 13: Obligations of a supplier of CIS or
Article 14: Approval of SDC manufacturers
Article 15: Failure to use a certified Electronic
billing machine
16: Fraudulent use of a certified
electronic billing machine
Article 17: Failure to comply with any of the
Article 9: Usage de machine de facturation
électronique agréée
Article 10: Entretien de machine de facturation
électronique agréée
Article 11: Obligation de l’utilisateur de
machine de facturation électronique agréée
Article 12: Octroi de licence aux fournisseurs et
distributeurs des SFC et des machines à reçu
Article 13: Obligations du fournisseur du SFC
ou de la machine à reçu
Article 14: Agrément du fabricant de la
machine à reçu
15: Refus d’utiliser la machine de
facturation électronique agréée
Article 16: Usage frauduleux de machine de
facturation électronique agréée
Article 17: Défaut de se conformer à l'une
quelconque des obligations
Ingingo ya 18: Kwangiza Imashini
y’Ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
Ingingo ya 19: Kutubahiriza ibiteganywa n’iri
Ingingo ya 20: Ivanwaho ry’ingingo
zinyuranyije n’iri teka
Ingingo ya
Igihe iteka ritangira
Article 18: Tampering with a certified electronic Article 18: Altération du fonctionnement de
billing machine machine de facturation électronique agréée
Article 19: Other prohibitions Article 19: Autres interdictions
Article 20: Repealing provision Article 20 : Disposition abrogatoire
Article 21: Commencement Article 21: Entré en vigueur
31/07/2013 RIGENA
Minisitiri w’Imari n’Igenamigambi,
Ashingiye ku Itegeko Nshinga rya Republika y‘u
Rwanda ryo kuwa 04 Kamena 2003, nk‘uko
ryavuguruwe kugeza ubu, cyane cyane mu
ngingo zaryo, iya 120, iya 121 n‘iya 201;
Ashingiye ku Itegeko Ngenga 01/2012 ryo
kuwa 02/05/2012 rishyiraho Igitabo
cy‘amategeko ahana;
Ashingiye ku Itegeko 37/2012 ryo kuwa
09/11/2012 rishyiraho umusoro ku
nyongeragaciro, cyane cyane mu ngingo yaryo
ya 24;
Inama y‘Abaminisitiri
yateranye kuwa
08/05/2013, imaze kubisuzuma no kubyemeza;
The Minister of Finance and Economic
Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of
Rwanda of 04 June 2003 as amended to date,
especially in Articles 120, 121 and 201;
Pursuant to Organic Law 01/2012 of 02/05/2012
instituting the Penal Code;
Pursuant to Law
/2012 of
Establishing Value Added tax, especially in Article
After consideration and approval by the Cabinet, in its
session of 08/05/2013;
Le Ministre des Finances et de la Planification
Vu la Constitution de la République du Rwanda du
04 juin 2003 telle que révisée à ce jour,
spécialement en ses articles 120, 121 et 201;
Vu la Loi Organique 01/2012 du 02/05/2012
portant Code Pénal;
Vu la Loi n
37 /2012 du
09/11/2012 portant
instauration de la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée,
spécialement en son article 24;
Après examen et adoption par le Conseil des
Ministres, en sa ance du 08/05/2013;
Ingingo ya mbere: Icyo iri teka rigamije
Teka rigena
imiterere y‘imashini
y‘ikoranabuhanga yemewe n‘Ubuyobozi
bw‘Imisoro ikoreshwa
mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi igaragaza umusoro, uburyo
n‘inshingano bigomba kuba byujujwe mu
gukoresha iyo mashini.
Ingingo ya 2: Ibisobanuro
Muri iri teka, amagambo akurikira asobanuwe ku
buryo bukurikira:
Ubuyobozi: Ikigo cy‘Imisoro
«Ukoresha »: umusoreshwa ukoresha
imashini y‘ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
«TIN»: inomero iranga umusoreshwa;
“ Umusoreshwa munini”:
umusoreshwa wamenyeshejwe
n‘Ubuyobozi ko yanditswe
basoreshwa banini;
“Umusoreshwa wisumbuye”:
umusoreshwa ukora ibikorwa
by‘ubucuruzi bibyara amafaranga
y‘ibyacurujwe arenze miliyoni mirongo
itanu (50.000.000) y‘amanyarwanda mu
mwaka w‘isoresha ushize kandi
Ubuyobozi bukaba butaramushyize mu
basoreshwa banini;
Article One: Purpose of this Order
This Order determines the design of a certified
electronic billing machine that generates invoices
indicating taxes as agreed by the Tax
Administration, modalities and conditions to be met in
the use of the machine.
Article 2: Definitions
In this Order, the following terms are defined as
“Authority”: Rwanda Revenue Authority;
a taxpayer who uses electronic
billing machine;
“TIN”: taxpayer identification number;
“Large taxpayer”: any taxpayer who bas
been notified by the Authority that he or she
is registered as a large taxpayers;
“ Medium taxpayer”: any taxpayer whose
turnover is more than fifty million
(50,000,000) Rwandan francs during the
previous tax period and not designed as a
large taxpayer by the Authority;
Article premier: Objet du présent Arrêté
Le présent arrêté détermine le format de la machine
de facturation
électronique agréée par
l‘Administration Fiscale qui imprime les factures
mentionnant les taxes, les modalités et les
conditions à observer dans l‘utilisation de cette
Article 2:finitions
Aux fins du présent arrêté, les termes suivants ont
les significations ci-après:
“Autorité” :
Office Rwandais des
«Utilisateur » : un contribuable qui utilise
la machine de facturation électronique;
«NIF»: numéro d‘identification fiscale;
« Grand contribuable » : tout
contribuable auquel l‘
Autorité a notifié
son enregistrement en tant que tel ;
5. « Moyen contribuable »: tout contribuabe
ayant une activité dont le chiffre d‘affaires
est supérieur à cinquante million
(50.000.000) de francs rwandais au cours
de l‘ exercice fiscal précédent et que l‘
Autorité n‘a pas désigné comme grand
contribuale ;
Umusoreshwa uciriritse”:
umusoreshwa ukora ibikorwa
by‘ubucuruzi bibyara amafaranga
y‘ibyacurujwe ari hagati ya miliyoni
cumi n‘ebyiri
n‘ifaranga rimwe
(12.000.001) na miliyoni mirongo itanu
(50.000.000) y‘amafaranga y‘u Rwanda
mu mwaka w‘isoresha ushize;
“Umusoreshwa muto”: umusoreshwa
ukora ibikorwa by‘ubucuruzi bibyara
amafaranga y‘ibyacurujwe ari munsi ya
miliyoni cumi n‘ebyiri (12.000.000) mu
mwaka w‘isoresha ushize;
«Komiseri Mukuru»: Komiseri Mukuru
w‘Ikigo cy‘Imisoro n‘Amahoro;
“Uburyo bwo gutanga
inyemezabuguzi bwemewe” (CIS):
uburyo bw‘ikoranabuhanga bwagenewe
gukoreshwa mu bucuruzi, mu rwego rwo
gushyiraho uburyo buhamye bwo
gucunga neza ibijyanye n‘ubucuruzi
ndetse n‘ububiko byujuje ibisabwa
10º Imashini y’inyemezabwishyu
(SDC): imashini itanga kandi ikanabika
inyemezabwishyu ikorana n‘uburyo bwo
gutanga inyemezabuguzi bwemewe ;
11º «Imashini y’ ikoranabuhanga mu
gutanga inyemezabuguzi»: uburyo
“ Small taxpayer
: any taxpayer whose
turnover is between twelve million and one
(12,000,001) and fifty million (50,000,000)
Rwandan francs during the previous tax
“ Micro taxpayer” :
any taxpayer whose
turnover is equal or less than twelve million
(12,000,000) Rwanda francs during the
previous tax period million;
“Commissioner General”: Commissioner
General of Rwanda Revenue Authority;
“Certified Invoicing System (CIS)”:
electronic system designed for use in
business for efficiency management
controls, in areas of sales analysis and stock
control system which fulfil the requirements
specified by the Authority;
10º “Sales Data Controller (SDC)”: device
connected to CIS used for processing and
storing receipts;
11º “Electronic billing machine”: the system
composed by CIS and SDC connected
6. « Petit contribuable » : tout contribuabe
ayant une activité dont le chiffre d‘affaires
est compris entre douze million et un
(12,000, 001) et cinquante million (50,
000,000) de francs rwandais au cours de
l‘exercice fiscal précédent ;
7. « Micro taxpayer » : tout contribuabe
ayant une activité dont le chiffre d‘affaires
est égal ou inférieur à douze million
(12.000.000) de francs rwandais aucours
de l‘exercice fiscal précédent ;
8. «Commissaire Général»: Commissaire
Général de l‘Office Rwandais des
“Système de facturation certifiée”
(SFC) : système électronique conçu pour
usage dans le commerce en vue des
contrôles efficaces de gestion, dans le
domaine d‘analyse des ventes et du
système du contrôle de stock qui remplit
les exigences prescrites par l‘Autorité;
“Machine à reçu”
(MR): appareil
connecté au SFC utilisé pour la livraison
le stockage des reçus ;
11. «Machine de facturation électronique»:
système comprenant le SFC et la machine
bugizwe na CIS na SDC bikaba bikorana
nk‘uburyo bumwe;
12º «Gihamya»: ibimenyetso byo ku
nyemezabuguzi bikoreshwa
n‘Ubuyobozi mu igenzura
13º «Inyemezabwishyu»: inyandiko
igaragaza ko habayeho kudandaza
cyangwa kuranguza ibicuruzwa cyangwa
inyandiko igaragaza ko hatanzwe serivisi
ku muguzi, kandi ubudakemwa bw‘iyo
nyandiko bukaba bwagenzurwa
14º Inomero yihariye y’imashini‖ (MRC)
inomero yihariye y‘uburyo bwo gutanga
inyemezabuguzi igaragaza ko
bwemewe ;
15º «inomero y’imashini
y’inyemezabwishyu: inomero yihariye
y‘imashini itanga inyemezabwishyu
igaragaza ko yemewe;
16º «POS»: ahatangirwa inyemezabwishyu;
17º «Ugurisha imashini»: isosiyete
cyangwa umuntu ku giti cye wanditse
mu Rwanda kandi wabiherewe
uruhushya n‘Ubuyobozi, rwo kugira
ibyemezo bya CIS cyangwa SDC
byakorewe mu Rwanda cyangwa mu
mahanga no kuzigurisha nk‘uzikora
cyangwa uhagarariye uzikora;
together as one system;
12º “Signature”: receipt data used for integrity
verification by the Authority;
certified retail receipt or
wholesale receipt or receipt for the
provision of services provided to the
customer, whose integrity can be verified by
the Authority;
14º “Machine Registration Code (MRC)”:
CIS‘s unique serial number with
designation of its certificate;
“SDC serial number”
: sales Data
Controller‘s unique serial number with
specification of its certificate;
16º POS”: Point Of Sale;
company or physical person
registered in Rwanda licensed by the
Authority for holding certificates for CIS
and/or SDC, manufactured in or outside
Rwanda, and selling it to the market as a
manufacturer or a representative of the
à reçu connectés ensemble comme un seul
données que comporte le
reçu dont l‘Autorité se sert pour la
rification de la sincérité de ce reçu;
document certifié constatant la
vente au détail ou en gros ou un récépissé
délivré pour la fourniture de services au
client dont la sinripeut être rifiée par
“Code d’enregistrement de la machine
(CEM)”: numéro de série unique avec
signation de son certificat;
15. “Numéro de série de la machine à reçu”:
numéro de série unique de la machine à
reçu avec désignation de son certificat;
16. “PDV”: point de vente;
17. «Fournisseur»: personne physique ou
société enregistrée au Rwanda sous licence
de l'Autorité pour la tenue de certificats du
SFC et
/ ou de la
machine à reçu,
fabriqués à l‘intérieur ou hors du Rwanda,
et sa vente sur le marc en tant que
fabricant ou représentant du fabiquant;
18º «ushyikiriza abaguzi imashin:
isosiyete cyangwa umuntu ku giti cye
wanditse mu Rwanda, akaba afitanye
n‘ugurisha imashini amasezerano yo
kuzishyikiriza abaguzi, kandi
wabiherewe uruhushya n‘Ubuyobozi rwo
kugurisha CIS cyangwa SDC mu
Ingingo ya 3: Kwiyandikisha k’ukoresha
imashini y’ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
Umusoreshwa wese wamenyeshejwe, nk‘uko
biteganywa n‘ingingo ya 9 y‘iri teka, agomba
kwiyandikisha nk‘ukoresha imashini
y‘ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga inyemezabuguzi.
Umusoreshwa wese usonewe inshingano
iteganyijwe mu gika cya mbere cy‘iyi ngingo,
ashobora kwiyandikisha mu Buyobozi ku
bushake cyangwa agasabwa kwiyandikisha
nk‘ukoresha imashini y‘ikoranabuhanga mu
gutanga inyemezabuguzi, hashingiwe ku
buremere bw‘impungenge nk‘uko bigenwa na
Komiseri Mukuru.
Uhereye igihe iri teka ritangiye gukurikizwa,
imashini zitanga inyemezabwishyu zujuje
ibisabwa n‘uburyo bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi
bwemewe hakoreshejwe Imashini
y‘Ikoranabuhanga, kandi zahawe uburenganzira
n‘Ubuyobozi, ni zo zonyine zishobora
gukoreshwa mu gutanga inyemezabwishyu
nk‘uko ziteganywa mu ngingo ya 7 y‘iri Teka.
18º “distributor”: company or natural person
registered in Rwanda, having a distribution
agreement with Supplier, and a license by
the Authority to sell CIS or SDC in
3: Registration as an electronic billing
machine user
Any taxpayer informed under Article 9 of this Order
shall be required to register with the Authority as a
certified electronic billing machine user.
Any taxpayer who is exempted from the obligation
under Paragraph One of this Article may voluntarily
register or may be required to register with the
Authority as a certified electronic billing machine
user, based on the level of risk assessment
determined by the Commissioner General.
Upon commencement of this Order, only machines
for issuing receipts that are found to be compliant
with certified
electronic billing machine
specifications, and have been duly authorized by the
Authority are utilised to generate receipts required
under Article 7 of this Order.
société ou personne
physique enregistrée au Rwanda ayant un
accord de distribution avec le fournisseur et
une licence de l'Autorité pour vendre le
SFC ou la machine à reçu au Rwanda.
Article 3: Enregistrement en tant qu’utilisateur
de machine de facturation électronique
Tout contribuable informé tel que pvu à l'article 9
du présent arrêté est tenu de s'inscrire auprès de
l'Autorité comme utilisateur de la machine de
facturation électronique agée.
Toute personne exemptée de l'obligation prévue au
premier alinéa du présent article peut s'inscrire
volontairement ou peut être tenue de s'inscrire
auprès de l'Autorité comme utilisateur de la
machine de facturation électronique agréé, sur base
du niveau d'évaluation des risques terminés par le
Commissaire Général.
Dès l‘entrée en vigueur du présent arrêté, seules
les machines pour la délivrance de reçus qui sont
jugées conformes aux spécificités de machine de
facturation électronique agréée dûment autorisées
par l'Autorité, sont utilisées lors de la délivrance
des rus en vertu de l‘article 7 du présent arrêté.
Ingingo ya 4: Isonerwa ku bisabwa n’iri teka
Komiseri Mukuru, ashingiye ku mpamvu
z‘umuntu ku giti cye, ashobora kumusonera
gukoresha uburyo bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi
buteganwa n‘iri teka, igihe hari ubundi buryo
bushobora gukoreshwa mu gutanga amakuru
yizewe ajyanye no kugenzura.
Ibigenderwaho mu gutanga ubusonerwe
biteganywa n‘Amabwiriza ya Komiseri Mukuru.
Ingingo ya
Kugenzura imashini
y’ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
Ubuyobozi bufite uburenganzira bwo kugenzura
imashini y‘ikoranabuhanga
mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi yandikishijwe hakurikijwe iri
teka, mu gihe icyo ari cyo cyose cy‘amasaha
y‘akazi, mu rwego rwo kugenzura niba ikurikiza
ibisabwa, imikoreshereze yayo ndetse n‘andi
mabwiriza ashobora gutangwa agenga
imikoreshereze y‘iyo mashini.
Abakozi b‘uwahawe uburenganzira bwo
gukoresha imashini z‘ikoranabuhanga mu
gutanga inyemezabuguzi bagomba kuyerekana
igihe cyose babisabwe kugira ngo ikorerwe
ubugenzuzi n‘abakozi b‘Ubuyobozi babishinzwe.
Imashini yose y‘Ikoranabuhanga igaragaye mu
igenzura ko itujuje ibisabwa, irafatirwa kandi
uwayikoreshaga agahanwa hakurikijwe
Article 4: Exemption from the obligations under
this Order
The Commissioner General may exempt from the
obligations under this Order, if the need for reliable
information on financial supervision may be
provided by other means upon an individual case.
The criteria for exemption shall be prescribed by the
Commissioner General Rules.
Article 5: Inspection of a certified electronic
billing machine
The Authority shall reserve the right to inspect any
certified electronic billing machines registered
under this Order, at any time during work hours, to
verify compliance of certified electronic billing
machines with the specification, the conditions of
their use as well as other regulations that may be
issued governing their use.
Store personnel, under the supervision of the user,
shall present the machine for inspection and audit by
the concerned Authority personnel, whenever
Any certified electronic billing machine found to be
non-compliant following inspection, shall be subject
to seizure and the user shall be sanctioned as
Article 4: Exonération des obligations prévues
par le présent ar
Le Commissaire Général peut dans certains cas
spécifiques, accorder une exonération des
obligations prévues dans le présent arrêté, s‘il
s‘avère que
les informations fiables sur la
supervision financière peuvent être fournies par
d‘autres moyens.
Les critères d'exonération sont déterminés par les
Instructions du Commissaire Générales.
Article 5: Inspection de machine de facturation
électronique agréée
L‘Autori se serve le droit d‘inspection de toutes
les machines de facturation électronique agréées
enregistrées en conformité avec le présent arrêté, à
n‘importe quel moment durant les heures de
travail, dans le but de vérifier s‘ils se conforment
aux règlements de leur utilisation et aux autres
dispositions qui peuvent être émises quant à leur
Le personnel de l‘utilisateur doit présenter la
machine pour inspection et audit par le personnel
de l‘Autorité, chaque fois qu‘il en est requis.
Lors de l‘inspection, toute machine de facturation
électronique agréée ne remplissant pas les
conditions prescrites, est saisie et son utilisateur est
ibiteganywa n‘iri teka.
Ukoresha imashini y‘ikoranabuhanga mu
gutanga inyemezabuguzi ashobora guhita
ayikoresha atagombye gutegereza igenzura
n‘uburenganzira butangwa n‘Ubuyobozi, igihe
yujuje ibintu bikurikira:
imashini ikoreshwa mu buryo bwo
gutanga inyemezabuguzi n‘imashini
y‘inyemezabwishyu zemewe zaguzwe ku
mucuruzi wabiherewe uburenganzira
umucuruzi w‘izo mashini yari asanzwe
yarazandikishije mu Buyobozi,
hakurikijwe uburyo bwo kwandikisha
buteganywa n‘amabwiriza ya Komiseri
Icyakora, abasoreshwa basanganywe izo mashini
bagomba gutangira kuzikoresha nyuma
y‘isuzumwa no guhabwa uburenganzira
Ingingo ya 6: Ibiranga uburyo bwo gutanga
inyemezabuguzi bwemewe
Uburyo bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi bwemewe
bugizwe n‘uburyo bwose bwo kwandika
amafaranga, uburyo bwerekana igiciro bwanditse
ku kintu cyangwa bugizwe n‘indi mashini
ikoreshwa mu bucuruzi ikorana n‘imashini
y‘inyemezabwishyu (SDC), byujuje imikorere
isabwa na Komiseri Mukuru.
prescribed under this Order.
Any user of a certified electronic billing machine
may immediately use it without the need for prior
inspection and authorization by the Authority, if the
following conditions are met:
the CIS and SDC model are procured from
authorized dealer;
the dealer of the CIS and SDC has already
registered those
with the
Authority, in accordance with the
registration procedure provided for by
Commissioner General Rules.
However, for taxpayers that already have existing
certified electronic billing mashines shall use them
after they are inspected and upon authorization by
the Authority.
Article 6: CIS Features
CIS is comprised of any cash register model, POS
system under any form of hardware or similar
business machine connected to SDC, with functions
prescribed by Commissioner General.
sanctionné, conformément aux dispositions du
présent arrêté.
L‘utilisateur d‘une machine de facturation
electronique agréée peut l‘utiliser immédiatement,
sans qu‘il y ait besoin d‘une inspection préalable
ou autorisation de l‘Autorité, si les conditions ci-
après sont remplies:
le SFC et la machine à reçu ont été achetés
auprès d‘un fournisseur agréé;
le fournisseur du SFC et de la machine à
reçu les a déjà faits enregistrés auprès de
l‘Autorité, conformément aux procédures
d‘enregistrement établies par le
Commissaire Général.
Cependant, les contribuables possédant déjà les
machines de facturation électronique agréées ne les
utilisent qu‘après l‘inspection et l‘autorisation de
Article 6: Composantes du SFC
Le SFC est composé de tout modèle d‘enregistreur
d‘argent, de n‘importe quel moyen d‘indication des
prix faite par écrit ou d‘une machine de commerce
similaire connectés à la machine à reçu, avec des
fonctions définies par le Commissairenéral.
Uburyo bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi bwemewe
bugomba kohereza amakuru y‘inyemezabwishyu
akenewe, kugira ngo imashini itange amakuru
yose ku nyemezabwishyu.
Ingingo ya 7: Ibigomba kugaragara ku
Uburyo bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi bwemewe,
bugomba gutanga inyemezabwishyu zigomba
kuba byibuze zigaragaragaza amakuru akurikira:
izina ry‘umusoreshwa;
inomero iranga umusoreshwa;
aho ubucuruzi bukorwa;
inomero iranga umukiriya ishobora
gushyirwaho cyangwa ntishyirweho;
ubwoko bw‘inyemezabwishyu
n‘ubw‘igikorwa cy‘ubucuruzi;
inomero yihariye y‘inyemezabwishyu,
igenda izamuka nta mubare usimbutswe
kuri buri bwoko bw‘inyemezabwishyu;
ibijyanye n‘ibicuruzwa, cyangwa serivisi
ubwoko bwabyo, uko bingana, igiciro
ndetse n‘ibindi bishobora gukorwa, nko
gutesha agaciro inyemezabwishyu
cyangwa kuyikosora;
A CIS shall be able to send to its SDC the receipt -
data needed in order to produce the receipt‘s SDC
Article 7: Receipt data requirements
A Certified Invoicing System shall generate receipts
which show, among others, the data enumerated in
items below as minimum required information:
taxpayer‘s name;
taxpayer identification number;
address at which the sale takes
optional tax identification number of the
receipt type and transaction type;
serial number of the receipt, from an
uninterrupted ascending number series per
receipt type;
registered items or services with description,
quantity, price, with any other action that may
be done, such as cancellations or corrections;
Un SFC doit être à mesure d‘envoyer à sa machine
reçu les données nécessaires pour l‘inscription
informations de la machine à reçu.
Article 7: Données à faire figurer au reçu
Un système de facturation certifiée doit livrer des
reçus comportant entre autres, les données
énumérées ci-dessous contenant le minimum
d'informations cessaires:
le nom du contribuable;
le numéro d‘identification fiscale;
l‘adresse du lieu de vente ;
le numéro facultatif d‘identification fiscale
du client;
le type de reçu et de transaction
le numéro de série du reçu, établi par ordre
croissant et ininterrompu par type de reçu;
l‘enregistrement d‘articles ou de services
avec description, quantité, prix, et autres
modifications possibles, telles que
l‘annulation ou la correction;
total sales amount;
le montant total des ventes;
igipimo kigenderwaho mu gusora;
tax rates applied;
les taux d‘imposition appliqués;
10º igipimo cy‘umusoro cyongerwa ku giciro
10º the tax added to the sale amount;
10º la taxe additionnée sur le prix de
11º uburyo bwo kwishyura;
11º means of payment;
11º le mode de payement;
12º amakuru y‘imashini y‘inyemezabwishyu
12º SDC information including:
12º les informations en rapport avec la
machine à reçu dont:
a. itariki n‘igihe bishyirwaho n‘imashini
a. date and time stamped by SDC;
a. la date et l‘heure inscrites par la machine à
y‘inyemezabwishyu (SDC);
b. inomero y‘ubwoko
bw‘inyemezabwishyu igezweho;
c. umukono wo ku nyemezabwishyu;
d. inomero iranga imashini itanga
13º itariki n‘igihe bishyirwaho n‘uburyo bwo
gutanga inyemezabuguzi bwemewe
1 inomero yihariye y‘imashini (MRC).
Buri nyemezabwishyu igizwe n‘uruhurirane
rw‘ubwoko bw‘inyemezabwishyu
n‘ubw‘ubucuruzi, bugenwa na Komiseri
Ibigomba kugaragara ku nyemezabwishyu
bivugwa mu gika cya mbere cy‘iyi ngingo
bigomba kubahirizwa mu gihe
cy‘inyemezabuguzi zagaruwe. Icyakora,
amabwiriza yihariye
arebana n‘itangwa
ry‘inyemezabuguzi zagaruwe bigenwa na
Komiseri Mukuru.
b. sequential receipt type number;
c. receipt signature;
d. SDC identification number;
13º date and time stamped by CIS;
14º machine Registration Code (MRC).
Each receipt shall be formed from a combination of a
receipt type and a transaction type, determined by the
Commissioner General.
The receipt data requirements referred to in
Paragraph One of this Article shall apply to return
receipts. However, special provisions for issuing
return receipts shall be determined by the
Commissioner General.
b. le numéro de séquence du type de reçu ;
c. la signature du reçu;
d. le numero d‘identification de la machine à
13º la date et heure inscrites par le SFC;
le Code d‘enregistrement de la machine
Chaque reçu est structuré selon la combinaison du
type de reçu et de transaction, déterminés par le
Commissaire Général.
Les données qui doivent figurer au reçu visés au
premier alinéa du présent article doivent également
figurer sur le reçu en cas de retours. Toutefois, les
dispositions spéciales pour émettre des reçus en cas
de retour sont déterminées par le Commissaire
Ingingo ya 8: Kwemererwa gukoresha
Imashini y’ ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
Abinyujije mu itangazo, Komiseri Mukuru
amenyesha igihe cyo gutangira gusaba
uburenganzira bwo gukoresha uburyo bwo
gutanga inyemezabuguzi bwemewe (CIS)
cyangwa Imashini y‘inyemazabwishyu (SDC).
Uburenganzira bwo gukoresha uburyo bwo
gutanga inyemezabwishyu bwemewe, busabwa
kuri buri cyiciro cy‘ubwoko bwose bw‘imashini
cyangwa ku bwoko bwose bw‘imashini yerekana
igiciro ku buryo bwanditse bwagemuwe ku isoko
ryo mu Rwanda. Ubwo burenganzira kandi ni
ngombwa kuri buri cyiciro cy‘imashini
nyemezabwishyu zishyizwe ku isoko ryo mu
Rwanda. Urwo ruhushya rugaragaza ko ubwoko
bw‘imashini na progaramu bwasuzumwe.
Uburyo bwakoreshejwe
mu isuzuma
n‘ibyavuyemo bishyirwa muri raporo y‘isuzuma
igenwa na Komiseri Mukuru.
Mu gihe cyo gusaba kwemererwa, usaba
yerekana imikorere y‘ubwo buryo cyangwa
isuzuma ry‘imashini imbere y‘ubuyobozi, kugira
ngo bwemeze ko bikurikije amabwiriza agenwa
n‘iri teka n‘amabwiriza ya Komiseri Mukuru.
Kutubahiriza ibivugwa muri iyi ngingo bifatwa
nk‘impamvu ihita ikuraho uburenganzira bwari
bwaratanzwe, kandi umucuruzi utabyubahirije
agahanwa hakurikijwe ibiteganywa nn‘iri teka.
Article 8: Electronic billing machines
The Commissioner General shall announce, by
Public Notice, the commencement period for
submission of application for CIS or SDC
The CIS accreditation shall be required for each
version of a machine model or a POS program
supplied on the Rwandan market. The SDC
accreditation shall be required for each version of a
model supplied on the Rwandan market. The
accreditation shall indicate that a software version
has been tested. The test methods and result shall be
documented in a test report determined by
Commissioner General.
An actual system demonstration or machine
inspection shall be conducted by the applicant at the
time of application, and attended by the Authority,
determine if the machine is compliant with the
conditions set by this Order and Commissioner
General instructions.
Any violation of the provisions of this Article is
considered as sufficient basis for the immediate
revocation of the accreditation granted, and the
supplier concerned shall be subject to sanctions
8: Accréditation des machines de
facturation électronique
Le Commissaire Général annonce par avis au
public, la date du début de demande de
l‘accréditation du SFC ou de la machine à reçu.
L'accréditation du SFC est exigée pour chaque
version d'un modèle de machine ou de programme
de PV fournis sur le marché rwandais.
L'accréditation de la machine à reçu est exigée
pour chaque version d'un modèle de machine
fournis sur le marché rwandais. L'accréditation
indique que la version du logiciel a été soumise à
un essai. Les méthodes d‘essai et les résultats
doivent être détaillés dans un rapport d‘essai
terminés par le Commissaire Général.
Lors de la demande d‘accréditation, le demandeur
doit faire la démonstration du système ou de l‘essai
de la machine, sous l‘assistance de l'Autorité, pour
déterminer si la machine remplit les conditions
requises par les instructions du Commissaire
La violation des dispositions du présent article est
considérée comme preuve suffisante pour la
révocation immédiate de l‘accréditation accordée,
et le fournisseur concerest passible des sanctions
Uburyo bwose bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi
bwemewe bujyana n‘inomero yihariye
y‘imashini. Ibiranga iyo nomero bigenwa
n‘amabwiriza ya Komiseri Mukuru.
Imashini y‘inyemezabuguzi yose igira inomero
iyiranga. Ibigize iyo nomero biteganywa
n‘amabwiriza ya Komiseri Mukuru. Ubusonerwe
bwo kwemeza uburyo bwo gutanga
inyemezabuguzi bwemewe bushobora gutangwa
n‘amabwiriza ya Komiseri Mukuru. Ubwo
busonerwe busaba ko uwakoze izo mashini aba
yarabigaragaje yemeza ko ubwo buryo bwujuje
ibisabwa n‘iri teka.
Ubusonerwe buvugwa muri iyi ngingo
ntibushobora gutangwa ku mashini
Ingingo ya
9: Ikoreshwa ry’Imashini
y’ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
mu itangazo,
bumenyesha igihe cyo gutangira gukoresha
y‘Ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi kuri buri cyicyiro
y‘ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi ikoreshwa gusa igihe uburyo
bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi bwemewe (CIS)
provided for under this Order.
Each CIS shall be provided with a Machine
Registration Code (MRC). MRC specifications are
provided for by the Commissioner General‘s
Each SDC shall be provided with SDC
identification number.
SDC identification
specifications shall be provided for by the
Commissioner General‘s instructions. Exemption
may be granted from the requirement for
certification of CIS by the Commissioner General‘s
instructions. Exemption shall presuppose that a
manufacturer declaration exists demonstrating that
the CIS fulfils the requirements pertaining to this
The exemption provided for under this Article shall
not be extended to the SDC.
Article 9: Use of a certified electronic
The Authority shall announce, by public notice, the
commencement period of the obligation to use
certified electronic billing machines for each
category of users.
A certified electronic billing machine shall only be
used if both CIS and SDC are certified by the
Authority. The Commissioner General shall inform
prévues par le présent arrêté.
Tout SFC doit être fourni avec un Code
d‘enregistrement de la machine (CEM). Les
spécifications du CEM sont déterminées par les
instructions du Commissaire Général.
Chaque machine à reçu est fournie avec son
numéro d'identification. Les spécifications sur
l‘identification de la machine à reçu sont prévues
par les instructions du Commissaire Général. La
dérogation à la condition de certification du SFC
peut être accordée par les instructions du
Commissaire Général. Cette exonération est
soumisse à l‘existence d‘une déclaration du
fabricant attestant que le SFC répond aux
conditions posées par le présent arrêté.
L'exonération visée au présent article ne s'étend
pas à la machine à reçu.
Article 9: Usage de machine de facturation
électronique agréée
L'Autorité annonce, par avis au public, la date du
début de l‘utilisation des machines de facturation
électronique agréées pour chaque catégorie
Une machine de facturation électronique agréée ne
peut être utilisée que si elle est agréée par
l‘Autorité. Le Commissaire Général informe par
n‘imashini y‘inyemezabwishyu (SDC)
byemejwe n‘Ubuyobozi. Komiseri Mukuru,
abinyujije mu itangazo, amenyesha ubwoko
bw‘imashini bwemejwe n‘Ubuyobozi.
y‘ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi igomba kuba ijyanye n‘icyiciro,
ibikorwa n‘ubwoko bw‘imirimo y‘ubucuruzi
abayikoresha bakora.
Ingingo ya
10: Kugenzura no gutuma
imashini y’ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi ihora ikora neza
Umusoreshwa wese agomba kumenya ko
imashini ze zikorerwa igenzurwa rya tekiniki mu
gihe giteganywa n‘amabwiriza ya Komiseri
Serivisi y‘igenzura ivugwa mu gika cya mbere
ikorwa n‘umutekinisiye w‘umucuruzi
wazigemuye wabiherewe uburenganzira
Amafaranga ya serivisi yo kwita ku buryo
ngarukagihe ku mashini y‘ikoranabuhanga mu
gutanga inyemezabuguzi yishyurwa
by public notice which CIS and SDC brand and
model is certified.
A certified electronic billing machine shall be
suitable to the category, operation and type of user
business transactions.
Article 10: Maintenance of a certified electronic
billing machine
Every user of certified electronic billing machines
shall ensure that the electronic billing machines
undergo periodic technical maintenance service
within the time frame prescribed by the
Commissioner General.
The technical maintenance service mentioned in
Paragraph One of this Aricle shall be performed by
a qualified supplier's technician approved by the
Expenses for periodic maintenance of certified
electronic billing machines shall be covered by the
avis au public la version, le modèle de SFC ainsi
que la machine à reçu agréés.
Une machine de facturation électronique agréée
doit être compatible avec la catégorie, l‘opération
types de transactions commerciales de
Article 10: Entretien de machine de facturation
électronique agréée
Tout utilisateur de machine de facturation
électronique agréée s‘assure de l‘entretien de celle-
ci dans la riodicité déterminée par le
Commissaire Général.
Le service d'entretien technique visé au premier
alinéa est effectué par le technicien qualifié du
fournisseur agé par l'Autorité.
Les dépenses de l‘entretien périodique des
machines de facturation électronique agréées sont
payées par l'utilisateur.
Ingingo ya
11: Inshingano z’ukoresha
Article 11: Obligations of a certified electronic
11: Obligation de l’utilisateur de
imashini y’ ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
billing machine user
machine de facturation électronique agréée
Abakoresha imashini y‘ Ikoranabuhanga mu
Users of certified electronic billing machines shall
Les utilisateurs
des machines de facturation
gutanga inyemezabuguzi bafite inshingano
kugura ibikoresho byuzuye bikoreshwa
mu buryo bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi
bwemewe ku mucuruzi wabiherewe
gushyira ahakorerwa ubucuruzi imashini
y‘Ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
gutanga inyemezabwishyu yakozwe
n‘imashini y‘ ikoranabuhanga mu
gutanga inyemezabuguzi ku mukiriya
wese ugura ibintu cyangwa ukoresha
gukora ku buryo imashini
y‘ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi ishyirwa ahantu
horoshye kugera kandi hagaragarira
gukora ku buryo ibintu cyangwa serivisi
byagurishijwe hakoresheje imashini
y‘Ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi bigira izina
ridashidikanywaho ndetse n‘igipimo
cy‘umusoro nyacyo;
be subject to the following obligations: électronique agréées sont soumis aux obligations
to purchase certified set of electronic billing acheter l‘équipement complet de
machines from a licensed supplier; facturation électronique agréées auprès
d‘un fournisseur agréé;
to install certified electronic billing
installer les machines de facturation
machines at the sales location; électronique agréées au lieu de vente;
to issue receipt generated by certified délivrer un reçu établi par une machine de
electronic billing machines to every
facturation électronique agréée à chaque
customer purchasing items or service; client qui achète un bien ou un service;
to ensure that certified electronic billing
veiller à ce que les machines de facturation
machines is placed at a place which is électronique agréées soient placés à un
accessible and easily seen by customers; endroit accessible et visible par les clients;
to ensure that all items or services sold
veiller à ce que tous les articles ou services
through certified electronic billing machine vendus sous l‘usage de la machine de
have clearly defined name and appropriate
facturation électronique agréée aient un
tax rate;
nom clairement défini et un taux de tax
kugaragaza TIN y‘umukiriya ku
nyemezabuguzi, mbere yo gutangira
gutanga inyemezabuguzi, mu gihe
bisabwe n‘umukiriya wishyuye;
gushyira ahashyizwe imashini
y‘ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi icyapa cy‘inyunganizi
gikubiyemo ibi bikurikira:
a. izina, aderesi n‘inomero iranga usora;
b. inomero yihariye y‘imashini;
c. inomero ya seri y‘imashini
d. amagambo ―igihe imashini igize ikibazo,
abakozi bacuruza bagomba gutanga
inyemezabwishyu zanditse n‘intoki
zemewe n‘ubuyobozi‖;
kwemerera ubugenzuzi bw‘imashini
y‘Ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi no kuyikorera
ubugenzuzi ku byerekeranye
n‘ubuziranenge n‘ubudasobwa bwayo;
kwifashisha serivisi zabugenewe mu
gukora igenzura ritegetswe ry‘imikorere
y‘imashini, mu gihe bisabwe na
to include client‘s TIN on the receipt upon
request from the client who performs the
payment prior to start issuing a receipt,;
to put a conspicuous notice containing the
following information at a place where the
certified electronic billing machine is
a. name of the user, address and the TIN;
b. machine Registration Code;
c. SDC Serial Number;
d. statement ―In case of machine failure, sales
personnel shall
issue manual receipts
authorized by the Authority‖;
e. statement ―DO NOT PAY IF A RECEIPT
to make certified electronic billing machine
available for control with respect to its
being intact and the correctness of its
to perform compulsory technical inspection
of certified electronic billing machine with
appropriate service point, once such
indiquer le numéro d‘identification fiscale
du client sur le reçu avant de délivrer un
reçu, si le client qui effectue le payement
en fait la demande;
afficher à l‘endroit où la machine de
facturation électronique est installée une
pancarte comportant les informations
a. nom, adresse et le NIF du contribuable;
b. le code d‘enregistrement de la machine de
facturation électronique;
c. le numéro derie de la machine à reçu;
la mention
―En cas de panne de la
machine, le personnel de l‘utilisateur
livrera un reçu manuel reconnu par
la mention ―NE PAYEZ PAS SI VOUS
assurer la disponibilité de la machine de
facturation électronique agréée pour son
contrôle eu égard à son son état intact et de
justesse opérationnnelle;
conduire obligatoirement une inspection
technique de la machine de facturation
électronique agréée par un service
Komiseri Mukuru;
kubika kopi z‘ibyanditse hakoreshejwe
iyo mashini mu gihe cy‘imyaka icumi
kugenzura neza ko ahawe igitabo
gikubiyemo amabwiriza yo gukoresha
imashini igihe uwayigurishije ayitanze;
12º kugenzura neza ko umucuruzi
w‘imashini yari yarayandikishije mu
Buyobozi igihe yayizanaga ku isoko;
13º kumenyesha ubuyobozi ko
ahakorerwaga ubucuruzi hahindutse
binyuze mu nzira zigenwa na Komiseri
14º kudahagarika ikoreshwa ry‘Imashini y‘
ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
mu gihe kirenze
amasaha cumi n‘abiri
(12) atabanje
kubimenyesha ubuyobozi;
15º kumenyesha Ubuyobozi imikorere mibi
y‘imashini y‘ikoranabuhanga mu
gutanga inyemezabuguzi mu gihe
cy‘amasaha atandatu (6);
16º kubika
mu Rwanda imashini
obligation is requested by the Commissioner
to store the copies of certified electronic
billing machines journal records within ten
(10) years;
11º to ensure that the user manual is received at
the time of supply by the dealer;
to ensure that the supplier has registered
certified electronic billing machine at the
time of supply with the Authority;
to report change of sales location to the
Authority through procedure prescribed by
the Commissioner General;
14º not to stop using certified electronic billing
machine for more than twelve (12) hours
without prior notification to the Authority;
15º to report malfunctions of certified electronic
billing machine to the Authority within six
(6) hours;
16º to keep the SDC in Rwanda;
pproprié, une fois demandé par le
Commissaire Général;
garder les copies d‘enregistrement des
rapports des machines de facturation
électronique agréées pendant dix (10) ans ;
s‘assurer que le manuel d‘utilisateur est
reçu au moment de la livraison par le
s‘assurer que le fournisseur a fait
enregistrer la machine de facturation
électronique agréée auprès de l‘Autori au
moment de la livraison;
13º informer l‘Autorité du changement de lieu
de vente par les procédures déterminées
par le Commissaire Général ;
14º ne pas arrêter d‘utiliser la machine de
facturation électronique agréée pendant
(12) heures sans en informer au
préalable l‘Autorité;
15º informer l‘Autorité du mauvais
fonctionnement de la machine de
facturation électronique agréée dans un
lai de six (6) heures;
16º garder la machine à reçu au Rwanda;
17º mu gihe imashini y‘Ikoranabuhanga mu
gutanga inyemezabuguzi igurishijwe
cyangwa se igakurwaho, imashini
y‘inyemezabwishyu yayo igomba
kubikwa n‘uwayikoreshaga;
18º imashini y‘inyemezabwishyu igomba
kubikwa n‘uwayikoreshaga nibura mu
gihe cy‘amezi cumi n‘abiri (12) ahantu
hizewe kandi hagenwe n‘uwayikoze.
Ibyo kandi bigomba gukorwa no ku
zasimbuwe kugira ngo
zivanweho cyangwa se zasimbuwe
kubera indi mpamvu iyo ari yo yose;
19º kugira amasezerano y‘ubugure yemewe
n‘umucuruzi ubifitiye uburenganzira;
20º ntashobora gutangira ubucuruzi bwe
adafite imashini y‘ ikoranabuhanga mu
gutanga inyemezabuguzi, kandi ikaba
yarashyizwe ahantu hacururizwa;
21º gutanga amakuru afatika ku nyandiko
asabiraho uruhushya rwo gutangira
gukoresha imashini y‘Ikoranabuhanga
mu gutanga inyemezabuguzi kugira ngo
iyo mashini ihabwe umuyoboro utuma
itangira gukoreshwa;
guha Ubuyobozi raporo ijyanye
n‘isimbuzwa ry‘imashini
y‘Ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi mu masaha cumi n‘abiri
17º to preserve the SDC in the event of sale or
scrapping of a certified electronic billing
18º to preserve the SDC for at least twelve (12)
months in a secure manner recommended
by manufacturer. This also shall apply to a
SDC which has been replaced to be
dismantled or has been replaced for some
other reason;
to have a valid purchase contract for the
certified electronic billing machines from
an authorized supplier;
20º not to start business activity without
acquisition of a certified Electronic billing
machine with and its installation at sales
21º to provide accurate information about sales
outlet where electronic billing machine shall
be operating on the application form for
system activation;
22º to report to the Authority about electronic
billing machine replacement in twelve (12)
hours after Electronic billing machine is
replaced or moved out from registered sales
en cas de vente ou de destruction de la
machine de facturation électronique
agréée, la machine à reçu doit être
préservée par l'utilisateur;
la machine à reçu doit être présérvée par
l'utilisateur pendant au moins douze (12)
mois de manière sécurisée recommandée
par le fabricant. Cela s'applique également
à la machine à reçu qui a été remplacée
pour être démantelée ou pour une autre
19º avoir un contrat valable pour l'achat de la
machine de facturation électronique agréée
aups d'un fournisseur autorisé;
20º ne pas démarrer l'activicommerciale sans
l'acquisition de la machine de facturation
électronique agréée et sans l‘avoir installée à
l'emplacement de vente;
fournir des informations précises sur les
points de vente la machine de
facturation électronique agréée doit être
opérationnelle sur le formulaire de
demande pour l'activation du système;
donner rapport à l'Autorité sur le
remplacement d‘une machine de
facturation électronique agréée dans douze
(12) heures après que la machine ait été
uhereye igihe ubwo buryo
bwasimburijwe cyangwa se bwakuwe
ahantu hagenewe kugurishirizwa kubera
impamvu runaka;
gusaba Ubuyobozi kuvana imashini ye
ku muyoboro utuma imashini
y‘Ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi ikoreshwa mu gihe
ahagaritse ibikorwa bye by‘ubucuruzi;
24º gutanga inyemezabuguzi yemewe
itanzwe n‘imashini y‘Ikoranabuhanga
mu gutanga inyemezabuguzi hatitawe ko
umukiriya yaba ayishaka cyangwa
atayishaka, mu gihe cyose hari nibura
imashini imwe ikora iri ahantu
25º gutanga inyandiko
yo gusubiza
amafaranga yanditswe n‘imashini
y‘Ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi mu gihe haba hari
nibura imashini imwe ikora neza aho
bacururiza no kubika inyandiko zijyanye
n‘iryo subiza hakurikijwe amabwiriza ya
Komiseri Mukuru;
26º gutanga inyemezabuguzi ebyiri
zanditswe n‘intoki hatitawe ko umuguzi
ashaka cyangwa se adashaka
inyemezabuguzi mu gihe nta mashini y‘
ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
outlet for any reason;
to submit request to the Authority for
electronic billing machine desactivation in
case of cessation of business activity;
24º issue certified receipt printed by Electronic
billing machine, regardless if client is
requiring or rejecting to take certified
receipt, in case there is at least one
electronic billing machine functioning
properly at sales location;
to issue certified refund receipt printed by
certified electronic billing machine in case
that there is at least one certified electronic
billing machine functioning properly at
sales location and document refund in
accordance with refund procedure specified
by Commissioner General‘s instructions;
to issue invoices written by hand in two
specimens, regardless if the client is
requiring or rejecting to take invoice, in
case there is no certified electronic billing
machine functioning properly at the sales
remplacée ou déplacée hors du point de
vente enregistré pour une raison
23º soumettre la demande à l'Autorité pour la
désactivation de la machine de facturation
électronique agréée en cas de cessation
24º délivrer un reçu imprimé par la machine de
facturation électronique agréée,
indépendamment de la volonté du client
d‘en exiger ou ne pas en exiger la remise,
dans le cas il y a au moins une machine
de facturation électronique agréée qui
fonctionne correctement au point de vente;
délivrer un ru de remboursement
impripar la machine de facturation
électronique agréée dans le cas il y a au
moins une machine de facturation
électronique qui fonctionne correctement
au point de vente et garder les documents
en rapport avec le
conformément à la procédure de
remboursement terminée par les
instructions du Commissaire Général;
émettre des factures écrites à la main en
deux exemplaires, sans tenir compte de la
volonté du client de prendre ou de ne pas
prendre la facture, au cas il n'y a pas de
machine de facturation électronique agréée
inyemezabuguzi ikora neza ihari no
kubika nibura mu gihe cy‘imyaka icumi
(10) imwe muri izo nyemezabuguzi
hamwe n‘indi y‘umwimerere itangwa
n‘imashini y‘ikoranabuhanga mu
gutanga inyemezabuguzi nyuma y‘uko
zongera gukora nk‘uko bisanzwe;
27º gutanga inyemezabuguzi yo gusubiza
amafaranga mu gihe bibaye ngombwa ko
hari asubizwa ku nyemezabuguzi yari
yatanzwe kubera ko basanze hari
harabayemo ikosa; iyo nyemezabuguzi
yo gusubiza amafaranga igomba
kubikwa ikurikirana na ya
nyemezabuguzi y‘umwimerere hamwe
n‘imyandiko zose z‘ibimenyetso
zijyanye n‘uko gusubiza amafaranga
nk‘uko biteganywa n‘amabwiriza ya
Komiseri Mukuru;
28º kumenyesha Ubuyobozi mu nyandiko
mu masaha cumi n‘abiri (12) ko imashini
y‘Ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi idakora mu gihe
habayeho kwibwa, cyangwa se ukundi
kononekara kwaterwa n‘impamvu
zidasanzwe nk‘imyuzure, inkongi
y‘umuriro, umutingito, impanuka
y‘ubwikorezi n‘ibindi nk‘ibyo. Iryo
menyesha rigomba kuba riherekejwe na
kopi ya raporo y‘umuyobozi ubifitiye
Mu gihe ibikorwa
by‘ubucuruzi bikomeje, umusoreshwa
agomba kugura ibindi bikoresho
location and at least for ten (10) years and
keep second specimen of invoice
handwritten together with original certified
receipt printed after certified electronic
billing machine is recovered;
27º to issue certified refund receipts in case of
necessary balance correction for previously
issued certified receipt due to entry error.
Refund receipt in this case shall be in
consecutive order from original receipt
followed by documented evidence, in
accordance with refund procedure specified
by Commissioner General‘s instructions;
28º to notify the Authority in writing about
termination of certified electronic billing
machines operation in twelve (12) hours
due to theft or damage by force majeure
like flood, fire, earthquake, accident in
transportation or similar. This notification
shall be accompanied by copy of report
from competent authority. If business
activity is continuing, a taxpayer shall
purchase a new certified electronic billing
machine within eight (8) working days;
qui fonctionne correctement au point de
vente et garder, au moins pendant dix (10)
ans, le deuxième spécimen de la facture
écrite à la main avec la facture originale
émise après que la machine de facturation
électronique ait été remise en état de
fonctionnement normal;
27º délivrer un reçu de remboursement certif
en cas de correction de la différence
nécessaire pour le reçu
précédemment émis si on se rend compte
qu‘il y a eu une erreur d'entrée. Dans ce
cas, le reçu de remboursement doit être
dans l'ordre consécutif du reçu original,
suivie par des preuves documentées
conformément à la procédure de
remboursement terminée par les
instructions du Commissaire Général;
notifier à l'Autoripar écrit l‘arrêt des
opérations des machine de facturation
électronique agréée dans (12) heures en
cas de vol ou de dommages causés par la
force majeure tel que l‘inondation,
l‘incendie, le tremblement de terre,
l‘accident de transport ou faits similaires.
Cette notification doit être accompagnée
par une copie du rapport de l‘autorité
compétente. Si l'activité commerciale se
poursuit, le contribuable est obligé
d'acheter une nouvelle machine de
facturation électronique agréée dans les
huit (8) jours ouvrables;
gutanga inyemezabuguzi mu gihe
cy‘iminsi umunani(8) y‘akazi;
kugira imashini y‘inyemezabwishyu
(SDC) ikora neza ikaba ikorana igihe
cyose n‘uburyo
bwo gutanga
kutagira ikintu akora ku mashini
y‘Ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi akoresha amajanisha
anyuranye y‘umusoro ku bicuruzwa na
serivise, usibye ibiteganijwe
31º izindi
nshingano zose zishobora
gushyirwaho na Komiseri Mukuru.
Ingingo ya
12: Gutanga uburenganzira
k’ugurisha n’ushyikiriza abaguzi ibicuruzwa
uburyo bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi
bwemewe n’iimashini y’inyemezabwishyu
Kugurisha uburyo bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi
cyangwa imashini z‘inyemezabwishyu bwemewe
bikorwa n‘ugurisha cyangwa ushyikiriza abaguzi
ibicuruzwa wabiherewe uburenganzira
n‘Ubuyobozi. Ibisabwa kugira ngo umucuruzi
ahabwe ubwo burenganzira bigenwa
n‘Amabwiriza ya Komiseri Mukuru.
to keep the proper functional SDC
connected to CIS all the time;
not perform operations on certified
electronic billing
machine applying
different tax rates for goods and services
other than the ones officially prescribed by
the Authority;
31º any other obligation that may be determined
by the Commissioner General.
Article 12: Licensing of CIS and SDC supplier
and its distributors
Any supply of CIS or SDC devices shall be made by
supplier or a distributor duly licensed by the
Authority. Conditions to license the suppliers or
distributor are determined by Commissioner
General‘s instructions.
garder la machine à reçu qui fonctionne
correctement connectée au SFC en
ne pas effectuer des opérations sur la
machine de facturation électronique agréée
en appliquant des taux de taxe différents
pour les biens et services autres que ceux
prescrits officiellement par l'Autorité;
toute autre obligation pouvant être
terminée par le Commissaire Général.
Article 12: Octroi de licence aux fournisseurs et
distributeurs des SFC et des machines à reçu
Toute livraison du SFC ou de la machine à reçu est
faite par un fournisseur ou un distributeur dûment
autorisé par l‘Autorité. Les conditions d‘octroi de
licence sont fixées par les instructions du
Commissaire Général.
Ingingo ya 13: Inshingano z’ugurisha uburyo
Article 13: Obligations of a supplier of CIS or
Article 13: Obligations du fournisseur du SFC
bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi bwemewe
ou de la machine à reçu
cyangwa imashini nyemezabwishyu
The supplier of CIS or SDC shall have the following
Le fournisseur du SFC ou de la machine à reçu est
inyemezabuguzi bwemewe cyangwa imashini
soumis aux obligations ci-dessous:
nyemezabwishyu afite inshingano zikurikira:
kugenzura ko uburyo bwo gutanga
to ensure that CIS or SDC and their
s‘assurer que le SFC ou la machine à reçu
inyemezabuguzi cyangwa imashini
nyemezabwishyu n‘ibikoresho
bikenerwa kuri iyo mashini bijyanye
n‘ibipimo ndetse n‘ibisabwa ku rwego
mpuzamahanga bigenwa n‘ubuyobozi ;
accessories are manufactured according to
et leurs accessoires sont fabriqués selon
the international standards and les
normes et les spécifications
specifications set by the Authority; internationales determinées par l‘Autorité;
no kugemurira
to sell and distribute to users only
vendre et distribuer uniquement aux
abakoresha ibikoresho by‘uburyo bwo
accredited CIS or SDC devices ;
utilisateurs les appareils du SFC ou de la
machine à reçu accrédités;
imashini nyemezabwishyu byemewe;
kwereka ubuyobozi urugero rw‘imashini
to provide the Authority with sample of
fournir à l'Autorité un échantillon de l‘appareil
ikoreshwa mu buryo bwo gutanga
CIS or SDC devices and all
SFC ou de la machine à reçu et toutes les
inyemezabuguzi bwemewe cyangwa
documentation required by the Authority
documentations requises lors de la demande
imashini nyemezabwishyu ndetse
n‘ibindi byangombwa bisabwa
n‘Ubuyobozi mu gihe cyo gusaba
kwemererwa ;
kwishyura amafaranga atangwa ku
igeragezwa n‘iyerekanwa ry‘uburyo bwo
gutanga inyemezabuguzi bwemewe
cyangwa imashini nyemezabwishyu
bisabirwa kwemerwa kugurishwa;
when applying for a certificate; de certification;
to cover the expenses for testing and
couvrir les
dépenses d‘essai et de
demonstration of CIS or SDC for which
démonstration du SFC ou de la machine à
license is requested; reçu pour lesquels la licence est demandée;
guha Ubuyobozi inomero ya seri
y‘imashini mpamyabwishyu mbere yo
gutanga garanti yo gukomeza gutanga
ibikoresho bikenerwa byo gusimbuza
ibidakora izo mashini zikenera mu gihe
cy‘imyaka itatu (3) nibura uhereye ku
itariki izo mashini zaguriweho.
gukemura ikibazo cyavutse
ikoreshwa ry‘ izo mashini mu gihe
cy‘amasaha mirongo ine n‘umunani(48)
uhereye igihe uzikoresha
gutanga amahugurwa ku bakoresha ubwo
buryo n‘iyo mashini;
guha Ubuyobozi raporo mu buryo
bugenwa na Komiseri Mukuru,
ikubiyemo imashini z‘uburyo bwo
gutanga inyemezabuguzi bwemewe
cyangwa imashini nyemezabwishyu
zagurishijwe, inomero y‘ubwoko, itariki
yo kugurishwa, inomero iranga usora
uyikoresha (TIN) n‘aho ubucuruzi bwe
10º kubika amakuru ajyanye n‘imashini
z‘uburyo bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi
bwemewe na nomero y‘imashini
nyemezabwishyu zatumijwe hanze
n‘izagurishijwe, harimo nomero
y‘imashini (MRC), inomero y‘imashini
to submit to the Authority the SDC serial
number prior to sale ;
to guarantee the continuous supply of
spare parts for CIS and /or SDC for a
minimum period of three (3) years
starting from the date of sale;
to repair certified electronic billing
machine within fourty eight (48) hours of
being reported by the user ;
to provide training to users;
to file a report to the Authority, in a
manner prescribed by the Commissioner
General, that lists the CIS or SDC devices
sold, including the manufacture‘s serial
number, model number, date of sale,
user‘s TIN and business address;
10º to keep information of imported and sold
CIS or SDC devices, including the MRC,
SDC identification number, TIN and
business address of the user for at least
three (3) years from the date of sale.
fournir à l'autorité le numero de série de la
machine à reçu avant toute vente;
garantir l‘approvisionnement des pièces de
rechange du SFC ou de la machine à reçu
pour une période minimale de trois (3) ans à
dater du jour de la livraison;
réparer la machine de facturation
électroniques agréées dans un délai de
quarante huit (48) heures après la demande
de l'utilisateur;
fournir la formation aux utilisateurs;
faire le rapport à l'Autorité, selon les
modalités définies par le Commissaire
néral, indiquant les appareils du SFC ou
des machines à reçu vendus, y compris le
numéro de série la fabrication, le numéro
du modèle, la date de vente, le NIF de
l‘utilisateur et l‘adresse du lieu de vente;
garder les informations des SFC ou de la
machine à reçu importés et vendus, y
compris le
CEM, le numéro
d‘identification de la machine à reçu, le
NIF et l‘adresse du lieu de vente de
l‘utilisateur pendant au moins trois (3) ans
(SDC), inomero
iranga uyikoresha wayiguze n‘aho
abarizwa nibura mu gihe cy‘imyaka
(3) uhereye ku itariki yo kugura
ubwo buryo;
11º kuba afite uruhushya ruteganywa mu
ngingo ya 8 y‘iri teka, mu gihe habayeho
guhindura ibyuma cyangwa ubwoko
bumwe cyangwa bwinshi bw‘ubwo
ubwo buryo bw‘imashini zikoresha
umuriro mu gutanga inyemezabuguzi;
12º gukora ku buryo inomero yihariye
y‘imashini ya buri buryo bwo gutanga
inyemezabuguzi bwemewe (CIS) na buri
bwoko bw‘imashini y‘inyemezabwishyu
biba bizwi neza n‘Ubuyobozi mbere yo
kubigurisha no gushyira ahagaragarira
buri wese iyo nomero yihariye
n‘ubwoko bw‘imashini
y‘inyemezabwishyu kuri buri mashini
13º gukurikiza ibisabwa byose mu kugurisha
no gushyira ku muyoboro utuma
imashini zitangira gukora mu buryo
bugenwa n‘Ubuyobozi;
14º guha umuguzi uzakoresha Imashini
y‘ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi yasabwe mu nyandiko
isaba ko ishyirwa ku muyoboro
w‘Ubuyobozi utuma ikoreshwa, mu gihe
11º to obtain prior accreditation as per Article
8 of this Order in the case of hardware or
software changes performed on one or
more CIS models;
to ensure that the Machine Registration
Code for each CIS and SDC is identified
by the Authority before selling it and
display sticker with MRC or SDC
identification on visible place and in
permanent manner for each CIS or SDC
to follow procedure for certified
electronic billing machine sale and
activation in a manner designated by the
14º to deliver certified electronic billing
machine requested on the Authority
activation form to the user in the time
designated for delivery on the form and
any possible delay shall be justified and
à dater du jour de la vente.
11º obtenir l‘accréditation préalable prévue à
8 du présent arrêté en cas de
modifications sur le matériel ou des
logiciels réalisées sur un ou plusieurs
modèles de la SFC;
12º s‘assurer que le code d'enregistrement de la
machine pour chaque SFC et machine à
reçu est identifié par l'Autorité avant de le
vendre et
afficher le CEM ou
l‘identification de la machine à ru à
l‘endroit visible et de manière permanente
pour chaque SFC ou machine à reçu vendu
13º respecter la procédure de vente des
machines de facturation électronique
agréées et de leur activation telle que
terminée par l'Autorité;
livrer à l'utilisateur la machine de
facturation électronique agréée demandée
sur le formulaire d'activation de l‘Autorité
dans le délai prévu pour la livraison, tout
retard éventuel devant être justifié et un
cyo kuyitanga cyateganyijwe kuri iyo
nyandiko kandi ugukererwa ko kuyitanga
uko ari ko kose kugatangirwa
ibisobanuro ndetse n‘inyandiko y‘uko
gukererwa ikamenyeshwa umuguzi
15º gutanga agatabo kagaragaza imikorere
y‘imashini mu gihe cyo kuyigurisha;
16º kubika inyandiko zerekeranye
n‘amasosiyete ashyikiriza izo mashini
abaguzi kandi akamenyesha Ubuyobozi
mu nyandiko mu gihe hari impinduka
muri iyo gahunda yo
kuzishyikiriza abaguzi;
17º gukora ubugenzuzi bwa za gahunda zose
zo gushyikiriza iyo mashini abaguzi
bagomba kuyikoresha, kandi agahita
asesa amasezerano ku bantu bari muri
iyo gahunda batubahiriza inshingano
zabo kandi muri icyo gihe amasezerano
yasheshwe, ugurisha agomba guha
uburenganzira umwe mu bashinzwe
gushyikiriza iyo mashini abayikoresha
bwo gufasha abayifite bashobora kugira
ibibazo bya tekiniki kubera ko hari
amasezerano yasheshwe;
18º gukora ubugenzuzi bw‘imikorere y‘iyo
mashini, abisabwe n‘uyikoresha;
notice of delay shall be addressed to both
the user and the Authority;
to include user manual with certified
electronic billing
machine upon
equipment delivery;
16º keep records of Distributor companies
and notify the Authority in writing if any
changes in distribution network occur;
17º perform internal control of distribution
networks which are authorized to sell
certified electronic billing machine and
terminate Agreement of those who do not
their obligations; when the
agreement is terminated, the supplier has to
authorize new distributor to assist users
lacking technical support by this action
for already installed equipment;
18º perform technical inspection of certified
electronic billing machine on user
avis de retard adressé
à la fois à
l'utilisateur et à l'Autorité;
15º livrer le manuel de l'utilisateur en même
temps que la machine de facturation
électronique agréée à la livraison
16º tenir des registres des entreprises de
distributeurs et notifier à l'Autorité par écrit
en cas de changements dans le réseau de
17º effectuer le contrôle interne des réseaux de
distribution autorisés à vendre les
machines de facturation électronique
agréées et mettre fin aux contrats passés
avec ceux qui ne remplissent pas leurs
obligations et, lors de la siliation du
contrat, autoriser le nouveau distributeur
d‘aider les utilisateurs pourvus
d‘assistance technique, à la suite de cette
siliation, pour le matériel déjà installé;
effectuer une inspection technique de la
machine de facturation électronique agréée
sur demande de l'utilisateur;
19º kumenyesha Ubuyobozi ibintu byose
bidakora neza bijyanye n‘imikoreshereze
y‘iyo mashini, harimo nka kabine
yangiritse, ibimenyetso biranga imashini
bidakwiriye cyangwa mu gihe nta gitabo
cy‘ubugenzuzi gihari mu gihe hakorwa
Ingingo ya 14: Iyemerwa ry’ukora imashini
y’inyemezabwishyu (SDC)
Kugira ngo umuntu yemerwe nk‘ukora imashini
y‘inyemezabwishyu (SDC) agomba kuba yujuje
ibi bikurikira:
kuba afite ubushobozi mu bijyanye
kuba azwiho kugira ubunararibonye
mu gukora ibikoresho
kuba asanzwe afite uburambe nibura
bw‘imyaka itanu
(5) mu gukora no
kugurisha imashini z‘ubwo bwoko;
kugira gahunda n‘ingamba zo gutanga
ibintu bifite ubuziranenge no
kwishingira ko bikora neza nibura mu
gihe cy‘imyaka itatu (3);
gusinyana n‘Ubuyobozi amasezerano
y‘ubwumvikane amutegeka gukora
uburyo bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi
report to the Authority about cases of
unfounded malfunction incidents related
to operation of certified electronic billing
machine including but not limited to
damaged cabinet, improper labeling or
missing inspection booklet at the time of
performing technical inspection.
Article 14: Approval of SDC manufacturer
A manufacturer to be approved as a manufacturer of
SDC, has to fulfill the following conditions:
to have a financial capacity;
to own and possess a high technical
expertise in manufacturing electronic
3º to have prior experience of minimum of five
(5) years in manufacturing and selling
similar device;
to have internal policy and objective of
granting product guarantees and warranties
covering a period of not less than three (3)
to sign a memorandum of understanding
with the Authority binding him/her to
manufacture SDC as approved by the
déclarer à l'Autoriles cas de mauvais
fonctionnement liés à l'exploitation de la
machine de facturation électronique
agréée, notamment une cabine
endommagée, un étiquetage inadéquat ou
l‘absence d'un livret d'inspection au
moment de l‘inspection technique.
Article 14: Agrément du fabricant de la
machine à reçu
Pour qu‘un fabricant soit agréé comme fabricant
de la machine à reçu, il doit remplir les conditions
avoir une capacité financière;
avoir une expertise technique en matière
de fabrication des appareils électroniques;
avoir une expérience minimum de cinq (5)
ans dans la fabrication et la vente de tels
avoir une politique et les objectifs
permettant d‘offrir les produits de bonne
qualité pourvus d‘une garantie d‘au moins
trois (3) ans;
signer un mémorandum d‘entente avec
l‘Autorité l‘obligeant à fabriquer
machines à reçu tel que convenu avec
bwemewe n‘imashini ikora
inyemezabwishyu ku buryo
yumvikanyeho n‘Ubuyobozi muri ayo
Ingingo ya
15: Kudakoresha imashini
y’Ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
Umuntu wese usabwa gukoresha imashini
y‘Ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga inyemezabuguzi
ntayikoreshe ahanishwa ihazabu ryo mu rwego
rw‘ubutegetsi mu buryo bukurikira:
umusoreshwa munini yishyura miliyoni
makumyabiri (20.000.000) y‘amafaranga
y‘u Rwanda;
umusoreshwa wisumbuye yishyura
miliyoni icumi (10.000.000)
y‘amafaranga y‘u Rwanda ;
umusoreshwa uciriritse yishyura miliyoni
eshanu (5.000.000) y‘amafaranga y‘u
umusoreshwa muto yishyura miliyoni
imwe (1.000.000) y‘amafaranga y‘u
Ingingo ya 16 : Gukoresha imashini
y’Ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi mu buryo bw’uburiganya
Umuntu wese ukoresha imashini
Authority in the Memorandum of
Article 15: Failure to use certified electronic
billing machine
Any person who is required to use certified
electronic billing machine and fails to do so shall be
liable to a fixed administrative fine as follows:
a large taxpayer shall pay twenty millions
(20,000,000) Rwandan francs;
a medium taxpayer shall pay ten millions
(10,000,0000) Rwandan francs;
a small taxpayer shall pay five millions
(5,000,000) Rwandan francs;
a micro taxpayer shall pay one million
(1,000,000) Rwandan francs.
Article 16: Fraudulent use of certified electronic
billing machine
Any person who uses a certified electronic billing
l‘Autorité dans lemorandum d‘entente.
15: Refus d’utiliser la machine de
facturation électronique agréée
Toute personne tenue d‘utiliser la machine de
facturation électronique et ne l‘utilise pas est
passible d‘une amende administrative fixée comme
un grand contribuable paie vingt millions
(20.000.000) de francs rwandais;
un moyen contribuable paie dix millions
(10.000.000) de francs rwandais;
un petit contribuable paie cinq millions
(5.000.000) de francs rwandais.
un micro contribuable paie un million
(1.000.000) de francs rwandais.
16: Usage frauduleux de machine de
facturation électronique agréée
Toute personne qui utilise la machine de
y‘Ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga inyemezabuguzi
mu buryo bunyuranije n‘amategeko ahanishwa
ihazabu ryo mu rwego rw‘ubutegetsi
ry‘amafaranga akubye kabiri uwo musoro
hiyongeyeho umusoro yagombaga kwishyura.
Bitabangamiye ibiteganywa mu gika cya mbere
cy‘iyi ngingo, umuntu ukoresha imashini
y‘Ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga inyezabuguzi mu
buryo bunyuranyije n‘amategeko ashobora
gukurikiranwa hashingiwe ku ngingo zirebana
n‘ibyaha bikorwa mu rwego rw‘imisoro
n‘amahoro biteganywa n‘Igitabo cy‘Amategeko
Ingingo ya 17: Kutubahiriza ibiteganyijwe
Umuntu wese utubahiriza ibisabwa biteganywa
n‘iri teka kandi bidateganyirijwe ibihano
byihariye muri iri teka ahanishwa ihazabu ryo
mu rwego rw‘ubutegetsi mu buryo bukurikira:
umusoreshwa munini yishyura miliyoni
icumi (10.000.000) y‘amafaranga y‘u
umusoreshwa wisumbuye yishyura
miliyoni eshanu (5.000.000)
y‘amafaranga y‘u Rwanda;
umusoreshwa uciriritse yishyura
miliyoni ebyiri n‘ibihumbi magana atanu
(2.500.000) b‘amafaranga y‘u Rwanda;
machine in violation of the law shall be liable to an
administrative fine equal to twice the amount of tax
involved in addition to payment of tax which would
have been paid.
Without prejudice to provisions of Paragraph One of
this Article, any person fraudulently using certified
electronic billing machine may be prosecuted in
accordance with provisions on tax offences provided
for under the Penal Code.
Article 17: Failure to comply with any of the
Any person who fails to comply with any of the
obligations provided for by this Order and whose
penalties are not specified in this Order shall be
liable to an administrative fine as follows:
a large taxpayer shall pay ten million
(10,000,000) Rwandan francs;
a medium taxpayer shall pay five million
(5,000,000) Rwandan francs;
a small taxpayer shall pay two million five
hundred thousands (2,500,000) Rwandan
facturation électronique en violation de la loi est
passible d‘une amende administrative égale au
double de la taxe due, en plus du payement de la
taxe qui devrait être payée.
Sans préjudice des dispositions de l‘alinéa premier
du présent article, toute personne utilisant
frauduleusement la machine de facturation
peut être poursuivie en vertu des
dispositions relatives aux infractions fiscales
prévues par le Code Pénal.
Article 17: Défaut de se conformer à l'une
quelconque des obligations
Toute personne qui ne se conforme pas aux
dispositions du présent arrêté et dont la sanction à
leur violation n‘a pas été spécifiée par le présent
arrêté est passible d'une amende administrative
terminée comme suit:
un grand contribuable paie dix millions
(10.000.000) de francs rwandais;
un moyen contribuable paie cinq millions
(5.000.000) de francs rwandais;
un petit contribuable paie deux millions
cinq cent mille
(2.500.000) francs
umusoreshwa muto yishyura
ibihumbi magana atanu
(500.000) by‘amafaranga y‘u
Ingingo ya
Kwangiza imashini
y’Ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
Umuntu wese wangiza imashini
y‘ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga inyemezabuguzi
abishaka cyangwa agatuma ikora nabi ahanishwa
ihazabu ryo mu rwego rw‘ubutegetsi mu buryo
umusoreshwa munini yishyura miliyoni
makumyabiri (20.000.000) y‘amafaranga
y‘u Rwanda;
umusoreshwa wisumbuye yishyura
miliyoni icumi (10.000.000)
y‘amafaranga y‘u Rwanda ;
umusoreshwa uciriritse yishyura
miliyoni eshanu (5.000.000)
y‘amafaranga y‘u Rwanda;
4º umusoreshwa muto yishyura
miliyoni imwe (1.000.000)
y‘amafaranga y‘u Rwanda .
Bitabangamiye ibiteganywa mu gika kibanziriza
cya mbere cy‘iyi ngingo, umuntu uvugwa mu
cya mbere cy‘ingingo ashobora
gukurikiranwa hashingiwe ku ngingo zirebana
a micro taxpayer shall pay five hundred
thousand (500,000) Rwandan francs.
Article 18: Tampering with a certified electronic
billing machine
Any person who deliberately tampers with or causes
malfunction of a certified electronic billing machine
shall be liable to a fixed administrative fine as
a large tax payer shall pay twenty million
(20,000,000) Rwandan francs;
a medium taxpayer shall pay ten million
(10,000,0000) Rwandan francs;
a small taxpayer shall pay five million
(5,000,000) Rwanda francs;
a micro taxpayer shall pay one million
(1,000, 000) Rwandan francs.
Without prejudice to the provisions of Paragraph
One of this Article, the person referred to in
Paragraph One of this Article may also be
prosecuted in accordance with provisions related to
un micro contribuable paie cinq cent
mille (500.000) frans rwandais.
Article 18: Altération du fonctionnement de la
machine de facturation électronique agréée
Toute personne altérant libérément ou causant un
disfonctionnement de la machine de facturation
électronique est passible
d‘une amende
administrative déterminée comme suit:
un grand contribuable paie vingt millions
(20.000.000) de francs rwandais;
un moyen contribuable paie dix millions
(10.000.0000) de francs rwandais;
un petit contribuable paie cinq millions
(5.000.000) de francs rwandais;
un micro contribuable paie un million
(1.000.000) de francs rwandais.
Sans préjudice des dispositions de l‘alinéa premier
du présent article, la personne visée à l‘alinéa
premier du présent article peut être poursuivie en
vertu des dispositions relatives aux infractions
n‘ibyaha bikorwa mu rwego rw‘imisoro
n‘amahoro biteganywa n‘Igitabo cy‘amategeko
Ingingo ya 19: Kutubahiriza ibiteganywa n’iri
Ibikorwa by‘ubucuruzi by‘ahantu hagurishirizwa
ibintu hatubahiriza ibiteganyijwe mu ngingo ya
11 y‘iri teka bishobora gufungwa mu gihe
kingana n‘ukwezi kumwe (1).
Ingingo ya 20: Ivanwaho ry’ingingo
zinyuranyije n’iri teka
Ingingo zose z‘amateka abanziriza iri kandi
zinyuranyije na ryo zivanyweho.
Ingingo ya
Igihe iteka ritangira
Iri teka ritangira gukurikizwa ku munsi
ritangarijweho mu Igazeti ya Leta ya Repubulika
y‘u Rwanda.
Kigali, kuwa 31/07/2013
tax offences provided for by the Penal Code.
Article 19: Other prohibitions
A sales outlet of taxpayer which has violated
obligations described in Article 11 may be closed
from carrying on further business activity for a
period of one (1) month.
Article 20: Repealing provision
All previous provisions contrary to this Order are
Article 21: Commencement
This Order shall come into force on the date of its
publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of
Kigali, on 31/07/2013
fiscales prévues par le Code Pénal.
Article 19: Autres interdictions
Le point de vente du contribuable violant les
obligations prescrites à l'article 11 du présent arrê
peut être fermé pour uneriode d‘un (1) mois.
Article 20 : Disposition abrogatoire
Toutes les dispositions antérieures contraires au
présent arrêté sont abrogées.
Article 21: Entré en vigueur
Le présent arrêté entre en vigueur le jour de sa
publication au Journal Officiel de la République du
Kigali, le 31/07/2013
Minisitiri w‘Imari n‘Igenamigambi
Minister of Finance and Economic Planning
Ministre des Finances et de la Planification
Bibonywe kandi bishyizweho Ikirango cya
Seen and sealed with the Seal of the Republic:
Vu et scellé du Sceau de lapublique:
Minisitiri w‘Ubutabera/Intumwa Nkuru ya
Minister of Justice/Attorney General
Ministre de la Justice/Garde des Sceaux
31/07/2013 RIGENA
Komiseri Mukuru w’Ikigo cy’Imisoro
Ashingiye ku Itegeko 37/2012 ryo kuwa
rishyiraho Umusoro ku
Nyongeragaciro, cyane cyane mu ngingo
yaryo ya 24;
Ashingiye ku Iteka rya Minisitiri
002/13/10/TC ryo kuwa
rigena imikoreshereze
yIkoranabuhanga yemewe mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi, cyane cyane mu ngingo
zaryo iya 4, iya 5, iya 8, iya 11 niya 12;
Ashyizeho amabwiriza akurikira :
Ingingo ya mbere: Icyo aya Mabwiriza
Aya Mabwiriza ashyira mu bikorwa Iteka
002/2013 OF 12/09/2013
002/13/10/TC OF 31/07/2013
The Commissioner General of the Rwanda
Revenue Authority,
Given Law 37/2012 of 09/11/2012 on the
Code of Value Added Tax, especially in its
Article 24;
Given the Ministerial Order n
of 31/07/2013 on modalities of use of certified
electronic billing machine, especially in its
Articles 4,5,8,11,12;
Issues the following Rules:
Article One: Objective
These Rules contain provisions implementing
002/2013 DU 12/09/2013
No002/13/10/TC DU 31/07/2013
Commissaire Général de l’Office Rwandais
des Recettes,
Vu la Loi n
37/2012 du 09/11/2012 portant
Instauration de la Taxe sur la Valeur Ajoutée,
spécialement en son article 24;
Vu lArrê Ministériel n
002/13/10/TC du
31/07/2013 portant modalités dutilisation de
la machine de facturation électronique agréée,
spécialement en ses articles 4, 5, 8, 11 et 12;
Emet les Directives suivantes :
Article Premier: Objet
Ces Directives mettent en application lArrêté
rya Minisitiri n
002/13/10/TC ryo kuwa
31/07/2013 rigena imikoreshereze
yImashini yIkoranabuhanga yemewe mu
gutanga inyemezabuguzi.
Ingingo ya 2: Ibisobanuro
Muri aya Mabwiriza keretse iyo
bisobanurwa ukundi:
bisobanura Ikigo
Imisoro n
“Urwego rubifitiye ububasha”
bisobanura urwego rubifite mu nshingano
“Ukoresha imashini”
umusoreshwa ukoresha Imashini
yIkoranabuhanga mu gutanga
- bisobanura nomero iranga
Komiseri Mukuru
Komiseri Mukuru wIkigo cyImisoro
6 “Uburyo bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi
bisobanura uburyo
bwikoranabuhanga bwagenewe
gukoreshwa mu bucuruzi, mu rwego rwo
gushyiraho uburyo buhamye bwo gucunga
neza ibijyanye
nububiko byujuje ibisabwa nUbuyobozi;
the Ministerial Order n
002/13/10/TC of
31/07/2013 on modalities of use of certified
electronic billing machine.
Article 2: Definitions
In these Rules unless the context requires
“Authority” means Rwanda Revenue
“Competent Authority”
means a body
with jurisdiction on the respective issue;
“User” means a taxpayer, using an
Electronic Billing Machine;
- means a Tax Identification
“Commissioner General” means the
Commissioner General of Rwanda Revenue
“Certified Invoicing System (CIS)
means an electronic system designated for use
in business for efficiency management
controls in areas of sales analysis and stock
system which confirms the
requirements specified by the Authority;
Ministériel n
002/13/10/TC du 31/07/2013
portant modalités dutilisation de la machine de
facturation électronique agée.
Article 2:finitions
Dans ces Directives, à moins que le contexte
nexige une interprétation difrente :
"Autorité" signifie lOffice Rwandais des
Recettes ;
"Autorité Compétente"
signifie un
organe ayant la compétence sur laffaire en
cause ;
"Utilisateur" signifie le contribuable qui
utilise la
Machine de Facturation
Electronique ;
4° "NIF" signifie le Numéro dIdentification
Fiscale ;
"Commissaire Général"
signifie le
Commissaire ral de lOffice Rwandais
des Recettes ;
"Système de Facturation Certifiée
(SFC)" signifie un système électronique
désigné pour lusage dans le commerce pour les
contrôles efficaces, dans le domaine
analyse des ventes et ceux du système du
stockage qui se conforment aux exigences
prescrites par lAutori ;
7° “Imashini y’inyemezabuguzi” (SDC)
7° “Sales Data Controller (SDC)” means a
7° "Machine à Reçu
(MR)" désigne un
bisobanura imashini itanga ikanabika
device connected to CIS used for processing
appareil connecté au SFC utilisé pour la
inyemezabuguzi ikorana nuburyo bwo
and storing certified receipts;
livraison et le stockage des reçus ;
gutanga inyemezabuguzi bwemewe ;
“ Imashini y’Ikoranabuhanga mu
“Electronic Billing Machinemeans a
8° Machine de Facturation Electronique
gutanga inyemezabuguzi
system comprising of CIS and SDC connected
(MFE)"signifie un système comprenant le
together as one system;
SFC et la MR connectés ensemble comme un
seul système ;
yinyemezabuguzi(SDC), bikorana nkaho
ari ikintu kimwe;
9° “Gihamya” bisobanura amakuru ari ku
“Signature” means receipt data used for
9° "Signature" signifie les données du reçu
nyemezabuguzi akoreshwa nUbuyobozi
integrity verification by Authority;
utilisées dans la vérification de lintégrité par
mu igenzura ryubudakemwa ;
lAutorité ;
“ Amakuru y’inyemezabuguzi
10° “Receipt data” means every receipt data
10° "Données du reçu" signifie toute
bisobanura buri makuru yinyemezabuguzi
request by CIS which needs to be processed by
demande des données du reçu par le SFC, qui
bwo gutanga
doit être traitée par la MR ;
bwemewe agomba
“Ibigize igisubizo” bisobanura
“Response data” means every
11° "Données de la réponse" signifie toutes
amakuru yose yoherejwe aturutse mu
mashini yinyemezabuguzi ajya mu buryo
bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi bwemewe;
Amakuru yihariye”
amakuru abitswe
mu mashini
inyemezabuguzi mu buryo hizewe
umutekano wayo;
13° Inyemezabuguzi bisobanura
inyandiko igaragaza
ko habayeho
information sent from SDC to CIS; les informations envoyées au SFC par la MR;
“Internal data”
means encrypted
12° "Données internes" signifie des
information saved to internal memory of SDC;
informations cryptées enregistrées
dans la mémoire de la MR ;
13° “Receipt means certified retail receipt or 13° "Reçu" désigne un document certifié
a wholesale receipt (where required) or a constatant la vente au détail ou en gros, dun
kudandaza cyangwa kuranguza ibicuruzwa
cyangwa inyandiko igaragaza ko hatanzwe
servise ku muguzi, kandi ubudakemwa
bwiyo nyandiko bukaba bwagenzurwa
Ikigo ;
Nomero yihariye y’imashini
bisobanura nomero yihariye
yuburyo bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi
ikanagaragaza ko bwemewe;
15° Nomero y’imashini
y’inyemezabuguzi bisobanura nomero
yihariye yimashini itanga inyemezabuguzi
ikanagaragaza ko yemewe;
16° “Igenzura ry’iyakure” bisobanura
imikorere bw
yinyemezabuguzi ikora impuzanzira ebyiri
hifashishijwe imashini yubuyobozi kugira
ngo hoherezwe amakuru akenewe mu
17° “Igenzura rikorwa n’imashini
bisobanura uburyo
bwimashini yinyemezabuguzi itanga
amakuru avuye mu gice cyimashini kibika
amakuru iyohereza mu gasanduku
kagendanwa kagenewe kubika amakuru.
18°POS” bisobanura ahatangirwa
19° “RAM” bisobanura uburyo imashini za
mudasobwa zibikamo amakuru;
20° “Ugurisha imashini” bisobanura
receipt for the provision of services provided
to the client
(private individual or
businessman, as applicable) whose integrity
can be verified by the Authority;
14° “Machine Registration Code (MRC)”
means Certified Invoicing System„s unique
serial number with designation of its
15° “SDC serial number” means Sales Data
Controllers unique serial number with
designation of its certification ;
16° “Remote audit” means a function of SDC
to establish two way communication with
remote server designated by the Authority in
order to transfer required audit information;
17° “Local audit” means a function of SDC
to provide information from its internal
memory to a removable storage media (SD
18°POSmeans Point Of Sale;
19° "Random access memory (RAM)"
means a form of computer data storage;
20° “Supplier” means a company or physical
récépissé pour la fourniture de services du
client, dont l
intégrité peut être vérifiée par
Autorité ;
14° Code d’Enregistrement de la Machine
signifie le numéro de série unique
avec désignation de son certificat;
15° Numéro de série de MR”
signifie le
numéro de série unique du MR avec
signation de son certificat;
16° "Audit à distance" est une fonction de la
MR qui consiste à établir une communication
bidirectionnelle avec un serveur à distance
désigné par l
Autorité afin de transférer les
informations requises de larification;
17° "Audit local" est une fonction de la MR
qui consiste à fournir les informations de sa
mémoire interne au support de stockage
amovible (Carte microSD) ;
18° PDV” signifie Point de Vente‖ ;
19° "Mémoire Vive"
est une forme de
stockage des données informatiques ;
20° "Fournisseur"
signifie une personne
isosiyete cyangwa umuntu ku giti cye
wanditse mu Rwanda kandi wabiherewe
uruhushya n
Ubuyobozi, rwo kugira
ibyemezo by
uburyo bwo gutanga
inyemezabuguzi bwemewe na/cyangwa
nimashini yinyemezabuguzi byakorewe
mu Rwanda cyangwa mu mahanga, no
kuzigurisha nkuzikoracyangwa
uhagarariye uzikora;
21° “Ushyikiriza Abaguzi imashini”
bisobanura isosiyete cyangwa umuntu ku
giti cye wanditse mu Rwanda, akaba
afitanye nugurisha imashini amasezerano
yo kuzishyikiriza abaguzi, akaba
yarabiherewe uruhushya nUbuyobozi rwo
kugurisha CIS na cyangwa SDC mu
Ingingo ya 3: Imikorere rusange
Inyemezabuguzi itanzwe
yikoranabuhanga yemewe mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi, igizwe nuruhurirane
Ibisobanuro byamoko yinyemezabuguzi
bikubiye mu ngingo ya 6 yaya Mabwiriza.
Amoko yinyemezabuguzi ni aya akurikira:
person registered in Rwanda licensed by the
Authority for holding a certificate for CIS
and/or SDC, manufactured in or outside
Rwanda, and selling it to the market as a
representative of the manufacturer or
21° “Distributor” means a company or
physical person registered in Rwanda who is
having distribution agreement with Supplier
and a license by the Authority to sell CIS
and/or SDC in Rwanda.
Article 3: General Operations
A receipt issued by a certified electronic
billing machine, is formed from a combination
of receipt type and transaction type.
Receipt types are further defined in Article 6
of these Rules.
The receipt types are:
physique ou société enregistrée au Rwanda
sous licence par l'Autorité pour la tenue de
certificat pour la SFC et/ou de la MR,
fabriqués dans ou hors du Rwanda, et de le
vendre sur le marcen tant que fabricant ou
représentant du fabriquant;
21° "Distributeur"
signifie une société ou
personne physique enregistrée au Rwanda,
ayant un Accord de Distribution avec le
fournisseur et une licence attribuée par
l'Autorité de vendre le SFC et/ou la MR au
Article 3 : Fonctionnement General
Un reçu livpar une machine de facturation
électronique agréée, est constitué dune
combinaison de types de reçu et de transaction.
Les types de reçus sont prévus dans lArticle 6 de
ces Directives.
Les types de reçus sont :
Ubwoko bwubucuruzi ni ubu bukurikira:
Uburyo bwo kohereza amakuru hagati
yuburyo bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi
bwemewe nimashini yinyemezabuguzi
biteganyijwe mu Nyandiko
Nsobanuramikorere ya Komiseri Mukuru.
Isohoka niyinjira ryamakuru hagati
yuburyo bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi
bwemewe nimashini yinyemezabuguzi
kuri buri bwoko bwinyemezabuguzi biteye ku
buryo bukurikira:
bwo gutanga
inyemezabuguzi bwemewe
bwohereza amakuru
yinyemezabuguzi akurikira mu
mashini yinyemezabuguzi na yo
igahita isohora inyemezabuguzi:
i. Itariki nisaha;
(ku bushake);
Nomero yihariye
The transaction types are :
The communication protocol for data
transmission between the Certified Invoicing
System and the Sales Data Controller is
defined in Commissioner General Instructions.
The data flow between the Certified Invoicing
System and the Sales Data Controller will be
as follows for each receipt type, will be as
the CIS sends the following receipt
data to the SDC at the time when the
receipt is being produced:
i. date and time;
machine registration
Les types de transactions sont :
Le protocole de communication pour la
transmission de données entre le Système de
Facturation Certifiée et la Machine à Reçu est
défini dans les Instructions du Commissaire
Le flux de données entre le Système de
Facturation Certifiée et la Machine à Reçu,
pour chaque type de reçu se fera comme suit :
Le SFC envoie les données du
reçu énumérées ci-dessous à la
MR au moment le reçu est en
cours de production :
i. Date et heure ;
ii. Numéro dIdentification
Fiscale ;
iii. NIF du client (par option)
iv. Code dEnregistrement de
Official Gazette n°40 of 07/10/2013
code (MRC);
la Machine (CEM) ;
v. Nomero
v. receipt number;
Numéro du reçu ;
vi. Ubwoko
vi. receipt
Type de reçu et de
transaction type;
transaction ;
vii. Ijanisha
vii. TAX rates;
Les taux dimposition
appliqués ;
viii. Igiciro gikubiyemo
viii. total amounts with
taxe incluse;
ix. Ingano yumusoro.
ix. TAX amounts.
Les montants des taxes.
Imashini yinyemezabuguzi yakira
the SDC receives receipt data from
La MR reçoit les données du reçu
amakuru ajyanye ninyemezabuguzi
envoyées par le SFC ;
aturutse mu buryo bwo gutanga
inyemezabuguzi bwemewe;
yinyemeza bwishyu
the SDC generates the following
La MR reproduit les données
response data and sends them back to
énumérées ci-dessous et les renvoi
ikabyohereza ku buryo bwo gutanga
the CIS:
au SFC :
inyemezabuguzi bwemewe:
Nomero iranga imashini
i. SDC ID;
La MR ID ;
Itariki nisaha;
ii. date and time;
Date et heure ;
Ikimenyetso nyemezabuguzi
iii. receipt label;
Etiquette du reçu ;
mubazi yinyemezabuguzi
iv. receipt counter per
Contre récépissé par type
receipt type;
de reçu ;
mubazi yinyemezabuguzi
v. receipt counter of all
Contre récépissé pour tous
yinyemezabwishy zose;
les reçus ;
umukono wikoranabuhanga
vi. digital
vi. Signature numérique (excepté
(uretse ku byerekeranye
ninyemezabuguzi zubwoko
d. Uburyo bwo gutanga
inyemezabuguzi bwemewe burangiza
ikorwa ryinyemezabuguzi amakuru
ashyirwa mu mwanya wagenwe ku
e. Uburyo bwo gutanga
inyemezabuguzi bwemewe
bwohereza mu mashini
yinyemezabuguzi amakuru yuzuye
yumunsi yinyemezabuguzi ya NS na
NR mu nyandiko.
Imashini yikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi bwemewe ntishobora
gusohora inyemezabuguzi kuri buri bwoko
mbere yuko isohoka niyinjira ryamakuru
yavuzwe haruguru birangira.
Ingingo ya 4: Imikorere y’uburyo bwo
gutanga inyemezabuguzi bwemewe
kugira ngo uhabwe uburenganzira, uburyo
bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi bwemewe
bugomba kubahiriza imikorere yose
iteganyijwe mu
mu Nyandiko
Nsobanuramikorere ya Komiseri Mukuru.
Uburyo bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi
bwemewe bugomba kugira uburyo TIN
(except for the receipt
types TRAINING and
the CIS finalizes receipt by
printing SDC information on
designated place within the
The CIS sends a complete
journal data of NS and NR
receipt labels in text form to
electronic billing machine can not
have a possibility to print receipt of any type
before the forementioned data flow has been
4: Certified Invoicing System
To qualify for accreditation, a Certified
Invoicing System must comply with all
functions described in Commissioner General
Certified Invoicing System must have
reprogrammable TIN under its service mode,
pour les types de reçus de
SFC finalise le reçu par
impression des informations de la
MR sur lendroit désigné dans le
reçu ;
Le SFC envoi à l
MR, sous
forme de texte, une complète
revue des données de rus avec
étiquettes NV et NR.
La machine de facturation électronique ne peut
imprimer aucun type de reçu avant que le flux
de données mentiones ci-dessus soit finalisé.
Article 4 : Les fonctions du Système de
Facturation Certifiée
Pour être admissible à laccréditation, un
Système de Facturation Certifiée doit être en
conformité avec des fonctions spécifiées dans
les Instructions du Commissaire Général.
Le Système de Facturation Certifiée ne peut
avoir un NIF reprogrammable dans son mode
yikoresha, ku mpamvu zihinduranya
mutungo, uretse gusa igihe uguhindura
nomero iranga umusoreshwa bisaba
kuyisubiza bikaba bisiba amakuru yose
yashyizwe kuri ya nomero yumusoreshwa.
Iyo ikifashisho cyangwa kimwe mu bice
bigize imashini gikorana cyangwa kiri mu
buryo bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi
bwemewe, icyo kintu ntikigomba
kubangamira imikorere isanzwe iteganywa
muri aya mabwiriza.
Inyemezabuguzi zigomba kugira nomero
zikurikirana kugira ngo bifashe kugenzura
ko raporo za buri munsi zujujwe neza.
Ukugaragaza ibisabwa kwemererwa CIS
biteganyijwe mu Nyandiko
Nsobanuramikorere ya Komiseri Mukuru.
Amasezerano yitumanaho ku bijyanye
amakuru y
inyemezabuguzi n
akubiyemo igisubizo hagati ya CIS na SDC
ateganywa mu Nyandiko
Nsobanuramikorere ya Komiseri Mukuru.
Ingingo ya 5: Imikorere y’imashini
SDC igomba gutanga amakuru :
Mu buryo bw
ibanga mu gihe
habaye ihererekanya
for the purpose of ownership transfer only, if
the change of TIN is conditioned by the reset
which deletes all information saved for
previously programmed TIN.
If an accessory or some other piece of
equipment is connected to or integrated in the
Certified Invoicing System, it must not affect
or disrupt the normal operation of any
functionality defined in these Rules.
The receipts must carry consecutive numbers in
order to guarantee the completeness and the in
alterability of the journal records.
The specification describing CIS requirements
for certification is defined in Commissioner
General Instructions.
The communications protocol for receipt data
and response data between CIS and SDC is
defined in Commissioner General Instructions.
Article 5: Sales Data Controller functions
SDC must provide information :
a. In an encrypted form when wirelessly
transmitting internal data to the designated
de service, aux fins du transfert de propriété,
que si le changement du NIF est conditionné
par une réinitialisation qui supprime toutes les
informations enregistrées pour le NIF
précédemment programmé.
Si un accessoire ou pièce d
équipement est
connecté ou intégré dans le Système de
Facturation Certifiée, il ne doit pas affecter ou
perturber le fonctionnement normal de toutes
les fonctionnalités prévues par ces Directives.
Les reçus doivent porter des numéros
consécutifs afin de garantir lexhaustivité et
des enregistrements des
La spécification des conditions requises pour
la certification du SFC est prévue dans les
Instructions du Commissaire Général.
Le protocole des communications pour les
données du reçu et données de ponse entre le
SFC et MR est prévu dans les Instructions du
Commissaire Général.
Article 5 : Les fonctions de la Machine à
La MR doit fournir des informations :
Sous forme cryptée lors de la
transmission des données internes au serveur
Official Gazette n°40 of 07/10/2013
hadakoreshejwe umugozi kuri seriveri
server of the Authority in case of the remote
désigné de lAutorité en cas de vérification à
yashyizweho nubuyobozi mu gihe hari
audit activation;
distance ;
gukorwa igenzura ryiyakure;
Hakoreshejwe uburyo bwibanga
In an encrypted form when copying
Sous forme cryptée lors de la copie
mu gihe amakuru yibyinjijwe mu mashini
internal data to a removable SD card media in
des données internes sur la carte micro SD
birimo gukorerwa kopi bishyirwa ku ikarita
case of the local audit activation;
amovible en cas daudit local ;
yamakuru SD igendanwa, iyo harimo
gukorwa igenzura;
Hakorwa umukono koranabuhanga
By generating digital signature with
En reproduisant une signature
ukozwe mu mibare mu magambo yanditse
encrypted information on each receipt which
numérique avec une information cryptée sur
mu buryo bwibanga ku makuru aba ari
is verifiable by Authority in a manner defined
chaque facture qui est vérifiable par lAutorité
kuri buri nyemezabuguzi akaba ashobora
in Commissioner General Instructions.
dune manière spécifiée dans les Instructions
kugenzurwa nubuyobozi mu buryo
du Commissaire Général.
Nsobanuramikorere ya Komiseri Mukuru.
ngo wemererwe, imashini
To qualify for accreditation, a Sales Data
Pour être admissible à laccréditation, une
inyemezabuguzi igomba kuba ifite
ibyangombwa byose bituma ikora uko
bikwiye bivugwa
mu Nyandiko
Nsobanuramikorere ya Komiseri Mukuru.
Nta narimwe
Controller must comply with all functions
described in Commissioner General
Under no circumstances may SDC change its
Machine à Reçu doit être en conformité avec
des fonctions déterminées dans
Instructions du Commissaire Général.
En aucun cas, la MR ne peut changer de
yinyemezabuguzi (SDC), igihe byagenwe
ko igomba gukoreshwa na we gusa
yayegurira undi, bityo nomero imuranga
(TIN) igomba kuba buri gihe muri SDC.
Nyamara, imashini imwe nyemezabuguzi
ishobora kwifashishwa mu kugaragaza
amakuru yinyemezabuguzi yatanzwe
nabasoreshwa benshi mu buryo bwo
gutanga inyemezabuguzi bwemewe mu
gihe abo bose hemejwe ko bakoresha SDC
ownership once it is activated for a single user, propriétaire dès quelle est actie pour un seul
hence TIN as a parameter becomes
utilisateur ; donc le NIF en tant que paramètre
permanently embedded within SDC. However, devient définitivement intégré à la MR.
SDC can handle receipt data from multiple
Cependant, la MR peut traiter les données
CIS which are operating for the same SDC
reçues de multiples SFC qui opèrent pour le
user. même utilisateur de MR.
Ibisabwa uburyo bwa SDC bugomba kuba
bwujuje kugira ngo bwemerwe
biteganyijwe mu mugereka wa
4 w
Iyo CDS imwe ibarizwa mu gice
cyihuzanzira rikoresha CIS irenze imwe,
CIS igomba kuba itanga
inyemezabuguzi mu buryo bukomeza. Buri
makuru yinyemezabuguzi agomba
gutangwa mu buryo bukurikiranye hatitawe
kuri MRC, mu gihe cyose CIS yohereza
amakuru ari iya TIN na SDC bimwe.
Amasezerano yitumanaho ku bijyanye
ninyemezabuguzi kuri SDC ateganywa mu
Nyandiko Nsobanuramikorere ya Komiseri
Ingingo ya 6: Ibiranga inyemezabuguzi
Inyemezabuguzi yemewe igomba
kugaragaza nibura amakuru ateganywa mu
ngingo ya 7 agace ka a-n yiteka rya
Minisitiri mu rwego rwo kubahiriza
ishusho yagenwe iteganywa mu Nyandiko
Nsobanuramikorere ya Komiseri Mukuru.
Igurisha risanzwe, rigaragazwa
nikimenyetso cyinyemezabuguzi nka NS,
irebera ku nyemezabuguzi yakozwe kandi
The specification describing SDC requirement
for certification is defined in Annex 4 of these
If a single CDS belongs to part of a network
operating more than one CIS, the recept
processing with each CIS must be continuous.
Every receipt data must be processed in
consecutive order by SDC regardless of MRC, as
long as the CIS sending receipt data belongs to
the same TIN as SDC.
The communications protocol of a receipt for
SDC is defined in Commissioner General
Article 6: Receipt specification
A Certified Receipt must at least contain
information specified in Article 7 points a-n of
the Ministerial Order in respect to the formats
defined in Commissioner General Instructions.
Normal Sale, defined by receipt label as NS,
refers to a receipt that is produced and offered
to the client. It is deemed to be any receipt
La spécification des conditions requises pour la
certification de la MR est définie dans
lAnnexe 4 de ces Directives.
Si une MR appartient a une partie de la
connection faissant fonctionner plus dun SFC,
le traitement du reçu par chaque SFC doit être
continu. Toutes les données du reçu doivent
être traitées par ordre consécutif par la MR
indépendament du CEM, tant que le SFC qui
envoie les informations du reçu appartient aux
même NIF et MR.
Le protocole de communication pour un reçu
de MR est prévu dans les Instructions du
Commissaire Général.
Article 6 : Les scifications du reçu
Un reçu certifié doit contenir au moins les
informations vies dans larticle 7, points a-n de
lArrêté Ministériel en ce qui concerne les
formats prévus dans les Instructions
Commissaire Général.
Vente Normale
indiqué par l
étiquette VN,
désigne un reçu qui est produit et offert au
client. C
est un reçu produit pendant que la
igahabwa umuguzi. Ifatwa
nkinyemezabuguzi mu gihe uburyo bwo
gutanga inyemezabuguzi mu buryo bwayo
busanzwe bwo kwiyandikisha, ikoreshwa
mu kwandika ibyacurujwe hamwe cyangwa
serivisi, hakubiyemo ikosora
nigabanyirizwa byanditswe hifashishijwe
uburyo bwabugenewe.
Ubwoko bwinyemezabuguzi hamwe
nubwoko bwubucuruzi bugaragazwa
SN bugomba
gukoreshwa mu gihe bukorera igenzura
umusoreshwa wayitanze agasaba no
gusubizwa amafaranga agaragara kuri TIN
yumuguzi ajyanye ninyemezabuguzi
yahawe nugurisha.
Ugusubizwa amafaranga bisanzwe,
bigaragazwa nikimenyetso nyemezabuguzi
nka NR, irebera ku nyemezabuguzi
yakozwe, mu gihe imashini
yikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi iri mu buryo bwo gusubiza
amafaranga, ku muguzi wasabye amakuru
agaragaza ko inyemezabuguzi yahawe
mbere ikubiyemo amakuru atari ukuri
cyangwa amakuru ajyanye nisubizwa
ryamafaranga, igabanyuka ryibicuruzwa
cyangwa serivisi. Iyo nyemezabuguzi
ishingirwaho mu gusubiza amafaranga
igaragaza gusa negative‖, ingano
yamafaranga agomba gusubizwa.
Buri nyemezabuguzi yubu bwoko isaba ko
ukoresha imashini yikoranabuhanga akora
produced while the Certified electronic billing
machine is in its normal registration mode,
used to register sales of goods and/or services,
including corrections and discounts registered
by means of the correction and discount
A receipt type and transaction type labeled as
NS shall be used for the basis of verification
by the Authority of a claimant submitting it
together with a refund VAT claim given that it
includes clients TIN printed on the receipt by
the issuer.
The normal Refund, indicated by a receipt
label as NR, refers to a receipt that shall be
produced, while Certified electronic billing
machine is in refund mode, for a client upon
request with information indicating that a
previously printed Normal Sale receipt
contains incorrect information or information
on a refund for returned or discounted goods
or services. Such refund receipt contains only
negative, refunded amounts.
Each receipt of this type requires a declaration
by the user inputted to a special refund log
Machine de Facturation Electronique est en
mode normal denregistrement, utilisé pour
enregistrer les ventes des biens et/ou services,
compris les corrections et les réductions
enregistrées à laide des fonctionnalités de
correction et de réduction.
Le type du reçu et de transaction avec
étiquette NS servent de base de vérification
menée par lAutorité au demandeur de
restitution de TVA, qui doit le soumettre avec la
demande, dans la mesure il comprend le NIF
impri sur le reçu par lémetteur.
Le remboursement Normal, indiqué par
létiquette RN, signifie un reçu qui est produit
pendant que la Machine de Facturation
Electronique est en mode de remboursement,
sur demande du client avec indication quun
reçu de Vente Normale contient de faux
renseignements, informations sur le
remboursement des biens retournés, et des
biens ou services à prix réduits. De tel reçu ne
contient que de montantsgatifs remboursés.
Chaque reçu de ce type nécessite une
déclaration de lutilisateur transcrite dans un
imenyekanisha rikubiyemo amafaranga
agomba gusubizwa agaragara mu gitabo
cyinyemezabuguzi hamwe numwirondoro
namazina bya nyiri ugusubizwa.
Byongeye kandi, ubwoko
bwinyemezabuguzi hamwe nubwoko
bwubucuruzi bugaragazwa nikimenyetso
cya NR bugomba gukurwa kuri konti
nubuyobozi, hamaze gukorwa isuzumwa
ku byasabwe, keretse:
a. Iyo amafaranga yasabwe
gusubizwa yishyuwe umuguzi wasabye
kuyasubizwa akoresheje inyandikobwishyu
b. Inyandiko bwishyu yigurisha
risanzwe ishyirwa hamwe nugusubizwa
amafanga bisanzwe bigahuzwa nigitabo
cyagenewe kwandikwamo amafaranga
asubizwa nkuko bigaragara mu Nyandiko
Nsobanuramikorere ya Komiseri Mukuru.
Kopi, igaragazwa
nyemezabuguzi nka CS cyangwa CR,
igendeye kuri kopi zinyemezabuguzi ya
buri bwoko bwinyemezabuguzi isanzwe.
Amahugurwa, igaragazwa nikimenyetso
nyemezabuguzi nka TS cyangwa TR
igendeye ku byasohowe mu mashini
yinyemezabuguzi byakozwe mu rwego
rwamahugurwa, amakuru ayikubiyeho
akagaragazwa no ku nyemezabuguzi
yubwoko busanzwe.
book containing receipt details and
justification with description and the name of
the refund recipient.
Additionally, receipt type and transaction type
labeled as NR shall be taken into account by
the Authority, if the scrutiny of the claim is
carried out, only if:
the refund is paid to the client who
requested refund by presenting original
Normal Sale receipt and;
Normal Sale (NS) receipt is attached
together with Normal Refund
(NR) to a
special refund log book of the user as per
example shown in Commissioner General
, defined by receipt label as CS or CR,
refers to a copy of only previously generated
receipt of any NORMAL receipt type.
Training, defined by receipt label as TS or TR
refers to a printout purely for practice
purposes on Certified electronic billing
machine, produced only when it is in its
training mode, with information similar to that
which is to be indicated on a NORMAL
receipt type.
registre spécial de remboursements, qui
contient les tails des reçus et justification,
avec description et nom du bénéficiaire de
En outre, les types de reçu et de transaction
avec étiquette RN doivent être pris en compte
par lAutori lors de lexamen de la demande,
seulement si :
le remboursement est versé au client
qui la demandé, en présentant le reçu original de
Vente Normale et;
les reçus de Vente Normale et de
Remboursement Normal sont attachés au
registre de remboursement de lutilisateur,
suivant lexemple prévu dans dans les
Instructions du Commissaire Général.
identifié par l
étiquette CV ou CR,
désigne une copie du reçu qui a été
uniquement produit de nimporte quel type du
reçu Normal.
Formation, identif par létiquette FV ou FR,
indique une impression à des fins purement de
pratique, effectuée par une Machine de
Facturation Electronique qui est dans son
mode de formation, avec les informations
semblables à celles indiquées sur un reçu de
type Normal.
Poroforuma cyangwa inyemezabuguzi
mbanziriza-gura, igaragazwa
nikimenyetso nyemezabuguzi nka PS
irebeye ku byasohowe mu mashini
yikoranabuhanga itanga inyemezabuguzi
yashyizwe mu buryo bwa poroforuma,
amakuru ayikubiyeho agahura nagaragara
ku nyemezabuguzi yo mu bwoko
Iyo uburyo bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi
bwemewe (CIS) bukoze igikorwa cyo
gusohora kopi zinyemezabuguzi,
izamahugurwa cyangwa iza poroforuma,
zigomba kuba zitandukanye
inyemezabuguzi isanzwe ku buryo
bugaragara. Ijambo KOPI,
rigomba gushyirwa ku itike, munsi
yumutwe wayo no hejuru yahandikwa
Amagambo akurikira agomba kugaragara
munsi yahandikwa igiciro rusange kiri ku
itike: "IYI
Ntibishoboka guhindura amagambo
agaragaza inyemezabuguzi, kandi agomba
kuba nibura ari manini inshuro ebyiri
kurenza amagambo agaragaza umubare.
Iyo uburyo bupfuye bwo kwishyura
cyangwa umubare wamafaranga utariwo
bwasohowe mu mashini kunyandiko
bwishyu yigurisha risanzwe, umusoreshwa
Pro forma or an advance receipt, defined by
receipt label as PS refers to a printout from a
Certified electronic billing machine while in
pro forma mode, with information similar to
that contained on a NORMAL receipt type.
When a CIS provides a function for printing
copies of the receipt, printing training or pro
forma invoice, they must be clearly
distinguishable from the NORMAL receipt
type. The designation COPY, TRAINING,
PRO FORMA has to be placed on the ticket
below receipt header and above item
description section.
In such cases, the following text must be
indicated below the total amount of the ticket
to be printed: "THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL
RECEIPT‖. It shall not be possible to alter the
receipt identifying text, which shall be at least
twice as big as the text that indicates the
If wrong means of payment or incorrect
amount have been printed on a Normal Sale
(NS) receipt the user is allowed to produce a
Normal Refund (NR) receipt that corrects the
Pro forma
reçu d’avance,
indiqué par
étiquette PS, désigne une impression
effectuée par une Machine Electronique de
Vente dans un mode pro forma, avec les
informations similaires à celles que contient un
reçu de type Normal.
Quand un SFC fournit une fonction pour
imprimer les copies d
un reçu, les billets de
Formation ou de Pro forma, ceux-ci doivent se
distinguer clairement dun reçu de type
Normal. Lindication COPIE, FORMATION,
PRO FORMA doit apparaître sur le billet, au
dessous de len-tête, soit au-dessus de la
section de description de lobjet.
Le texte suivant doit être imprimé au dessous
des montants totaux du billet: "Ceci nest pas un
reçu officiel". Il ne doit pas être possible de
modifier le texte identifiant le reçu, qui doit
être au moins deux fois plus grand que le texte
indiquant le montant.
Si le faux moyen de paiement ou un montant
incorrect a été imprimé sur un reçu Ventes
Normales, lutilisateur peut produire un reçu
Remboursement Normal qui
yemerewe gutanga inyemezabuguzi yo
gusubizwa amafaranga bisanzwe (NR) ihita
ikosora amakosa yakozwe nyuma gato
yuko amakosa agaragara, hanyuma kandi
agatanga inyemezabuguzi
risanzwe namakuru ku buryo nyabwo
bwiyishyurana, inyandiko zumwimerere
zisubizamafaranga ku buryo busanzwe
zikomekwa ku gatabo kabugenewe, mu
Nyandiko Nsobanuramikorere ya Komiseri
Mukuru, nkigisobanuro yicyo gikorwa
Ikosora ryose rikorewe buri bwoko
bwinyemezabuguzi rigomba kugaragaza
ku buryo bugaragara itandukaniro hagati
kwongerwa hakoreshejwe ikimenyetso cyo
gukuramo (-).
Ingingo ya 7 : Raporo
Imashini yikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi igomba kuba ifite
ubushobozi bwo gutuma ikora mu buryo
burambuye raporo X yibyacurujwe buri
munsi mu gihe cyose ubucuruzi
bwakozwemo uhereye igihe raporo Z
iheruka yakorewe.
Imashini yIkoranabuhanga mu Gutanga
Inyemezabuguzi igomba kuba ishobora
kugaragaza buri munsi, raporo Z irambuye
yerekana ibikorwa byubucuruzi byakozwe
ninyemezabuguzi zatanzwe. Iyi raporo
discrepancy, immediately after error has
occurred, and then produce a Normal Sale
(NS) receipt with information on the correct
means of payment, attaching original Normal
Refund (NR) to the special refund log book,
example shown in Commissioner General
Instructions, with justification of such
All corrections on the receipt of any type must
clearly distinguish negative amounts from
positive amounts by using a minus sign (-).
Article 7: Reports
Certified electronic billing machine must have
facility to generate detailed X daily report of
the day's sale during which financial
transactions were conducted since the
previous Z daily report was generated.
Electronic Billing Machine must have facility
to generate detailed Z report at the end of each
day during which financial transactions were
conducted and receipts generated. This report
will be regarded as a business and accounting
limperfection, immédiatement après que
erreur s
est produite, et un reçu de Vente
Normale (VN) avec les informations sur les
moyens de paiement appropriés, en attachant
reçu original de Remboursement Normal
(RN) au registre de remboursement spécial,
selon lexemple figurant dans les Instructions du
Commissaire Général, accompagnés de
justifications de cet incident.
Toutes les corrections au reçu de chaque type
doivent clairement distinguer les montants
négatifs des montants positifs en utilisant un
signe moins (-).
Article 7 : Rapports
La Machine de Facturation Electronique doit
avoir la capaci deffectuer un rapport
quotidien détaillé X à la fin de toute journée au
cours de laquelle les activités financières ont
été réalisées, depuis que le rapport Z précédent
a éprocuré.
La Machine de Facturation Electronique doit
avoir la capacité deffectuer un rapport Z
détaillé à la fin de toute journée au cours de
laquelle les transactions financières ont été
réalisées et les réçus livrés. Ce rapport est
considéré comme un livre de commerce et de
Iyo nta raporo yagaragaye cyangwa
hagaragaye imwe gusa muri raporo
zavuzwe haruguru, raporo ikurikira igomba
kuba ikubiyemo amakuru yose yigihe kiva
kuri raporo Z yumunsi iheruka kugera
kugera igihe cya raporo nshya.
Imashini yIkoranabuhanga mu Gutanga
Inyemezabuguzi igomba kandi kuba
ishobora kugaragaza buri munsi, raporo
PLU yerekana ibiranga buri cyaguzwe
byose, ingano yibyaguzwe namafaranga
yakiriwe kuri buri kigurishwa na buri
kiciro, kuva igihe raporo PLU ishize
Ibikubiye muri raporo zavuzwe
biteganyijwe mu Nyandiko
Nsobanuramikorere ya Komiseri Mukuru.
Ingingo ya 8: Igitabo gishyirwamo
ibyakozwe ku munsi
Ibyacurujwe hamwe nibindi byose
byakozwe bigaragazwa mu buryo
bukurikiranye byanditswe buri munsi mu
gitabo cyabugenewe (control strip)
cyangwa mu gitabo cyikoranabuhanga
cyabugenewe (log memory).
Ibyabitswe hashingiwe ku gika cya mbere
cyiyi ngingo bigomba kuba bikubiyemo
amakuru yose agomba kugaragara kuri buri
bwoko bwinyemezabuguzi, raporo
ajyanye nihindagurika
When no report or only one of the above
mentioned reports has been generated, the
next report must contain all data for the entire
period from the time of previous Z daily
report to the time of the new report.
Electronic Billing Machine must also have
facility to generate a daily PLU report, which
contains full details of each item, the
quantities sold and the amounts collected for
each item and category, since the previous
PLU report was generated.
The content of forementioned reports are
provided for in Commissioner General
Article 8: Journal records
Sales and other activity demonstrating
continuous use of Certified electronic billing
machine is registered in the paper journal
(control strip) or electronic journal (log
Registration according to the first paragraph of
this article must include all information that is to
appear on receipts of all types, reports and
information of price changes or other
programming functions.
Lors quaucun rapport na été procuré ou
seulement un des rapports mentionés en haut a
été procuré, le rapport suivant doit contenir
toutes les donées de la période allant du
rapport journalière Z précédent jusquau
nouveau rapport.
La Machine de Facturation Electronique doit
avoir aussi la capacité deffectuer un rapport
journalière PLU, qui contient les détails
complets de chaque produit, les quantités
vendues et les montants collectés sur chaque
produit et category, depuis que le rapport PLU
précédent a été procuré.
Le contenu des rapports ci-haut mentionné fait
est spécifié dans les Instructions du
Commissaire Général.
Article 8 : Enregistrements des rapports
Les ventes et autres activités montrant lusage
continu des ventes de la Machine Electronique
de Vente doivent être enregistes dans un
journal (bande de contrôle) ou dans un registre
électronique (mémoire du registre).
Les enregistrements effectués conformément à
1 du présent article comprennent
toutes les informations qui doivent figurer sur
les reçus de tout type, et des informations sur
les changements de prix ou dautres fonctions
ryibiciro cyangwa imihindagurikire yindi
iyo ariyo yose.
Umusoreshwa ukoresha imashini
yikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi agomba kubika amakuru
yatanzwe n
imashini. Na nyuma yo
gukoresha imashini, umusoreshwa abazwa
ibi bikurikira:
a. Kubika imashini
Kubika raporo za buri munsi
cyangwa amadosiye yakozwe hifashishijwe
uburyo bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi
Inyandiko yavuzwe muri iyi ngingo
zigomba kubikwa mu gihe kingana
nimyaka icumi (10) ibarwa guhera ku
itariki ya mbere Mutarama ikurikira
umwaka w
isoresha iyo nyandiko
Ingingo ya 9: Inshingano z’abagurisha
Umucuruzi wuburyo bwo gutanga
inyemezabuguzi kugira ngo abibonere
uburenganzira agomba kubisaba ubuyobozi
mu nyandiko kuri buri buryo bwo gutanga
inyemezabuguzi bwemewe hamwe
cyangwa nimashini yinyemezabuguzi
cyangwa amaporogaramu yayo azashyirwa
The user of Certified electronic billing
machine must store the data generated by the
system. Even upon the termination of its
operation, the user of Certified electronic
billing machine is responsible for:
a. storing the Sales Data Controller;
storing the journal records or
electronic journal file of Certified Invoicing
The document mentioned in this article must
be kept for a period of ten years counted
starting from January
1st following the tax
year in which it was issued.
Article 9: Obligations of suppliers
The supplier must submit an application for
certification to the Authority for every version
of a CIS and/or SDC model or its software
which will be placed on the market in Rwanda
for official use as part of Certified electronic
billing machine.
de programmation.
Lutilisateur dune Machine Electronique de
Vente doit stocker les données réalisées par le
système. Même après lusage, lutilisateur
dune Machine Electronique de Vente est tenu
de faire:
a. Le stockage de Machine à reçu ;
b. Le stockage de rapports enregistrés ou
des registres électroniques du Système de
Facturation Certifiée.
Les documents énumérés dans cet article
doivent être conservés pendant une période de
dix ans, à compter du 1
Janvier de lannée qui
suit lexercice fiscal dans laquelle ils ont été
Article 9 : Obligations des fournisseurs
Le fournisseur doit faire une demande
daccréditation à lAutori pour chaque
version dun SFC, model ou logiciel dune MR
mis sur le marcau Rwanda pour son usage
officiel dans le cadre de Machine de
Facturation Electronique.
ku isoko ryu Rwanda kugira ngo atangire
gukoreshwa ku mugaragaro nka bimwe mu
bice bigize imashini yikoranabuhanga mu
gutanga inyemezabuguzi.
Ubwo busabe bwe bugomba kuba
bukubiyemo ibikenewe byose kandi
buherekejwe ninyandiko zibushyigikiye,
ubuyobozi gusuzuma niba
ibikoresho bye byujuje ibisabwa. Ibisabwa
ku buryo burambuye kugira ngo umucuruzi
wuburyo bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi
yemerwe hamwe ninyandiko za ngombwa
bikubiye mu Nyandiko Nsobanuramikorere
ya Komiseri Mukuru.
Ugurisha uburyo bwo gutanga
inyemezabuguzi bwemewe na /cyangwa
imashini nyemezabuguzi agomba
kugenzura akamenya ko buri buryo yatanze
busa nubwo yasabiye uburenganzira.
Iyo ibyavuye mu igenzura ryo gutanga
uburenganzira bidasa nibisabwa ku rwego
rwa tekiniki, ugurisha arabimenyeshwa,
ugurisha ashobora icyo gihe gukuraho
ubusabe bwe, cyangwa agashaka ibibura,
akongera gusaba bundi bushya.
Iyo ibyavuye mu igenzura ryo gutanga
uburenganzira bihuye nibisabwa ku rwego
rwa tekiniki, ugurisha arabimenyeshwa.
Ugurisha ahabwa uruhushya nUbuyobozi,
muri urwo ruhushya hakagaragazwa
nomero iranga ugurisha, kimwe na nomero
Such application must contain all necessary
and useful supporting documents, which
enables the Authority to assess in a reliable
manner whether the product complies with the
requirements. A comprehensive description of
the certification procedure to be followed and
the required supporting documents are defined
in Commissioner General Instructions.
The supplier of a CIS and/or SDC must
ensure that each individual version produced is
identical to the version submitted for
If the result of the certification testing does not
meet the technical standards, the supplier is
informed of this. Subsequently, the supplier
can either completely withdraw his application or
adjust the functionality to the remarks made and
present it again for certification.
If the result of the certification shows that the
application meets the technical standards, the
supplier is informed of this. The supplier must
receive a certificate from the Authority, in
which the identification number of the supplier
is mentioned, as well as the certificate number
La demande de certification doit contenir tous
les documents nécessaires susceptibles de
permettre à lAutorité dévaluer de manière
fiable la conformité du produit aux exigences
requises. Une description complète de la
procédure de certification et les pièces
justificatives requises sont prévues dans les
Instructions du Commissaire Général.
Le fournisseur d
un SFC et/ou MR doit
sassurer que chaque version produite est
identique à la version soumise à la
Si le résultat de certification vèle que SFC
et/ou MR ne répond pas aux normes
techniques, le fournisseur doit être informé.
Par la suite, le fournisseur peut soit
complètement retirer sa demande ou en
modifier la fonctionnalité selon les remarques
faites et les présenter de nouveau pour la
Si le résultat de la certification révèle que la
demande est conforme aux normes techniques,
le fournisseur doit être informé. Le fournisseur
reçoit un certificat délivré par lAutorité, qui
porte le numéro didentification du fournisseur
et le numéro de certificat du fabricant, dont la
yuruhushya rwa nyiruruganda, ayo
makuru yose
akazifashishwa mu
kugaragaza ibiranga imashini biteganywa
mu ngingo ya 10 yaya mabwiriza.
Ama porogaramu, iyo ari ngombwa,
imiterere y
kugaragazwa buri gihe kuri urwo ruhushya.
Iyo ugurisha ashatse guhindura uburyo bwo
gutanga inyemezabuguzi bwemewe
cyangwa imashini yinyemezabuguzi
agomba gutangira bundi bushya inzira zo
gusaba uburenganzira bwo kongera
kwemererwa, nyuma yo kubimenyesha
ubuyobozi mugihe cyukwezi kumwe ko
ashaka kongera ubushobozi imikorere yizo
cyangwa gusana ibyaba
Iyo bigaragaye ko ibitangirwa uruhushya
bituzuye hagendewe ku mashini
zagurishijwe na
/cyangwa ukutuzuza
ibisabwa bivugwa muri aya mabwiriza,
uruhushya rugomba guhita ruvanwaho
Iri vanwaho ryuruhushya rigomba ako
kanya guterwa nuko uburyo bwo gutanga
inyemezabuguzi bwemewe na/ cyangwa
imashini ziinyemezabuguzi zagurishijwe
zitigeze zitangirwa uburenganzira kandi
zitujuje ibiteganywa niteka rya Minisitiri
rigena imiterere
yikoranabuhanga yemewe.
Iyo ugurisha ananiwe kuzuza imwe
cyangwa nyinshi mu nshingano ze zivugwa
of the manufacturer, the combination of which
will be used as a basis for the identity mark
described in Article 10 of these Rules.
The version of the software and, if
appropriate, the version of the hardware, will
always be mentioned on the certificate.
If the supplier wishes to modify already
certified CIS and/or SDC, the supplier must
start a new certification procedure, after
informing Authority of a form of an upgrade
or the necessary repairing of the anomalies,
one month in advance.
If non-conformity to the certificate is found
with respect to devices which have been sold
and/or non-compliance with the conditions
stated in these Rules is discovered, the
certificate must immediately and permanently
be withdrawn.
This withdrawal must automatically result in
the fact that all CIS and/or SDC devices sold
are no longer certified and no longer meet the
requirements of the Ministerial Order defining
the conditions to be satisfied by the Certified
electronic billing machines.
If the supplier fails to fulfill one or more
obligations listed as requirements in
combinaison constitue la marque
didentification prévue dans larticle 10 de ces
La version du logiciel et, le cas échéant, celle
du matériel, doivent toujours être mentionnées
sur le certificat.
Si le fournisseur souhaite modifier un SFC
et/ou MR déjà certifiés, il doit entreprendre
une nouvelle procédure de certification, après
avoir informé lAutorité dune forme de mise à
niveau ou de réparations nécessaires des
imperfections, un mois avant.
Lorsque la non-conformité du certificat par
rapport aux machines qui ont été vendues et
/ou le non respect des conditions énoncées
dans ces Directives est constatée, le certificat
doit être immédiatement et définitivement
Le retrait entraine l
annulation de la
certification des SFC et/ou MR vendus et
ceux-ci ne répondent plus aux exigences de
Arrêté Ministériel qui détermine les
conditions requises pour les Machines de
Facturation Electronique.
Si le fournisseur ne répond pas à une ou
plusieurs exigences énumérées dans lArrêté
mu iteka rya Minisitiri no muri aya
mabwiriza, agomba kubimenyeshwa mu
nyandiko kugira ngo yuzuze ibisabwa.
Iyo ugurisha akomeje kutuzuza ibisabwa,
ubuyobozi bushobora gukuraho ubusabe
bwe cyangwa gukuraho uruhushya rwari
Ingingo ya 10: Kwandikisha CIS
Ugurisha uburyo bwo gutanga
inyemezabuguzi bwemewe ku bushake bwe
urwego ruteganywa mu
mabwiriza ajyanye
ryuburenganzira akubiye mu Nyandiko
Nsobanuramikorere ya Komiseri Mukuru.
Ubwo busabe bugomba kuba bukubiyemo
amakuru yose asabwa n
ibindi byose biri ngombwa kugira ngo
uburenganzira butangwe.
Mbere yuko hatangwa uburenganzira,
hakorwa amasuzuma atandukanye
hakarebwa niba usaba kwemererwa
akorana neza nubuyobozi bwimisoro
hagasuzumwa ninyandiko kugeza igihe
ushinzwe gutanga uburenganzira akoze
raporo yemeza ko hatangwa uburenganzira.
Mu gihe raporo ku itangwa
Ministerial Order and this Rule, he shall be
informed of this by means of a written
notification in order to observe the
If the supplier continues to fail, the Authority
can reject the current application or withdraw
the certificate already issued.
Article 10: CIS Registration
Supplier of Certified Invoicing System will
voluntarily submit application to the
destination designated by the certification
guideline in Commissioner General
Application will contain all information
requested in the guideline including all
deliverables as only such application will be
accepted for further certification process.
Certification process involves a series of tests
evaluating compliance and document revision
until certification responsible can produce a
report which approves subject of application
for a compliance certificate.
When a final certification report is recognized
Ministériel et ces Directives, il doit être notifié
par écrit afin de sy conformer.
Si la défaillance du fournisseur persiste,
lAutorité peut rejeter la demande actuelle ou
retirer le certificatlivré.
Article 10 : Enregistrement de SFC
Le fournisseur du Système de Facturation
Certifié doit volontairement soumettre une
demande denregistrement à la destination
désignée dans les Instructions
Commissaire Général.
La demande doit contenir toutes les
informations et éléments nécessaires tels que
prévus dans les instructions, et la demande
nest admissible que pour le processus de
La procédure de certification implique un
ensemble dévaluations de conformiet
révision du document jusquà ce que le garant
de la certification puisse effectuer un rapport
qui approuve lobjet de demande du certificat
de conformité.
Lorsque le rapport de certification est admis
ryuburenganzira yemewe nubuyobozi,
uwabisabye ahabwa nomero yibanga
yimashini yanditswe ku buryo bukurikira:
a. Ku bijyanye
bwikoranabuhanga mu kwandukura
ibyacurujwe AAACCNNNNNN, aho:
AAA= nomero iranga
ii. CC= Nomero yuruhushya
(itangwa nubuyobozi);
iii. NNNNNN= Nomero ya seri
(igizwe nimibare uhera ku
muto ujya ku munini,
itangwa na nyir'uruganda).
b. Ku bijyanye na PC/POS porogaramu
BBB= nomero iranga
uwayikoze (itangwa
ii. CC
= nomero iranga
yukwemererwa, itangwa
iii. NNNNNN= nomero ya
seri (igizwe nimibare
by the Authority, application receives a
Machine Registration Code (MRC) as follows:
For electronic cash register
i. AAA = manufacturer
identification number
(assigned by the Authority);
ii. CC = manufacturer certificate
(assigned by the
iii. NNNNNN = serial number
(ascending, assigned by the
b. for PC/POS software
i. BBB = developer
identification number
(assigned by the
= manufacturer
certificate number (after
certification, assigned by
the Authority);
iii. NNNNNN = serial number
(ascending, assigned by
par lAutorité, la demande reçoit un Code
dEnregistrement de la Machine
(CEM) ci-
dessous :
Pour les systèmes de caisse
enregistreuse électronique
i. AAA= numéro
didentification du fabricant
(attribué par lAutori) ;
ii. CC= numéro de certificat du
(attribué par
Autorité) ;
iii. NNNNNN= numéro de série
(par ordre croissant, attribué
par le fabricant) ;
b. Pour PC/PDV logiciel
i. BBB= numéro
didentification du
développeur (attrib
par lAutorité) ;
numéro de
certificat du fabricant
(après certification,
attrib par
Autorité) ;
NNNNNN= numéro
de série (par ordre
croissant, attribué par
uhera ku muto ujya ku
munini, itangwa na
Ku ugurisha wiyandikishije mu buyobozi,
iyo nomero ya seri igomba gushyirwa kuri
buri mashini yikoranabuhanga itanga
inyemezabuguzi, yanditswe ku buryo
idasibika kandi bigararagarira umuntu aho
ari hose.
Icyemezo ku gukorana neza nubuyobozi
mu buryo bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi
bwemewe kigomba gutangazwa
ugurisha amaze
kwiyandikisha nkuko bisabwa mu ngingo ya
12 yaya mabwiriza.
Ingingo ya 11: Kwandikisha SDC
Ugurisha imashini yinyemezabuguzi
abishatse ashyikiriza umukozi ubishinzwe
uteganywa mu mabwiriza agena itangwa
ryuburenganzira ari mu mu Nyandiko
Nsobanuramikorere ya Komiseri Mukuru,
ubusabe bwo kwandikwa. Ubwo busabe
bugomba kuba bukubiyemo amakuru yose
asabwa namabwiriza nibindi byose biri
ngombwa kugira ngo uburenganzira
Mu kureba niba hatangwa uburengazira
hakorwa amasuzuma atandukanye
hakarebwa niba usaba kwemererwa
akorana neza nubuyobozi bwimisoro
hagasuzumwa ninyandiko kugeza igihe
ushinzwe gutanga uburenganzira akoze
the manufacturer).
This unique serial number must be visibly
indicated on every installed Certified
Invoicing System in an indelible manner by
the supplier registered with Authority.
Issued certificate of compliance for the
Certified Invoicing System must be published
by the Authority once the supplier is duly
registered under the requirements stated in
Article 12 of these Rules.
Article 11: SDC Registration
The supplier of Sales Data Controller will
voluntarily submit to the destination
designated by the certification guideline in
Commissioner General Instructions, an
application of registration. The application
must contain all information requested in the
guideline including all deliverables as only
such application will be accepted for further
certification process.
Certification process involves series of tests
evaluating compliance and document revision
until certification responsible can produce a
report which approves subject of application
for a compliance certificate.
le fabriquant)
Ce numéro de série unique doit être
visiblement indiqué sur chaque Système de
Facturation Certifiée installé, de manière
indélébile, par le fournisseur enregistré auprès
de l
Le certificat de conformité délivré pour le
Système de Facturation Certifiée sera publié
par lAutorité dès que le fournisseur soit
dûment enregistré conformément aux prescrits
de larticle 12 de ces Directives.
Article 11: Enregistrement de la MR
Le fournisseur de Machine à Reçu doit
introduire volontairement une demande
denregistrement à la destination désige par
les instructions de certification, dans les
Commissaire Général. La
demande doit contenir toutes les informations
éléments nécessaires tels que prévus dans
instructions, et la demande nest admissible que
pour le processus de certification.
Le processus de certification implique un
ensemble dévaluations de conformi et
révision du document jusquà ce que le garant
de la certification puisse effectuer un rapport
qui approuve lobjet de demande du certificat
de conformité.
raporo yemeza ko hatangwa uburenganzira.
Mu gihe raporo ku
ryuburenganzira yemewe nubuyobozi,
ubusabe bugenerwa nomero yibanga y
imashini yanditswe ku buryo bukurikira:
i. SDC= ifashe
ii. AAA= nomero
na komite);
iii. NNNNNN= nomero ya
seri( igizwe nimibare
uhera ku muto ujya ku
munini, itangwa na
Nomero rukumbi ya seri igomba gushyirwa
cyangwa kubikwa
mu mashini
yinyemezabuguzi mu gihe ikora. Iyo
nomero igomba kandi kuba igaragara,
yanditse mu buryo budasibama kandi
igashyirwa hanze yimashini hakoreshejwe
Icyemezo ku gukorana neza nubuyobozi
mu buryo bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi
bwemewe kigomba gutangazwa
ugurisha amaze
kwiyandikisha nkuko bisabwa mu ngingo ya
12 yaya mabwiriza
When final certification report is recognized
by the Authority, application receives a Sales
Data Controller identification number (SDC
ID) as follows:
i. SDC = fixed;
AAA = manufacturer
certificate number
by the
= serial
number (ascending,
by the
The unique serial number must be
retained/stored in the SDC during the
production process. The unique serial
number must also be clearly and indelibly
placed on the outside of the SDC cabinet
by means of a label.
The issued certificate of compliance for the
Sales Data Controller is published by
Authority once the supplier is duly registered
under the requirements stated in Article 12 of
these Rules.
Lorsque le rapport final de certification est
admis par lAutorité, la demande est attribuée
numéro d
identification de la Machine à
(MR ID) ci-dessous :
i. MR= fixe
ii. AAA= numéro de certificat du
fabricant (attribué par le Comité)
iii. NNNNNN= numéro de série (par
ordre croissant, attribué par le
Le numéro de série unique doit être
conservé/stocké dans la MR au cours du
processus de production. Il doit aussi être
clairement et de manière indélébile placé à
l'extérieur de l'armoire de la MR au moyen
d'une étiquette.
Le Certificat de conformité délivré doit être
publié par l'Autorité dès que le fournisseur est
dûment enregistrée conformément aux
prescrits de l'article 12 de ces Directives.
Ingingo ya 12: Ukwiyandikisha
Inzira yo kwiyandikisha k
ugurisha iba
yuzuye, iyo uburyo bwo gutanga
bwemewe cyangwa
imashini yinyemezabuguzi bitangiwe
uruhushya, ariko uruhushya rwo gutanga
inyemezabuguzi cyangwa imashini
yinyemezabuguzi ntiruzatangazwa kugeza
igihe ugurisha yujuje ibisabwa byose
biteganywa mu
mu Nyandiko
Nsobanuramikorere ya Komiseri Mukuru.
Ushyikiriza abaguzi
imashiniagombamenyeshwa ubuyobozi
hakoreshejwe ukwiyandikisha kwugurisha,
hubahirizwa ibiteganyijwe mu Nyandiko
Nsobanuramikorere ya Komiseri Mukuru.
Ingingo ya 13: Ukwiyandikisha
kw’ukoresha imashini
Buri muntu ukoresha uburyo
bwikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi afite urwego aherereyemo
rutangazwa na Komiseri Mukuru nkuko
biteganywa ningingo ya 9 yiteka rya
Minisitiri, agomba gutangira ibijyanye no
kwiyandikisha asinya amasezerano
yuburyo bwo gutanga inyemezabuguzi
bwemewe nimashini yinyemezabuguzi
Article 12: Supplier Registration
The registration process of the supplier is
completed at the same time when CIS or SDC
certified; however CIS or SDC certificate
not be published until supplier fulfils all
mandatory requirements stipulated
Commissioner General Instructions.
The distributor must be reported to the
Authority as a distributor by the means of
registration by supplier, in accordance with
procedure stipulated in Commissioner General
Article 13: User Registration
Every user belonging to a certain category
announced by Commissioner General in
accordance with Article 9 of Ministerial Order
must start the registration process by signing
an agreement for delivery of Certified
Invoicing System and Sales Data Controller
with the authorized Supplier or his designated
Article 12 : Inscription du fournisseur
Le processus d'inscription du fournisseur est
complet quand SFC ou MR est certifié, mais
certificat de SFC ou MR ne doit pas être
publié avant que le fournisseur ne réponde à
toutes les conditions prescrites
dans les
Instructions du Commissaire Général.
Le distributeur, doit être déclaré à l'Autorité
par le fournisseur, conformément à la
procédure prévue dans les Instructions
Commissaire Général.
Article 13 : Inscription de l’utilisateur
Chaque utilisateur appartenant à une certaine
catégorie déterminée par le Commissaire
Général conformément à l'article 9 de l'Arrêté
Ministériel, doit commencer la procédure
d'inscription, en signant avec le fournisseur
agréé ou son distributeur désigné, un accord de
distribution du Système de Facturation
cyangwa umuhagarariye.
Ku bushake bwe, umusoreshwa ashobora
Parts of the Certified electronic billing
Les pièces des Machines de Facturation
machines may be contracted separately by
Electronique peuvent être achetées séparément
different Suppliers as per user choice.
de différents fournisseurs, suivant le choix de
Amasezerano yo gutanga imashini
Agreement for the procurement of SDC is
LAccord de distribution de MR, conclu avec
zinyemezabuguzi atangwa nugurisha
obtained from an authorized supplier or its
un fournisseur agréé ou son distributeur
cyangwa abamuhagarariye, akaba akozwe
distributor containing the form, specified in
contient le formulaire, specifié dans les
hubahirijwe ifishi iri
mu Nyandiko
Commissioner General Instructions, which
du Commissaire Général, qui
Nsobanuramikorere ya Komiseri Mukuru,
designates the markings of CIS and SDC. This
indique les marques du SFC et MR. Ce
igaragaza ibimenyetso byuburyo bwo
Form represents SDC acquisition and it is a
formulaire atteste l'acquisition de MR et
prerequisite for Certified electronic billing
constitue une condition préalable à l'activation
nibyimashini yinyemezabuguzi. Iyi fishi
machine activation.
de Machine de Facturation Electronique.
yinyemezabuguzi nibiyigize kugira ngo
Ukoresha imashini ufite uburyo bwo
gutanga inyemezabuguzi bwemewe hamwe
nimashini yinyemezabuguzi, agomba
kuzuza ibisabwa uwiyandikisha
biteganyijwe mu Nyandiko
Nsobanuramikorere ya Komiseri Mukuru.
Ingingo ya 14: Uburyo bwo gushyikiriza
Ugurisha agomba kureba ko abo bafitanye
imigendekere yo kwiyakisha nk
Having obtained both CIS and SDC, the user
must fulfill the registration requirements
defined in Commissioner General Instructions.
Article 14: Distribution procedure
The Supplier must conscientiously observe the
registration procedure pursuant to the
provisions listed in these Rules performed by
Après lacquisition du SFC et MR, l'utilisateur
doit remplir les conditions dinscription
prévues dans les Instructions du Commissaire
Article 14 : Procédure de distribution
Le Fournisseur doit respecter
consciencieusement la procédure d'inscription
effectuée par les distributeurs contractants,
biteganywa naya mabwiriza.
Ingingo ya 15: Kuvugurura imashini
y’ikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
Mu buryo buhoraho, ukoresha imashini
asaba ugurisha cyangwa umuhagarariye
kuvugurura imashini yinyemezabuguzi
nibura rimwe mu mwaka.
Mu gihe havutse ikibazo mu rwego rwa
tekiniki ku bijyanye
yinyemezabuguzi, ukoresha imashini
agomba guhita abimenyesha Ubuyobozi.
Kugira ngo hemerwe igenzura ku rwego
rwa tekiniki ku bijyanye nukudakora neza,
ukoresha imashini yemerewe kuyivana aho
akorera, mu gihe gusa Ubuyobozi bwemeye
iryo vanwaho ryimashini byigihe gito.
Mu gihe havutse ikibazo mu rwego rwa
tekiniki gituma CIS idakora, icyo kibazo
gikimerwa hagati yukoresha imashini
nuzigurisha cyangwa nuzishyikiririza
contracted Distributors.
Article 15: Maintenance of Electronic
Billing Machine
The periodical technical maintenance of
Electronic Billing machine by the order of
user must be performed by the supplier or
authorized distributor, at least once in every
twelve months.
In case of technical problems regarding the
SDC, the user must inform the Authority
immediately. In order to allow technical
analysis of the malfunction, it is allowed to
remove SDC from the place of business, only
if the Authority
approuves the temporary
dislocation of SDC.
In case of technical problems preventing the
operation of the CIS, those problems are
solved between the user and the supplier or the
distributor of the CIS, according to their
conformément aux dispositions énoncées dans
les présentes Directives.
15 : Maintenance de machines de
facturation électronique
La maintenance technique périodique des
machines de facturation électronique doit être
procédée à lordre de lutilisateur, par le
fournisseur ou son distributeur agréé, au moins
une fois dans chaque douze mois.
En cas de problèmes techniques de la MR,
lutilisateur doit immédiatement informer
l'Autorité. Afin de permettre l'analyse
technique de la panne, la MR peut être retirée
du lieu d'affaires, uniquement si l'Autorité
approuve le déplacement temporaire de MR.
En cas de problèmes techniques qui empechent le
fonctionnement du SFC, ces problèmes sont
résolus entre lutilisateur et le fournisseur ou le
Mu gihe havutse ikibazo mu rwego rwa
tekiniki gituma Imashini yIkoranabuhanga
mu Gutanga Inyemezabuguzi idakora,
ukoresha imashini agomba gukurikiza
ibisabwa ninging ya 11 yIteka rya
Minisitiri. Iyo atabikoze, afatwa
nkutaratanze inyemezabuguzi muri icyo
gihe, agahanishwa igihano giteganywa
nIteka rya Minisitiri
Ingingo ya 16: Gukomeza gukoresha
imashini y’inyemezabuguzi
Imashini yikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi yemewe nUbuyobozi,
ifite nibura ubwoko bune bwijanisha
ryumusoro bugaragazwa na "A", "B", "C"
and "D", bukagira kandi nibyaborohereza
guhindura ijanisha ryabyo. Imashini
yikoranabuhanga mu gutanga
inyemezabuguzi yemewe nUbuyobozi,
ntishobora gutuma haba igurisha
ryibicuruzwa cyangwa itangwa rya serivisi
bidafite aho bihuriye
Mu gihe cyo gutangiza imashini, ijanisha
rigenwe mbere rijyanye n
ryinjizwa mu buryo bwo gutanga
inyemezabuguzi bwemewe no mu mashini
working relationship.
In case of any technical problems which
prevent Electronic Billing Machine to operate,
the user is obliged to comply with the
requirements of article 11 of the Ministerial
Order. If not, the user is deemed not to have
issued receipts during that period, and the
penalities prescribed by the Ministerial Order
must be applicable.
16: Continuous use of Certified
electronic billing machines
The Certified electronic billing machines
approved buy the Authority , have at least four
tax rates labeled as "A", "B", "C" and "D",
having facility to change their percentages.
The Certified electronic billing machine, must
not allow selling goods or providing services
not linked to the corresponding tax rate.
The predetermined percentages for the
corresponding tax rates must be loaded into
the Certified Invoicing System and Sales Data
Controller separately at the time of
En cas de problèmes techinques qui empechent la
Machine de Facturation Electronique de
fonctionner, lutilisateur doit respecter la
procédure prévue à larticle 11 de lArrêté
Ministriel. Sinon, lutilisateur est considéré
cemme nayant pas livles reçus dans cette
période, et la pénalité prévue par lArrêté
Ministeriel sera applicable.
Article 16 : Usage continu de machines de
facturation électronique
Les Machines de Facturation Electronique
approuvées par lAutorité, ont au moins quatre
taux dimposition avec étiquettes "A", "B",
"C", "D", ayant la capacide changer leurs
pourcentages. Une Machine de Facturation
Electronique approuvée, ne doit pas permettre
la vente des biens ou la prestation de services
qui ne sont pas liés aux taux d
Les pourcentages prédéterminés pour les taux
d'imposition correspondants doivent être
séparément enregistrés dans le Système de
Facturation certifiée et dans la Machine de
yinyemezabuguzi bitandukanye.
Birangwa muri rusange na A
ubusonerwe, B= 18%, C= 0%, D= 0%
kandi bishobora gutandukana bitewe
nibyateganyijwe mu mategeko yimisoro.
Birabujijwe guhindura aya majanisha
nibimenyetso biyaranga kereka itegeko
ribiguhera uburenganzira.
Imashini yinyemezabuguzi ntigomba
gukoreshwa igihe cyose igipimo
cyumusoro cyashyizwe mu buryo bwo
gutanga inyemezabuguzi bwemewe
mu mashini
Abakoresha imashini yinyemezabuguzi
bagomba gutanga inyemezabuguzi
iteganywa mu ngingo ya
6 yaya
mabwiriza, igizwe ku buryo bugarara kandi
busobanutse nigiciro cya buri kintu
nigipimo cyumusoro bijyanye kuri buri
gicuruzwa cyagurishijwe cyangwa serivisi
yahawe umuguzi.
Abakoresha imashini yinyemezabuguzi
bagomba kumanika itangazo ku rwinjiriro
rwaho bakorera cyangwa aho bakirira
amafaranga rikangurira abaguzi inshingano
zabo zo gusaba no kubika inyemezabuguzi
bahawe nkuko biteganywa ningingo ya 11
yiteka rya Minisitiri. Urugero rwiryo
installation. The correlation is generally:
A=exempt, B=18%, C=0%, D=0% and may
only differ in the instances for which provision is
made in tax legislation.
It is prohibited to change these percentages
and their correlations unless required by the
Certified electronic billing machine must not
operate unless the tax rates in Certified
Invoicing Systems correspond to tax rates in
Sales Data Controller.
The users of Certified electronic billing
machines are liable to issue receipt described in
Article 6 of these Rules containing clearly
defined name, unit price and appropriate tax
rate for every item delivered or service
performed for the client.
The users of Certified electronic billing
machines must post up at the entrance of their
stores or at the cash desk, an attention notice
to the customers regarding their obligation to
request and keep the receipt until they leave
the shop as per the wording designated in
11 of the Ministerial Order. The
Facturation Electronique au moment de leurs
installations. La corrélation est généralement:
A= exonérés, B= 18%, C= 0%, et ne peuvent
se différer que dans les cas les lois fiscales
le prévoient.
Il est interdit de modifier ces pourcentages et
leurs corrélations sauf si la loi lordonne.
La Machine de Facturation Electronique ne
peut fonctionner sans que les taux
dimpositions du Système de Facturation
Electronique correspondent taux dimposition de
Machine à Reçu.
Les utilisateurs des Machines de Facturation
Electronique sont tenus de délivrer les reçus
tels que prescrits dans larticle
6 de ces
Directives, qui contiennent le nom précis,
unité de prix et les taux d
appropriés pour chaque article ou service
livré ou service presté au client.
Les utilisateurs de Machines de Facturation
Electronique doivent afficher sur les entrées de
leurs magasins ou guichets un avis aux clients,
concernant leur obligation de demander les
reçus et de les maintenir jusqu ce qu'ils
quittent la boutique, conformément à l'article
11 de l'Arrêté Ministériel. Un modèle davis
tangazo rugaragara mu ngingo ya 1 yaya
mabwiriza kandi rigomba kuba ryanditse
mu nyuguti nkuru buri nyuguti ifite nibura
uburebure bwa 3 cm
Mu gihe
yinyemezabuguzi imwe nibura igomba
kuba ikora igihe habaye kugurisha.
Iyo imashini yinyemezabuguzi idakora
bikorerwa raporo nubugenzuzi kandi
ukoresha imashini akabimenyesha
ubuyobozi bidatinze.
Mu gihe cyo kwakira imashini
yinyemezabuguzi itanzwe nuzigurisha
wemewe, ukoresha imashini agomba
kubona serivisi zijyanye na GPRS zitangwa
nikigo cyitumanaho kugira ngo imashini
yinyemezabuguzi ibashegukora uko
bikwiye. Byongeye kandi, ukoresha
imashini nyemezabuguzi agomba guhora
akoresha serivisi za GPRS igihe cyose
imashini nyemezabuguzi irimo
Mu gutangira buri munsi wigurisha
umubare wamafaranga uri mu mashini
ugomba kubanza kwandukurwa
hakoreshejwe uburyo
bwimashini yinyemezabuguzi.
Mu gihe habaye gukura by
igihe gito
example of the notice is shown in Article 1 of
these Rules and must be written in capital
letters with a minimum 3 cm high.
During sales at least one Certified electronic
billing machine will function when sale takes
If Certified electronic billing machine does not
function this will be documented in the
inspection booklet and the user will without
delay report it to the Authority.
At the time of Sales Data Controller
acquisition from an authorized supplier, the
user is obliged to assure that service from
telecommunication operator providing GPRS
service is obtained for proper functionality of
Sales Data Controller. Furthermore, the user is
obliged to maintain the GPRS service active
for as long as Sales Data Controller is used.
At the start of each sales day the exchange
cash amount that belongs to a cash register
will be registered by the deposit function of
In the event of temporary removal of the cash
est prévu par l'article 1 de ces Directives, et
doit être en lettres majuscules d'au moins 3 cm
de hauteur.
Lors de la vente, au moins une Machine de
Facturation Electronique doit fonctionner.
Si une Machine de Facturation Electronique
ne fonctionne pas, cela doit être enregistré
dans un livret d'inspection, et l'utilisateur doit, à
temps, informer l'Autorité.
Lorsque le fournisseur remet la Machine à
Reçu à l'utilisateur, ce dernier doit s'assurer
que le service de GPRS fourni par l'opérateur
de télécommunications est procuré, pour un
propre fonctionnement de Machine à Reçu.
L'utilisateur est également tenu de maintenir le
service de GPRS, aussi longtemps que la
Machine à Reçu est utilisée.
Au but de chaque jour de vente, le montant
déchange de la caisse enregistreuse doit être
enregistré par la fonction de dépôt du SFC.
En cas de retrait temporaire de fonds et autres
amafaranga hamwe nubundi buryo mu
mashini yinyemezabuguzi, umubare wayo
mafaranga ugomba kwandukurwa
hakoreshejwe uburyo bwo kubikuza ku
mashini yinyemezabuguzi.
Ingingo ya 17: Gusonerwa gukoresha
imashini y’inyemezabuguzi
Abasoreshwa bavugwa mu ngngo ya 18
bandikira Ubuyobozi basaba kwemererwa
kudakoresha imashini yinyemezabuguzi
hagendewe ku byiciro barimo.
Ingingo ya 18: Ibyiciro bisonewe
Icyiciro cya I gisonewe gukubiyemo
abacuruzi bose batiyandikishije ku musoro
kunyongeragaciro. Abo bacuruzi bemerewe
ubusonerwe batiriwe babisaba.
Icyiciro cya II kigizwe nabasoreshwa bose
biyandikishije ku musoro ku
nyongeragaciro iyo igicuruzo rusange cya
VAT ari gito ugereranyije nibyacurujwe
byose. Igipimo cya 75% cyumusaruro
ukomoka kuri serivisi zisonewe, kiri mu
cyiciro gisonewe cya II. Abasoreshwa
bavugwa muri iki cyiciro bagomba
kwandika basaba ubusonerwe.
cya III
(gatatu) kigizwe
nabasoreshwa bose biyandikishije ku
musoro ku nyongeragaciro bakora imirimo
yo kugurisha mu gihe kitageze ku mwaka
and other means of payment from the CIS the
amount shall be registered by the withdrawal
function of CIS.
17: Exemption from the use of
Certified electronic billing machines
Taxpayers mentioned in article 18 below will
need to apply to receive an approval for
exemption, if required by their category:
Article 18: Exempt categories
Exempt category I includes all non-VAT
registered businesses. Such businesses are
automatically qualified for exemption.
Exempt category II includes all VAT
registered businesses where the scope of VAT
sales is small compared to the company's total
sales. Sales that sum up to
75% of the
company's income derived from exempted
services, are considered to belong with exempt
category II. They must apply for an
Exempt category III (three) includes all VAT
registered businesses whose sales are only
conducted during a limited portion of the year.
However, any such taxpayer may not be
moyens de paiement de SFC, le montant sera
enregistré par la fonction de retrait du SFC.
17: Exonération à l'usage de
Machines de Facturation Electronique
Les contribuables mentionés à larticle 18 ci-
dessous doivent faire une demande
dexonération, si nécessaire, selon leur
Article 18: Categories d’exemptions
La catégorie dexonération I comprend toutes les
entreprises non enregistrées à la TVA. Ces
entreprises sont automatiquement admissibles à
La catégorie dexonération II comprend toutes
les entreprises assujetties à la TVA dont les
chiffres daffaires de TVA sont inferieurs aux
ventes totales alisées. Les entreprises dont
75% de services ne sont pas taxables à la
TVA, appartiennent à la catégorie
dexonération II. Elles doivent faire une
demande dexonération.
Catégorie dexonération III comprend toutes les
entreprises enregistrées à la TVA, qui
effectuent leurs opérations pendant une durée
limitée de lannée. Cependant, de telles
umwe. Ariko ntawe ushobora kwemererwa
ubusonerwe mu gihe yatanze
inyemezabuguzi nibura
30 mu gihe
cyumwaka. Abasoreshwa bavugwa muri
iki cyiciro bagomba kwandika basaba
Ingingo ya 19: Ibisabwa mu
Isosiyete yiyandikishije
ku musoro
kunyongeragaciro ishobora gusaba
ubusonerwe iyo:
Ifite ubushobozi bwo kuba
yakoresha ubundi buryo butari
ubwo gukoresha imashini
yinyemezabuguzi bituma
ubuyobozi budashidikanya ku
nyandiko za ngombwa zikoreshwa
mu igenzura ry
umusoro. Ibi
byemererwa amasosiyete afite
imicungire myiza kandi ashobora
kugaragaza uburyo bwo gutanga
inyemezabuguzi no gukora raporo
buhuye nUbwimashini
yIkoranabuhanga mu gutanga
Iyo bigaragaye ko ikoresha
yateza ibibazo bya tekiniki.
exempted if sales are summed to at least 30
invoices during a calendar year. Such
businesses need to apply for exemption.
Article 19: Exemption Requirements
A VAT registered company may apply for an
exemption if:
it is able to use other invoicing
means other than Electronic Billing
machine to satisfy the Authority
needs in terms of reliable
documentation that can be used when
performing tax examinations. This
applies to companies that have good
internal controls and are capable to
demonstrate invoicing and reporting
in the manner similar to Electronic
Billing Machine;
it can demonstrate that duty to use
Certified electronic billing machines
causes unfair technical difficulty.
entreprises nobtiennent pas dexonération sils
réalisé au moins
30 factures de ventes
pendant une année calendaire. Ces entreprises
doivent demander lexonération.
Article 19 : Conditions d’exonération
Une société enregistrée à la TVA peut
demander lexonération si :
Elle est capable, de quelque manière autre
que par l
utilisation de Machines de
Facturation Electronique, de se conformer aux
instructions de l'Autorité en matière de
documents fiables pouvant être utilisés au
moment des contrôles fiscaux. Ceci s'applique
aux entreprises qui ont de bons contrôles
internes et dont le système de facturation et les
rapports, sont semblables à ceux de la Machine
de facturation Electronique;
elle peut prouver que l
utilisation de
Machines de Facturation Electronique peut
provoquer des difficultés techniques.
Ingingo ya 20: Uko ubusonerwe
Ibaruwa isaba ubusonerwe igomba kugira
ibi bikurikira:
a. Amwirondo urambuye
werekeranye numusoreshwa
(ibikorwa byose byisosiyete, ba
isosiyete, aderesi y
ibicuruzwa bigurishirizwa);
Kugaragaza niba ubusonerwe
bujyanye nigikorwa kihariye
cyangwa ibindi bikorwa.
c. Impamvu ashingiraho asaba
d. Iyo gusaba gusonerwa bishingiye
ku mpamvu iteganywa mu ngingo
ya 19 igika cya mbere yaya
amakuru ajyanye
nuburyo sosiyete ibikamo ibitabo
byayo byibaruramari hamwe
namakuru ajyanye nuburyo
sosiyete icungwamo kugira ngo
umutungo wayo ucungwe neza ni
Ifishi basabiraho ubusonerwe itangwa
Article 20: Exemption procedure
The exemption request application must
include the following information:
General information about the
taxpayer (all activities
of the
company, owners, business address
where the sale takes place);
b. State whether exemption is relating to
a particular activity within the
company, some shop or other specific
The taxpayer's reason to be exempt
from legal obligations;
If the case of exemption is requested
per the reason mentioned in Article 19
paragraph one of this Rule,
information on how the company's
bookkeeping is organized as well as
information on the companys internal
control procedure involved to ensure
proper accounting shall be necessary.
Application form is provided by the Authority.
Article 20 : Procédure d’exonération
La demande dexonération doit contenir les
informations suivantes:
a. informations nérales sur le
contribuable (toutes les activités de
l'entreprise, les propriétaires, l'adresse
de lentreprise la vente a lieu);
indiquer si l'exemption est relative à
une activité particulière au sein de
l'entreprise, boutique ou tout autre cas
c. motif dexoration;
d. Si le cas de l'exonération est demandé
en vertu d
une raison prescrite dans
l'article 19, alinéa 1 de ces Directives,
les informations sur la façon dont la
comptabilité de l'entreprise est
préparée, et sur la procédure de
contrôle interne impliquées pour
assurer une comptabilité propre, sont
Le formulaire de demande est prescrit par
Ingingo ya 21: Ivanwaho ry’ingingo
Ingingo zose zamabwiriza yabanjirije aya
kandi zinyuranyije nayo zivanyweho.
Ingingo ya
22: Igihe aya mabwiriza
atangira gukurikizwa
Aya mabwiriza atangira gukurikizwa ku
munsi atangarijweho mu igazeti ya Leta ya
Repubulika yUrwanda.
Kigali, kuwa 12/09/2013
Komiseri Mukuru w’Ikigo cy’Imisoro
Article 21: Repealing provisions
All rules prior and contrary to these rules are
hereby repealed.
Article 22: Commencement
These Rules comes into force on the date of
their publication in the Official Gazette of the
Republic of Rwanda.
Kigali, on 12/09/2013
Commissioner General of
Rwanda Revenue Authority
Article 21 : Dispositions abrogatoires
Toutes les directives antérieures et contraires
aux présentes directives sont abrogées.
Article 22 : Ente en vigueur
Ces Directives entrent en vigueur le jour de
leur publication au Journal Officiel de la
publique du Rwanda.
Kigali, le 12/09/2013
Commissairenéral de l’Office Rwandais
des Recettes
ITEGEKO 16/2005 RYO KU WA 18/08/2005
LAW 16/2005 OF 18/08/2005 2005 ON
LOI Nº 16/2005 DU 18/08/2005 RELATIVE
Twebwe, KAGAME Paul,
Perezida wa Repubulika;
We, KAGAME Paul,
President of the Republic;
Nous, KAGAME Paul,
Président de la République;
Umutwe w‘Abadepite, mu nama yawo yo ku wa 29
Werurwe 2005;
Ishingiye ku Itegeko Nshinga rya Repubulika y‘u Rwanda
ryo ku wa 04 Kamena 2003 nk‘uko ryavuguruwe kugeza
ubu, cyane cyane mu ngingo zaryo, iya 62, iya 81, iya 93,
iya 108, iya 118 n‘iya 201;
Ishingiye ku itegeko 15/97 ryo ku wa 8/11/1997
rishyiraho Ikigo cy'Imisoro n'Amahoro nk‘uko ryahinduwe
kandi ryujujwe kugeza ubu, cyane cyane mu ngingo yaryo
ya 20;
Isubiye ku itegeko 8/97 ryo ku wa 26/06/1997 rigena
Imisoro itaziguye ku nyungu zinyuranye no ku bihembo
nk‘uko ryahinduwe kandi ryujujwe kugeza ubu;
Isubiye ku itegeko 14/98 ryo ku wa 18/12/1998
The Chamber of Deputies, in its session of March
29, 2005;
Given the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda
of June 4, 2003, as amended to date, especially in
its Articles 62, 81, 93, 108, 118 and 201;
Given Law 15/97 of 8/11/ 1997 establishing
Rwanda Revenue Authority
as modified and complemented to date, especially
in its Article 20;
Reviewing Law 8/97 of 26/6/1997 on Code of
Direct Taxes on Different Profits and Professional
Income, as modified and complemented to date;
Reviewing Law n° 14/98 of December 18, 1998
La Chambre des Députés, en sa séance du 29
mars 2005;
Vu la Constitution de la République du Rwanda
du 04 juin 2003 telle que révisée à ce jour,
spécialement en ses articles 62, 81, 93,108 et
Vu la loi 15/97 du 8/11/1997 portant création
de l'Office Rwandais des Recettes telle que
modifiée et complétée à ce jour, spécialement en
son article 20;
Revu la loi 8/97 du 26/6/1997 portant Code
des impôts directs sur les bénéfices divers et
revenus professionnels telle que modifiée et
complétée à ce jour,
Revu la loi 14/98 du 18 décembre 1998
rishyiraho Ikigo cy‘Igihugu cyo guteza imbere Ishoramari,
cyane cyane mu ngingo zaryo iya 30, iya 31 n'iya 34;
establishing the Rwanda Investment Promotion
Agency, especially in its Articles 30, 31 and 34;
portant création de l'Office Rwandais pour la
Promotion des Investissements, spécialement en
ses articles 30, 31 et 34;
Ingingo ya mbere: Ibirebana n‟iri tegeko
Iri tegeko ―rigena imisoro itaziguye ku musaruro‖,
1° umusoro ku musaruro w‘abikorera ku giti cyabo;
2° umusoro ku nyungu z‘amasosiyete;
3° imisoro ifatirwa.
Article one: Scope of this law
This Law determines Direct Taxes on Income and
it establishes:
1° personal Income Tax;
2° corporate Income Tax;
3° withholding taxes.
Article premier : Champ d‟application
La présente loi relative aux impôts directs sur le
revenu régit :
l‘impôt sur le revenu des personnes
l‘impôt sur les bénéfices des sociétés;
3° les impôts retenus à la source.
Ingingo ya 2: Ibisobanuro by‟amagambo
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya mbere
y’itegeko 28/2012 ryo kuwa 27/07/2012 rihindura kandi
ryuzuza itegeko 16/2005 ryo kuwa 18/08/2005 rigena
imisoro itaziguye ku musaruro, Igazeti ya Leta 37 yo
kuwa 10/09/2012):
Ku birebana n‘iyubahirizwa ry‘iri tegeko, ibisobanuro
by‘amagambo avugwa mu yandi mategeko y‘u Rwanda ni
byo byitabwaho, keretse hari igisobanuro gitandukanye
gitangwa muri iri tegeko. Ibisobanuro bikurikira ni byo
bijyana n‘iyubahirizwa ry‘iri tegeko:
Article 2: Definitions
(As modified and completed by article one of the
law n°28/2012 of 27/07/2012 modifying and
complementing law 16/2005 of 18/08/2005 on
direct taxes on income, O. G nº37 of 10/09/2012):
For the purpose of implementing this Law,
definitions of terms mentioned in other Rwandan
laws apply unless a different meaning is expressly
provided in this Law. The following definitions
apply for the purpose of implementing this Law:
Article 2 : Définitions
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article
premier de la loi n°28/2012 du 27/07/2012
modifiant et complétant la loi 16/2005 du
18/08/2005 relative aux impôts directs sur le
revenu, J. O nº37 du 10/09/2012) :
Aux fins de l‘application de la présente loi, la
signification des termes définis dans les autres
lois rwandaises est d‘application à moins qu‘une
signification différente ne soit expressément
indiquée dans la présente loi. Les significations
suivantes sont applicables à la présente loi.
umusoreshwa: bivuga umuntu wese ugomba
kwishyura umusoro hakurikijwe iri tegeko;
―taxpayer‖ means any person subject to tax
according to this Law;
1°«contribuable» signifie toute personne
assujettie à l‘impôt aux termes de la présente
loi ;
umukoresha wa mbere:umukoresha uha umukozi
umusaruro w‘umwaka usumba iyindi;
umuntu: buvuga umuntu ku giti cye, isosiyete
cyangwa andi mashyirahamwe ayo ariyo
―umuntu ufitanye isano n‘undi‖ bisobanura umuntu
cyangwa abantu bakora cyangwa bashobora gukora
bakurikije amabwiriza, ibitekerezo cyangwa ibyifuzo
by‘undi muntu igihe ayo mabwiriza, ibyo bitekerezo
cyangwa ibyo byifuzo byabagejejweho cyangwa
By‘umwihariko, abantu bakurikira bafatwa nk‘abantu
bafitanye isano:
a. umuntu ku giti cye hamwe n‘uwo bashakanye, abo
bakomokaho cyangwa ababakomokaho ku buryo
b. isosiyete n‘umuntu wese ufite, ku buryo butaziguye
cyangwa buziguye, mirongo itanu ku ijana (50%), mu
gaciro cyangwa mu mibare, by‘imigabane cyangwa
by‘uburenganzira bwo gutora muri iyo sosiyete;
c. isosiyeti ebyiri cyangwa nyinshi iyo undi muntu afite,
ku buryo buziguye cyangwa butaziguye, nibura mirongo
itanu ku ijana (50%), mu gaciro cyangwa mu mibare,
by‘imigabane cyangwa by‘uburenganzira bwo gutora
muri buri sosiyete;
d. ibivugwa muri b na c bikoreshwa ku yandi
mashyirahamwe, nkuko bisobanuwe muri 3° y‘iyi ngingo;
―first employer means an employer who gives
greater annual income to an employee by
comparison with another employer;
―a person‖ means any individual, company or
any other associations;
―a related person‖ means an individual or
individuals who act (s) or is likely to act in
accordance with the directives, opinion or wishes
communicated or not communicated
More particulary, the following persons are
regarded as relatives:
a. an individual and his spouse, their direct lineal
ascendants or lineal descendents;
b.a company and any person who owns directly or
indirectly fifty per cent (50%) or more, by value
or by number, of the shares or voting rights in that
c.two or more companies, if a third party owns
directly or indirectly at least fifty per cent (50%)
or more, by value or by number, of the shares or
voting rights in each company;
d.items mentioned in b and c apply to other
associations, as specified in 3° above;
2°« Le premier employeur » signifie
l‘employeur qui donne à l‘employer un revenu
professionnel plus élevé par an ;
3°« personne» signifie toute personne physique,
morale ou toute autre association de personnes
quelle que soit la forme ;
« personne liée» signifie toute personne qui
agit ou est susceptible d‘agir selon les directives,
demandes, suggestions ou souhaits d‘une autre
personne lorsque ces demandes, souhaits ou
suggestions leurs sont exprimés ou non.
Plus particulièrement, les personnes suivantes
sont considérées comme des personnes liées :
a.une personne physique et son conjoint, leurs
ascendants ou descendants directs ;
b.une société et toute personne qui détient
directement ou indirectement cinquante pour
cent (50 %) au moins, en valeur ou en nombre,
des parts ou droits de vote dans cette société ;
c.deux sociétés ou plus, si une tierce personne
détient, directement ou indirectement cinquante
pour cent (50%) au moins, en valeur ou en
nombre, des parts ou droits de vote dans
chacune de ces sociétés ;
d.les points b et c s‘appliquent également aux
associations, visées au point 3° .
“nyakabyizi” umukozi cyangwa umunyakazi ukora
imirimo itagomba ubuhanga bwihariye, udakoresha
imashini cyangwa ibikoresho bisaba ubuhanga bwihariye,
kandi uhawe akazi n‘umukoresha mu gihe kitarenze cyose
hamwe iminsi mirongo itatu (30) mu gihe cy‘umusoro;
ibikorwa by‟ubucuruzi bito: imirimo y‘ubucuruzi
ibyara amafaranga y‘ibyacurujwe angana cyangwa ari
munsi ya miliyoni icumi n‘ebyiri y‘amafaranga y‘u
Rwanda(12.000.000 Frw) kuri buri gihe cy‘umusoro;
7ºibikorwa by‟ubucuruzi biciriritse: imirimo
y‘ubucuruzi ibyara amafaranga
y‘ibyacurujwe ari hagati ya miliyoni cumi
n‘ebyiri n‘ifaranga rimwe
(12.000.001Frw) na miliyoni mirongo
itanu (50.000.000Frw) y‘amafaranga y‘u
Rwanda kuri buri gihe cy‘umusoro;
“Minisitiri Minisitiri ufite Imari mu
nshingano ze;
“Ikigega cya pansiyo gifite ubushobozi”:
ikigega cyose cyujuje ibi bikurikira:
a).cyashyizweho hakurikijwe amategeko
y‘u Rwanda;
b).gikoreshwa hagamijwe cyane cyane gutuma hishyurwa
pansiyo ku bantu batuye mu Gihugu;
c).gifite ubuyobozi nyabwo mu Rwanda igihe icyo ari cyo
cyose mu gihe cy‘umusoro.
“casual laborer”: an employee or worker who
performs unskilled labor activities, who does not
use machinery or equipment requiring special
skills, and who is engaged by an employer for an
aggregate period not exceeding thirty (30) days
during a tax period;
micro-enterprise: any business activities,
which result into a turnover equal to or of less
than twelve million Rwandan francs (Rwf
12.000.000) per tax period;
small-enterprise: any business activities,
whose turnover is between twelve million and
one Rwandan francs (Rwf 12.000.001) and
fifty million Rwandan francs (Rwf
50.000.000) per tax period;
“Minister” the Minister having Finance in his
or her attributions;
9° “qualified pension fund”: any fund which
fulfills the following:
a).one which was established according to
Rwanda laws;
b).one which is operated for the principal purpose
of providing pension payments to residents in the
c).one which has effective management in
Rwanda at any time during the tax period.
«employé occasionne: un employé ou
travailleur qui accomplit un travail ne requérant
pas de qualifications particulières, n‘utilise pas
de machine ou équipement exigeant des
connaissances particulières, et qui est engagé
par un employeur pour une période cumulée ne
dépassant pas trente jours (30) au cours d‘un
exercice fiscal ;
6°micro-entreprise : toute entreprise ayant une
activité dont le chiffre d‘affaires est égal ou
inférieur à douze millions de franc
rwandais (12.000.000 Frw) par exercice fiscal;
petite entreprise : toute entreprise ayant une
activité dont le chiffre d‘affaires est compris
entre douze millions et un francs Rwandais
(12.000.001 Frw) et cinquante millions de francs
rwandais (50.000.000Frw) par exercice fiscal ;
«Ministre» le Ministre ayant les Finances
dans ses attributions ;
9° «Fonds de pension qualifié»: tout fonds
remplissant les conditions suivantes :
a).constitué conformément à la loi rwandaise ;
b). dont la principale fonction est de verser des
pensions aux résidents;
c).dont le lieu de direction effective est situé au
Rwanda à tout moment de l‘exercice fiscal
Ingingo ya 3: Aho umuntu atuye
Umuntu ku giti cye yitwa ko atuye mu Rwanda iyo yujuje
kimwe muri ibi bikurikira:
1° afite aho atuye hahoraho mu Rwanda;
2° asanzwe abarizwa mu Rwanda;
ari umunyarwanda uhagarariye u Rwanda mu
Umuntu ku giti cye uba mu Rwanda iminsi irenze ijana na
mirongo inani n'itatu (183) mu gihe cy‘amezi cumi n'abiri
(12), ku buryo bwa buri gihe cyangwa bugiye
bunyuranamo, afatwa nk‘utuye mu Rwanda mu gihe
cy‘umusoro ayo mezi cumi n‘abiri (12) yarangiriyemo.
Umuntu, utari umuntu ku giti cye, afatwa nk‘utuye mu
Rwanda mu gihe cy‘umusoro iyo ari:
isosiyete cyangwa ishyirahamwe byashyizweho
hakurikijwe amategeko y‘u Rwanda; cyangwa
isosiyete ifite icyicaro cy‘ubuyobozi nyabwo mu
Rwanda igihe cyose kijyana n‘icyo gihe cy‘umusoro;
3° isosiyete ya Leta y‘u Rwanda.
Minisitiri ashobora gushyiraho amabwiriza asobanura aho
―umuntu atuye hahoraho‖ cyangwa ―aho ubuyobozi
Article 3: Residence
An individual is considered as resident in Rwanda
if he or she fulfills one of the following:
has a permanent residence in Rwanda;
has a habitual abode in Rwanda;
is a Rwandan representing Rwanda abroad.
An individual who stays in Rwanda for more than
183 days in any 12-month period, either
continuously or intermittently, is resident in
Rwanda for the tax period in which the 12 month
period ends.
A person other than an individual is considered as a
resident in Rwanda during a tax period if it:
is a company or an association established
according to Rwandan laws; or
2° has its place of effective management in Rwanda
at any time during that tax period; or
3° is a Rwanda government company.
The Minister may issue instructions specifying ―a
person‘s permanent residence‖ or ―where
Article 3 : Résidence
Une personne physique est réputée résidente au
Rwanda si elle remplit l‘une des conditions ci-
après :
1° avoir une résidence permanente au Rwanda ;
2° avoir un domicile principal au Rwanda ;
être Rwandais et agent consulaire ou
diplomatique en poste à l‘étranger.
Une personne physique qui séjourne au Rwanda
durant plus de cent quatre vingt trois (183) jours au
cours d‘une période de douze (12) mois,
continuellement ou de manière intermittente, est
réputée résidente au Rwanda lorsque l‘exercice
fiscal relatif à cette période de douze (12) mois
prend fin.
Une personne, autre qu‘une personne physique, est
réputée résidente au Rwanda au cours
d‘un exercice fiscal si :
1° elle est constituée en société ou association
conformément à la loi rwandaise ; ou
elle a son lieu de direction effective au Rwanda
au cours de l‘exercice fiscal ; ou
3° il s‘agit d‘une société de l‘État rwandais.
Le Ministre peut émettre des instructions
administratives pour préciser ce qu‘il faut entendre
nyabwo buri‖.
the effective place of management‖ is located.
par «résidence principale» ou «lieu de direction
Ingingo ya 4: Inkomoko y‟Umusaruro
Umusaruro ukomoka mu Rwanda ugizwe n‘ibi bikurikira:
umusaruro uva mu mirimo yakorewe mu Rwanda,
harimo n‘ukomoka ku kazi;
umusaruro winjijwe n‘umunyabugeni, umuririmbyi
cyangwa umukinnyi uturutse ku byo yakoreye mu Rwanda;
umusaruro uturutse ku bikorwa byakozwe n‘umuntu
udatuye mu Rwanda abinyujije ku kigo gihoraho mu
umusaruro uturutse ku igurishwa ry‘umutungo
wimukanwa, ufitwe n‘ikigo gihoraho muRwanda;
5° umusaruro uturutse kuri ibi bikurikira:
a. umutungo utimukanwa n‘ibindi bijyanye na wo;
b. ubworozi n‘ibihunikwa bikomoka ku
c. umutungo no ku bundi burenganzira buturutse ku
mutungo utimukanwa iyo uwo mutungo uri mu Rwanda;
umusaruro uturutse ku igurishwa ry‘umutungo wavuzwe
mu gace ka 5° k‘iyi ngingo;
umugabane w‘inyungu watanzwe n‘isosiyete ituye mu
inyungu ihinduwemo imigabane yishyuwe
n‘abafatanyije ibikorwa mu Rwanda;
inyungu yishyuwe n‘ubutegetsi bwite bwa Leta cyangwa
n‗Uturere n‗Imijyi n‘utuye mu Rwanda cyangwa nikigo
Article 4: Source of income
Income from sources in from Rwanda includes:
1°income generated from services performed in
Rwanda, including income generated from
2° income generated by a crafts person, musician or
a player from his or her performances in Rwanda;
income generated from activities carried on by a
non-resident through a permanent establishment in
income generated from sale of movable assets
owned by a permanent establishment in Rwanda;
income generated from the following assets in
a. immovable assets and accessories thereto;
b.livestock and inventory generated from
agriculture and forestry;
c. usufruct and other rights derived from an
immovable asset if such an asset is in Rwanda;
income generated from sale of assets referred to
in point 5° of this article;
7° dividends distributed by a resident company;
profit shares distributed by a resident
interest paid by the Central Government,
Districts, Town or Municipality, a resident of
Article 4 : Source du revenu
Le revenu de source rwandaise est composé de ce
qui suit :
le revenu de services fournis au Rwanda, y
compris les salaires ;
Le revenu reçu par un artiste, musicien ou
athlète pour des activités exercées au Rwanda ;
le revenu d‘activités d‘affaires exercées par un
non-résident par le biais d‘un établissement stable
au Rwanda ;
le produit de la vente d‘un bien meuble
attribuable à un établissement stable au Rwanda ;
5° le revenu provenant de ce qui suit :
a.un bien immeuble et de ses dépendances;
b.de l‘élevage et des stocks agricoles et forestiers;
c.usufruit et autres droits afférents à un bien
immeuble si ce bien est situé au Rwanda ;
le produit de la vente d‘un bien visé au point
du présent article;
les dividendes distribués par une société
résidente ;
incorporation des bénéfices au capital par une
société en partenariat résidente ;
les intérêts payés par l‘Administration Centrale,
les Districts et Villes, un résident du Rwanda ou
gihoraho kiba mu Rwanda ariko nyiracyo ataba mu
10° amafaranga y‘uruhushya rwo gukora no gukoresha
harimo n‘iyishyurwa ry‘ubukode, hamwe n‘amafaranga
y‗icyatamurima cyangwa y‘ubuhanzi yishyurwa n‘utuye
mu Rwanda, cyangwa yishyurwa n‘ikigo gihoraho
gitunzwe n‘umuntu udatuye mu Rwanda;
11° umusaruro uturutse ku bindi bikorwa ibyo ari byo
byose bikorewe mu Rwanda.
Haseguriwe ibivugwa mu gika cya mbere cy'iyi ngingo,
umusaruro ukomoka mu mahanga ni umusaruro ukomoka
ku mirimo n‘akazi bitakorewe mu Rwanda.
Rwanda or by a permanent establishment that a
non-resident maintains in Rwanda;
10° license fees including lease payments and
royalties or artistic fee paid by a resident, or paid by
a permanent establishment owned by a non-resident
in Rwanda;
11° income generated from any other activities
carried on in Rwanda.
Without prejudice to provisions of paragraph one of
this article, income generated from abroad is any
income derived from activities not performed in
par un établissement qui est au Rwanda, mais dont
le propriétaire est un non-résident au Rwanda ;
10° les droits de licence, dont les contrats-bail, et
les redevances, dont les paiements relatifs aux
ressources nationales, payés par un résident ou par
un établissement stable d‘un non-résident au
Rwanda ;
11° le revenu de toute autre activité exercée au
Sans préjudice des dispositions de l‘alinéa premier
du présent article, le revenu de source étrangère est
tout revenu qui provient du travail et service non
effectués au Rwanda.
Ingingo ya 5: Ikigo gihoraho
Ijambo ―ikigo gihoraho‖ risobanura ishyirahamwe cyangwa
isosiyete bifite icyicaro kizwi hagenwe gukorerwa imirimo
yose y‘umuntu cyangwa igice cyayo. By‘umwihariko,
kimwe muri ibi bikurikira gifatwa nk‘ikigo gihoraho:
Ishami ry‘ubutegetsi, uruganda, ahakorerwa imirimo
y‘imyuga, ahacukurwa amabuye y‘agaciro, ubutare
cyangwa ahandi hose hagenewe kubyarizwamo umutungo
kamere, hamwe n‘ahantu hagomba kubakwa, cyangwa
hubakwa, cyangwa hakorerwa imirimo yo guteranya ibintu.
Article 5 : Permanent establishment
The term ―permanent establishment‖ means a fixed
place of business through which the business of a
person is wholly or partially carried on. In
particular one of the following is considered as a
permanent establishment:
An administrative branch, factory, workshop, mine,
quarry or any other place for the exploitation of
natural resources, and a building site or a place
where construction or assembly works are carried
Article 5 : Établissement stable
Le terme «établissement stable» désigne une
association ou une société qui a un siège connu
destiné à abriter toutes ou une partie des activités
d‘une personne. En particulier, une des entités
suivantes est considérée comme un établissement
Un service administratif, une usine, un atelier, une
mine, une carrière ou tout autre lieu d‘exploitation
de ressources naturelles, et un chantier ou tout lieu
où des travaux d‘assemblage sont effectués.
Umuntu afatwa nk‘aho atari ikigo gihoraho iyo:
akoresha inyubako kugira ngo gusa abikemo cyangwa
amurikiremo ibintu cyangwa ibicuruzwa bye;
A person is considered as not to have a permanent
establishment if that person:
1°uses facilities solely for the purpose of storage or
display of goods or merchandise;
Une personne est considérée comme n‘ayant pas un
établissement stable si:
elle utilise une installation uniquement à des fins
de stockage ou d‘exposition de biens ou de
marchandises qui lui appartiennent ;
abika ibintu cyangwa ibicuruzwa bye agamije gusa
kubibika cyangwa kubimurikiramo;
abika ibintu cyangwa ibicuruzwa bye agamije gusa ko
bihindurwa n‘undi muntu;
afite ahantu hamwe akorera agamije gusa kugura ibintu
cyangwa ibicuruzwa cyangwa gutara amakuru yerekeye
ubucuruzi bwe;
5° afite ahantu akorera agamije gusa, mu rwego rw‘imirimo
ye, gukora ibindi byose bijyanye no kuyitegura cyangwa
bituma irushaho gukorwa neza.
Hatitawe ku bivugwa mu gace ka n‘aka tw‘igika cya
kabiri cy‘iyi ngingo, iyo umuntu, uretse uwigenga, urebwa
n‘agace ka k‘igika cya kabiri, akora akorera undi muntu
kandi akaba asanzwe afite ubushobozi bwo gukora
amasezerano mu izina ry‘uwo muntu akorera, uwo muntu
ukoresha afatwa nk‘aho afite ikigo gihoraho ku bijyanye
n‘imirimo umuharagariye amukorera, keretse iyo iyo
mirimo y‘umuhagarariye igarukira ku mirimo ivugwa mu
gika cya kabiri.
Umuntu afatwa nk‘aho atari ikigo gihoraho iyo akora gusa
imirimo y‘akazi abinyujije ku muranga mu bucuruzi, ku
muntu uba yatumwe muri rusange cyangwa undi mukozi
wese wigenga, hakurikijwe gusa ko uwo mukozi akora mu
buryo asanzwe akoramo imirimo ye.
Kuba isosiyete igenzura cyangwa igenzurwa n‘indi sosiyete
ntibihagije ko imwe muri zo iba
ikigo gihoraho cy‘iyindi.
maintains a stock of goods or merchandise
belonging to that person solely for the purpose
storage or display;
maintains a stock of goods or merchandise
belonging to that person solely for the purpose of
processing by another person;
has a place of operation aimed purposely at
purchasing goods or merchandise or of collecting
information related to his or her business;
5° has a place of operation solely for the purpose of
carrying on preparations of his or her activities, and
performing any other activities that make them
more effective.
Notwithstanding provisions of points and
above, where an agent, except an independent
person, concerned with point 5°, of paragraph 2
acts on behalf of a person and who has capacity to
make contracts in the name of that person, that
person is considered as if he or she owns a
permanent establishment in respect of activities his
or her agent undertakes for the person except if
such activities of the agent are limited to those
mentioned in paragraph 2°.
A person is not considered as a permanent
establishment if he or she only carries out activities
through a broker, general commission agent or any
other private agent in accordance with procedures
of the ordinary course of the activities of such an
A company that controls or is controlled by another
company does not of itself constitute either
company to be a permanent establishment of the
elle garde un stock de biens ou de marchandises
qui lui appartiennent uniquement à des fins de
stockage ou d‘exposition ;
elle garde un stock de biens ou de marchandises
qui lui appartiennent uniquement à des fins de
traitement par une autre personne;
elle dispose d‘une installation fixe uniquement
pour l‘achat de biens ou de marchandises ou pour
la collecte d‘informations aux fins de ses activités
d‘affaires ;
elle dispose d‘une installation fixe uniquement
aux fins d‘exercer, dans le cadre de ses propres
activités d‘affaires, toute autre activité à caractère
préparatoire ou auxiliaire.
Nonobstant les dispositions des points et 2°,
lorsqu‘un agent, autre qu‘un agent à statut
indépendant relevant du point du deuxième
alinéa du présent article, agit pour le compte d‘une
autre personne et est habilité à conclure des
contrats au nom de cette autre personne, celle-ci est
traitée comme ayant un établissement stable en ce
qui concerne les activités que l‘agent entreprend
pour le compte de cette personne à moins que
lesdites activités de l‘agent se limitent à celles qui
sont visées au deuxième alinéa.
Une personne n‘est pas traitée comme ayant un
établissement stable lorsqu‘elle se contente de faire
réaliser ses activités par un courtier, un
commissionnaire ou tout autre agent à statut
indépendant, pourvu que cet agent agisse dans
l‘exercice normal de ses fonctions.
Le fait qu‘une société contrôle ou est contrôlée par
une autre société n‘a pas pour effet, en soi, de faire
de l‘une un établissement stable de l‘autre.
Ingingo ya 6: Imisoro yishyuwe mu mahanga
Iyo mu gihe cy‘umusoro umuntu utuye mu Rwanda abonye
umusaruro uturutse mu bikorwa bisoreshwa akorera mu
mahanga, hakurikijwe ingingo ya 3 n‘iya 4 z‘iri tegeko,
umusoro ku musaruro ubarwa hakuwemo umusoro
wishyuwe mu mahanga kuri uwo musaruro. Ingano y‘uwo
musoro wishyuwe mu mahanga wemerwa ari uko
herekanywe ibimenyetso bigaragara nk‘imenyesha
ry‘umusoro, nk‘icyemezo cy‘umusoro ufatirwa cyangwa
indi nyandiko imeze nka byo yemewe.
Igabanywa ry‘umusoro ku musaruro riteganywa mu gika
cya mbere cy'iyi ngingo, ntirishobora kurenga umusoro
wagombye kwishyurwa mu Rwanda kuri uwo musaruro
uturutse mu mahanga.
Article 6: Foreign tax credit
If during a tax period, a resident in Rwanda
generates income derived from taxable activities
performed abroad, the income tax payable by that
resident in respect of that income is reduced by the
amount of foreign tax payable on such income in
accordance with articles and of this law. The
amount of foreign tax payable shall be substantiated
by appropriate evidence such as tax declaration, a
withholding tax certificate or any other similar
acceptable document.
The reduction of the income tax provided for by
paragraph one of this article does not exceed the tax
payable in Rwanda on income from abroad.
Article 6 : Crédit d‟impôt étranger
Si au cours de l‘exercice fiscal, un résident perçoit
un revenu des activités imposables exercées à
l‘étranger, suivant les dispositions des articles 3 et
4 de la présente loi, l‘impôt payable par ce résident
au titre de ce revenu est réduit du montant de
l‘impôt étranger payable sur ce revenu. Le montant
de l‘impôt étranger payable est prouvé par des
justificatifs, tels qu‘un avis d‘imposition, un
certificat de retenue ou tout autre document
similaire acceptable.
La réduction d‘impôt prévue au paragraphe
premier du présent article ne saurait être
supérieure à l‘impôt qui aurait été prélevé au
Rwanda au titre du revenu de source étrangère.
Ingingo ya 7: Igihe cy‟umusoro
Igihe umusoro ubarwa ni mu mwaka usanzwe, guhera ku
itariki ya mbere Mutarama kugeza ku ya 31 Ukuboza.
Iyo abisabwe, Minisitiri ashobora kwemerera umusoreshwa
gufata ikindi gihe cy‘amezi cumi n'abiri (12) nk‘igihe cye
cy‘umusoro, iyo umusoreshwa yujuje ibi bikurikira:
1° ari ikigo kivugwa mu ngingo ya 38;
asabwa gukora ibaruramari akurikije gahunda
y‘Ibaruramari ry‘Igihugu;
yerekana impamvu zigaragara zo guhindura igihe cye
Iyo igihe cy‘umusoro cy‘umusoreshwa gihindutse, igihe
cyo kuva ku ntangiriro y‘igihe cy‘umusoro iryo hinduka
ribereyeho kugeza ku itariki ya nyuma y‘iryo hinduka,
Article 7: Tax period
The tax period is the calendar year, from 1 January
to 31 December.
Upon request, the Minister may allow a taxpayer to
apply any other twelve (12) months period as a tax
period, if the taxpayer fulfills the following:
1°if it is an entity mentioned in Article 38;
is required to keep books of accounts according
to National Accounting Plan; et
presents concrete reasons to change his or her
tax period.
Where a taxpayer‘s tax period changes, the period
from the start of the tax period in which the change
Article 7 : Exercice fiscal
L‘exercice fiscal correspond à l‘année calendaire,
du premier janvier au 31 décembre.
Sur demande, le Ministre peut autoriser le
contribuable de prendre une autre période de douze
(12) mois comme exercice fiscal, s‘il remplit les
conditions ci-après:
1º être une entité visée par l‘article 38;
tenir ses livres et registres comptables selon le
plan comptable national rwandais ;
démontrer la nécessité impérieuse de modifier
son exercice fiscal.
Lorsque l‘exercice fiscal d‘un contribuable est
modifié, la période allant du début de l‘exercice
fiscal au cours duquel le changement a lieu jusqu‘à
gifatwa nk‘igihe cy‘umusoro cyihariye.
occurs to the final date of such a change is
considered as a special tax period.
la date du changement est traitée comme un
exercice fiscal distinct.
Icyiciro cya mbere: Ingingo rusange
Ingingo ya 8: Ishingiro ry‟umusoro ku musaruro
w‟umuntu ku giti cye
Hashyizweho umusoro wa buri mwaka bita ―umusoro ku
musaruro w‘umuntu ku giti cye‖ uvanwa ku musaruro
ubonwa n‘umuntu ku giti cye.
Section one: General provisions
Article 8: Base of personal income tax
There is hereby established an annual ―personal
income tax‖ levied on income received by an
Section première : Dispositions Générales
Article 8 : Base de l‟impôt sur le revenu de la
personne physique
Il est établi un impôt annuel sur le revenu désigné
sous le nom d'«impôt sur le revenu de la personne
physique », perçu sur le revenu reçu par une
personne physique.
Ingingo ya 9: Inshingano zurebwa n‟umusoro ku
Buri gihe cy‘umusoro, umusoreshwa utuye mu Rwanda
agomba kwishyura umusoro ku musaruro ufite inkomoko
mu gihugu no mu bikorwa bisoreshwa akorera mu
mahanga, hakurikijwe ingingo ya 3 n‘iya 4 z‘iri tegeko.
Umusoreshwa udatuye mu Rwanda agomba kwishyura
gusa umusoro ku musaruro ufite inkomoko mu Rwanda.
Article 9: Obligations of the concerned tax
payers of income tax
A resident taxpayer is liable to income tax per the
tax period from all domestic source and foreign
sources in accordance with articles 3 and 4 of this
A non resident taxpayer is only liable to income tax
which has a source in Rwanda
Article 9 : Obligations fiscales du contribuable
sur le revenu
Le contribuable résident au Rwanda est redevable,
pour chaque exercice fiscal, de l‘impôt sur le
revenu imposable de source nationale et étrangère,
selon les dispositions de l‘article 3 et 4 de la
présente loi.
Le contribuable non-résident au Rwanda est
redevable, pour chaque exercice fiscal, de l‘impôt
sur le revenu uniquement de source rwandaise.
Ingingo ya 10: Umusaruro usoreshwa
Umusaruro ukomoka ku nyungu no ku ishoramari ugizwe
n'ibi bikurikira:
1° umusaruro ukomoka ku kazi;
2° inyungu zikomoka ku bikorwa by‘ubucuruzi;
3° umusaruro ukomoka ku ishoramari.
Article 10: Taxable income
Taxable income is composed of the following:
1° employment income;
2° business profits;
3° investment income.
Article 10 : Revenu imposable
Le revenu imposable est composé de ce qui suit :
1º le revenu de l‘emploi ;
2º les bénéfices d‘affaires ;
3º le revenu des investissements.
Ingingo ya 11: Igipimo cyumusoro
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya 2 y’itegeko
28/2012 ryo kuwa 27/07/2012 rihindura kandi ryuzuza
itegeko nº 16/2005 ryo kuwa 18/08/2005 rigena imisoro
itaziguye ku musaruro, Igazeti ya Leta 37 yo kuwa
Umusaruro usoreshwa ubarwa ku mubare uburungushuye
w‘amafaranga y‘u Rwanda igihumbi (1.000 Frw) kandi
ugasoreshwa hakurikijwe
imbonerahamwe ikurikira:
Umusaruro w‘umwaka
utangwaho umusoro ( Frw)
Guhera ku:
kugeza ku:
0 %
20 %
30 %
Umusoro ucishirije, ungana n‘atatu ku ijana (3 %)
y‘ibyacurujwe mu mwaka, utangwa na ba nyir‘ibikorwa
by‘ubucuruzi biciriritse.
Ba nyir‘ibikorwa by‘ubucuruzi biciriritse bashobora gusaba
kureka gusoreshwa ku nyungu zicishirije, bagahitamo
gusoreshwa umusoro ku nyungu nyakuri, iyo biyemeje
gukora ibaruramari rikurikije amategeko abigenga. Iyo
bahisemo gusora ku nyungunyakuri, icyo cyemezo
ntigihinduka mu gihe cy‘imyaka itatu (3) uhereye igihe
bamenyeshereje Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro uburyo bahisemo.
Article 11: Tax Rate
(As modified and completed by article 2 of the law
n°28/2012 of 27/07/2012 modifying and
complementing law nº 16/2005 of 18/08/2005 on
direct taxes on income, O. G nº37 of 10/09/2012):
Taxable income is rounded to the nearest thousand
(1,000) Rwandan francs and taxed according to the
following table:
Annual Taxable Income (RWF)
Tax Rate
and greater than
Small enterprises must pay a lumpsum tax of three
percent (3%) on annual turnover.
Small enterprises can renounce to the lumpsum
imposition by opting for the real regime in carrying
outaccounting in compliance with national
accounting plan. When they opt for the real regime,
they must inform the Tax Administration and this
decision is irrevocable for a periodof three(3) years
starting from the date the Tax administration shall
be informed.
Article 11 : Taux d‟imposition
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 2 de la
loi n°28/2012 du 27/07/2012 modifiant et
complétant la loi 16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative
aux impôts directs sur le revenu, J. O nº37 du
10/09/2012) :
Le revenu imposable est arrondi au millier de
Francs Rwandais le plus proche et imposé selon le
tableau suivant:
Revenu annuel
imposable (Frw)
Taux d‘imposition
360. 000
0 %
20 %
1.200 .001
30 %
Un taux d‘imposition forfaitaire de trois pour cent
(3%) est applicable au chiffre d‘affaires annuel des
petites entreprises.
Les petites entreprises peuvent renoncer au régime
d‘imposition forfaitaire en optant pour le régime
réel avec la tenue d‘une comptabilité conforme au
plan comptable national. Lorsqu‘elles optent pour
le régime réel, elles doivent en informer
l‘Administration fiscale et cette décision est
irrévocable pour une période de trois (3) ans à
compter de la date à laquelle l‘Administration
fiscale en a été informée.
Ibikorwa by‘ubucuruzi bito bitewe n‘umubare
w‘ibyacurujwe mu mwaka byishyura umusoro
ukomatanyije nk‘uko bigaragara mu mbonerahamwe
Umubare w‘ibyacrujwe Umusoro Annual turnover Annual flat amount Chiffre d‘affaires Taxe globale
mu mwaka
Umusoro ukomatanyije
ugomba kwishyurwa
ku mwaka
Kuva kuri 2.000.000 kugera
kuri 4.000.000
Kuva kuri 4.000.001 kugera
kuri 7.000.000
Kuva kuri 7.000.001 kugera
kuri 10.000.000
Kuva kuri 10.000.001 kugera
kuri 12.000.000
Micro-enterprises following their Annual turnover
must pay the flat amount of tax as per the table
Annual turnover
Annual flat amount of
tax due in Rwandan
From 2.000.000 to
From 4.000.001 to
From 7.000.001 to
From 10.000.001 to
Les micro-entreprises suivant leur chiffre d‘affaires
annuel payent la taxe globale telle que présentée
dans le tableau ci-dessous :
Chiffre d‘affaires
Taxe globale annuel à
payer en Francs
De 2.000.000 à
De 4.000.001 à
De 7.000.001 à
De 10.000.001 à
Ingingo ya 12: Imenyeshamusoro
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya mbere
y’itegeko 73/2008 ryo kuwa 31/12/2008 rihindura kandi
ryuzuza itegeko 16/2005 ryo kuwa 18/08/2005 rigena
imisoro itaziguye ku musaruro, Igazeti ya Leta 19 yo
kuwa 11/05/2009):
Umuntu ku giti cye wabonye umusaruro usoreshwa
ategura imenyeshamusoro ry‘umwaka akurikije uburyo
busobanurwa n‘Umuyobozi Mukuru w‘Ikigo cy‘Imisoro
n‘Amahoro, akageza iryo menyeshamusoro ku Buyobozi
bw'Imisoro bitarenze ku wa 31 Werurwe kw‘igihe
cy‘umusoro gikurikiyeho.
Umusoreshwa usonerwa gukora imenyeshamusoro rya buri
mwaka rivugwa mu gika cya mbere cy'iyi ngingo ni ubona
Article 12: Tax declaration
(As modified and completed by article one of the
law n°73/2008 of 31/12/2008 modifying and
complementing law nº 16/2005 of 18/08/2005 on
direct taxes on income, O. G nº19 of 11/05/2009):
―An individual who receives taxable income
prepares an annual tax declaration in accordance
with procedures specified by the Commissioner
General and he or she presents the declaration to
the Tax Administration not later than 31
March of
the following tax period.
A taxpayer who is exempted from an annual tax
declaration mentioned in paragraph one of this
Article is one who only receives:
Article 12 : Déclaration d‟impôt
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article premier
de la loi n°73/2008 du 31/12/2008 modifiant et
complétant la loi 16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative
aux impôts directs sur le revenu, J. O 19 du
11/05/2009) :
Toute personne physique percevant un revenu
imposable prépare une déclaration annuelle sous la
forme spécifiée par le Commissaire Général de
l‘Office Rwandais des Recettes et la soumet à
l‘administration fiscale au plus tard le 31 Mars de
l‘exercice fiscal suivant.
Le contribuable qui est exonéré de remplir la
déclaration d‘impôt annuelle prévue dans le
premier alinéa de cet article est celui qui reçoit
uniquement :
umusaruro ufatirwaho umusoro nk‘uko biteganywa
n‘ingingo ya 48 y'iri tegeko ;
2° umusaruro ku ishoramari ujyanye n‘umusoro wafatiriwe
nk‘uko bivugwa mu ngingo ya 51 y'iri tegeko.
Abantu ku giti cyabo batuye mu Rwanda bakira inyungu
ikomoka ku kazi bayihawe n‘abakoresha barenze umwe
cyangwa bakira umusaruro w‘iruhande ukomoka ku kazi
nk‘ishimwe risoza umwaka, bashobora gukora
imenyeshamusoro ry‘umwaka nk‘uko bivugwa mu gika cya
mbere cy'iyi ngingo, kugira ngo basabe gusubizwa
amafaranga y‘umusoro arenga ku wo bishyuye, iyo ayo
amafaranga bagomba gusubizwa arenze ibihumbi bitanu
(5.000 Frw).
Umuntu ku giti cye wabonye umusaruro ukomoka ku
bikorwa ageza imenyeshamusoro rye rya buri mwaka ku
Buyobozi bw'Imisoro, riherekejwe n‘ifoto y‘umutungo
n‘inyandiko y‘ibaruranyungu cyangwa ibaruragihombo
muri icyo gihe cy‘umusoro, biriho imigereka yakozwe
hakurikijwe ibisabwa n‘amategeko remezo y‘ibaruramari
ry‘Igihugu, hamwe n‘indi nyandiko yose ya ngombwa
ijyanye na yo isabwa n‘ Umuyobozi Mukuru w‘Ikigo
cy‘Imisoro n‘Amahoro. Nyamara, abasoreshwa bagejeje ku
mubare w'ibyacurujwe ku mwaka ugenwa na Minisitiri,
bashobora gusabwa kunyuza imenyeshamusoro
n'ibaruramari byabo ku babunganira babigize umwuga
kandi bemewe n‘Umuyobozi Mukuru w‘Ikigo cy‘Imisoro
Amafaranga y‘umusoro ku musaruro agomba kwishyurwa
abarwa kandi akishyurwa ku Buyobozi bw'Imisoro ku
munsi watangiweho imenyeshamusoro ry‘umwaka
havanyweho ibi bikurikira:
income that is subject to withholding tax as
provided for by article 48 of this law;
income on investment related that is subject to
withholding tax as mentioned in article 51 of this
Resident individuals in Rwanda who receive
employment income from more than one employer
or who receive incidental employment income such
as end of year bonus may file an annual declaration
as mentioned in paragraph one of this article in
order to claim a tax refund for excess income tax
paid, if the tax refund payable exceeds five
thousand (5,000) Rwandan francs.
An individual who receives profits generated from
his or her activities files his or her annual tax
declaration to the Tax Administration, accompanied
by the balance sheet, profit and loss account for that
tax period with annexes thereto drawn according to
the requirements of the National Accounting Plan,
and any other relevant requirement issued by the
Commissioner General. However, taxpayers with
an annual turnover to be determined by the
Minister, may be obliged to have their annual tax
declarations and financial statements to be certified
by qualified professionals and approved by the
Commissioner General of the Rwanda Revenue
The amount of income tax liability should be
calculated and paid to the tax administration on the
day of the annual declaration, reduced by:
un revenu provenant d‘un emploi qui a fait
l‘objet de la retenue à la source de l‘impôt comme
visé à l‘article 48 de la présente loi;
un revenu provenant d‘investissements qui ont
fait l‘objet de la retenue à la source visée à l‘article
51 de la présente loi.
Les personnes physiques résidant au Rwanda
rémunérées par plusieurs employeurs ou qui
perçoivent un revenu supplémentaire de leur
emploi, telle que une prime de fin d‘année, peuvent
remplir la déclaration annuelle visée au premier
alinéa de cet article, afin de réclamer le
remboursement d‘impôt en cas de trop versé, si la
somme à rembourser est supérieure à cinq mille
(5.000 Frw)
Les personnes physiques percevant un bénéfice
d‘affaires soumettent à l‘Administration Fiscale
leur déclaration annuelle accompagnée de leur
bilan, de leur compte de pertes et profits pour
l‘exercice fiscal, ainsi que les annexes y afférentes
requises par le Plan Comptable National Rwandais,
de même que tout autre document pertinent requis
par le Commissaire Général de l‘Office Rwandais
des Recettes. Toutefois, les contribuables dont le
chiffre d'affaires annuel est fixé par le Ministre,
peuvent se voir exigés de faire certifier les états
financiers et leur déclaration par les professionnels
qualifiés agréés par le Commissaire Général de
l‘Office Rwandais des Recettes.
Le montant de l‘impôt sur le revenu, qui doit être
payé est calculé et payé à l‘Administration Fiscale
le jour de la remise de la déclaration annuelle et il
est retranché de :
1° umusoro wafatiriwe ku musaruro usoreshwa hakurikijwe
ingingo ya 51 y'iri tegeko;
2° imisoro ifatirwa hakurikijwe ingingo ya 52 y'iri tegeko;
amafaranga yishyuwe mbere mu gihe cy‘umusoro
hakurikijwe ingingo ya 31 y'iri tegeko.
Umusoro wafatiriwe cyangwa wishyuwe mbere iyo urenga
umusoro ugomba kwishyurwa ubarwa bashingiye ku gika
cya 5 cy'iyi ngingo, ufatwa n‘Umuyobozi Mukuru w‘Ikigo
cy‘Imisoro n‘Amahoro nk‘ayo kwishyura imisoro
y‘ibirarane cyangwa nk‘ayo kwishyura imisoro yindi izaza.
Iyo umusoreshwa abisabye mu nyandiko, ayo mafaranga
y‘ikirenga ayasubizwa n'Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro mu gihe
cy‘iminsi mirongo itatu (30), uhereye ku munsi inyandiko
isaba yagereye ku Muyobozi Mukuru w‘Ikigo cy‘Imisoro
n‘Amahoro kandi bigaragara ko nta birarane asigayemo‖.
1° the tax withheld in accordance with Article 51 of
this law;
2° the taxes withheld according to Article 52 of this
the prepayments made during the tax period in
accordance with Article 31 of this law.
A withholding tax or prepayment that exceeds the
amount of tax liability, calculated on the basis of
paragraph 5 of this article, it is recognized by the
Commissioner General for the liquidation of tax
arrears or as the payment for any future tax
obligations. Upon written request by the taxpayer,
the Tax Administration refunds the excess amount
to the taxpayer within thirty (30) days from the day
of receipt of the written request by the
Commissioner General upon satisfaction that there
are no tax arrears outstanding‖.
la retenue opérée conformément à l‘article 51 de
la présente loi sur le revenu imposable;
2º des retenues opérées conformément à l‘article 52
de la présente loi;
3º des versements provisionnels effectués durant
l‘exercice fiscal en application de l‘article 31 de la
présente loi.
Toute retenue à la source ou tout acompte qui
s‘avère supérieur au montant de l‘impôt exigible
calculé conformément à l‘alinéa 5 du présent
article, est pris en compte par le Commissaire
Général de l‘Office Rwandais des Recettes pour le
règlement d‘obligations fiscales antérieures ou
futures. Sur demande écrite du contribuable, ce
surplus est remboursé par l‘administration fiscale
dans les trente (30) jours à compter de la réception
de la demande par le Commissaire Général de
l‘Office Rwandais des Recettes, après apurement
des obligations fiscales antérieures.
Icyiciro cya 2: Umusaruro ukomoka ku kazi
Ingingo ya 13: Umusaruro ukomoka ku kazi
Umusaruro ukomoka ku kazi ugizwe n‘amafaranga yose
yishyurwa umukozi hamwe n‘agaciro k‘ibintu bihabwa
umukozi bijyanye n‘akazi ke, ayo mafaranga akaba ari aya
ibihembo, umushahara, amafaranga yishyurwa mu gihe
cy‘ikiruhuko, amafaranga yishyurwa mu gihe cy‘uburwayi
n‘agenerwa kwivuza, amafaranga atangwa mu mwanya
w‘ikiruhuko, amafaranga y‘insimburamubyizi, amafaranga
Section 2: Employment income
Article 13: Income from employment activities
Employment income includes all payments paid to
an employee in cash or in kind such as:
wages, salary, leave pay, sick pay and medical
allowance, payment in lieu of leave, fees,
commissions, bonuses including gratuity and
Section 2 : Revenu de l‟emploi
Article 13 : Revenu de l‟emploi
Le revenu de l‘emploi inclut tout paiement en
espèces ou avantage en nature reçu par une
personne physique à titre de rémunération, tels que
les salaires, traitements, indemnités de congés,
indemnités de maladie, indemnités d‘annulation de
congés payés, les jetons de présence, les
commissions, les primes et allocations;
yishyurwa uwatumwe, amafaranga atangwaho ishimwe
hamwe n‘agahimbazamusyi;
ishimwe harimo amafaranga atangwa kubera ubuzima
buhenze, ayo gutunga umukozi kure y‘aho asanzwe
akorera, ay‘ubukode, ayo kwakira abashyitsi cyangwa
iyishyurwa y‘ibyasohotse cyangwa isubizwa
y‘ibyakoreshejwe bitanzwe n‘umukozi cyangwa uwo
ibyishyurwa umukozi kubera ko yemeye gukora mu
buryo budasanzwe;
imperekeza ihabwa umukozi igihe yirukanywe ku kazi
cyangwa akazi ke karangiye cyangwa amasezerano y‘akazi
6°ibyishyurwa biturutse ku bwiteganyirize bw‘izabukuru;
ibindi byishyurwa ku birebana n‘akazi kariho
n‘akakabanjirije n‘akazaza.
allowances, including any cost of living,
subsistence, rent, and entertainment or travel
any discharge or reimbursement of expenses
incurred by the employee or an associate;
payments to the employee for to his or her
acceptance to work in any conditions of
5° payments for redundancy or loss or termination;
6° pension payments ;
other payments made in respect of current,
previous or future employment.
les allocations, y compris les allocations au titre
du coût de la vie, les allocations de subsistance, les
allocations de logement, les frais de représentation
ou de déplacement ;
les paiements au titre de l‘acquittement ou du
remboursement de frais engagés par l‘employé ou
un associé de celui-ci ;
les paiements au titre de l‘acceptation par
l‘employé de certaines conditions de travail ;
les indemnités de licenciement, de perte ou de
résiliation du contrat de travail;
6º les pensions de retraite ;
les autres paiements effectués au titre d‘un
emploi actuel, antérieur ou futur.
Ingingo ya 14: Isonerwa ry‟umusaruro ukomoka ku
Ibyishyurwa bikurikira ntibibarwa mu musaruro usoreshwa
ukomoka ku kazi:
iyishyurwa ry‘ibyasohowe cyangwa isubizwa
ry‘ibyakoreshejwe n‘umukozi:
a. byose bigenewe ibikorwa by‘umukoresha; cyangwa;
b. bivanwa cyangwa byagombaga kuvanwa mu gihe
cy‘ibara ry‘umusaruro w‘umukozi ku bikorwa bye byose;
Article 14: Exempt employment income
The following taxable payments are excluded from
taxable income resulting from employment:
the discharge or reimbursement of expenses
incurred by the employee:
a. wholly and exclusively for business activities of
the employer;
b. those that are deducted or would be deductible in
calculating the employee‘s income from all his or
her business activities;
Article 14 : Exonération du Revenu de l‟emploi
Les paiements ci-après sont exclus du calcul du
revenu imposable de l‘emploi :
l‘acquittement ou le remboursement de frais
engagés par l‘employé :
a. totalement et exclusivement au titre des activités
d‘affaires de l‘employeur ;
b.ou qui sont ou seraient déductibles en calculant le
revenu de l‘employé tiré de toutes activités;
imisanzu y‘ikiruhuko cy‘izabukuru umukoresha
ashyirira umukozi mu Isanduka ya Leta y‘Ubwiteganyirize
ibyishyurwa biturutse ku bwiteganyirize bw‘abakozi
bwa Leta;
imisanzu yo mu zabukuru umukoresha yishyurira
umukozi hamwe n‘imisanzu umukozi yishyura ikigega cya
pansiyo gifite ubushobozi cyabugenewe itarenze icumi ku
ijana (10%) ry‘umusaruro ukomoka ku kazi cyangwa
miliyoni imwe ma magana abiri y'amafaranga y'u Rwanda
(1.200.000 Frw) mu mwaka, hakurikijwe arusha andi kuba
umusaruro ukomoka ku kazi wabonywe n‘umuntu
udafite ubwenegihugu nyarwanda yishyurwa na Leta
y‘inyamahanga cyangwa n‘umuryango utagengwa na Leta
hakurikijwe amasezerano bagiranye na Leta y‘u Rwanda,
igihe umusaruro wakiriwe kubera imirimo y‘imfashanyo
yakorewe mu Rwanda;
umusaruro ukomoka ku kazi umukoresha udatuye mu
Rwanda yishyuye umuntu ku giti cye udatuye mu Rwanda
kubera za serivisi yakoze mu Rwanda, keretse iyo izo
serivisi zifitanye isano n‘ikigo gihoraho cy‘umukoresha mu
Abasonerwa umusoro ku musaruro mu Rwanda nk‘uko
biteganwa mu masezerano mpuzamahanga, kubera serivisi
zatanzwe mu gihe cy‘imirimo yabo yemewe ni aba
1° umunyamahanga uhagarariye igihugu cye mu Rwanda;
2°retirement contributions made by the employer
on behalf of the employee to the state social
security fund;
pension payments made under the state social
security system;
retirement contributions made by the employer
on behalf of the employee and or contributions
made by the employee to a qualified pension fund
to a maximum of ten per cent (10%) of the
employee‘s employment income or one million and
two hundred thousand (1,200,000) Rwandan francs
per year, whichever is the lowest;
employment income received by an employee
who is not a citizen of Rwanda from a foreign
government or a non-governmental organization
under an agreement signed by the Government of
Rwanda and when the income is received for the
performance of aid services in Rwanda;
employment income received from an employer
who is not a resident in Rwanda by a non-resident
individual for the performance of services in
Rwanda, unless such services are related to a
permanent establishment of the employer in
Persons that are exempted from employment
income in Rwanda as provided for by International
Agreements due to services rendered in the exercise
of their official duties are the following:
any foreigner who represents his or her country
in Rwanda;
les cotisations de retraite versées par
l‘employeur pour le compte de l‘employé dans la
Caisse de Sécurité Sociale de l‘Etat ;
les pensions de retraite versées par la caisse de
sécurité sociale de l‘Etat;
les cotisations de retraite versées par
l‘employeur pour le compte de l‘employé et par
l‘employé à un fonds de pension qualifié à
n‘excédant pas dix pour cent (10 %) du revenu de
l‘emploi ou d‘un million deux cents mille francs
rwandais (1.200.000 Frw) par an, selon le plus petit
des deux ;
le revenu perçu par une personne qui n‘est pas
de nationalité rwandaise en rémunération d‘un
emploi auprès d‘un gouvernement étranger ou
d‘une organisation non gouvernementale régie par
une convention signée par le gouvernement
rwandais, lorsque ce revenu est perçu pour la
prestation de services d‘assistance au Rwanda;
le revenu perçu en rémunération d‘un emploi
auprès d‘un employeur non-résident au Rwanda par
des personnes non-résidentes pour la prestation de
services au Rwanda, sauf si ces services sont en
rapport avec un établissement stable de
l‘employeur au Rwanda.
Conformément aux conventions internationales,
ceux qui sont exonérés de l‘impôt sur le revenu
perçu en rémunération de services rendus dans
l‘exercice de leur fonction officielle sont :
tout diplomate étranger ou représentant
undi muntu wese ku giti cye ukora muri Ambasade, mu
biro bihagarariye igihugu cye mu Rwanda, muri Konsula
cyangwa mu biro by‘iyo Leta y‘amahanga bikora imirimo
ya Leta, w‘umwenegihugu w‘iyo Leta kandi ufite
urwandiko rw‘abajya mu mahanga rw‘abahagararira
ibihugu byabo mu mahanga;
3° umuntu ku giti cye, utari umunyarwanda, ukoreshwa
n‘umuryango mpuzamahanga wagiranye amasezerano na
Leta y‘u Rwanda hakurikijwe amategeko y‘u Rwanda.
any other individual employed in any Embassy,
Legation, Consulate or Mission of a foreign state
performing state affairs, who is a national of that
state and who owns a diplomatic passport;
3°any non-citizen individual employed by an
international organization that has signed an
agreement with the Government of Rwanda in
accordance with Rwandan law.
toute autre personne employée et exerçant des
fonctions officielles dans une ambassade, une
délégation, un consulat ou une mission d‘un État
étranger, qui a la nationalité de cet État et possède
un passeport diplomatique ;
3º toute personne qui, n‘étant pas de nationalité
rwandaise, est employée par une organisation
internationale ayant signé un accord y relatif
conformément à la législation rwandaise.
Ingingo ya 15: Umusaruro utangwa mu bintu
Haseguriwe ibiteganyijwe mu gace ka 1°, aka n'aka
tw'iyi ngingo, umusaruro mu bintu uhabwa umukozi
ushyirwa mu musaruro usoreshwa hakurikijwe agaciro
k‘isoko ku buryo bukurikira:
hongerwa ku musaruro usoreshwa amafaranga ahwanye
no gutunga no gukoresha ikinyabiziga cy‘akazi ku mukozi
mu gihe cy‘umusoro, angana, ku buryo bucishirije, na
cumi ku ijana (10%) by‘ibihembo bitari ibintu;
umusaruro ku nguzanyo, harimo n'amafaranga yishyuwe
mbere ku mushahara birenze imishahara y'amezi atatu
(3), zihabwa umukozi ungana n‘ikinyuranyo gishobora
kuboneka hagati ya:
a. inyungu ku nguzanyo yagombaga kuba yarishyuwe
n'umukozi mu kwezi iyi nguzanyo yakiriwemo, izo nyungu
zibazwe hakurikijwe igipimo cy‘inyungu Banki Nkuru
y'u Rwanda ikurikiza ku mabanki y‘ubucuruzi;
Article 15: Income on Benefits in kind
Without prejudice to provisions of points 1°, 2° and
3°, of this Article, benefits in kind received by an
employee are included in taxable income in
consideration of market value as follows:
there shall be added to the taxable income an
amount meant for the availability and use of a
motor vehicle to an employee during a tax period,
valued at ten percent (10%) of the employment
income excluding benefits in kind;
income on a loan including advance on a salary
exceeding a three (3) months salary given to an
employee is valued at a difference between:
a. the interest on loan, which would have been paid
by the employee during the month in which the
loan was received, calculated at a rate of interest
offered to commercial banks by the National Bank
Article 15 : Avantages en nature
Sous réserve des dispositions des points 1°, 2° et 3°
du présent article, les avantages en nature reçus par
un employé doivent être inclus dans le revenu
imposable à leur valeur marchande de la manière
suivante :
est ajouté au revenu imposable, la valeur
marchande de l‘avantage consistant en la mise à
disposition ou l‘utilisation d‘un véhicule motorisé
durant un exercice fiscal d‘un montant forfaitaire
de dix pour cent (10%) des rémunérations autres
que les avantages en nature;
la valeur de l‘avantage consistant aux prêts
consentis à un employé, dont les avances sur
salaire qui sont supérieures au salaire brut de trois
mois (3), est égale à la différence entre:
a. le montant des intérêts qui auraient été payés par
le bénéficiaire durant le mois au cours duquel
l‘avantage a été reçu si ces intérêts étaient payables
au taux moyen pratiqué par la Banque Nationale du
b. n‘inyungu nyazo zishyuwe n'umukozi muri kwa kwezi;
hongerwa ku musaruro usoreshwa amafaranga ahwanye
no gukoresha cyangwa gutura mu nzu itanzwe
n‘umukoresha, harimo cyangwa hatarimo ibikoresho byo
mu nzu, mu gihe cy‘umusoro, angana, ku buryo bucishirije,
na makumyabiri ku ijana (20%) by‘ibihembo bitari ibintu;
inyungu umukoresha ahaye umuntu ufitanye isano
n'umukozi, kandi ntacyo yamukoreye, zifatwa nk'aho
zihawe umukozi.
inyungu isosiyete ihaye umwe mu bayigize zifatwa ku
buryo bumwe nk'inyungu umukoresha ahaye umukozi.
of Rwanda;
b. the actual interest paid by the employee in that
There shall be added to the taxable income an
amount meant for use or availability for use of
premises including or excluding any household
equipment of other contents by an employer for
residential occupation by an employee during a tax
period, valued at twenty percent (20%) of the
employment income excluding benefits in kind;
Benefits provided by an employer to a person
related to an employee when there is no service
rendered, are treated as if provided to the
Benefits provided by a company to one of its
members are considered in the same manner as
benefits an employer gives to an employee.
Rwanda aux banques commerciales;
b b. le montant des intérêts effectivement payés par le
bbénéficiaire du prêt durant ce mois;
est ajouté au revenu imposable, la valeur
marchande de l‘avantage consistant en la mise à
disposition ou l‘utilisation d‘un logement y
compris ou non le mobilier par un employeur pour
servir de résidence à un employé au cours d‘un
exercice fiscal d‘un montant forfaitaire de vingt
pour cent (20%) des rémunérations autres que les
avantages en nature;
les avantages fournis par un employeur à une
personne liée à l‘employé, qui ne représentent pas
une contrepartie du travail, sont considérés comme
ayant été fournis à l‘employé lui-même;
les avantages fournis par une société à un
membre de cette société sont traités de la même
manière que les avantages fournis par un
employeur à un employé.
Icyiciro cya 3: Inyungu ku bikorwa by‟ubucuruzi
Ingingo ya 16: Umusaruro ukomoka ku bikorwa
Inyungu ku bikorwa by‘ubucuruzi ingana n‘umusaruro
wakiriwe ku bikorwa byose hakuwemo ibyasohowe byose
ku birebana n‘ibyo bikorwa. Inyungu ku bikorwa irimo
kandi umusaruro uva mu igurisha ry'umutungo uwo ari wo
wose no ku mafaranga ava mu irangizamutungo yakiriwe
mu gihe cy'umusoro.
Inyungu ku bikorwa by‘ubucuruzi ibarwa kuri buri gihe
Section 3: Profits on commercial activities
Article 16: Income on commercial activities
Business profit is determined as the income from
all business activities reduced by all business
expenses. business profit also includes proceeds of
sale of any business asset and liquidation proceeds
received during the tax period.
Business profit is determined per tax period on the
Section 3 : Bénéfices d‟affaires
Article 16 : Revenu d‟activités d‟affaires
Les bénéfices d‘affaires s‘entendent comme le
montant des recettes tirées de toutes les
transactions d‘affaires d‘une entreprise, diminué de
toutes ses dépenses. Les bénéfices d‘affaires
incluent aussi le produit de toute vente d‘actifs de
l‘entreprise et des liquidations perçues pendant
l‘exercice fiscal.
Les bénéfices d‘affaires sont déterminés par chaque
cy'umusoro hashingiwe ku ibarwa ry'inyungu cyangwa
igihombo rikorwa hakurikijwe amahame remezo
y‘ibaruramari ry‘Igihugu, hitawe ku biteganywa n‘iri
Umuyobozi Mukuru w‘Ikigo cy‘Imisoro n‘Amahoro
ashobora gukoresha ubundi buryo bwose bw‘ibaruramari
cyangwa kwifashisha andi makuru, byubahirije amategeko,
mu gushakisha ukuri ku nyungu z‘umusoreshwa.
Ingingo ya 16 bis: Isonerwa ku musoro ku musaruro
(Nk’uko yashyizweho n’ingingo ya mbere y’itegeko
24/2010 ryo kuwa 28/05/2010 rihindura kandi ryuzuza
itegeko nº 16/2005 ryo kuwa18 /08/2005 rigena imisoro
itaziguye ku muusaruro, igazeti Idasanzwe yo kuwa
Umusaruro ukomoka ku bigega by‘ishoramari ry‘abishyize
hamwe n‘imigabane y‘abakozi muri sosiyete bakoramo
bisonewe umusoro ku musaruro
basis of the profit or loss account drawn up in
accordance with the National Accounting Plan,
subject to the provisions of this Law.
The Commissioner General may use any other
accounting method or other source of information
in accordance with the law, to ensure the accuracy
of the taxpayer‘s profit.
Article 16 bis: Income tax exemption
(As provided by article one of the law n°24/2010 of
28/05/2010 modifying and complementing law nº
16/2005 of 18/08/2005 on Direct Taxes On
Incomeres, O. G, nº Special of 28/05/2010)
Income accruing to registered collective investment
schemes and employees‘ shares scheme are
exempted from income tax‖.
exercice fiscal sur la base du compte de pertes et
profits, élaboré conformément au Plan comptable
national rwandais, en considération des
dispositions de la présente Loi.
Le Commissaire Général de l‘Office Rwandais des
Recettes peut utiliser toute autre méthode
comptable ou source d‘information pertinente
prévue par la loi pour s‘assurer de l‘exactitude des
bénéfices du contribuable.
«Article 16 bis: Exonération de l‟impôt sur le
(Tel que prévu par l’article premier de la loi
n°24/2010 du 28/05/2010 modifiant et complétant
la loi 16/2005 du 28/05/2010 Relative aux
impôts directs sur le revenu, , J. O nºspecial du
Le revenu résultant des fonds d‘investissement
collectifs et des actions accordées aux employés
dans la société sont exonérés d‘impôt sur le
Ingingo ya 17: Ibaruramari ku bikorwa biciriritse
Umusoreshwa ukora ibikorwa biciriritse, nk‘uko bivugwa
mu ngingo ya 2, agace ka n‘iya 11 igika cya 2 z‘iri
tegeko, ashobora guhitamo gutanga umusoro ku nyungu
nyakuri ikomoka ku mirimo y'ibikorwa, hakurikijwe
ibaruramari ryoroheje rigenwa n‘iteka rya Minisitiri. Uko
guhitamo gushobora guhinduka nyuma y‘imyaka itatu (3).
Article 17: Accounting for small business
A small business as mentioned in Article 2, and
Article 11 this law, may decide to pay a tax on
profit derived from activities in accordance with
intermediate accounting requirements to be
determined by the order of the Minister. Such an
option may be subject to change after three (3)
Article 17 : La comptabilité pour les petites
Le contribuable qui a une petite entreprise, tel que
stipulé à l‘article 2, point et l‘article 11 alinéa 2
de la présente loi, peut choisir dêtre imposé sur
ses bénéfices réels selon une méthode de
comptabilité simplifiée déterminée par arrêté
ministériel. Ce choix peut être revu après une
période de trois (3) ans.
Ingingo ya 18: Isonerwa ry‟inyungu ku bikorwa
by‟ubuhinzi n‟ubworozi
(Nk’uko yahinduwe n’ingingo ya 2 y’itegeko n°24/2010
ryo kuwa 28/05/2010 rigena imisoro itaziguye ku
musaruro, igazeti nº Idasanzwe yo kuwa 28/05/2010)
«Inyungu ikomoka ku mirimo y'ubuhinzi n'ubworozi
isonerwa umusoro, iyo amafaranga akomoka ku igurishwa
ry‘ibituruka ku buhinzi n‘ubworozi atarengeje miliyoni
cumi n‘ebyiri (12.000.000 Frw) mu gihe cy‘umusoro».
Ingingo ya 19: Inyungu ku mutungo uri mu mafaranga
Mu isoza ry‘igihe cy‘umusoro, umutungo uri mu mafaranga
y‘amahanga, harimo imyenda yishyuzwa cyangwa igomba
kwishyurwa, uhabwa agaciro hakurikijwe agaciro ifaranga
rivunjwaho ku munsi wa nyuma w‘igihe cy‘umusoro.
Inyungu cyangwa igihombo giturutsemo bishyirwa mu
ibarura ry‘inyungu ku bikorwa ry‘icyo gihe.
Article 18: Exemption from tax on profit on
agricultural activities
(As modified by article 2 of the Law 24/2010 of
28/05/2010 on direct taxes on income, O. G,
Special of 28/05/2010)
―Income derived from agricultural and livestock
activities is exempt, if the proceeds from these
activities do not exceed twelve million
(12,000,000) Rwandan francs in a tax period.
Article 19: Income on assets in foreign currency
During the conclusion of the tax period, the assets
in foreign currency, including claims and debts, are
valued at the exchange rate of the Rwandan franc to
the foreign currency on the last day of the tax
period. The profits or loss therein is included in the
assessment of business profit for the activities for
that period.
Article 18 : Exonération d‟intérêt sur les
activités agricoles et d‟élevage
(Tel que modifiTel que modifié et complété par
l’article 2 de la Loi nº24/2010 du 28/05/2010
relative aux impôts directs sur le revenu, J. O
nºspecial du 28/05/2010)
«Le revenu provenant des activités agricoles et
d‘élevage est exonéré, si les recettes provenant des
activités agricoles et d‘élevage n‘excèdent pas
douze millions (12.000.000 Frw) de francs
rwandais au cours d‘un exercice fiscal».
Article 19 : Les intérêts sur les revenus qui sont
en devises
A la clôture de l‘exercice fiscal, les avoirs en
devises y compris les créances et dettes, sont
évalués au taux de change en vigueur le dernier
jour de l‘exercice fiscal. Les gains ou pertes de
change en résultant sont pris en compte dans le
calcul des bénéfices imposables pour cet exercice.
Ingingo ya 20: Amasezerano y‟igihe kirekire
Muri iyi ngingo, ―amasezerano y‘igihe kirekire‖ bivuga
amasezerano yo gukora, gushyiraho cyangwa kubaka,
cyangwa gukora imirimo ifite isano na kimwe muri ibyo
bikorwa atarangiye mu gihe cy‘umusoro akazi kajyanye
n‘ayo masezerano katangiyemo, uretse amasezerano
ateganyijwe kurangizwa mu mezi cumi n‘abiri (12) uhereye
ku itariki akazi kajyanye na yo katangiriyeho.
Inyungu y‘ibikorwa ijyanye n‘amasezerano y‘igihe kirekire
Article 20: Long-term contract
In this Article, ―long term contract‖ means a
contract for work, manufacture, installation of
construction, the performance of related services,
which is not completed in the tax period in which
work under the contract commenced, or other than
a contract estimated to be completed within the
twelve months as of the date on which work under
the contract commenced.
The timing of inclusion in and deduction fro
Article 20 : Contrats à long terme
Aux termes du présent article, l‘expression «contrat
à long terme» désigne un contrat de fabrication,
d‘installation ou de construction ou de prestations
de services relatives à ces activités, qui n‘est pas
terminé au cours de l‘exercice fiscal durant lequel
il a commencé, à l‘exclusion des contrats dont
l‘achèvement est prévu dans les douze (12) mois
qui suivent leur commencement.
Le bénéfice d‘affaires afférent à des contrats à long
ibarwa hashingiwe ku ijanisha ry‘imirimo yarangiye mu
gihe cy‘umusoro.
Ijanisha ry‘irangira ry‘imirimo rigenwa hagereranywa
amafaranga yose yatanzwe kuri ayo masezerano mbere
y‘uko igihe cy‘umusoro kirangira, n‘amafaranga yose
ateganyijwe gukoreshwa mu masezerano hatirengagijwe
ihinduka cyangwa ihindagurika ryabaye.
Igihombo mu gihe cy‘umusoro amasezerano y‘igihe
kirekire arangiyemo gishobora gusubizwa inyuma cyangwa
gusimbuzwa inyungu yibikorwa byasoreshejwe mbere
bijyanye n‘ayo masezerano niba bidashobora guhwana
n‘inyungu zivuye mu bindi bikorwa muri icyo gihe
cy‘umusoro amasezerano arangiriyemo.
business profit relating to a long-term contract is
accounted for on the basis of the percentage of the
contract completed during any tax period.
The percentage of completion is determined by
comparing the total expenses allocated to the
contract and incurred before the end of the tax
period with the estimated total contract expenses
including any variations of fluctuations.
A loss in tax period in which a long-term contract is
completed may be carried back and offset against
previously taxed business profit from that contract
to the extent it cannot be absorbed by business
profit in the tax period of completion.
terme est déterminé en fonction du pourcentage des
activités réalisées pendant l‘exercice fiscal
Le pourcentage de réalisation est déterminé par
comparaison du total des dépenses afférentes au
contrat et encourues avant la fin de l‘exercice fiscal
avec le total estimatif des dépenses sur toute la
durée du contrat, y compris les variations ou
fluctuations éventuelles.
Une perte encourue au cours de l‘exercice fiscal
durant lequel un contrat à long terme s‘achève peut
être imputée à un exercice antérieur ou déduite des
bénéfices afférents à ce contrat et déjà imposés,
dans la mesure cette perte ne peut être absorbée
par les bénéfices de l‘exercice fiscal pendant lequel
le contrat s‘achève.
Ingingo ya 21: Ibyemerewe kugabanya inyungu ku
bikorwa by‟ubucuruzi
Mu ibarwa ry‘inyungu ku bikorwa by‘ubucuruzi,
ibikurwamo bigomba kuba byujuje ibi bikurikira:
1° byarakoreshejwe mu birengera inyungu y‘umurimo ku
buryo butaziguye kandi birebana n‘icungwa risanzwe
2° bihuje n‘ibyakoreshejwe nyabyo kandi bigaragazwa
n‘inyandiko ngaragazabuguzi nyazo;
3° biganisha ku igabanuka ry‘ibigize umutungo
4° byarakoreshejwe mu bikorwa bijyanye n‘igihe
cy‘umusoro kirebwa
Article 21: Deductible Expenses
In determining profits on business activities, a
deduction for all expenses shall fulfill the
following, if:
1° they are incurred for the direct purpose of, and in
the normal course of the business;
2° they correspond to a real expense and can be
substantiated with proper documents;
3° they lead to a decrease in the net assets of the
4° they are used for activities related to the tax
period in which they are incurred.
Article 21 : Dépenses déductibles
Lors de la détermination des bénéfices d‘affaires,
une déduction est autorisée au titre de toutes les
dépenses remplissant les conditions suivantes :
elles sont engagées pour les besoins directs et
l‘exploitation normale de l‘entreprise;
elles correspondent à des dépenses effectives et
sont dûment prouvées par des justificatifs ;
elles entraînent une réduction des actifs nets de
l‘entreprise ;
elles sont incluses dans les dépenses de la
période au cours de laquelle elles sont engagées.
Ingingo ya 22: Ibitemewe kuvanwa mu nyungu
Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi ikuzuzwa n‘ingingo ya 3 y’Itegeko
24/2010 ryo kuwa 28/05/2010 rigena imisoro itaziguye
ku musaruro ihinduwe, igazeti nº Idasanzwe yo kuwa
«Ibyasohotse bikurikira ntibivanwa mu nyungu zisoreshwa:
1° amafaranga y‘ishimwe, amafaranga yishyurwa mu gihe
cy‘inama hamwe n‘andi mafaranga yishyurwa atyo ahabwa
abagize Inama y‘Ubuyobozi cyangwa Inama y‘Ubutegetsi;
inyungu z‘imigabane zamenyekanishijwe hamwe
n‘imigabane ku nyungu yishyuwe;
amafaranga y‘igicumbi, amafaranga azigamwe hamwe
n‘andi mafaranga yose agenewe ibindi byihariye, keretse
biramutse byemewe ukundi n‘iri tegeko;
4°amahazabu n‘ibihano bisa na yo;
impano zirenze rimwe ku ijana (1%) y‘umubare
w‘ibyacurujwe kimwe n'impano zihawe abantu baharanira
inyungu uko zaba zingana kose;
6°umusoro ku nyungu wishyurwa hakurikijwe iri tegeko
cyangwa wishyurwa mu mahanga ku nyungu ikomoka ku
bucuruzi hamwe n‘umusoro ku nyongeragaciro ushobora
7° amafaranga asohorwa ku bwumuntu ku giti cye;
8° amafaranga yo kwishimisha no kwidagadura;
Article 22 : Non-deductible expenses
(As modified and completed by article 3 of the law
n°24/2010 of 28/05/2010 modifying and
complementing law nº 16/2005 of 18/08/2005 on
direct taxes on income, O. G special number of
«The following expenses are not deductible from
taxable profits:
cash bonuses, attendance fees and other similar
payments made to the members of the Board of
2° dividends declared and paid-out profit shares;
reserve allowances, savings and other special-
purpose funds, unless otherwise provided for by
this Law;
4° fines and similar penalties;
donations and gifts exceeding one per cent (1%)
of turnover as well as donations given to profit
making persons irrespective of the amount;
income tax paid in accordance with this Law or
paid abroad on business profit and recoverable
Value Added tax;
7° personal consumption expenses;
8° entertainment expenses;
Article 22 : Dépenses non déductibles
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 3 de la
loi n°24/2010 du 28/05/2010 modifiant et
complétant la loi 16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative
aux impôts directs sur le revenu, J. O special du
28/05/2010) :
«Les dépenses suivantes ne sont pas déductibles:
les primes en espèces, les jetons de présence et
autres paiements similaires versés aux membres du
Conseil d‘Administration;
les dividendes déclarés et les participations aux
les contributions aux réserves, provisions et
autres fonds à des fins spécifiques, à moins que la
présente loi n‘en dispose autrement ;
les amendes et autres pénalités similaires;
les dons qui excédent un pour cent (1%) du
chiffre d‘affaires ainsi que les dons octroyés aux
organismes à but lucratif quel que soit leur
les impôts sur les bénéfices d‘affaires acquittés
en application de la présente loi ou à l‘étranger et la
taxe sur la valeur ajoutée récupérable ;
les dépenses de consommation personnelle;
les dépenses de divertissement;
9°amafaranga yakoreshejwe mu ivuguragaciro k‘ibintu
n‘ubwicungure bujyanye n‘agaciro gashya ;
10° ibyatunze umwuga birimo nka telefoni, umuriro
w‘amashanyarazi n‘amavuta ya lisansi bikoreshwa ku
buryo inyungu z‘ubucuruzi n‘inyungu bwite zidashoboka
gutandukanywa, igipimo cyabyo kigenwa n‘amabwiriza
yUmuyobozi w‘Ikigo cyIgihugu cy‘Imisoro n‗Amahoro.
Inyungu ku nguzanyo zikomoka ku bigo bifitanye isano
zirenze iyishyuwe ku mwenda ungana n‘inshuro enye (4)
z‘igishoro ntizemerewe gukurwa mu nyungu zisoreshwa
keretse iyo umusoreshwa ari umuntu ku giti cye. Icyo
gishoro ntikibarirwamo amafaranga y‘igicumbi cyangwa
amafaranga azigamwe agaragara mu imenyeshamutungo
rikozwe hakurikijwe amategeko remezo y‘ibaruramari
ry‘Igihugu. Iki gika ntikireba amabanki y‘ubucuruzi
n‘amasosiyete y‘ubwishingizi».
expenses incurred on re-valuation of assets and
related depreciation;
10°expenses paid on business overheads as in the
case of telephone, electricity and fuel whose use
can not be practically separable from private or non
business, their rate is determined by Commissioner
General of Rwanda Revenue Authority rules.
In the case of a taxpayer other than an individual,
interest paid on loans and advances from related
entities is not deductible to the extent that the total
amount of the loans and/or advances in respect of
which the interest is paid exceeds four (4) times the
amount of equity, during the tax period. This equity
should not include provisions and reserves
according to the balance sheet, which is drawn up
in accordance with the National Accounting Plan.
This paragraph does not apply to commercial banks
and insurance companies».
les dépenses de réévaluation des actifs et des
amortissements y afférents;
10° les dépenses payées pour les frais généraux de
l'activité tels que le téléphone, l'énergie électrique
et le carburant dont la consommation ne peut pas
être pratiquement séparée de l‘usage privé ou non
lié à l'activité, leur taux est déterminé par les
directives du Commissaire Général de l‘Office
Rwandais des Recettes.
Lorsque le contribuable n‘est pas une personne
physique, les intérêts payés sur les prêts et avances
reçus des entreprises liées ne sont pas déductibles
lorsque le montant total de ces prêts et/ou avances
est égal au cours de l‘exercice fiscal, à quatre (4)
fois le montant des ressources propres. Les
réserves et les provisions qui apparaissent au bilan
élaboré selon le plan comptable national rwandais
ne sont pas incluses. Le présent paragraphe ne
s‘applique pas aux banques commerciales ni aux
compagnies d‘assurance».
Ingingo ya 23: Ibicuruzwa biri mu bubiko
Ibicuruzwa biri mu bubiko bihabwa agaciro hakurikijwe
igiciro cy‘ikiguzi cyangwa igiciro cy‘isoko cyo ku munsi
wa nyuma w‘igihe cy‘umusoro, hakurikijwe ikiri munsi
y‘ikindi. Ibintu bigikorwa bihabwa agaciro hakurikijwe
ikiguzi cy‘ibimaze kubitangwaho.
Article 23: Trading stock
Trading stock is valued at a lower of cost price or
market price on the last day of the tax period. Work
in progress is valued at cost price.
Article 23 : Stocks commerciaux
Les stocks commerciaux sont évalués au prix de
revient ou au prix du marché au dernier jour de
l‘exercice fiscal, en considérant celui qui est
inférieur à l‘autre. Les produits en cours sont
évalués au prix de revient.
Ingingo ya 24: Ubwicungure
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya 4 y’itegeko
24/2010 ryo kuwa 28/05/2010 rihindura kandi ryuzuza
itegeko nº 16/2005 ryo kuwa 18/08/2005 rigena imisoro
itaziguye ku musaruro, Igazeti ya Leta nº Idasanzwe yo
Article 24: Depreciation
(As modified and completed by article 4 of the law
n°24/2010 of 28/05/2010 modifying and
complementing law nº 16/2005 of 18/08/2005 on
direct taxes on income, O. G Special number of
Article 24 : Amortissements
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 4 de la
loi n°24/2010 du 28/05/2010 modifiant et
complétant la loi 16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative
aux impôts directs sur le revenu, J. O Specil du
kuwa 28/05/2010):
«Mu ibarwa ry‘inyungu ku bikorwa by‘ubucuruzi,
ubwicungure bw‘umutungo buvanwa mu nyungu
zisoreshwa n‘umusoreshwa.
Ubutaka, ibikorwa by‗ubukorikori, ibintu bya kera, ibintu
bikozwe mu mabuye y‘agaciro hamwe n‘undi mutungo
udasaza cyangwa udata agaciro ntibicungurwa.
Ikiguzi cyo kubona ikintu cyangwa cyo kubaka, hamwe
n‘ikiguzi cyo kunoza, cyo gusana, cyo kongera kubaka
amazu, ibikoresho n‘ibimashini binini biri mu nkuta
bicungurwa buri mwaka, buri cyose ukwacyo hashingiwe
ku gipimo cy‘ubwicungure kingana na gatanu ku ijana (5%)
by‘agaciro byaguzweho.
Ikiguzi cyo kubona ikintu cyangwa kunoza, hamwe
n‘ikiguzi cyo kunononsora, cyo gusana, cyo kongera
kubaka umutungo utagaragara harimo n‘umutungo
w‘ubucuruzi uguzwe ku wundi muntu, bicungurwa buri
mwaka, buri kintu ukwacyo hashingiwe ku gipimo
cy‘ubwicungure cy‘icumi ku ijana (10%) by‘agaciro
Imitungo iri mu byiciro bibiri bikurikira icungurwa
ishyizwe hamwe hakurikijwe ibipimo bikurikira:
imashini kabuhariwe n‘ibijyanye na zo, ibikoresho
by‘itangazamakuru n‘itumanaho: mirongo itanu ku ijana
undi mutungo wose w‘Ikigo: makumyabiri na tanu ku
ijana (25%).
Minisitiri w‘Imari ahindura ibipimo n‘ibishingirwaho mu
gukora ubwicungure abinyujije mu iteka rya Minisitiri,
«In the determination of business profit,
depreciation for business assets is deducted from
taxable profits by the taxpayer.
Land, fine arts, antiquities, jewellery and any other
assets that are not subject to wear and tear or
obsolescence are not depreciated.
The cost of acquisition or construction and the cost
of refining, rehabilitation, reconstruction of
buildings, equipment and heavy machinery fixed in
walls are depreciated annually, each on its own, on
the basis of the rate of depreciation which is
equivalent to five per cent (5%) of the cost price.
The cost of acquisition or development and the cost
of improvement, rehabilitation, and reconstruction
of intangible assets including goodwill that is
purchased from a third party are depreciated
annually, each on its own, on the basis of the rate of
depreciation of ten percent (10%) of the cost price.
The assets in the following two categories are
depreciated in a pooling system on the basis of the
following rates:
computers and accessories, information and
communication systems, software products and
data equipment: fifty percent (50 %);
2° all other business assets: twenty five percent
The Minister of Finance shall, by way of a
Ministerial Order and basing on internationally
28/05/2010) :
« Lors de la détermination des bénéfices
imposables, l‘amortissement des actifs de
l‘entreprise est déduit du résultat imposable par le
Les terrains, les œuvres d‘art, les objets antiques,
les bijoux et les autres actifs qui ne sont pas sujets
à détérioration et à l‘obsolescence ne sont pas
Les coûts d‘acquisition ou de construction ainsi
que les coûts d‘amélioration, de rénovation et de
reconstruction, des équipements et des machines
lourdes fixés aux murs, sont amortis annuellement
et individuellement selon le taux d‘amortissement
de cinq pour cent (5 %) du prix de revient.
Les coûts d‘acquisition ou de développement ainsi
que les coûts d‘amélioration, de rénovation et de
reconstruction des actifs incorporels, dont le fonds
de commerce acquis d‘un tiers, sont amortis
annuellement et individuellement selon le taux
d‘amortissement de dix pour cent (10%) du prix de
Les actifs des deux catégories ci-après sont amortis
par groupes aux taux suivants :
les ordinateurs et leurs accessoires, les systèmes
d‘information et de communication: cinquante pour
cent (50%) ;
tous les autres actifs de l‘entreprise : vingt cinq
pour cents (25 %).
Le Ministre des Finances procède à la révision des
taux et critères d‘amortissement par voie d‘Arrêté
ashingiye ku mahame ngenderwaho akoreshwa mu
ibaruramari ku rwego mpuzamahanga».
Ku bijyanye n‘ibikoresho by‘itangazamakuru n‘itumanaho
bifite ubuzima burengeje imyaka 10, Umuyobozi w‘Ikigo
cy‘Igihugu cy‘Imisoro n‘Amahoro agena ibipimo
by‘ubwicungure bwabyo.
Ubwicungure bw‘imitungo iri mu ikodesha-gurisha
bwemererwa ukoresha uwo mutungo iyo ari ikodesha-
gurisha rigamije ahanini igurisha bukanemererwa
nyirugukodesha iyo ari ikodesha-gurisha rigamije ahanini
recognized accounting standards revise
depreciation rates».
The Commissioner General of Rwanda Revenue
Authority determines the depreciation rates for
information and communication system assets
whose lifespan exceeds ten (10) years.
Depreciation of leased assets shall be allowed to the
lessee in case of finance lease and to the lessor in
case of operating lease.
Ministériel en se référant aux normes
internationales en matière comptable».
Pour les actifs du système de l‘information et de
communication dont la durée de vie dépasse dix
(10) ans, le Commissaire Général de l‘Office
Rwandais des Recettes détermine les taux
correspondants de leur amortissement.
L‘amortissement des actifs faisant l‘objet du crédit-
bail est permis à l'utilisateur de l‘actif en cas de
crédit-bail financier et au bailleur en cas de crédit-
bail d'opération‖.
Ingingo ya 25: Agacirofatizo n‟ubwicungure
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya 5 y’itegeko
24/2010 ryo kuwa 28/05/2010 rihindura kandi ryuzuza
itegeko nº 16/2005 ryo kuwa 18/08/2005 rigena imisoro
itaziguye ku musaruro, Igazeti ya Leta nº Idasanzwe yo
kuwa 28/05/2010):
―Ifatizo ry‘ubwicungure ni ikiguzi cyo kubona ikintu.
Ariko, ku bijyanye n‘imitungo icungurwa ishyizwe hamwe,
ifatizo ry‘ubwicungure ni agaciro ko mu gitabo kari mu
ifoto y‘umutungo mu ntangiriro y‘igihe cy‘umusoro:
hiyongereyeho ikiguzi cy‘umutungo wabonywe
cyangwa waremwe hamwe n‘ikiguzi cyo kunoza,
cyo gusana no kongera kubaka uwo mutungo mu
gihe cy‘umusoro;
hagabanyijweho igiciro cy‘umutungo wagurishijwe
Article 25: Basic value rates and depreciation
(As modified and completed by article 5 of the law
n°24/2010 of 28/05/2010 modifying and
complementing law nº 16/2005 of 18/08/2005 on
direct taxes on income, O. G Special number of
―The depreciation basis for assets is the acquisition
However, for the assets depreciated in the pooling
system, their depreciation basis is the book value in
the balance sheet at the beginning of the tax period:
increased by the cost of assets acquired or
created and the cost of improvement,
renewal and reconstruction of the assets in
the tax period;
decreased by the sale price of assets
Article 25 : La base d‟amortissement
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 5 de la
loi n°24/2010 du 28/05/2010 modifiant et
complétant la loi 16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative
aux impôts directs sur le revenu, J. O Specil du
28/05/2010) :
―La base d‘amortissement des actifs est la valeur
Cependant, pour les biens amortis par groupes, la
base d‘amortissement est la valeur comptable telle
qu‘enregistrée dans le bilan à l‘ouverture de
l‘exercice fiscal :
augmentée du coût des actifs acquis ou
créés et des coûts d‘amélioration,
renouvellement et reconstruction des actifs
de la catégorie durant l‘exercice fiscal ;
diminuée du prix de vente des actifs cédés
hamwe n‘indishyi yakiriwe mu gihombo
cy‘umutungo cyatewe n‘ibyago kamere cyangwa
n‘irindi hinduka ribaye mu gihe cy‘umusoro.
Iyo agaciro fatizo k‘ubwicungure kari munsi ya zeru (0),
uwo mubare wongerwa ku nyungu y‘ubucuruzi hanyuma
agaciro fatizo k‘ubwicungure kagahinduka zeru (0).
Iyo agaciro fatizo k‘ubwicungure katarenze amafaranga
ibihumbi magana atanu (500.000 Frw), ayo mafaranga yose
afatwa nk‘ibyemerewe kuvanwa ku nyungu y‘ibikorwa
disposed of and the compensation received
for the loss of assets due to natural
calamities or other conversion during the
tax period.
If the depreciation basis is less than zero (0), that
amount is added to the business profit and
thereafter the depreciation basis becomes zero (0).
If the depreciation basis does not exceed five
hundred thousand (500,000) Rwandan francs, the
entire depreciation basis is a deductible business
et des indemnités reçues pour la perte
d‘actifs résultant de catastrophes naturelles
ou d‘autres transformations durant
l‘exercice fiscal.
Si la base d‘amortissement est un montant négatif,
ce montant est ajouté aux bénéfices et la base
d‘amortissement devient nulle (0).
Si la base d‘amortissement n‘excède pas cinq cent
mille francs rwandais (500.000 Frw), la totalité de
la base d‘amortissement constitue une charge
d‘exploitation déductible‖.
Ingingo ya 26: Ubworoherezwe mu ishoramari
Ubworoherezwe mu ishoramari bwa mirongo ine ku ijana
(40%) by‘imari yashowe mu mitungo mishya cyangwa
yakoze ishobora gucungurwa hatarimo imodoka zitwara
abantu batageze ku munani (8), uretse izikoreshwa gusa mu
bukerarugendo, bwemerewe kuvanwaho ku mushoramari
wiyandikishije mu gihe cy‘umusoro cya mbere uwo
mutungo waguriweho cyangwa watangiriye gukoreshwa
umubare w‘imari washowe ku mitungo nibura ungana
n'amafaranga miliyoni mirongo itatu (30.000.000 Frw);
uwo mutungo ugumye mu kigo, nibura, mu gihe
cy‘imyaka itatu (3) y‘isoresha nyuma y‘igihe
ubworoherezwe bwatangiweho.
Ubwo bworoherezwe buba mirongo itanu ku ijana (50%)
ku bashoramari bakorera ahantu mu cyaro hari hanze
y‘Umujyi wa Kigali cyangwa bashoye amafaranga mu
bikorwa byihariye nk'uko bivugwa mu itegeko rigenga
Article 26: Investment allowance
An investment allowance of forty percent (40%) of
the invested amount in new or used assets may be
depreciated excluding motor vehicles that carry less
than eight (8) persons, except those exclusively
used in a tourist business is deductible for a
registered investor in the first tax period of
purchase and/or of use of such an assets if:
the amount of business assets invested is equal
to thirty million (30,000,000) Rwandan francs; and,
the business assets are held at the establishment
for at least three (3) tax periods after the tax period
in which the investment allowance was taken into
The investment allowance becomes fifty (50%) if
the registered business is located outside Kigali or
falls within the priority sectors determined by the
Article 26 : Provisions pour investissement
Une provision pour investissement de quarante
pour cent (40 %) du montant investi dans des actifs
neufs ou usagés amortissables, à l‘exclusion des
véhicules pouvant transporter moins de huit (8)
passagers, sauf ceux qui sont utilisés uniquement à
des fins touristiques, pour un investisseur
enregistré, sont déductibles pendant le premier
exercice fiscal au cours duquel ces actifs ont été
acquis ou mis en service, si :
le montant investi par actif est au moins égal à
trente millions (30.000.000 Frw) ; et
si ces actifs sont conservés pendant au moins
trois (3) exercices fiscaux, après que la provision
pour investissement a été prise en compte.
Cette provision est de cinquante pour cent (50%)
pour les investisseurs opérant en milieu rural en
dehors de la Ville de Kigali ou dans les secteurs
ishoramari mu Rwanda.
Ubworoherezwe mu ishoramari bugabanya agaciro k‘ikintu
cyangwa k‘inyubako byaboneweho, hamwe n‘agacirofatizo
k‘ubwicungure bw‘umutungo ushyizwe hamwe.
Iyo umutungo wabonye ubworoherezwe mu ishoramari
utanzwe mbere y‘ibiteganywa mu gace ka k‘igika cya
mbere cy‘iyi ngingo, igabanuka ry‘umusoro ku musaruro
ritewe n‘ubworoherezwe mu ishoramari, hiyongereyeho
inyungu ibarirwa ku ijanisha, rikoreshwa ku bakererewe
kwishyura imisoro ya buri kwezi, uhereye ku gihe iryo
yoroherezwa ryatangiwe kugeza igihe uwo mutungo
utangiwe, rigomba gusubizwa Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro,
keretse uwo mutungo iyo wavuyemo bitewe n‘ibyago
kamere cyangwa n‘irindi hinduka riturutse ku mpanuka.
Investment Code of Rwanda.
The investment allowance reduces the acquisition
or construction cost, as well as the basic
depreciation value of pooled business assets.
If the business asset that is granted an investment
allowance is disposed before the end of the period
mentioned in point paragraph one, the reduction
of income tax caused by the investment allowance,
increased by an interest and penalties applicable to
taxpayers who do not pay tax on time, starting from
when that investment allowance was granted to the
time of disposal, must be paid back to the Tax
Administration unless such an asset is removed due
to natural calamities or other involuntary
prioritaires déterminés par le Code des
investissements du Rwanda.
La provision pour investissement est déduite des
coûts d‘acquisition ou de construction ainsi que de
la base d‘amortissement des actifs groupés.
Si l‘actif qui a donné lieu à une provision pour
investissement est cédé avant la fin de la période
visée au point du premier alinéa de cet article,
sauf à la suite d‘une catastrophe naturelle ou d‘une
autre transformation involontaire, la réduction
d‘impôt née de la provision pour
investissement doit être remboursée à
l‘Administration Fiscale, augmentée d‘un intérêt
appliqué en cas de retard dans la déclaration
d‘impôt pour chaque mois entre la prise en compte
de la provision pour investissement et la date de la
cession de l‘actif.
Ingingo ya 27: Ibitangwa ku mahugurwa no ku
bushakashatsi biteza imbere ibikorwa
Ibyasohowe byose n‘umusoreshwa byamenyeshejwe kandi
byemeranyijweho mbere mu mahugurwa no ku
bushakashatsi biteza imbere ibikorwa mu gihe cy‘umusoro
bifatwa nk‘ibikurwa mu nyungu zisoreshwa hakurikijwe
ibiteganywa n‘ingingo ya 21 y'iri tegeko.
Ibitangwa ku mahugurwa, mu bushakashatsi no ku guteza
imbere ibikorwa, nk‘uko bikoreshwa muri iyi ngingo
ntibireba ibijyanye n‘igurwa ry‘ubutaka, iry‘amazu,
iry‘inyubako, n‘ibindi bitimukanwa, harimo no kunoza,
gusana no kongera kubaka, hamwe n‘ibitangwa mu
gushakashaka ibintu n‘indi mitungo.
Article 27: Training and research expenses
All Training and Research expenses incurred and
declared as agreed by a taxpayer and declared and
earlier agreed and which promote activities during a
tax period are considered as deductible from
taxable profits in accordance with provisions of
Article 21 of this law.
Expenses on training, research and on promotion of
activities as applied in this Article do not concern
the purchase of land, of houses, of buildings and
other immovable properties including refining,
rehabilitation and reconstruction as well as
exploration expenses and other assets.
Article 27 : Dépenses de formation et de
recherche visant le développement des activités
Toutes les dépenses de formation et de recherche
pour le développement des activités encourues par
un contribuable déclarées et approuvées avant la
formation durant un exercice fiscal sont déductibles
comme charges d‘exploitation selon les
dispositions de larticle 21 de la présente loi.
Aux fins du présent article, les dépenses de
formation et de recherche pour le développement
des activités ne concernent pas les coûts
d‘acquisition y compris l‘amélioration, la
rénovation et la reconstruction de terrains,
bâtiments, locaux et installations et autres
immeubles, ainsi que les dépenses pour la
recherche des biens et autres patrimoines.
Ingingo ya 28: Imyenda itizewe kwishyurwa
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya 4 y’itegeko
73/2008 ryo kuwa 31/12/2008 rihindura kandi ryuzuza
itegeko nº 16/2005 ryo kuwa 18/08/2005 rigena imisoro
itaziguye ku musaruro, Igazeti ya Leta 19 yo kuwa
―Mu ibarwa ry‘inyungu y‘ibikorwa, hemerwa ivanwaho
ry‘amafaranga ajyanye n‘umwenda utizewe kwishyurwa
iyo hujujwe ibi bikurikira:
umubare w‘amafaranga ujyanye n‘uwo mwenda
wabariwe mbere mu nyungu y‘umusoreshwa;
umwenda uhanaguwe mu ibaruramari ry‘umusoreshwa;
n‘iyo umusoreshwa yakoze ibishoboka byose mu
kwishyuza kandi agaragaza ibimenyetso simusiga by‘uko
umubereyemo umwenda atagifite ubushobozi bwo
Hatitawe ku gika cya mbere cy'iyi ngingo, amabanki
y‘ubucuruzi n'ibigo byemerewe gukora imirimo
y‘ikodeshagurisha byemerewe kuvana ku ibarwa
ry‘inyungu y‘ibikorwa, iyongerwa iryo ari ryo ryose
ry‘amafaranga y‘igicumbi ku myenda itazishyurwa, nk‘uko
bisabwa n'amabwiriza ya Banki Nkuru y‘Igihugu yerekeye
imicungire y‘inguzanyo z‘amabanki n‘ibindi bigo bisa na
zo. Inyungu yibikorwa yongerwaho amafaranga yose
yishyuwe aturutse ku myenda itari yizewe kwishyurwa
yavanywe kuri ayo mafaranga y‘igicumbi―.
Article 28: Bad Debts
(As modified and completed by article 4 of the law
n°73/2008 of 31/12/2008 modifying and
complementing law nº 16/2005 of 18/08/2005 on
direct taxes on income, O. G nº 19 of 11/05/2009):
―In the determination of business profit, a
deduction is allowed for bad debts if the following
conditions are fulfilled:
if an amount corresponding to the debt was
previously included in the income of the taxpayer;
2° if the debt is written off in the books of accounts
of the taxpayer; and
if the taxpayer has taken all possible steps in
pursuing payment and has shown concrete proofs
that the debtor is insolvent.
Notwithstanding paragraph one of this Article,
commercial banks and leasing entities duly licensed
as such are allowed to deduct in the determination
of business profit, any increase of the mandatory
reserve for non performing loans as required by the
directives related to management of bank loans and
similar institutions of the National Bank of
Rwanda. The business profit is increased by the
entire amount recovered from bad debts deducted
from such reserves‖.
Article 28 : Créances irrécouvrables
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 4 de la
loi n°73/2008 du 31/12/2008 modifiant et
complétant la loi 16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative
aux impôts directs sur le revenu, J. O 19 du
11/05/2009) :
« Lors de la détermination des bénéfices
imposables, une déduction pour créance
irrécouvrable est autorisée pour autant que les
conditions ci-après soient réunies :
un montant correspondant à cette créance a été
auparavant inclus dans le revenu du contribuable ;
la créance est annulée dans la comptabilité du
contribuable ; et
le contribuable a entrepris toutes les démarches
raisonnables pour recouvrer la somme due et a des
preuves irréfutables attestant que le créancier est
devenu insolvable.
Nonobstant les dispositions du paragraphe premier
du présent article, les banques commerciales et les
entités dûment agréées dans les activités de crédit-
bail sont autorisées à déduire de leurs bénéfices
toute augmentation des réserves obligatoires pour
les engagements non performants requise par la
Banque Nationale du Rwanda en rapport avec la
gestion des engagements des crédits des banques et
autres établissements financiers. Les bénéfices
d‘affaires sont augmentés de toute somme
recouvrée sur les créances irrécouvrables tirée de
ces réserves ».
Ingingo ya 29: Iyimuragihombo
Iyo ibarwa ry‘inyungu y‘ibikorwa ryerekanye igihombo mu
gihe cy‘umusoro, icyo gihombo gishobora kuvanwa mu
nyungu y‘ibikorwa y‘ibihe by‘umusoro bitanu (5)
bikurikiyeho, ibihombo bya mbere bikavanwamo mbere
y‘ibihombo bya nyuma.
Mu gihe cy‘umusoro, ibihombo bikomoka mu mahanga
ntibishobora kugabanya inyungu z‘ibikorwa by‘ubucuruzi
zikomoka imbere mu gihugu cyangwa ngo zibe zagabanya
inyungu zizaza zikomoka imbere mu gihugu.
Iyo mu gihe cy‘umusoro, habaye ihinduka, haba mu gaciro
cyangwa mu mubare w‘imigabane, ringana cyangwa
rirenze makumyabiri na gatanu ku ijana (25%)
ry‘umutungo w‘imigabane, mu buryo buziguye cyangwa
butaziguye, mu burenganzira bwo gutora bw‘isosiyete ifite
imigabane idacuruzwa ku isoko ry‘imari ryemewe,
ibikubiye mu gika cya mbere cy'iyi ngingo ntibikurikizwa
ku birebana n‘ibihombo byagizwe n‘iyo sosiyete mu gihe
cy‘umusoro no mu bihe by‘umusoro byashize.
Article 29: Loss Carried Forward
If the determination of business profit results in a
loss in a tax period, the loss may be deducted from
the business profit in the next five (5) tax periods,
earlier losses being deducted before later losses.
During a tax period, foreign sourced losses can
neither reduce domestic sourced business profits
nor can they reduce future domestic sourced
business profits.
If during a tax period, the direct and indirect
ownership of the share capital or the voting rights
of a company, which shares are not traded on a
recognized stock exchange changes more than
twenty five per cent (25%) by value or by number,
paragraph one of this Article ceases to apply to
losses incurred by that company in the tax period
and previous tax periods.
Article 29 : Report des pertes
Si la détermination des bénéfices d‘affaires fait
apparaître une perte pour un exercice fiscal, celle-ci
peut être déduite des bénéfices au cours des cinq
(5) exercices fiscaux suivants, les pertes les plus
anciennes étant prises en compte avant les pertes
les plus récentes.
Les pertes d‘origine étrangère ne peuvent ni réduire
les bénéfices d‘origine rwandaise pour le même
exercice fiscal ni être déduites des bénéfices futurs
d‘origine rwandaise.
Si, au cours d‘un exercice fiscal, une modification,
en valeur ou en nombre, de vingt-cinq pour cent
(25 %) ou plus intervient dans la propriété directe
ou indirecte du capital social ou des droits de vote
d‘une société dont les actions ne sont pas négociées
sur un marché boursier reconnu, les dispositions du
premier paragraphe du présent article ne
s‘appliquent plus aux pertes encourues par cette
société pendant cet exercice fiscal et pendant les
exercices fiscaux antérieurs.
Ingingo ya 30: Ibiciro bishyirwaho n‟abantu bafitanye
isano mu bikorwa by‟ubucuruzi
Iyo abantu bafitanye isano bakora ibikorwa by‘ubucuruzi
harimo n‘ubw‘amafaranga hagati yabo, bemeranyije
cyangwa umwe yemereye undi ibitari gushoboka iyo baba
bakora buri wese ku giti cye, Umuyobozi Mukuru w‘Ikigo
cy‘Imisoro n‘Amahoro ashobora gutegeka, akurikije
amabwiriza ya Minisitiri, ko inyungu z‘umwe cyangwa za
benshi muri abo bantu bafitanye isano zigomba
Article 30: Transfer Pricing
Where conditions are made or imposed between
related persons carrying out business in their
commercial or financial relations which differ from
those which would be made between independent
persons, the Commissioner General, in accordance
with regulations issued by the Minister, may direct
that the income of one or more of those related
Article 30 : Prix fixés par des personnes liées
dans les activités commerciales
Lorsque des personnes liées se livrant entre elles à
des activités commerciales ou financières acceptent
ou se voient imposer des conditions autres que
celles qui le seraient entre des personnes
indépendantes, le Commissaire Général de l‘Office
Rwandais des Recettes peut ordonner, en se
conformant aux directives du Ministre, que le
kongerwaho inyungu abo bantu bagombye kuba baragize
iyo baba bakora buri wese ku giti cye.
Kugira ngo iyi ngingo ikurikizwe neza, Umuyobozi
Mukuru w‘Ikigo cy‘Imisoro n‘Amahoro ashobora
kumvikana mbere n‘abantu bakora imirimo y‘ubucuruzi,
harimo n‘ubwamafaranga, hitawe ku ngingo
zakwemeranywa bibaye ngombwa, kugira ngo abantu
bafitanye isano bafatwe nk‘abantu bakora buri wese ku giti
persons is to include profits which he/she of they
would have made if he/she or they operated as
independent persons.
In order to ensure efficient application of this
Article, the Commissioner General may make
arrangements in advance with persons carrying out
business including money trading, subject to
conditions if necessary, that related persons
conclude their business in the same way as would
be the case between independent persons.
revenu d‘une ou plusieurs de ces personnes liées
inclut les bénéfices qu‘elle(s) aurai(en)t réalisés si
ces conditions n‘existaient pas.
Pour permettre l‘application juste et efficace du
présent article, le Commissaire Général de l‘Office
Rwandais des Recettes peut convenir à l‘avance
avec des personnes se livrant à des activités
commerciales et financières, éventuellement sous
certaines conditions, que les conditions régissant
les relations entre personnes liées ne diffèrent pas
des relations entre personnes indépendantes.
Ingingo ya 31: Amafaranga yishyurwa mbere buri
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya 5 y’itegeko
73/2008 ryo kuwa 31/12/2008 rihindura kandi ryuzuza
itegeko nº 16/2005 ryo kuwa 18/08/2005 rigena imisoro
itaziguye ku musaruro, Igazeti ya Leta 19 yo kuwa
―Mu gihe cy‘umusoro kiriho, umusoreshwa yishyura mbere
kuri konti y‘Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro, bitarenze ku wa 30
Kamena, ku wa 30 Nzeli no ku wa 31 Ukuboza z‘umwaka
w‘ibikorwa bisoreshwa, makumyabiri na gatanu ku ijana
(25%) by‘umusoro ugomba kwishyurwa, hakurikijwe uko
wabazwe mu imenyesha ry‘igihe cy‘umusoro rishize. Ayo
mafaranga, yishyurwa mbere, abarwa hakuwemo umusoro
ufatirwa muri icyo gihembwe, hakurikijwe ingingo ya 51
n'iya 52 z‘iri tegeko.
Iyo umusoreshwa akoresheje igihe cy‘umusoro kidahuje
n‘umwaka usanzwe, amafaranga yishyurwa mbere buri
Article 31: Quarterly Prepayment
(As modified and completed by article 5 of the law
n°73/2008 of 31/12/2008 modifying and
complementing law nº 16/2005 of 18/08/2005 on
direct taxes on income, O. G nº 19 of 11/05/2009):
―During the current tax period, the taxpayer pays to
the account of the Tax Administration before and
not later than June 30
, September 30
December 31
of the year of taxable activities, each
twenty five (25%) per cent of the tax liability as
calculated in the tax declaration of the previous tax
period. This amount is reduced by the tax withheld
in that tax period in accordance with Articles 51
and 52 of this law.
If the taxpayer uses a tax period that does not
coincide with the calendar year, the quarterly
Article 31 : Acomptes trimestriels
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 5 de la
loi n°73/2008 du 31/12/2008 modifiant et
complétant la loi 16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative
aux impôts directs sur le revenu, J. O 19 du
11/05/2009) :
« Pendant l‘exercice fiscal en cours, le contribuable
verse au compte de l‘Administration Fiscale au
plus tard le 30 juin, le 30 septembre et le 31
décembre de l‘année des activités, des acomptes de
vingt cinq pour cent (25%) du montant de l‘impôt
tel qu‘il ressort de la déclaration fiscale de
l‘exercice fiscal précédent. Cet acompte est réduit
de tout impôt retenu à la source pendant le
trimestre considéré conformément aux articles 51
et 52 de la présente loi.
Si le contribuable utilise un exercice fiscal qui ne
coïncide pas avec l‘année calendaire, les acomptes
gihembwe nk‘uko yabazwe hakurikijwe igika cya mbere
cy'iyi ngingo, agomba kwishyurwa bitarenze umunsi wa
nyuma w‘ukwezi kwa gatandatu, ukwezi kwa cyenda
n‘ukwezi kwa cumi n‘abiri kw‘igihe cy‘umusoro
Iyo umusoreshwa yatangiye ubucuruzi bwe mu gihe
cy‘umusoro cyashize, amafaranga yishyurwa mbere buri
gihembwe abarwa nka makumyabiri na gatanu ku ijana
(25%) by‘amafaranga y‘umusoro wagombaga kwishyurwa
w‘igihe cy‘umusoro cyashize bigabanijwe n‘umubare
w‘amezi umusoreshwa yakozemo ibikorwa bye, hanyuma
bagakuba na cumi na kabiri (12)―.
prepayments as calculated according to paragraph
one of this Article shall be paid not later than the
last day of the sixth month, the ninth month and the
twelfth month of the tax period of which he or she
is allowed.
If the taxpayer started his or her business activities
during the previous tax period, the quarterly
prepayment is calculated as twenty five (25%) per
cent of the amount of tax liability of the previous
tax period divided by the number of months during
which the taxpayer carried on his or her business
activities and multiplied by twelve (12) ―.
trimestriels visés au paragraphe premier du présent
article sont exigibles le dernier jour des sixième,
neuvième et douzième mois de cet exercice fiscal.
Si le contribuable a commencé ses activités
pendant l‘exercice fiscal précédent, l‘acompte
trimestriel est égal à vingt cinq pour cent (25%) du
montant de l‘impôt au titre de l‘exercice fiscal
précédent, divisé par le nombre de mois pendant
lesquels le contribuable a mené ses activités au
cours de cet exercice et multiplié par douze (12) ».
Icyiciro cya 4: Umusaruro ku Ishoramari
Ingingo ya 32: Umusaruro ukomoka ku ishoramari
Umusaruro ukomoka ku ishoramari ukubiyemo
ibyishyurwa mu mafaranga cyangwa mu bintu umuntu ku
giti cye, nk‘inyungu ku migabane, nk‘igihembo
cy‘umuhanzi, cyangwa nk‘ubukode bitishyujweho umusoro
ku musaruro w‘ibikorwa hakurikijwe ibiteganyijwe mu
cyiciro cya 3 cyuyu mutwe.
“Ingingo ya 32 bis: Isonerwa ry‟umusoro ku
(Nk’uko yashyizweho n’ingingo ya mbere y’itegeko
24/2010 ryo kuwa 28/05/2010 rihindura kandi ryuzuza
itegeko nº 16/2005 ryo kuwa18 /08/2005 rigena imisoro
itaziguye ku muusaruro, igazeti Idasanzwe yo kuwa
Inyongeragaciro ikomoka ku bugure cyangwa ku mpano
ikomoka ku mutungo utimukanwa ukoreshwa mu bucuruzi
Section 4: Investment Income
Article 32: Income derived from Investment
Income derived from investment includes any
payments in cash or in kind by an individual in the
form of interest, dividend, royalty, or rent which
has not been taxed as business income in
accordance with the provisions of section 3 of this
«Article 32 bis: Exemption on capital gain
(As provided by article premier of the law
n°24/2010 of 28/05/2010 modifying and
complementing law nº 16/2005 of 18/08/2005 on
Direct Taxes On Incomeres, O. G, nº Special of
Capital gain resulting from sale or cession of
commercial immovable property is taxed on a rate
Section 4 : Revenu des investissements
Article 32 : Revenu des investissements
Le revenu des investissements comprend tout
paiement direct en espèces ou en nature reçu par
une personne physique sous forme d‘intérêts, de
dividendes, de redevances d‘un artiste ou de loyer,
et qui n‘a pas été imposé en tant que bénéfice
d‘affaires en vertu de la section 3 du présent
«Article 32 bis: Exemption sur l‟imposition de
la plus value
Tel que prévu par l’article premier de la loi
n°24/2010 du 28/05/2010 modifiant et complétant
la loi 16/2005 du 28/05/2010 Relative aux
impôts directs sur le revenus, , J. O nºspecial du
La plus value résultant de la vente ou cession d‘un
bien immeuble à usage commercial est taxée au
isoreshwa ku gipimo cya 30%.
Inyongeragaciro ikomoka ku bicuruzwa ku isoko ry‘imari
n‘imigabane irasonerwa“.
of 30%.
Capital gain on secondary market transaction on
listed Securities shall be exempted from capital
gains tax».
taux de 30%.
La plus value des transactions sur le marché
secondaire des titres de marchés de capitaux sont
exemptés de l‘impôt sur la plus value».
Ingingo ya 33: Umusaruro ukomoka ku nyungu
Umusaruro ukomoka ku nyungu, nk‘uko bivugwa mu
ngingo ya 32, ucibwaho umusoro ucishirije wa cumi na
gatanu ku ijana (15 %).
Iyo iyishyurwa ry‘inyungu ryavanweho umusoro ufatirwa
nk‘uko biteganywa mu ngingo ya 51 y'iri tegeko,
umusoreshwa ntiyishyura umusoro ku musaruro uvugwa
mu ngingo ya 32 y'iri tegeko.
Umusaruro ukomoka ku nyungu ukubiyemo inyungu
zikomoka ku nguzanyo, ku mafaranga abitse, ku ngwate, ku
mafaranga ari kuri konti zisanzwe. Harimo kandi inyungu
zikomoka ku mpapuro zitanzwe za Leta zivunjwamo
amafaranga n‘izikomoka ku mpapuro zishobora
kuvunjwamo amafaranga zitangwa n‘amasosiyete agengwa
na Leta hamwe n‘amasosiyete yikorera ku giti cyayo ndetse
n‘inyungu zikomoka ku mpapuro zivunjwamo amafaranga.
Article 33: Interest incomes
Interest income, as mentioned in Article 32, is
subject to a flat tax of fifteen percent (15%).
If payment of interest was subject to reduction of
withholding tax as stipulated in Article 51 of this
law, the taxpayer shall not pay a tax does not pay
tax on income under in Article 32 of this law.
Interest income includes income from loans,
deposits, guarantees, and current accounts. It also
includes income from government securities,
income from bonds, and negotiable securities
issued by public and private companies income
from cash bonds.
Article 33 : Revenu sous forme d‟intérêts
Le revenu perçu sous forme d‘intérêts visés à
l‘article 32 est assujetti à un impôt forfaitaire de
quinze pour cent (15%).
Si un paiement d‘intérêts a fait l‘objet d‘une
retenue à la source au sens de l‘article 51 de la
présente loi, cette retenue libère le contribuable de
l‘obligation de payer l‘impôt sur le revenu prévu à
l‘article 32 de la présente loi.
Le revenu sous forme d‘intérêt comprend le revenu
produit par les prêts, les dépôts, les garanties, les
comptes courants. Il comprend également les titres
publics, les obligations et les titres négociables
émis par des sociétés publiques et privées ainsi que
le revenu des bons de caisse.
Ingingo ya 34: Umusaruro ukomoka ku nyungu
Umusaruro ukomoka ku nyungu z‘imigabane, nkuko
bivugwa mu ngingo ya 32 y'iri tegeko, ucibwaho umusoro
ucishirije wa cumi na gatanu ku ijana (15%).
Iyo itangwa ry‘imigabane ryavanyweho umusoro ufatirwa,
nk‘uko biteganywa mu ngingo ya 51 y'iri tegeko,
umusoreshwa ntiyishyura umusoro ku musaruro uvugwa
mu ngingo ya 32 y'iri tegeko.
Article 34: Dividend Income
Dividend income, as mentioned in Article 32, is
subject to a flat tax of fifteen percent (15%).
If dividend distribution was subject to withholding
tax as stipulated in Article 51 of this law, the
taxpayer does not pay tax on income under Article
Article 34 : Revenu sous forme de dividendes
Le revenu perçu sous forme de dividendes visés à
l‘article 32 de la présente loi est assujetti à un
impôt forfaitaire de quinze pour cent (15 %).
Si un paiement de dividendes a fait l‘objet d‘une
retenue à la source au sens de l‘article 51 de la
présente loi, cette retenue libère le contribuable de
Umusaruro ukomoka ku nyungu z‘imigabane‚ ukubiyemo
inyungu zikomoka ku migabane mu masosiyete ayo ari
yose hamwe n‘izindi nyungu zisa, na zo zitangwa n‘ibigo
bivugwa mu ngingo ya 38 y'iri tegeko.
32 of this law.
Dividend income includes income from shares and
similar income distributed by companies and other
entities as mentioned in Article 38 of this law.
l‘obligation de payer l‘impôt sur le revenu prévu à
l‘article 32 de la présente loi.
Le revenu sous forme de dividende comprend le
revenu produit par les actions, les participations
aux bénéfices dans les sociétés de toutes formes
ainsi que les revenus assimilables distribués par les
entités énumérées à l‘article 38 de la présente loi.
Ingingo ya 35: Umusaruro ukomoka ku bihembo
Umusaruro ukomoka ku bihembo by‘ubuhanzi, nk‘uko
bivugwa mu ngingo ya 32, ucibwaho umusoro ucishirije wa
cumi na gatanu ku ijana (15%).
Iyo iyishyurwa ry‘ibihembo by‘ubuhanzi ryavanweho
umusoro ufatirwa nk‘uko bivugwa mu ngingo ya 51,
umusoreshwa ntiyishyura umusoro ku musaruro uvugwa
mu ngingo ya 32 y'iri tegeko.
Ijambo ―inyungu ku bihembo by‘ubuhanzi‖ rigizwe
n‘amafaranga yose yakirwa nk‘igihembo cyo gukoresha,
cyangwa uburenganzira bwo gukoresha igihangano
cy‘ubuhanzi, cy‘akazi kajyana n‘ibyandikwa,
cy‘ubukorikori cyangwa cy‘ubumenyi, harimo amashusho
ya sinema, amashusho cyangwa kasete bikoreshwa muri
gahunda za radiyo na televiziyo. Iryo jambo rigizwe kandi
n‘igihembo cyose gikomoka ku gukoresha ikimenyetso
cy‘ubucuruzi, ibyitegererezo by‘umwimerere, ibihangano
by‘ikoranabuhanga n‘inyandiko zihishe ubumenyi. Harimo
na none kandi ikiguzi cyo gukoresha, cyangwa
cy‘uburenganzira bwo gukoresha ibikoresho by‘inganda,
by‘ubucuruzi, by‘ubumenyi, cyangwa gukoresha amakuru
yatanzwe ku birebana n‘ubuzobere mu by‘inganda, mu
by‘ubucuruzi cyangwa mu by‘ubumenyi. Inyungu ku
Article 35: Royalty Income
Royalty income, as mentioned in Article 32, is
subject to a flat tax of fifteen percent (15%).
If a royalty payment is subject to withholding tax as
stipulated in Article 51, the taxpayer does not pay
tax on income in Article 32 of this law.
The term ‗royalty income‘ includes all payments of
any kind received as a prize for the use of, or the
right to use, any copyright of literary, craftsmanship
or scientific work including cinematograph films,
films, or tapes used for radio or television
broadcasting. The term also includes any payment
received from using a trademark, design or model,
computer application and plan secret formula or
process. It also includes the price of using, or of the
right to use industrial, commercial or scientific
equipment or for information concerning industrial,
commercial or scientific or experience. Royalty
income includes also natural resource payments.
Article 35 : Revenu sous forme de redevances
Le revenu perçu sous forme de redevances visées à
l‘article 32 est assujetti à un impôt forfaitaire de
quinze pour cent (15%).
Si un paiement de redevance a fait l‘objet d‘une
retenue à la source au sens de l‘article 51, cette
retenue libère le contribuable de l‘obligation de
payer l‘impôt sur le revenu prévu à l‘article 32 de
la présente loi.
Le terme «redevance» désigne les paiements de
toutes sortes reçus en contrepartie de l‘utilisation
ou du droit d‘utiliser des droits d‘auteur afférents à
une œuvre littéraire, artistique ou scientifique, y
compris les films cinématographiques ainsi que les
films ou enregistrements utilisés pour les émissions
radiophoniques ou télévisées. Ce terme désigne
aussi tout brevet, marque déposée, prototype ou
modèle, application informatique, formule ou
procédé scientifique secret. Il comprend également
l‘utilisation ou le droit d‘utiliser un équipement
industriel, commercial ou scientifique ou
d‘information de nature industrielle, commerciale
ou scientifique. Les redevances comprennent aussi
les paiements découlant de l‘exploitation des
bihembo by‘ubuhanzi igizwe kandi n‘amafaranga
yishyurwa mu gukoresha umutungo kamere.
ressources naturelles.
Ingingo ya 36: Inyungu ku bukode
Amafaranga yose yinjira aturutse ku bukode
bw‘amamashini n‘ibindi bikoresho no ku butaka harimo
n‘ubworozi biri mu Rwanda, abarwa mu nyungu
zitangwaho umusoro havanyweho:
icumi ku ijana (10 %) by‘amafaranga yose yinjiye
bifatwa nk‘amafaranga ashobora gukoreshwa;
inyungu zishyuwe ku mafaranga y‘inguzanyo
amafaranga y‘ubwicungure abazwe nk‘uko biteganywa
mu gika cya 3 cy‘ingingo ya 24 y'iri tegeko.
Umusaruro ukomoka ku bukode bw‘inyubako cyangwa
amazu byashyizwe mu mutungo w‘ibigo bivugwa mu
ngingo ya 38 y‘iri tegeko, usoreshwa umusoro ku nyungu
z‘amasosiyete kandi ugasonerwa umusoro ku nyungu
Article 36: Rental Income
All revenues derived from rent of machinery and
other equipment and land including livestock in
Rwanda, are included in taxable income, reduced
ten percent (10%) of gross revenue as deemed
2° interest paid on loans;
depreciation expenses as determined according
to Article 24, paragraph 3 of this law.
Income derived from the rent of buildings or houses
incorporated as assets mentioned in Article 38 of
this law is subject to corporate income tax and is
exempted from rental income tax.
Article 36 : Revenu locatif
Le revenu imposable inclut les recettes provenant
de la location de terrains, de machines et d‘autres
équipements dont les équipements agricoles situés
au Rwanda, diminuées :
1 de dix pour cent (10%) des recettes brutes à
titre de dépenses estimatives ;
2 des intérêts payés en vertu des crédits
3 et des dépenses d‘amortissement déterminées
conformément au paragraphe 3 de l‘article 24
de la présente loi.
Le revenu provenant de la location des bâtiments
ou immeubles comptabilisés dans les actifs des
entités mentionnées à l‘article 38 de la présente loi
est passible de l‘impôt sur les bénéfices des
sociétés et est exempté de l‘impôt locatif.
Icyiciro cya mbere: Ingingo rusange
Ingingo ya 37: Ishingiro ry‟umusoro ku nyungu
Hashyizweho ―umusoro ku nyungu z‘amasosiyeteukurwa
ku nyungu z‘ubucuruzi zabonywe n‘amasosiyete.
CHAPTER III: Corporate Income Tax
Section one: General Provisions
Article 37: Base for corporate income tax
It is hereby-established a ―corporate income tax‖
levied on business profits received by entities.
Section première : Dispositions générales
Article 37 : Champ d‟application de l‟impôt sur
les bénéfices des sociétés
Il est établi un impôt sur les bénéfices des sociétés,
qui est prélevé sur les bénéfices d‘affaires des
Ingingo ya 38: Abasoreshwa
Ibigo bikurikira bigomba kwishyura umusoro ku nyungu
z‘amasosiyete byabonye:
amasosiyete y‘ubucuruzi yashyizweho hakurikijwe
amategeko y'u Rwanda cyangwa yo mu mahanga;
2° amakoperative n‘amashami yayo;
3° ibigo bya Leta bibyara inyungu;
amasosiyete y‘ubwifatanye;
ibigo byashyizweho n‘Uturere, Imijyi n‘Umujyi wa
Kigali, mu gihe ibyo bigo bikora imirimo ibyara inyungu;
amasosiyete akora nk‘ayemewe n‘amategeko cyangwa
imiryango hamwe n‘ibindi bigo uko byaba biteye kose
bikora imirimo igamije kubyara inyungu.
Ibigo bivugwa mu gika cya mbere cy'iyi ngingo, agace ka
1°, aka n‘aka bifatwa nk‘ibikoresha umutungo wabyo
wose mu mirimo y‘ubucuruzi bwabyo. Ibi bisobanura ko
amafaranga yose ayo masosiyete yinjiza aturuka mu mirimo
yabyo y‘ubucuruzi.
Article 38: Taxpayers
The following entities shall be subject to corporate
income tax:
companies established in accordance with
Rwandan law or foreign law;
2° cooperative societies and their branches;
3° public business enterprises;
4° partnerships;
entities established by Districts, Towns and
Municipalities and the City of Kigali, to the extent
that these entities conduct business;
6° de facto companies or associations and any other
entities that perform business activities, and are
established to realize profits.
Entities mentioned in 1°, and of paragraph
one of this article, are deemed to cinduct business
with their whole equity. This means that all their
revenues are received from their business activities.
Article 38 : Contribuables
Sont assujetties à l‘impôt sur les bénéfices des
sociétés les entités suivantes :
les sociétés commerciales constituées suivant
la législation rwandaise ou étrangère;
les sociétés coopératives et leurs sections ;
les entreprises publiques à but lucratif;
les sociétés en partenariat ;
les entités établies par les Districts, Villes et la
Ville de Kigali, dans la mesure ces entités
exercent une activité lucrative;
les sociétés et associations de fait ainsi que
toute autre entité quel que soit leur forme, son but
ou le résultat de ses activités, établies pour réaliser
des bénéfices.
Les entités mentionnées au paragraphe premier du
présent article, au point 1°, et 3°, sont réputées
exercer leurs activités avec la totalité de leurs
ressources propres, ce qui signifie que toutes leurs
recettes proviennent d‘activités d‘affaires.
Ingingo ya 39: Gusonera umusoro ku nyungu
Leta y‘u Rwanda n‘ibigo bikurikira bisonerwa umusoro ku
nyungu z‘amasosiyete:
1° Umujyi wa Kigali, Uturere n‘Imijyi;
Article 39: Exemption from corporate income
The Government of Rwanda and the following
entities are exempted from corporate income tax:
the City of Kigali, Districts, Towns and
Article 39 : Exonération d‟impôts sur les
bénéfices des sociétés
Le gouvernement du Rwanda et les entités
suivantes sont exonérés de l‘impôt sur les bénéfices
des sociétés:
la Ville de Kigali, les Districts et Villes ;
2° Banki Nkuru y‘Igihugu;
Ibigo bikora gusa imirimo yerekeranye n‘iby‘amadini,
ubutabazi, ibikorwa by‘ubugiraneza , iby‘ubuhanga
cyangwa iby‘uburezi, keretse iyo bigaragaye ko amafaranga
byinjije aruta ayo byakoresheje cyangwa iyo bikora
Imiryango mpuzamahanga, imiryango yubufatanye mu
bya tekiniki n‘abayihagarariye, iyo uko gusonerwa umusoro
biteganywa n‘amasezerano mpuzamahanga;
5° Ibigega bya pansiyo bibifitiye ububasha;
Isanduka y‘Ubwiteganyirize bw‘Abakozi;
7° Banki Itsura Amajyambere y‘u Rwanda.
2° the National Bank of Rwanda;
entities that carry on only activities of a
religious, humanitarian, charitable, scientific or
educational character, unless the revenue received
during a tax period exceeds the corresponding
expenses to the extent that those entities conduct a
4° international organizations, agencies of technical
cooperation and their representatives, if such
exemption is provided for by international
5° qualified pension funds;
6° the Rwanda Social Security Fund;
7° the Rwanda Development Bank.
la Banque Nationale du Rwanda ;
les entités qui exercent uniquement des
activités à caractère religieux, humanitaire,
caritatif, scientifique ou éducatif, sauf s‘il est avéré
que leurs recettes sont supérieures à leurs dépenses
ou qu‘elles exercent des activités d‘affaires;
les organisations internationales, les agences de
coopération technique et leurs représentants, dont
l‘exemption est prévue par des accords
internationaux ;
les fonds de pension qualifiés;
la Caisse Sociale du Rwanda;
la Banque Rwandaise de Développement.
Ingingo ya 40: Ibirebwa n‟uyu musoro
Ibigo bikorera imbere mu Gihugu bigomba kwishyura
umusoro ku nyungu z‘amasosiyete kuri buri gihe
cy‘umusoro, zaba zikomoka ku bikorwa bikorera imbere
mu Gihugu cyangwa mu mahanga.
Ibigo bidafite icyicaro mu Gihugu bigomba kwishyura
umusoro ku nyungu z‘amasosiyete kuri buri gihe
cy‘umusoro nk‘urihwa ku nyungu z‘amasosiyete aba mu
Rwanda binyujijwe ku bigo byabyo bihoraho biri mu
Article 40: Extent of tax liability
Resident entities are liable to corporate income tax
on business profit per tax period whether from
domestic or foreign operations.
Non-resident entities shall be liable to corporate
income tax on business profit per tax period derived
through a permanent establishment in Rwanda.
Article 40 : Étendue de l‟obligation fiscale
Les entités résidentes sont redevables de l‘impôt
sur les bénéfices des sociétés pour chaque exercice
fiscal, que ces bénéfices soient d‘origine nationale
ou étrangère.
Les entités non-résidentes sont redevables de
l‘impôt sur les bénéfices des sociétés pour chaque
exercice fiscal, au titre des bénéfices provenant
d‘un établissement stable au Rwanda.
Ingingo ya 41: Igipimo cyUmusoro
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya 7 y’itegeko
24/2010 ryo kuwa 28/05/2010 rihindura kandi ryuzuza
itegeko nº 16/2005 ryo kuwa 18/08/2005 rigena imisoro
itaziguye ku musaruro, Igazeti ya Leta nº Idasanzwe yo
kuwa 28/05/2010)
―Inyungu zisoreshwa zibarwa ku mubare uburungushuye
w‘amafaranga y‘u Rwanda igihumbi (1.000 Frw) kandi
zikishyurwaho umusoro ku gipimo cya mirongo itatu ku
ijana (30%).
Sosiyeti nshya ziyandikishije kw‘isoko ry‘imari
n‘imigabane zishyura imisoro ku bipimo bikurikira mu gihe
cy‘imyaka itanu:
20% iyo ayo masosiyeti agurishiriza mu ruhame nibura
40% y‘imigabane;
25% iyo ayo masosiyeti agurishiriza mu ruhame nibura
30% y‘imigabane;
28% iyo ayo masosiyeti agurishiriza mu ruhame nibura
20% y‘imigabane.
Sosiyeti Nshoramari zanditswe ku isoko ry‘imari
n‘imigabane n‘Ikigo gishinzwe isoko ry‘ imari n‘imigabane
mu Rwanda, zisora umusoro ku nyungu ungana na
―zeru―ku ijana (0%) mu gihe cy‘imyaka itanu (5), guhera
igihe byemejwe.
Ariko, ikigo gishora imari cyiyandikishije gikorera
ahagenewe imirimo y‘ubukungu idasoreshwa cyangwa
isosiyete nyamahanga ifite icyicaro mu Rwanda kandi
byujuje ibisabwa n‘itegeko rigenga ishoramari mu Rwanda,
Article 41: Tax rate
(As modified and completed by article 7 of the law
n°24/2010 of 28/05/2010 modifying and
complementing law nº 16/2005 of 18/08/2005 on
direct taxes on income, O. G Special number of
―Taxable Business profit is rounded down to the
nearest one thousand Rwandan Francs (1,000
RWF) and taxable at a rate of thirty percent (30%).
Newly listed companies on capital market shall be
taxed for a period of 5 years on the following rates:
20% if those companies they sell at least 40% of
their shares to the public;
25% if those companies sell at least 30% of their
shares to the public;
28% if those companies sell at least 20% of their
shares to the public.
Venture capital companies registered with the
capital markets Authority in Rwanda benefit from a
corporate income tax of zero percent (0%) for a
period of five (5) years from the date the decision
has been taken.
However, a registered investment entity that
operates in a Free Trade Zone or foreign companies
that has its headquarters in Rwanda that fulfil the
requirements stipulated in the Rwandan Law on
Article 41 : Taux d‟imposition
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 7 de la
loi n°24/2010 du 28/05/2010 modifiant et
complétant la loi 16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative
aux impôts directs sur le revenu, J. O Specil du
«Le montant des bénéfices imposables est arrondi
au millier de francs rwandais (1000 Frws) et taxé
au taux de trente pour cent (30%).
Les sociétés nouvellement enregistrées sur les
marchés des capitaux paient l‘impôt sur les
bénéfices pendant une période de 5 ans aux taux
suivants :
20% si ces sociétés vendent au public au moins
40% de leurs actions;
2º 25% si ces sociétés vendent au public au moins
30% de leurs actions;
28% si ces sociétés vendent au public au moins
20% de leurs actions.
Les sociétés d‘investissement enregistrées sur les
marchés des capitaux par l‘Office des marchés des
capitaux au Rwanda paient l‘impôt au taux de zéro
pourcent (0%) pendant une période de cinq (5) ans
à partir du jour où la décision est prise.
Toutefois, un investisseur enregistré opérant dans
une zone économique franche ou une société
étrangère ayant son siège au Rwanda, remplissant
les conditions prescrites par le Code des
bifite uburenganzira bwo:
gutanga umusoro ku nyungu z'amasosiyete ungana na
zero ku ijana (0 %);
2° gusonerwa imisoro ku nyungu zivugwa mu ngingo ya 51
y‘Itegeko 16/2005 ryo kuwa 18/08/2005 rigena imisoro
itaziguye ku musaruro;
3° kohereza inyungu cyabonye mu mahanga nta musoro.
Umushoramari wiyandikishije agabanyirizwa umusoro ku
nyungu ku buryo bukurikira:
abiri ku ijana (2%) y'umusoro iyo akoresha abakozi
b‘abanyarwanda bari hagati y‘ijana (100) na magana abiri
atanu ku ijana (5 %) y'umusoro iyo akoresha abakozi
b‘abanyarwanda bari hagati ya magana abiri n‘umwe (201)
na magana ane (400);
atandatu ku ijana (6%) y'umusoro iyo akoresha abakozi
b‘abanyarwanda bari hagati ya magana ane n‘umwe (401)
na magana cyenda (900);
arindwi ku ijana (7 %) y'umusoro iyo akoresha abakozi
b‘abanyarwanda bari hejuru ya magana cyenda (900).
Igabanyirizwa ry‘umusoro rivugwa rikorerwa
umushoramari iyo akoresheje bariya bakozi nibura mu gihe
cy‘amezi andatatu (6), mu gihe cy‘umusoro, kandi bakaba
abakozi badasora umusoro ku gipimo cya zeru ku ijana
(0%) kivugwa mu ngingo ya 50 y‘Itegeko 16/2005 ryo
kuwa 18/08/2005 rigena imisoro itaziguye ku musaruro―.
Investment Promotion, are entitled to:
pay corporate income tax at the rate of zero per
cent (0%);
exemption from withholding tax mentioned in
Article 51 of the Law 16/2005 of 18/08/2005 on
direct taxes on income;
3°tax free repatriation of profit.
Registered investor shall be entitled to a profit tax
discount of:
two percent (2%) if he/she employs between
one hundred (100) and two hundred (200)
Rwandans employees ;
2° five percent (5%) if he/she employs between two
hundred and one (201) and four hundred (400)
Rwandans employees;
six percent (6%) if he/she employs between four
hundred and one (401) and nine hundred (900)
Rwandans employees;
seven percent (7%) if he/she employs more than
nine hundred (900) Rwandans employees.
The tax discount mentioned in the previous
paragraph is granted to the investor only if he or
she maintains the employees for a period of at least
six (6) months during a tax period, and the
employees are not in the category of employees
who pay at the rate of zero percent (0%) as
stipulated in Article 50 of Law 16/2005 of
Investissements au Rwanda, ont droit :
de ne payer que zéro pour cent (0 %) de l‘impôt
sur le revenu des sociétés;
à une exemption des retenues de taxes prévues
par l‘article 51 de la Loi nº16/2005 du 18/08/2005
relative aux impôts directs sur le revenu;
au rapatriement à l‘étranger sans impôts des
bénéfices réalisés.
L‘investisseur enregistré bénéficie de réduction de
l‘impôt sur les bénéfices de la manière suivante:
deux pour cent (2%) s‘il/elle emploie entre cent
(100) et deux cents (200) travailleurs rwandais;
cinq pour cent (5%) s‘il/elle emploie entre
deux cent et un (201) et quatre cents (400)
travailleurs rwandais;
six pour cent (6%) s‘il/elle emploie plus de
quatre cent et un (401) et neuf cents (900)
travailleurs rwandais;
sept pour cent (7%) s‘il/elle emploie au-delà de
neuf cents (900) travailleurs rwandais.
L‘abattement fiscal est accordé si l‘investisseur a
employé des travailleurs qui ne paient pas l‘impôt
au taux de zéro pourcent (0%) prévu à l‘article 50
de la Loi 16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative aux
impôts directs sur le revenu pendant une période
d‘au moins six (6) mois au cours de l‘exercice
18/08/2005 on direct taxes on income‖.
Ingingo ya 42: Igipimo cyumusoro
Iyo abasoreshwa bohereza mu mahanga ibicuruzwa
cyangwa imirimo izana mu Gihugu hagati ya miliyoni
eshatu (3.000.000) na miliyoni eshanu (5.000.000)
z‘amadolari y‘amanyamerika mu gihe cy‘umusoro,
bagabanyirizwa atatu ku ijana (3 %) y‘umusoro.
Iyo bohereza mu mahanga ibicuruzwa cyangwa imirimo
izana mu gihugu hejuru ya miliyoni eshanu (5.000.000)
z‘amadolari y‘amanyamerika mu gihe cy‘umusoro,
bagabanyirizwa atanu ku ijana (5 %) y'umusoro.
Ibigo bikora imirimo y'imari iciriritse byemejwe n‘inzego
zibifitiye ububasha bisora umusoro ku nyungu ungana na
zero (0%) mu gihe cy‘imyaka itanu (5), guhera igihe
byemejwe. Icyakora icyo gihe gishobora kongerwa n‘iteka
rya Minisitiri.
Article 42: Tax rate
If a taxpayer exports commodities or services that
bring to the country between three million
(3,000,000) US dollars and five million (5,000,000)
US dollars in a tax period, he or she is entitled to a
tax discount of three percent (3%).
If he or she exports commodities or services that
bring to the country more than five million
(5,000,000) US dollars in a tax period, he or she is
entitled to a tax discount of five percent (5%).
Companies that carry out micro finance activities
approved by competent authorities pay corporate
income tax at the rate of zero percent (0%) for a
period of five (5) years from the time of the
approval of the activity. However, this period may
be renewed by the order of the Minister.
Article 42 : Taux d‟imposition
Lorsque les contribuables exportent des biens ou
services rapportant au pays entre trois millions
(3.000.000) et cinq millions de dollars (5.000.000)
américains au cours de l‘exercice fiscal, ils
bénéficient de l‘abattement d‘impôt de trois pour
cent (3%).
Lorsqu‘ils exportent des biens et services
rapportant au pays plus de cinq millions de dollars
(5.000.000) américains au cours de l‘exercice
fiscal, ils bénéficient de l‘abattement de l‘impôt de
cinq pour cent (5%).
Les entreprises de micro-finances agréées par les
autorités compétentes paient l‘impôt au taux zéro
(0) pendant une période de cinq (5) ans qui court à
partir de la date d‘agrément. Toutefois ce délai peut
être prolongé par arrêté ministériel.
Ingingo ya 43: Imenyeshamusoro
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya 6 y’itegeko
73/2008 ryo kuwa 31/12/2008 rihindura kandi ryuzuza
itegeko nº 16/2005 ryo kuwa 18/08/2005 rigena imisoro
itaziguye ku musaruro, Igazeti ya Leta nº19 yo kuwa
Umusoreshwa wakiriye inyungu isoreshwa ategura
imenyeshamusoro ry‘umwaka akurikije uburyo bugenwa
n‘Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro kandi akoherereza rimwe n‘iryo
menyeshamusoro, ifoto y‘umutungo, ibarura ry‘inyungu
n‘igihombo by‘igihe cy‘umusoro, imigereka ijyanye na
Article 43: Tax Declaration
(As modified and completed by article 6 of the law
n°73/2008 of 31/12/2008 modifying and
complementing law nº 16/2005 of 18/08/2005 on
direct taxes on income, O. G nº 19 of 11/05/2009).
―A taxpayer who receives taxable business profit
prepares an annual tax declaration in accordance
with the form determined by the tax administration
and presents it, at the same time, with the
accounting balance sheet, profit and loss statement
Article 43 : Déclaration de l‟impôt
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 6 de la
loi n°73/2008 du 31/12/2008 modifiant et
complétant la loi 16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative
aux impôts directs sur le revenu, J. O 19 du
« Tout contribuable percevant des bénéfices
imposables prépare une déclaration annuelle sous
la forme spécifiée par l‘Administration Fiscale et la
soumet à ce dernier, avant le 31 Mars de l‘exercice
fiscal suivant, accompage du bilan comptable, du
byo, hamwe n‘indi nyandiko yose isabwa n'Ubuyobozi
bw'Imisoro bitarenze itariki ya 31 y‘ukwezi kwa gatatu
kw‘igihe cyumusoro gikurikiyeho.
Amafaranga y‘umusoro agomba kwishyurwa ni ayabariwe
ku gacirofatizo k‘imenyeshamusoro ry‘umwaka,
umusoro ufatirwa mbere ku mafaranga yishyuwe ari mu
nyungu zisoreshwa hakurikijwe ingingo ya 51 y‘iri tegeko;
2° imisoro ifatirwa hakurikijwe ingingo ya 52 y'iri tegeko;
amafaranga yishyurwa mbere mu gihe cy‘umusoro
hakurikijwe ingingo ya 31 y'iri tegeko.
Ayo mafaranga y‘umusoro yishyurwa ku Buyobozi
bw'Imisoro ku munsi yatangiyeho imenyeshamusoro
Umusoro wafatiriwe cyangwa wishyuwe mbere iyo urenga
umusoro ugomba kwishyurwa hashingiwe ku gika cya
mbere cy‘iyi ngingo, ufatwa n‘Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro
nk‘uwo kwishyura imisoro y‘ibirarane cyangwa kwishyura
imisoro yindi izaza. Iyo umusoreshwa abisabye mu
nyandiko, ayo mafaranga y‘ikirenga ayasubizwa
n'Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro mu gihe cy‘iminsi mirongo itatu
(30) uhereye ku munsi bwakiriyeho inyandiko ibisaba kandi
bigaragara ko nta birarane asigayemo.
for the tax period, the annexes thereto, as well as
any other relevant document required by the Tax
Administration, not later than 31
March of the
following tax period.
The amount of tax to be paid is calculated on the
basis of the annual basic declaration, reduced by:
the tax withheld before, in accordance with
Article 51 of this law, from payments included in
taxable income;
the taxes withheld in accordance with Article 52
of this law;
the prepayments made during the tax period
according to Article 31 of this law.
The tax is paid to the Tax Administration on the
same day as the presentation of the annual tax
A withholding or prepayement that exceeds the
amount of tax liability calculated on the basis of
paragraph one of this Article, it is considered by the
tax administration as liquidation of tax arrears or as
the payment of any future tax obligations. Upon a
written request by the taxpayer and upon
satisfaction that prior tax obligations have been
discharged, the Tax Administration returns to the
taxpayer the excess amount within thirty (30) days
from the date of receipt of the request‖.
compte de pertes et profits pour l‘exercice
considéré, des annexes y afférentes et de tout autre
document pertinent requis par l‘Administration
Le montant de l‘impôt sur les bénéfices à payer, est
calculé sur base de la déclaration annuelle et
diminué ensuite:
de la retenue opérée conformément à l‘article
51 de la présente loi sur les paiements entrant dans
le revenu imposable ;
des retenues opérées conformément à l‘article
52 de la présente loi;
des versements provisionnels effectués sur une
partie de l‘impôt conformément à l‘article 31 de la
présente loi.
L‘impôt dû est payé à l‘administration fiscale le
jour du dépôt de la déclaration annuelle.
Tout acompte et toute retenue à la source qui
s‘avère supérieur au montant de l‘impôt exigible
calculé conformément au paragraphe premier du
présent article est pris(e) en compte par
l‘Administration Fiscale pour le règlement
d‘obligations fiscales antérieures ou futures. Sur
demande écrite du contribuable, ce surplus lui est
remboursé par l‘Administration Fiscale dans les
trente (30) jours à compter de la réception de la
demande, après apurement des obligations fiscales
antérieures ».
Icyiciro cya 2: Inyungu y‟ubucuruzi
Ingingo ya 44: Inyungu ikomoka ku mirimo
Inyungu isoreshwa ku masosiyete ibarwa hakurikijwe
amahame yubahirizwa iyo habarwa inyungu ku bantu
bikorera ku giti cyabo.
Section 2: Business profit
Article 44: Income derived from business
Corporate taxable profit is calculated in accordance
with the principles applied when calculating profits
on individual businesses.
Section 2 : Bénéfices d‟affaires
Article 44 : Revenu d‟activités d‟affaires
Le revenu imposable des entités assujetties à
l‘impôt sur les bénéfices des sociétés est déterminé
selon les principes qui sont appliqués lors de la
détermination des bénéfices des personnes
Ingingo ya 45: Inyungu ku migabane yishyurwa hagati
Mu ibarwa ry‘inyungu y‘ubucuruzi y‘isosiyete ikorera mu
Gihugu, inyungu ku migabane itanzwe n‘isosiyete ikorera
mu Gihugu ntiyishyurirwa umusoro.
Mu ibarwa ry‘inyungu y‘ubucuruzi y‘abafatanyije bakorera
mu Gihugu, inyungu ku migabane itanzwe n‘isosiyete
ikorera mu Gihugu, ntiyishyurirwa umusoro.
Article 45: Inter-company dividends
In the determination of business profit s of a
resident company, dividends and other profit-shares
received fron a resident entity are exempt.
In the determination of business profit s of a
resident partnership, dividends and other profit-
shares received fron a resident entity are exempt..
Article 45 : Dividendes versés entre sociétés
Les dividendes ou participations aux bénéfices
reçus d‘une entité résidente par une société
résidente n‘entrent pas dans le calcul du revenu
imposable de cette société.
Les dividendes ou participations aux bénéfices
reçus d‘une entité résidente par une société en
partenariat résidente n‘entrent pas dans le calcul du
revenu imposable de cette société en partenariat.
Ingingo ya 46: Ivugururwa ry‟amasosiyete
―Ivugururwa‖ risobanura:
ivangwa ry‘amasosiyete abiri cyangwa menshi akorera
imbere mu Gihugu;
igurwa cyangwa ifatwa ringana cyangwa rirenze
mirongo itanu ku ijana (50%) by‘imigabane cyangwa
by‘uburenganzira bwo gutora, hakurikijwe umubare
cyangwa agaciro, mu isosiyete ikorera imbere mu Gihugu
mu buryo bw‘ingurane y‘imigabane muri sosiyete igura;
igurwa rya mirongo itanu ku ijana (50%) cyangwa
Article 46: Corporate Reorganization
―Reorganization‖ means:
1°a merger of two or more resident companies;
2°the acquisition or a takeover of fifty percent
(50%) or more of shares or voting rights, by
number or value in a resident company in exchange
for shares of the purchasing company;
3°the acquisition of fifty percent (50%) or more of
the assets and liabilities of a resident company by
Article 46 : Réorganisation de sociétés
La «réorganisation», signifie:
la fusion d‘au moins deux sociétés résidentes ;
l‘acquisition ou la reprise de cinquante pour cent
(50 %) au moins des parts ou droits de vote, en
nombre ou en valeur, d‘une société résidente en
échange de parts dans la société acquérante ;
l‘acquisition de cinquante pour cent (50 %) au
moins des actifs et passifs d‘une société résidente
hejuru yabyo by‘umutungo n‘imyenda by‘isosiyete ikorera
imbere mu Gihugu n‘indi sosiyete ikorera imbere mu
Gihugu hagamijwe gusa igurana ry‘imigabane mu isosiyete
igabanywa ry‘isosiyete ikorera imbere mu Gihugu mu
masosiyete abiri cyangwa menshi akorera imbere mu
Mu gihe cy‘ivugururwa cy‘amasosiyete, isosiyete yeguriye
indi ibyayo isonerwa umusoro ku birebana n‘inyungu
cyangwa ibihombo bikomoka kuri iryo tunganya rishya.
Isosiyete yeguriwe iha agaciro umutungo n‘imyenda
hashingiwe ku kanditse mu bitabo by‘isosiyete yeguriye
indi ibyayo mu gihe cy‘ivugururwa. Isosiyete yeguriwe
ikora ubwicungure bw‘umutungo w‘ubucuruzi ikurikije
amategeko yagombye kugenga isosiyete yeguriye indi
ibyayo nk‘aho ivugururwa ryaba ritarabayeho.
Mu gihe habaye ivugururwa, isosiyete yeguriwe ifite
uburenganzira bwo gukomereza ku mafaranga y‘igicumbi
n‘azigamwe n‘isosiyete yeguriye indi ibyayo, hakurikijwe
ibisabwa byagombye gukurikizwa n‘isosiyete yeguriye indi
ibyayo nk‘aho ivugururwa ryaba ritarabayeho. Isosiyete
yeguriwe yishingira uburenganzira n‘inshingano
by‘isosiyete yeguriye indi ibyayo ku birebana n‘ayo
mafaranga yigicumbi n‘azigamwe.
another resident company solely in exchange of
shares in the purchasing company;
4°splitting of a resident company into two or more
resident companies.
In case of reorganization of companies, the
transferring company is exempt from tax in respect
of capital gains and losses realized on
reorganization. The receiving company values the
assets and liabilities involved at their book value in
the hands of the transferring company at the time of
reorganization. The receiving company depreciates
the business assets according to the rules that would
have applied to the transferring company as if the
reorganization did not taken place.
In case of reorganization, the receiving company is
entitled to carry over the reserves and provisions
created the the transferring company, subject to the
conditions that would have applied to the
transferring company as if the reorganization did
not taken place. The receiving company assumes
the rights and obligations of the transferring
company in respect of such reserves and provisions.
par une autre société résidente uniquement en
échange de parts dans la société acquérante ;
le partage d‘une société résidente en au moins
deux sociétés résidentes.
En cas de réorganisation de sociétés, la société
cédante est exemptée d‘impôt eu égard aux plus-
values et moins-values consécutives à cette
réorganisation. La société acquérante évalue les
actifs et passifs concernés à leur valeur comptable
dans les livres de la société cédante au moment de
la réorganisation. La société acquérante amortit les
actifs selon les règles qui auraient été appliquées à
la société cédante si la réorganisation n‘avait pas eu
En cas de réorganisation, la société acquérante est
en droit de reprendre les réserves et provisions
constituées par la société cédante, aux conditions
qui auraient été appliquées à la société cédante si
la réorganisation n‘avait pas eu lieu. La société
acquérante assume les droits et obligations de la
société cédante eu égard à ces réserves et
Ingingo ya 47: Irangizamutungo
Ibisagutse mu irangizamutungo byose bifatwa nk‘inyungu
ku migabane mu gihe cyumusoro cya nyuma cy‘ubuzima
Article 47: Liquidation
All liquidation proceeds are considered as
dividends on shares in the last tax period of the
companys existence.
Article 47 : Liquidation
Toutes les recettes de liquidation sont considérées
comme une distribution de dividendes du dernier
exercice fiscal de la société.
Ingingo ya 48: Umusoro ufatirwa ku mushahara
Abantu bakurikira bagomba kwishyura umusoro ufatirwa
ku mushahara:
umuntu ku giti cye cyangwa ikigo gihemba abakozi
bacyo, amafaranga cyangwa ibintu;
2° ikigo cyishyura pansiyo, hatarimo pansiyo zishyurwa
hakurikijwe uburyo bw‘ubwiteganyirize butegekwa na
Umuntu uvugwa mu gika cya mbere cy'iyi ngingo wishyura
umusaruro uvugwa mu ngingo ya 13 y'iri tegeko, ni we
ufatira umusoro ku mushahara kandi akawishyura ku
Buyobozi bw'Imisoro. Iyo atabikoze, agomba kuwuriha
hongeweho amahazabu n‘ibihano bijyanye na wo.
Umusaruro utishyurirwa umusoro ntufatirwa.
Abakoresha bishyura umusoro ufatirwa hakurikijwe igika
cya mbere cy‘iyi ngingo bagomba, mu gihe cy‘iminsi cumi
n'itanu (15) ikurikira impera ya buri kwezi:
gukora imenyeshamusoro mu buryo bwasobanuwe
n‘Umuyobozi Mukuru w‘Ikigo cy‘Imisoro n‘Amahoro,
koherereza Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro umusoro ufatirwa;
2°koherereza umukozi inyandiko igaragaza amazina,
umubare n‘ubwoko bw‘umusaruro hamwe n‘umubare
w‘umusoro ufatirwa wishyuwe.
Article 48: Pay as you earn
The following persons are obliged to withhold and
pay tax on employment income:
1° an individual or an entity that pays its employees
in cash or benefits in kind;
an entity that pays out pensions excluding
pensions paid according to procedures of the State
Social Security;
A person mentioned in paragraph one of this
Article and paying employment income as
mentioned in Article 13 of this law, bears
responsibility for withholding tax and paying the
tax to the Tax Administration. If he or she fails to
do so, he or she is obliged to pay the tax in addition
to fines and penalties thereof.
Tax-exempt income is exempt from withholding.
An employer that is subject to withholding tax in
accordance with paragraph one of this Article must,
within fifteen (15) days following the end of each
file a tax declaration through procedures
specified by the Commissioner General and
transmit the tax
withheld to the tax administration; and
transmit to the employee a statement indicating
his/her name, the amount and type of income and
Article 48 : Taxe Professionnelle sur les
Rémunérations (TPR)
Les personnes ci-après sont tenues de pratiquer le
système de la retenue à la source de la TPR :
tout entrepreneur ou toute entité qui effectue
des paiements ou fournit des avantages en nature
aux personnes physiques qu‘il emploie ;
toute entité qui verse une pension, à
l‘exception des pensions payées par la Caisse de
Sécurité Sociale de l‘Etat.
La retenue à la source de l‘impôt ainsi que le
transfert du montant prélevé à l‘Administration
Fiscale, incombent aux personnes visées au
paragraphe premier du présent article qui paient
les revenus de l‘emploi au sens de l‘article 13 de la
présente loi. Si la taxe n‘est pas retenue à la source,
l‘employeur est obligé de payer l‘impôt non retenu
ainsi que les amendes et pénalités y afférentes.
Les paiements de revenus exemptés d‘impôt ne
sont pas soumis à retenue.
Les employeurs qui prélèvent l‘impôt à la source
conformément au premier paragraphe sont tenus,
dans les quinze (15) jours ouvrables qui suivent la
fin de chaque mois :
de remplir une déclaration fiscale sous la forme
spécifiée par le Commissaire Général de l‘Office
Rwandais des Recettes et de transférer le montant
retenu à l‘Administration fiscale, et
d‘envoyer à l‘employé une déclaration
indiquant son nom et son prénom, le montant et le
Umukoresha utari umukoresha wa mbere w‘umusoreshwa
asabwa gufata umusoro ku isoko ku gipimo cyo hejuru
hakurikijwe ingingo ya 50 y‘iri tegeko.
Iyo umukozi abona umusaruro ku kazi ungana ahabwa
n‘abakoresha barenze umwe, ashobora guhitamo umubera
umukoresha wa mbere.
the amount of tax withheld and paid.
An employer who is not the first employer of a
taxpayer is required to withhold tax at market at the
top marginal rate in accordance with Article 50 of
this law.
If the employee receives the same employment
income from more than one employer, he or she
may choose which employer shall be his or her first
type de revenu ainsi que le montant de l‘impôt
Un employeur qui n‘est pas l‘employeur principal
d‘un contribuable est tenu de retenir l‘impôt au
taux marginal le plus élevé conformément à
l‘article 50 de la présente loi.
Si l‘employé reçoit un revenu identique de plus
d‘un employeur, il peut choisir quel employeur est
son employeur principal.
Ingingo ya 49: Kwishyura mu mwanya w‟umusoro
Iyo umusaruro ukomoka ku kazi utafatiriwe hakurikijwe
ingingo ya 48 y'iri tegeko kubera ko umukoresha adafite
inshingano yo gukora imenyeshamusoro ku musaruro
ukomoka ku kazi, umukozi agomba, mu gihe cy‘iminsi
cumi n'itanu (15) ikurikira impera ya buri kwezi, gukora
imenyeshamusoro mu buryo bwemejwe n‘Umuyobozi
Mukuru w‘Ikigo cy‘Imisoro n‘Amahoro no kuriha
Ubuyobozi bw' Imisoro, umusoro ugomba kwishyurwa
hakurikijwe ingingo ya 50 y'iri tegeko kugira ngo yirinde
Article 49: Prepayments in lieu of withholding
In case employment income is not withheld in
accordance with Article 48 of this law on reasons
that the employer does not have responsibilities of
filing a tax declaration on employment income, the
employee is obliged, within fifteen (15) days
following the end of each month, to file a tax
declaration through procedures specified by the
Commissioner General and to pay the tax due to the
Tax Administration in accordance with Article 50
of this law in order to avoid penalties.
Article 49 : Paiement en lieu et place d‟un
prélèvement à la source
Lorsque le revenu de l‘emploi n‘est retenu
conformément à l‘article 48 de la présente loi
puisque l‘employeur n‘est pas obligé de retenir à la
source le revenu de l‘emploi, l‘employé est tenu,
dans les quinze jours (15) ouvrables qui suivent la
fin de chaque mois, de remplir une déclaration
fiscale sous la forme spécifiée par le Commissaire
Général de l‘Office Rwandais des Recettes et de
payer l‘impôt à l‘Administration Fiscale
conformément à l‘article 50 de la présente loi pour
se prévenir des sanctions.
Ingingo ya 50: Umusaruro uturuka ku kazi usoreshwa
mu kwezi
Umusaruro wa buri kwezi ukomoka ku kazi, harimo
amafaranga umukozi yishyurwa ku buryo budasanzwe,
hamwe n‘amashimwe abona no mu bintu hakurikijwe
ibipimo biri mu mbonerahamwe ikurikira:
Article 50: Pay as you earn rate
Monthly employment income which includes the
amount an employee is paid on an extra ordinary
basis as well as the bonus and the benefits he or she
receives in kind is subject to tax in accordance with
the rate as shown in the table below:
Article 50 : Le revenu mensuel de l‟emploi
Le revenu mensuel de l‘emploi y compris les
paiements exceptionnels et les avantages en nature
fait l‘objet d‘une retenue à la source selon le
barème suivant :
Umusaruro usoreshwa mu
kwezi (mu Frw)
Igipimo cy‘umusoro
Guhera ku:
kugeza ku:
0 %
20 %
30 %
Hatitawe ku gika cya mbere cy'iyi ngingo, umusaruro wa
nyakabyizi utangwaho umusoro ku gipimo cyihariye cya
cumi na gatanu ku ijana (15%). Icyakora, mu kubara
umusoro wa nyakabyizi, amafaranga atarenze ibihumbi
mirongo itatu (30.000 Frw) ku kwezi, asoreshwa ku
ijanisha rya zeru (0%).
Monthly Taxable Income (in
Tax Rate
and greater than
Notwithstanding paragraph one of this Article,
income from a casual laborer is subject to tax at a
special rate of fifteen percent (15%). However, in
computing casual laborer‘s tax, an income not
exceeding thirty thousand (30,000 FRw) per month
is rated at zero percent (0%).
Monthly Taxable Income (in RWF)
and greater than
Nonobstant les dispositions du premier paragraphe
du présent article, le revenu d‘un employé
occasionnel est assujetti à l‘impôt au taux
spécifique de quinze pour cent (15 %). Toutefois,
la tranche inférieure à trente mille (30.000 Frws)
par mois est taxable au taux zéro (0%) dans la
détermination de l‘impôt par les travailleurs
Ingingo ya 51: Umusoro ufatirwa ku yindi misaruro
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya 8 y’itegeko
24/2010 ryo kuwa 28/05/2010 rihindura kandi ryuzuza
itegeko nº 16/2005 ryo kuwa 18/08/2005 rigena imisoro
itaziguye ku musaruro, Igazeti ya Leta nº Idasanzwe yo
kuwa 28/05/2010)
―Umusoro ufatirwa wa cumi na gatanu ku ijana (15 %),
uvanwa ku mafaranga yishyurwa akurikira atangwa
n‘abantu ku giti cyabo batuye mu gihugu cyangwa ibigo
bikorera imbere mu gihugu harimo n‘ibitishyura imisoro:
inyungu ku migabane, uretse igengwa n‘ingingo ya 45
y‘Itegeko 16/2005 ryo kuwa 18/08/2005 rigena imisoro
itaziguye ku musaruro;
2° inyungu;
3° ibihembo by‘ubuhanzi;
amafaranga yishyurwa kuri za serivisi harimo
Article 51: Withholding Tax on other payments
(As modified and completed by article 8 of the law
n°24/2010 of 28/05/2010 modifying and
complementing law nº 16/2005 of 18/08/2005 on
direct taxes on income, O. G Special number of
―A withholding tax of fifteen percent (15%) is
levied on the following payments made by resident
individuals or resident entities including tax-exempt
dividends, except those governed by Article 45
of this Law nº 16/2005 of 18/08/2005 on direct
taxes on income;
2° interests;
3° royalties;
4° service fees including management and technical
Article 51 : Retenue sur autres revenus
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 8 de la
loi n°24/2010 du 28/05/2010 modifiant et
complétant la loi 16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative
aux impôts directs sur le revenu, J. O Specil du
«Une retenue de quinze pour cent (15 %) est
pratiquée sur les paiements ci-après effectués par
les entrepreneurs résidents ou les entités résidentes
y compris les entités exonérées d‘impôt:
les dividendes, à l‘exception de ceux relevant
de l‘article 45 de la Loi nº16/2005 du 18/08/2005
relative aux impôts directs sur le revenu;
les intérêts;
les redevances ;
les frais payés pour les services, les services
n‘amafaranga ya serivisi z‘imicungire n‘iza tekiniki;
amafaranga y‘akazi yishyurwa umunyabugeni,
umuririmbyi, cyangwa umukinnyi nta gutandukanya niba
yishyuwe ako kanya cyangwa anyujijwe ku kigo kidakorera
mu Rwanda;
6° imikino ya tombola ndetse nindi mikino y‘amafaranga;
7° ibicuruzwa bigurishijwe n‘abantu cyangwa sosiyete
batiyandikishije mu buyobozi bw‘Imisoro.
Ariko, umusoro ufatirwa uvanwa ku nyungu ikomoka ku
migabane n‘inyungu zikomoka ku bicuruzwa byo kw‘isoko
ry‘imari n‘imigabane n‘inyungu zikomoka ku mpapuro
mvunjwamafaranga za Leta zifite igihe cy‘imyaka nibura
itatu cyangwa zirengeje zigabanyirizwa 5% iyo uwakiriye
ari umusoreshwa wu Rwanda cyangwa uwo mu bihugu
bigize umuryango w‘Afurika y‘Iburasirazuba.
Umuntu wishyuza imisoro ifatirwa asabwa gukora
imenyeshamusoro mu buryo bwashyizweho n‘Umuyobozi
w‘Ikigo cy‘Igihugu cy‘Imisoro n‘Amahoro no koherereza
Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro, imisoro yafatiriwe hakurikijwe
igika cya mbere mu gihe cy‘iminsi cumi n'itanu (15)
y‘akazi nyuma yo kuyifatira.
Igika cya mbere n‘icya 2 by‘iyi ngingo bireba kandi na
none abantu ku giti cyabo badatuye mu gihugu hamwe
n‘ibigo bidakorera imbere mu gihugu ku mafaranga
yishyuwe na kimwe mu bigo bihoraho by‘uwo muntu
cyangwa by‘icyo kigo mu Rwanda.
Umuyobozi w‘Ikigo cy‘Igihugu cy‘Imisoro n‘Amahoro
ashyiraho amabwiriza agena serivisi zicibwaho umusoro
ufatirwa n‘uburyo bikorwa―.
service fees;
performance payments made to an artist, a
musician or a sportsperson irrespective of whether
paid directly or through an entity that is not resident
in Rwanda;
6° lottery and other gambling proceeds;
goods supplied by companies or physical
persons not registered in tax administration.
However, the withholding tax on dividends and
interest income on securities listed on capital
markets and interest arising from investments in
listed bonds with a maturity of 3 years and above
shall be reduced to 5% when the person who
withhold is a resident taxpayer of Rwanda or of the
East African Community.
The withholding agent is required to file a tax
declaration based on procedures prescribed by the
Commissioner General of Rwanda Revenue
Authority and transmit the tax withheld to the Tax
Administration according to paragraph One Article
within fifteen (15) working days after the tax is
Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article are also
applicable to non-resident individuals and non-
resident entities for such payments that can be
allocated to a permanent establishment which that
person maintains in Rwanda.
The Commissioner General of Rwanda Revenue
Authority determines services whose payments are
subjected to withholding tax and the modalities of
how this tax is withheld‖.
techniques et de gestion inclus;
la rémunération des prestations d‘un artiste, d‘un
musicien ou d‘un sportif que ce soit directement
ou par l‘intermédiaire d‘une entité qui n‘est pas
résidente au Rwanda;
les gains des loteries et autres jeux de hasard;
les marchandises fournies par des personnes ou
sociétés non enregistrées à l‘administration fiscale.
Toutefois, la retenue à la source de l‘impôt
pratiquée sur les dividendes, les intérêts provenant
des titres de marché des capitaux ainsi que les
intérêts provenant des bons de trésor cotés sur les
marchés de capitaux ayant la maturité de 3 ans ou
plus est réduit de 5% lorsque la personne qui a
retenu est un contribuable résident au Rwanda ou
dans la Communauté des Etats de l‘Afrique de
La personne qui pratique la retenue est tenue de
remplir une déclaration fiscale sous la forme
prescrite par le Commissaire Général de l‘Office
Rwandais des Recettes et de transférer le montant
prélevé en application du premier alinéa à
l‘Administration Fiscale dans les quinze (15) jours
ouvrables qui suivent le paiement.
L‘alinéa premier et 2 du présent article sont
également applicables aux entrepreneurs non-
résidents et aux entités non-résidentes pour les
paiements effectués par l‘un de leurs
établissements stables au Rwanda.
Le Commissaire Général de l‘Office Rwandais des
Recettes détermine les services dont les payements
sont taxés d‘une retenue à la source et les modalités
de retenir‖.
Ingingo ya 52: Umusoro ufatirwa ku bicuruzwa
bitumizwa mu mahanga no ku masoko ya Leta
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya 9 y’itegeko
24/2010 ryo kuwa 28/05/2010 rihindura kandi ryuzuza
itegeko nº 16/2005 ryo kuwa 18/08/2005 rigena imisoro
itaziguye ku musaruro, Igazeti ya Leta nº Idasanzwe yo
kuwa 28/05/2010
―Avansi y‘umusoro ufatirwa wa gatanu ku ijana (5%) ku
gaciro k‘ibicuruzwa bigeze muri gasutamo ―CIF‖ (Cost
Insurance Fret Value) cyangwa ―Valeur CAF (Coût
Assurance Frais) yishyurwa mbere yo gusohora ibicuruzwa
muri gasutamo.
Umusoro ufatirwa wa gatatu ku ijana (3%) ku mafaranga
y‘impamyabuguzi hatarimo umusoro ku nyongeragaciro
ukatwa mu iyishyura ry‘ababonye amasoko ya Leta.
Umuntu wishyuza imisoro ifatirwa ya 3% asabwa gukora
imenyeshamusoro mu buryo bwashyizweho n‘Umuyobozi
w‘Ikigo cy‘Igihugu cy‘Imisoro n‘Amahoro no koherereza
Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro imisoro yafatiriwe mu gihe
cy‘iminsi cumi n'itanu (15) y‘akazi nyuma yo kuyifatira.
Abasoreshwa bakurikira basonerwa umusoro ufatirwa
uvugwa mu gika cya mbere n‘icya 2 by'iyi ngingo:
1° abo inyungu yabo y‘ubucuruzi itishyurwaho umusoro;
abafite icyemezo cy‘ubudakemwa gitangwa
n‘Umuyobozi w‘Ikigo cy‘Igihugu cyImisoro n‘Amahoro.
Article 52: Withholding Tax on Imports and
Public Tenders
(As modified and completed by article 9 of the law
n°24/2010 of 28/05/2010 modifying and
complementing law nº 16/2005 of 18/08/2005 on
direct taxes on income, O. G Special number of
A withholding tax of five percent (5%) of the
value of goods imported for commercial use shall
be paid at custom on the CIF (cost insurance and
freight value) value before the goods are released
by customs.
A withholding tax of three percent (3%) on the sum
of invoice, excluding the value added tax, is
retained on payments by public institutions to the
winner of public tenders.
The withholding agent is required to file a tax
declaration of 3% based on procedures prescribed
by the Commissioner General of Rwanda Revenue
Authority and transmit the tax withheld to the Tax
Administration within fifteen (15) working days
after the tax is withheld.
The following taxpayers are exempt from
withholding tax mentioned in paragraph one and 2
of this Article:
those whose business profit is exempt from
those who have tax clearance certificate issued
by the Commissioner General of Rwanda Revenue
Article 52 : Retenue à la source opérée sur des
importations et marchés publics
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 9 de la
loi n°24/2010 du 28/05/2010 modifiant et
complétant la loi 16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative
aux impôts directs sur le revenu, J. O Specil du
Une avance sur la retenue de cinq pour cent (5 %)
de la valeur coût, assurance et fret (CAF) des biens
à usage commercial importés est pratiquée avant le
dédouanement de ces biens.
Une retenue de trois pour cent (3%) du montant de
la facture, Taxe sur la Valeur Ajoutée (TVA) non
incluse, est effectuée sur paiements des
attributaires des marchés publics.
La personne qui pratique la retenue de 3% est tenue
de remplir une déclaration fiscale sous la forme
prescrite par le Commissaire Général de l‘Office
Rwandais des Recettes et de transférer le montant
prélevé à l‘Administration Fiscale dans les quinze
(15) jours ouvrables qui suivent le paiement.
Sont exemptés des retenues visées aux paragraphes
premier et 2 du présent article les contribuables ci-
ceux dont les bénéfices d‘affaires sont
exemptés ;
ceux qui ont un quitus fiscal délivré par le
Commissaire Général de l‘Office Rwandais des
Umuyobozi w‘Ikigo cy‘Igihugu cy‘Imisoro n‘Amahoro aha
icyemezo cy‘ubudakemwa abasoreshwa buzuza
imenyeshamusoro ryabo ku bikorwa by'ubucuruzi, bishyura
neza imisoro itegetswe, kandi badafite ibirarane by‘imisoro.
Icyo cyemezo gifite agaciro mu gihe cy'umwaka
Umuyobozi w‘Ikigo cy‘Igihugu cy‘Imisoro n‘Amahoro
ashobora kuvanaho icyemezo cy‘ubudakemwa igihe cyose
ibya ngombwa, bisabwa mu gika kibanziriza iki bitujujwe―.
The Commissioner General of Rwanda Revenue
Authority issues a tax clearance certificate to
taxpayers who have filed their tax declarations on
their business activities; paid the tax due on a
regular basis, and have no tax arrears. The
certificate is valid in the year in which it was
The Commissioner General of Rwanda Revenue
Authority may revoke a tax clearance certificate at
any time if the conditions required in the previous
paragraph are not fulfilled‖.
Un quitus fiscal est accordé par le Commissaire
Général de l‘Office Rwandais des Recettes aux
contribuables qui ont rempli leur déclaration fiscale
et acquitté régulièrement l‘impôt exigible et qui
n‘ont pas d‘arriérés d‘impôt. Ce quitus fiscal n‘est
valable que pour l‘année au cours de laquelle il a
été délivré.
Le Commissaire Général de l‘Office Rwandais des
Recettes peut révoquer le quitus fiscal à tout
moment si les conditions énoncées au précédent
paragraphe ne sont pas remplies‖.
Ingingo ya 53: Kwanga gufatira umusoro
Umuntu wishyuza imisoro ifatirwa wanze kuwufatira
hakurikijwe iri tegeko asabwa kwishyura ubwe, Ubuyobozi
bw‘Imisoro, amafaranga y‘umusoro nk‘uko biteganywa mu
gika cya 2 cy‘ingingo ya 48 y'iri tegeko, hiyongereyemo
ibihano n‘inyungu z‘ubukererwe. Ariko uwo muntu afite
uburenganzira bwo kwishyuza ayo mafaranga uwishyuriwe,
hatarimo ibihano n‘inyungu z‘ubukererwe.
Iyishyuza ry‘umusoro rivugwa muri iyi ngingo rifatwa
nk‘indi misoro yose yishyurwa ku birebana n‘ingingo iha
abasoreshwa uburenganzira bwo kutemera amafaranga
y‘umusoro baciwe hamwe no gusubizwa umusoro
w‘ikirenga wafatiriwe bishyuye.
Article 53: Failure to Withhold Tax
A withholding agent who fails to withhold tax in
accordance with this law is personally liable to pay
to the Tax Administration, as provided for by
paragraph 2, Article 48 of this law, the amount of
tax which has not been withheld including penalties
and interest on arrears. However, the agent is
entitled to recover this amount from the payee
excluding the associated fines and the interest on
The collection liability of tax mentioned in this
Article is treated in the same manner as other
liabilities for the purpose of the right of the
taxpayer not to accept the amount of the tax
imposed or to recover any excess amount withheld
and paid.
Article 53 : Défaut de retenir l‟impôt
Toute personne qui est tenue d‘effectuer une
retenue à la source et qui refuse de le faire, est
tenue personnellement de payer à l‘Administration
Fiscale le montant de l‘impôt tel que prévu à
alinéa 2 de l‘article 48 de la présente loi, plus les
amendes et intérêts de retard. Mais cette personne
est en droit de recouvrer ce montant auprès du
contribuable, sauf des amendes et intérêts de retard.
L‘obligation de collecte imposée par le présent
article est traitée comme une obligation fiscale aux
fins de tout article conférant au contribuable le
droit de contester le montant de l‘impôt ou de
recouvrer l‘impôt payé.
Ingingo ya 54: Inyandiko z‟amafaranga yishyuwe
hamwe n‟umusoro wafatiriwe
Uwishyura imisoro ifatirwa, afata neza kandi akagumana
hafi, ategereje igenzura ry‘Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro, ku
birebana na buri gihe cy‘umusoro, inyandiko zerekana:
1° amafaranga yahawe umusoreshwa;
2° amafaranga y‘umusoro yafatiriwe yishyuwe.
Umuntu wishyura imisoro ifatirwa agomba kubika
inyandiko zivugwa mu gika cya mbere cy'iyi ngingo mu
gihe cy‘imyaka cumi (10) nyuma y‘irangira ry‘igihe
cy‘umusoro kijyana n‘izo nyandiko.
Umuyobozi Mukuru w‘Ikigo cy‘Imisoro n‘Amahoro
ashobora gusaba umuntu wishyura imisoro ifatirwa kumuha
kopi y‘inyandiko zigomba kubikwa hakurikijwe igika cya
mbere cy'iyi ngingo.
Article 54: Records of Payments and Tax
A withholding agent maintains and makes available
for inspection, by the Tax Administration in
relation to each tax period, records showing:
1°payments made to taxpayer;
2°amount of tax withheld and paid.
A person who pays withholding taxes shall keep the
records referred to in paragraph one of this Article
for a period of ten (10) years tax after the end of the
tax period to which the records relate.
The Commissioner General may require a
withholding agent to provide a copy of records that
is supposed to be kept in accordance with
paragraph one of this Article.
Article 54 : Enregistrement des paiements et des
La personne qui est tenue d‘effectuer une retenue à
la source tient des registres indiquant, pour chaque
exercice fiscal:
1°les paiements effectués au profit du
contribuable ;
2°les montants retenus sur ces paiements.
La personne qui est tenue d‘effectuer une retenue à
la source conserve les registres visés au paragraphe
premier du présent article pendant les dix (10)
exercices fiscaux qui suivent celui auquel se
rapportent les registres.
Le Commissaire Général de l‘Office Rwandais des
Recettes peut demander à la personne tenue de
pratiquer une retenue à la source de lui fournir une
copie des registres à conserver conformément au
paragraphe premier du présent article.
Ingingo ya 55: Ingingo y‟inzibacyuho
Umusoro ufatirwa hakurikijwe ingingo ya 51 n‘iya 52 z‘iri
tegeko, uvanwa mu mafaranga yishyuwe nyuma y‘uko iri
tegeko ritangiye gushyirwa mu bikorwa.
Imitungo y‘ubucuruzi itagaragara yaguzwe mbere y‘itariki
ya mbere Mutarama 2005 ikorerwa ubwicungure
hashingiwe ku gaciro kayo kanditse mu gitabo ku wa 31
Ukuboza 2004.
Article 55: Transitional Provisions
The tax withheld in accordance with Articles 51
and 52 of this law is deducted from payments made
after this law comes into force.
Intangible business assets purchased before January
, 2006 are depreciated on the basis of their book
value on December 31
, 2005.
Article 55 : Dispositions Transitoires
L‘impôt qui est retenu en application des articles
51 et 52 de la présente loi est prélevé sur les
paiements effectués dès l‘entrée en vigueur de la
présente loi.
Les actifs incorporels acquis avant le 1
2005 sont amortis sur base de leur valeur
comptable au 31 décembre 2004.
Indi mitungo y‘ubucuruzi ishobora gukorerwa ubwicungure
yaguzwe mbere y‘itariki ya mbere Mutarama 2005 ishyirwa
mu yindi mitungo nk‘uko bivugwa mu gika cya 5
cy'ingingo ya 25 y‘iri tegeko, igakorerwa ubwicungure
hakurikijwe agaciro kose kayo kanditse mu gitabo ku wa 31
Ukuboza 2004.
Other business assets which were purchased before
January 1
, 2006, that may be depreciated, are put
in other assets as mentioned in paragraph 5 of
Article 25 of this law, and are depreciated
considering their total book value as at December
, 2005.
Tous les autres actifs amortissables achetés avant le
janvier 2005 forment un groupe d‘actifs au sens
de l‘article 25 de la présente loi, paragraphe 5, et
sont amortis sur la base de la valeur comptable
totale de cette catégorie au 31 décembre 2004.
Ingingo ya 56: Amategeko avanyweho
Ingingo zose z‘amategeko abanziriza iri kandi zinyuranyije
na ryo zivanyweho.
Article 56: Laws abrogated
All previous legal provisions contrary to this law
are hereby abrogated.
Article 56 : Lois abrogées
Toutes les dispositions légales antérieures
contraires à la présente loi sont abrogées.
Ingingo ya 57: Gutangira gukurikizwa
Iri tegeko ritangira gukurikizwa ku munsi ritangarijweho
mu Igazeti ya Leta ya Repubulika yu Rwanda.
Kigali, ku wa 18/08/2005
Article 57: Coming into Force
This Law shall come into force on the day of its
publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic
of Rwanda.
Kigali, 18/08/2005
Article 57 : Entrée en vigueur
La présente loi entre en vigueur le jour de sa
publication au Journal officiel de la République du
Fait à Kigali, le 18/08/2005
004/07 OF 09/05/2007
16/2005 OF 18/08/2005 ON
ARRETE MINISTERIEL 004/07 DU 09/05/2007
16/2005 DU 18/08/2005 RELATIVE AUX IMPOTS
Ingingo ya mbere : Impamvu
Article 1 : Objective
Article Premier : Objet
Ingingo ya 2 : Ibisobanuro by‟amagambo
Article 2 : Definitions
Article 2 : Définitions.
Ingingo ya 3 : Abantu ku giti cyabo
Article 3 : Individuals
Article 3 : Individus
Ingingo ya 4 : Sosiyete
Article 4 : Entities
Article 4 : Entités
Article 5 : Uburyo buciriritse bw‟ibaruramari
Article 5 : Simplified bookkeeping
Article 5 : Comptabilité simplifiée
Ingingo ya 6 : Ibisobanuro by‟ubwoko
Article 6 : The meanings of the prescribed types of
Article 6 : Signification des types des comptes prescrits
Ingingo ya 7: Iyemezwa ry‟ishusho
Article 7 : Certification of financial statements
Article 7 : Certification des états financiers
Ingingo ya 8 :Gufata ko igikorwa
cy‟ubucuruzi gihwanye n‟igiciro kiri ku isoko
Article 8 : Presumption of dealing at arm‟s length
Article 8: Présomption des transactions au prix du
Ingingo ya 9 : Igenwa ry‟igiciro cyo ku isoko
Article 9 : Determination of arm‟s length
Article 9 : Détermination du prix du marché
Ingingo ya 10 : Uburyo bwo kugena igiciro cyo
ku isoko
Article 10 : Methods to determine arm‟s
length principle
Article 10: Méthodes de détermination du prix du
Ingingo ya 11: Uburyo bw‟igereranya
ry‟igiciro kitagenzuwe
Article 11 : Comparable Uncontrolled Price
Article 11 : La méthode comparable du prix non
Ingingo ya 12 : Uburyo bw‟ikiguzi cy‟igurura
Article 12 : Resale Price method
Article 12 : La méthode du prix de la revente
Ingingo ya 13: Uburyo bw‟ikiguzi cyo hejuru
Article 13 : Cost Plus method
Article 13: La méthode du Cost Plus
Article 14 : Ivanwaho ry'ingingo zinyuranyije
n'iri teka
Article 14 : Abrogation of contrary provisions
Article 14 : Dispositions abrogatoires
Article 15 : Igihe iri teka ritangira
Article 15 : Entry in force
Article 15 : Entrée en vigueur
KU WA 09/05/2007 RISHYIRA MU
MINISTERIAL ORDER N° 004/07 OF 09/05/2007
16/2005 OF 18/08/2005 ON
004/07 DU 09/05/2007
16/2005 DU 18/08/2005 RELATIVE AUX IMPOTS
Minisitiri w‟Imari n‟Igenamigambi,
Ashingiye ku Itegeko Nshinga rya Repubulika y‘u
Rwanda ryo ku wa 04 Kamena 2003 nk‘uko
ryavuguruwe kugeza ubu, cyane cyane mu ngingo
zaryo, iya 120, 121 n‘iya 201;
Ashingiye ku itegeko 16/2005 ryo ku wa
18/08/2005 rigena imisoro itaziguye ku nyungu,
cyane cyane mu ngingo zaryo iya 3, 12, 17 n‘iya
30 ;
Inama y‘Abaminisitiri imaze kurisuzuma no
kuryemeza mu nama yayo yo ku wa 28/03/2007;
Ingingo ya mbere : Icyo rigamije
Iri teka rigamije gushyira mu bikorwa itegeko
16/2005 ryo ku wa 18/08/2005 rigena imisoro
itaziguye ku nyungu.
The Minister of Finance and Economic Planning,
Given the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of
4 June 2003 as amended to date, especially its
Articles 120,121 and 201;
Given Law N
16/2005 of 18/08/2005 on direct taxes
on income, especially in its Articles 3, 12, 17, and 30;
After consideration and approuval by Cabinet in its
session of 28/03/2007;
Article 1 : Scope of application
This Order governs the implementation of law n
16/2005 of 18/08/2005 on the Direct Taxes on
Le Ministre des Finances et de la Planification
Vu la Constitution de la République du Rwanda du 04
juin 2003 telle que révisée à ce jour, spécialement en ses
articles 120, 121 et 201;
Vu la loi 16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative aux impôts
directs sur le revenu, spécialement en ses articles 3, 12,17,
et 30 ;
Après examen et adoption par le Conseil des Ministres en
sa séance du 28/03/2007;
Article Premier : Objet
Le présent arrêté a pour objet de mettre en application la
loi 16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative aux impôts directs
sur le revenu.
Ingingo ya 2 : Ibisobanuro by‟amagambo
Ibisobanuro by‘amagambo bikurikira
birakurikizwa mu gushyira mu bikorwa iri teka :
i. « Igiciro cyo ku isoko » ni igiciro cyishyuwe
ku gikorwa cy‘ubucuruzi gisa nacyo hagati
y‘abantu badafitanye isano.
ii. « Abantu bigenga » ni abantu badafitanye
iii. « Igikorwa cy‟ubucuruzi kigenzurwa »
n‘ubucuruzi bukozwe hagati y‘abantu bafitanye
iv. «Igikorwa cyubucuruzi kitagenzurwa »
bisobanuye igikorwa cy‘ubucuruzi hagati
y‘abantu badafitanye isano.
v.«Igikorwa cy‟uburucuzi kigenzuwe
kidasa » ni igikorwa cy‘ubucuruzi kitagenzuwe
kigereranyijwe n‘igikorwa kigenzuwe iyo imwe
muri izi mpamvu yubahirijwe :
a. Nta kinyuranyo hagati y'ibikorwa by‘ubucuruzi
bigereranywa kandi bidashobora kugira ingaruka
ku giciro cyo ku isoko.
b. Amakosorwa ashobora gukorwa mu rwego rwo
gukuraho ingaruka z‘ibyo binyuranyo.
Article 2 : Definitions
The following definitions apply for the purpose of
implementation of this Order:
i. « Arm‟s length price » means the price that is paid
on comparable transactions between independent
ii. « Independent parties » are persons who are not
related persons.
iii.« Controlled transaction » means any transaction
between related persons.
iv.« Uncontrolled transaction » means any
transaction between independent parties.
v. « Comparable uncontrolled transaction » is an
uncontrolled transaction that is comparable to a
controlled transaction, if one of the following
conditions is met:
a. None of the differences (if any) between the
transactions being compared or between the parties
undertaking those transactions could materially affect
the price in the open market; or
b. Reasonably accurate adjustments can be made to
eliminate the material effects of such differences.
Article 2 : Définitions.
Les définitions suivantes sont prises en considération pour
mettre en application ce présent arrêté :
i. « Le Prix du marché »signifie un prix payé pour une
transaction similaire entre les parties indépendantes.
ii. « Les parties indépendantes »sont des personnes qui ne
sont pas liées.
iii. « Une transaction contrôlée » : signifie toute
transaction entre deux parties liées.
iv. «Une transaction non contrôlée »: signifie toute
transaction entre les parties indépendantes.
v. « Une Transaction contrôlée non semblable » : est une
transaction non contrôlée comparable à une transaction
contrôlée, si l‘une des conditions suivantes est remplie:
a. Aucune des différences s‘il en existe entre les
transactions comparées ne pourrait matériellement
affecter le prix sur le marché libre.
b. Des ajustements précis peuvent être raisonnablement
faits afin d‘éliminer les effets de telles différences.
Ingingo ya 3 : Abantu ku giti cyabo
Umusoreshwa yitwa ko atuye mu Rwanda iyo
afite aho atuye hahoraho mu Rwanda, afite
nk‘inzu, apparitoma cyangwa uburyamo mu
Rwanda akunda kubamo.
Iyo umusoreshwa adafite aho atuye hahoraho mu
Rwanda, Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro bwemeza ahantu
akunda kuba. Ibyo bikorwa, Ubuyobozi
bushingiye ku mpamvu zirimo aho afite inyungu
mu bijyanye n‘ubukungu, aho umuryango we
utuye, aho amakonti ye ya banki ari cyangwa aho
ibikorwa bye by‘ingenzi mu mibanire bikorerwa.
Bitewe n‘impamvu zimwe na zimwe, umuntu
azafatwa nk‘utuye mu Rwanda, iyo abaye mu
Rwanda igihe kirenze iminsi 183 mu gihe
cy‘amezi 12, yaba iminsi ikurikirana cyangwa
idakurikirana .
Mu kubara iyo minsi ivugwa mu gika cyo
haruguru, umunsi yagereyeho mu Rwanda,
umunsi yatahiyeho n‘amajoro yabaye mu Rwanda
nabyo birabarwa.
Article 3 : Individuals
An individual taxpayer will be treated as a resident of
Rwanda if he or she has a permanent home, such as a
house, apartment or dormitory available in Rwanda,
which he or she usually occupies.
If he or she does not have a permanent home
available, the Tax Administration will determine
where the taxpayer has his ‗habitual place of abode‘.
This is determined according to the factual
circumstances such as the person‘s centre of
economic interest, where that persons family resides,
where that person‘s financial interests are placed,
where that person‘s bank accounts are held, and
where his main social activities take place.
In any circumstances, an individual will have his
residence in Rwanda if he or she stays in Rwanda for
more than one hundred eighty three (183) days in any
12-month period, either continuously or
intermittently. The individual will then be only a
resident in the calendar year in which this 12-month
period ends.
In calculating or determining the number of days
mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the day of
arrival, the day of departure and the days an
individual stays over night in Rwanda shall be
Article 3 : Individus
Un contribuable est traité comme un résident du Rwanda
s‘il a une résidence permanente, telle qu‘une maison, un
appartement ou un dortoir disponible au Rwanda qu‘il
occupe habituellement.
Si le contribuable n‘a pas une résidence permanente,
l‘Administration Fiscale déterminera l‘endroit le
contribuable a sa résidence habituelle. Ceci est détermi
en tenant compte des circonstances telles que le centre
d‘intérêt économique de la personne, l‘endroit sa
famille réside, ses intérêts financiers sont placés, le lieu
ses comptes bancaires sont tenus, et ses principales
activités sociales tiennent lieu.
Dans certaines circonstances, l‘individu aura sa résidence
au Rwanda, s‘il reste au Rwanda pendant plus de 183 jours
dans une période de 12 mois, soit continuellement ou par
intermittence .L‘individu ne sera résident que pendant
l‘année calendaire au cours de laquelle la période de 12
mois s‘achève.
Dans la détermination des jours dont il est question dans le
paragraphe précédent, le jour d‘arrivée, la date de départ et
les jours pendant lesquels l‘individu passe la nuit au
Rwanda sont pris en considération.
Ingingo ya 4 : Sosiyete
Isosiyeti ifatwa nk'aho iba ituye mu Rwanda iyo
yashyizweho hakurikijwe amategeko y‘u Rwanda.
Iyo itashyizweho hakurikijwe amategeko y‘u
Rwanda, isosiyeti izafatwa nkaho iba ituye mu
Rwanda iyo ifite ubuyobozi bwayo nyakuri mu
Impamvu ziherwaho mu kwemeza aho ubuyobozi
nyakuri buri, harimo aho imicungire ya buri
munsi ikorerwa, aho amanama y‘abagize iyo
sosiyeti akorerwa, aho ibitabu bibikwa, naho
abingenzi bagize sosiyeti batuye.
Article 4: Entities
An entity will be treated as a resident of Rwanda if it
is incorporated or formed under the laws of Rwanda.
If an entity is not incorporated or formed under the
laws of Rwanda, the entity will be treated as a
resident entity if it has its effective place of
management in Rwanda.
The determination where an entity has its effective
place of management depends on factual
circumstances, such as the place of its day-to-day
management, the place where the shareholder‘s
meetings are held, the place where the books are
kept, and the place where the main shareholders or
directors are resident.
Article 4 : Entités
Une entité est traitée comme résidente du Rwanda si elle
est constituée ou formée conformément aux lois
Si une entité n‘est pas constituée ou formée conformément
à la législation du Rwanda, l‘entité sera traitée comme une
entité résidente si elle a son lieu de direction effective au
La détermination du lieu de direction effective dépend des
circonstances telles que le lieu de gestion quotidienne, le
lieu les assemblées générales des actionnaires se
tiennent, le lieu où les livres comptables sont tenus et enfin
le lieu où les principaux actionnaires ou directeurs résident.
Ingingo ya 5 : Uburyo buciriritse
Abasoreshwa bavugwa mu ngingo ya 17
y‘itegeko nº 16/2005 ryo kuwa 18/08/2005 rigena
imisoro itaziguye ku nyungu, bahisemo gukoresha
icungamari ryoroheje bagomba kuba bafite
ibitabo by‘ibaruramari bikurikira:
i. inyandiko y‘ibaruramari y‘ibyacurujwe byose
(amafaranga yishyurirwaho n‘imyenda);
ii. inyandiko y‘ibaruramari y‘ibyaguzwe
Article 5 : Simplified bookkeeping
The taxpayers referred to in Article 17 of Law N
16/2005 of 18/08 2005 on the Direct Taxes on
Income, who opt for simplified accounting system
shall be required to keep the following basic records:
i. a record of all sales ( cash and credit);
ii. a record of all purchases (cash and credit);
Article 5 : Comptabilité simplifiée
Les contribuables visés à l‘article 17 de la loi 16/2005
du 18/08/2005 relative aux impôts directs sur le revenu,
qui optent pour une comptabilité simplifiée sont tenus de
garder les documents suivants :
i. les comptes de toutes les ventes ( au comptant et à
ii. les comptes de tous les achats ( au comptant et à crédit);
(amafaranga yishyurirwaho n‘imyenda).
iii. inyandiko y‘ibaruramari y‘amafaranga
yanyuze ku makonti muri banki.
iv inyandiko igaragaza uko sitoki ihagaze mu
mpera z‘umwaka w‘ibikorwa.
iii. a record of transactions through bank
account ;and
iv. stock at the end of the period
iii. les comptes de tous les mouvements bancaires;
iv. état du stock à la fin de la période.
Ingingo ya 6 : Ibisobanuro k‟ubwoko
Mu gushyira mu bikorwa iri teka, ibisobanuro
bikurikira bihabwa ubwoko bw‘inyandiko
y‘amabaruramari avugwa mu ngingo ya 5 ivugwa
haruguru :
i. Ibyacurujwe buri munsi : bitangwa mu
mbonerahamwe yanditse mu buryo
bw‘umugereka A uherekeje iri teka. Iyi
mbonerahamwe itanga agaciro k‘ibyacurujwe
ii. Inyandiko y‘ibaruramari y‘ibyaranguwe
byose : ishingira ku mbonerahamwe yanditse mu
buryo bw‘umugereka B uherekeje iri teka. Iyi
mbonerahamwe itanga agaciro k‘ibintu cyangwa
imirimo yaguzwe yose kubera :
a. kugira sitoki y‘ibicuruzwa; cyangwa
b. kugura ibitunga umwuga nkenerwa.
iii. Inyandiko y‘ibaruramari y‘ibyacurujwe
byishyuriweho : ishingira ku mbonerahamwe
yanditse mu buryo bw‘umugereka C uherekeje iri
teka. Iyi mbonerahamwe itanga agaciro k‘ibintu
byacurujwe cyangwa imirimo yishyuwe mu
mafaranga, ibyo byacurujwe bikaba ari igice
Article 6 : The meanings of the prescribed types of
For the purposes of Simplified Accounting Rules, the
following meanings are prescribed to the types of
records referred to under Article 5 of this Order:
i. Daily sales: Refers to the documented
information made in a form prescribed in Appendix
A to this Order. Such information concerns all
trading transactions;
ii. a record of all purchases: Refers to documented
information made in a form prescribed in Appendix
B to this Order. Such information concerns goods or
services acquired so as to:
a. Constitute a stock in trade; or
b. Constitute a necessary expenditure
iii. a record of cash transactions: Refers to the
documented information made in a form prescribed
in Appendix C to this Order. The information
concerns the sale of goods or services for which
payment is made in cash, the transaction being a
proportion of total sales in a given period of time.
Article 6 : Signification des types des comptes prescrits
Pour l‘application de cet arrêté, les significations suivantes
sont attribuées aux types de comptes mentionnés à l‘article
précédent :
i. Les ventes journalières sont présentées dans un
document synthétisé selon le modèle A annexé au présent
arrêté. Ce document comporte toutes les informations sur
les transactions commerciales.
ii. Le compte de tous les achats est présenté dans un
document synthétisé selon le modèle B annexé au présent
arrêté. Ce document comporte les informations sur les
biens et services acquis pour :
a. constituer un stock pour le commerce ;ou
b. les dépenses de fonctionnement.
iii. Le compte de toutes les transactions au comptant
est présenté dans un document synthétiselon le modèle
C annexé au présent arrêté. Ce document comporte les
informations sur les ventes des biens et services dont le
payement est fait en espèces, l‘opération étant une partie
des ventes totales réalisées au cours d‘une période donnée.
kimwe cy‘ibyacurujwe byose mu gihe runaka.
iv. Inyandiko y‘ibaruramari y‘amafaranga
yanyuze mu makonti , ishingira ku
mbonerahamwe yanditse mu buryo
bw‘umugereka D uherekeje iri teka. Iyo
mbonerahamwe itanga umubare w‘amafaranga
yose yanyuze kuri konti mu ma banki.
v. Inyandiko y‘ibaruramari y‘impera
y‘umwaka w‘ibikorwa irebana na sitoki yabazwe
ikanahabwa agaciro mu mpera z'uwo mwaka.
iv. A record of transactions through bank account:
Refers to documented information made in a form
prescribed in Appendix D to this Order. The
information concerns all transactions taking place
through bank account.
v. A record of end of period: Refers to stock counted
and valued at the end of period.
iv. Les comptes de tous les mouvements en banques
sont présentés dans un document synthétisé selon le
modèle D annexé au présent arrêté. Les informations
fournies se rapportent aux opérations réalisées sur les
comptes bancaires.
v. Le compte de la fin d‘une période qui se réfère
au stock inventorié et évalué à la fin de la période.
Ingingo ya 7: Iyemezwa ry‟ishusho
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya 2
y’Iteka rya Minisitiri n° 006/2009 ryo kuwa
01/12/2009 rihindura kandi ryuzuza Iteka rya
Minisitiri n° 004/07 ryo kuwa 09/05/2007 rishyira
mu bikorwa Itegeko 16/2005 ryo kuwa
18/08/2005 rigena imisoro itaziguye ku nyungu)
Abasoreshwa bagejeje ku mubare w‘ibyacurujwe
ku mwaka ungana cyangwa uruta miliyoni
Magana ane y‘amafaranga y‘u Rwanda
(400.000.000 Frw) bagomba kunyuza
imenyeshamusoro n‘ibaruramari byabo ku
babyemeza babigize umwuga kandi bemewe.
Ariko, ku baranguza inzoga n‘imitobe,
abaranguza sima n‘abavunja amafaranga
y‘amanyamahanga ntibarebwa n‘inshingano yo
kunyuza imenyeshamusoro n‘ibaruramari byabo
ku babyemeza babigize umwuga kandi bemewe ».
Article 7 : Certification of financial statements
(As modified and completed by article 2 of
Ministerial Order 006/2009 of 01/12/2009
modifying and complementing Ministerial Order
004/07 of 09/05/2007 governing the implementation
of the Law 16/2005 of 18/08/2005 on direct taxes
on income)
Taxpayers with an annual turnover of or above four
hundred million Rwandan francs (400,000,000 Rwf)
are obliged to have their annual tax declarations and
financial statements certified by qualified
However, distributors of beers and lemonades,
distributors of cement and owners of forex bureau are
not required to have their annual tax declarations and
financial statements certified by qualified
Article 7 : Certification des états financiers
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 2 de
l’Arreté Ministériel 006/2009 du 01/12/2009 modifiant
et complétant l’Arreté Ministériel 004/07 du
09/05/2007 portant mesure d’execution de la Loi
16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative aux impôts directs sur le
Les contribuables dont le chiffre d'affaires annuel est égal
ou supérieur à quatre cent millions de francs rwandais
(400.000.000 Frw) sont tenus de faire certifier leurs états
financiers et leurs déclarations par les professionnels
qualifiés et agrées.
Toutefois, les distributeurs des bières et limonades, les
distributeurs du ciment ainsi que les propriétaires des
bureaux de change ne sont pas tenus de certifier leurs états
financiers ainsi que leurs déclarations par des
professionnels qualifiés et agrées».
Ingingo ya 8 : Gufata ko igikorwa
cy‟ubucuruzi gihwanye n‟igiciro kiri ku isoko.
Iyo impande zigenga zikoranye ubucuruzi hagati
yazo, imiterere y‘imibanire mu bucuruzi n‘imari
bigenwa n‘itegeko ry‘ubwisanzure ry‘isoko.
Iyo abantu bafitanye isano bakorana ubucuruzi
hagati yabo, amasano yabo mu by‘ubucuruzi
n‘imari ntibishobora kugirwaho ingaruka mu
buryo butaziguye n‘itegeko ry‘ubwisanzure
ry‘isoko niyo abantu bafitanye isano bashaka
kugendera ku bwisanzure bw‘isoko mu
mishyikirano bagirana.
Article 8 : Presumption of dealing at arm‟s length
When independent parties deal with each other, the
conditions of their commercial and financial relations
such as the price of goods transferred or services
provided and the conditions of the transfer or
provision, ordinarily are determined by market
When related persons deal with each other, their
commercial and financial relations may not be
directly affected by external market forces in the
same way, although related persons often seek to
replicate the dynamics of market forces in their
dealings with each other.
Article 8: Présomption des transactions au prix du
Lorsque les parties indépendantes négocient entre elles, les
conditions de leurs relations commerciales et financières
sont ordinairement déterminées par la loi du marché.
Lorsque les personnes liées négocient entre elles, leurs
relations commerciales et financières ne peuvent pas être
directement affectées par la loi du marché, même si les
personnes liées cherchent souvent à copier le dynamisme
des lois du marché dans leurs négociations respectives.
Ingingo ya 9 : Igenwa ry‟igiciro cyo ku isoko
Igenwa ry‘igiciro cyo ku isoko rishingira ku
igereranya ry‘igikorwa cy‘ubucuruzi kigenzurwa
n‘igikorwa cy‘ubucuruzi kitagenzurwa.
Kugira ngo iryo gereranya ribe ingirakamaro,
ibimenyetso by‘ubukungu bidasubirwaho by‘ibihe
bigereranywa bigomba kuba bisa koko.
Article 9 : Determination of arm‟s length price
Determination of the arm‘s length price is based on a
comparison of the conditions in a controlled
transaction with the conditions in an uncontrolled
In order for such comparisons to be useful, the
economically relevant characteristics of the situations
being compared must be sufficiently comparable.
Article 9 : Détermination du prix du marché
La détermination du prix du marché est basée sur la
comparaison des conditions dans une transaction contrôlée
et les conditions dans une transaction non contrôlée.
Pour que ces comparaisons soient utiles, les
caractéristiques économiques pertinentes des situations en
comparaison doivent être suffisamment comparables.
Ingingo ya 10 : Uburyo bwo kugena igiciro cyo
ku isoko .
Uburyo bukurikira bushobora gukoreshwa mu
kugena igiciro cyo ku isoko ku bantu bafitanye
i. uburyo bw‘igereranya ry‘igiciro
ii. kitagenzuwe
iii. uburyo bw‘igiciro cyo kugurura
iv. uburyo bwikiguzi cyo hejuru
v. Ubundi buryo bwose bwakwemezwa
n‘Ubuyozi bw‘Imisoro.
Article 10 : Methods to determine arm‟s
length principle
The following methods may be used in determining
the arm‘s length price in case of related persons:
i. the Comparable Uncontrolled Price
ii. (hereinafter ‗CUP‘) method;
iii. the Resale Price method;
iv. the Cost Plus method; or
v. Any other method that the fiscal ]
administration deems appropriate.
Article 10: Méthodes de détermination du prix du
Les méthodes suivantes peuvent être utilisées pour
déterminer le prix du marché des personnes liées :
i. La méthode comparable du prix non contrôlé
ii. La méthode du prix de revente ;
iii. La méthode de cost plus;
iv. Toute autre méthode jugée appropriée par
l‘Administration Fiscale.
Ingingo ya 11: Uburyo bw‟igereranya
ry‟igiciro kitagenzuwe
Uburyo bw‘igereranya ry‘igiciro kitagenzuwe
bugereranya ikiguzi cyashyizweho ku bicuruzwa
n‘imirimo byoherejwe mu buguzi butagenzuwe
bugereranywa mu bihe biteye kimwe.
Iyo hari ikinyuranyo hagati y‘ibyo biciro byombi,
icyo kigaragaza ko imiterere y‘imibanire
y‘ubucuruzi n‘imari z‘abantu bafitanye isano itari
iy‘igiciro kiri ku isoko, kandi ko igiciro
cy‘ubuguzi bugenzuwe cyasimburwa n‘ikiguzi
mu bucuruzi butagenzuwe.
Article 11: Comparable Uncontrolled Price
The comparable uncontrolled price methods
compares the price charged for property or services
transferred in a controlled transaction to the price
charged for property or services transferred in a
comparable uncontrolled transaction in comparable
If there is any difference between the two prices, this
may indicate that the conditions of the commercial
and financial relations of the related persons are not
arm‘s length, and that the price in the controlled
transaction may need to be substituted by the price in
the controlled transaction.
Article 11 : La méthode comparable du prix non
La méthode comparable du prix non contrôlé compare le
prix fixé sur les biens ou les services transférés dans une
transaction contrôlée au prix fixé sur les biens et services
transférés dans une transaction non contrôlée comparable
dans des circonstances similaires.
S‘il existe une différence entre les deux prix, cette situation
peut indiquer que les conditions des relations commerciales
et financières des personnes liées ne sont pas celles du prix
du marché, et que le prix dans la transaction contrôlée
pourrait être remplacée par le prix dans une transaction non
Ingingo ya 12: Uburyo bw‟ikiguzi cy‟igurura
Uburyo bw‘ikiguzi cy‘igurura gitangirira ku
Article 12 : Resale Price method
The Resale Price method begins with the price at
Article 12 : La méthode du prix de la revente
La méthode du prix de revente commence avec le prix
kiguzi igicuruzwa cyaguzweho ku muntu ufitanye
isano n‘undi kikagurishwa undi muntu wigenga.
Icyo kiguzi kiramanuka kikagera ku rwunguko
rutavanguye nyarwo ( urwunguko rw‘ikiguzi cyo
kugurura) gihwanye n‘igiteranyo kitari icyo
urangura yakoresha mu kurangura ibicuruzwa no
kwishyura ibindi kandi witaye ku bikorwa
byagezweho ( witaye ku bintu byasohotse
n‘ingaruka zarimo ), bikageza ku rwunguko
Igisigara umaze gukuramo urwunguko
rw‘imbumbe gishobora gufatwa nyuma yo
guhuza ibyasohotse bijyanye n‘igurwa
ry‘igicuruzwa (nk'amahoro ya gasutamo),
nk‘igiciro kiri ku isoko ku bintu abantu bafitanye
isano bohererezanyije . Ubwo buryo bushobora
gukoreshwa mu bikorwa by‘ubucuruzi.
Igiciro fatizo cyo kuguruza ku muntu uguruza
mu bucuruzi bugenzuwe gishobora kugenwa
bashingiye ku nyungu iva ku gicuruzo uwo muntu
uguruza nyine abona ku bicuruzwa byaguzwe
n‘ibyacurujwe mu bucuruzi butagenzuwe
bwagereranywa . Ikindi kandi igiciro fatizo cyo
kuguruza cyabonywe n‘umuntu ukora ku giti cye
mu bucuruzi butagenzurwa bugereranywa
gishobora kuba cyagenderwaho.
which a product that has been purchased from a
related person is resold to an independent person.
This price is then reduced by an appropriate gross
margin (the resale price margin) representing the
amount out of which the reseller would seek to cover
its selling and other operating expenses and, in the
light of the functions performed (taking into account
out assets used and risks assumed), make an
appropriate profit.
What is left after subtracting the gross margin can be
regarded after adjustment for other costs associated
with the purchase of the product (e.g. customs
duties), as an arm‘s length price for the original
transfer of property between the related persons.
The resale price margin of the reseller in the
controlled transaction may be determined by
reference to the resale price margin that the same
reseller earns on items purchased and sold in
comparable uncontrolled transactions. Also, the
resale price margin earned by an independent person
in comparable uncontrolled transactions may serve as
a guide.
auquel le produit a été acheté chez une personne liée et
revendu à une personne indépendante.
Ce prix est alors réduit à une marge brute appropriée (la
marge du prix de revente) représentant la somme hors de
laquelle le revendeur chercherait à couvrir ses ventes et
autres dépenses, et à la lumière des tâches accomplies
(tenant en compte des actifs sortis et risques pris), fait un
bénéfice approprié.
Ce qui reste après soustraction de la marge brute peut être
considéré après ajustement des autres coûts associés à
l‘achat du produit (ex droit d‘entrées), comme un prix du
marché pour un transfert original des biens entre les
personnes liées. Cette méthode peut être appliquée aux
opérations du marché.
La marge du prix de revente du revendeur dans une
transaction contrôlée peut être déterminée par la référence
à la marge du prix de revente que le même revendeur
gagne sur les articles achetés et vendus dans les
transactions des prix non contrôlés comparables. Aussi, la
marge du prix de revente gagné par une personne
indépendante dans des transactions non contrôlées
comparables peut servir de guide.
Ingingo ya 13: Uburyo bw‟ikiguzi cyo hejuru
Uburyo bw‘ikiguzi cy‘inyongera butangirira ku
mafaranga nyir‘ibicuruzwa cyangwa imirimo
atanga mu bucuruzi bugenzuwe bw‘ibintu
byoherejwe cyangwa imirimo yakozwe ku
Article 13: Cost Plus method
The Cost Plus method begins with the costs incurred
by the supplier of property or services in a controlled
transaction for property transferred or services
provided to a related purchaser.
Article 13: La méthode du Cost Plus
La méthode du Cost Plus commence avec les coûts
supportés par le fournisseur des biens ou services dans une
transaction contrôlée des biens transférés ou services
fournis à un acheteur lié.
muguzi bafitanye isano.
Inyongera ikwiriye ku kiguzi cyo hejuru
ishyirwa ku mafaranga yatanzwe yose kugira ngo
haboneke urwunguko witaye ku mirimo yakozwe
n‘imiterere y‘isoko.Ikigezweho nyuma yo
kongera ku kiguzi cyo hejuru ku mafaranga
yavuzwe haruguru cyafatwa nk‘igiciro kiri ku
isoko mu bucuruzi bw‘umwimerere bugenzurwa.
Iyongera ry‘igiciro cyo hejuru k‘uranguza
ibicuruzwa mu bucuruzi bugenzurwa ryagombye
gushyirwaho bagendeye ku iyongera ry‘igiciro
cyo hejuru uwo mucuruzi abona mu bucuruzi
butagenzurwa ugereranije. Ikindi, iyongera
ry‘igiciro cyo hejuru ryagombaga kuboneka mu
bucuruzi bugereranije ku muntu wikorera ku giti
cye rishobora kugenderwaho.
An appropriate cost plus mark up is then added to
these costs, to make an appropriate profit in light of
the functions performed and the market conditions.
What is arrived at after adding the cost plus mark up
to the above costs may be regarded as an arm‘s
length price of the original controlled transaction.
The cost plus mark up of the supplier in the
controlled transaction should be established by
reference to the cost plus mark up that the same
supplier earns in comparable uncontrolled
transactions. In addition, the cost plus mark up that
would have been earned in comparable transactions
by an independent person may serve as a guide.
Une majoration appropriée du cost plus est alors ajoutée à
ces coûts pour faire un bénéfice approprié à la lumière des
tâches accomplies et des conditions du marché. Ce qui
arrive après avoir ajouté la majoration du Cost Plus aux
coûts mentionnés ci-dessus peut être considéré comme le
prix du marché de la transaction contrôlée originale.
La majoration du Cost plus du fournisseur dans une
transaction contrôlée devrait être établie en référence à la
majoration du cost plus que le même fournisseur gagne
dans les transactions non contrôlées comparables. En plus,
la majoration du Cost plus qui aurait due être gagnée dans
une transaction comparable par une personne indépendante
peut servir de guide.
Ingingo ya 14 : Ingingo zikuweho
Ingingo zose z‘amateka zibanziriza iri kandi
zinyuranyije naryo zivanyweho.
Article 14 : Abrogation of contrary provisions
Ministerial Orders prior and contrary to this Order
are hereby repealed
Article 14 : Disposition abrogatoire
Toutes les dispositions réglementaires antérieures
contraires au présent Arrêté sont abrogées.
Article 15 : Igihe iri teka ritangira
Iri teka ritangira gukurikizwa ku munsi
ritangarijweho mu Igazeti ya Leta ya Repubulika
y‘u Rwanda.
Article 15 : Entry in Force
This Order shall come into force on the date of its
publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of
Article 15 : Entrée en vigueur
Le présent arrêté entre en vigueur le jour de sa publication
au Journal Officiel de la République du Rwanda.
Kigali, kuwa 09/05/2007
Minisitiri w‘Imari n‘Igenamigambi
Bibonywe kandi bishyizweho Ikirango cya
Repubulika :
Minisitiri w‘Ubutabera
Kigali on, 09/05/2007
The Minister of Finance and Economic Planning
Seen and sealed with the Seal of the Republic:
The Minister of Justice
Kigali, le 09/05/2007
Le Ministre des Finances et de la Planification Economique
Vu et scellé du Sceau de la République :
Le Ministre de la Justice
Umugereka w‟iteka rya Minisitiri 004/07 ryo kuwa 09/05/2007 rishyira mu bikorwa itegeko 16/2005 ryo ku wa
18/08/2005 rigena imisoro itaziguye ku nyungu .
Annex to the Ministerial Order nº 004/07 of 09/05/2007 governing the implementation of Law nº16/2005 of 18/08/2005
on direct taxes on income.
Annexe de l‟Arrêté Ministériel nº 004/07 du 09/05/2007 portant mesure d‟exécution de la loi nº 16/2005 du 18/08/2005
relative aux impôts directs sur le revenu.
Umugereka wa A : Ibyacurujwe ku munsi
Appendix A : Daily sales
Annexe A : Les ventes journalières
Igitabo cy‘ ibyacurujwe
Sales book
Le livre des ventes
N º y‘inyemezabuguzi/
Invoice n º
N º de la facture/DMC
Customer‘s Name
Nature of Goods
Nature des
Price of Goods
Bibonywe kugira ngo bishyirwe ku mugereka w‘iteka 004/07 ryo kuwa 09/05/2007 rishyira mu bikorwa itegeko
16/2005 ryo ku wa 18/08/2005 rigena imisoro itaziguye ku nyungu .
Seen to be annexed to the Ministerial Order 004/07 of 09/05/2007 governing the implementation of Law 16/2005 of
18/08/2005 on direct taxes on income.
Vu pour être annexé à l‘Arrêté Ministériel 004/07 du 09/05/2007 portant mesure d‘exécution de la loi 16/2005 du
18/08/2005 relative aux impôts directs sur le revenu.
Kigali, ku wa 09/05/2007
Kigali, on 09/05/2007
Kigali, le 09/05/2007
Minisitiri w‘Imari n‘Igenamigambi
The Minister of Finance and Economic Planning
Le Ministre des Finances et de la Plannification Economique
Bibonywe kandi bishyizweho Ikirango cya Repubulika:
Seen and sealed with the Seal of the Republic:
Vu et scellé du Sceau de la République :
Minisitiri w‘Ubutabera
The Minister of Justice
Le Ministre de la Justice
Umugereka w‟iteka rya Minisitiri 004/07 ryo kuwa 09/05/2007 rishyira mu bikorwa itegeko 16/2005 ryo ku wa
18/08/2005 rigena imisoro itaziguye ku nyungu .
Annex to the Ministerial Order nº 004/07 of 09/05/2007 governing the implementation of Law nº16/2005 of 18/08/2005
on direct taxes on income.
Annexe de l‟Arrêté Ministériel nº 004/07 du 09/05/2007 portant mesure d‟exécution de la loi nº 16/2005 du 18/08/2005
relative aux impôts directs sur le revenu.
Umugereka B : Ibyaranguwe ku munsi
Appendix B : Daily Purchases
Annexe B : Les achats journaliers
Igitabo cy‘ibyaranguwe
Purchases book
Le livre d‘achats
Invoice nº/DMC
No de la
Supplier‘s Name
Nature of Goods
Nature des
Price of Goods
Bibonywe kugira ngo bishyirwe ku mugereka w‘iteka 004/07 ryo kuwa 09/05/2007 rishyira mu bikorwa itegeko
16/2005 ryo ku wa 18/08/2005 rigena imisoro itaziguye ku nyungu .
Seen to be annexed to the Ministerial Order 004/07 of 09/05/2007 governing the implementation of Law 16/2005 of
18/08/2005 on direct taxes on income.
Vu pour être annexé à l‘Arrêté Ministériel 004/07 du 09/05/2007 portant mesure d‘exécution de la loi 16/2005 du
18/08/2005 relative aux impôts directs sur le revenu.
Kigali, ku wa 09/05/2007
Kigali, on 09/05/2007
Kigali, le 09/05/2007
Minisitiri w‘Imari n‘Igenamigambi
The Minister of Finance and Economic Planning
Le Ministre des Finances et de la Plannification Economique
Bibonywe kandi bishyizweho Ikirango cya Repubulika:
Seen and sealed with the Seal of the Republic:
Vu et scellé du Sceau de la République :
Minisitiri w‘Ubutabera
The Minister of Justice
Le Ministre de la Justice
Umugereka w‟iteka rya Minisitiri 004/07 ryo kuwa 09/05/2007 rishyira mu bikorwa itegeko 16/2005 ryo ku wa
18/08/2005 rigena imisoro itaziguye ku nyungu .
Annex to the Ministerial Order nº 004/07 of 09/05/2007 governing the implementation of Law nº16/2005 of 18/08/2005
on direct taxes on income.
Annexe de l‟Arrêté Ministériel nº 004/07 du 09/05/2007 portant mesure d‟exécution de la loi nº 16/2005 du 18/08/2005
relative aux impôts directs sur le revenu.
Umugereka wa C : Ibyagurishijwe byishyuriweho
Appendix C : Cash transactions
Annexe C : Les transactions au comptant
Igitabo cy‘isanduku y‘amafaranga
Cash book
Le livre de caisse
Bibonywe kugira ngo bishyirwe ku mugereka w‘iteka 004/07 ryo kuwa 09/05/2007 rishyira mu bikorwa itegeko
16/2005 ryo ku wa 18/08/2005 rigena imisoro itaziguye ku nyungu .
Seen to be annexed to the Ministerial Order 004/07 of 09/05/2007 governing the implementation of Law 16/2005 of
18/08/2005 on direct taxes on income.
Vu pour être annexé à l‘Arrêté Ministériel 004/07 du 09/05/2007 portant mesure d‘exécution de la loi 16/2005 du
18/08/2005 relative aux impôts directs sur le revenu.
Kigali, ku wa 09/05/2007
Kigali, on 09/05/2007
Kigali, le 09/05/2007
Minisitiri w‘Imari n‘Igenamigambi
The Minister of Finance and Economic Planning
Le Ministre des Finances et de la Plannification Economique
Bibonywe kandi bishyizweho Ikirango cya Repubulika:
Seen and sealed with the Seal of the Republic:
Vu et scellé du Sceau de la République :
Minisitiri w‘Ubutabera
The Minister of Justice
Le Ministre de la Justice
Umugereka w‟iteka rya Minisitiri 004/07 ryo kuwa 09/05/2007 rishyira mu bikorwa itegeko 16/2005 ryo ku wa
18/08/2005 rigena imisoro itaziguye ku nyungu .
Annex to the Ministerial Order nº 004/07 of 09/05/2007 governing the implementation of Law nº16/2005 of 18/08/2005
on direct taxes on income.
Annexe de l‟Arrêté Ministériel nº 004/07 du 09/05/2007 portant mesure d‟exécution de la loi nº 16/2005 du 18/08/2005
relative aux impôts directs sur le revenu.
Umugereka D : Amafaranga yanyujijwe muri Banki
Appendix D : Transactions through Bank Account
Annexe D : Les mouvements sur les comptes en banques
Igitabo cya Banki : No …………………/……………
Bank account : N°…………………/…………….
Compte en banque : N°………………./……………
Bibonywe kugira ngo bishyirwe ku mugereka w‘iteka 004/07 ryo kuwa 09/05/2007 rishyira mu bikorwa itegeko
16/2005 ryo ku wa 18/08/2005 rigena imisoro itaziguye ku nyungu .
Seen to be annexed to the Ministerial Order 004/07 of 09/05/2007 governing the implementation of Law 16/2005 of
18/08/2005 on direct taxes on income.
Vu pour être annexé à l‘Arrêté Ministériel 004/07 du 09/05/2007 portant mesure d‘exécution de la loi 16/2005 du
18/08/2005 relative aux impôts directs sur le revenu.
Kigali, ku wa 09/05/2007
Kigali, on 09/05/2007
Kigali, le 09/05/2007
Minisitiri w‘Imari n‘Igenamigambi
The Minister of Finance and Economic Planning
Le Ministre des Finances et de la Plannification Economique
Bibonywe kandi bishyizweho Ikirango cya Repubulika:
Seen and sealed with the Seal of the Republic:
Vu et scellé du Sceau de la République :
Minisitiri w‘Ubutabera
The Minister of Justice
Le Ministre de la Justice
Umugereka w‟iteka rya Minisitiri 004/07 ryo kuwa 09/05/2007 rishyira mu bikorwa itegeko 16/2005 ryo ku wa
18/08/2005 rigena imisoro itaziguye ku nyungu .
Annex to the Ministerial Order nº 004/07 of 09/05/2007 governing the implementation of Law nº16/2005 of 18/08/2005
on direct taxes on income.
Annexe de l‟Arrêté Ministériel nº 004/07 du 09/05/2007 portant mesure d‟exécution de la loi nº 16/2005 du 18/08/2005
relative aux impôts directs sur le revenu.
Umugereka E : Ihindagurika rya sitoki
Appendix E : Stock Movements
Annexe E : Mouvements des Stocks
Ifishi ya Sitoki
Bin card
Fiche de stock
Bibonywe kugira ngo bishyirwe ku mugereka w‘iteka 004/07 ryo kuwa 09/05/2007 rishyira mu bikorwa itegeko
16/2005 ryo ku wa 18/08/2005 rigena imisoro itaziguye ku nyungu .
Seen to be annexed to the Ministerial Order 004/07 of 09/05/2007 governing the implementation of Law 16/2005 of
18/08/2005 on direct taxes on income.
Vu pour être annexé à l‘Arrêté Ministériel 004/07 du 09/05/2007 portant mesure d‘exécution de la loi 16/2005 du
18/08/2005 relative aux impôts directs sur le revenu.
Kigali, ku wa 09/05/2007
Kigali, on 09/05/2007
Kigali, le 09/05/2007
Minisitiri w‘Imari n‘Igenamigambi
The Minister of Finance and Economic Planning
Le Ministre des Finances et de la Plannification Economique
Bibonywe kandi bishyizweho Ikirango cya Repubulika:
Seen and sealed with the Seal of the Republic:
Vu et scellé du Sceau de la République :
Minisitiri w‘Ubutabera
The Minister of Justice
Le Ministre de la Justice
001/2007 YO KUWA 15/06/2007 ASHYIRA MU
001/2007 OF 15/06/2007
THE LAW 16/2005 OF 18/08/2005 ON
GENERAL 001/2007 DU 15/06/2007
16/2005 DU 18/08/2005 RELATIVE AUX
Komiseri Mukuru w‟Ikigo cy‟Imisoro n‟Amahoro,
Ashingiye ku itegeko 16/2005 ryo kuwa
18/08/2005 rigena imisiro itaziguye ku musaruro,
cyane cyane mu ngingo zaryo iya 12, 43, 48, 49 n‘iya
51 ;
Ashyizeho amabwiriza akurikira :
The Commissioner General of the Rwanda
Revenue Authority,
Given Law 16/2005 of 18/08/2005 on direct
taxes on income, especially in its articles 12, 43,
48, 49 and 51 ;
Issues the following rules :
Le Commissaire Général de l‘Office Rwandais
des Recettes,
Vu la loi 16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative
aux impôts directs sur le revenu, spécialement
en ses articles 12, 43, 48, 49 et 51 ;
Emet les directives suivantes :
Ingingo ya mbere: Icyo agamije
Aya mabwiriza ashyira mu bikorwa itegeko
16/2005 ryo kuwa 18/08/2005 rigena imisiro itaziguye
ku musaruro.
Article One: Objective
These Regulations implement the Law
16/2005 of 18/08/2005 on direct taxes on
Article Premier : Objet
Ces directives mettent en application la loi
16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative aux impôts
directs sur le revenu.
Ingingo ya 2 : Inyandiko ziherekeza
Umusoreshwa ufite igicuruzo rusange kingana
cyangwa kirenze miliyoni makumyabiri (20.000.000
frw) mu mwaka agomba komeka ku imenyekanisha
rye impapuro zikurikira:
1. Ishusho y‘umutungo;
2. Ishusho y‘inyungu cyangwa igihombo;
3. Ishusho y‘ubwicungure;
4. Urutonde rw‘abamubereyemo umwenda;
Article 2: Documents to be annexed to the
A person whose annual business turnover is
twenty million (20,000,000 RWF) or more must
attach the following annexes to the declaration:
1. Balance sheet;
2. Profit & Loss statement;
3. A table showing depreciation;
4. List of debtors
Article 2 :Les document à annexer à la
Un contribuable dont le chiffre d‘affaires
annuel est égal ou supérieur à Vingt millions
(20.000.000 Frw) doit annexer à la déclaration
les documents suivants :
1. Bilan ;
2. Compte des pertes & profits ;
3. Tableau d‘amortissement
4. Liste des débiteurs
5. Liste des créditeurs
5. Urutonde rw‘abo abereyemo imyenda
Ingingo ya 3 : Impapuro zabugenewe
Umusoreshwa cyangwa umuhagarariye yuzuza
amamenyekanisha ku mpapuro zabugenewe
hakurikijwe buri bwoko bw‘umusoro.
Izo mpapuro zimenyesha ni izi zikurikira:
1. Urupapuro rwabugenewe RRA-VAT-DF1-EO
rw‘imenyekanisha ry‘ukwezi rya TVA ;
2. Urupapuro rwabugenewe RRA-PAY-DF1-EO
rw‘imenyekanisha ry‘umusoro ku bihembo;
3. Urupapuro rwabugenewe RRA-PAY-AD1-EO
rw‘imenyekanisha ry‘umwaka ry‘umusoro ku
4. Urupapuro rwabugenewe RRA-EXC-DF1-EO
rw‘umusoro ku byaguzwe;
5. Urupapuro rwabugenewe RRA- CIT-DF1-EO
rw‘imenyekanisha ku musoro ku nyungu
6. Urupapuro rwabugenewe RRA- IQP-DF1-EO
rw‘imenyekanisha ku mafaranga yishyurwa
mbere buri gihembwe;
7. Urupapuro rwabugenewe RRA-WOP-DF1-EO
rw‘imenyekanisha rya buri kwezi ry‘umusoro
ufatirwa ku masoko ya leta;
5. List of creditors
Article 3: Forms of declaration
A taxpayer or his representative fills in the
declarations on official forms designed for each
type of tax.
The following is a list of the declaration forms
1. Form nº RRA-VAT-DF1- EO for
monthly VAT declaration;
2. Form RRA-PAY-DF1-EO for
monthly PAYE declaration;
3. Form RRA-PAY-AD1-EO for
annual PAYE declaration;
4. Form nº RRA-EXC-DF1-EO for
excise declaration;
5. Form RRA-CIT-DF1-EO for
Annual Corporate Income Tax
6. Form .RRA-IQP-DF1-EO for
quarterly prepayment declaration;
7. Form RRA-WOP-DF1-EO for
Article 3: Les formulaires de déclaration
Le contribuable ou son représentant remplit les
déclarations sur des formulaires officiels prévus
pour chaque type d‘impôt.
Ces formulaires de déclaration sont les suivants:
1. Formulaire RRA-VAT-DF1- FO
pour la déclaration mensuelle de la
2. Formulaire RRA-PAY-DF1-FO
pour la déclaration mensuelle de la taxe
professionnelle sur les rémunérations ;
3. Formulaire nº. RRA-PAY-AD1-FO
pour la déclaration annuelle de la taxe
professionnelle ;
4. Formulaire RRA-EXC-DF1-FO pour
la déclaration du droit d‘accise ;
5. Formulaire RRA-CIT-DF1-FO pour
la déclaration de l‘impôt sur les
bénéfices des sociétés.
6. Formulaire RRA-IQP-DF1-FO pour
la déclaration des acomptes
trimestriels ;
7. Formulaire RRA-WOP-DF1-FO
pour la déclaration mensuelle des
8. Urupapuro rwabugenewe RRA- WOP-DF1-
EO rw‘imenyekanisha rya buri kwezi ry‘imisoro
ifatirwa ku yindi misaruro;
9. Urupapuro rwabugenewe nº RRA-PIT-DF1-EO
rw‘imenyekanisha ry‘umusoro ku musaruro
w‘umuntu ku giti cye.
monthly withholding tax on public
tenders declaration;
8. Form RRA-WOP-DF1-EO for
monthly declaration for
withholding taxes
9. Form RRA-PIT-DF1-EO for
personal income tax declaration.
retenues à la source sur autres revenus;
8. Formulaire RRA-WOP-DF1-FO
pour la déclaration mensuelle des
retenues à la source sur autres revenus;
9. Formulaire RRA-PIT-DF1-FO pour
déclaration de l‘impôt sur les bénéfices
des personnes physiques ;
Ingingo ya 4: Aho imenyekanisha rikorerwa
Abasoreshwa bagomba gushyikiriza
amamenyekanisha yabo Ishami ry‘Imisoro y‘Imbere
mu Gihugu, mu biro bishinzwe abasoreshwa banini
cyangwa ibiro bishinzwe abasoreshwa bato
n‘abaciritse bitewe naho babarizwa, cyangwa mu biro
by‘ubuyobozi bw‘imisoro mu Ntara biri hafi y‘aho
bacururiza bagaragaje igihe biyandikishaga mu
Article 4: Place for tax declaration
Taxpayers must submit their declarations to the
Domestic Tax Department, either in Large
Taxpayers Office or in the small and medium
taxpayer office depending on where they are
registered or to the provincial tax office located
nearest to the business address they have given
when registering with the Tax Administration.
Article 4: Lieu de déclaration
Les contribuables doivent soumettre leurs
déclarations au Département des Recettes
Internes, soit au bureau des grands
contribuables ou au bureau des petites et
moyennes entreprises compte tenu de l‘endroit
ou ils sont enregistrés ou au bureau de
l‘Administration fiscale au niveau provincial le
plus proche du lieu de l‘adresse que le
contribuable a mentionné lors de son
enregistrement à l‘Administration fiscale.
Ingingo ya 5 : Umuntu ushobora gusinya
Ushyira umukono ku imenyekanisha ry‘umusoro
agomba kuba uwamenyekanishijwe igihe cyo
kwiyandikisha nka nyiri umutungo cyangwa
uwemerewe n‘amategeko guhagararira umusoreshwa
kandi ashobora kuba umwe muri aba bakurikira:
1. Nyiri ibisoreshwa iyo ari umuntu ku giti cye.
2. Umwe mu bafatanyije igikorwa gisoreshwa.
3. Umuyobozi cyangwa umwe mu bagize inama
Article 5: Person allowed to sign the
The signatory to the tax return declaration must
be the person indicated as owner or legal
representative at the time of registration, which
could be one of the following:
1. The proprietor in the case of a sole
2. A partner in the case of a
3. A director or chief executive officer
Article 5 : Personne habilitée à signer la
Le signataire à la déclaration doit être la
personne indiquée comme propriétaire ou
représentant légal au moment de
l‘enregistrement et pourrait être l‘un de ceux
ci :
1. Le propriétaire en cas de propriété
2. Un partenaire en cas de Partenariat.
3. Un directeur ou un administrateur
y‘ubutegetsi w‘isosiyeti wabiherewe
4. Undi muntu wemerewe n‘umusoreshwa
kubikora mu izina rye.
in the case of an incorporated
4. Any other person authorized by the
taxpayer to act on his/her behalf.
délégué d‘une société ;
4. Toute autre personne expressément
autorisée par le contribuable à agir
pour son compte.
Ingingo ya 6 : Ingingo zivanyweho
Amabwiriza yose abanziriza aya kandi anyuranye
nayo avanyweho.
Ingingo ya 7 : Gutangira gukurikizwa
Aya mabwiriza atangira gukurikizwa ku munsi
atangarijweho mu Igazeti ya Leta ya Repubulika y‘u
Rwanda. Atangira gushyirwa mu bikorwa guhera
tariki ya 01/01/2006.
Kigali, kuwa 15/06/2007
Article 6: Abrogation of contrary rules
All rules prior and contrary to these rules are
hereby repealed.
Article 7 : Coming into force
These rules shall come into force on the day of
their publication in the Official Gazette of the
Republic of Rwanda. They will be effective as
from 01/01/2006.
Kigali, on 15/06/2007
Article 6 : Abrogation des directives
Toutes les directives antérieures et contraires
aux présentes directives sont abrogées.
Article 7 : Entrée en vigueur
Les présentes directives entrent en vigueur le
jour de leur publication au Journal Officiel de la
République du Rwanda. Elles sortent leurs
effets à partir du 01/01/2006.
Kigali, le 15/06/2007
Komiseri Mukuru w‟Ikigo
cy‟Imisoro n‟Amahoro
Commissioner General of the
Rwanda Revenue Authority
Commissaire Général de l‟Office
Rwandais des Recettes
007/2009 YO KUWA 07/12/2009 ASHYIRA MU
007/2009 OF 07/12/2009
THE LAW 16/2005 OF 18/08/2005 ON
GENERAL 007/2009 DU 07/12/2009
16/2005 DU 18/08/2005 RELATIVE AUX
Komiseri Mukuru w‟Ikigo cy‟Imisoro n‟Amahoro,
Ashingiye ku itegeko 16/2005 ryo kuwa
18/08/2005 rigena imisoro itaziguye ku musaruro,
cyane cyane mu ngingo yaryo ya 12;
Ashyizeho amabwiriza akurikira :
The Commissioner General of the Rwanda
Revenue Authority,
Given Law 16/2005 of 18/08/2005 on direct
taxes on income, especially in its article 12;
Issues the following rules :
Le Commissaire Général de l‟Office
Rwandais des Recettes,
Vu la loi nº 16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative
aux impôts directs sur le revenu, spécialement
en son article 12;
Emet les directives suivantes :
Ingingo ya mbere: Icyo agamije
Aya mabwiriza ashyira mu bikorwa itegeko nº16/2005
ryo kuwa 18/08/2005 rigena imisiro itaziguye ku
Article One: Objective
These rules implement the law 16/2005 of
18/08/2005 on direct taxes on income.
Article Premier : Objet
Ces directives mettent en application la loi
16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative aux impôts
directs sur le revenu.
Ingingo ya 2 : Ibisabwa abemeza
imenyeshamusoro n‟ibaruramari
Abasoreshwa bagejeje ku byacurujwe bingana na
miliyoni magana ane y‘amafaranga (400.000.000),
bagomba kunyuza imenyeshamusoro n'ibaruramari
byabo ku babunganira babigize umwuga kugirango
Abemeza imenyeshamusoro n‘ibaruramari babigize
umwuga bagomba kuba bujuje ibi bikurikira :
1. Gushyikiriza Komiseri Mukuru ibaruwa isaba
Article 2: Conditions for professionals
certifying declarations and financial
Taxpayers with an annual turnover of four
hundred million Rwandan francs (400,000,000)
are obliged to have their annual tax declarations
and financial statements certified by qualified
Professionals certifying declarations and
financial statements should fulfill the following
Article 2 : Conditions pour les professionnels
pouvant certifier les déclarations et les états
Les contribuables dont le chiffre d'affaires
annuel est fixé à quatre cent millions de francs
rwandais (400.000.000) doivent certifier leurs
états financiers et leurs déclarations par des
professionnels qualifiés.
Les professionnels pouvant cértifier les
déclarations et les états financiers doivent
remplir les conditions suivantes:
gukora imirimo yo kwemeza imenyeshamusoro
2. Kuba ari umunyamuryango wemewe w‘urugaga
3. Gutanga icyemezo kimusabira kwemererwa
gukora gitanzwe n‘urugaga rw‘ababaruramari;
4. Gutanga ingwate yemewe itangwa na Banki
cyangwa Ikigo cy‘Ubwishingizi ingana na
miliyoni ijana (100.000.000);
5. Kuba atarimo umwenda w‘imisoro cyangwa
atarigeze agaragara ku buryo buziguye cyangwa
butaziguye mu bikorwa by‘inyereza ry‘imisoro.
1. Submission of an application letter
addressed to the Commissioner General;
2. To be a registered member of the
Association of Accountants;
3. Submit a recommendation from the
Association of Accountants;
4. Submit a valid Bank or Insurance
guarantee of a Hundred Million Rwandan
Francs (100,000,000) Rwf ;
5. Not having a tax debt or have not been
involved directly or indirectly in evading
1. Introduction d‘une lettre de demande,
adressée au Commissaire Général ;
2. Etre un membre agréé de l‘association des
comptables ;
3. Dépôt d‘une recommandation de
l'Association des comptables ;
4. Dépôt d‘un acte de cautionnement
bancaire ou d‘une société d'assurance
d‘un montant de cent millions de francs
rwandais (100.000.000 Frw) ;
5. N‘avoir pas de dette fiscale et n‘avoir pas
été implique dans une fraude fiscale de
façon directe ou indirecte.
Ingingo ya 3: Uburyozwe bw‟ibigo byemeza
imenyeshamusoro n‟ibaruramari
Abemeza imenyeshamusoro n‘ibaruramari baryozwa
imisoro y‘inyongera igaragaye nyuma yo kwemeza
imenyeshamusoro n‘ibaruramari ijana ku ijana
(100%) iyo bigaragaye ko iyo misoro ikomoka
k‘uburangare cyangwa ku ikosa byabo.
Umubaruramari wabigize umwuga ntaryo zwa
imisoro ikomoka ku nyandiko umusoreshwa
atamugaragarije igihe yemezaga ibaruramari rye
cyangwa ku nyandiko mpimbano zakoreshejwe
Abemeza imenyeshamusoro n‘ibaruramari bagomba
gukora raporo nyuma y‘igenzura. Mubyo iyo raporo
igomba kugaragaza hari uko ibitabo by‘ibaruramari
byari bihagaze mu bitabo by‘umusoreshwa.
Article 3: Liability of professionals certifying
declarations and financial statements
Professionals certifying declarations and
financial statements shall be liable for all
additional taxes discovered after certification by
a hundred per cent (100%) when it is
established that such taxes accrue out of their
negligence or their error.
Professionals are not liable for additional taxes
accruing from documents that a taxpayer did
not provide during certification or forged
documents used by the tax payer.
Professionals certifying declarations and
financial statements shall make a report after
certification showing the taxpayer accounts.
The report shall include the status of the
accounts before certification.
Article 3: Responsabilité des professionnels
certifiant les déclarations et les états
Les professionnels certifiant les déclarations et
les états financiers sont redevables des impôts
additionnels découverts après la certification à
cent pour cent (100%) lorsqu‘il s‘avère que ces
impôts additionnels résultent de leur négligence
ou faute.
Ces professionnels ne sont pas redevables des
impôts additionnels issus des documents que le
contribuable ne lui a remis au moment de la
certification ou issus des documents falsifiés ou
faux utilisés par le contribuable.
Les professionnels certifiant les déclarations et
les états financiers doivent rédiger un rapport
après l‘audit. Ce rapport doit démontrer entre
autres la situation de la comptabilité du
contribuable avant la certification.
Inyandiko zose zakoreshejwe mu mirimo yo kwemeza
imenyeshamusoro n‘ibaruramari zigomba guterwaho
All records consulted should be stamped.
Tous les documents utilisés au cours de la
certification doivent être cachetés.
Article 4 : Igihe icyemezo kimara
Uruhushya rwo kwemeza imenyeshamusoro
n‘ibaruramari rumara igihe cy‘imyaka itatu (3)
gishobora kongerwa gusa harebwe niba
umubaruramari acyujuje ibisabwa bivugwa mu ngingo
ya kabiri.
Ikigo cy‘Imisoro n‘Amahoro gishobora kwambura
urwo ruhushya igihe cyose uwaruhawe atacyujuje
kimwe mu bya ngombwa biteganyijwe mu ngingo ya
2 y‘aya mabwiriza.
Article 4: Duration of license
The license to certify declarations and financial
statements is valid for three (3) years,
renewable only if the certifying firm fulfills all
the requirements as mentioned in article 2
Rwanda Revenue Authority may revoke the
License anytime the licensee fails to fulfill any
of the conditions stipulated under article 2 of
these rules.
Article 4 : Durée de l‟agrément
L‘agrément pour certifier les états financiers a
une validité de trois (3) ans, renouvelable dans
la mesure le requérant continue à remplir les
conditions mentionnées à l‘article 2 de ces
L‘Office Rwandais des Recettes peut, à tout
moment, retirer cet agrément si le détenteur de
l‘agrément ne remplit plus les conditions
mentionnées à l‘article 2 de ces directives.
Ingingo ya 5 : Ingingo zivanyweho
Amabwiriza yose abanziriza aya kandi anyuranye
nayo avanyweho.
Ingingo ya 6 : Gutangira gukurikizwa
Aya mabwiriza atangira gukurikizwa ku munsi
atangarijweho mu Igazeti ya Leta ya Repubulika y‘u
Kigali, kuwa 07/12/2009
Komiseri Mukuru w‟Ikigo
cy‟Imisoro n‟Amahoro
Article 5: Abrogation of contrary rules
All rules prior and contrary to these rules are
hereby repealed.
Article 6 : Coming into force
These rules shall come into force on the day of
their publication in the Official Gazette of the
Republic of Rwanda.
Kigali, on 07/12/2009
Commissioner General of the
Rwanda Revenue Authority
Article 5 : Abrogation des directives
Toutes les directives antérieures et contraires
aux présentes directives sont abrogées.
Article 6 : Entrée en vigueur
Les présentes directives entrent en vigueur le
jour de leur publication au Journal Officiel de la
République du Rwanda.
Kigali, le 07/12/2009
Commissaire Général de l‟Office
Rwandais des Recettes
Nº009/2010 YO KUWA 03/09/2010 ASHYIRA MU
ITEGEKO 16/2005 RYO KUWA 18/08/2005
N°009/2010 OF 03/09/2010
GENERAL 009/2010 DU 03/09/2010
LA LOI 24/2010 du 28/05/2010
16/2005 DU 18/08/2005 RELATIVE AUX
Komiseri Mukuru w‟Ikigo cy‟Imisoro n‟Amahoro,
The Commissioner General of the Rwanda
Revenue Authority,
Le Commissaire Général de l‟Office
Rwandais des Recettes,
Ashingiye ku Itegeko 24/2010 ryo kuwa
28/05/2010 rihindura kandi ryuzuza Itegeko
16/2005 ryo kuwa 18/08/2005 rigena imisoro
itaziguye ku musaruro, cyane cyane mu ngingo zaryo
iya 3 n‘iya 8;
Given law 24/2010 of 28/05/2010 modifying
and complementing law 16/2005 of
18/08/2005 on direct taxes on income especially
in its articles 3 and 8;
Vu la loi nº 24/2010 du 28/05/2010 modifiant et
complétant la loi 16/2005 du 18/08/2005
relative aux impôts directs sur le revenu,
spécialement en ses articles 3 et 8;
Ashyizeho amabwiriza akurikira :
Issues the following rules :
Emet les directives suivantes :
Ingingo ya 1: Ibisobanuro by‟amagambo
Ku birebana n‘iyubahirizwa ry‘aya mabwiriza,
ibisobanuro by‘amagambo avugwa mu mategeko
y‘imisoro ni byo byitabwaho, keretse hari igisobanuro
gitandukanye gitangwa muri aya mabwiriza.
Article 1: Definitions
For the purpose of these Rules, definitions of
terms mentioned in the fiscal laws apply unless
a different meaning is expressly provided in
these Rules.
Article 1 : Définitions
Aux fins de l‘application de ces directives, la
signification des termes définis dans les lois
fiscales est d‘application à moins qu‘une
signification différente ne soit expressément
indiquée dans les présentes directives.
Ingingo ya 3: Ibitemewe kuvanwa mu nyungu
Ibyatunze umwuga birimo nka telefoni, umuriro
w‘amashanyarazi n‘amavuta ya lisansi bikoreshwa ku
buryo inyungu z‘ubucuruzi n‘inyungu bwite
zidashoboka gutandukanywa bivanwa mu nyungu
zisoreshwa ku gipimo cya 80%.
Article 3: Non-deductible expenses
Expenses paid on business overheads as in the
case of telephones, electricity and fuel whose
use can not be practically separable from private
or non business are only deductible at 80%.
Article 3 : Dépenses non déductibles
Les dépenses payées pour les frais généraux de
l'activité tels que le téléphone, l'énergie
électrique et le carburant dont la consommation
ne peut pas être pratiquement séparée de l‘usage
privé ou non lié à l'activité sont seulement
déductibles à 80%.
Ingingo 4: Serivisi zicibwaho umusoro ufatirwa
Amafaranga yishyuwe kuri za serivisi zose acibwaho
umusoro ufatirwa wa 15% usibye serivisi
Ingingo ya 5: Igihe aya mabwiriza atangira
Aya mabwiriza atangira gukurikizwa uhereye umunsi
atangarijweho mu Igazeti ya Leta ya Repubulika y‘u
Kigali, kuwa 03/09/2010
Komiseri Mukuru w‟Ikigo
cy‟Imisoro n‟Amahoro
Article 4 : Services whose payments are
subject to withholding
All services fees are subject to withholding tax
of 15% except the transport service.
Article 5: Commencement
These Rules come into force on the date of their
publication in the Official Gazette of the
Republic of Rwanda.
Kigali, on 03/09/2010
Commissioner General of the
Rwanda Revenue Authority
Article 4: Services dont les payements sont
taxés dune retenue à la source
Les frais payés pour tous les services sont taxés
d‘une retenue à la source de 15% à l‘exception
du service de transport.
Article 5 : Entrée en vigueur
Ces directives entrent en vigueur le jour de leur
publication au Journal Officiel de la République
du Rwanda.
Kigali, le 03/09//2010
Commissaire Général de l‟Office
Rwandais des Recettes
Nº12/2012 YO KUWA 23/02/2012 ASHYIRA
Komiseri Mukuru w‟Ikigo cy‟Imisoro
Ashingiye ku Itegeko 24/2010 ryo kuwa
28/05/2010 rihindura kandi ryuzuza Itegeko n°
16/2005 ryo kuwa 18/08/2005 rigena imisoro
itaziguye ku musaruro, cyane cyane mu ngingo
yaryo ya 4;
Ashyizeho amabwiriza akurikira:
Ingingo ya mbere: Ibisobanuro by‟amagambo
Ku birebana n‘iyubahirizwa ry‘Aya mabwiriza,
ibisobanuro by‘amagambo avugwa mu mategeko
y‘imisoro ni byo byitabwaho, keretse hari
igisobanuro gitandukanye gitangwa muri aya
Ingingo ya 2: Ubwicungure
Ku bijyanye n‘ibikoresho by‘itangazamakuru
n‘itumanaho bifite ubuzima buri hejuru y‘imyaka
icumi (10) kugera ku myaka makumyabiri (20),
igipimo cyubwicungure bwabyo ni 10%.
N°12/2012 OF 23/02/2012 IMPLEMENTING
THE LAW N°24/2010 OF 28/05/2010
16/2005 OF 18/08/2005 ON DIRECT TAXES
The Commissioner General of the Rwanda
Revenue Authority,
Given law nº 24/2010 of 28/05/2010 modifying and
complementing law n° 16/2005 of 18/08/2005 on
direct taxes on income especially in its article 4;
Issues the following rules:
Article One: Definitions
For the purpose of these Rules, definitions of terms
mentioned in the fiscal laws apply unless a different
meaning is expressly provided in these Rules.
Article 2: Depreciation
The depreciation rates for information and
communication system assets whose lifespan is
above ten (10) up to twenty (20) years is 10%.
12/2012 DU 23/02/2012 PORTANT MISE EN
LOI N°16/2005 DU 18/08/2005 RELATIVE AUX
Le Commissaire Général de l‟Office Rwandais des
Vu la loi 24/2010 du 28/05/2010 modifiant et
complétant la loi 16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative aux
impôts directs sur le revenu, spécialement en son article 4;
Emet les directives suivantes:
Article Premier : Définitions
Aux fins de l‘application de ces directives, la signification
des termes définis dans les lois fiscales est d‘application à
moins qu‘une signification différente ne soit expressément
indiquée dans les présentes directives.
Article 2 : Amortissements
Pour les actifs du système de l‘information et de
communication dont la durée de vie est supérieure à dix
(10) ans et inférieure ou égale à vingt (20) ans, leur taux
d‘amortissement est de 10 %.
Ingingo ya 3: Igihe aya mabwiriza atangira
Aya mabwiriza atangira gukurikizwa uhereye
umunsi atangarijweho mu Igazeti ya Leta ya
Repubulika yu Rwanda.
Kigali, kuwa 23/02/2012
Komiseri Mukuru w‘Ikigo
cy‘Imisoro n‘Amahoro
Article 3: Commencement
These Rules come into force on the date of their
publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic
of Rwanda.
Kigali, on 23/02/2012
Commissioner General of the Rwanda
Revenue Authority
Article 3: Entrée en vigueur
Ces directives entrent en vigueur le jour de leur
publication au Journal Officiel de la République du
Kigali, le 23/02/2012
Commissaire Général de
l‘Office Rwandais des Recettes
001/2013 YO KUWA 06/03/2013 ASHYIRA
Komiseri Mukuru w’Ikigo cy’Imisoro
Ashingiye ku Itegeko 16/2005 ryo kuwa
18/08/2005 rigena Imisoro Itaziguye ku
Musaruro, cyane cyane mu ngingo yaryo ya 43;
Ingingo ya mbere: Icyo agamije
Aya Mabwiriza ashyira mu bikorwa Itegeko
16/2005 ryo ku wa 18/08/2005 rigena Imisoro
Itaziguye ku Musaruro nk‘uko ryahinduwe kandi
ryujujwe kugeza ubu.
Ingingo ya 2: Ibisobanuro by’amagambo
Ku birebana n‘iyubahirizwa ry‘aya Mabwiriza,
ibisobanuro by‘amagambo avugwa mu mategeko
y‘imisoro ni byo byitabwaho, keretse hari
igisobanuro gitandukanye gitangwa muri aya
Ingingo ya 3: Uburyo bwo gukora
Abasoreshwa bashobora gukora imenyeshamusoro
bakanishyura mu buryo bw‘ikoranabuhanga
cyangwa bakazana
imenyekanisha mu buryo
bw‘impapuro ku Biro
by‘Ikigo cy‘Imisoro
n‘Amahoro. Bagomba kandi
koherereza rimwe
n‘iryo menyeshamusoro
impapuro n‘imigereka
bivugwa mu ngingo ya 43 y‘Itegeko 16/2005
001/2013 OF 06/03/2013 IMPLEMENTING
THE LAW 16/2005 OF 18/08/2005 ON
The Commissioner General of Rwanda Revenue
Pursuant to Law 16/2005 of
18/08/2005 on
Direct Taxes on Income especially in its Article
Article One: Objective
These Rules implement the Law 16/2005 of
18/08/2005 on Direct Taxes on Income as modified
and complemented to date.
Article 2: Definitions
For the purpose of these Rules, definitions of terms
mentioned in the tax laws apply unless a different
meaning is expressly provided in these Rules.
Article 3: Tax declaration
Taxpayers may prepare declaration and pay taxes
electronically or submit their declarations manually
in the Tax Administration. They must also submit at
the same time documents and attachments specified
in Article 43 Law 16/2005 of 18/8/2005 on
Direct Taxes on Income in Tax Administration.
001/2013 DU 06/03/2013 PORTANT MISE EN
Le Commissaire Général de l’Office Rwandais
Vu la Loi 16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative aux
Impôts Directs sur le Revenu, spécialement en son Article
Article Premier: Objet
Ces Directives mettent en application la Loi
16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative aux Impôts Directs
sur le Revenu telle que modifiée et complétée à ce
Article 2 : Définitions
Aux fins de l‘application de ces Directives, les
définitions des termes définis dans les lois fiscales sont
d‘application à moins qu‘une définition
différente ne soit
expressément indiquée dans les
présentes Directives.
Article 3 : Déclaration de l’impôt
Les contribuables peuvent déclarer et payer leurs
impôts et taxes par voie électronique ou soumettre
leurs déclarations de façon manuelle à l‘Office
Rwandais de Recettes. La déclaration doit être
accompagnée des documents et les annexes
spécifiés dans l‘Article 43 de la Loi 16/2005 du
18/08/2005 relative aux Impôts Directs sur le
ryo ku wa 18/08/2005 rigena Imisoro Itaziguye ku
Ingingo ya 4: Urutonde rw’Abakora
imenyekanishamusoro mu buryo
Komiseri Mukuru agena urutonde rw‘abantu
bagomba gukora imenyekanisha mu buryo
Ingingo ya 5: Ibibujijwe
Umusoreshwa washyizwe ku rutonde
rw‘abagomba gukora imenyeshamusoro mu buryo
bw‘Ikoranabuhanga ntiyemerewe gukora
imenyekanisha mu buryo bw‘impapuro.
Ingingo ya 6: Ivanwaho ry’Amabwiriza
Amabwiriza yose abanziriza aya kandi
anyuranyije na yo avanyweho.
Ingingo ya 7: Igihe aya mabwiriza atangira
Aya Mabwiriza atangira gukurikizwa uhereye
umunsi atangarijweho mu Igazeti ya Leta ya
Repubulika y‘u Rwanda.
Kigali, kuwa 06/03/2013
Komiseri Mukuru w‘Ikigo
cy‘Imisoro n‘Amahoro
Article 4: A list of taxpayers who must declare
their tax return electronically
The Commissioner General determines the list of
taxpayers who must declare their tax return
Article 5: Prohibitions
Taxpayer, who has been listed for electronic tax
declaration, is not allowed to submit their tax
declaration manually.
Article 6: Abrogating provision
All previous Rules contrary to these Rules are
Article 7: Commencement
These Rules come into force on the date of their
publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of
Kigali, on 06/03/2013
Commissioner General of Rwanda
Revenue Authority
Article 4: La liste des contribuables qui doivent faire
leur claration par voie électronique
Le Commissaire Générale détermine la liste des
contribuables qui doivent faire leurs déclarations par voie
Article 5: Interdictions
Le contribuable qui a été mis sur la liste de ceux qui
doivent faire leur déclaration par voie électronique,
ne peut pas faire la déclaration de façon manuelle.
Article 6 : Disposition abrogatoire
Toutes les Directives antérieures contraires aux
présentes Directives sont abrogées.
Article 7: Entrée en vigueur
Ces Directives entrent en vigueur le jour de leur
publication au Journal Officiel de la République du
Kigali, le 06/03/2013
Commissaire Général de l‘Office Rwandais des Recettes
Twebwe, KAGAME Paul,
Perezida wa Repubulika;
LAW 25/2005 OF 04/12/2005 ON TAX
We, KAGAME Paul,
President of the Republic;
LOI N°25/2005 DU 04/12/2005 PORTANT
Nous, KAGAME Paul,
Président de la République;
Umutwe w'Abadepite, mu nama yawo yo ku wa
10 Gicurasi 2005;
Ishingiye ku Itegeko Nshinga rya Repubulika y'u
Rwanda ryo ku wa 4 Kamena 2003 nk'uko
ryavuguruwe kugeza ubu, cyane cyane mu ngingo
zaryo, iya 62, iya 81, iya 92, iya 93, iya 108, iya
118 n'iya 201;
Ishingiye ku Itegeko 15/97 ryo ku wa
8/11/1997 rishyiraho Ikigo cy'Imisoro n'Amahoro
nk'uko ryahinduwe kandi ryujujwe kugeza ubu,
cyane cyane mu ngingo yaryo ya 20;
Isubiye ku Itegeko-teka ryo ku wa 28 Ukuboza
1973 ryerekeye umusoro bwite nk'uko
ryahinduwe kandi ryujujwe kugeza ubu, cyane
cyane mu ngingo zaryo kuva ku ya 54 kugeza ku
ya 89;
The Chamber of Deputies in its session of May 10,
Given the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda
of June 4, 2003 as amended to date, especially in its
Articles 62, 81, 92, 93, 108, 118 and 201;
Given the law 15/97 of November 8, 1997
establishing the Rwanda Revenue Authority, as
modified and complemented to date, especially in
its Article 20;
Given the Decree-Law of December 28, 1973
relating to Personal Tax, as modified and
complemented to date, especially in its Articles 54
to 89;
La Chambre des Députés, en sa séance du 10 mai 2005;
Vu la Constitution de la République du Rwanda du 04
juin 2003 telle que révisée à ce jour, spécialement en ses
articles 62, 81, 92, 93, 108, 118 et 201;
Vu la loi n° 15/97 du 8 novembre 1997 portant création de
l'Office Rwandais des Recettes telle que modifiée et
complétée à ce jour, spécialement en son article 20;
Revu le décret - loi du 28 décembre 1973 relatif à l'impôt
personnel tel que modif et complété à ce jour,
spécialement en ses articles 54 à 89;
Isubiye ku Itegeko 06/2001 ryo ku wa
20/01/2001 rishyiraho Umusoro ku
Nyongeragaciro nk'uko ryahinduwe kandi
ryujujwe kugeza ubu, cyane cyane mu ngingo
zaryo, iya 50, kuva ku ya 52 kugeza ku ya 78
n'iya 82;
Isubiye ku Itegeko 9/97 ryo ku wa 26/6/1997
rigena Imitunganirize y'Isoresha nk'uko
ryahinduwe kandi ryujujwe kugeza ubu;
Given the law 06/2001 of January 20, 2001 on
the Code of Value Added Tax, as modified and
complemented to date, especially in its Articles 50,
52 to 78 and 82;
Given the law n° 9/97 of June 26, 1997 on the Code
of Fiscal Procedures, as modified and
complemented to date;
Revu la loi 06/2001 du 20/01/2001 portant instauration
de la Taxe sur la Valeur Ajoutée telle que modifiée et
complétée à ce jour, spécialement en ses articles 50, 52 à
78 et 82;
Revu la loi n° 9/97 du 26/6/1997 portant création des
procédures fiscales telle que modifiée et complétée à ce
Ingingo ya mbere: Ibirebwa n‟iri tegeko
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo
yambere y’itegeko 1/2012 ryo kuwa
03/02/2012 rihindura kandi ryuzuza itegeko
25/2005 ryo kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena
imitunganyirize y‘isoresha, Igazeti ya Leta 13
yo kuwa 26/03/2012):
Iri tegeko rigena imitunganyirize y‘isoresha
ry'imisoro ikurikira:
1° umusoro ku musaruro w‘umuntu ku giti cye;
2° umusoro ku nyungu z‘amasosiyete;
3° imisoro ifatirwa;
4° umusoro ku nyongeragaciro;
umusoro ku mutungo w'ibinyabiziga bifite
moteri n‘amato;
6° umusoro ku mikino y‘amahirwe.‖
Article one: Scope of this Law
(As modified and completed by article 1 of the law
n°1/2012 of 03/02/2012 modifying and
complementing law nº 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax
procedures, O. G nº 13 of 26/03/2012):
This law prescribes the tax procedure for the
1° personal income tax;
2° corporate income tax;
3° withholding taxes;
4° value added tax "VAT";
5° property tax on vehicles and boats;
6° tax on gaming activities.‖
Article premier : Champ d‟application de la présente
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 1 de la loi
n°1/2012 du 03/02/2012 modifiant et complétant la loi
n°25/2005 du 04/12/2005, portant création des
procédures fiscales, J. O nº 13 du 26/03/2012) :
La présente loi fixe les procédures fiscales pour les taxes
et impôts suivants:
1° l‘impôt sur le revenu des personnes physiques;
2° l‘impôt sur les bénéfices des sociétés;
3° l‘impôt retenu à la source;
4° la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée;
5° l‘impôt personnel sur les véhicules à moteur et les
6° la taxe sur les jeux de hasard.»
Ingingo ya 2: Ibisobanuro by‟amagambo
Muri iri tegeko ibisobanuro by'amagambo
bivugwa mu yandi mategeko y'u Rwanda
birubahirizwa keretse aho iri tegeko ribivuga
Muri iri tegeko amagambo akurikira asobanura:
1° umusoreshwa bivuga umuntu wese
usabwa gusora hakurikijwe amategeko agenga
imisoro mu Rwanda;
2° umuntu bivuga umuntu ku giti cye, ikigo
gifite ubuzimagatozi cyangwa ishyirahamwe
Minisitiri bivuga Minisitiri ufite Imari
mu nshingano ze;
Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro bivuga Ikigo cy'
Imisoro n'Amahoro;
Komiseri Mukuru bivuga Umuyobozi
Mukuru w‘Ikigo cy'Imisoro n‘Amahoro;
umukozi wemewe bivuga umukozi
w‘Ikigo cy'Imisoro n'Amahoro wahawe ububasha
na Komiseri Mukuru bwo kugenzura, guperereza,
gushyikirana n‘umusoreshwa, gukosora impapuro
z‘imenyesha, gukora no gutanga impapuro
zishyuza, gutegura inyandikomvugo no gukora
ibishoboka byose kugira ngo itegeko rigena
imitunganyirize y‘isoresha n‘iyakira ry‘imisoro
byubahirizwe; kandi akaba afite ikimenyetso
kimuranga ko afite ubwo bubasha;
igihe cy‟isoresha bivuga igihe kirangira
umusoro ukaba ugomba gutangwa;
umusoreshwa munini bivuga
Article 2: Definitions
For the purpose of this Law, the definitions of terms
defined in other laws of Rwanda apply unless a
different meaning is expressly provided in this law.
The following definitions apply for the purpose of
this Law:
“Taxpayer” means any person who is
subject to tax according to the tax laws of Rwanda;
“a person” means any individual, legal
entity or an association of individuals;
“Minister” means the Minister having
Finance in his or her attributions in Rwanda;
“Tax Administration” means the Rwanda
Revenue Authority;
“Commissioner General means the
Commissioner General of the Rwanda Revenue
“Authorized officer” means an officer of
the Rwanda Revenue Authority who has been given
powers by the Commissioner General to conduct
audit, investigations, negotiate with the taxpayer,
make adjustments in files of declaration, prepares
and issues invoices, drafts affidavits and does
anything else necessary to ensure the enforcement
of the laws on tax procedure and collection of tax
and he or she has been issued with means of
identification to possess such powers;
“Tax period” means the period of time at
the end of which the tax liability accrues.
Article 2 : Définitions
Aux termes de la présente loi, le sens des expressions
définies dans les autres lois du Rwanda est d‘application,
sauf si la présente loi en dispose autrement.
Aux termes de la présente loi, les expressions suivantes
signifient :
« contribuable » désigne toute personne soumise à
l‘impôt en vertu des lois fiscales du Rwanda ;
« personne » désigne toute personne physique ou
morale ou toute association de personnes ;
«Ministre» désigne le Ministre ayant les Finances
dans ses attributions au Rwanda ;
«Administration fiscale» désigne l‘Office Rwandais
des Recettes ;
«Commissaire Général» désigne le Commissaire
Général de l‘Office Rwandais des Recettes;
« Agent autorisé» désigne un agent de l‘Office
Rwandais des Recettes que le Commissaire Général a
autorisé et habilité à effectuer des contrôles et des
enquêtes, à traiter et à négocier avec le contribuable, à
procéder à des redressements, à établir des notes
d‘imposition, à dresser des procès-verbaux, ou à prendre
toute autre disposition propre à assurer l‘application de la
législation fiscale et le recouvrement de l‘impôt ; et qui a
reçu des signes d‘identification dans l‘exercice de ses
«Exercice fiscal» désigne la période à la fin de
laquelle la dette fiscale est due;
«Grand contribuable » désigne tout contribuable
umusoreshwa wamenyeshejwe n‘Ikigo
cy‘Imisoro n'Amahoro ko ari kandi yanditswe mu
basoreshwa banini hashingiwe ku biteganywa
n'amabwiriza ya Komiseri Mukuru.
“Large taxpayer” means any taxpayer
who has been notified by Rwanda Revenue
Authority that he or she is registered among large
taxpayers following the directives of the
Commissioner General.
auquel l‘Administration fiscale a notifié son
enregistrement en tant que tel sur base des procédures
prévues par les Directives du Commissaire Général.
Ingingo ya 3: Ububasha n'inshingano z‟ibanze
by'Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro
Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro bushyira mu bikorwa iri
tegeko, bwishyuza kandi bwakira imisoro
ivugwa mu ngingo ya mbere y'iri tegeko.
Ubuyobozi bw'imisoro bugomba gushyira kuri
konti ifungurwa na Minisitiri muri Banki Nkuru
y'Igihugu, amafaranga ahagije hakurikijwe
ijanisha bwumvikanyeho na Minisitiri kugira ngo
bubashe kwishyura imisoro y'ikirenga yakiriwe
igomba gusubizwa. Banki Nkuru y'Igihugu
ishyikiriza Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro hamwe
n'Umubitsi w'imari ya Leta, imbonerahamwe ya
buri munsi yerekana amafaranga n'impapuro
zifite agaciro k'amafaranga yashyizwe kuri iyo
Usibye ibivugwa mu gika cya 2 cy'iyi ngingo,
umusoro wakiriwe n'Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro
ushyirwa kuri konti y'Isanduku ya Leta.
Article 3: Powers and Principal functions of Tax
The Tax Administration is responsible for the
implementation of this Law and for levying and
collecting the taxes as mentioned in article one of
this law.
The Tax Administration shall deposit to the account
opened by the Minister in the National Bank of
Rwanda, sufficient funds in accordance with a
percentage agreed upon with the Minister, in order
to pay extra taxes received that shall be refunded.
The National Bank of Rwanda transmits to the Tax
Administration and the State Treasurer, a daily
schedule of financial situation showing the amount
of money and financial instruments deposited on
such an account.
With exception of provisions of paragraph 2 of this
article, the tax collected by the Tax Administration
is credited to the account of the Public Treasury.
Article 3 : Pouvoirs et fonctions de l‟Administration
L‘Administration Fiscale est responsable de la mise en
application de la présente Loi ainsi que de la perception et
de la collecte des impôts et des taxes mentionnés à
l‘Article premier de la présente loi.
L‘Administration Fiscale doit approvisionner d‘un
montant suffisant le compte ouvert à la Banque Nationale
du Rwanda par le Ministre qui arrête de concert avec cette
dernière un taux pour la restitution du surplus de taxes et
impôts perçus. La Banque Nationale du Rwanda fournit à
l‘Administration fiscale et au Trésorier de l‘Etat un relevé
journalier du montant de monnaie et de titres logés dans
ce compte.
A l‘exception des dispositions de l'alinéa 2 du présent
article, l‘impôt et la taxe perçus par l‘Administration
fiscale sont crédités au compte du Trésor Public.
Ingingo ya 4: Aho umusoreshwa cyangwa undi
muntu abarizwa
Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro bwoherereza amabaruwa,
amatangazo cyangwa ubundi butumwa
umusoreshwa cyangwa umuntu ku cyicaro cye
cyangwa aho atuye hazwi.
Article 4: Address of the taxpayer or any other
The Tax Administration sends letters, information
or any other communication to the taxpayer or any
other person at his or her official seat or known
Article 4 : Adresse de communication du contribuable
ou de toute autre personne
L‘Administration fiscale adresse toute correspondance,
tout renseignement ou toute autre communication au
contribuable ou à toute autre personne, ou au siège ou lieu
de résidence officielle de l‘intéressé.
Igihe umusoreshwa cyangwa undi muntu
ahinduye aho abarizwa agomba kubimenyesha
Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro.
Igihe cyose umuntu ataramenyesha Ubuyobozi
bw'Imisoro ko yahinduye aho abarizwa,
ubutumwa bwe bwose bwoherezwa aho aheruka
kuvuga ko ari ho abarizwa.
Igihe umusoreshwa cyangwa undi muntu adafite
aho abarizwa hazwi, Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro
bumugezaho ubutumwa bumureba bwose
bwifashishije ikinyamakuru kigera mu Gihugu
In case a taxpayer or any other person changes his
or her address, he or she is obliged to notify the Tax
At any time a person has not notified the Tax
Administration of his or her change of address, all
his or her information is delivered to his or her last
known address.
When a taxpayer or any other person has no known
address, the Tax Administration delivers all his or
her relevant information through a nationwide
newspaper .
Tout changement d‘adresse du contribuable ou de toute
autre personne doit être communiqué à l‘Administration
Si aucun changement d‘adresse n‘a été communiqué à
l‘Administration fiscale, toute communication est envoy
à la dernière adresse connue.
Si un contribuable ou toute autre personne n‘a pas
d‘adresse connue, l‘Administration fiscale publie toutes
les communications concernant ledit contribuable ou
ladite personne par l‘intermédiaire d‘un périodique à
diffusion nationale.
Ingingo ya 5: Ibyerekeye ihererekanya
Ubutumwa bwose butanzwe hagati ya Minisitiri,
Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro, Komiseri Mukuru
cyangwa Komisiyo y‘Ubujurire n‘umusoreshwa
cyangwa undi muntu butangwa hifashishijwe
bumwe muri ubu buryo bukurikira:
ibaruwa ishinganye;
inyandiko cyangwa ubutumwa
bwohererezwa umusoreshwa cyangwa undi
muntu cyangwa ku cyicaro cy‘Ubuyobozi
bw'Imisoro hagatangwa icyemezo cy‘uko
inyandiko imenyeshwa n‘umuhesha
w‘inkiko mu Buyobozi bw‘Imisoro;
inyandiko imenyeshwa n‘umuhesha
Article 5: Methods of communication
Any information between the Minister, the Tax
Administration, the Commissioner General or the
Appeals Commission and the taxpayer or any other
person is delivered through any of the following
a registered letter;
a written act or communication delivered to
the taxpayer, or any other person or at the head
office of the Tax Administration with
acknowledgement of receipt;
an official notification by the bailiff to the
Tax Administration; or
an official notification by a court bailiff.
Article 5 : Méthodes de communication
Toute communication officielle entre le Ministre,
l‘Administration fiscale et le Commissaire Général ou la
Commission d‘Appel et le contribuable ou toute autre
personne se fait par l‘un des moyens suivants :
une lettre recommandée ;
un acte ou une communication écrits remis contre
accusé de réception, au contribuable, ou à toute autre
personne, ou au bureau de l‘Administration fiscale ;
une signification officielle par huissier de justice
près l‘Administration fiscale ;
une signification par un huissier de justice.
Igihe umusoreshwa cyangwa undi muntu yanze
kwemera ibaruwa ishinganye cyangwa inyandiko
imenyeshwa n‘umuhesha w‘inkiko mu Buyobozi
bw‘Imisoro, iyo baruwa cyangwa iyo nyandiko
bifatwa nk‘ibyatanzwe.
Ibiro by'iposita cyangwa umuhesha w‘inkiko
bakora inyandiko igaragaza ko nyir‘ubwite yanze
ubutumwa, bakoherereza kopi yayo Ubuyobozi
When the taxpayer or any other person rejects a
registered letter or an official notification by the
court bailiff of the Tax Administration, the letter or
the notification are considered to have been
The post office or the court bailiff will make an
official statement to show the rejection of the
communication by the concerned and send a copy
to the Tax Administration.
Lorsque le contribuable ou toute autre personne refuse
d‘accepter une lettre recommandée ou une signification
par l‘huissier de justice de l‘Administration fiscale, la
lettre ou la signification est réputée remise.
Le bureau de poste ou l‘huissier de justice établit un
procès verbal de refus et en transmet une copie à
l‘Administration fiscale.
Ingingo ya 6: Uburyo iminsi ibarwa
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya 2
y’itegeko 1/2012 ryo kuwa 03/02/2012
rihindura kandi ryuzuza itegeko 25/2005 ryo
kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize
y‘isoresha, Igazeti ya Leta 13 yo kuwa
―Iyo itegeko rigenga imisoro rigena igihe
igikorwa runaka, iyemeza cyangwa ubutumwa
bigomba gukorwamo cyangwa gutangwa, icyo
gihe gitangira kubarwa umunsi umwe (1) nyuma
y‘itariki igaragazwa na kimwe muri ibi
kashe y‘iposita igomba kuba yashyizwe ku
ibaruwa bitarenze umunsi umwe w‘akazi
ukurikira uwo iposita yakiriye ubutumwa
buvugwa mu gace ka mbere k‘igika cya mbere
cy‘ingingo ya 5 y‘ iri tegeko;
umunsi ibaruwa cyangwa ubutumwa
byakiriweho uvugwa mu gace ka k‘igika cya
mbere cy‘ingingo ya 5 yiri tegeko byakiriweho;
3° umunsi uri mu nyandiko y‘umuhesha w‘inkiko
ivugwa mu gace ka n‘aka tw‘igika cya
mbere cy‘ingingo ya 5 y‘iri tegeko.
Article 6: Methods for calculating days
(As modified and completed by article 2 of the law
n°1/2012 of 03/02/2012 modifying and
complementing law nº 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax
procedures, O. G nº 13 of 26/03/2012):
―When the tax Law sets a time in which certain act,
confirmation or communication has to be made or
given, the time shall be calculated from one day
after the date shown by one of the following:
the letter must be postmarked within a period of
one business day from the date of receipt by the
post office of the communicaton letter provided
under Sub Paragraph 1° of Paragraph One of Article
5 of this Law;
the day of receipt of the letter or communication
mentioned under Sub Paragraph 2° of Paragraph
One of Article 5 of this Law;
the date of the court bailiff notification
mentioned under Sub Paragraphs and of
Paragraph one of Article 5 of this Law.
Article 6 : Modes de calcul des jours
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 2 de la loi
n°1/2012 du 03/02/2012 modifiant et complétant la loi
n°25/2005 du 04/12/2005, portant création des
procédures fiscales, J. O nº 13 du 26/03/2012) :
«Lorsque la législation fiscale précise le délai dans lequel
doit être établi ou transmis un acte, une confirmation ou
une communication déterminés, la date à partir de laquelle
ce délai prend cours est le jour qui suit celui indiqué par:
1° le cachet postal doit être apposé sur la lettre endéans un
délai d‘un jour ouvrable suivant la réception par la poste
de la communicaton visée au point de l‘alinéa premier
de l‘article 5 de la présente loi;
la date du reçu visé au point 2° de l‘alinéa premier, de
l‘article 5 de la présente loi ;
la date de la notification par huissier de justice visée
aux points et de l‘alinéa premier de l‘article 5 de la
présente loi.
Iyo umusoreshwa cyangwa ubuyobozi
bw‘imisoro byakoresheje iposita mu
kohererezanya ubutumwa bifatwa nk„aho byujuje
inshingano yabyo umunsi ubwo butumwa
bwashyikirijweho iposita.
Iyo itegeko rigenga imisoro rigena igihe igikorwa
runaka, iyemeza cyangwa ubutumwa bigomba
gukorwamo cyangwa gutangwa, itariki nyayo
igaragaza iyubahirizwa ry'ibisabwa igaragazwa
na kimwe muri ibi bikurikira:
kashe y‘iposita igomba kuba yashyizwe ku
ibaruwa bitarenze umunsi umwe w‘akazi uhereye
igihe iposita yakiriyeho ubutumwa buvugwa mu
gace ka mbere k‘igika cya mbere cy‘ingingo ya 5
y‘iri tegeko;
umunsi ibaruwa cyangwa ubutumwa
byakiriweho uvugwa mu gace ka k‘igika cya
mbere cy‘ingingo ya 5 y‘iri tegeko;
umunsi uri ku nyandiko yavuzwe mu gace ka
n‘aka tw‘igika cya mbere cy‘ingingo ya 5
y‘iri tegeko.
Iyo umunsi wa nyuma wo kubahiriza ibisabwa
n‘itegeko rigenga imisoro ubaye ku munsi
w‘ikiruhuko, ibisabwa n‘itegeko byubahirizwa ku
munsi ukurikira w‘akazi.‖
When a taxpayer and the tax administration send
each other a letter by post, they shall be deemed to
have discharged their respective obligations as of
the date of receipt of such a letter by the post office.
When the tax Law sets time in which certain act,
confirmation or communication has to be made or
given, the exact date of compliance with the
requirements is shown by one of the following:
the letter must be postmarked within a period of
one business day from the date of receipt by the
post office of the communication provided under
Sub Paragraph of Paragraph One of Article 5 of
this Law;
.the day of receipt of the letter or communication
mentioned under Sub
.The day of notification mentioned under sub
Paragraphs 3
and 4
of Paragraph One of Article 5
of this Law.
If the last day to respect provisions of the tax Law is
a holiday, the provisions of Law shall be respected
on the following working day.‖
Lorsqu‘un contribuable et l‘administration fiscale
s‘envoient un courrier par voie postale, ils sont réputés
remplir leurs obligations respectives à compter de la date
de réception de ce courrier par la poste.
Lorsque la législation fiscale précise le délai dans lequel
doit être établi ou transmis un acte, une confirmation ou
une communication déterminée, la date exacte de
l‘exécution de cette obligation est indiquée par l'un ou
l'autre fait suivant:
1° le cachet postal doit être apposé sur la lettre endéans un
délai d‘un jour ouvrable suivant la réception par la poste
de la communication visée au point de l‘alinéa premier
de l‘article 5 de la présente loi;
la date du reçu visé au point de l‘alinéa premier de
l‘article 5 de la présente loi;
la date de la notification par huissier de justice visée
aux points et de l‘alinéa premier de l‘article 5 de la
présente loi.
Si le dernier jour du délai prescrit par la législation fiscale
pour l‘exécution d‘une obligation est un jour férié, la date
de l‘exécution de l‘obligation est reportée au premier jour
Ingingo ya 7: Abahagarariye abasoreshwa
Umuntu wese wemerewe n‘amategeko
guhagararira umusoreshwa, akora kandi
agashyikiriza Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro
imenyeshamusoro, akishyura imisoro kandi
akubahiriza inshingano zose zisabwa
umusoreshwa zivugwa muri iri tegeko.
Article 7: Taxpayers‟ representatives
Any person allowed by law to represent a taxpayer,
shall file the tax declarations, pay taxes and comply
with all the obligations required by the taxpayer
under this law.
Article 7 : Représentants des contribuables
Toute personne que la loi autorise à représenter un
contribuable remplit les déclarations d‘impôt, présente les
états financiers, paye les impôts et se conforme à toutes
les obligations que la présente loi impose au contribuable.
Abantu bavugwa muri iyi ngingo ni:
1°umurezi cyangwa undi muntu ushinzwe
kureberera umwana cyangwa undi muntu watswe
umuntu wemerewe n‘amategeko cyangwa
ubucamanza gucunga umutungo, umurage
cyangwa abasigiwe uwo mutungo;
3°ba nyir'igikorwa cy'ubucuruzi;
4°abishingira abandi mu ishyirahamwe bafite
uburyozwe busesuye;
5°Perezida, umucungamari, umuyobozi
washyizweho cyangwa undi muntu uhagarariye
isosiyete cyangwa ikigo gifite ubuzimagatozi;
6°umukuru cyangwa uhagarariye isosiyete
cyangwa ikigo gifite ubuzimagatozi biri mu
7°undi muntu wese wahawe ububasha bwo
guhagararira umusoreshwa.
Umuntu wese, uvugwa mu gace ka 1°, aka 2°, aka
5°, aka 6° cyangwa agace ka 7° tw‘igika cya
mbere cy'iyi ngingo, asabwa kumenyesha
Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro ububasha cyangwa
imirimo ye mishya mu gihe kitarenze iminsi
irindwi (7) ahawe ubwo bubasha cyangwa iyo
The persons referred to in this article are:
1°the guardian or any other person responsible for
custody of a minor or any other incapacitated;
2°a legal or judicial administrator of an estate or of
a will or the heirs of such an estate;
3°the owner of an enterprise;
4°the partners in a partnership which have unlimited
5°the president, the accountant, the director
appointed or any other representative of a company
or any other legal person;
6°the curator or the representative of a company or
any other legal person in liquidation;
7°any other person given mandate to represent the
Any person mentioned under points 1°, 2º, , or
point of paragraph one of this article is required
to communicate the new capacity or appointment to
the tax administration within a period of seven (7)
days after obtaining the capacity or the
Les personnes visées au présent article sont :
le tuteur ou toute autre personne qui a la garde d‘un
mineur ou de toute autre personne privée de capacité
légale ;
l‘administrateur légal ou judiciaire d‘un bien foncier
ou d‘un legs, ou les héritiers de ce bien ;
le propriétaire d‘une entreprise;
les membres d‘un partenariat dont la responsabilité est
illimitée ;
le président, le gestionnaire, l‘administrateur ou tout
autre représentant d‘une société ou de toute autre
personne morale ;
le curateur ou le représentant d‘une société ou de toute
autre personne morale en liquidation;
toute autre personne mandatée pour représenter le
Toute personne visée aux points 1°, 2°, 5, ou de
l‘alinéa premier du présent article est tenue de
communiquer la nouvelle compétence ou désignation au
Commissaire Général dans le délai de sept (7) jours qui
suit ladite compétence ou désignation.
Ingingo ya 8: Itangazwa n‟irutanwa
ry‟amategeko agenga imisoro
Inyandiko z‘amategeko agenga imisoro zikurikira
zitangazwa mu Igazeti ya Leta ya Repubulika y‘u
Article 8: Publication and hierarchy of tax
The following tax legislations are published in the
Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda:
Article 8 : Publication et classification de la législation
Les textes fiscaux suivants sont publiés au Journal
Officiel de la République du Rwanda:
les lois ;
amateka ya Minisitiri;
amabwiriza ya Komiseri Mukuru.
Inyandiko cyangwa ibindi bisobanura amategeko
bikurikira bigenga imisoro bitangazwa
hifashishijwe ikinyamakuru gitangazwa mu
Gihugu hose, bikagezwa ku basoreshwa
binyujijwe mu ruhame cyangwa ku biro
by'Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro:
amabwiriza yihariye yo mu kazi;
ibyemezo rusange byafashwe na
Komiseri Mukuru.
decrees laws;
ministerial orders; and
Commissioner General‘s rules.
The following guidelines and any other information
concerning the tax laws are published in a
nationwide newspaper and made available to the
taxpayers in a public place or at the offices of the
Tax Administration:
special administrative instructions;
public rulings issued by the Commissioner
les décrets lois
les arrêtés ministériels;
les directives du Commissaire Général.
Les textes ou les informations suivants relatifs aux lois
fiscales sont publiés dans un périodique à diffusion
nationale et mis à la disposition des contribuables dans un
lieu public ou dans les bureaux de l‘Administration
les instructions administratives internes ;
les décisions publiques prises par le Commissaire Général.
Ingingo ya 9: Ururimi rukoreshwa
Ubutumwa bwose hagati ya Minisitiri,
Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro, Komiseri Mukuru,
Komisiyo y‘Ubujurire n‘umusoreshwa cyangwa
undi muntu butangwa muri rumwe mu ndimi
zikoreshwa mu butegetsi bwa Repubulika y'u
Ibitabo, impapuro, ibimenyetso n‘inyandiko
bisabwa mu ngingo ya 12, iya 13, iya 14 n‘iya 15
z'iri tegeko byandikwa muri rumwe mu ndimi
zikoreshwa mu butegetsi bwa Repubulika y'u
Ibindi bisobanuro bisabwa n‘Ubuyobozi
bw‘Imisoro biri mu nyandiko zitari muri rumwe
mu ndimi zikoreshwa mu butegetsi bihindurwa
muri rumwe muri zo n‘umusoreshwa iyo
bubisabye. Iri hindurwa ryemezwa n‘umusemuzi
Iyo umusoreshwa yanze guha Ubuyobozi
bw‘Imisoro inyandiko ziri muri rumwe mu ndimi
zikoreshwa mu butegetsi, Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro
bushobora gutegeka ko bikorwa bikishyurwa
Article 9: Communication Language
All the information between the Minister, the Tax
Administration, the Commissioner General or the
Appeals Commission and the taxpayer or any other
person is transmitted in one of the official
languages of the Republic of Rwanda.
Books, records, information and documents
required by articles 12, 13, 14 and 15 of this law are
written in one of the official languages of the
Republic of Rwanda.
Any other information requested by the Tax
Administration that is not in one of the official
languages is translated by the taxpayer, if the Tax
Administration so requests. An authorized
translator certifies such a translation.
When the taxpayer rejects to provide the Tax
Administration with documents in one of the
official languages of Rwanda, the Tax
Administration may, at the expense of the taxpayer,
Article 9 : Langue de communication
Toute communication entre le Ministre, l‘Administration
fiscale, le Commissaire général ou la Commission
d‘Appel et le contribuable ou toute autre personne est
faite dans une des langues officielles de la République du
Tous les livres, registres, renseignements ou documents
requis par les articles 12, 13, 14 et 15 de la présente loi
sont rédigés dans une des langues officielles de la
République du Rwanda.
Tout autre renseignement requis par l‘Administration
fiscale qui n‘est pas digé dans une des langues
officielles du Rwanda est traduit par le contribuable. Cette
traduction est certifiée par un traducteur agréé.
Si le contribuable refuse de fournir à l‘Administration
fiscale des documents établis ou traduits dans une des
langues officielles, l‘Administration fiscale peut ordonner
que cette traduction soit faite, aux frais du contribuable
n‘umusoreshwa, agahabwa inyandiko igaragaza
ko yishyuye.
order such a translation with a receipt of payment.
qui en reçoit reçu.
Ingingo ya 10: Kwiyandikisha
Umuntu wese utangiye igikorwa cy'ubucuruzi
cyangwa ibikorwa bishobora gusoreshwa agomba
kwiyandikisha mu Buyobozi bw'Imisoro mu gihe
kitarenze iminsi irindwi (7) kuva atangiye
igikorwa cyo gucuruza cyangwa atangiye
Umuntu wese wakoze ibikorwa bisoreshwa
birenze amafaranga y‘u Rwanda angana na
miliyoni makumyabiri (20.000.000 Frw)
y‘ibyacurujwe mu gihe cy'umwaka usanzwe
warangiye cyangwa angana n‘amafaranga y‘u
Rwanda miliyoni eshanu (5.000.000 Frw) mu
gihembwe kirangiye, agomba kwiyandikisha ku
Musoro ku Nyongeragaciro mu Buyobozi
bw'Imisoro mu gihe kitarenze iminsi irindwi (7)
y'irangira ry'umwaka cyangwa ry'igihembwe
byavuzwe haruguru.
Umuntu wese udasabwa kwiyandikisha ku
Musoro ku Nyongeragaciro, hakurikijwe
ibivugwa mu gika cya 2 cy'iyi ngingo, ashobora
kwiyandikisha ku bushake ku Musoro ku
Ikintu cyahindutse cyaba ikirebana
n'umusoreshwa cyangwa imirimo ye bigomba
kumenyeshwa mu nyandiko, mu minsi irindwi
(7), Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro guhera igihe ihinduka
Komiseri Mukuru ashyiraho amabwiriza ajyanye
no kwiyandikisha no kwiyandukuza ku
batagikora ibikorwa by‘ubucuruzi.
Article 10: Registration
Any person who sets up a business or other
activities that may be taxable is obliged to register
with the Tax Administration within a period of
seven (7) days from the beginning of the business or
activity or the establishment of the company.
Any person who carries out taxable activities
exceeding twenty million Rwanda Francs
(20,000,000 RWF) of in the previous fiscal year, or
five million Rwanda Francs (5,000,000 RWF) in the
preceding calendar quarter is required to register for
VAT with the tax administration within a period of
seven (7) days from the end of the year or from the
end of the quarter mentioned above.
Any person who is not required to register for VAT
according to provisions of paragraph 2 of this
article may voluntarily register with the tax
administration for VAT.
Any changes, whether related to the taxpayer or his
or her activities shall be notified in writing to the
tax administration within seven (7) days from the
day of the notice of the change.
The Commissioner General issues instructions
regarding the registration and cancellation of
Article 10 : Enregistrement
Toute personne qui entreprend une activité commerciale
ou toute autre activité susceptible d‘entraîner des
obligations fiscales doit se faire enregistrer auprès de
l‘Administration fiscale dans les sept (7) jours du début de
l‘activité ou de la création de l‘entreprise.
Toute personne qui a entrepris une activité taxable dans
l‘exercice fiscal précédent dépassant vingt millions de
francs rwandais (20.000.000 Frw) ou cinq millions de
francs rwandais (5.000.000 Frws) dans le trimestre
précédent est tenue de remplir une demande
d‘enregistrement à la TVA auprès de l‘Administration
Fiscale dans les sept (7) jours de la fin de l‘exercice ou du
trimestre susmentionné.
Toute personne qui n‘est pas assujettie à la TVA en
application de l‘alinéa 2 du présent article peut s‘y faire
enregistrer volontairement.
Toute modification relative au contribuable ou à ses
activités doit être signalée dans le délai de sept (7) jours à
l‘Administration fiscale, à compter du jour de la
Le Commissaire Général fixe les modalités
d‘enregistrement et de radiation des contribuables.
“Ingingo ya 10 bis: Iyishyurwa ry‟umusoro
ku nyongeragaciro ku masoko ya Leta
Umusoro ku nyongeragaciro wishyurwa ku
masoko ya Leta, ufatirwa n‘urwego rwa Leta
rwatanze iryo soko.
Urwego rwa Leta rwatanze isoko rufite
inshingano yo gukora imenyeshamusoro
hakurikijwe impapuro n‘uburyo bugenwa
n‘Umuyobozi w‘Ikigo cy‘Imisoro n‘Amahoro
kandi rukishyura uwo musoro mu gihe
kitarenze iminsi cumi n‘itanu
(15) ikurikira
ukwezi uwatsindiye isoko arushyikirije
Iyo urwego rwa Leta rutafatiriye umusoro ku
nyongeragaciro cyangwa rwawufatiriye ariko
ntiruwishyure mu Buyobozi bw‘imisoro
rutegekwa kwishyura
uwo musoro
hiyongereyeho ibihano n‘inyungu z‘ubukererwe
biteganywa n‘iri tegeko‖.
registration on persons who no longer carry out
business activities.
“Article 10 bis: Payment of value added tax on
public tenders
The value added tax on public tenders is
withheld by a public institution which awarded the
A public institution which awarded the tender has
the responsibility to file a tax declaration in
accordance with the form prescribed by the
Commissioner General of Rwanda Revenue
Authority and pay the tax withheld within fifteen
(15) days following the end of the month
in which
the winner of public tender has
submitted the
The public institution which fails to withhold
value added tax or which withheld value
tax and failed to pay the tax withheld to
the Tax
Administration must pay the Tax not
or not paid, fines and interests as
provided for
by this Law‖.
« Article 10 bis: Paiement de la taxe sur la
ajoutée sur les marchés publics
La taxe sur la valeur ajoutée payable sur les
publics est retenue par l‘entité
publique de passation de
L‘entité publique de passation de marché doit faire la
déclaration suivant le formulaire spécif par le
Commissaire néral de l‘Office Rwandais des Recettes
et doit payer le montant
retenu dans un délai ne
dépassant pas quinze
(15) jours après la fin du mois au
cours duquel l‘attributaire du marché a présenté la facture.
L‘entité publique qui n‘a pas retenu la taxe sur la valeur
ajoutée sur le marché public ou qui l‘a
retenue mais ne
l‘a pas payée à
l‘Administration Fiscale doit payer la
taxe non retenue ou non payée ainsi que les pénalités et
intérêts de retard, tels que prévus par la présente lo.
Ingingo ya 11: Nomero iranga umusoreshwa
Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro buha abasoreshwa
bavugwa mu ngingo ya 10 y'iri tegeko, nomero
iranga umusoreshwa mu misoro bakoresha igihe
bishyura imisoro iyo ari yo yose. Uburyo n‘inzira
iyi nomero itangwamo bigenwa n‘amabwiriza ya
Komiseri Mukuru.
Umusoreshwa wese agomba gushyira nomero
imuranga ku nyandiko zimenyesha umusoro, ku
zindi nyandiko zivugwa n‘iri tegeko no ku zindi
mpapuro z‘ubucuruzi cyangwa ku bindi
Article 11: Taxpayer identification number
The tax administration assigns a taxpayer
identification number to persons mentioned in
article 10 of this law, to be used for all taxes. The
procedure for issuance of a taxpayer identification
number is determined by the instructions of the
Commissioner General.
Any taxpayer is obliged to keep a taxpayer
identification number on tax declaration documents
and on other correspondence mentioned by this law
and on other commercial documents or other proofs
Article 11 : Numéro d‟identification fiscale
L‘Administration fiscale attribue aux personnes visées à
l‘article 10 de la présente loi un numéro d‘identification
fiscale à utiliser pour tous les types d‘impôts. Les
procédures d‘attribution d‘un numéro d‘identification
fiscale sont fixées par le Commissaire Général.
Tous les contribuables sont tenus d‘inscrire le numéro
d‘identification fiscale sur leurs déclarations d‘impôts, sur
tous les autres documents prévus par la présente loi et sur
tous autres documents commerciaux et renseignements
bimenyetso ashyikiriza Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro.
he or she files with the tax administration.
adressés à l‘Administration Fiscale.
Icyiciro cya mbere: Ibyerekeye ibaruramari
n'ikorwa ry'ibitabo n‟inyandiko
Ingingo ya 12: Abantu basabwa kuzuza
ibitabo n‟inyandiko
Abantu basabwa kuzuza ibitabo n‘inyandiko
by‘ibaruramari ni aba bakurikira :
amasosiyete yose, akorera mu Rwanda,
yashyizweho hakurikijwe amategeko y‘Igihugu
cyangwa amategeko y'amahanga;
abantu bose bakora ibikorwa by‘ubucuruzi,
imyuga, uretse iyo ibyacurujwe byabo bitarenza
agaciro k‘amafaranga y‘u Rwanda miliyoni imwe
n'ibihumbi magana abiri (1.200.000) mu mwaka.
Section one: Accounts and Record keeping
Article 12: Persons required to keep account
books and records
Persons required to keep account books and records
1° all companies operating in Rwanda established in
accordance with domestic or foreign law;
all persons engaged in a business activities,
professional or vocational occupation, except when
such taxpayers have an annual turnover not
exceeding one million two hundred thousand
(1.200.000 RWF).
Section première : Des comptes et de la tenue des
Article 12 : Personnes qui doivent tenir des livres et
des documents
Les personnes qui doivent tenir des livres et des
documents sont les suivantes :
toutes les sociétés opérant au Rwanda constituées
conformément à la loi nationale ou la loi étrangère ;
toutes les personnes qui exercent une activité
commerciale, une profession libérale ou une activité
indépendante, sauf si leur chiffre d‘affaires annuel est
inférieur ou égal à un million deux cent mille francs
rwandais (1.200.000 Frw).
Ingingo ya 13: Ibitabo n‟inyandiko
Umuntu wese usabwa kuzuza ibitabo n‘inyandiko
bivugwa mu ngingo ya 12 y'iri tegeko agomba
gutegura, gutunganya no kubika ibitabo
n‘inyandiko z‘ubucuruzi zigaragaza:
1°umusoro ugomba kwishyurwa;
2°inshingano yo gufatira umusoro;
3°inshingano yo gukora imenyesha ry'umusoro
Uretse ibivugwa mu gika cya mbere cy'iyi
Article 13: Books and records to be kept
Any person who is required to keep books and
records under the provisions of article 12 of this law
is obliged to prepare, establish and keep all books
and records of transactions which show:
1°tax liability;
2°the obligation to withhold tax;
3°the obligation to file a declaration of a tax
With exceptions of provisions of paragraph one of
Article 13 : Livres et documents à tenir
Toute personne soumise à l‘obligation de tenue de livres
et de documents en vertu des dispositions de l‘article 12
de la présente loi doit préparer, établir et conserver tous
les livres et documents relatifs à :
une dette fiscale ;
l‘obligation de retenir un impôt à la source ;
l‘obligation de déposer une déclaration d‘impôt retenu
à la source.
Outre les prescriptions de l‘alinéa premier du présent
ngingo, umuntu wese, ucuruza ibintu birengeje
agaciro ka miliyoni makumyabiri (20.000.000
Frw) z‘amafaranga y‘u Rwanda mu mwaka,
asabwa gukora inyandiko z‘inyongera zikurikira:
inyandiko igaragaza umutungo uramba
n‘imyenda afite;
inyandiko zerekana umutungo winjira
cyangwa usohoka buri munsi, zirebana
n‘ubucuruzi akora;
inyandiko zigaragaza ibicuruzwa na serivisi
byaguzwe n‘ibyagurishijwe mu rwego
rw‘ubucuruzi akora;
inyandiko zigaragaza ibiri mu bubiko nyuma
y‘igihe cy‘ibaruramari.
Inyandiko n‘ibitabo bivugwa mu gika cya mbere
n'icya 2 by'iyi ngingo, bigomba kubikwa igihe
cyose bishobora gukenerwa n‘Ubuyobozi
bw'Imisoro, nibura mu gihe cy‘imyaka cumi (10)
uhereye ku wa mbere Mutarama ukurikira
umwaka w‘isoreshwa byakozwemo.
Ibitabo n‘inyandiko zose bigomba kubikwa mu
nyubako z'umusoreshwa cyangwa ahandi
habigenewe bibarizwa mu Rwanda.
this article, any person who has an annual turnover
exceeding twenty million Rwandan Francs
(20,000,000 RWF) is obliged to keep the following
additional documents:
1° a record showing business assets and liabilities;
records showing daily income and expenses
related to the business activity he or she operates;
records showing purchases and sales of goods
and services related to the business he or she
records showing trading stock at the end of the
tax period.
Books and records mentioned under paragraph one
and two of this article, are preserved for any time
they may be required by the tax administration at
least in a period of ten (10) years starting from
January 1
following the tax year in which it was
carried out.
Books and records are required to be kept in the
premises of the taxpayer or any other place located
within Rwanda.
article, toute personne dont le chiffre d‘affaires est
supérieur à vingt millions de francs rwandais (20.000.000
Frw) pendant l‘exercice doit tenir les documents
contenant les renseignements suivants :
l‘actif et le passif de l‘entreprise ;
les recettes et les dépenses journalières liées à
l‘activité de l‘entreprise ;
les achats et les ventes journaliers des biens et
services liés à l‘activité de lentreprise ;
l‘inventaire des stocks à la fin de l‘exercice comptable.
Les livres et documents visés aux alinéas premier et 2 du
présent article doivent être conservés tant qu‘ils peuvent
présenter un intérêt pour l‘Administration fiscale pendant
un délai minimum de dix (10) ans à compter du 1
de l‘année qui suit l‘exercice fiscal considéré.
Tous les livres et documents doivent être gardés dans les
locaux du contribuable ou à un autre endroit habilité
situés au Rwanda.
Ingingo ya 14: Inyemezamusoro ku
Inyemezamusoro ku nyongeragaciro ni inyandiko
y'ibaruramari ikorwa mu buryo bwagenwe
n'Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro kandi ikagaragaza ibi
amazina y'umusoreshwa n'umuguzi, amazina
y'ubucuruzi igihe atandukanye n'amazina ye
Article 14: Value Added Tax invoice
A Value Added Tax invoice is an accounting
document prepared in the form determined by the
Tax Administration and which shows the following
names of the taxpayer and the client, and the
taxpayer‘s trade name, if different from the
personal name;
Article 14 : Facture TVA
Une facture TVA est un document comptable réalisé dans
la forme stipulée par l‘Administration Fiscale et qui
comprend les éléments suivants :
noms du contribuable et du client et le nom
commercial du contribuable s‘il est différent du nom du
2° nomero iranga umusoreshwa n'umuguzi we iyo
ari ngombwa;
nomero n'itariki umusoreshwa
yiyandikishirijeho ku musoro ku nyongeragaciro;
ubwoko bw'ibicuruzwa yagurishije cyangwa
imirimo yakozwe;
5° agaciro k'ibintu cyangwa imirimo bisoreshwa;
6° umubare w'umusoro ku nyongeragaciro kuri
iryo gurishwa risoreshwa;
7° itariki inyemezamusoro yatangiweho;
8°nomero igaragaza ubukurikirane
Igihe igurisha ry'ibintu cyangwa imirimo rikozwe
ku rwego rw'ubudandazi ku baguzi
batiyandikishije ku musoro ku Nyongeragaciro
hashobora gutangwa inyemezabuguzi icishirije
igenwa n'Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro mu mwanya
w'inyemezamusoro ku nyongeragaciro.
taxpayer identification number and the
purchaser‘s if necessary;
number and date of the value added tax
registration certificate;
4° description of goods sold or services rendered;
5° value of taxable goods or services;
sum of Value Added Tax due on the given
taxable transaction;
date on which the Value Added Tax invoice was
8° serial number of the Value Added Tax invoice.
In case the sale of goods or services is carried out at
retail to clients who are not value added tax
registered taxpayers, a simplified cash receipt
determined by the Tax Administration may be
issued instead of a value added tax invoice.
identification fiscale du contribuable et celui de
l‘acheteur s‘il y a lieu ;
numéro et date du certificat d‘enregistrement à la
description des marchandises livrées ou des services
rendus ;
montant de la transaction taxable;
montant de la TVA due sur la transaction taxable;
date d‘émission de la facture TVA;
numéro de série de la facture TVA.
Si les biens et services sont vendus en détail à une
personne non enregistrée à la TVA, une facture simplifiée
déterminée par l‘Administration fiscale peut être utilisée à
la place de la facture TVA.
Ingingo ya 15: Ibindi bisabwa amasosiyete
Usibye ibyangombwa bisabwa mu ngingo ya 12
n‘iya 13 z'iri tegeko, amasosiyete yose asabwa
gukurikiza uburyo bwo gukora ibaruramari
rigaragaza ibyinjiye n'ibisohoka nk'uko
amategeko agenga ibaruramari mu Rwanda
Amasosiyete asabwa kandi kugaragaza
imenyeshamusoro y‘umwaka iherekejwe
n‘inyandiko yerekana ifoto y‘umutungo n‘imari
yose zakozwe ku munsi w‘isozwa ry‘igihe
Article 15: Supplementary requirements for
With exception of the requirements of articles 12
and 13 of this law, all companies are obliged to
follow a double entry book keeping system as rules
and procedures of accounting in Rwanda determine.
Companies also, are obliged to indicate annual tax
declaration accompanied by a balance sheet and full
accounts, established on the day of closure of the
tax period.
Article 15 : Prescriptions supplémentaires pour les
Outre les prescriptions des articles 12 et 13, toutes les
sociétés ont l‘obligation de tenir une comptabilité en
partie double, conforme au Plan Comptable National.
En même temps que la déclaration fiscale annuelle, elles
présentent un bilan et des comptes complets établis au
jour de la clôture de l‘exercice fiscal.
Icyiciro cya 2: Ibyerekeye gusubika imenyesha
Ingingo ya 16: Kongera igihe cy‟imenyesha
Umusoreshwa ashobora gusaba Komiseri Mukuru
kongererwa igihe cyo kumenyesha umusoro mu
gihe atanze impamvu kandi akagaragaza ingorane
zifatika zimutera kutamenyeshereza umusoro ku
gihe. Umusoreshwa yandikira Komiseri Mukuru
mbere y‘uko itariki y‘imenyesha irenga.
Komiseri Mukuru ashobora kongerera
umusoreshwa igihe cy‘imenyesha ry‘umusoro
abinyujije mu nyandiko.
Kongererwa igihe cy‘imenyesha ntacyo bihindura
ku munsi wo kwishyura umusoro cyangwa ngo
bihagarike kwiyongera ku inyungu z‘ubukererwe.
Section 2: Postponement of tax declaration
Article 16: Filing extension
The taxpayer may apply to the Commissioner
General for an extension of the deadline for filing
the tax declaration if sufficient proof of the reasons
and difficulties faced in filing the tax declaration on
time is given. The taxpayer makes a written request
to the Commissioner General before the original
filing date expires.
The Commissioner General may provide the
taxpayer in writing with an extension of the
deadline for filing the tax declaration.
Extension of a deadline for tax declaration neither
affects the deadline for the tax payment nor
suspends the accrual of interest.
Section 2 : Du report des déclarations d‟impôt
Article 16 : Prorogation du délai de remise de la
Le contribuable peut solliciter du Commissaire Général
une prorogation du délai de remise de la déclaration
d‘impôt s‘il apporte des preuves suffisantes des difficultés
incontournables qu‘il éprouve pour remettre la déclaration
dans le délai imparti. Le contribuable adresse une
demande écrite au Commissaire Général avant
l‘expiration du délai de remise de la déclaration..
Le Commissaire Général peut accorder par écrit au
contribuable un report de la date limite prévue pour la
remise de la déclaration d‘impôt.
Le report de cette date est sans effet sur la date limite de
paiement de l‘impôt et ne suspend pas le cours des
Icyiciro cya 3: Ibyerekeye imenyesha
ry'umusoro ufatirwa n‟ubwishyu
Ingingo ya 17: Inyandiko zisabwa uwafatiriye
Umuntu ushinzwe gufatira umusoro abika kandi
akereka Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro, mu rwego
rw‘igenzura, inyandiko za buri gihe cy'isoreshwa
1°ubwishyu bwakorewe uwishyuwe;
2°umusoro wafatiriwe kuri ubwo bwishyu.
Ufatira umusoro yohereza kopi y‘inyandiko
zivugwa mu gika cya mbere cy'iyi ngingo mu
Section 3: Withholding declarations and
Article 17: Records to be kept by withholding
A withholding agent maintains and makes available
for inspection by the Tax Administration, records
showing, in relation to each tax period:
1°payments made to a payee;
tax withheld from those payments.
The withholding agent sends a copy of records
mentioned in paragraph one of this article in a
Section 3 : Des déclarations d‟impôt retenu à la source
et des paiements
Article 17 : Les documents à conserver par l‟agent qui
a retenu l‟impôt
L‘agent chargé de retenir l'impôt à la source conserve et
tient à la disposition de l‘Administration fiscale, pour
inspection, les documents montrant pour chaque exercice
fiscal :
les paiements faits à un bénéficiaire ;
l‘impôt retenu sur ces paiements.
L‘agent chargé de retenir l'impôt à la source transmet au
Commissaire Général une copie des documents à tenir en
buryo, ishusho n‘igihe bigenwa na Komiseri
Mukuru kandi akishyura mu Buyobozi
bw'Imisoro, umusoro yafatiriye mu minsi cumi
n'itanu (15) ikurikira ukwezi yakiriyemo
Ingingo ya 17 bis: Igihe cy‟imenyekanisha
ry‟umusoro ku bihembo
(Nk’uko yashyizweho n’ingingo ya 3 y’itegeko
1/2012 ryo kuwa 03/02/2012 rihindura kandi
ryuzuza itegeko 25/2005 ryo kuwa 04/12/2005
rigena imitunganyirize y‘isoresha, Igazeti ya Leta
nº 13 yo kuwa 26/03/2012):
Ku basoreshwa bafite igicuruzo rusange ku
mwaka kingana cyangwa kiri munsi ya miliyoni
magana abiri (200.000.000) z‘amafaranga y‘u
Rwanda, imenyekanisha ry‘umusoro ku bihembo
ritangwa rimwe mu gihembwe hamwe n‘umusoro
ugomba kwishyurwa mu gihe cy‘iminsi 15
nyuma y'irangira ry‘igihembwe kijyanye
n‘umusoro ku bihembo.
Umusoreshwa uvugwa mu gika kibanziriza iki
ashobora guhitamo kumenyekanisha ku bushake
buri kwezi umusoro ku bihembo.
Komiseri Mukuru ashyiraho amabwiriza
asobanura uburyo bwo kumenyekanisha no
kwishyura umusoro ku bihembo ku gihembwe.»
manner, form and the intervals prescribed by the
Commissioner General and pays in the Tax
Administration the tax withheld within fifteen (15)
days following the end of the month in which he or
she received the payments.
Article 17 bis: Time for declaration of Pay As
You Earn (PAYE)
(As provided by article 3 of the law n°1/2012 of
03/02/2012 modifying and complementing law nº
25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax procedures, O. G
13 of 26/03/2012):
For taxpayers whose annual turnover is equal or
less than two hundred million (200.000.000)
Rwandan francs, the Pay As You Earn shall be
quarterly and deposited with payment of the tax due
within 15 days after the end of the quarter to which
the Pay As You Earn is referred.
The taxpayer referred to in the preceding Paragraph
may opt for a monthly voluntary declaration of the
Pay as You Earn.
The Commissioner General shall determine the
modalities of declaration and payment of Pay As
You Earn on a quaterly basis.‖
vertu de l‘alinéa premier du présent article, selon les
modalités, la forme et la périodicité prescrites par le
Commissaire Général, et transfère l‘impôt retenu aux
comptes de l‘Administration fiscale dans les quinze (15)
jours après la fin du mois au cours duquel le paiement a
été effectué.
«Article 17 bis: Délai de la déclaration de la taxe
professionnelle sur les rémunérations (TPR)
(Tel que prévu par l’article 3 de la loi n°1/2012 du
03/02/2012 modifiant et complétant la loi n°25/2005 du
04/12/2005, portant création des procédures fiscales, J. O
nº 13 du 26/03/2012) :
Pour les contribuables dont le chiffre d‘affaires annuel est
inférieur ou égal à deux cent millions (200.000.000) de
francs rwandais, la déclaration de la taxe professionnelle
sur les rémunérations est trimestrielle et est déposée avec
payement de la taxe due endéans 15 jours après la fin du
trimestre auquel la taxe professionnelle sur les
rémunérations se rapporte.
Le contribuable visé à l‘alinéa précédent peut opter pour
la déclaration mensuelle de la taxe professionnelle sur les
Le Commissaire Général détermine les modalités de
déclaration et payement de la TPR trimestriellement.»
Ingingo ya 18: Igihe hakorwa inyandiko igena
Inyandiko igena umusoro ikorwa mu gihe:
umusoreshwa yateguye inyandiko
y‘imenyesha ry‘umusoro kandi akishyura
umusoro mu gihe giteganyijwe;
umusoreshwa yateguye inyandiko
y‘imenyesha ry‘umusoro mu gihe giteganyije,
ariko ntiyishyurire umusoro igihe;
Article 18: Cases of issuance of a notice of
A notice of assessment is issued when:
the taxpayer files the tax declaration and pays
the tax due on time;
the taxpayer files the tax declaration on time but
has not paid the tax on time;
Article 18 : Cas d‟établissement d‟une note d‟
Une note d‘imposition est établie lorsque :
le contribuable introduit la déclaration d‘impôt et paye
l‘impôt dans le délai imparti ;
le contribuable introduit la déclaration d‘impôt dans le
délai imparti mais n‘a pas payé l‘impôt à l‘échéance
prévue ;
Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro busoresheje
umusoreshwa nyuma yiperereza n‘igenzura;
hari ibimenyetso simusiga by‘uko uburyo bwo
kwakira umusoro bubangamiwe, biturutse ku
miterere y‘umutungo w‘umusoreshwa cyangwa
umusoreshwa afite umugambi wo kudatanga
Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro bwoherereza
umusoreshwa kopi y‘inyandiko igena umusoro.
Umusoreshwa yishyura umusoro agomba gutanga
mu gihe kitarenze iminsi irindwi (7) inyandiko
igena umusoro imugezeho, uretse iyo umusoro
wari warishyuwe.
Inyandiko igena umusoro ni ikimenyetso
cyemewe n‘amategeko gishingirwaho mu
kwishyuza umusoro, inyungu z‘ubukererwe,
amahazabu n‘amafaranga yose atangwa mu
the Tax Administration applies to the taxpayer
after investigations and audit;
there are serious indications that the possibilities
for effective tax collection are in jeopardy, due to
the financial position of the taxpayer or due to the
taxpayer‘s intentions to evade taxation.
The Tax Administration sends a copy of the notice
of assessment to the taxpayer.
The taxpayer pays the tax due within seven (7) days
from the receipt of notice of assessment, unless the
tax was already paid.
The notice of assessment constitutes full legal basis
for the recovery of tax, interest, penalties and all
costs incurred collection.
l‘Administration fiscale applique la procédure
d‘imposition contradictoire ou d‘imposition d‘office;
il existe des indications sérieuses que le recouvrement
effectif de l‘impôt est menacé en raison de la situation
financière du contribuable ou de son intention de faire
obstacle à ce recouvrement.
L‘Administration fiscale adresse une copie de la note
d‘imposition au contribuable.
Le contribuable paye l‘impôt dans les sept (7) jours de
la réception de la note d‘imposition, sauf si l‘impôt a été
déjà acquitté.
La note d‘imposition constitue un titre exécutoire
complète pour le recouvrement de l‘impôt, des intérêts,
des amendes et des frais de recouvrement.
Ingingo ya 19: Ibikubiye mu nyandiko igena
Inyandiko igena umusoro igaragaza:
amazina y‘umusoreshwa, nomero asoreraho
n‘aho abarizwa;
uburyo umusoro ubarwa n‘umusoro ugomba
kwishyurwa ;
imenyesha ry‘umusoro cyangwa inyandiko
iyikosora, inyandiko igena umusoro ishingiyeho;
4° itariki inyandiko igena umusoro yakoreweho;
aho Komiseri Mukuru ugezwaho ubujurire
6° ibisabwa kugira ngo ubujurire bukorwe.
Article 19: Content of the notice of assessment
The notice of assessment mentions:
the taxpayer‘s name, taxpayer identification
number and address;
the modalities of calculation of the tax and the
amount of tax to be paid;
the tax declaration or its rectification note, the
assessment notice on which the declaration is based;
4° the date of issuance of the notice of assessment;
the address of the Commissioner General to
which an appeal has to be sent;
the conditions to be fulfilled in order to lodge an
Article 19 : Contenu de la note d‟imposition
La note d‘imposition mentionne :
le nom du contribuable, son numéro d‘identification
fiscale et son adresse ;
le calcul de l‘impôt et le montant de l‘impôt à payer ;
la déclaration d‘impôt ou le redressement sur lesquels
se fonde la note dimposition
la date d‘établissement de la note d‘imposition;
l‘adresse du Commissaire Général auprès duquel la
réclamation doit être introduite ;
les conditions d‘introduction de la réclamation.
Icyiciro cya mbere: Ibyerekeye ingingo
Ingingo ya 20: Ibisabwa mu igenzura
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya
mbere y’itegeko 74/2008 ryo kuwa 31/12/2008
rihindura kandi ryuzuza itegeko 25/2005 ryo
kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize
y‘isoresha, Igazeti ya Leta 19 yo kuwa
―Mu gihe cy‘igenzura, Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro
busabwa kumenyesha, mu nyandiko,
umusoreshwa ibi bikurikira:
ko azakorerwa igenzurwa nibura iminsi
irindwi (7) mbere y‘uko rikorwa Iyo
umusoreshwa adashobora kuboneka mu gihe
cy‘iminsi irindwi (7) yandikira Ubuyobozi
bw‘imisoro asaba ko icyo gihe cyongerwa. Ariko
kongera igihe ntibigomba kurenga iminsi cumi
n‘itanu (15) kandi bikorwa rimwe gusa;
aho igenzura rizakorerwa n‘igihe rishobora
inyandiko iyo ari yo yose yihariye Ubuyobozi
bw'Imisoro bukeneye kubona cyangwa
ibimenyetso byihariye bisabwa.
Mu gihe cy‘igenzura, umusoreshwa asabwa
kwakira neza ikipe y‘abagenzuzi b'imisoro no
Section one: General provisions
Article 20: Conditions in auditing and
(As modified and completed by article one of the
law n°74/2008 of 31/12/2008 modifying and
complementing law nº 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax
procedures, O. G nº 19 of 11/05/2009):
―In case of audit, the Tax Administration is
required to inform in writing, the taxpayer the
that he or she will be audited at least seven (7)
days before the audit is conducted. If the taxpayer is
not ready in seven (7) days, he writes to the tax
administration requesting for an extension. This
extension should not exceed fifteen (15) days and
can only be allowed once;
the place where the audit is to be conducted and
the possible duration of the audit;
3°any specific document the tax administration
wants to see or any specific information it requires.
In case of audit, the taxpayer is required to receive
the tax audit team and to do the following:
Section première : Dispositions générales
Article 20 : Obligations en cas de contrôle ou de
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article premier de la loi
n°74/2008 du 31/12/2008 modifiant et complétant la loi nº
25/2005 du 04/12/2005, portant création des procédures
fiscales, J. O nº19 du 11/05/2009) :
« En cas de contrôle, l‘Administration fiscale est tenue
d‘informer le contribuable par écrit de ce qui suit:
du contrôle au moins sept (7) jours avant. Lorsque le
contribuable n‘est pas prêt à être vérifié dans les sept (7)
jours, il écrit à l‘Administration Fiscale en sollicitant la
prorogation de ce délai. Cette prorogation ne peut pas
aller au delà de quinze (15) jours et n‘est accordée qu‘une
seule fois;
de l‘endroit où le contrôle doit avoir lieu et de sa durée
estimative ;
de tout document particulier que l‘Administration
fiscale souhaite consulter ou de tout renseignement
particulier qu‘elle demande.
En cas de contrôle, le contribuable est tenu de recevoir
l‘équipe des vérificateurs et de mettre à sa disposition :
gukora ibi bikurikira:
1° kuyiha aho gukorera;
kuyigezaho ibitabo n‘inyandiko bivugwa mu
ngingo ya 12, iya 13 n'iya 15 z‘iri tegeko.
Igenzurwa risozwa n‘inyandikomvugo
ishyirwaho umukono n‘umusoreshwa
n‘umugenzuzi. Iyo nyandiko mvugo igaragaza
uko igenzura ryagenze, amakosa yagaragaye,
n‘inyandiko umusoreshwa atashoboye
Umusoreshwa ntiyemerewe gutanga, ku rwego
urwo ari rwo rwose rw‘ubujurire, izindi nyandiko
cyangwa ibitabo atagaragaje mu gihe
Ibiteganyijwe mu gika kibanziriza iki
ntibikurikizwa, iyo umusoreshwa abashije
gutanga impamvu zifatika zatumye atagaragaza
ibimenyetso mu gihe cy‘igenzura―.
1° to provide the team with suitable premises;
to give the team books and records referred to in
Articles 12, 13 and 15 of this Law.
Audit is concluded by a statement of audit signed
by both the taxpayer and the auditor. The statement
of audit indicates the audit process, errors
discovered, books and documents which were not
provided by the taxpayer during audit.
A taxpayer shall not be allowed to provide at any
stage of appeal, any additional evidence that had not
been produced during the audit.
The preceding paragraph shall not apply in cases
where the taxpayer has reasonable grounds
justifying his/her inability to provide the required
evidence during the audit period‖.
un local de travail convenable ;
les livres et documents visés aux articles 12, 13 et 15
de la présente loi.
La vérification est sanctionnée par un procès verbal signé
par le contribuable et le vérificateur. Ce procès verbal
indique le déroulement de la vérification, les erreurs
constatées et les documents que le contribuable n‘a pas
présentés au cours de la vérification.
Le contribuable n‘est pas autorisé à produire,à n‘importe
quel niveau de recours un document additionnel qu‘il
n‘avait pas fourni pendant la vérification.
Le paragraphe précédent ne s‘applique pas lorsque le
contribuable parvient à prouver qu‘il était dans
l‘impossibilité de produire ces documents additionnels au
cours de la vérification ».
Ingingo ya 20 bis: Ibisabwa mu igenzura ryo
gusubiza umusoro
(Nk’uko yashyizweho n’ingingo ya 2 y’itegeko
74/2008 ryo kuwa 31/12/2008 rihindura kandi
ryuzuza itegeko 25/2005 ryo kuwa 04/12/2005
rigena imitunganyirize y‘isoresha, Igazeti ya Leta
nº19 yo kuwa 11/05/2009):
―Iyo habaye igenzura rigamije gusubiza umusoro
cyangwa igenzura rigamije gusuzuma ikintu
runaka cyihariye, Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro
busabwa kumenyesha, mu nyandiko,
umusoreshwa ibi bikurikira:
1° ko azakorerwa igenzurwa nibura iminsi
itatu (3) mbere y‘uko rikorwa;
Article 20 bis: Conditions in refund audit
(As provided by article 2 of the law n°74/2008 of
31/12/2008 modifying and complementing law nº
25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax procedures, O. G
nº19 of 11/05/2009):
―In case of a refund audit or issue oriented audit, the
Tax Administration shall be required to inform in
writing, the taxpayer the following:
that he or she shall be audited at least three (3)
days before the audit is conducted;
Article 20 bis : Conditions en cas d‟audit de restitution
(Tel que prévu par l’article 2 de la loi n°74/2008 du
31/12/2008 modifiant et complétant la loi 25/2005 du
04/12/2005, portant création des procédures fiscales, J. O
nº 19 du 11/05/2009) :
« En cas d‘audit de restitution ou d‘audit spécifiquement
orienté, l‘Administration fiscale est tenue d‘informer le
contribuable par écrit de ce qui suit:
1° du contrôle au moins trois (3) jours avant;
aho igenzura rizakorerwa n‘igihe rishobora
inyandiko iyo ari yo yose yihariye Ubuyobozi
bw'Imisoro bukeneye kubona cyangwa
ibimenyetso byihariye bisabwa.
Ingingo ya 20 ter: Igenzura rikorewe mu biro
(Nk’uko yashyizweho n’ingingo ya 4 y’itegeko
1/2012 ryo kuwa 03/02/2012 rihindura kandi
ryuzuza itegeko 25/2005 ryo kuwa 04/12/2005
rigena imitunganyirize y‘isoresha, Igazeti ya Leta
nº 13 yo kuwa 26/03/2012):
―Igenzura rikorewe mu biro rikorwa
n‘umugenzuzi mu biro bye ku kazi habonetse
zimwe mu mpamvu zikurikira:
1° ibyacurujwe by‘umusoro ku nyongeragaciro
bitangana n‘ibyacurujwe byumusoro ku nyungu
nta mpamvu;
2° amamenyekanisha y‘imisoro adahura
n‘imisoro yishyuwe;
3° umusoreshwa yakuye mu nyungu zisoreshwa
ibyatunze umwuga bitemewe;
4° fagitiri imwe cyangwa nyinshi
5° ikindi gihe cyose ubuyobozi bw‘imisoro
bwasanga bufite inyandiko zihagije zatuma
hacibwa umusoro.
Mu gihe cy‘igenzura rikorewe mu biro, si
ngombwa kumenyesha umusoreshwa ko
the place where the audit is to be conducted and
the possible duration of the audit;
any specific document the tax administration
wants to see or any specific information it requires‖.
Article 20 ter: Desk audit
(As provided by article 4 of the law n°1/2012 of
03/02/2012 modifying and complementing law nº
25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax procedures, O. G
13 of 26/03/2012):
―Desk audit shall be conducted by an auditor in
his/her office on any of the following grounds:
turnover of Value added Tax is not
corresponding to the turnover of income tax without
tax declarations are not corresponding to paid
the taxpayer deducted from tax base non
deductible expenses;
4° one or more invoices were not declared;
any other situations where the tax administration
has sufficient documents that can be used to assess
Under desk audit it shall not be necessary to inform
2° de l‘endroit le contrôle doit avoir lieu et de sa durée
estimative ;
de tout document particulier que l‘Administration
fiscale souhaite consulter ou de tout renseignement
particulier qu‘elle demande ».
«Article 20 ter: Audit au bureau
(Tel que prévu par l’article 4 de la loi n°1/2012 du
03/02/2012 modifiant et complétant la loi n°25/2005 du
04/12/2005, portant création des procédures fiscales, J. O
nº 13 du 26/03/2012) :
«L'audit au bureau est conduit par un auditeur dans son
bureau pour l‘un quelconque des motifs suivants:
le chiffre d'affaires de la Taxe sur la Valeur Ajouté ne
correspond pas au chiffre d'affaires de l'impôt sur le
revenu sans raison;
les déclarations des impôts ne correspondent pas aux
impôts payés;
le contribuable a déduit dans la base imposable des
dépenses non déductibles;
4° une ou plusieurs factures n‘ont pas été déclarées ;
tout autre cas l‘administration fiscale dispose des
documents suffisants lui permettant d‘établir les impôts.
Dans un audit au bureau, il n‘est pas nécessaire
d‘informer par écrit le contribuable qu‘il fera l‘objet d‘un
azagenzurwa. Ariko umusoreshwa ahamagarwa
kugira ngo atange ibisobanuro mbere y‘uko
ahabwa inyandiko imuca umusoro.‖
in writing the taxpayer that he/she will be audited.
However, the taxpayer shall be invited for
explanation before issuance of notice of
audit. Toutefois, le contribuable est invité à fournir des
explications avant qu‘il ne lui soit remis une note
d‘imposition. »
Ingingo ya 21: Irindi genzura
Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro bugomba gukorera
umusoreshwa igenzura inshuro imwe gusa ku
musoro runaka cyangwa mu gihe runaka
cy‘isoreshwa. Irindi genzura riba ngombwa iyo
habonetse izindi mpamvu zifatika nk'uko
biteganywa n'amabwiriza ya Komiseri Mukuru.
Icyiciro cya 2: Ibyerekeye inshingano zo
gutanga ibisobanuro
Ingingo ya 22: Uburenganzira ku bitabo no ku
Abisabwe n‘umukozi wemewe, umusoreshwa
agomba kumworohereza kubona ibitabo
n‘inyandiko zivugwa muri iri tegeko, kimwe
n‘izindi nyandiko zifitanye isano na zo.
Article 21: New audit
The Tax Administration shall audit a taxpayer only
once in respect of a certain tax or in a certain
taxable period. A new audit may be necessary if
there are concrete reasons as set out by rules issued
by the Commissioner General.
Section 2: Obligations to provide information
Article 22: Access to books and records
Upon request by an authorized officer, the taxpayer
is obliged to give access to books and records kept
according to this Law, as well as all related
Article 21 : Nouveau contrôle
L‘Administration fiscale doit procéder à la vérification du
contribuable une seule fois pour le même impôt et pour le
même exercice. Un nouveau contrôle n‘est possible que
s‗il y a de nouveaux éléments importants spécifiés par les
directives existantes du Commissaire Général.
Section 2 : Des obligations en matière de
communication de renseignements
Article 22 : Accès aux livres et aux documents
Le contribuable est tenu, sur requête d‘un agent autorisé,
de donner accès aux livres et documents tenus
conformément à la présente loi ainsi qu‘à tous les
documents connexes.
Ingingo ya 23: Ibisobanuro bitangwa
Ibisobanuro byatswe n‘Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro
mu nyandiko bigomba gutangwa mu minsi
itarenze irindwi (7) y'akazi guhera igihe
yabimenyesherejwe, keretse gusa iyo
umusoreshwa agaragaje ingorane zifatika yahuye
na zo mu gutegura no gutanga ibisobanuro
Bisabwe n‘Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro mu nyandiko,
kopi y'ibitabo by'ibaruramari cyangwa kopi ya
bimwe muri ibyo bitabo cyangwa y‘indi nyandiko
Article 23: Information given by the taxpayer
Information demanded in writing by the Tax
Administration shall be provided within a period of
seven (7) working days, from the time the taxpayer
was informed unless the taxpayer gives sufficient
proof of difficulties faced in preparing and
delivering the requested information.
Upon written request by the Tax Administration, a
copy of or any part of the books of accounts kept or
any other related document, including lists of
Article 23 : Renseignements à fournir par le
Les renseignements que l‘Administration fiscale demande
par écrit doivent être fournis dans un délai de sept (7)
jours ouvrables, sauf si le contribuable apporte des
preuves suffisantes des difficultés qu‘il a éprouvées pour
établir et fournir les renseignements demandés.
Sur demande écrite de l‘Administration fiscale, une copie
de tout élément comptable ou de tout document connexe,
y compris des listes de clients et de fournisseurs, doit être
fournie à l‘Administration fiscale dans un délai de sept (7)
bifitanye isano, harimo urutonde rw‘abaguzi
n‘urw‘abagemuriye umusoreshwa, bigomba
kugezwa ku Buyobozi bw‘Imisoro mu minsi
irindwi (7), keretse iyo umusoreshwa agaragaje,
mu nyandiko guhera igihe yabimenyesherejwe,
ingorane zifatika yahuye na zo mu gutegura no
gutanga ibimenyetso asabwa. Umusoreshwa afite
uburenganzira bwo kwaka icyemezo cy‘uko
ibisobanuro yatanze byakiriwe.
clients and lists of suppliers has to be provided to
the Tax Administration within seven (7) days,
unless the taxpayer gives sufficient proof of
difficulties in writing faced in preparing and
delivering the requested information. The taxpayer
has the right to request for a confirmation of receipt
of the information.
jours, sauf si le contribuable apporte des preuves
suffisantes des obstacles qu‘il a éprouvés pour établir et
fournir les renseignements demandés. Le contribuable est
en droit d‘en demander un accusé de réception.
Ingingo ya 24: Amakuru atangwa n‟abandi
batari umusoreshwa
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya 5
y’itegeko 1/2012 ryo kuwa 03/02/2012
rihindura kandi ryuzuza itegeko 25/2005 ryo
kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize
y‘isoresha, Igazeti ya Leta 13 yo kuwa
«Bisabwe n'ubuyobozi bw‘imisoro mu nyandiko,
inzego z‘ubuyobozi zose, zirimo Ubushinjacyaha,
ubwanditsi bw' inkiko n‘ubuyobozi
bubushamikiyeho ndetse n‘ibigo Leta ifitemo
uruhare cyangwa iyobora, bigomba guha
umusoresha amakuru yose akeneye harimo no
kwerekana inyandiko zose z‘umwimerere, za
rojisitiri n‘izindi nyandiko zihamya izo nzego
zitunze zidasohowe hanze y‘ikigo.
Ubuyobozi bw‘imisoro bufite uburenganzira bwo
guhabwa amakuru n‘abandi bantu mu gihe
bukeneye kumenya imiterere n‘imikoreshereze
by‘umutungo w‘umusoreshwa. Bushobora
kuboherereza ibibazo byanditse bigomba
gusubizwa mu gihe cy‘iminsi cumi n'itanu (15).
Ibivugwa mu gika kibanziriza iki birubahirizwa
no ku bantu cyangwa ibigo bafite inshingano yo
kugira ibanga ry‘akazi badatanze impamvu izari
zo zose.
Article 24: Information from third parties
(As modified and completed by article 5 of the law
n°1/2012 of 03/02/2012 modifying and
complementing law nº 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax
procedures, O. G nº 13 of 26/03/2012):
―On written request by the Tax Administration, all
administrative services, including the Public
Prosecution, the Courts registry‘s Office, the
subordinate authorities as well as all the public
institutions in which the State holds shares or has
governance over, shall provide the tax officer with
all the information required and show all the
original registers and other documents of
certification of such institutions in their possession
without transferring them outside their premises.
The Tax Administration shall have the right to
obtain information from other persons, in case there
is need to know fiscal information of taxpayers. The
Tax Administration may send written questions
which have to be answered within a period of
fifteen (15) days.
The preceding Paragraph also shall apply to people
or institution who are bound by professional secrecy
without any other condition.
Article 24 : Informations fournies par des tiers
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 5 de la loi
n°1/2012 du 03/02/2012 modifiant et complétant la loi
n°25/2005 du 04/12/2005, portant création des
procédures fiscales, J. O nº 13 du 26/03/2012) :
«Sur demande écrite de l‘administration fiscale, tous les
services administratifs, y compris l‘Organe National de
Poursuite, les greffes des cours et tribunaux et les
autorités subalternes ainsi que les organismes et
institutions qui relèvent de l‘État ou auxquels celui-ci
participe, sont tenus de fournir à l‘agent autorisé toutes les
informations qu‘il requiert et de montrer, sans les
déplacer, tous les documents originaux, registres et
preuves qui sont en leur possession.
L‘administration fiscale est en droit de recueillir des
informations auprès des tierces personnes en vue de
déterminer la situation fiscale d‘un contribuable. Elle peut
leur adresser des questions écrites, auxquelles il doit être
répondu dans un délai de quinze (15) jours.
Le paragraphe précédent s‘applique aussi aux personnes
physiques ou morales tenues par le secret professionnel
sans aucune condition.
Amakuru avugwa muri iyi ngingo arebana
n‘umusoreshwa asabwa gusa n‘ubuyobozi
bw‘imisoro mu gihe bukora igenzura cyangwa
The information referred to in this Article concering
the taxpayer is only required by the Tax
Administration in case of audit or investigation.‖
Les informations visées au présent article concernant le
contribuable, ne sont requis par l‘administration fiscale
qu‘en cas d‘audit ou d‘investigation.»
Ingingo ya 25: Kwinjira mu kigo no mu
nyubako hagamijwe gusaka no gufatira
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya 6
y’itegeko 1/2012 ryo kuwa 03/02/2012
rihindura kandi ryuzuza itegeko 25/2005 ryo
kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize
y‘isoresha, Igazeti ya Leta 13 yo kuwa
«Umukozi wemewe ashobora gusura kandi
akinjira mu kigo gikorerwamo cy‘umusoreshwa
cyangwa icy'undi muntu wese nta nteguza
yanditse atanze iyo ashaka amakuru arebana
n‘imisoro y‘umusoreshwa. Muri icyo gihe,
umukozi wemewe ashobora, iyo asanze ari
ngombwa, gusaka no gufatira ibintu cyangwa
ibitabo by‘umusoreshwa bifitanye isano
n‘ibikorwa by'ubucuruzi.
Umukozi wemewe ashobora na none kwinjira mu
mazu cyangwa mu nyubako bituwemo, gusaka no
gufatira ibintu cyangwa ibitabo by‘umusoreshwa
bifitanye isano n‘ibikorwa by'ubucuruzi, hagati
ya saa moya za mu gitondo na saa kumi n‘ebyiri
za nimugoroba, nyuma y‘uko Umushinjacyaha
ahaye ubuyobozi bw‘imisoro uruhushya rwo
gusaka. Mu kwaka uru ruhushya, ubuyobozi
bw‘imisoro busabwa gushyikiriza
Umushinjacyaha ibi bikurikira:
amazina y‘umusoreshwa, aho abarizwa n‘icyo
Article 25: Entrance into premises for search
and seizure
(As modified and completed by article 6 of the law
n°1/2012 of 03/02/2012 modifying and
complementing law nº 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax
procedures, O. G nº 13 of 26/03/2012):
―The authorized officer may, without written notice,
visit and enter into premises of the taxpayer or any
other person in search of tax information about the
taxpayer. In such case, the authorized officer may,
if he/she considers it necessary, search and seize
objects or documents related to the business
activities of the taxpayer.
The authorized officer may also access the
residential buildings or premises, search and seize
objects or documents related to the business
activities of the taxpayer, between 7:00 am to 6:00
pm, after the Prosecutor delivers a search warrant to
the Tax Administration. In applying for a search
warrant, the Tax Administration shall provide to the
Prosecutor the following:
1° the name, address and activity of the taxpayer;
Article 25 : Accès aux locaux pour perquisitioner et
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 6 de la loi
n°1/2012 du 03/02/2012 modifiant et complétant la loi
n°25/2005 du 04/12/2005, portant création des
procédures fiscales, J. O nº 13 du 26/03/2012) :
«L‘agent autorisé peut, sans préavis écrit, visiter, pénétrer
dans les locaux du contribuable ou de toute autre personne
en quête des informations fiscales du contribuable. Dans
ce cas, l‘agent autorisé peut, s‘il le juge nécessaire,
perquisitioner et saisir des objets ou des documents liés
aux activités commerciales du contribuable.
L‘agent autorisé peut aussi accéder à des lieux ou à des
locaux d‘habitation, perquisitioner et saisir des objets ou
des documents liés aux activités commerciales du
contribuable, entre sept heures (7h00) du matin et six
heures (18h00) du soir, après que l‘officier de poursuite
judiciaire délivre un mandat de perquisition à
l‘administration fiscale. Celle-ci mentionne dans la
demande de mandat de perquisition ce qui suit:
1° le nom, l‘adresse et l‘activité du contribuable;
aho ikigo cyangwa urugo ubuyobozi
bw‘imisoro bishaka gusaka biri;
3° ibimenyetso simusiga ubuyobozi bw'imisoro
bufite by‘uko umusoreshwa yarigishije imisoro;
impamvu ubuyobozi bw‘imisoro bwaka
uruhushya rwo gusaka.
Ubushinjacyaha busuzuma kandi bugafata
ibyemezo ku byifuzo by‘ubuyobozi bw‘imisoro
ingingo ku yindi mu gihe gito gishoboka.
Iyo Ubushinjacyaha butanze uruhushya rwo
gusaka, kopi yarwo ihabwa umusoreshwa mu
gihe cy‘isaka.
Iyo ubuyobozi bw‘imisoro bufite uruhushya rwo
gusaka ruvugwa mu gika cya 2 cy'iyi ngingo,
bushobora kwiyambaza Guverineri w‘Intara
cyangwa Umuyobozi w‘Umujyi wa Kigali,
Umukuru w‘Abapolisi cyangwa Umuyobozi
w‘Akarere kugira ngo isaka rikorwe.
the location of the premises or buildings the Tax
Administration wants to visit;
the serious indications of fraud the Tax
Administration holds against the taxpayer;
the reasons why the Tax Administration wants a
search warrant.
The Public Prosecution shall verify and take
decisions on the request of the Tax Administration,
in the shortest period possible.
If the Public Prosecution gives the search warrant,
its copy shall be given to the taxpayer during the
In case the Tax Administration has the search
warrant referred to in Paragraph 2 of this Article, it
may seek the assistance of the Governor of the
province or the Mayor of City of Kigali, the
commander of Police or the Mayor of the District in
order for the search to be conducted.
la situation exacte des lieux ou des locaux d‘habitation
que l‘administration fiscale souhaite visiter;
les indices sérieux de fraude que l‘administration
fiscale détient à l‘encontre du contribuable;
les raisons pour lesquelles l‘administration fiscale
souhaite obtenir un mandat de perquisition.
L‘Organe National de Poursuite statue, cas par cas, sur la
demande de l‘administration fiscale dans le plus bref délai
Si l‘Organe National de Poursuite délivre un mandat de
perquisition, une copie de la décision est remise au
contribuable au moment de la perquisition.
Lorsque l‘administration fiscale détient le mandat de
perquisition tel que prévu à l‘alinéa 2 du présent article,
elle peut demander l‘aide et l‘assistance du Gouverneur de
Province ou du Maire de la Ville de Kigali, du chef de la
police ou du Maire de District pour l‘exécution du
Icyiciro cya mbere: Ibyerekeye guteganyiriza
usoreshwa kwisobanura
Section one: Contradictory procedure
Section première : De la procédure contradictoire
Ingingo ya 26: Ingingo rusange
Iyo Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro busanze hari umusoro
wabazwe nabi, utarabazwe, wagaragajwe nabi,
watubijwe cyangwa irindi kosa mu nyandiko
y‘imenyesha ry‘umusoro cyangwa mu igenzura,
bufite uburenganzira bwo kubikosora.
Article 26: General Provisions
When the Tax Administration discovers a
miscalculation, an omission, a misrepresentation, an
understatement of income or any other error in the
tax declaration or an assessment, it has the right to
issue an adjusted assessment.
Article 26 : Dispositions générales
Lorsque l‘Administration fiscale découvre une erreur de
calcul, une omission, une déclaration inexacte, une sous-
estimation ou toute autre erreur dans la déclaration
d‘impôt ou dans une cotisation, elle est en droit de
procéder à une rectification de l‘imposition.
Ingingo ya 27: Inyandiko ikosora
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya 2
y’itegeko 38/2012 ryo kuwa 20/12/2012
rihindura kandi ryuzuza itegeko 25/2005 ryo
kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize
y‘isoresha, Igazeti ya Leta 4 yo kuwa
Iyo habayeho gukosora inyandiko igena
umusoro, ubuyobozi bw‘imisoro bwoherereza
umusoreshwa inyandiko ikosora. Iyo nyandiko
iba ikubiyemo umushinga w'inyandiko ikosora
n‘ibindi bintu byose byashingiweho kugira ngo
ikosorwa rikorwe. Inyandiko ikosora
igaragaramo amahazabu agenwa n‘ubuyobozi
bw‘imisoro iyo habayeho kutubahiriza
amategeko agena imitunganyirize y‘imisoro.
Umusoreshwa afite uburenganzira bwo kugaragaza
mu nyandiko igitekerezo cye ku birebana
n‘inyandiko ikosora mu gihe cy‘iminsi
itatu (30). Umusoreshwa ashobora kandi
ubuyobozi bw‘imisoro ibindi
bimenyetso cyangwa se ibindi bisobanuro
bigaragaza ko inyandiko yakosowe idasobanutse
neza. Umusoreshwa afite uburenganzira bwo
kwisobanura mu magambo yo yabisabye mu
gisubizo cye.
Article 27: Rectification note
(As modified and completed by article 2 of the law
n°38/2012 of 20/12/2012 modifying and
complementing law nº 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax
procedures, O. G nº 4 of 28/01/2013):
―In case the tax declaration form is rectified, the
tax administration shall send a rectification note to the
taxpayer. The note shall contain a draft of the
adjusted assessment and all the elements leading to
the adjusted assessment. The rectification note shall
contain administrative fines determined by the tax
administration in case of non-compliance with the
tax laws.
The taxpayer shall have the right to give his/her
written opinion on the rectification note within
thirty (30) days. The taxpayer may also transmit
additional evidence or information to indicate that
the adjusted assessment is incorrect. The taxpayer
shall have the right to a hearing on condition that
he/she requested for it in his/her reply.
Article 27 : Avis de rectification
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 2 de la loi
n°38/2012 du 20/12/2012 modifiant et complétant la loi
n°25/2005 du 04/12/2005, portant création des
procédures fiscales, J. O nº 4 du 28/01/2013) :
« En cas de rectification du formulaire fiscal,
l‘administration fiscale transmet un avis de
rectification de l‘imposition au contribuable. Cet avis
comprend un projet de rectification ainsi que tous les
éléments qui entraînent celui-ci. L‘avis de
peut comporter des amendes
déterminées par l‘administration fiscale en cas de non-
respect des lois fiscales.
Le contribuable a le droit de donner par écrit, dans un délai
de trente (30) jours, des observations au
sujet de l‘avis
de rectification. Le contribuable peut également
transmettre des preuves
compmentaires à
l‘administration fiscale ainsi que tout renseignement
démontrant que le
redressement est inexact. Le
contribuable a le
droit d‘être entendu, pour autant que la
demande d‘audition figure dans la réponse.
L‘avis de rectification peut être émis pendant une période
Inyandiko ikosora ishobora gutangwa mu gihe
cy‘imyaka itanu (5) uhereye ku itariki ya mbere
Mutarama ikurikira igihe cy‘isoresha. Iki
kimara imyaka icumi
(10) mu gihe
ibikorwa byo kunyereza umusoro.
Inyandiko ikosora iba ntakuka:
ku musoreshwa, nyuma y‘iminsi mirongo
itatu (30), iyo ntacyo yavuze ku nyandikoikosora;
nyuma y‘uko ubuyobozi bw‘imisoro
bwoherereje umusoreshwa inyandiko
imumenyesha ko ibisobanuro bye cyangwa se
bimwe muri byo bidafite ishingiro;
iyo nyuma y‘ibisobanuro mu magambo
by‘umusoreshwa bivugwa mu gika cya 2 cy‘iyi
ngingo, ubuyobozi bw'imisoro
bwamumenyesheje mu nyandiko ko
ibisobanuro bye cyangwa bimwe muri byo
Isoresha rikosora ritubahirije ibivugwa muri
ngingo, nta gaciro rigira, akaba ari yo
hagomba gukorwa irindi genzura
rikorwa inshuro imwe gusa.
The rectification note may be issued in a period of
five (5) years, starting from January 1
the tax period. This period shall be of ten (10)
years in case of tax evasion.
The rectification note is definitive:
to the taxpayer, after a period of thirty (30)
days, in case he/she has not reacted to the
rectification note;
2°after the tax administration has sent a notification
to the taxpayer declaring that
none or part of the
observations of the
taxpayer are not upheld;
after the hearing of the taxpayer as mentioned
under Paragraph 2 of this Article, followed by a
written notification by the tax administration to the
taxpayer declaring that none or part of
the observations of the taxpayer are not
Any tax assessment which does not respect
provisions of this Article shall be null and
therefore, another audit must be carried out only
de cinq (5) ans, à compter du 1
de l‘année qui
suit l‘exercice fiscal concerné.
Cette période est de dix
(10) ans en cas de fraude fiscale.
L‘avis de rectification devient définitif:
à l‘égard du contribuable s‘il n‘a pas réagi
dans les trente
(30) jours à l‘avis de
lorsque l‘administration fiscale a informé
le contribuable que ses observations sont jugées non
fondées, en totalité ou en partie;
lorsque, conformément à l‘alinéa
2 du
article, le contribuable a été
entendu et
l‘administration fiscale l‘a
informé que ses observations
sont jugées non fondées, en totalité ou en partie.
Tout redressement opé sans tenir compte des
dispositions du présent article est nul, et par
conséquent, un nouvel audit doit être engagé une seule
Ingingo ya 27 bis : Inyandiko ikosora ikorwa
mu igenzura ryo gusubiza umusoro
(Nk’uko yashyizweho n’ingingo ya 4 y’itegeko
74/2008 ryo kuwa 31/12/2008 rihindura kandi
ryuzuza itegeko 25/2005 ryo kuwa 04/12/2005
rigena imitunganyirize y‘isoresha, Igazeti ya Leta
nº19 yo kuwa 11/05/2009):
―Iyo habaye igenzura rigamije gusubiza umusoro
Article 27 bis: Rectification note in case of
refund audit
(As provided by article 4 of the law n°74/2008 of
31/12/2008 modifying and complementing law nº
25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax procedures, O. G
nº19 of 11/05/2009):
―In case of refund audit or issue oriented audit the
Article 27 bis : Avis de rectification en cas d‟audit de
(Tel que prévu par l’article 4 de la loi n°74/2008 du
31/12/2008 modifiant et complétant la loi 25/2005 du
04/12/2005, portant création des procédures fiscales, J. O
nº19 du 11/05/2009):
« En cas d‘audit de restitution ou d‘audit spécifiquement
cyangwa igenzura rigamije gusuzuma ikintu
runaka cyihariye, umusoreshwa afite
uburenganzira bwo kugaragaza mu nyandiko
igitekerezo cye ku birebana n‘inyandiko ikosora
ivugwa mu ngingo ya 3 y‘iri tegeko mu gihe
cy‘iminsi itanu (5).
Inyandiko ikosora iba ntakuka:
ku musoreshwa, nyuma y‘iminsi itanu (5), iyo
ntacyo yavuze ku nyandiko ikosora;
nyuma y‘uko Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro
bwoherereje umusoreshwa inyandiko
imumenyesha ko ibisobanuro bye cyangwa se
bimwe muri byo bidafite ishingiro―.
taxpayer has the right to give his or her written
opinion on the rectification note mentioned in
Article 3 of this Law within five (5) days.
A rectification note is definitive on the taxpayer:
after a period of five (5) days, in case he has not
replied to the rectification note;
after the Tax Administration has sent a
notification to the taxpayer declaring that none or a
part of the observations or remarks of the taxpayer
are upheld‖.
orienté, le contribuable a le droit de formuler, dans un
délai de cinq (5) jours, des observations et des remarques
écrites au sujet de l‘avis de rectification mentionné à
l‘article 3 de la présente loi.
Le redressement devient définitif :
à l‘égard du contribuable s‘il n‘a pas formulé dans les
cinq (5) jours d‘observations ou remarques sur l‘avis de
rectification ;
lorsque l‘Administration fiscale a informé le
contribuable que ses observations ou remarques sont
jugées non fondées, en totalité ou en partie ».
Icyiciro cya 2: Ibyerekeye uburyo bw'isoresha
nta nteguza
Ingingo ya 28: Ingingo rusange
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya 5
y’itegeko 74/2008 ryo kuwa 31/12/2008
rihindura kandi ryuzuza itegeko 25/2005 ryo
kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize
y‘isoresha, Igazeti ya Leta 19 yo kuwa
―Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro bufite uburenganzira
bwo gusoresha nta nteguza mu gihe:
1° nta menyesha ry‘umusoro ryakozwe;
imenyesha ry‘umusoro ryakozwe nyuma
y‘umunsi wagenwe mu mategeko y‘imisoro nta
Section 2: Assessment procedure without notice
Article 28: General Provisions
(As modified and completed by article 5 of the law
n°74/2008 of 31/12/2008 modifying and
complementing law nº 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax
procedures, O. G nº 19 of 11/05/2009):
―The Tax Administration is entitled to start the
estimated assessment procedure when:
1° no tax declaration has been made;
a tax declaration was filed after the day
mentioned in the Law on Taxes and there was no
proof given of ―force majeure‖ justifying the delay
Section 2 : De la procédure d‟imposition d‟office
Article 28 : Dispositions générales
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 5 de la loi
n°74/2008 du 31/12/2008 modifiant et complétant la loi
n°25/2005 du 04/12/2005, portant création des
procédures fiscales, J. O nº19 du 11/05/200) :
« L‘Administration fiscale est en droit d‘entamer la
procédure d‘imposition d‘office lorsque :
aucune déclaration d‘impôt n‘a été introduite ;
une déclaration d‘impôt a été introduite après la date
stipulée dans la loi relative à l‘impôt et qu‘il n‘existe pas
mpamvu ntarengwa ifatika yabiteye;
imenyesha ry‘umusoro ritashyizweho
umukono n'ubifitiye ububasha;
imenyesha ry‘umusoro ritaherekejwe
n‘inyandiko zose za ngombwa;
5° umusoreshwa atorohereje abashinzwe igenzura
ry'imisoro cyangwa ngo atange ibisobanuro
6° ibitabo n‘inyandiko bitakozwe nk‘uko bisabwa
n‘amategeko; cyangwa iyo
hari ibimenyetso simusiga by‘inyerezwa
in filing;
the tax declaration was not signed by a
competent person;
the tax declaration was not accompanied by all
necessary documents;
the taxpayer was unwilling to cooperate with a
tax audit officer or did not provide the information
books and records were not kept as provided by
law; or
7° there are serious indications of tax fraud‖.
de preuve de l‘existence d‘un cas de force majeure qui
justifie ce retard ;
la déclaration d‘impôt n‘est pas dûment signée;
tous les documents nécessaires n‘ont pas été joints à la
déclaration ;
le contribuable a refusé de coopérer avec un contrôle
fiscal ou n‘a pas répondu à une demande de
renseignements ;
les livres et registres n‘ont pas été tenus conformément
à la loi ; ou
7° il existe des indications sérieuses de fraude fiscale ».
Ingingo ya 29: Uko isoresha nta nteguza
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya 3
y’itegeko 38/2012 ryo kuwa 20/12/2012
rihindura kandi ryuzuza itegeko 25/2005 ryo
kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize
y‘isoresha, Igazeti ya Leta 4 yo kuwa
―Mu gihe hakozwe isoresha nta nteguza, ubuyobozi
bw‘imisoro bwoherereza umusoreshwa
inyandiko rikubiyemo. Iyo nyandiko igomba
kuba igaragaza
impamvu zose zatumye
rikorwa. Ishobora no
kugaragaramo amahazabu
yishyurwa agenwa mu
gihe amategeko agena
imitunganyirize y‘imisoro
Ibimenyetso byose ubuyobozi bw‘imisoro bufite
bishobora kwifashishwa mu gukora isoresha nta
Umusoreshwa afite uburenganzira bwo kwandika
agira icyo avuga ku nyandiko y‘isoresha nta
nteguza mu gihe cy‘iminsi mirongo
Article 29: Description of the assessment
procedure without notice
(As modified and completed by article 3 of the law
n°38/2012 of 20/12/2012 modifying and
complementing law nº 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax
procedures, O. G nº 4 of 28/01/2013):
In the event of an assessment without notice
procedure, the tax administration shall send a
notification of the assessment without notice to the
taxpayer. The notice shall contain all reasons why this
was applied. It may also contain administrative fines
in case of non-compliance with the tax laws. All
proofs available to the tax administration can be
used to carry out an assessment without notice.
The taxpayer shall have the right to give written
observations and remarks to the notification of an
assessment without notice within a period of thirty
(30) days. He/she may also transmit additional
Article 29 : Description de la procédure
d‟imposition d‟office
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 3 de la loi
n°38/2012 du 20/12/2012 modifiant et complétant la loi
n°25/2005 du 04/12/2005, portant création des
procédures fiscales, J. O nº 4 du 28/01/2013) :
« En cas de procédure d‘imposition d‘office,
l‘administration fiscale
envoie un avis
d‘office au contribuable. Cet avis doit contenir tous les
éléments qui ont entraîné
cette imposition d‘office. Il
peut également comporter des amendes administratives en
cas de
non-respect des lois fiscales. Tous les
renseignements dont dispose l‘administration
peuvent être utilisés pour procéder à
Le contribuable a le droit de formuler, dans un
délai de
trente (30) jours, des observations et des remarques
écrites au sujet de l‘avis d‘imposition d‘office. Il peut
(30).Ashobora kandi gushyikiriza
bw'imisoro ubundi buhamya n‘ibindi
bimenyetso bigaragaza ko isoresha nta nteguza
ritakozwe neza. Umusoreshwa afite uburenganzira
kwisobanura mu magambo iyo yabisabye
gisubizo yatanze.
Umusoro utangwa iyo habaye isoresha nta
nteguza ntushobora kuba munsi y‘umusoro wari
gutangwa hakoreshejwe uburyo bwo gusoresha
inyungu zicishirije.
Isoresha nta nteguza rishobora gukorwa mu gihe
cy‘imyaka itanu (5) uhereye ku itariki ya mbere
Mutarama ikurikira igihe cy‘isoresha. Iki gihe
kimara imyaka icumi
(10) mu gihe habayeho
ibikorwa byo kunyereza umusoro.
Iyo hari ibimenyetso simusiga by‘uko
irigiswa ry‘umusoro, ubuyobozi
bw'imisoro bushobora gukora isoresha nta
nteguza rihutiyeho,
rititaye ku bivugwa mu gika
cya mbere n'icya 2
by'iyi ngingo.
Isoresha nta nteguza riba ntakuka:
ku musoreshwa, nyuma y‘iminsi mirongo
itatu(30), iyo ntacyo yavuze ku nyandiko ikosora;
nyuma y‘uko
ubuyobozi bw‘imisoro
bwoherereje umusoreshwa inyandiko
imumenyesha ko ibisobanuro bye cyangwa
bimwe muri byo bitemewe;
iyo nyuma y‘ibisobanuro mu nyandiko
cyangwa mu magambo by‘umusoreshwa
bivugwa mu gika cya 2 cy‘iyi ngingo, ubuyobozi
evidence to the tax administration to prove that the
assessment without notice was not properly
conducted. The taxpayer shall have the right to a
hearing if he/she requested for it in his/her reply.
In case of an assessment without notice, the
amount of taxes cannot be less than the taxes which
would be paid if the taxpayer was to pay under
presumptive tax regime.
The assessment without notice may be applied in
a period of five (5) years, starting from 1
following the tax period. This period shall be of ten
(10) years in case of tax evasion.
If there are serious indications of tax evasion, the tax
administration may issue an immediate assessment
without notice, disregarding provisions of
Paragraphs One and 2 of this Article.
An assessment without notice shall be definitive:
to the taxpayer, after a period of thirty (30) days, in
case he/she has not replied to the rectification note;
after the tax administration has sent a written
notification to the taxpayer declaring that all or part of
the observations of the taxpayer are upheld;
after written or verbal explanations of the taxpayer
mentioned under Paragraph 2 of this Article of which
the tax administration notified in writing the taxpayer
that all or part of the observations of the taxpayer are
not upheld;
également transmettre des
preuves complémentaires à
fiscale ainsi que toute information
démontrant que l‘imposition d‘office est inexacte. Le
contribuable a le droit d‘être entendu, pour autant que la
demande d‘audition figure dans laponse.
Le montant de l‘impôt établi en cas d‘imposition d‘office
ne peut être inférieur à celui qui aurait été payé si le
contribuable était placé sous le régime de l‘imposition
La procédure d‘imposition d‘office peut être
appliquée pendant une période de cinq (5) ans à compter
janvier de l‘année qui suit
l‘exercice fiscal
concerné. Cette période est de dix
(10) ans en cas de fraude fiscale.
S‘il existe des indications sérieuses de fraude
l‘administration fiscale peut procéder
à l‘imposition d‘office, sans
considération des
dispositions des alinéas
premiers et 2 du psent
L‘imposition d‘office devient définitive:
1° à l‘égard du contribuable, s‘il n‘a pas répondu dans les
trente (30) jours à l‘avis de rectification;
lorsque l‘administration fiscale a informé, par
écrit, le
contribuable que ses observations
sont jugées non
fondées, en totalité ou en
lorsque le contribuable a été entendu
à l‘alinéa 2 du présent article,
et l‘administration
fiscale l‘a informé, par
écrit, et que ses observations
sont jugées non fondées, en totalité ou en partie;
bw'imisoro bwamumenyesheje mu
nyandiko ko
ibisobanuro yatanze cyangwa
bimwe muri byo
nyuma yo gukorera umusoreshwa isoresha nta
nteguza rihutiyeho nk'uko biteganywa mu gika
cya 5 cy'iyi ngingo.
Isoresha nta nteguza ritubahirije ibivugwa muri iyi
ngingo nta gaciro rigira, akaba ari yo
hagomba gukorwa irindi genzura
rikorwa inshuro imwe gusa.
after the conduct of an immediate assessment
without notice as described in Paragraph 5 of this
An assessment without notice which does not respect
provisions of this Article shall be null and therefore,
another audit must be carried out only once.
il a é procédé à l‘imposition d‘office
conformément à l‘alinéa
5 du
présent article.
Toute imposition d‘office opérée sans tenir
compte des
dispositions du présent article est
nulle, et par
conséquent, un nouvel audit doit être enga une seule
Icyiciro cya mbere: Ibyerekeye kujuririra
Akiciro ka mbere: Ibyerekeye kujuririra
Komiseri Mukuru
Ingingo ya 30: Ingingo rusange
Umusoreshwa utanyuzwe n‘ibikubiye mu
nyandiko igena umusoro ashobora kujuririra
Komiseri Mukuru mu gihe kitarenze iminsi
mirongo itatu (30) nyuma y‘uko ashyikirijwe iyo
Section one: Administrative appeal
Subsection one: Appeal to the Commissioner
Article 30: General Provisions
The taxpayer who is not satisfied with the contents
of the tax assessment notice may appeal to the
Commissioner General within thirty (30) days after
receipt of the assessment notice.
Section première : Du recours administratif
Sous-section première : Du recours devant le
Commissaire Général
Article 30 : Dispositions générales
Le contribuable qui conteste une imposition peut
introduire un recours auprès du Commissaire Général
dans un délai de trente (30) jours à compter de la
réception de la note d‘imposition.
Ingingo ya 31: Imiterere yubujurire
Ubujurire bugomba kuba bwujuje ibi bikurikira:
1° kuba bwanditse;
kugaragaza umusoreshwa na nomero
Article 31: Form of the appeal
The appeal has to fulfill the following conditions:
1° be in writing;
identify the taxpayer and the taxpayer
identification number;
Article 31 : Forme de la réclamation
Le recours doit remplir les conditions suivantes :
être introduit par écrit ;
identifier le contribuable et mentionner son numéro
d‘identification fiscale ;
3° kugaragaza igihe cy'umusoro;
kugaragaza umusoro asoreshwa, impamvu
zawo n‘igiteye ubujurire;
5°kuba bwarashyizweho umukono
n‘umusoreshwa, cyangwa umuhagarariye
wemewe n‘amategeko cyangwa uwo yabihereye
uburenganzira ufite icyemezo cyo
kugaragaza ibimenyetso byose n‘ingingo
z‘amategeko bigaragaza ko isoresha ritakozwe
Ubujurire ntibuhagarika iyishyurwa ry‘umusoro,
inyungu z‘ubukererwe n‘ibihano. Bisabwe
n‘umusoreshwa mu nyandiko, Komiseri Mukuru
ashobora guhagarika by'agateganyo iyishyuzwa
ry‘imisoro itumvikanyweho mu gihe
3° identify the tax period;
mention the assessment and the object and the
grounds for the appeal;
be signed by the taxpayer, the taxpayer‘s legal
representative or the representative holding a
6°contain all the proofs, and legal arguments
against the assessment.
The appeal does not suspend the obligation to pay
tax, interest and penalties. Upon written request by
the taxpayer, the Commissioner General may
suspend payment of the disputed amount of tax for
the duration of the appeal.
mentionner l‘exercice fiscal;
mentionner l‘imposition, l‘objet et les motifs du
être signé par le contribuable ou son représentant
légal, ou son mandataire;
contenir tous les faits, preuves et arguments juridiques
à l‘encontre de l‘imposition.
Le recours ne suspend pas l‘obligation de payer l‘impôt,
les intérêts et les amendes. Le Commissaire général peut,
sur demande écrite du contribuable, suspendre le paiement
du montant contesté pendant le déroulement de la
procédure de recours
Ingingo ya 32: Gufata icyemezo ku bujurire
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya 9
y’itegeko 1/2012 ryo kuwa 03/02/2012
rihindura kandi ryuzuza itegeko 25/2005 ryo
kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize
y‘isoresha, Igazeti ya Leta 13 yo kuwa
―Komiseri Mukuru afata icyemezo ku bujurire
mu gihe cy‘iminsi mirongo itatu (30) akakigeza
ku musoreshwa.
Komiseri Mukuru cyangwa undi mukozi wese
w‘ubuyobozi bw‘imisoro ubifitiye ububasha
washyizweho na Komiseri Mukuru ashobora
kongera indi minsi mirongo itatu (30) kuri iki
gihe inshuro imwe gusa akabimenyesha
umusoreshwa. Iyo Komiseri Mukuru nta cyemezo
afashe muri iyo minsi, ubujurire bufatwa nk‘aho
bufite ishingiro.
Article 32: Decision on appeal
(As modified and completed by article 9 of the law
n°1/2012 of 03/02/2012 modifying and
complementing law nº 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax
procedures, O. G nº 13 of 26/03/2012):
―The Commissioner General makes a decision on
the appeal within a period of thirty (30) days and
sends it to the taxpayer.
The Commissioner General or any other competent
staff of the Tax Administration designated by the
Commissioner General may extend this period once
for another thirty (30) days and informs the
taxpayer. When no decision is taken by the
Commissioner General within this period, the
appeal is assumed to have a basis.
Article 32 : cision sur le recours
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 9 de la loi
n°1/2012 du 03/02/2012 modifiant et complétant la loi
n°25/2005 du 04/12/2005, portant création des
procédures fiscales, J. O nº 13 du 26/03/2012) :
―Le Commissaire Général statue sur le recours dans un
délai de trente (30) jours et communique sa décision au
Le Commissaire Général ou tout autre agent compétent de
l‘administration fiscale désigné par le Commissaire
Général peut prolonger ce délai de trente (30) jours
supplémentaires et en informer le contribuable. Si le
Commissaire Général ne prend aucune décision dans ce
délai, le recours est réputé fondé.
Iyo ubujurire bwemewe bwose cyangwa se igice
cyabwo, Komiseri Mukuru akuriraho
umusoreshwa umusoro ujyanye na bwo, inyungu
z‘ubukererwe n‘ibihano.
Komiseri Mukuru amenyesha umusoreshwa
icyemezo cye mu nyandiko.
Umusoreshwa utishimiye icyemezo cya Komiseri
Mukuru ashobora kumusaba ko ikibazo cye
gikemuka mu bwumvikane.
Iyo impande zombi zitabashije gukemura icyo
kibazo mu bwumvikane, umusoreshwa ashobora
kujuririra urukiko rubifitiye ububasha.
Komiseri Mukuru agena uburyo bwo gukemura
mu bwumvikane ibibazo bijyanye n‘imisoro.‖
«Ingingo ya 32 bis: Igenzura rishya rishingiye
ku bimenyetso byagaragaye mu isuzumwa
(Nk’uko yashyizweho n’ingingo ya 10 y’itegeko nº
1/2012 ryo kuwa 03/02/2012 rihindura kandi
ryuzuza itegeko 25/2005 ryo kuwa 04/12/2005
rigena imitunganyirize y‘isoresha, Igazeti ya Leta
nº 13 yo kuwa 26/03/2012):
Mu isuzumwa ry‘ubujurire, Komiseri Mukuru
afata icyemezo kuri ubwo bujurire akanasaba ko
hakorwa irindi genzura rishya iyo:
hari amakosa yakozwe n‘umusoreshwa
atagaragaye mu igenzura yatumye umusoro
wakagombye kwishyurwa ugabanyuka;
2° harakoreshejwe ibihano bitari byo mu gihe
When the appeal is fully or partially accepted, the
Commissioner General shall discharge the taxpayer
from the respective tax liability, interest and
The Commissioner General shall notify the
Taxpayer of the decision in writing.
The taxpayer who is not satified with the decision
of the Commissioner General may request him/her
for an amicable settlement.
In case both parties do not reach an amicable
agreement, the taxpayer may make an appeal to the
competent court.
The Commissioner General shall determine the
modalities for amicable settlement of tax issues.‖
“Article 32 bis: Conduct of a new audit because
of evidence discovered when considering an
(As provided by article 10 of the law n°1/2012 of
03/02/2012 modifying and complementing law nº
25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax procedures, O. G
13 of 26/03/2012):
―The Commissioner General shall decide on the
appeal and require the conduct of a new audit when:
1° some of the wrongful acts committed by the
taxpayer which were not disclosed by the audit have
resulted in the reduction of the amount of tax that
would be payable;
2° disproportionate penalties were applied during
the audit;
Lorsque le recours est accepté en totalité ou en partie, le
Commissaire Général dispense le contribuable de
l‘obligation de payer l‘impôt, les intérêts concernés et les
Le Commissaire Général informe par écrit le contribuable
de sa décision.
Le contribuable qui n‘est pas satisfait de la décision du
Commissaire Général peut lui demander le règlement à
Si les deux parties ne parviennet pas à régler à l‘amiable
le différend, le contribuable peut saisir la juridiction
Le Commissaire Général détermine les modalités du
règlement à l'amiable des questions fiscales.»
«Article 32 bis: Nouvel audit en raison des preuves
découvertes lors de l‟examen d‟un recours
(Tel que prévu par l’article 10 de la loi n°1/2012 du
03/02/2012 modifiant et complétant la loi n°25/2005 du
04/12/2005, portant création des procédures fiscales, J. O
nº 13 du 26/03/2012) :
Le Commissaire Général décide sur le recours et exige la
réalisation d‘un nouvel audit lorsque:
certaines des fautes commises par le contribuable qui
n‘ont pas été révélées par l‘audit ont conduit à la
réduction du montant de l‘impôt qui devait être payé;
des pénalités disproportionnées ont été appliquées lors
de l‘audit ;
umusoreshwa atanze ibindi bimenyetso
cyangwa ibisobanuro cyangwa Ubuyobozi
bw‘imisoro bukavana ahandi ibindi bimenyetso
bigaragaza ko umusoro waciwe mu buryo
Iryo genzura rishya rikorwa hubahirijwe uburyo
buteganywa n‘iri tegeko. »
the taxpayer provides further evidence or
justification or when the Tax Administration has
further evidence showing that the tax was imposed
Such a new audit shall be conducted in compliance
with the modalities provided under this Law.‖
le contribuable fournit d‘autres preuves ou
justifications ou lorsque l‘Administration fiscale dispose
d‘autres preuves démontrant que l‘impôt a été imposé de
manière inappropriée.
Ce nouvel audit est réalisé en conformité avec les
modalités prévues par la présente loi.»
Akiciro ka 2: Ibyerekeye kujuririra Komisiyo
Ingingo ya 33 37: Izi ngingo zavanweho
n’itegeko n
74/2008 ryo kuwa31/12/2008
rihindura kandi ryuzuza Itegeko n
25/2005 ryo
kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena Imitunganyirize
y’isoresha,igazeti n
19 yo kuwa 11/05/2009.
Subsection 2: Appeal to the Appeals
Article 33 37: These articles were repealed by
the Law n
74/2008 of 31/12/2008 of 04/12/2005 on
tax procedures,O.G. n
19 of 11/05/2009
Sous-section 2 : Du recours devant la Commission
Article 33-37 : Ces articles ont été abrogés par la Loi n
74/2008 du 31/12/2008 modifinat et completant la Loi n
25/2005 du 04/12/2005 portant creation des procedures
fiscales, O.G., n
19 du 11/05/2009.
Icyiciro cya 2: Ibyerekeye kwiyambaza
Ingingo ya 38: Kuregera urukiko
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya 7
y’itegeko 74/2008 ryo kuwa 31/12/2008
rihindura kandi ryuzuza itegeko 25/2005 ryo
kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize
y‘isoresha, Igazeti ya Leta 19 yo kuwa
―Umusoreshwa utanyuzwe n‘icyemezo cya
Komiseri Mukuru ashobora kuregera inkiko.
Ikirego cye agishyikiriza urukiko rubifitiye
ububasha mu gihe kitarenze iminsi mirongo itatu
(30) uhereye igihe yagejejweho icyemezo cya
Komiseri Mukuru―.
Section 2: Judicial appeal
Article 38: Appeal with the tribunal
(As modified and completed by article 7 of the law
n°74/2008 of 31/12/2008 modifying and
complementing law nº 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax
procedures, O. G nº 19 of 11/05/2009):
―The taxpayer who is aggrived by the decision of
the Commissioner General may make a judicial
appeal. The appeal is brought before the competent
authority within thirty (30) days after the receipt of
the decision of the Commissioner Generals
Section 2 : De la saisine des juridictions
Article 38 : L‟instance judiciaire
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 7 de la loi
n°74/2008 du 31/12/2008 modifiant et complétant la loi
n°25/2005 du 04/12/2005, portant création des
procédures fiscales, J. O nº19 du 11/05/2009) :
« Le contribuable qui conteste la décision de la
Commissaire Général peut saisir une juridiction. La
demande est introduite devant le tribunal compétent dans
les trente (30) jours à compter de la date de la réception de
la décision du Commissaire Général ».
Icyiciro cya 3: Ibyerekeye inyungu zishyurwa
n‟Ibiro by‟Imisoro
Ingingo ya 39: Inyungu zishyurwa
Iyo umusoreshwa akuriweho umusoro, inyungu
z‘ubukererwe n‘ibihano n‘icyemezo
cy‘ubutegetsi cyangwa cy‘urukiko cyangwa se
iyo adashubijwe, mu gihe giteganywa
n‘amategeko, imisoro y‘ikirenga yishyuye,
Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro bugomba kwishyura
inyungu ku mafaranga umusoreshwa agomba
Inyungu ibarwa hakurikijwe igipimo cy‘inyungu
y‘amabanki gishyirwaho na Banki Nkuru
y‘Igihugu kandi ishyirwaho uwo mwaka
w‘isoresha bahereye ku itariki ya mbere
Mutarama muri uwo mwaka. Inyungu ibarwa
umunsi ku wundi nta gukomatanya uhereye ku
munsi yishyuriye kugeza ku munsi wo gusubizwa
amafaranga na wo ubariwemo.
Section 3: Interest paid by the Tax
Article 39: Interest paid
In the event the taxpayer is discharged from tax,
interest and penalties by an administrative or
judicial decision, or when no refund of excess taxes
paid is done in the time prescribed by this Law, the
Tax Administration has to pay interest on the due
The interest rate is calculated in accordance with
the inter bank offered rate of the National Bank of
Rwanda and will be set for the current fiscal year
starting from January, 1
. Interest is calculated on a
daily basis, non-compounding, counting from the
day of payment until the day of refund, which is
Section 3 : Des intérêts payés par l‟Administration
Article 39 : Intérêts à payer
Si le contribuable est dispensé de l‘impôt, des intérêts et
des amendes par une décision administrative ou judiciaire
ou si le trop versé payé ne lui est pas restitué dans le délai
prescrit par la loi, l‘Administration fiscale est tenue de
payer des intérêts sur le remboursement dû.
Le taux d‘intérêt est fixé au taux interbancaire vendeur de
la Banque Nationale du Rwanda établi le 1
janvier pour
l‘année civile en cours. Les intérêts sont calculés au jour
le jour, non composés, à compter de la date du paiement
jusqu‘au jour du remboursement y compris.
Icyiciro cya mbere: Ibyerekeye
Ingingo ya 40: Ingingo rusange.
Umukozi wemewe ushinzwe gukora igenzura
n‘iperereza afite ububasha bwo gukora
inyandikomvugo. Inyandikomvugo ikorwa mu
rwego rw‘akazi umukozi wemewe ashinzwe. Iba
ikubiyemo ibimenyetso n‘ubuhamya umukozi
wemewe yiboneye ubwe. Igomba kugaragaza
amazina ye, ay‘umusoreshwa, aho abarizwa, icyo
akora n‘itariki ikoreweho. Iyo nyandikomvugo
ishyirwaho umukono n'umukozi wemewe hamwe
n'ukekwaho icyaha. Kopi yayo igomba
kohererezwa umusoreshwa.
Section one: Affidavits
Article 40: General Provisions
An authorized officer, responsible for carrying out
audits and investigations, has the power to make
affidavits. An affidavit is drawn up in the exercise
of the authorized officer‘s duties. It contains facts
and evidence the authorized officer has personally
established. It has to indicate clearly the name of
the authorized officer, the name, address and
activity of the taxpayer and the date on which it has
been made. It is jointly signed by the authorized
officer and the suspect. A copy of the affidavit has
to be sent to the taxpayer.
Section première : Des procès-verbaux
Article 40 : Dispositions générales
L‘agent autorisé, compétent pour procéder aux contrôles
et aux enquêtes, est habilité à établir des procès-verbaux
entrant dans l‘exercice de ses fonctions. Le procès verbal
contient uniquement les faits et les indices que cet agent a
vus personnellement. Il doit mentionner clairement le nom
de l‘agent autorisé, le nom, l‘adresse et l‘activité du
contribuable, et la date de son établissement. Il est signé
par l‘agent autorisé et le contrevenant. Une copie du
procès-verbal doit être transmise au contribuable.
Ingingo ya 41: Agaciro k'inyandikomvugo
Inyandikomvugo ni ubuhamya buhagije
bw‘ibimenyetso umukozi wemewe yabonye.
Ishobora gukoreshwa n‘Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro
mu isoresha nta nteguza kandi ishobora
gukoreshwa mu gutanga ubuhamya. Ibikubiye mu
nyandikomvugo bishobora kutitabwaho gusa iyo
bigaragaye ko umukozi wemewe yakoze
uburiganya cyangwa iyo yakoze ikosa rikomeye.
Article 41: Legal character of the affidavit
An affidavit constitutes sufficient proof of the facts
and evidence the authorized officer has established.
It may be used by the Tax Administration for
issuing an assessment without notice and it may be
used as testimony. The contents of the affidavit can
only be disregarded if it is proved that the
authorized officer committed fraud or made a
serious mistake.
Article 41 : Valeur juridique du procès-verbal
Le procès-verbal constitue la preuve complète des faits et
des indices établis par l‘agent autorisé. Il peut être utilisé
par l‘Administration fiscale pour procéder à une
imposition d‘office et peut être utilisé comme preuve. Son
contenu fait foi, sauf à démontrer que l‘agent autorisé a
commis une falsification ou une erreur grave.
Igice cya 2: Ibyerekeye uburyo bwo gutanga
Akiciro ka mbere: Ibyerekeye ingingo rusange
Ingingo ya 42: Ubwoko bw‟ibimenyetso
Section 2: Methods of proof
Subsection one: General Provisions
Article 42: Admissible types of proof
Section 2 : Des modes de preuve
Sous-section première : Des dispositions générales
Article 42 : Modes de preuve admis
Ubwoko bwose bw'ibimenyetso bukoreshwa
buremewe ku Buyobozi bw'Imisoro uretse
Ariko, ku byerekeye ubwoko bw'ibimenyetso,
bishingiye ku ikoranabuhanga, Minisitiri
abinyujije mu iteka, agena ibyo bimenyetso
n'uko bikorwa.
All types of proof used are allowed to the Tax
Administration except the oath.
However, the Minister, through a Ministerial Order,
determines the types and the use of electronic
Tous les modes de preuve sont admis pour
l‘administration fiscale excepté le serment.
Toutefois, le Ministre détermine par arrêté les moyens et
les modalités dutilisation de preuves électroniques .
Akiciro ka 2: Ibyerekeye ibimenyetso by'uko
umutungo wiyongera
Ingingo ya 43: Ingingo rusange
Iyo Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro bugaragaje ko
umutungo w‘umusoreshwa wiyongereye mu
mwaka runaka, hanyuma umusoreshwa
ntashobore gusobanura impamvu y‘ubwo
bwiyongere, Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro bushobora
kongera agaciro k‘umutungo w‘inyongera ku byo
yinjiza bisoreshwa no kwifashisha ako gaciro mu
gutanga ibimenyetso.
Mu kwifashisha ubu buhamya, Ubuyobozi
bw'Imisoro bushyikiriza umusoreshwa
ibimenyetso byose buheraho bugaragaza ko
umutungo wiyongereye kimwe n‘uburyo
bukoresha mu kuwuha agaciro.
Subsection 2: Signs and indications of
Article 43: General Provisions
When the Tax Administration establishes that a
taxpayer shows signs and indications of prosperity
in a certain fiscal year, and the taxpayer cannot give
an explanation for this apparent prosperity, the Tax
Administration may add the value of these signs
and indications to the taxable income of the
taxpayer and use this as a method of proof.
When using this method of proof, the Tax
Administration gives to the taxpayer all proof it
uses to indicate the signs and indications of
prosperity, as well as the methods of valuation of
the cost or value.
Sous-section 2 : Des signes extérieurs de richesse
Article 43 : Dispositions générales
Lorsque l‘Administration fiscale a des signes et des
indices qui montrent que le patrimoine du contribuable a
augmenté au cours d‘un exercice fiscal déterminé et que
le contribuable ne peut fournir des explications justifiant
cette augmentation, elle peut ajouter aux revenus taxables
la valeur de l‘augmentation du patrimoine constatée et se
servir de ces signes et indices comme moyen de preuve.
Lorsqu‘elle utilise ce mode de preuve, l‘Administration
fiscale communique au contribuable toutes les
informations qu‘elle utilise pour indiquer les signes
extérieurs de richesse ainsi que les méthodes d‘évaluation
de l‘augmentation du patrimoine.
Icyiciro cya 3: Ibyerekeye abasabwa
Ingingo ya 44: Ibimenyetso bisabwa
Ubuyobozi bw‟Imisoro
Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro busabwa ibimenyetso mu
Section 3: Burden of proof
Article 44: Burden of proof lies with the Tax
The burden of proof lies with the Tax
Administration when:
Section 3 : De la charge de preuve
Article 44 : Charge de la preuve incombant à
l‟Administration fiscale
La charge de la preuve incombe à l‘Administration fiscale
lorsque celle-ci :
bukosora imenyesha ry'umusoro
bugaragaza uburyo bupima uko umutungo
bwaka Umushinjacyaha w'Intara cyangwa
uw'Umujyi wa Kigali uruhushya rwo kubaza
umuntu usabwa kugira ibanga ry‘akazi uvugwa
mu gika cya 4 cy‘ingingo ya 24 y‘iri tegeko;
bwaka Umushinjacyaha w'Intara cyangwa
uw'Umujyi wa Kigali uruhushya rwo gusaka
ruvugwa mu gika cya 2 cy'ingingo ya 25 y'iri
1° rectifying tax declaration of the taxpayer;
indicating the method of proof based on signs
and indications of prosperity;
it applies for permission from provincial or City
of Kigali Prosecutor to ask questions from a person
bound by professional secrecy as described in
paragraph 4 of article 4 of this law;
applying to the Provincial or City of Kigali
Prosecutor for search warrant as described in
paragraph 2 of article 25 of this law.
procède à un redressement;
utilise le mode de preuve par les signes extérieurs de
richesse ;
demande au Procureur de Province ou de la Ville de
Kigali l‘autorisation d‘interroger une personne tenue au
secret professionnel, conformément à l‘article 24 alinéa 4
de la présente loi;
demande au Procureur de Province ou de la Mairie de
la Ville de Kigali un mandat de perquisition,
conformément à l‘article 25 alinéa 2 de la présente loi.
Ingingo ya 45: Igihe umusoreshwa asabwa
Umusoreshwa asabwa ibimenyetso iyo:
Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro bwakoze isoresha nta
umusoreshwa yajuririye gukosora amakosa yo
kwibeshya kutagambiriwe ari mu imenyesha
umusoreshwa ashaka kunyomoza
ibikubiye mu nyandikomvugo.
Article 45: Burden of proof lies with the
The burden of proof lies with the taxpayer when:
the Tax Administration conducts a tax
assessment without notice;
2° the taxpayer starts an appeal procedure to correct
an unintentional error in tax declaration;
the taxpayer wants to disprove the content of an
Article 45 : Charge de la preuve incombant au
La charge de la preuve incombe au contribuable lorsque :
l‘Administration fiscale a procédé à une imposition
d‘office ;
le contribuable entame une procédure de recours pour
corriger une erreur involontaire dans la déclaration
d‘impôt ;
le contribuable souhaite contester le contenu d‘un
Icyiciro cya mbere: Ibyerekeye ingingo
Ingingo ya 46: Kwihanangiriza
Iyo umusoro utishyuriwe igihe nk‘uko bivugwa
mu gika cya 2 cy‘ingingo ya 18 y‘iri tegeko,
Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro bwoherereza
umusoreshwa inyandiko yihanangiriza igaragaza
umubare w‘amafaranga, inyungu z‘ubukererwe
n‘amahazabu bigomba kwishyurwa n‘icyo
amategeko ateganya niba bitishyuwe mu gihe
cy‘iminsi cumi n'itanu (15) uhereye ku munsi
w‘urwandiko rwo kwihanangiriza rwagerejwe ku
musoreshwa. Icyo gihe cy‘iminsi cumi n'itanu
(15), gishobora kutitabwaho iyo bigaragaye ko
uburyo bwo kwishyuza umusoro bubangamiwe.
Section one: General Provisions
Article 46: Warning
If a tax is not paid on time according to paragraph
2, article 18 of this law, the Tax Administration
sends a warning letter to the taxpayer, indicating the
amount of tax, interest and penalties to be paid and
the legal action that will follow if the tax, interest
and penalties are not paid within fifteen (15) days
from the delivery of the warning letter. The 15-day
period may be disregarded in case the possibilities
for effective tax collection are in jeopardy.
Section première: Dispositions générales
Article 46 : Avertissement
Si l‘impôt n‘est pas payé dans les délais prévus à l‘alinéa
2 de l‘article 18 de la présente loi, l‘Administration fiscale
adresse au contribuable un avertissement indiquant le
montant de l‘impôt, des intérêts et des amendes à payer
ainsi que les poursuites légales qui seront intentées au cas
où l‘impôt, les intérêts et les amendes ne seraient pas
payés dans le délai de quinze (15) jours à compter de
l‘envoi de l‘avertissement. Ce délai de quinze (15) jours
peut être ignoré en cas de risque de non- recouvrement
effectif de l‘impôt.
Niba imisoro itarishyujwe mu myaka cumi (10)
ibarwa bahereye ku munsi yagombaga
kwishyurirwaho, ntiba igikurikiranwe.
Icyo gihe gishobora guhagarikwa mu buryo
buteganywa n'amategeko mbonezamubano
cyangwa n'uko umusoreshwa yiyemeje gusora, na
nyuma yacyo. Iyo igihe cyo kureka gukurikirana
imisoro cyasubitswe, nyuma y'imyaka cumi (10)
ikurikira inyandiko iheruka y'isubika ry'igihe cyo
kudakurikirana imisoro kibanziriza icyo, habaho
ikindi gihe cyo guhagarika kwishyuza nacyo
gishobora gusubikwa mu buryo bumwe n'icya
mbere, iyo muri icyo gihe umusoro wishyuzwa
utaregewe mu nkiko.
Ingingo ya 46 bis: Abasangiye uburyozwe
When taxes were not paid within a period of ten
(10) years counting from the time it was due, the tax
can not be paid.
Such a period can be stopped through procedures
determined by the Civil code and by the
arrangement of payment the debtor has made with
the Tax Administration and after. If the period for
taxation is postponed, after 10-year period
following the latest postponement notice of taxation
period prescription, another 10-year period of
stopping may also be postponed in the same
manner, if in that period the case of the disputed tax
was not filed in the court.
Article 46 bis: Joint responsibility for payment
Il y a prescription pour le recouvrement des impôts après
dix (10) ans à compter de la date d‘exigibilité.
Ce délai peut être interrompu de la manière prévue par le
Code Civil ou par une renonciation du contribuable au
temps couru de prescription. En cas d‘interruption de la
prescription, une nouvelle interruption susceptible d‘être
interrompue de la même manière est acquise dix (10) ans
après le dernier acte interruptif de la précédente
prescription, s‘il n‘y a pas d‘instance en justice.
Article 46 bis: Responsabili solidaire de la dette
bw‟ideni ry‟umusoro
(Nk’uko yashyizweho n’ingingo ya 4 y’itegeko
1/2012 ryo kuwa 20/12/2012 rihindura kandi
ryuzuza itegeko 25/2005 ryo kuwa 04/12/2005
rigena imitunganyirize y‘isoresha, Igazeti ya Leta
nº 04 yo kuwa 28/01/2013):
―Abayobozi bafite uruhare mu buryo
butaziguye mu igenzura no mu micungire
idahamagarira rubanda kuyiguramo
imigabane, baryozwa bose hamwe imisoro iyo
sosiyete ibazwa, iyo bigaragaye ko, ku bushake
cyangwa ku
burangare bwabo batumye isosiyete
iryozwa iyo
misoro. Abanyamigabane na bo
baryozwa imisoro y‘isosiyete iyo bafite uruhare
mu micungire y‘isosiyete cyangwa mu
mikoreshereze mibi y‘umutungo wayo ku
buryo bituma idashobora kuzuza inshingano
zayo zijyanye n‘imisoro. Urukiko rubifitiye
ububasha rwemeza uburyozwe bw‘abayobozi
n‘abanyamigabane buvugwa muri iyi ngingo.
of taxes
(As provided by article 4 of the law n°1/2012 of
20/12/2012 modifying and complementing law
25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax procedures, O. G
13 of 28/01/2013):
―Directors who are directly involved in the control
and management of a private company shall be
jointly liable for any tax liabilities incurred by the
company if it can be reasonably concluded that
they intentionally or negligently caused the
company to incur the tax liabilities. Shareholders
who become involved in the management of the
company and/or misuse company‘s funds shall
also liable for any tax liability if they led to the
company‘s inability to meet its tax obligations. A
competent court shall determine the liability of the
directors and shareholder(s) under this Article.
(Tel que prévu par l’article 4 de la loi n°38/2012 du
20/12/2012 modifiant et complétant la loi n°25/2005 du
04/12/2005, portant création des procédures fiscales, J. O
nº 4 du 28/01/2013) :
« Les administrateurs qui sont directement
impliqués dans le contrôle et la gestion d'une
société privée sont solidairement responsables de
la dette
fiscale encourue par la société s‘il est
raisonnablement conclu qu'ils ont
intentionnellement ou
par négligence causé à la
société le non paiement de l‘impôt. Les
actionnaires impliqués dans la gestion de la
société ou dans la mauvaise gestion des fonds de
la société sont également responsables de la dette
fiscale lorsqu‘ils ont entrainé l'incapacité de la
société à respecter ses obligations fiscales. La
juridiction compétente termine la responsabilité
des administrateurs et actionnaires en vertu du
présent article.»
Ingingo ya 47: Kwishyura mu byiciro
Umusoreshwa ashobora gusaba Komiseri Mukuru
kujya yishyura mu byiciro. Komiseri Mukuru
afite ububasha bwo gushyiraho amabwiriza
n‘ibyangombwa bisabwa abaka urwo ruhushya.
Kwishyura mu byiciro ntibishobora kurenza
umwaka umwe. Iyo umusoreshwa atishyuye
nk‘uko yabyiyemeje mu masezerano, asabwa
guhita yishyurira rimwe amafaranga yose yari
Article 47: Payment in Installments
The taxpayer may apply to the Commissioner
General for paying in installments. The
Commissioner General has the competence to set
out the rules and conditions to apply for such an
installment payment. Payment in installments
cannot exceed one year. Failure of the taxpayer to
pay under the conditions of the installment plan
results in an immediate obligation to pay the
remaining amount due.
Article 47 : Plan dapurement échelonné
Le contribuable peut demander au Commissaire Général
le paiement échelonné de sa dette fiscale. Le Commissaire
Général fixe les conditions et les modalités d‘introduction
de la demande. L‘échelonnement ne peut pas dépasser
une année. Le non-respect par le contribuable des
conditions du plan d‘apurement échelonné entraîne
l‘obligation immédiate du paiement du solde dû.
Icyiciro cya 2: Ibyerekeye ifatiramutungo
Ingingo ya 48: Gufatira umutungo
Iyo umusoro utishyuwe mu minsi cumi n'itanu
(15) nk‘uko bivugwa mu ngingo ya 46 y'iri
tegeko, Ibiro by‘Imisoro bishobora gufatira
umutungo w‘umusoreshwa, waba uwimukanwa
cyangwa utimukanwa, waba uri mu maboko
y‘umusoreshwa cyangwa undi muntu.
Ibyafatiriwe bitezwa cyamunara nyuma y'iminsi
umunani (8) umusoreshwa amenyeshejwe
inyandikomvugo y'ifatira.
Iyo Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro bufite ibimenyetso
simusiga by‘uko umusoreshwa agurisha
ibicuruzwa bisoreshwa kandi akaba atabariyemo
umusoro ku nyongeragaciro, Ubuyobozi
bw'Imisoro bushobora gufatira ibyo bicuruzwa.
Iyo, mu minsi cumi n'itanu (15), umusoreshwa
atabashije kugaragaza ko yubahirije ingingo
zikubiye mu itegeko rishyiraho umusoro ku
nyongeragaciro, Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro
bushobora kugurisha ibyo bicuruzwa mu
Gufatira no guteza cyamunara umutungo
wafatiriwe bikurikiza amategeko
y'imbonezamubano n'ubucuruzi. Ku birebana
n‘isoresha, abahesha b‘inkiko bo mu Buyobozi
bw‘Imisoro banganya ububasha n‘abahesha
b‘inkiko bigenga.
Section 2: Seizure
Article 48: Attachment of the taxpayer‟s
When tax is not paid within fifteen (15) days as
mentioned in article 46 of this law, the Tax
Administration may attach any movable or
immovable property of the taxpayer, whether held
by the taxpayer or any other person. The seized
property is sold under a public auction after eight
(8) days the taxpayer is notified of the affidavit.
If the Tax Administration has serious indications
that a supplier is selling taxable goods and such
goods have previously not been charged with value
added tax, the Tax Administration can seize those
goods. If the supplier cannot provide evidence of
compliance with the provisions of the value added
tax law within fifteen (15) days, the Tax
Administration can sell these goods at a public
The seizure and selling of the attached goods takes
place according to the law on civil and commercial
procedures. In the field of taxation, the bailiffs of
the Tax Administration have the same competence
as Private court bailiffs.
Section 2 : De la saisie
Article 48 : Saisie des biens du contribuable
Si un impôt n‘est pas payé dans un délai de quinze (15)
jours prévu par l‘article 46 de la présente loi,
l‘Administration fiscale peut procéder à la saisie de tout
bien, meuble ou immeuble, appartenant au contribuable,
qu‘il soit détenu par le contribuable ou par un tiers. Les
biens saisis sont vendus aux enchères publiques huit (8)
jours après la notification du procès-verbal de saisie au
Si l‘Administration fiscale a de rieuses indications
qu‘un fournisseur vend des marchandises imposables sans
y inclure la TVA, l‘Administration fiscale peut procéder à
la saisie de ces marchandises. Si le contribuable ne
parvient pas, dans les quinze (15) jours, à démontrer qu‘il
s‘est conformé aux dispositions de la loi sur la taxe sur la
valeur ajoutée, l‘Administration Fiscale peut vendre ces
marchandises aux enchères publiques.
La saisie et la vente des biens confisqués ont lieu
conformément à la loi sur la procédure civile et
commerciale. En matière d‘imposition, les huissiers de
l‘Administration fiscale ont la même compétence que les
huissiers de justice indépendants.
Ingingo ya 49: Abandi bantu bafitiye
umwenda umusoreshwa
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya 8
Article 49: Third parties
(As modified and completed by article 8 of the law
Article 49 : Tiers détenteurs
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 8 de la loi
y’itegeko 74/2008 ryo kuwa 31/12/2008
rihindura kandi ryuzuza itegeko 25/2005 ryo
kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize
y‘isoresha, Igazeti ya Leta 19 yo kuwa
―Iyo umusoro utishyuwe mu minsi cumi n'itanu
(15) nk‘uko bivugwa mu ngingo ya 46 y'iri
tegeko, Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro bushobora gusaba
umuntu ufitiye umusoreshwa umwenda, banki
n‘abandi bantu bantu babikiye umusoreshwa
amafaranga kuwishyura kugira ngo arangize
ikibazo cye cy‘umusoro.
Iyo Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro bukeka ko umuntu
afitiye umusoreshwa umwenda, cyangwa
amubikiye amafaranga busabwa:
n°74/2008 of 31/12/2008 modifying and
complementing law nº 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax
procedures, O. G nº 19 of 11/05/2009):
―If a tax is not paid within fifteen (15) days as
mentioned in article 46 of this law, the Tax
Administration may require any debtors, bankers
and other persons in possession of a taxpayer‘s
funds to pay to the Tax Administration the amount
due to the taxpayer against the taxpayers tax
In case the Tax Administration assumes that a
person is a debtor or is in possession of a taxpayer‘s
funds, it is required to:
n°74/2008 du 31/12/2008 modifiant et complétant la loi
n°25/2005 du 04/12/2005, portant création des
procédures fiscales, J. O nº19 du 11/05/2009) :
« Si l‘impôt n‘est pas payé dans le délai de quinze (15)
jours conformément à l‘article 46 de la présente loi,
l‘Administration fiscale peut exiger de tout débiteur,
banques et autres personnes détenant les fonds du
contribuable de lui verser le montant dont le contribuable
est redevable afin de régler le problème de sa dette fiscale.
Lorsque l‘Administration fiscale présume qu‘une
personne est un débiteur d‘un contribuable ou détient ses
fonds, elle est tenue
1° kwandikira uwo muntu;
kumusaba gusobanura neza ibirebana
n‘umwenda afitiye umusoreshwa cyangwa
amafaranga amubikiye;
3°kumumenyesha ko agomba kwishyura
Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro, hakurikijwe amasezerano
afitanye n‘umusoreshwa cyangwa se kubera ibyo
koherereza umusoreshwa kopi z‘amabaruwa
yose yoherereje uwo muntu umurimo umwenda.
Mu gihe kitarenze iminsi cumi n'itanu (15) guhera
igihe yaboneye inyandiko y‘Ubuyobozi
bw‘Imisoro, ufitiye umusoreshwa umwenda
cyangwa umubikiye amafaranga agomba:
gushyikiriza Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro
ibisobanuro mu nyandiko ku mwenda agomba
umusoreshwa cyangwa amafaranga amubikiye;
1° send a notification to that person;
ask that person to give a clear explanation of the
amount due to the taxpayer or the amount which
he/she detains for him;
3° inform the debtor that he or she is required to pay
to the tax administration in accordance with the
terms and conditions of the contract with the
taxpayer or with respect to obligations of the
4° send copies of all the letters to the taxpayer he or
she sent to the debtor.
The debtor of the person in possession of a
taxpayer‘s funds has the obligation within a period
of fifteen (15) days from the time of receipt of the
note from the tax administration to:
give written explanations to the Tax
Administration of the amount due or;
d‘adresser une notification au débiteur ;
de lui demander de donner un aperçu clair de sa dette
envers le contribuable ou du montant des fonds du
contribuable qu‘il détient ;
d‘indiquer que le débiteur est tenu d‘effectuer le
paiement de la dette en apurement de la dette fiscale du
contribuable, aux conditions du contrat qui le lie au
contribuable ou conformément à ses obligations envers le
d‘envoyer au contribuable des copies de toutes les
lettres adressées au débiteur.
Le débiteur ou la personne détenant les fonds du
contribuable est tenu, dans un délai de quinze (15) jours :
de donner à l‘Administration fiscale un aperçu clair du
montant dû ;
si la personne n‘est pas un débiteur du contribuable ou
kumenyesha mu nyandiko Ubuyobozi
bw‘Imisoro ko nta mwenda afitiye umusoreshwa
igihe ubwo buyobozi bwamwandikiraga;
kwishyura amafaranga ungana n‘umusoro
hakurikijwe amasezerano afitanye
n‘umusoreshwa cyangwa se ibyo amugomba.
Iyo ufitiye umusoreshwa umwenda cyangwa
umubikiye amafaranga atubahirije ibisabwa mu
gika cya 3 cy'iyi ngingo, afatwa nk‘ufitiye
Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro umwenda ungana
n‘amafaranga y‘umusoro yishyuzwa.
Iyo ufitiye umusoreshwa umwenda cyangwa
umubikiye amafaranga yubahirije ibisabwa mu
gika cya 3 cy'iyi ngingo, akurirwaho umwenda
yari afitiye umusoreshwa ungana n‘amafaranga
yishyuye Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro.
notify the Tax Administration in writing that he
or she owed no debt to the taxpayer or he or she is
not in possession of taxpayer‘s funds by the time
when the Tax Administration notified him or her;
pay the amount which is equivalent to the tax in
accordance with the contract with the taxpayer or
with respect to obligations to the taxpayer.
If the debtor or the person in possession of a
taxpayer‘s funds does not comply with the
conditions mentioned in paragraph 3 of this article,
he or she is assumed as liable to debt of the Tax
Administration the amount equal to tax liability.
If the debtor or the person in possession of a
taxpayer‘s funds complies with the conditions
mentioned in paragraph 3 of this article, he or she is
discharged of the debt liability to the taxpayer for
the amount paid to the Tax Administration‖.
ne détient pas les fonds du contribuable au moment de la
notification par l‘Administration fiscale, elle est tenue
d‘en informer ladite Administration ;
de payer ce montant en apurement de la dette fiscale,
aux conditions du contrat qui le lie au contribuable ou
conformément à ses obligations envers le contribuable.
Si le débiteur ou le détenteur des fonds du contribuable ne
respecte pas les conditions énoncées à l‘alinéa 3 du
présent article, il est considéré comme redevable à
l‘Administration fiscale du montant de l‘impôt par le
Si le débiteur ou le détenteur des fonds du contribuable
respecte les conditions énoncées à l‘alinéa 3 du présent
article, il est libéré de sa dette à concurrence du montant
payé à l‘Administration fiscale ».
Icyiciro cya 3: Ibyerekeye ingwate z‟Isanduku
ya Leta
Ingingo ya 50 : Uburenganzira bwihariye
Iyo umusoreshwa yahombye, umusoro, ibihano
n'inyungu z'ubukererwe agomba kwishyura
hakurikijwe iri tegeko, kandi hubahirijwe itegeko
rigenga amasosiyete n'andi mategeko
y'imbonezamubano n'ubucuruzi, byishyurwa
mbere y'indi myenda abereyemo abandi bantu.
Section 3: Guarantees of the Public Treasury
Article 50: Priority right
Where a taxpayer has been declared insolvent, any
tax, penalty or interest he or she is obliged to pay in
accordance with this Law, and in respect of the law
governing companies, and other laws relating to
civil and commercial matters, have priority over
other debts he or she owes other parties.
Section 3 : Des garanties du Trésor
Article 50 : Droit de priorité
Au cas un contribuable a été déclaré insolvable, toute
taxe, pénalité ou tout intérêt dus en vertu de la présente
loi, et en conformité avec la loi sur les sociétés et autres
lois relatives aux matières civiles et commerciales, ont
priorité sur les autres dettes du contribuable insolvable.
Akiciro ka mbere: Ibyerekeye uburenganzira
ku mutungo n‟ingwate zigenwa n‟iri tegeko
Subsection one: Liens and legal mortgage
Sous-section première : Privilège et hypothèque légale
Article 51 : Privilège sur les biens meubles
Ingingo ya 51: Uburenganzira ku mutungo
Kugira ngo bubashe kwishyuza umusoro,
inyungu z‘ubukererwe, amahazabu n‘andi
mafaranga yakoreshejwe mu kwishyuza,
Ubuyobozi bwImisoro bufite uburenganzira ku
musaruro n'umutungo wose wimukanwa
by‘umusoreshwa aho waba uri hose.
Ubwo burenganzira bureba kandi umusaruro
n'umutungo wimukanwa by‘abantu bavugwa mu
ngingo ya 7 y'iri tegeko, iyo basangiye
uburyozwe ku buryo umusoro, inyungu
z‘ubukererwe, amahazabu n‘amafaranga
yakoreshejwe, byakwishyuzwa ku mutungo
uvugwa mu gika cya mbere cy'iyi ngingo.
Ubwo burenganzira bushobora kubahirizwa mu
gihe cy‘imyaka ibiri (2) uhereye ku itariki
umusoro wagombye kuba warishyuriweho. Iyo
habayeho kujuririra ubutegetsi cyangwa urukiko,
ubu burenganzira bwongererwa igihe cy‘imyaka
ibiri (2) nyuma y‘umunsi icyemezo ndakuka
cy‘ubutegetsi cyangwa urukiko cyafatiweho.
Gufatira umusaruro cyangwa umutungo mbere
y‘uko ubu burenganzira burangira bibugumishaho
kugeza igihe ibintu byimukanwa bigurishirijwe.
Article 51: Special Lien
For the recovery of tax, interest, fines and other
costs used in collection, the Tax Administration
holds a lien on the income and all movable property
of the taxpayer, wherever it may be located.
The lien affects income and movable property of
persons mentioned under article 7 of this law when
they share any responsibility, to the extent that the
tax, interest, fines and expenses incurred can be
executed on the property mentioned under
paragraph one of this article.
The lien can be executed in a period of two (2)
years, starting from the date the tax should have
been paid. In case of administrative or judicial
appeal, the lien is extended for two (2) years after
the date of the final administrative or judicial
decision was taken.
The seizure of income or property before the
expiration of the lien preserves the lien until the
movable property is sold.
Pour le recouvrement de l‘impôt, des intérêts, des
amendes et des frais de recouvrement, l‘Administration
fiscale possède un privilège sur l‘ensemble des revenus et
des biens meubles du contribuable, quel que soit le lieu où
ils se trouvent.
Le privilège concerne également les revenus et les biens
meubles des personnes visées à l‘article 7 de la présente
loi lorsqu‘elles partagent une responsabilité quelconque,
si le recouvrement de l‘impôt, des intérêts, des amendes et
des frais peut être opéré sur les biens visés à l‘alinéa
premier du présent article.
Le privilège peut être exercé pendant une période de deux
(2) ans à compter de la date à laquelle l‘impôt aurait
être acquitté. En cas de recours administratif ou judiciaire,
le privilège est prorogé de deux (2) ans à compter de la
date de la décision administrative ou judiciaire finale.
En cas de saisie des biens ou des revenus avant
l‘expiration du privilège, ce dernier demeure effectif
jusqu‘à ce que les biens meubles soient vendus.
Ingingo ya 52: Uburenganzira ku mitungo
Kugira ngo bubashe kwishyuza umusoro,
inyungu z‘ubukerererwe, amahazabu n‘andi
mafaranga yakoreshejwe mu kwishyuza,
Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro bufite uburenganzira
buhabwa n‘amategeko ku mutungo utimukanwa
w‘umusoreshwa aho uri hose.
Article 52: Legal mortgage
For the recovery of tax, interest, fines and costs
used in collection, the Tax Administration holds a
legal mortgage on the immovable property of the
taxpayer, wherever it may be located.
Article 52 : Privilège sur les biens immeubles
Pour le recouvrement de l‘impôt, des intérêts, des
amendes et des frais de recouvrement, l‘Administration
fiscale détient une hypothèque légale sur l‘ensemble des
biens immeubles du contribuable, où qu‘ils se trouvent.
Ubu burenganzira bureba umutungo utimukanwa
w‘abantu bavugwa mu ngingo ya 7 y'iri tegeko
iyo basangiye uburyozwe ku buryo umusoro,
inyungu z‘ubukererwe, amahazabu n‘amafaranga
yakoreshejwe byakurwa ku bintu bivugwa mu
gika cya mbere cy'iyi ngingo.
Ubu burenganzira bushobora kumara imyaka ibiri
(2) uhereye umunsi umusoro wagombaga
kwishyurirwaho. Iyo habayeho kujuririra
ubutegetsi cyangwa urukiko, ubu burenganzira
bwongererwa imyaka ibiri (2) uhereye igihe
icyemezo ndakuka cy‘ubutegetsi cyangwa
urukiko gifatiwe.
Komiseri Mukuru asaba ko ubu burenganzira
bwandikwa bukagira agaciro umunsi asabiyeho
iryo yandikwa. Ni na we kandi usaba ko ubwo
burenganzira bukurwaho.
The legal mortgage affects immovable property of
the persons mentioned in article 7 of this law when
they share any responsibility, to the extent the
recovery of tax, interest, fines and expenses
incurred can be executed on the goods mentioned
under paragraph one of this article.
The legal mortgage may be registered for a period
of two (2) years, starting from the date the tax
should have been paid. In case of administrative or
judicial appeal, the period for registering the legal
mortgage is extended to two (2) years after the date
of the final administrative or judicial decision was
The Commissioner General requests for registration
of the legal mortgage which takes effect on the day
of the request. He also requests for the cancellation
of the mortgage.
L‘hypothèque légale concerne également les biens
immeubles des personnes visées à l‘article 7 de la
présente loi lorsque celles-ci partagent une responsabilité
quelconque, si le recouvrement de l‘impôt, des intérêts,
des amendes et des frais peut être opéré sur les biens visés
à l‘alinéa premier du présent article.
L‘hypothèque légale peut être enregistrée pendant une
période de deux (2) ans à compter de la date à laquelle
l‘impôt aurait être acquitté. En cas de recours
administratif ou judiciaire, le délai dinscription de
l‘hypothèque légale est prorogé de deux (2) ans à compter
de la date de la décision administrative ou judiciaire
Le Commissaire général demande l‘inscription de
l‘hypothèque légale, qui prend rang au jour de la
demande. Le Commissaire général autorise également la
mainlevée de l‘hypothèque.
Akiciro ka 2: Ibyerekeye abantu badatuye mu
Gihugu n‟abakorera abandi
Ingingo ya 53: Ibiryozwa abakorera abantu
badatuye mu Gihugu bahakorera bahafite
icyicaro gihoraho
Abakozi bakorera mu Rwanda mu izina
ry‘amasosiyete yo hanze cyangwa
abanyamahanga bafite icyicaro gihoraho mu
Rwanda, bo n‘ayo masosiyete cyangwa abo bantu
bakorera baryozwa bafatanije inshingano zose
ziteganwa n‘iri tegeko. Mu kubahiriza ibisabwa
n'iri tegeko bafatwa nk'ababahagarariye,
ababatumye cyangwa abakoresha babo cyangwa
ko babasimbura.
Subsection 2: Non-residents and subcontractors
Article 53: Liability of representatives of non-
residents with a permanent establishment
Representatives acting in Rwanda on behalf of
foreign companies or foreign individuals with a
permanent establishment in Rwanda are liable
together with the company or the individual on
behalf of which they are acting for all obligations
provided for by this Law. For the fulfillment of
procedure and other formalities required by this
law, they are considered as their agents, substitutes
or their employees or those who replace them.
Sous-section 2 : Non-résidents et sous-traitants
Article 53 : Responsabilité des agents qui agissent au
nom de non-résidents ayant un établissement stable
Les agents qui, au Rwanda, agissent au nom de sociétés
étrangères qui ont un établissement stable au Rwanda,
sont solidairement responsables avec la société ou la
personne au nom de laquelle ils agissent pour toutes les
obligations prévues par la présente loi. Pour l‘exécution
de la présente loi ils sont considérés comme leur
mandataire, leur mployé ou leur remplaçant.
Ingingo ya 54: Abantu badafite ababakorera
cyangwa ababahagarariye
Umuntu wese uba mu mahanga wifuza gukorera
mu Rwanda imirimo isoreshwa, ntawe umukorera
cyangwa umuhagarariye, agomba gushyikiriza
Komiseri Mukuru ingwate y‘uko azubahiriza
amategeko agenga imisoro, ko azishyura
umusoro, inyungu z‘ubukererwe n‘amahazabu.
Komiseri Mukuru atanga icyemezo kigaragaza ko
uwo munyamahanga yemerewe gukorera imirimo
isoreshwa mu Rwanda iyo yemeye ibyangombwa
Article 54: Persons without agents or
Any non-resident person who wants to exercise
taxable activities in Rwanda without an agent or
representative is obliged to present to the
Commissioner General guarantees that he or she
will comply with tax laws, pay tax, interest and
fines. The Commissioner General, if satisfied with
the guarantees given, provides a certificate
indicating that the non-resident is allowed to
exercise taxable activities in Rwanda.
Article 54 : Personnes sans agent ou représentant
Toute personne non résidente qui souhaite exercer des
activités imposables au Rwanda sans avoir d‘agent ou de
représentant est tenue de présenter au Commissaire
général des garanties pour le respect des lois fiscales et le
paiement de l‘impôt, des intérêts et des amendes. S‘il est
satisfait des garanties données, le Commissaire général
délivre une attestation indiquant que le non-résident est
autorisé à exercer des activités imposables au Rwanda.
Ingingo ya 55: Ibisabwa abakoresha abandi
Umusoreshwa ukoresha undi muntu utari
umukozi usanzwe mu mirimo iyo ari yo yose
asabwa kubimenyesha Komiseri Mukuru mu
nyandiko mu gihe cy'iminsi irindwi (7) atangiye
kumukoresha. Iyo nyandiko igomba kuba
iherekejwe n'amasezerano bagiranye. Iyo
atabikoze abazwa imisoro yose igomba
kwishyurwa n'uwo akoresha n'inshingano zose
ziteganywa n'iri tegeko. Komiseri Mukuru
ashyiraho amabwiriza agena iyubahirizwa
ry‘ibivugwa muri iyi ngingo.
Article 55: Liability for subcontractors
A taxpayer, who subcontracts another person other
than a regular employee in whatever capacity, is
required to inform the Commissioner General in
writing within seven (7) days from the time the
subcontract is signed. Such information shall be
accompanied by a copy of the subcontract made
between the two parties. If the subcontractor fails to
do so, he or she is liable to pay all taxes due from
the sub-contractor and to observe all the obligations
provided for by this Law. The Commissioner
General sets out rules for the fulfillment of the
obligations mentioned in this article.
Article 55 : Responsabilité pour les sous-traitants
Le contribuable qui engage un sous-traitant est tenu
d‘informer le Commissaire Général par écrit endéans sept
(7) jours à compter de la date d‘engagement. Cette lettre
doit être accompagnée du contrat dûment signé par les
deux parties. Le non-respect de cette exigence rend le
contribuable responsable de tout impôt par le sous-
traitant et de toutes les obligations prévues par la
présente loi. Le Commissaire Général fixe les modalités
d‘application des dispositions du présent article.
Ingingo ya 56: Umusoro utarafatiriwe
Mu gihe ushinzwe gufatira umusoro atabikoze
kubera ko amategeko atamuha izo nshingano,
umukozi cyangwa uwishyurwa asabwa gukora
inyandiko y‘imenyesha mu buryo no mu gihe
cyagenwe na Komiseri Mukuru no kwishyura
umusoro utarafatiriwe mu gihe cy‘iminsi cumi
n'itanu (15) ikurikira ukwezi ubwishyu
bwakozwemo kuri konti y‘Ubuyobozi
Article 56: Failure to withhold tax
In case a withholding agent has not withheld tax
because the law does not oblige him to do so, the
employee or recipient of the payment is obliged to
file a declaration in the manner, and the intervals
prescribed by the Commissioner General and to pay
the tax not withheld within fifteen (15) days
following the end of the month in which the
payment was made at the account of the Tax
Article 56 : Non- retenue de l‟impôt à la source
Lorsqu‘un agent chargé de retenir l'impôt à la source n‘a
pas retenu cet impôt, le salarié ou le bénéficiaire du
paiement est tenu d‘introduire une déclaration selon les
modalités, la forme et la périodicité prescrites par le
Commissaire Général et de verser l‘impôt non retenu au
compte de l‘Administration fiscale dans le délai de quinze
jours (15) jours à compter de la fin du mois au cours
duquel le paiement a été effectué.
Ingingo ya 57: Ibyerekeye kugirirwa ibanga
Umuntu wese ufite ububasha ubwo ari bwo
bwose cyangwa ukora mu rwego urwo ari rwo
rwose rw‘iyakira ry‘umusoro, abujijwe
gutangariza uwo ari we wese amakuru arebana
n‘imiterere n‘imikoreshereze by‘umutungo
w‘umusoreshwa keretse bikozwe nk‘uko
biteganijwe mu gika cya kabiri cy‘iyi ngingo.
Ibanga ntiriba rikiri itegeko iyo:
1° umukozi wemewe atanze amakuru yamenye
mu gihe cy'isoresha akayaha Ubuyobozi
bw'Imisoro cyangwa abakozi bashinzwe
kwishyuza imisoro bemewe kugira ngo
bayifashishe mu bibazo by‘imisoro cyangwa mu
gukurikirana ibyaha birebana n'imisoro;
Minisitiri yakiriye akanakoresha amakuru
yavuye mu isoresha ku buryo nta basoreshwa
bavugwa kugira ngo ayakoreshe mu gukusanya
imibare cyangwa kuyisesengura;
umusoreshwa yemereye abandi bagira uruhare
mu isoresha uburenganzira bwo kutagira ibanga;
ubu burenganzira bugomba kuba bwanditse kandi
bushobora kugarukira ku makuru runaka cyangwa
kubera impamvu yihariye no ku muntu runaka.
Article 57: Confidentiality
Any person participating in whatever capacity or
stage of the tax proceeding is prohibited to disclose
any information about the structure and the use of
the property of a taxpayer to any other person,
except if done as provided in paragraph 2 of this
There is no duty of confidentiality if:
the authorized officer provides information
gained in the course of a tax proceeding to tax
administration or law enforcement officers for use
in tax matters or in criminal prosecution for tax
the Minister receives and uses information
derived from tax proceedings in a form that does
not identify specific taxpayers for use in compiling
statistics or for other analytical purposes;
the taxpayer releases other participants in a tax
proceeding from the duty of confidentiality; such
release has to be in writing and may be limited to
specific information or due to specific purpose to a
specific person.
Article 57 : Confidentialité
Il est interdit à toute personne qui participe, en quelque
qualité que ce soit, à un stade quelconque au processus
d‘imposition, de révéler à quiconque toute information sur
la situation fiscale du contribuable, sauf dans les cas
prévus au deuxième alinéa du présent article.
Il n‘existe pas de devoir de confidentialité si :
l‘agent autorisé fournit des informations obtenues au
cours de la procédure d‘imposition à des agents
administratifs de l‘impôt ou à des membres des forces de
l‘ordre en vue de leur utilisation en matière de fiscalité ou
dans le cadre de poursuites pénales pour délit fiscal ;
le Ministre reçoit et utilise, à des fins de statistiques ou
d‘analyse, les informations recueillies dans le cadre de la
procédure d‘imposition sous une forme qui ne révèle pas
l‘identité des contribuables;
le contribuable dispense d‘autres participants à une
procédure d‘imposition de leur devoir de confidentialité ;
cette dispense doit être faite par écrit et peut être limitée à
certaines informations précises et à leur utilisation à des
fins déterminées ou à une personne précise.
Ingingo ya 58: Ukugirwa inama
Article 58: Counsel and representation
Article 58 : Conseil et représentation
Umusoreshwa afite uburenganzira bwo
guhagararirwa n‘umuntu wabigize umwuga mu
mishyikirano yose agirana n‘Ubuyobozi
bw‘Imisoro, apfa kuba afite icyemezo kiriho
umukono w‘umusoreshwa n‘itariki
yakimuhereyeho. Iyi ngingo ntireba ababuranira
abandi. Komiseri Mukuru ashyiraho amabwiriza
agena ibyangombwa n'imikorere y'abantu bagize
umwuga kunganira abasoreshwa.
Umukozi wabigize umwuga uvugwa mu gika cya
mbere cy'iyi ngingo, uretse uburanira abandi,
ashobora guhagarikwa na Komiseri Mukuru, mu
gihe gishobora kugera ku myaka itatu (3) iyo
yitwaye nabi cyangwa akitesha icyizere. Uyu
mukozi ashobora kujuririra Minisitiri mu gihe
kitarenze iminsi cumi n'itanu (15) ashyikirijwe
ibaruwa imuhagarika. Minisitiri afata icyemezo
kuri ubwo bujurire mu gihe cy'iminsi mirongo
itandatu (60).
Mu gihe yiregura cyangwa yitaba inkiko,
umusoreshwa ashobora guhagararirwa
The taxpayer has the right to be represented by a
qualified professional during any communication
with the Tax Administration, provided that this
person holds a mandate with a signature of the
taxpayer and the date on which it was given to
representative. This provision does not apply to
solicitors. The Commissioner General determines
the conditions and functioning of qualified
professionals who represent taxpayers.
A qualified professional referred to in paragraph
one, except a solicitor, may be suspended by the
Commissioner General for a period of three (3)
years, due to misbehavior or loss of trust.The
qualified professional can appeal against this
suspension to the Minister in a period not exceeding
fifteen (15) days from the day of receipt of
suspension letter. The Minister takes a decision on
such an appeal in a period of sixty (60) days.
During defense or before the tribunal or court, the
taxpayer can be represented by a solicitor.
Le contribuable a le droit d‘être représenté par un
professionnel qualifié lors de toute communication avec
l‘Administration fiscale, à condition que ce conseil
détienne un mandat signé et daté par le contribuable. Cette
condition ne s‘applique pas si le conseil est un Avocat. Le
Commissaire Général détermine les conditions et les
modalités de représentation des contribuables par un
professionnel qualifié.
Sauf pour un Avocat, le Commissaire Général peut
suspendre pendant un délai n‘excédant pas trois (3) ans le
professionnel qualifié visé à l‘alinéa premier du présent
article pour mauvaise conduite ou perte de confiance. Le
professionnel qualifié peut introduire un recours contre
cette suspension auprès du Ministre dans un délai de
quinze (15) jours à compter de la réception de la lettre de
suspension. Le Ministre doit se prononcer sur ce recours
dans un délai de soixante (60) jours
Le contribuable peut être représenté par un Avocat pour
assurer sa défense devant le tribunal.
Icyiciro cya mbere: Ibyerekeye inyungu
Ingingo ya 59: Inyungu z‟ubukererwe
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya
12 y’itegeko nº 1/2012 ryo kuwa 03/02/2012
rihindura kandi ryuzuza itegeko nº 25/2005 ryo
kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize
y‘isoresha, Igazeti ya Leta nº 13 yo kuwa
«Igihe umusoreshwa atishyuye umusoro mu gihe
giteganywa n‘iri tegeko, asabwa kwishyura
inyungu z‘ubukerererwe ku mafaranga
Igipimo cy‘inyungu ni 1,5 %. Inyungu
z‘ubukererwe zibarirwa ku kwezi, nta
gukomatanya, bahereye ku munsi ukurikira uwo
umusoro wagombaga kwishyurirwaho kugeza ku
munsi w‘ubwishyu na wo ubariwemo. Buri kwezi
gutangiye gufatwa nk‘ukwezi kuzuye.
Inyungu z‘ubukerererwe zigomba kwishyurwa
igihe cyose kabone n‘iyo umusoreshwa yajuririye
isoresha mu buyobozi cyangwa mu rukiko.
Ubwiyongere bw‘inyungu z‘ubukerererwe
ntiburenga ijana ku ijana (100%) by‘umusoro.
Iyo umusoreshwa yishyuye, ubwo bwishyu
bukoreshwa mu kwishyura umusoro habanje
kuvanwamo inyungu, ibihano n'umwendafatizo
w'umusoro ».
Section one: Interest
Article 59: Interest for late payment
(As modified and completed by article 12 of the law
n°1/2012 of 03/02/2012 modifying and
complementing law nº 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax
procedures, O. G nº 13 of 26/03/2012):
―In the event the taxpayer fails to pay tax within the
period set forth by this Law, he/she shall be
required to pay interest on the amount of tax.
The interest rate is fixed at 1.5 %. Interest is
calculated on a monthly basis, non-compounding,
counting from the first day after the tax should have
been paid until the day of payment, which is
included. Every month that begins shall be
considered as a complete month.
Interest shall always be payable, even when the
taxpayer has lodged an administrative or judicial
appeal against the assessment.
Interest accrues can not exceed one hundred percent
(100%) of the amount of tax.
When the taxpayer pays, the payment shall be used
in paying taxes by deducting interest, penalties and
tax liability‖.
Section première : Des intérêts de retard
Article 59 : Intérêts de retard
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 12 de la loi
n°1/2012 du 03/02/2012 modifiant et complétant la loi
n°25/2005 du 04/12/2005, portant création des
procédures fiscales, J. O nº 13 du 26/03/2012) :
«Si le contribuable ne paye pas l‘impôt dans le délai fixé
par la loi, il est tenu de payer des intérêts de retard sur le
montant de l‘impôt.
Le taux d‘intérêts est fixé à 1,5 %. Les intérêts de retard
sont calculés mensuellement et non composés, à compter
du premier jour qui suit la date à laquelle l‘impôt aurait dû
être payé jusqu‘au jour du paiement inclus. Chaque mois
commencé compte pour un mois complet.
Les intérêts de retard doivent être payés quand bien même
le contribuable a introduit son recours auprès de
l‘administration ou devant les juridictions.
Les intérêts de retard ne peuvent pas dépasser cent pour
cent (100 %) du montant de l‘impôt.
Lorsque le contribuable effectue un paiement, celui-ci est
affecté successivement au recouvrement des intérêts, des
pénalités et de la dette fiscale».
Icyiciro cya 2: Ibyerekeye amahazabu
Ingingo ya 60: Amahazabu yo mu rwego
rw‟ubutegetsi adahinduka
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya
13 y’itegeko nº 1/2012 ryo kuwa 03/02/2012
rihindura kandi ryuzuza itegeko nº 25/2005 ryo
kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize
y‘isoresha, Igazeti ya Leta nº 13 yo kuwa
―Umusoreshwa cyangwa undi muntu wese
acibwa ihazabu yo mu rwego rw‘ubutegetsi iyo
1° gutangira igihe imenyesha ry'umusoro;
gutangira igihe imenyesha ry'umusoro
3° gufatira umusoro ufatirwa;
4° gutanga ibimenyetso asabwa n‘ubuyobozi
5° korohereza ibikorwa by‘igenzura ry‘imisoro;
6° kumenyesha ku gihe ububasha cyangwa
umwanya yahawe bivugwa mu gika cya 2
cy'ingingo ya 7 y‘iri tegeko;
7° kwiyandikisha nk‘uko bivugwa mu ngingo ya
10 y‘iri tegeko;
8° kubahiriza ingingo ya 12, iya 13 n‘iya 15 zri
Section 2: Fines
Article 60: Administrative fixed penalties
(As modified and completed by article 13 of the law
n°1/2012 of 03/02/2012 modifying and
complementing law nº 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax
procedures, O. G nº 13 of 26/03/2012):
―A taxpayer or any person is subject to an
administrative penalty if he/she fails to:
1° file a tax declaration on time;
2° file a withholding declaration on time;
3° withhold tax;
provide proofs required by the Tax
5° cooperate with a tax audit;
communicate on time the power or time given as
described in the Paragraph 2 of Article 7 of this
7° register as described in Article 10 of this Law;
comply with Articles 12, 13, 14 and 15 of this
Section 2 : Des amendes
Article 60 : Pénalités administratives fixes
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 13 de la loi
n°1/2012 du 03/02/2012 modifiant et complétant la loi
n°25/2005 du 04/12/2005, portant création des
procédures fiscales, J. O nº 13 du 26/03/2012) :
«Un contribuable ou toute personne est passible d‘une
amende administrative si:
il ne dépose pas la déclaration d‘impôt dans le délai
2° il ne dépose pas la déclaration d‘impôt retenu à la
source dans le délai imparti;
3° il ne retient pas l‘impôt à la source;
il ne répond pas à une demande de renseignement de
l‘administration fiscale;
5° il ne coopère pas avec le contrôle fiscal;
il ne communique pas dans les délais le pouvoir et le
moment lui impartis, prévus à l‘alinéa 2 de l‘article 7 de la
présente loi;
il ne s‘enregistre pas conformément à l‘article 10 de la
présente loi;
il contrevient aux articles 12, 13 et 15 de la présente
9° gutanga ku gihe avansi y'umusoro ku nyungu;
10° kubahiriza ibisabwa ibyo ari byo byose
n‘amategeko y‘imisoro agenga imisoro ivugwa
mu ngingo ya mbere y‘iri tegeko.
Amahazabu yo mu rwego rw‘ubutegetsi ajyanye
no kutubahiriza ibivugwa mu gika cya mbere
cy'iyi ngingo ateye ku buryo bukurikira:
amafaranga y‘u Rwanda ibihumbi ijana
(100.000) ku muntu udakora imirimo y‘ubucuruzi
n‘umusoreshwa ufite ibyacurujwe mu mwaka biri
munsi cyangwa bingana n‘amafaranga y‘u
Rwanda miliyoni makumyabiri (20.000.000);
amafaranga y‘u Rwanda ibihumbi magana
atatu (300.000 Frw) iyo umusoreshwa ari ikigo
cya Leta cyangwa ikigo kidaharanira inyungu
cyangwa iyo ibyo umusoreshwa acuruza
birengeje agaciro k‘amafaranga y‘u Rwanda
angana na miliyoni makumyabiri (20.000.000)
mu mwaka;
amafaranga y‘u Rwanda ibihumbi magana
atanu (500.000) iyo umusoreshwa
yamenyeshejwe n'ubuyobozi bw‘imisoro ko ari
mu rwego rw'abasoreshwa banini.
Iyo umusoreshwa bireba adatanze
imenyeshamusoro n‘ibaruramari byemejwe kandi
abisabwa n‘amategeko, ahanishwa ihazabu yo mu
rwego rw‘ubutegetsi ingana n‘amafaranga y‘u
Rwanda ibihumbi magana tanu (500.000) buri
kwezi kugeza igihe azabitangira.
9° pay on time the profit tax advance;
10° comply with any requirements provided for in
tax Laws governing taxes mentioned in Article One
of this Law.
Administrative penalties related to violations of
provisions of Paragraph One of this article are set as
1° one hundred thousand (100,000) Rwandan francs
for a natural person not engaged in any commercial
activity and a taxpayer‘s annual turnover equal to or
less than twenty million (20,000,000) Rwandan
three hundred thousand (300,000) Rwandan
francs if the taxpayer is a public institution or a non
profit making organization and if the taxpayer‘s
annual turnover exceeds twenty million
(20,000,000) Rwandan francs;
3° five hundred thousand (500,000) Rwandan francs
if the taxpayer was informed by the Tax
Administration that he/she is in the category of
large taxpayers.
In case the concerned taxpayer fails to submit
his/her certified annual tax declarations and
financial statements while he/she has a legal
requirement to do so, he/she is subjected to a fixed
administrative penalty of five hundred thousand
(500,000) Rwandan francs per month until he/she
submits them.
9° il ne déclare pas dans le délai l‘acompte trimestriel;
10° il ne satisfait pas à une quelconque des obligations
prescrites par les lois fiscales qui régissent les impôts et
taxes mentionnés à l‘article premier de la présente loi.
Les pénalités administratives qui se rapportent aux
violations visées à l‘alinéa premier du présent article sont
fixées comme suit:
cent mille (100.000) francs rwandais pour toute
personne physique qui n‘exerce pas une activité
commerciale et le contribuable dont le chiffre d‘affaires
annuel est inférieur ou égal à vingt millions (20.000.000)
de francs rwandais;
trois cent mille (300.000) francs rwandais si le
contribuable est une institution publique ou une
organisastion sans but lucratif ou si le chiffre d‘affaires
annuel du contribuable dépasse vingt millions
(20.000.000) de francs rwandais;
cinq cent mille (500.000) francs rwandais si le
contribuable a été informé par l‘administration fiscal qu‘il
est enregistré comme grand contribuable.
Au cas un contribuable concerné ne dépose pas les
déclarations annuelles et les états financiers certifiés alors
qu‘il a cette obligation légale, il est passible d‘une
pénalité administrative fixe de cinq cent mille (500.000)
francs rwandais par mois jusqu‘à ce qu‘il les dépose.
Iyo ikosa rikozwe kabiri mu gihe cy‘imyaka itanu
(5), ihazabu isanzwe yikuba kabiri. Naho iyo
ikosa nk‘irya mbere ryongeye gukorwa muri iyo
myaka itanu (5), ihazabu isanzwe yikuba kane
In case the same violation is committed twice
within five (5) years, the penalty is twice the
original penalty. In case the same violation is
committed again within such five (5) years, the
penalty is four times the original penalty.»
Si la violation est commise deux fois dans un délai de
cinq (5) ans, le montant de base de la pénalité est doublé.
En cas d‘une nouvelle violation dans le même délai de
cinq (5) ans, le montant de base de la pénalité est
Ingingo ya 61: Ihazabu ryo gukererwa
Iyo umusoro wagaragajwe mu imenyesha
ry'umusoro cyangwa umusoro uri mu nyandiko
igena umusoro rikosowe n‘Ubuyobozi
bw‘Imisoro utishyuwe mu gihe giteganyijwe,
umusoreshwa acibwa ihazabu ingana n'icumi ku
ijana (10%) by‘umusoro agomba kwishyura.
Umusoreshwa ntacibwa iyo hazabu iyo Komiseri
Mukuru yamwongereye igihe cyo kumenyesha
umusoro hakurikijwe ingingo ya 16 y'iri tegeko.
Ihazabu icibwa abakererewe kwishyura ntireba
inyungu cyangwa amahazabu y‘ubutegetsi
avugwa mu ngingo ya 60, iya 62, iya 63, iya 64
n‘iya 65 z‘iri tegeko.
Article 61: Late payment fine
If the amount of tax shown on a tax declaration or
the amount of tax which is the result of an adjusted
assessment by the Tax Administration is not paid in
time, the taxpayer is subject to a fine of ten percent
(10%) of the tax payable.
The taxpayer is not subject to this fine if the
Commissioner General provided an extension for
filing the tax declaration according to article sixteen
(16) of this law.
The late payment fine does not apply to interest or
administrative fines referred to in articles 60, 62,
63, 64 and 65 of this law.
Article 61 : Amende pour paiement tardif
Si le montant de l‘impôt qui figure dans la déclaration
d‘impôt ou le montant de l‘impôt résultant d‘un
redressement opéré par l‘Administration fiscale n‘est pas
payé dans le délai imparti, le contribuable est passible
d‘une amende égale à dix pour cent (10 %) de l‘impôt dû.
Le contribuable n‘est pas passible de l‘amende ci-dessus
si le Commissaire Général accorde une prorogation du
délai d‘introduction de la déclaration d‘impôt
conformément à l‘article 16 de la présente loi.
L‘amende pour paiement tardif ne s‘applique pas aux
intérêts ou aux amendes administratives prévus aux
articles 60, 62, 63, 64 et 65 de la présente loi.
Ingingo ya 62: Ihazabu ijyanye no gutubya
umusoro, kutishyura no kutamenyekanisha
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya
14 y’itegeko 1/2012 ryo kuwa 03/02/2012
rihindura kandi ryuzuza itegeko 25/2005 ryo
kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize
y‘isoresha, Igazeti ya Leta 13 yo kuwa
«Iyo igenzura cyangwa iperereza rigaragaje ko
umusoro ugaragara ku imenyeshamusoro ari muto
ku musoro wagombye kwishyurwa, umusoreshwa
agomba kwishyura umusoro utarishyuwe
akanacibwa amahazabu yo mu rwego
rw‘ubutegetsi akurikira:
Article 62: Penalties for understatement of taxes,
for non payment and for non declaration
(As modified and completed by article 14 of the law
n°1/2012 of 03/02/2012 modifying and
complementing law nº 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax
procedures, O. G nº 13 of 26/03/2012):
«If an audit or investigation shows that the amount
on a tax declaration is less than the tax liability the
taxpayer ought to have paid, he/she shall pay the
non paid tax and also be subject to the following
administrative penalties:
Article 62 : Pénalités pour sous-estimation de l‟impôt,
non payement et pour non déclaration
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 14 de la loi
n°1/2012 du 03/02/2012 modifiant et complétant la loi
n°25/2005 du 04/12/2005, portant création des
procédures fiscales, J. O nº 13 du 26/03/2012) :
«Si la vérification ou le contrôle montre que le montant de
l‘impôt déclaré est inférieur au montant qui devait être
payé, le contribuable doit payer l‘impôt éludé et il est
aussi passible des pénalités administratives suivantes:
atanu ku ijana (5%) by‘umusoro yatubije iyo
amafaranga yagabanyije ku musoro ageze
cyangwa arenze atanu ku ijana (5%) ariko ntagere
ku icumi ku ijana (10%) by‘umusoro yagombaga
icumi ku ijana (10%) by‘umusoro yatubije iyo
amafaranga yagabanyije ku musoro ageze
cyangwa arenze icumi ku ijana (10%) ariko
ntagere kuri makumyabiri ku ijana (20%)
by‘umusoro yagombaga kwishyura;
makumyabiri ku ijana (20%) byumusoro
yatubije iyo amafaranga yagabanyije ku musoro
angana na makumyabiri ku ijana (20%) cyangwa
arenzeho ariko ntagere kuri mirongo itanu ku
ijana (50%) by‘umusoro yagombaga kwishyura;
mirongo itanu ku ijana (50%) by‘umusoro
yatubije iyo amafaranga yagabanyije ku musoro
ageze cyangwa arenze mirongo itanu ku ijana
(50%) by‘umusoro yagombaga kwishyura.
five percent (5%) of the amount of the
understatement if the understatement is equal to or
more than five percent (5%) but less than ten
percent (10 %) of the tax liability he/she ought to
have paid;
ten percent (10%) of the amount of the
understatement if the understatement is equal to or
more than ten percent (10%) but less than twenty
percent (20 %) of the tax liability he/she ought to
have paid;
twenty percent (20%) of the amount of the
understatement if the understatement is twenty
percent (20%) or more but less than fifty percent
(50%) of the tax liability he/she ought to have paid;
fifty percent (50%) of the amount of the
understatement if the understatement is fifty percent
(50%) or more of the tax liability he/she ought to
have paid.
1° cinq pourcent (5%) du montant de la sous-estimation si
celle-ci s‘élève à cinq pourcent (5%) ou plus mais sans
toutefois atteindre dix pour cent (10%) de l‘impôt qui
devait être payé;
2° dix pourcent (10%) du montant de la sous estimation si
celle-ci s‘élève à dix pour cent (10%) ou plus mais sans
toutefois atteindre vingt pour (20%) de l‘impôt qui devait
être payé;
vingt pourcent (20%) du montant de la sous-estimation
si celle-ci s‘élève à vingt pour cent (20%) ou plus mais
sans toutefois atteindre cinquante pour cent (50%) de
l‘impôt qui devait être payé;
cinquante pourcent (50%) du montant de la sous-
estimation si celle-ci s‘élève à cinquante pour cent (50%)
ou plus de l‘impôt qui devait être payé.
Umusoreshwa uhindura imenyekanisha rye
akanishyura imisoro ijyanye na ryo mbere y‘uko
amenyeshwa ko azagenzurwa uwo musoro,
ntacibwa ibihano bivugwa mu gika cya mbere
cy‘iyi ngingo.
Umusoreshwa umenyekanishije imisoro ku gihe
giteganywa n‘amategeko ariko atishyuye iyo
misoro muri icyo gihe gisabwa, yishyura imisoro
fatizo n‘ihazabu yo mu rwego rw‘ubutegetsi
ingana na 50% y‘imisoro yagombaga
Umusoreshwa utamenyekanishije imisoro ku gihe
giteganywa n‘amategeko, yishyura imisoro
atamenyekanishije ngo anishyure agacibwa
n‘ihazabu yo mu rwego rw‘ubutegetsi ingana na
60% y‘imisoro yagombaga kumenyekanishwa no
The taxpayer who rectifies his/her tax declaration
and pays relevant taxes before he/she is notified of
imminent audit of his/her tax shall not be subject to
the penalty mentioned in Paragraph One of this
The taxpayer who has declared due taxes in the
required time limits provided by the Law but did
not pay those taxes in that time limits, shall pay the
principal tax and an administrative penalty of 50%
of due taxes.
A taxpayer who has not declared taxes in the
required time limits provided by Law, shall pay the
due taxes and an adminstrative penalty of 60% of
due taxes.‖
Le contribuable qui rectifie sa déclaration et paie les
impôts s‘y rapportant avant que ne lui soit notifiée
l‘imminence d‘un contrôle de l‘impôt ne se voit pas
appliquer la pénalité dont question à l‘alinéa premier du
présent article.
Le contribuable qui a claré les impôts dus dans les
délais prévus par la loi mais qui ne paye pas dans ces
délais doit payer l‘impôt principal et une pénalité
administrative de 50% de l‘impôt dû.
Le contribuable qui ne déclare pas les impôts dans les
délais prévus par la loi, doit payer l‘impôt dû et une
pénalité administrative de 60% du montant des impots qui
devaient être déclarés et payés».
Ingingo ya 63 : Kutubahiriza ibirebana
n'umusoro ku nyongeragaciro
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya
11 y’itegeko 74/2008 ryo kuwa 31/12/2008
rihindura kandi ryuzuza itegeko 25/2005 ryo
kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize
y‘isoresha, Igazeti ya Leta 19 yo kuwa
―Amahazabu akurikira acibwa abatarubahirije
ibirebana n'umusoro ku nyongeragaciro:
1°igihe uwakoze ubucuruzi atiyandikishije ku
musoro ku nyongeragaciro, kandi yarabisabwaga,
acibwa ihazabu ingana na mirongo itanu ku ijana
(50%) by'umusoro ku nyongeragaciro yagombaga
kwishyura mu gihe cyose yakoze ubwo bucuruzi.
Article 63: Value Added Tax violations
(As modified and completed by article 11 of the law
n°74/2008 of 31/12/2008 modifying and
complementing law nº 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax
procedures, O. G nº 19 of 11/05/2009):
―The following administrative fines are imposed to
persons who do not comply with provisions of
Value Added Tax:
1°in the event of operation without VAT
registration where VAT registration is required,
fifty percent (50%) of the amount of VAT payable
for the entire period of operation without VAT
Article 63 : Manquement à la TVA
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 11 de la loi
n°74/2008 du 31/12/2008 modifiant et complétant la loi
n°25/2005 du 04/12/2005, portant création des
procédures fiscales, J. O nº19 du 11/05/2009):
« Les amendes administratives suivantes s‘appliquent en
matière de manquement à la TVA :
en cas d‘opération réalisée sans enregistrement à la
TVA, alors qu‘elle est requise, cinquante pour cent (50%)
du montant de la TVA qu‘il aurait payé durant la période
complète d‘opérations sans enregistrement;
2°igihe umusoreshwa yakoze inyemezamusoro
ikosheje agambiriye kugabanya umusoro ku
nyongeragaciro wishyurwa cyangwa agamije
kongera umusoro ku nyongeragaciro uvanwamo
cyangwa ataratanze inyemezamusoro, acibwa
ijana ku ijana (100%) by'umusoro ku
nyongeragaciro w'iyo nyemezamusoro cyangwa
kuri icyo gikorwa gisoreshwa.
kuba yaratanze inyemezamusoro kandi
atariyandikishije ku musoro ku nyongeragaciro,
acibwa ihazabu ingana n‘ijana ku ijana (100%)
by'umusoro ku nyongeragaciro waciwe kandi
akishyura uwo musoro ugaragara kuri iyo
2°in the event of the incorrect issuance of a VAT
invoice resulting in a decrease in the amount of
VAT payable or in an increase of the VAT input
credit or in the event of the failure to issue a VAT
invoice, one hundred percent (100%) of the amount
of VAT for the invoice or on the transaction;
3°for issuing of a VAT invoice by a person who is
not registered for VAT is assessed a penalty of one
hundred percent (100%) of the VAT which is
indicated in that VAT invoice and is due to pay the
VAT as indicated on that VAT invoice‖.
en cas d‘établissement incorrect d‘une facture TVA
qui résulte en une réduction de la TVA due ou en une
augmentation de la TVA déductible, ou en cas d‘absence
de facture TVA, cent pour cent (100%) du montant de la
TVA de la facture ou sur la transaction;
pour avoir établi une facture TVA, une personne non-
enregistrée à la TVA est tenue à une amende de cent pour
cent (100%) de la TVA facturée et est tenue de payer la
TVA figurant sur ladite facture ».
Ingingo ya 64: Kunyereza umusoro
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya
12 y’itegeko 74/2008 ryo kuwa 31/12/2008
rihindura kandi ryuzuza itegeko 25/2005 ryo
kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize
y‘isoresha, Igazeti ya Leta 19 yo kuwa
―Umusoreshwa wanyereje umusoro ahanishwa
ihazabu ingana n‗ijana ku ijana (100%)
by‘umusoro yanyereje. Uretse icyo gihano,
Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro bunashyikiriza ikirego
Ubushinjacyaha, iyo umusoreshwa yakoze iryo
nyereza abigambiriye, nko gukoresha ibaruramari
rikosheje, impapuro z‘impimbano cyangwa ikindi
gikorwa gisanzwe gihanwa n‘amategeko. Iyo
ahamijwe icyaha, umusoreshwa ashobora
gufungwa hagati y‘amezi atandatu (6) n‘imyaka
ibiri (2).
Igihembo, kigenwa n‘iteka rya Minisitiri,
gihabwa umuntu wese uranga umusoreshwa
unyereza imisoro―.
Article 64: Tax fraud
(As modified and completed by article 12 of the law
n°74/2008 of 31/12/2008 modifying and
complementing law nº 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax
procedures, O. G nº 19 of 11/05/2009):
―A taxpayer who commits fraud is subject to an
administrative fine of one hundred percent (100%)
of the evaded tax. With exception to that penalty,
the Tax Administration refers the case to the
Prosecution service if the taxpayer voluntarily
evaded such tax, like use of false accounts, falsified
documents or any other act punishable by law. In
case of conviction, the taxpayer can be imprisoned
for a period between six (6) months and two (2)
The Minister‘s order determines an award given to
any person who denounces a taxpayer who engages
in tax fraud‖.
Article 64 : Fraude fiscale
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 12 de la loi
n°74/2008 du 31/12/2008 modifiant et complétant la loi
n°25/2005 du 04/12/2005, portant création des
procédures fiscales, J. O nº19 du 11/05/2009) :
« Le contribuable qui se rend coupable de fraude fiscale
est passible d‘une amende administrative égale à cent
pour cent (100 %) de l‘impôt éludé. En outre,
l‘Administration fiscale défère le cas au Procureur si la
fraude fiscale a été faite intentionnellement par le
contribuable par usage notamment d‘une comptabilité
falsifiée, usage de faux et faux en écriture ou de tout autre
fait puni par la loi. En cas de condamnation, le
contribuable est passible d‘une peine de six (6) mois à
deux (2) ans d‘emprisonnement.
Une prime dont le montant sera déterminé par le Ministre
est accordée à toute personne qui dénonce les gens qui se
livrent à la fraude fiscale ».
Ingingo ya 65: Kutishyura umusoro ufatirwa
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya
13 y’itegeko 74/2008 ryo kuwa 31/12/2008
rihindura kandi ryuzuza itegeko 25/2005 ryo
kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize
y‘isoresha, Igazeti ya Leta 19 yo kuwa
―Iyo umuntu ushinzwe gufata umusoro ufatirwa
atawushyikirije Ubuyobozi bw'Imisoro
abigambiriye, acibwa ihazabu ingana n‘ijana ku
Article 65: Failure to pay tax withheld
(As modified and completed by article 13 of the law
n°74/2008 of 31/12/2008 modifying and
complementing law nº 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax
procedures, O. G nº 19 of 11/05/2009):
―In case a person intentionally fails to deliver the
tax withheld to the Tax Administration, he or she is
subject to a fine of one hundred percent (100%) of
Article 65 : Non-paiement d‟un impôt retenu à la
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 13 de la loi
n°74/2008 du 31/12/2008 modifiant et complétant la loi
n°25/2005 du 04/12/2005, portant création des
procédures fiscales, J. O nº19 du 11/05/2009) :
« Si une personne chargée de retenir l'impôt à la source ne
transfère pas intentionnellement cet impôt à
l‘Administration fiscale, elle est passible d‘une amende
ijana (100%) by‘umusoro utaratanzwe. Hejuru
y‘ibyo, Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro bushyikiriza
ikirego Ubushinjacyaha. Iyo icyaha cyamuhamye,
umusoreshwa ashobora gufungwa hagati y‘amezi
atatu (3) n‘imyaka ibiri (2).
Igihembo, kigenwa n‘Iteka rya Minisitiri,
gihabwa umuntu wese uranga umusoreshwa
unyereza imisoro.
the unpaid tax. In addition, the Tax Administration
refers the case to the Prosecution service. In case of
conviction, the taxpayer can be imprisoned for a
period between three (3) months and two (2) years‖.
The Minister‘s order determines an award given to
any person who denounces a taxpayer who engages
in tax fraud.
égale à cent pour cent (100%) de l‘impôt non transféré.
En outre, l‘Administration fiscale défère le cas au
Procureur. En cas de condamnation, cette personne est
passible d‘une peine de trois (3) mois à deux (2) ans
d‘emprisonnement .
Une prime dont le montant sera déterminé par le Ministre
est accordée à toute personne qui dénonce les gens qui se
livrent à la fraude fiscales‖
Ingingo ya 66: Kubangamira Ubuyobozi
bw‟Imisoro, gushyigikira no gushishikariza
abandi gukora amakosa
Umuntu wese ubangamira cyangwa akagerageza
kubangamira imirimo n‘inshingano
by‘Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro mu bubasha bwabwo
buvugwa muri iri tegeko cyangwa agafasha,
agashishikariza cyangwa akagambana n‘undi ngo
bice iri tegeko, ahanishwa ibihano bingana
n'ibicibwa umusoreshwa.
Article 66: Obstructing, aiding and abetting
A person who obstructs or attempts to obstruct the
activities or duties of the Tax Administration in the
exercise of its powers under this Law, who aids,
abets or conspires with another person to commit a
violation against this Law, is subject to penalties as
those provided to the taxpayer.
Article 66 : Obstruction, complicité
Toute personne qui entrave ou tente d‘entraver les
activités ou les tâches de l‘Administration fiscale dans
l‘exercice de ses compétences au titre de la présente loi ou
qui se rend coupable de complicité, d‘incitation ou de
conspiration avec d‘autres personnes dans le but de
commettre une infraction à la présente loi est passible des
mêmes peines que celles qu‘encourrait le contribuable.
Ingingo ya 67: Ibihano by'umugereka
Uretse ibihano biteganyijwe mu ngingo
zibanziriza iyi, umuntu wese wakoze ibyaha
biteganyijwe n'iri tegeko ashobora guhanishwa
ibihano by'umugereka bikurikira:
gufungirwa gucuruza mu gihe cy'iminsi
mirongo itatu (30);
2° kutemererwa gupiganira amasoko ya Leta;
3° kwamburwa regisitiri y'ubucuruzi;
gutangazwa mu binyamakuru, radiyo cyangwa
Article 67: Additional Penalties
With exception to penalties in the preceding
articles, any person who commits offences provided
for by this law may be subject to the following
additional sanctions:
closure of business activities for a period of
thirty (30) days;
2° being barred from bidding for public tenders;
3° withdrawal of a business register;
4° being published in nationwide newspapers,
Article 67 : Peines accessoires
En plus des peines prévues par les articles précédents,
toute personne ayant commis les infractions prévues par la
présente loi est passible des peines accessoires suivantes :
suspension des activités pendant trente (30) jours;
exclusion du contribuable de la participation aux
marchés publics
retrait du registre de commerce;
publication des cas de récidive dans les périodiques à
diffusion nationale;
Uretse igihano giteganywa mu gace ka mbere
n‘aka 4 bitangwa na Komiseri Mukuru, ibindi
bihano bivugwa muri iyi ngingo bitangwa
n'urukiko hakurikijwe uburemere bw'icyaha
Except the sanction provided for in paragraph 1º
and pronounced by the Commissioner General,
other sanctions mentioned in this article are
pronounced by a tribunal/court in accordance with
the gravity of the offence committed.
Sauf les peines prévues aux points et qui sont
prononcées par le Commissaire Général, d‘autres peines
prévues dans le présent article sont prononcées par le
Tribunal en fonction de la gravité de l‘infraction
Ingingo ya 68: Inyandikomvugo
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya
15 y’itegeko 1/2012 ryo kuwa 03/02/2012
rihindura kandi ryuzuza itegeko 25/2005 ryo
kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize
y‘isoresha, Igazeti ya Leta 13 yo kuwa
«Iyo ubuyobozi bw'imisoro bubonye ko
umusoreshwa cyangwa undi muntu yakoze
ibinyuranije n‘iri tegeko, bubikorera
inyandikomvugo. Iyo nyandikomvugo ikurikirwa
n'isoreshwa, nk‘uko biteganywa mu Mutwe wa
VI w‘iri tegeko. Kopi y‘inyandikomvugo
ishyirwa ku mugereka w‘inyandiko y‘isoresha nta
Ubuyobozi bw‘imisoro bukora indi
nyandikomvugo mu gihe cy‘igenzura cyangwa
mu bujurire iyo iya mbere yakozwe nabi cyangwa
iyo habonetse irindi kosa.‖
Article 68: Affidavit
(As modified and completed by article 15 of the law
n°1/2012 of 03/02/2012 modifying and
complementing law nº 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax
procedures, O. G nº 13 of 26/03/2012):
―When the Tax Administration notices that a
taxpayer or another person has acted contrary to this
Law, it shall make an affidavit. The affidavit shall
be followed by an assessment as provided in
Chapter VI of this Law. A copy of the affidavit
shall be attached to the notification of assessment
without notice.
The Tax Administration shall make another
affidavit in the course of audit or at the level of
appeal in case the previous one was errouneously
formulated or if it notices another error.‖.
Article 68 : Procès-verbal
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 15 de la loi
n°1/2012 du 03/02/2012 modifiant et complétant la loi
n°25/2005 du 04/12/2005, portant création des
procédures fiscales, J. O nº 13 du 26/03/2012) :
«Lorsque l‘administration fiscale constate un agissement
contraire à la présente loi dans le chef du contribuable ou
d‘un tiers, elle en dresse un procès-verbal. Après
l‘établissement du procès-verbal, il est procédé à une
imposition d‘office conformément aux dispositions du
chapitre VI de la la présente loi. Une copie du procès-
verbal doit être attachée à l‘avis d‘imposition d‘office.
L‘administration fiscale dresse un autre procès-verbal au
cours de l‘audit ou lors de l‘examen du recours du
contribuable lorsque le précédent a été mal dressé ou
lorsqu‘elle a eu connaissance d‘une autre erreur».
Icyiciro cya 3: Ingorane mu kwishyura
Ingingo ya 69: Kuvanirwaho umusoro,
inyungu z'ubukererwe, ibihano n'imisoro
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya
16 y’itegeko 1/2012 ryo kuwa 03/02/2012
rihindura kandi ryuzuza itegeko 25/2005 ryo
Section 3: Hardships in payments
Article 69: Waive of tax liability, interest on late
payments and penalties
(As modified and completed by article 16 of the law
n°1/2012 of 03/02/2012 modifying and
complementing law nº 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax
Section 3 : Des difficultés de paiement
Article 69 : Dispense de paiement des impôts, des
intérêts de retard et des pénalités
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 16 de la loi
n°1/2012 du 03/02/2012 modifiant et complétant la loi
n°25/2005 du 04/12/2005, portant création des
kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize
y‘isoresha, Igazeti ya Leta 13yo kuwa
―Umusoreshwa ashobora gusaba, mu nyandiko,
gukurirwaho umusoro, inyungu z‘ubukererwe
n‘amahazabu yo mu rwego rw‘ubutegetsi iyo
afite ibibazo bikomeye bigaragaza ko nta
bushobozi afite bwo kwishyura imisoro asabwa.
Ubusonerwe ntibutangwa ku bantu bagaragayeho
amakosa yo gutubya cyangwa kunyereza imisoro.
Ubusonerwe busabwa mu nyandiko yohererezwa
Komiseri Mukuru. Iyo Ubuyobozi bw‘imisoro
busanze icyifuzo cy‘umusoreshwa gifite
ishingiro, bushyikiriza Ministiri raporo kugira
ngo hafatwe icyemezo ku bijyanye n‘amahazabu
n‘inyungu z‘ubukererwe cyangwa ku musoro
fatizo. Iyo raporo ishyikirizwa inama
y‘Abaminisitiri kugira ngo ifate icyemezo.
Minisitiri, abinyujije mu iteka, agena uko gusaba
ubusonerwe bikorwa n‘ibyangombwa ubisaba aba
procedures, O. G nº 13 of 26/03/2012):
«The taxpayer may apply in writing for a waiver of
tax liability, interest on late payments and
administrative penalties in case of substantial
hardships indicating no ability to clear the tax
liability. A waiver may not be granted to persons
proved to commit offences of understating or
evading taxes.
The waiver shall be applied for in a note sent to the
Commissioner General. If the Tax Administration
finds that the request of the taxpayer is justified, it
shall send a report to the Minister for decision on
the penalties, interests of late payment or principle
tax. This report shall be transmitted to the Cabinet
for decision.
The Minister, through an Order shall determine the
modalities and conditions for applying for the
procédures fiscales, J. O nº 13 du 26/03/2012):
«Le contribuable peut demander par écrit à être dispensé
du paiement de l‘impôt, des intérêts ou des pénalités
administratives en cas de difficultés importantes
entraînant son insolvabilité. Aucune dispense ne peut être
accordée à des personnes qui se sont rendues coupables de
fraude fiscale.
La demande de dispense est adressée par écrit au
Commissaire Général. Lorsque l‘Administration fiscale
juge fondée la demande du contribuable, elle soumet un
rapport au Ministre pour décision en rapport avec les
pénalités, les intérêts de retard ou l‘impôt principal. Ce
rapport est soumis au Conseil des Ministres pour décision.
Le Ministre, par un arrêté, détermine les modalités de
demande de dispense et les conditions que doit remplir le
Ingingo ya 70: Ingingo y‟inzibacyuho
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya
14 y’itegeko 74/2008 ryo kuwa 31/12/2008
rihindura kandi ryuzuza itegeko 25/2005 ryo
kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize
y‘isoresha, Igazeti ya Leta 19 yo kuwa
―Ubujurire bwose bwashyikirijwe Komisiyo
y‘Ubujurire mbere y‘uko iri tegeko ritangira
gukurikizwa bugomba gufatirwa icyemezo mu
gihe kitarenze iminsi mirongo itandatu (60)
guhera ku munsi bwakiririweho. Iyo nta cyemezo
cyafashwe muri iyo minsi ubujurire bufatwa
nk‘aho bufite ishingiro―.
Article 70: Transitional provision
(As modified and completed by article 14 of the law
n°74/2008 of 31/12/2008 modifying and
complementing law nº 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax
procedures, O. G nº 19 of 11/05/2009):
―Cases lodged in the Appeals Commission before
this law becomes effective, will be handled by the
Appeals Commission in the stipulated sixty (60)
days after receipt of the taxpayer‘s appeal. When no
decision is taken within this period, the appeal is
assumed to have a basis‖.
Article 70 : Disposition transitoire
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 14 de la loi
n°74/2008 du 31/12/2008 modifiant et complétant la loi
n°25/2005 du 04/12/2005, portant création des
procédures fiscales, J. O nº19 du 11/05/2009) :
« Les recours adressés à la Commission d‘Appel, avant
l‘entrée en vigueur de la présente Loi reçoivent une
réponse dans un délai de soixante jours (60 jours), à
compter de la date de réception. En l‘absence de décision
dans ce délai, le recours est réputé fondé ».
Ingingo ya 71: Ivanwaho ry'ingingo
Bitabangamiye ibiteganywa mu ngingo ya 70 y'iri
tegeko, ingingo zose z'amategeko abanjiriza iri
kandi zinyuranije na ryo zivanyweho.
Article 71: Repeal of Contradictory provisions
Without prejudice to the provisions of article 70 of
this Law, all legal provisions contrary to this Law
are hereby repealed.
Article 71 : Dispositions abrogées
Sans préjudice des dispositions de l‘article 70 de la
présente loi, toutes les dispositions légales antérieures
contraires à la présente loi sont abrogées.
Ingingo ya 72: Gutangira gukurikizwa ku
Iri tegeko ritangira gukurikizwa guhera ku munsi
ritangarijweho mu Igazeti ya Leta ya Repubulika
y‘u Rwanda.
Kigali, ku wa 04/12/2005
Article 72: Entry into force
This Law comes into force on the date of its
publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic
of Rwanda.
Kigali, on 04/12/2005
Article 72 : Entrée en vigueur de la loi
La présente loi entre en vigueur le jour de sa publication
au Journal Officiel de la République du Rwanda.
Kigali, le 04/12/2005
ITEGEKO 25/2005 RYO KU WA 04/12/2005
MINISTERIAL ORDER 002/07 OF 09/05/2007
THE LAW Nº 25/2005 OF 04/12/2005 ON TAX
LA LOI N° 25/2005 DU 04/12/2005 PORTANT
Minisitiri w‟Imari n‟Igenamigambi,
Ashingiye ku Itegeko Nshinga rya Repubulika y‘u
Rwanda ryo kuwa 4 Kamena 2003, nk‘uko
ryavuguruwe kugeza ubu, cyane cyane mu ngingo
zaryo iya 120, 121 n‘iya 201;
Ashingiye ku Itegeko 25/2005 ryo kuwa
04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize yisoresha,
cyane cyane mu ngingo zaryo iya 42, 64 n‘iya 69 ;
Inama y‘Abaminisitiri, yateranye kuwa 28/03/2007,
imaze kubisuzuma no kubyemeza;
The Minister of Finance and Economic Planning,
Given the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of
4 June 2003, as amended to date, especially in its
Article 120, 121 and 201;
Given Law 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on Tax
Procedures, especially in its articles 42, 64 and 69;
After consideration and approuval by Cabinet in its
session of 28/03/2007:
Le Ministre des Finances et de la Planification
Vu la Constitution de la République du Rwanda
du 04 juin 2003, telle que révisée à ce jour,
spécialement en ses articles 120, 121 et 201;
Vu la loi 25/2005 du 04/12/2005 portant
création des procédures fiscales, spécialement en
ses articles 42, 64 et 69;
Après examen et adoption par le Conseil des
Ministres en sa séance du 28/03/2007.
Ingingo ya mbere : Impamvu
Iri teka rigamije gushyira mu bikorwa itegeko
25/2005 ryo kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena
imitunganyirize y‘isoresha
Article One: Objective
This order implements the Law 25/2005 of
04/12/2005 on Tax Procedures.
Article Premier : Objet
Le présent arrêté a pour objet de mettre en
application la loi nº25/2005 du 04/12/2005
portant création des procédures fiscales.
Ingingo ya 2 : Ibisobanuro by‟amagambo
Mu rwego rwo gushyira mu bikorwa iri teka,
ibisobanuro by‘amagambo avugwa mu itegeko
rigena imitunganyirize y‘isoresha birakurikizwa.
Article 2: Definitions
For the purpose of implementing this Order,
definitions of terms mentioned in the Law on Tax
Procedures shall apply.
Article 2 : Définitions
Dans le but de mettre en application cet arrêté, les
définitions des termes mentionnés dans la loi
portant création des procédures fiscales
Ingingo ya 3 : Ibimenyetso bishingiye ku
Iyo amakuru cyangwa inyandiko bibitswe
hakoreshejwe ikoranabuhanga, ingingo za 20 na 22
z‘itegeko 25/2005 ryo kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena
imitunganyirize y‘isoresha ziha Ubuyobozi
bw‘Imisoro uburenganzira bukurikira:
i. Kugaragarizwa ayo makuru cyangwa
guhabwa kopi y‘izo nzandiko cyangwa
gutwara igice cyazo hakoreshejwe uburyo
bw‘ikoranabuhanga ; cyangwa
ii. Gusaba kopi y‘urwo rwandiko cyangwa
rugashyirwa kuri disiketi cyangwa ubundi
buryo bwose bubika bene ayo makuru.
Iyo bigaragaye ko urwandiko, disiketi cyangwa
ikindi kintu cyose cyatanzwe hakurikijwe ibivugwa
muri iyi ngingo gitakaye cyangwa cyangiritse,
bitewe n‘uburangare bw‘umukozi wemewe
w‘Ikigo, Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro butegetswe
kwishyura ny‘iri icyo kintu amafaranga yose
yatanze mu kugisimbura cyangwa kugisana.
Article 3: Electronic evidence
Where any information or document is electronically
stored, articles 20 and 22 of the Law 25/2005 of
04/12/2005 on Tax Procedures are deemed as
empowering the Tax Administration, for the purpose
of exercising its powers conferred by those Articles in
relation to it and:
i. to view the information or document copy or
take extracts from it by electronic means; or
ii. to require that it be reproduced in hard copy,
or copied on to computer diskette or reduced
to some other portable form suitable for
removal and capable of reproducing the
information or document for viewing.
When it is proved that documents, computer diskettes
or other things removed under the powers conferred
by this Article are lost or damaged due to improper
handling by the authorised officer, the Tax
Administration shall be liable to compensate the
owner for any expenses reasonably incurred by him in
replacing or repairing them.
Article 3 : Preuve électronique
Lorsqu‘une information ou un document est
électroniquement gardé, les articles 20 et 22 de la
loi 25/2005 du 04/12/2005 portant création des
procédures fiscales autorisent l‘administration
fiscale dans l‘exercice des pouvoirs lui conférés
par ces articles de :
i. Visualiser l‘information ou une copie
du document ou prendre des extraits
par les moyens électroniques ; ou
ii. Demander que le document soit
imprimé ou copié sur disquette ou
réduit en une forme appropriée de
reproduction d‘information ou d‘un
Lorsqu‘il est prouvé qu‘un document, disquette
ou tout autre objet retiré en vertu des pouvoirs
conférés par cet article sont perdus ou
endommagés, l‘Administration Fiscale est tenue
de dédommager leurs propriétaires pour toutes les
dépenses raisonnablement encourues pour leur
remplacement ou réparation.
Ingingo ya 4 : Ishimwe
Ishimwe ringana na 10% ry‘agaciro k‘amande
n‘ibihano bivugwa mu mutwe wa XI w‘itegeko
25/2005 ryo kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena
imitunganyirize y‘isoresha rihabwa umuntu wese
watanze amakuru ku cyaha cya ruswa cyakozwe
Article 4: Award
An amount equivalent to ten percent 10% of the value
of fines and penalties prescribed in Chapter XI of Law
25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on Tax Procedures shall be
given as an award to any person who denounces a
taxpayer who engages in the tax fraud.
Article 4 : Prime
Une récompense de 10 % de la valeur des
amendes et pénalités prescrites au Chapitre XI de
la loi 25/2005 du 04/12/2005, portant création
des procédures fiscales est accordée à toute
personne qui dénonce un contribuable ayant
commis de la fraude fiscale.
Iyishyurwa ry‘iryo shimwe rivugwa haruguru
rikorwa mbere yuko umusoro ushyirwa mu
Isanduku ya Leta.
Bitewe n‘impamvu z‘ibanga, Komiseri Mukuru
ashobora kugena uburyo iyishyurwa rizakorwa
bitewe n‘uwo ubwishyu bugenewe.
The payment of the award mentioned above shall be
made before transmitting the money collected thereof
to the National Treasury.
For confidentially purposes, the Commissioner
General shall on a case by case basis, determine the
modalities of such payments.
Le payement de cette récompense ci-haut
mentionnée doit être effectué avant le transfert
des recettes collectées au Trésor Public.
Pour des raisons de confidentialité, le
Commissaire Général pourra déterminer les
modalités de ces paiements au cas par cas.
Ingingo ya 5 : Impamvu zifatika zishingiye ku
bukungu n‟imari
Umusoreshwa ashobora gusaba, mu nyandiko,
gukurirwaho umusoro, inyungu z‘ubukererwe
n‘amahazabu y‘ubutegetsi iyo afite ibibazo
bikomeye bigaragaza ko nta bushobozi afite bwo
kwishyura imisoro asabwa.
Ubusonerwe busabwa mu nyandiko yohererezwa
Komiseri Mukuru nawe agakorera raporo Minisitiri
iyo asanze bufite ishingiro. Minisitiri ashyikiriza
iyo raporo Inama y‘Abaminisitiri kugira ngo ifate
Umusoreshwa ashobora gukurirwaho imisoro iyo
Urukiko rubifitiye ububasha rwatangaje ko atagifite
Ariko, iyo umusoreshwa atagaragaje uburiganya
mw‘iyongerwa ry‘umwenda Minisitiri abisabwe
n‘Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro ashobora gukuriraho uwo
musoreshwa umwenda wose cyangwa igice, iyo
bigaragara ko aramuste yishuye ayo mafaranga
y‘umwenda w‘imisoro yahungabana cyane .
Article 5: Hardship waiver
The taxpayer can apply in writing for a waiver of tax
liability, interest on late payments and administrative
fines in case of substantial hardships indicating no
ability to clear the tax liability.
The waiver is applied for through the Commissioner
General who shall make a report to the Minister if the
request is founded. The Minister presents the report to
Cabinet for approval.
A waiver of tax liability in cases of substantial
economic or financial hardship is granted in a
situation where the Competent Court has declared the
taxpayer insolvent.
However, if the taxpayer has not demonstrated any
bad faith in the accumulation of such liabilities, on
request of the tax administration, the Minister may
partially or wholly waive tax liabilities if he deems
that taxpayer may be adversely affected by the
payment of such amount.
Article 5 : Circonstances économiques ou
financières substantielles
Le contribuable peut demander par écrit à être
dispensé du paiement de l‘impôt, des intérêts ou
des amendes administratives en cas de difficultés
économiques ou financières importantes
entraînant son insolvabilité.
La demande de dispense est adressée par écrit au
Commissaire Général qui fait le rapport au
Ministre lorsqu‘il trouve la demande fondée. Le
Ministre soumet le rapport au Conseil des
Ministres pour décision.
La dispense de paiement de l‘impôt est accordée
si le contribuable est déclaré insolvable par un
tribunal compétent.
Toutefois, si le contribuable n‘a démontré aucune
mauvaise foi dans l‘accumulation de ses dettes,
le Ministre, sur demande de l‘Administration
Fiscale, peut dispenser le dit contribuable du
paiement partiel ou total des impôts s‘il estime
qu‘il peut être affecté par le payement de ce
Gukurirwaho amande cyangwa inyungu
z‘ubukererwe bikorwa iyo :
umusoreshwa aramutse abyishyuye yaba
atakibasha gukemura ibibazo by‘ibanze
by‘ubuzima ;
2º iyo umusoreshwa yishyuye neza imisoro agomba
no mu gihe gikwiye.
A waiver of interest and/or administrative penalties
may be granted in those cases where the taxpayer:
when paying this interest and/or administrative
penalties would not be able to meet a minimum
financial subsistence level; and
has been regularly filing his or her tax returns and
has paid all taxes due.
La dispense de paiement des intérêts et/ou
pénalités par un contribuable n‘est accordée que
si les conditions ci- après sont réunies :
le fait qu‘en les payant le contribuable ne soit
plus capable d‘atteindre le niveau minimum de
subsistance financière ; et
que ce contribuable s‘acquitte de ses impôts
régulièrement et correctement.
Ingingo ya 6 : Ivanwaho ry‟ingingo z‟amateka
zinyuranyije n‟iri teka
Ingingo zose z‘amateka zibanziriza iri kandi
zinyuranyije na ryo zivanyweho.
Article 6: Abrogation of contrary provisions
All prior provisions contrary to this order are hereby
Article 6 : Disposition abrogatoire
Toutes les dispositions réglementaires antérieures
contraires au présent Arrêté sont abrogées.
Ingingo ya 7 : Gutangira gukurikizwa
Iri teka ritangira gukurikizwa ku munsi
ritangarijweho mu Igazeti ya Leta ya Repubulika
y‘u Rwanda.
Kigali, kuwa 09/05/2007
Minisitiri w‘Imari n‘Igenamigambi
Bibonywe kandi bishyizweho Ikirango
cya Repubulika :
Minisitiri w‘Ubutabera
Article 7: Coming into Force
This Order shall come into force on the date of its
publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of
Kigali, on 09/05/2007
The Minister of Finance and Economic Planning
Seen and sealed with the Seal of the Republic:
The Minister of Justice
Article 7 : Entrée en vigueur
Le présent arrêté entre en vigueur le jour de sa
publication au Journal Officiel de la République
du Rwanda.
Kigali, le 09/05/2007
Le Ministre des Finances et de la Planification
Vu et scellé du Sceau de la République :
Le Ministre de la Justice
002/2007 YO KUWA 15/06/2007 ASHYIRA MU
25/2005 OF 04/12/2005 ON TAX PROCEDURES
002/2007 DU 15/06/2007 PORTANT MISE EN
APPLICATION DE LA LOI ENº 25/2005 DU 04/12/2005
Ingingo ya mbere: Icyo agamije
Article One: Objective
Article Premier : Objet
Ingingo ya 2: Ibisobanuro by‟amagambo
Article 2: Definitions
Article 2 : Définitions
Ingingo ya 3: Kwandikisha imisoro
Article 3: Registration of taxes
Article 3 : Enregistrement des impôts
Ingingo ya 4: Kwandika umusoreshwa wikorera
Article 4 : Registration of individual persons
Article 4: Enregistrement d‟une entreprise individuelle
Ingingo ya 5 :Kwandika abatujuje
amategeko agenga amasosiyete
Article 5 : Registration of informal partnership
Article 5 : Enregistrement des
sociétés de fait
Ingingo ya 6: Iyandikwa ry‟ibigo
Article 6: Registration of Institutions, Enterprises or
Article 6 : Enregistrement des
personnes morales
Ingingo ya 7 : Kwiyandikisha
Ku musoreshwa ufite ibikorwa
Article 7: Registration for taxpayers with various
Article 7 : Enregistrement d‟un
contribuable qui exerce diverses activités.
Ingingo ya 8: Kwiyandikisha
ku byerekeye inyungu zikomoka kw‟ishoramari
Article 8 : Registration for
investment income
Article 8 : Enregistrement pour les revenus
Ingingo ya 9 : Kurangiza kwiyandikisha
Article 9 : Completion of
Article 9 : Fin de l‟enregistrement
Ingingo ya 10 : Kumenyekanisha impinduka ku
bikorwa by‟ubucuruzi
Article 10: Changes in business activities
Article 10: Des changements dans les activités
Ingingo ya 11: Kwandikwa bikozwe n‟Ubuyobozi
Article 11 : Registration initiated by the Tax
Article 11: Enregistrement initié par l‟Administration
Ingingo ya 12. Ibisabwa mu kwiyandukuza
Article 12 : Conditions for de registration
Article 12 : Conditions de radiation
Ingingo ya 13: Kwemerwa kwiyandukuza
Article 13 : Admission for de registration
Article 13 : Admission de la demande de radiation
Ingingo ya 14 : Kutamenyesha Ubuyobozi bw‟Imisoro
Article 14 : Failure to notify the Tax Administration
Article 14 : Défaut d‟informer l‟Administration Fiscale
Ingingo ya 15 : Igicuruzo Rusange
Article 15: Required turnover
Article 15: Chiffre d‟affaires requis
Ingingo ya 16: Gushyira ahagaragara icyemezo cyo
Article 16: Display of the registration certificate
Article 16: Affichage du certificat
Ingingo 17 : Kwemererwa kutiyandikisha
Article 17: Exemption from Registration
Article 17 : Dispense de se faire
Ingingo ya 18: Kwanga kwiyandikisha
Article 18: Refusal for registration
Article 18 : Refus d‟enregistrement
Ingingo ya 19: Ibisabwa mu guhagararira abandi mu
Article 19: Conditions and modalities of
Article 19: Conditions et modalités de représentation
Ingingo ya 20 : Igihe cyo guhagararira abandi
Article 20: Duration of license
Article 20 : Durée de l‟agrément
Ingingo ya 21 : Impamvu zituma haba irindi genzura
Article 21: Reasons for new audit
Article 21 : Raison d‟être d‟un nouveau contrôle
Ingingo ya 22: Ibisabwa abakoreshwa n‟abasinye
Article 22: Rules for Subcontractors
Article 22 : Règles pour les sous
Ingingo ya 23: Ibisabwa kugira ngo hishyurwe mu
byiciro umwenda w‟umusoro
Article 23: Conditions for installment payment of tax
Article 23 : Conditions d‟apurement
échelonné de la dette fiscale
Ingingo ya 24 : Ibigize ibaruwa isaba kwishyura mu
Article 24: Content of application letter for
installment payment
Article 24 : Contenu de la lettre de demande d‟apurement
Ingingo ya 25 : Amasezerano yo kwishyura mu
Article 25 : Agreement for installment payment
Article 25 : Convention d‟apurement échelonné
Ingingo ya 26: Gutangira gukurikizwa
Article 26: Coming into force
Article 26 : Entrée en vigueur
002/2007 YO KUWA 15/06/2007 RISHYIRA MU
25/2005 OF 04/12/2005 ON TAX PROCEDURES
GENERAL 002/2007 DU 15/06/2007
LA LOI 25/2005 DU 04/12/2005
Komiseri Mukuru w‟Ikigo cy‟Imisoro n‟Amahoro,
The Commissioner General of the Rwanda Revenue
Le Commissaire Général de l‟Office
Rwandais des Recettes,
Ashingiye ku Itegeko 25/2005 ryo kuwa 04/12/2005
rigena imitunganyirize y‘isoresha cyane cyane mu
ngingo zaryo za 10, 21, 47, 54, 55 na 58;
Given Law nº 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on Tax procedures
especially in its articles 10, 21, 47, 54, 55, 58 ;
Vu la loi nº 25/2005 du 04/12/2005 portant
création des procédures fiscales, spécialement
en ses articles 10, 21, 47, 54, 55, 58 ;
Ashyizeho amabwiriza akurikira :
Issues the following rules :
Emet les directives suivantes :
Ingingo ya mbere: Icyo agamije
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo yambere
y’amabwiriza ya Komiseri Mukuru 11/2012 yo
kuwa 23/02/2012 ahindura kandi yuzuza amabwiriza
ya komiseri mukuru 002/2007 yo kuwa 15/06/2007
ashyira mu bikorwa itegeko 25/2005 ryo kuwa
04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize y’isoresha, Igazeti
ya Leta nº 13 yo kuwa 26/03/2012):
Aya mabwiriza ahindura akanuzuza amabwiriza nº
002/2007 yo kuwa 15/06/2007 ashyira mu bikorwa
itegeko 25/2005 ryo kuwa 04 /12/2005 rigena
imitunganyirize y‘isoresha.
Article One: Objective
(As modified and completed by article 1 of the
Commissioner General’s rules n°11/2012 of 23/02/2012
modifying and complementing the Commissioner General
rules 002/2007 of 15/06/2007 implementing the law
25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax procedures, O. G 13 of
These Rules modify and complement Rules 002/2007
of 15/06/2007 implementing Law nº 25/2005 of
04/12/2005 on Tax Procedures.
Article Premier: Objet
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 1 des
directives du Commissaire Général nº11/2012
du 23/02/2012 modifiant et completant les
directives du Commissaire Général 002/2007
du 15/06/2007 portant mise en application de la
loi 25/2005 du 04/12/2005 portant creation
des procedures fiscales, J.O 13 du
Ces directives modifient et complètent les
Directives nº 002/2007 du 15/06/2007 mettant
en application la loi 25 /2005 du 04 /12 /2005
portant création des procédures fiscales.
Ingingo ya 2: Ibisobanuro by‟amagambo
Ku birebana n‘iyubahirizwa ry‘aya mabwiriza,
ibisobanuro by‘amagambo avugwa mu mategeko
y‘imisoro ni byo byitabwaho, keretse hari igisobanuro
gitandukanye gitangwa muri aya mabwiriza.
Article 2: Definitions
For the purpose of these Rules, definitions of terms
mentioned in the fiscal laws apply unless a different
meaning is expressly provided in these Rules.
Article 2 : Définitions
Aux fins de l‘application de ces directives, la
signification des termes définis dans les lois
fiscales est d‘application à moins qu‘une
signification différente ne soit expressément
indiquée dans les présentes directives.
Ingingo ya 3: Kwandikisha imisoro
Mu gihe cyo kwiyandikisha, umuntu agomba
kwerekana imisoro yose azishyura.
Article 3: Registration
At the time of registration, a taxpayer must indicate all
taxes to be paid.
Article 3 : Enregistrement des impôts
Au moment d‘enregistrement, le contribuable
doit indiquer tous les impôts dont il sera
Ingingo 4: Kwandika umuntu ku giti cye
Umuntu ku giti cye yiyandikisha mu mazina ye
yifashishije urupapuro rwabugenewe ―nº: RRA-TRO-
Article 4 : Registration of Individual entrepreneurs
Individual entrepreneurs register in their own names using
the Individual Enterprise Registration Form ―nº: RRA-
Article 4: Enregistrement d‟une
entreprise individuelle
L‘entrepreneur qui est une personne physique se
fait enregistrer sous son propre nom utilisant le
formulaire d‘enregistrement d‘entreprise
individuelle nº: RRA-TRO-RGI-fO.
Ingingo ya 5 : Kwandika abatujuje amategeko
agenga amasosiyete
Abantu babiri cyangwa barenga bakorera hamwe
ibikorwa by‘ubucuruzi badakurikije amategeko agenga
gukorera hamwe, bandikisha ubwo bucuruzi mw‘izina
ry‘umuntu ufitemo imigabane myinshi kandi arinawe
izina rye rigaragara ku cyemezo cy‘ubucuruzi.
Article 5: Registration of informal partnership
Two or more persons carrying on a business jointly
without legally forming a partnership shall register in the
name of the person who is the majority shareholder and
whose name appears on the trade license.
Article 5 : Enregistrement des sociétés
de fait
Deux ou plusieurs personnes exerçant une
activité lucrative conjointement sans former
légalement un partenariat doivent faire
l‘enregistrement au nom de la personne qui
détient la majorité des parts et dont le nom
apparaît sur le registre de commerce.
Iyo imigabane ingana,ubwo bucuruzi bwandikwa
mw‘izina ry‘umwe muri bo wemeye inshingano no
kubazwa ibijyanye n‘ubwo bucuruzi.
In case of equal shares, the business is registered in the
name of one who agrees to take responsibility and
En cas de parts égales, cette activité est
enregistrée au nom de la personne qui accepte
d‘assumer la responsabilité et de rendre compte
de la gestion de l‘entreprise.
Ku bijyanye n‘umwenda w‘imisoro, abo bantu bose
barawuryozwa, umuntu ku giti cye na bose muri
With regard to tax liability all partners are jointly and
personally responsible.
En ce qui concerne la dette fiscale, tous les
partenaires sont individuellement et
solidairement responsables.
Ingingo ya 6: Iyandikwa ry‟ibigo
Uretse abasoreshwa bikorera ku giti cyabo, abandi
basoreshwa biyandikisha bakoresheje urupapuro
rwabugenewe ―nº RRA-TRO-RGE-EO‖ mw‘izina
ry‘ibigo. Hakaba harimo abasoreshwa bose bavugwa
mu ngingo ya 38 (1) y‘itegeko 16/2005 ryo ku wa
Article 6: Registration of Enterprises or
Institutions or organizations
Organisations or enterprises, register using the Non-
individual Registration Form ―nº RRA-TRO-RGE-EO‖ in
the name of the organization. These include all taxpayers
listed in Article 38 (1) of the law 16/2005 of
18/12/2005 on Direct Taxes on Income.
Article 6 : Enregistrement des personnes
Les personnes morales se font enregistrer en
utilisant le formulaire d‘enregistrement des
entreprises non individuelles―nº RRA-TRO-
RGE-FO‖ au nom de l‘organisation. Ceci inclut
tous les contribuables mentionnés à l‘article 38
(1) de la loi 16/2005 du 18/08/2005 relative
aux Impôts Directs sur le Revenu.
Ingingo ya 7 : Kwiyandikisha ku musoreshwa ufite
ibikorwa bitandukanye
Iyo umusoreshwa afite ibikorwa by‘ubucuruzi bisa
ahantu hamwe cyangwa hatandukanye, agomba
kubifatanya akanabyandikisha nk‘igikorwa kimwe
gisoreshwa. Aho kwiyandikishiriza hazaba aho
umusoreshwa ahisemo nk‘icyicaro gikuru cy‘ibikorwa
Article 7: Registration for taxpayers with various
If a taxpayer has similar business activities in the same or
different locations, he/she shall combine all the activities
and register as a single taxable unit. The point of
registration shall be one of the locations the taxpayer may
choose as headquarters.
Article 7 : Enregistrement d‟un contribuable
qui exerce des activités diverses
Si un contribuable exerce des activités
imposables similaires en un seul ou plusieurs
endroits, il doit les combiner et les enregistrer
comme une seule unité taxable. Le lieu
d‘enregistrement sera celui choisi par le
contribuable comme siège de ses activités.
Ingingo ya 8: Kwiyandikisha ku byerekeye inyungu
zikomoka kw‟ishoramari
Umusoreshwa wese wujuje ibisabwa mu kubona
inyungu zihabwa abashoramari ziteganywa n‘itegeko
nº 16/25 ryo kuwa 18/08/2005 rigena imisoro itaziguye
ku musaruro, agomba kwiyandikisha ku misoro yose
Article 8 : Registration for investment income
Any taxpayer qualifying for investment incentives as
provided by the Law 16/25 of 18/08/2005 on direct
taxes on income is required to register for all the taxes
that he/she will be subject to.
Article 8 : Enregistrement pour les
revenus d‟investissement
Tout contribuable éligible aux mesures
incitatives prévues par la loi 16/25 du
18/08/2005 relative aux impôts directs sur le
revenu doit se faire enregistrer pour toutes les
taxes auxquelles il sera assujetti.
Ingingo ya 9 : Kurangiza kwiyandikisha
Umusoreshwa arangiza kwiyandikisha iyo arangije
kuzuza urupapuro rwabugenewe akanashyiraho
umukono akarutanga mu Buyobozi bw‘Imisoro
akanahabwa inomero imuranga mu misoro.
Article 9: Completion of registration
Taxpayers conclude their registration by completing the
appropriate registration form, signing and submitting it to
the Tax Administration and by obtaining a tax
identification number.
Article 9: Fin d‟enregistrement
Un contribuable finit de se faire enregistrer
lorsqu‘ après avoir rempli et signé le formulaire
approprié, il le dépose auprès de
l‘Administration Fiscale et obtient un numéro
d‘identification fiscale.
Ingingo ya 10 : Impinduka ku bikorwa
Iyo hari impinduka iyo ariyo yose irebana n‘izina,
amategeko shingiro nyiri umutungo, cyangwa ikintu
icyo ari cyo cyose cyatuma habaho impinduka muri
regisitiri y‘ubucuruzi cyangwa kwiyandukuza,
Umusoreshwa wiyandikishije agomba kumenyesha mu
minsi 7 ubuyobozi bw‘imisoro impinduka yuzuza
urupapuro rwabugenewe nº RRA-TRO-MRI-EO.
Article 10: Changes in business activities
A registered taxpayer must, within 7 days of making a
change notify the Tax Administration of any changes
being made in the name, terms and conditions, or
ownership of the business, or any other event occurring
which may result into changes of the trade license or
cancellation of registration, by completing and submitting
a modified registration form nº RRA-TRO-MRI-EO.
Article 10: Des changements dans les
activités commerciales
Le contribuable enregistré doit informer
l‘administration fiscale dans les 7 jours tout
quelconque changement intervenu dans le nom,
le statut, la propriété de l‘affaire, ou tout autre
événement pouvant modifier le registre de
commerce ou l‘annulation de l‘enregistrement
en remplissant le formulaire de modification
d‘enregistrement nº RRA-TRO-MRI-FO.
Ingingo ya 11: Kwandikwa bikozwe n‟ubuyobozi
Komiseri Mukuru cyangwa undi mukozi wese
ubishinzwe ashobora kwandika umuntu ugurisha ibintu
cyangwa/ utanga serivisi zisoreshwa utariyandikishije
Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro bubimenyesha uwo muntu
bumwoherereza urupapuro rwabugenewe
umusoreshwa agomba kuzuza agashyiraho umukono
rugashyikirizwa ubuyobozi bw‘imisoro.
Article 11 : Registration initiated by Tax
The Commissioner General or any other designated
officer may register any supplier who provides taxable
goods or services but fails to register voluntarily. The Tax
Administration notifies the person by sending the
registration document which the taxpayer has to complete,
sign and return.
Article 11: Enregistrement initié par
l‟Administration Fiscale
Le Commissaire Général ou tout autre agent
désigné peut enregistrer tout fournisseur des
biens ou services taxables qui ne se fait pas
enregistrer volontairement. L‘Administration
Fiscale informe cette personne en lui envoyant
le formulaire d‘enregistrement que le
contribuable doit compléter, signer et retourner.
Ingingo ya 12. Ibisabwa mu kwiyandukuza
Umusoreshwa wiyandikishije ahagarika kwishyura
umusoro runaka mu gihe Komiseri Mukuru anyuzwe
n‘ibi bikurikira:
Article 12: Conditions for de- registration
A taxpayer ceases to be liable to a particular type of tax at
any time when the Commissioner General is satisfied that
Article 12 : Conditions de radiation
Un contribuable cesse d‘être assujetti à
n‘importe quel type d‘impôt lorsque le
Commissaire Général est d‘avis qu‘il :
1. Ko yahagaritse ubucuruzi bwe cyangwa
ibikorwa bye burundu; cyangwa
1. has ceased his/her business or his/her activity
completely; or
1. a cessé complètement son activité
d‘affaires ou ses activités; ou
2. Ko yagabanyije ibikorwa bye kugera ku kigero
aho ataryozwa uwo umusoro.
3. Ko yishyuye imisoro yose abereyemo
Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro.
2. has reduced the volume of his/her activities to
a level that he/she is not liable to that
particular tax;
3. has paid all taxes due to the Tax
2. a réduit le volume de son activité au
point qu‘il ne peut plus être assujetti
à ce type d‘impôt en question;
3. a payé toute dette fiscale due à
l‘Administration fiscale.
Umusoreshwa wese ubona atakagombye gukomeza
kwishyura umusoro rukana abimenyesha Ubuyobozi
bw‘Imisoro akoresheje urupapuro rwabugenewe, mu
gihe cy‘iminsi irindwi (7) uhereye ku munsi iyo
nshingano yahagaze.
Any registered taxpayer ceasing to be liable for a tax
notifies the Tax Administration using a modified
registration form within a period of seven days (7) from
the date he/she is no longer required to be registered.
Tout contribuable qui n‘est plus assujetti à un
type d‘impôt ou taxe informe l‘Administration
Fiscale en utilisant un formulaire
d‘enregistrement modifié, dans un délai de sept
jours (7) à compter de la date où cette obligation
a cessé.
Ingingo ya 13: Kwemererwa kwiyandukaza
Iyo Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro busanze umuntu ataguma
kuguma yiyandikishije, buramwandukura.
Kwemererwa gukurwa ku rutonde rw‘abasoreshwa,
ntibibuza Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro kuba bwamukorera
amagenzura ateganyijwe n‘amategeko.
Article 13 : Admission for de-registration
When the Tax Administration is satisfied that a person is
no longer liable to be registered, it cancels the
Granting cancellation of registration does not stop the Tax
Administration from carrying out audits provided by the
Article 13 : Admission de la demande de
Lorsque l‘Administration Fiscale est convaincue
qu‘une personne n‘est plus tenue de
s‘enregistrer, elle annule cet enregistrement.
Le fait de se faire radier n‘empêche pas
l‘Administration Fiscale à procéder aux
vérifications prévues par la loi.
Ingingo ya 14 : Kutamenyesha Ubuyobozi
Umusoreshwa utamenyesheje Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro
ko atagikora ibikorwa bye bisoreshwa afatwa
nk‘ugikora ibikorwa by‘ubucuruzi.
Article 14 : Failure to notify the tax Administration
A taxpayer may be considered as continuing with the
business activity, if he fails to notify the Tax
Administration the closure of his taxable activities.
Article 14 : Défaut d‟informer
l‟Administration Fiscale
Un contribuable est réputé continuer ses
activités commerciales, s‘il n‘informe pas
l‘Administration Fiscale qu‘il a cessé ses
activités taxables.
Ingingo ya 15 : Igicuruzo rusange
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya 2
y’amabwiriza ya Komiseri Mukuru 11/2012 yo
kuwa 23/02/2012 ahindura kandi yuzuza amabwiriza
ya komiseri mukuru 002/2007 yo kuwa 15/06/2007
ashyira mu bikorwa itegeko 25/2005 ryo kuwa
04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize y’isoresha, Igazeti
ya Leta nº 13 yo kuwa 26/03/2012):
« Umusoreshwa wacuruje igicuruzo rusange kingana
nibura na miliyoni makumyabiri (20.000.000 Frw) mu
Article 15: Required turnover
(As modified and completed by article 2 of the
Commissioner General’s rules n°11/2012 of 23/02/2012
modifying and complementing the Commissioner General
rules 002/2007 of 15/06/2007 implementing the law n°
25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax procedures, O. G 13 of
―A taxpayer whose turnover in the preceding tax period or
preceding quarter has reached at least 20, 000,000 (twenty
Article 15: Chiffre d‟affaires requis
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 2 des
directives du Commissaire Général nº11/2012
du 23/02/2012 modifiant et completant les
directives du Commissaire Général 002/2007
du 15/06/2007 portant mise en application de la
loi 25/2005 du 04/12/2005 portant creation
des procedures fiscales, J.O 13 du
« Un contribuable dont le chiffre d‘affaires a
atteint vingt millions (20.000.000 frw) au cours
de l‘exercice fiscal précédent ou cinq millions
mwaka ushize cyangwa 5.000.000 (miliyoni eshanu)
mu gihembwe kirangiye, agomba kwiyandikisha ku
musoro ku nyongeragaciro agahabwa icyangombwa
cy'umusoro ku nyongera gaciro».
million) or 5,000,000 (five million) RWF, respectively, is
required to register for VAT and obtains a VAT
(5.000.000) au cours du trimestre précédent est
obligé de se faire enregistrer à la taxe sur la
valeur ajoutée et obtient un certificat
d‘enregistrement à la TVA ».
Ingingo ya 16: Gushyira ahagaragara icyemezo
cyo kwiyandikisha
Umusoreshwa wiyandikishije ku musoro ku
nyongeragaciro agomba gushyira ahagaragara
icyemezo cy‘uko yiyandikishije aho akorera.
Article 16: Display of the registration
Every VAT registered taxpayer must display his/her VAT
certificate on a visible space at the place of business.
Article 16: Affichage du certificat
Tout contribuable enregist à la TVA doit
afficher son certificat d‘enregistrement de la
TVA à un endroit visible de son lieu d‘activités.
Umusoreshwa wiyandikishije ntiyemerewe guha undi
muntu icyemezo cye cyo kwiyandikisha.
A registered taxpayer is not allowed to give the certificate
of registration to any other person.
Un contribuable n‘est pas autorisé de donner son
certificat d‘enregistrement à une autre personne.
Iyo bibaye ngombwa Komiseri Mukuru ashobora
gutegeka umusoreshwa gusubiza Ubuyobozi
bw‘Imisoro icyemezo cy‘uko yiyandikishije.
The Commissioner General may at any time, if she/he
deems it necessary require a tax payer to surrender the
certificate of registration to the Tax Administration.
Si les circonstances l‘exigent, le Commissaire
Général peut exiger le contribuable de remettre
le certificat d‘enregistrement à l‘Administration
Ingingo 17 : Kwemererwa kutiyandikisha ku
musoro ku nyongeragaciro
Komiseri Mukuru ashobora kwemerera umusoreshwa
kutiyandikisha ku musoro ku nyongeragaciro iyo
ibicuruzwa bye byose cyangwa imirimo akora
bisoreshwa ku ijanisha rya zero.
Ariko, uko kutiyandikisha gushobora gukurwaho mu
gihe Komiseri Mukuru asanze kutagifite agaciro.
Article 17: Exemption from registration for the value
added tax
The Commissioner General may exempt a taxpayer from
registering for VAT if, all his/her transactions are
However, the exemption from registration may be
withdrawn at any time if the Commissioner General
deems it no longer applicable.
Article 17 : Dispense de se faire
enregistrer à la taxe sur la valeur Ajoutée
Le Commissaire Général peut dispenser une
personne de l‘obligation de se faire enregistrer
pour la TVA si toutes ses transactions sont
taxables au taux zéro.
Toutefois, cette dispense peut être retirée à tout
moment lorsque le Commissaire Général ne la
trouve plus justifiée.
Ingingo ya 18: Kwanga kwiyandikisha
Komiseri Mukuru, cyangwa undi ubifitiye ububasha
ashobora kwanga gushyira ku rutonde rw‘abasoreshwa
ku musoro ku nyongeragaciro, umuntu wese ukora
imirimo isoreshwa iyo afite igicuruzo rusange kiri
munsi ya miliyoni makumyabiri (20.000.000 frw).
Article 18: Refusal for registration
The Commissioner General or any other competent
officer may refuse to register for VAT any person making
taxable transactions, where that person has annual
turnover which is below twenty million (20.000.000
Article 18 : Refus d‟enregistrement
Le Commissaire Général ou tout autre agent
désigné peut refuser d‘enregistrer à la TVA
toute personne faisant des opérations taxables
lorsque cette personne a un chiffre d‘affaires
inférieur à vingt millions (20.000.000 frw).
Ingingo ya 19: Ibisabwa mu
guhagararira abandi mu misoro
(Yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya 1
y’amabwiriza ya Komiseri Mukuru 002/2009 yo
kuwa 15/06/2009 ahindura kandi yuzuza amabwiriza
ya Komiseri Mukuru 002/2007 yo kuwa 15/06/2007
ashyira mu bikorwa itegeko 25/2005 yo kuwa
04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize y’isoresha)
Article 19: Conditions and modalities of
(Modified and completed by article 1 of the Commissioner
General rules 002/2009 of 15/06/2009 modifying and
completing Commissioner General rules 002/2007 of
15/06/2007 implementing the law 25/2005 of
04/12/2005 on tax procedures)
Article 19 : Conditions et modalités de
(Modifié et complété par l’article premier des
directives du Commissaire Général 002/2009
du 15/06/2009 complétant et modifiant les
directives du Commissaire Général 002/2007
du 15/06/2007 portant mise en application de la
loi 25/2005 portant création des procédures
Ingingo ya 20 : Igihe icyemezo cyo
guhagararira abandi kimara
Uruhushya rwo guhagararira abasoreshwa rumara
igihe cy‘imyaka itatu gishobora kongerwa.
Article 20: Duration of license
The license to represent the taxpayers is valid for 3 years
which are renewable.
Article 20 : Durée de l‟agrément
L‘agrément de représenter les contribuables a
une validité de trois ans renouvelables.
Ingingo ya 21 : Impamvu zituma haba irindi
Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro bugenzura incuro imwe gusa
umusoro runaka cyangwa mu gihe runaka
Article 21: Reason for new audit
Tax Administration audits a taxpayer only once in respect
of a certain tax or a certain taxable period.
Article 21 : Raison d‟être d‟un nouveau
L‘Administration Fiscale procède à une
vérification du contribuable une seule fois pour
le même impôt et pour le même exercice.
Ariko, hashobora gukorwa irindi genzura iyo mu
mpamvu zikurikira igaragaye:
However, a new audit may be necessary under one of the
following circumstances:
Toutefois, il peut être procédé à un nouveau
contrôle dans l‘un des cas suivants :
1. Iyo Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro bubonye ibindi
bimenyetso bifatika bitagaragaye mw‘igenzura
ryambere; cyangwa
1. In case the Tax Administration discovers new
evidence not revealed during the first audit; or
1. Au cas l‘Administration Fiscale
découvre de nouvelles preuves non
découvertes au cours du premier audit ;
2. Iyo hari ibimenyetso bifatika bigaragaza ko
umusoreshwa yafatanyije n‘umugenzuzi
w‘imisoro mu gutubya umusoro; cyangwa
3. Iyo igenzura rya mbere ryashingiye ku
nyandiko mpimbano.
4. Iyo igenzura rya mbere ari igenzura ryakozwe
ku bibazo bimwe na bimwe noneho
Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro n‘Amahoro bukaba
bushaka gukora igenzura ryuzuye.
2. In case where there is evidence that the taxpayer
and the tax auditor colluded to underestimate the
tax; or
3. .If the previous audit was based on forged
4. If the previous audit was a partial audit on a given
issue and the tax administration wants to do a
comprehensive audit.
2. Au cas il y a des preuves tangibles
qui prouvent que le contribuable et
l‘auditeur ont comploté pour sous
estimer l‘impôt ; ou
3. Si le contrôle précédent a été fait sur
base de faux documents.
4. Si l‘audit précédent était un audit partiel
sur une question donnée et que
l‘administration veut procéder à un
audit exhaustif.
Ingingo ya 22: Abakoreshwa n‟abasinye
Umusoreshwa ukoresha undi muntu utari umukozi
usanzwe, agomba koherereza Komiseri Mukuru mu
gihe cy‘iminsi 7 ibintu bikurikira:
Article 22: Rules for Subcontractors
A taxpayer, who engages a subcontractor, is required
within 7 days of signing the contract, to inform the
Commissioner General about the details of the
engagement as follows:
Article 22 : Règles pour les sous
Un contribuable qui engage un sous contractant
est tenu dans les 7 jours suivant la signature du
contrat, d‘envoyer au Commissaire Général les
détails suivants :
1. Izina, aho uwo basinyanye amasezerano
abarizwa na nimero ye ya telefoni;
2. Agaciro k‘amasezerano bagiranye, itariki
ateganya gutangiriraho akazi n‘itariki akazi
3. Kopi y‘ amasezerano.
1. The name, address and phone number of the
2. The contract value, the expected date of
commencement and completion of the project;
3. A copy of the contract.
1. le nom, l‘adresse, le numéro du
téléphone de sous traitant;
2. La valeur du contrat, la date estimative
du début et de la fin du projet ;
3. Une copie du contrat
Umusoreshwa wese wasinye amasezerano agakoresha
undi muntu, kandi akaba atabimenyesheje Komiseri
Mukuru asabwa kuriha umusoro w‘uwo muntu
akoresha abereyemo Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro ujyanye
n‘amasezerano bagiranye.
A taxpayer, who engages a subcontractor and fails to
inform the Commissioner General, shall pay all taxes due
from the sub-contractor in relation to that subcontract.
Un contribuable qui engage un sous- contractant
et qui n‘informe pas le Commissaire Général,
est redevable de tous les impôts dus par ce sous
contractant en rapport avec ce sous- contrat.
Ingingo ya 23: Ibisabwa kugira ngo hishyurwe mu
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya 2
y’amabwiriza ya Komiseri Mukuru 008/2009 yo
kuwa 12/12/2009 ahindura kandi yuzuza amabwiriza
ya Komiseri Mukuru 002/2007 yo kuwa 15/06/2007
ashyira mu bikorwa itegeko 25/2005 yo kuwa
04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize y’isoresha)
Umusoreshwa ashobora gusaba kwishyura umwenda
w‘umusoro mu byiciro. Kwishyura ntibishobora
kurenza igihe cy‗amezi 12. Ibaruwa ibisaba
ishyikirizwa Komiseri Mukuru kandi umusoreshwa
agasabwa kuba yujuje ibikurikira :
Article 23: Conditions for installment payment
(As modified and completed by article 2 of the
Commissioner General rules 008/2009 of 12/12/2009
modifying and completing Commissioner General rules n°
002/2007 of 15/06/2007 implementing the law 25/2005
of 04/12/2005 on tax procedures)
A taxpayer may request to pay the tax debt in installment.
The payment should not exceed the period of 12 months.
The request to pay in installment is submitted to the
Commissioner General and the taxpayer has to fulfill the
following conditions:
Article 23 : Conditions d‟apurement
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 2 des
directives du Commissaire Général 008/2009
du 12/12/2009 complétant et modifiant les
directives du Commissaire Général 002/2007
du 15/06/2007 portant mise en application de la
loi 25/2005 portant création des procédures
Un contribuable peut solliciter le payement
échelonné de sa dette fiscale. Ce payement ne
doit pas excéder une période de 12 mois. Une
demande écrite doit être adressée au
Commissaire Général en respectant les
conditions suivantes :
1. Kugaragaza ko yishyuye nibura 25% y‘umwenda
2. Kuba asanzwe yishyura imisoro n‘amahoro neza
kandi mu gihe ;
1. Provide a proof of payment of an amount worth at least
25% of the tax due;
2. Regularly pay taxes and duties correctly;
1. Fournir la preuve de paiement d‘au moins
25% de l‘impôt dû ;
2. Il doit s‘être acquitté de ses impôts et taxes
correctement et régulièrement ;
3. Kuba atarigeze akurikiranwaho icyaha cyo
gukoresha inyandiko mpimbano mu misoro
4. Gutanga ingwate yemewe n‘Ubuyobozi bw‘imisoro.
Icyemezo cy‘umwenda cyemerera umusoreshwa
gupiganira amasoko ya Leta gishobora guhabwa
umusoreshwa wemerewe kwishyura mu byiciro.
Komiseri Mukuru ashobora kwemerera umusoreshwa
kwishyura mu byiciro bitabaye ngombwa ko atanga
ingwate iyo hari ibimenyetso by‘uko umusoreshwa
afite ibibazo bikomeye bigaragaza ko nta bushobozi
afite bwo kwishyura cyangwa iyo asanzwe yishyura
imisoro n‘amahoro ku gihe kandi neza.
3. Should not have been implicated in use of forged
documents on taxes and duties;
4. Provide a guarantee acceptable to the Tax
A tax liability certificate allowing a taxpayer to compete
for public tenders may be granted to a taxpayer who has
been authorized to pay in installments.
The Commissionner General may allow a taxpayer to pay
in installments without necessarily executing a guarantee
based on circumstantial evidence of hardship or a proved
compliance record of the taxpayer.
3. N‘avoir jamais été impliqué dans le faux et
usage de faux en matières d‘impôts ;
4. Donner une garantie acceptée par
l‘Administration Fiscale.
Une attestation de créance fiscale permettant de
participer aux marchés publics peut être
accordée au contribuable qui est autorisé à payer
de façon echelonné.
Le Commissaire Général peut autoriser au
contribuable le payement échelonné sans qu‘il
soit nécessaire de fournir une garantie lorsque le
contribuable fait face à des difficultés
économiques ou s‘il s‘acquitte de ses impôts
régulièrement et correctement.
Ingingo ya 24: Ibigize ibaruwa isaba kwishyura mu
Ibaruwa isaba kwishyura mu byiciro igomba
kugaragaza ibi bikurikira :
Article 24: Content of application letter for installment
The application letter to pay in installments should
indicate the following elements:
Article 24: Contenu de la lettre de demande
d‟apurement échelonné
La lettre de demande d‘apurement échelonné
doit mentionner les éléments suivants :
Ubwoko bw‘umusoro ;
Ingano y‘umusoro ;
Ibyiciro asaba kwishyuramo ;
Umwaka w‘isoresha ;
Gusobanura impamvu adashobora kwishyura
umusoro wose icyarimwe.
The type of tax;
The tax amount;
The installment payment plan;
Tax period;
Reasons for not being able to pay the whole tax
due at once.
le type d‘impôt ;
le montant de l‘impôt ;
les tranches proposées ;
l‘exercice fiscal ;
les raisons pour lesquelles il est
dans l‘impossibilité de payer la
totalité de l‘impôt en une
Ingingo ya 25 : Amasezerano yo kwishyura mu
Iyo umusoreshwa yujuje ibisabwa haruguru, agirana
Article 25 : Agreement for installment payment
After fulfilling the above requirements the taxpayer and
the Tax Administration shall sign an agreement indicating
Article 25 : Convention d‟apurement
Lorsque toutes les conditions sont réunies, un
amasezerano n‘ubuyobozi bw‘imisoro agaragaza
uburyo azajya yishyura mu byiciro. Iyo atubahirije ayo
amasezerano agomba guhita yishyura umusoro wose
the installment payment plan. Failure to respect the
payment plan by the taxpayer results in enforcement and
payment of the total tax due immediately.
contrat de payement échelonné doit être signé
entre le requérant et l‘Administration Fiscale.
Au cas le requérant ne respecte pas son
engagement, il est tenu de s‘acquitter
immédiatement du paiement de la totalité de
l‘impôt dû.
Ingingo ya 26: Gutangira gukurikizwa
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya 3
y’amabwiriza ya Komiseri Mukuru 11/2012 yo
kuwa 23/02/2012 ahindura kandi yuzuza amabwiriza
ya komiseri mukuru 002/2007 yo kuwa 15/06/2007
ashyira mu bikorwa itegeko 25/2005 ryo kuwa
04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize y’isoresha, Igazeti
ya Leta nº 13 yo kuwa 26/03/2012):
Aya mabwiriza atangira gukurikizwa kuva ku munsi
yasohokeyeho mu Igazeti ya Leta ya Repubulika y‘u
Kigali, kuwa 23/02/2012
Komiseri Mukuru w‘Ikigo
cy‘Imisoro n‘Amahôro
Article 26: Coming into force
(As modified and completed by article 3 of the
Commissioner General’s rules n°11/2012 of 23/02/2012
modifying and complementing the Commissioner General
rules 002/2007 of 15/06/2007 implementing the law
25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax procedures, O. G 13 of
These Rules come into force on the date of their
publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of
Kigali, on 23/02/2012
Commissioner General of the Rwanda
Revenue Authority
Article 26 : Entrée en vigueur
(Tel que modifié et complété par l’article 3 des
directives du Commissaire Général nº11/2012
du 23/02/2012 modifiant et completant les
directives du Commissaire Général 002/2007
du 15/06/2007 portant mise en application de la
loi 25/2005 du 04/12/2005 portant creation
des procedures fiscales, J.O 13 du
Ces Directives entrent en vigueur le jour de leur
publication au Journal Officiel de la République
du Rwanda.
Kigali, le 23/02/2012
Commissaire Général de
l‘Office Rwandais des Recettes
005/2009 YO KUWA 15/05/2009
04/12/2005 RIGENA
15/06/2007 IMPLEMENTING THE LAW N° 25/2005
005/2009 DU 15/05/2009 MODIFIANT ET
LA LOI 25/2005 DU 04/12/2005 PORTANT
Komiseri Mukuru w‟Ikigo cy‟Imisoro
The Commissioner General of the Rwanda Revenue
Le Commissaire Général de l‟Office Rwandais des
Ashingiye ku Itegeko 25/2005 ryo kuwa
04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize yisoresha
cyane cyane mu ngingo yaryo ya 58;
Given Law 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on Tax procedures
especially in its article 58;
Vu la loi 25/2005 du 04/12/2005 portant création des
procédures fiscales, spécialement en son article 58 ;
Asubiye ku mabwiriza ya Komiseri Mukuru
n º 002/2007 yo kuwa 15/06/2007 ashyira mu
bikorwa itegeko 25/2005 ryo kuwa
04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize
y‘isoresha, cyane cyane mu ngingo yaryo ya
Having reviewed Commissioner General rules 002/2007
of 15/06/2007 implementing the Law 25/2005 of
04/12/2005 on Tax Procedures, especially in its article 19;
Revu les directives du Commissaire Général 002/2007
du 15/06/2007 portant mise en application de la loi
25/2005 du 04/12/2005 portant création des procédures
fiscales, spécialement en son article 19;
Ashyizeho amabwiriza akurikira:
Issues the following rules :
Emet les directives suivantes :
Ingingo ya mbere: Ibisabwa mu
guhagararira abandi mu misoro
Article One: Conditions and modalities of
Article Premier : Conditions et modalités de
Ingingo ya 19 y „Amabwiriza ya Komiseri
Mukuru n º 002/2007 yo kuwa 15/06/2007
ashyira mu bikorwa itegeko 25/2005 ryo
kuwa 04/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize
y‘isoresha ihinduwe kandi yujujwe k‘uburyo
« Umusoreshwa afite uburenganzira bwo
guhagararirwa n‘umuntu wabigize umwuga
Article 19 of Commissioner Rules 002/2007 of
15/06/2007 implementing the Law n° 25/2005 of
04/12/2005 on Tax Procedures is modified and
completed as follows:
―A taxpayer has the right to be represented by a
L‘article 19 des directives du Commissaire Général
002/2007 du 15/06/2007 portant mise en application de la loi
nº 25/2005 du 04/12/2005 portant création des procédures
fiscales est modifié et complété comme suit:
« Un contribuable a le droit d‘être représenté par un avocat
mu mishyikirano agirana n‘Ubuyobozi
bw‘Imisoro. Uretse abunganira abandi mu
Nkiko, usaba guhagararira abandi mu Misoro,
asabwa kuba yujuje ibi bikurikira :
qualified professional during any communication
with the Tax Administration. Except advocates,
qualified professional requesting to represent a
taxpayer should fulfil the following:
ou un professionnel. A l‘exception des avocats, une personne
demandant l‘autorisation de représenter les contribuables doit
remplir les conditions suivantes:
1. kuba afite impamyabumenyi ihanitse
mw‘ibaruramari, mu misoro, mw‘ishami
ry‘Imari, Ubukungu, cyangwa
1. is a holder of a Bachelors Degree in Accounts,
taxation, Finance, Economics or Management;
1. être titulaire d‘un diplôme de licence en comptabilité,
fiscalité, Finances Economie ou Gestion;
2. kuba ari inyangamugayo, by‘umwihariko
atarigeze akurikiranwaho icyaha cyo
kunyereza umutungo wa Leta cyangwa
gukoresha inyandiko mpimbano;
3. kuba afite icyemezo gitangwa n‘ubutabera
cy‘uko nta byaha akurikiranwaho ;
4. Kuba atarirukaniwe icyaha cya ruswa. Ku
bahoze ari abakozi b‘Ikigo cy‘Imisoro
n‘Amahoro bagomba kuba nibura bamaze
imyaka 3 bavuye mu kazi.
5. Kuba afite uburambe bw‘imyaka byibuze
ibiri mu kazi k‘ibaruramari, igenzura cyangwa
indi mirimo isa nayo ;
6. ku byerekeye amasosiyete y‘ubwifatanye,
buri muntu asabwa gutanga impampuro
asabwa kandi aryozwa ibikorwa bye;
7. Kwandikira Komiseri w‘Imisoro y‘Imbere
mu Gihugu asaba uburenganzira bwo
guhagararira abasoreshwa. Ibaruwa isaba
igomba kuba iherekejwe n‘ibi bikurikira:
2. is of high integrity, in particular not to have been
criminally prosecuted for embezzlement of public
funds or charged with falsification of documents;
3. presents a copy of a Judicial Police Statement
4. Was not expelled from his/her job on corruption
charges. Former Rwanda Revenue Authority
employees must have spent at least 3 years post after
termination of their working contracts;
5. Have an experience of at least 2 years in the field
of accounts, audit or other related fields.
6. In case of partnership, each partner is obliged to
submit the required documents and He/She becomes
liable for his/her own acts or omissions;
7. Address the application to the Commissioner
General requesting to represent the taxpayers. The
application letter should be accompanied by:
2. être d‘une forte intégrité, spécialement n‘avoir pas été
condamné pour détournement ou faux et usage de faux;
3. présenter une copie d‘extrait du casier judiciaire
4. n‘avoir pas été renvoyé pour corruption. En ce qui
concerne les employés de l‘Office Rwandais des Recettes,
leurs contrats de travail doivent avoir été résiliés au moins
trois ans avant ;
5. Avoir une expérience d‘au moins deux ans dans le
domaine de comptabilité, d‘audit ou dans un autre qui est
connexe ;
6. en ce qui concerne les sociétés en partenariat, chaque
partenaire est obligé de transmettre les documents requis et il
est responsable de ses propres actes ou omissions;
7. Adresser au Commissaire Général une demande pour
agrément de représenter les contribuables. La lettre de
demande doit être accompagnée des documents suivants :
a) Kopi ya regigistre y‘Ubucuruzi
b) Umwirondoro na kopi
y‘impamyabushobozi iriho umukono wa
c) icyemezo cy‘uko hishyuwe amafaranga
ibihumbi mirongo itanu adasubizwa;
d) Kuba afite konti muri banki, agasanduku
k‘iposita, e-mail, kugira aho abarizwa
n‘amasezerano y‘ubukode
e) Ku banyamahanga, basabwa kugaragaza
ikarita ko bari mu rugaga rw‘ibaruramali
rwemewe. »
a) Copy of certificate of registration of business.
b) Curriculum vitae and a certified copy of academic
c) Proof of payment of fifty thousand francs non
d) Have a bank account, postal address, e-mail, an
office and rental contract
e) For foreigners, they should provide a card
certifying that they are members of Institutes of
Certified Public Accounts in their respective
a) Une copie du registre de commerce ;
b) Un curriculum vitae et une copie certifiée du diplôme ;
c) Une quittance de payement de cinquante mille francs
rwandais non remboursables ;
d) Fournir des preuves de possession d‘un compte bancaire,
d‘une boite postale, d‘un e-mail, d‘un bureau et d‘un contrat
de bail ;
e) En ce qui concerne les étrangers, ils doivent présenter leurs
cartes attestant qu‘ils sont membres des ordres des experts
comptables de leurs pays respectifs. »
Ingingo ya 2 : Ikarita itangwa n‟Ubuyobozi
Ubuyobozi bw‘Imisoro butanga amakarita ku
bahawe uburenganzira bwo uhagararira
abandi mu misoro.
Article 2 : Card issued by the Tax Administration
The Tax Administration issues cards to the approved
qualified professionals to represent the taxpayers in
fiscal matters.
Article 2 : Des cartes délivrées par l‟Administration
L‘Administration Fiscale délivre des cartes aux personnes
qualifiées qui ont reçu l‘agrément de représenter les
Ingingo ya 3 : Igihe uburenganganzira bwo
guhagararira abandi bumara
Icyemezo cyo kwemererwa guhagararira
abasoreshwa kimara imyaka itatu ishobora
Article 3: Duration of license
The license to represent the taxpayers is valid for 3
years renewable.
Article 3: Durée de l‟agrément
L‘agrément de représenter les contribuables a une validité de
trois ans renouvelable.
Ingingo ya 4 : Imirimo ikorwa
n‟abahagararira abasoreshwa
Imirimo ikorwa n‘abahagararira abasoreshwa
ni izi zikurikira :
- Gufasha umusoreshwa gukora ibaruramari ;
- Gutegura no kugeza ku Kigo cy‘Imisoro
n‘Amahoro imenyesha musoro ;
- Guhararira umusoreshwa mu igenzura
ry‘Imisoro no mu nzego z‘ubujurire.
Article 4 : Duties of representatives
Duties of representatives are as follows :
- Assist the taxpayer in daily management of books of
- prepare and submit taxpayers tax declarations to Tax
- Represent the taxpayer in tax audits and appeals.
Article 4 : Les fonctions des représentants des
Les fonctions des représentants des contribuables
sont les suivantes :
- Assister le contribuable dans la gestion quotidienne
de ses documents comptables ;
- préparer et déposer les déclarations fiscales du
contribuable à l‘Administration Fiscale ;
- Représenter le contribuable au cours de la
vérification et au niveau d‘appel.
Ingingo ya 5 : Kwamburwa Uburenganzira
bwo guhagararira abasoreshwa
Komiseri Mukuru ashobora kwaka
uwuhagararira abasoreshwa icyemezo cyo
guhagararira abasoreshwa mu gihe gishobora
kugera ku myaka itatu iyo yitwaye nabi
cyangwa yitesheje icyizere.
Article 5: Suspension of representation
The Commissioner General may suspend the right to represent
the taxpayers for the period of three years in case of
misconduct or loss confidence.
Article 5 : Suspension de la représentation
Le Commissaire Général peut suspendre pendant un
délai n‘excédant pas trois ans un représentant des
contribuables pour mauvaise conduite ou perte de
Ingingo ya 6 : Kujuririra Minisitiri
Uwambuwe uburenganzira bwo guhagararira
abasoreshwa ashobora kujuririra Minisitiri ufite
imari mu nshingano ze mu gihe kitarenze imisni
iminsi 15 kibarwa uhereye igihe yashyikirijwe
ibaruwa imuhagarika.
Article 6 : Appeal to the Minister
The person denied of the right to represent the
taxpayers may appeal to the Minister with finance in
his attribution within 15 days counted from the date
of receipt of suspension letter.
Article 6: Recours auprès du Ministre
Le représentant des contribuables suspendu peut
introduire un recours contre cette suspension auprès
du Ministre ayant les finances dans ses attributions
dans un délai de quinze (15) jours à compter de la
réception de la lettre de suspension.
Ingingo ya 7 : Ivanwaho ry‟ingingo
z‟amabwiriza zinyuranyije n‟aya mabwiriza
Amabwiriza yose abanziriza aya kandi anyuranyije
nayo avanyweho.
Article 7 : Repealing of inconsistent provisions
All previous rules contrary to these rules are hereby
Article 7: Disposition abrogatoire
Toutes les directives antérieures contraires aux
présentes directives sont abrogées.
Ingingo ya 8 : Igihe amabwiriza atangira
Aya mabwiriza atangira gukurikizwa kuva ku
munsi yasohokeyeho mu igazeti ya Leta ya
Repubulika yu Rwanda. Kigali, kuwa 15/05/2009
Article 8 : Commencement
These Rules come into force on the date of their
publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of
Rwanda Kigali, on 15/05/2009
Article 8: Entrée en vigueur
Ces directives entrent en vigueur le jour de leur
publication au Journal Officiel de la République du
Rwanda. Kigali, le 15/05/2009
Komiseri Mukuru w‟Ikigo cy‟Imisoro
n‟Amahoro Mary BAINE
Commissioner General of Rwanda Revenue
Authority Mary BAINE
Commissaire Général de l‟Office Rwandais des
Recettes Mary BAINE
13/2012 YO KUWA 26/04/2012 ASHYIRA MU
Komiseri Mukuru w‘Ikigo cy‘Imisoro
Ashingiye ku Itegeko n° 25/2005 ryo kuwa
04/12/2005 rigena Imitunganyirize y‘Isoresha
nk‘uko ryahinduwe kandi ryujujwe kugeza ubu,
cyane cyane mu ngingo yaryo ya 17 bis;
Ashyizeho Amabwiriza akurikira :
Ingingo ya mbere: Icyo agamije
Aya mabwiriza ashyira mu bikorwa Itegeko
25/2005 ryo kuwa
04/12/2005 rigena
imitunganyirize y‘isoresha nk‘uko ryahinduwe
kandi ryujujwe kugeza ubu.
Ingingo ya 2: Ibisobanuro by‟amagambo
Ku birebana n‘iyubahirizwa ry‘aya Mabwiriza,
ibisobanuro by‘amagambo avugwa mu
y‘imisoro ni byo byitabwaho, keretse
igisobanuro gitandukanye gitangwa muri
13/2012 OF 26/04/2012 IMPLEMENTING
LAW N°25/2005 OF 04/12/2005 ON TAX
The Commissioner General of the Rwanda Revenue
Given the Law 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on
as modified and complemented to date,
especially in its article 17 bis;
Issues the following Rules:
Article One: Objective
These Rules implement the law 25/2005 of
04/12/2005 on Tax Procedures as modified
complemented to date
Article 2: Definitions
For the purpose of these Rules, definitions of
terms mentioned in the fiscal laws apply unless
a different meaning is expressly provided in
GENERAL Nº13/2012 DU 26/04/2012 PORTANT
N°25/2005 DU
04/12/2005 PORTANT
Le Commissaire Général de l‘Office
Rwandais des Recettes,
Vu la Loi 25/2005 du 04/12/2005 portant
création des Procédures Fiscales telle que
modifiée et complétée à ce jour,
spécialement en
son article 17 bis;
Emet les Directives suivantes:
Article Premier: Objet
Ces Directives mettent en application la Loi
25/2005 du 04/12/2005 portant Création
Procédures Fiscales telle que modifiée et complétée à
ce jour.
Article 2 : Définitions
Aux fins de l‘application de ces Directives, la
signification des termes définis dans les lois
fiscales est d‘application à moins qu‘une
signification différente ne soit expressément
indiquée dans les présentes directives.
Ingingo ya 3: Uburyo bwo kumenyekanisha
umusoro ku bihembo
Abasoreshwa bafite igicuruzo rusange ku mwaka
kingana cyangwa kiri munsi ya miliyoni magana abiri
(200.000.000 FRW) z‘amafaranga y‘u Rwanda
bakora imenyekanisha
n‘iyishyurwa ry‘umusoro
ku bihembo buri gihembwe.Ku bijyanye n‘amezi
ya Werurwe,
Mata na Gicurasi
kumenyekanisha no kwishyura umusoro ku
bihembo w‘icyo
gihembwe bigomba gukorwa
bitarenze tariki ya 15/06/2012.
Ibihembwe bikurikira bimenyekanishwa kandi
bikishyurwa bitarenze amatariki akurikira:
- 15 Nzeri;
- 15 Ukuboza; na
- 15 Werurwe.
Abasoreshwa bafite ibyacurujwe bingana
biri munsi y‘amafaranga
y‘amanyarwanda miliyoni
magana abiri
(200.000.000 FRW) ku mwaka,
bahisemo gukora imenyekanisha no kwishyura buri
kwezi, basabwa kubanza kubimenyesha
bw‘Imisoro mu nyandiko.
Iryo hitamo ntirishobora gusubirwamo mbere
y‘imyaka nibura ibiri.
Abasoreshwa bashya basabwa kumenyekanisha
gihembwe bagomba kumenyekanisha no kwishyura
bitarenze tariki 15 z‘ukwezi
gukurikira igihembwe
Article 3: Modalities of Pay As You Earn
(PAYE) declaration
Taxpayers whose annual turnover is equal or
than two hundred million
(200.000.000 RWF)
declare Pay As You Earn on quarterly basis. For the
months of March, April and May 2012, the deadline
for declaration and payment of this quarter is on
The deadline for the declaration and payment for the
subsequent quarters are fixed on:
- 15 September;
- 15 December; and
- 15 March.
The taxpayers whose annual turnover is equal
or less
than two hundred million Rwandan
(200.000.000 RWFR), who opt to
declare and
pay on a monthly basis are
required to inform the
Tax Administration in writing.
The option to declare and pay on a monthly
basis is
irrevocable for at least two years.
The taxpayers who are newly registered in the
of quarterly declaration must declare
and pay not
later than the 15th day of the month following
the end of the quarter in
which this registration took
Article 3 : Modalités de claration de la Taxe
Professionnelle sur les Rémunérations (TPR)
Les contribuables dont le chiffre d‘affaires annuel
est inférieur ou égal à deux cent
(200.000.000 FRWS) de francs rwandais déclarent et
paient trimestriellement la taxe professionnelle sur les
Pour les mois de mars, avril et mai
2012, la
date limite de claration et payement de
ce trimestre est fixée au 15/06/2012.
La date limite de déclaration et paiement pour les
trimestres suivants est fixée au:
- 15 Septembre ;
- 15 Decembre; et
- 15 Mars.
Les assujettis dont le chiffre d‘affaires annuel
inférieur ou égal à deux cent millions de
rwandais (200.000.000 FRWS), qui optent pour la
déclaration et paiement
mensuels sont tenus d‘en
l‘Administration Fiscale par écrit.
Cette option de déclaration et paiement
est irrévocable pendant au moins
deux ans.
Les assujettis qui sont nouvellement inscrits
dans le
système de déclaration et paiement
trimestriels doivent déclarer et payer au plus
tard le 15 du mois suivant la fin du trimestre
au cours duquel cette inscription a eu lieu.
Ingingo ya 4: ivanwaho ry‟ingingo
Amabwiriza yose abanziriza aya kandi
anyuranyije nayo avanyweho.
Ingingo ya 5: Igihe aya mabwiriza atangira
Aya mabwiriza atangira gukurikizwa kuva ku
munsi yasohokeyeho mu Igazeti ya Leta ya
Repubulika y‘u Rwanda.
Kigali, kuwa 26/04/2012
Komiseri Mukuru w‟Ikigo cy‟Imisoro
Article 4: Abrogating provision
All previous Rules contrary to these Rules are
Article 5: Commencement
These Rules come into force on the date of
publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of
Kigali, on26/04/2012
Commissioner General of the Rwanda
Revenue Authority
Article 4 : Disposition abrogatoire
Toutes les Directives antérieures et contraires aux
présentes Directives sont abrogées.
Article 5 : Entrée en vigueur
Ces Directives entrent en vigueur le jour de
publication au Journal Officiel de la République
du Rwanda.
Kigali, le 26/04/2012
CommissaireGénéral de l‟Office Rwandais des
Twebwe, KAGAME Paul,
Perezida wa Repubulika;
LAW N° 26/2006 OF 27/05/2006 DETERMINING
We, KAGAME Paul,
President of the Republic;
LOI 26/2006 DU 27/05/2006 PORTANT
Nous, KAGAME Paul,
Président de la République ;
Umutwe w‘Abadepite, mu nama yawo yo kuwa 4
Mata 2006;
Ishingiye ku Itegeko Nshinga rya Repubulika y‘u
Rwanda ryo kuwa 04 Kamena 2003 nk‘uko
ryavuguruwe kugeza ubu, cyane cyane mu ngingo
zaryo, iya 62, iya 66, iya 67, iya 80, iya 81, iya
90, iya 93, iya 108, iya 118 n‘iya 201;
Ishingiye ku Itegeko 25/2005 ryo kuwa
4/12/2005 rigena imitunganyirize y‘isoresha;
Isubiye ku Itegeko 18/98 ryo kuwa 31/12/1998
rihindura ibipimo by‘umusoro ku byaguzwe
wakwa ku bicuruzwa bimwe na bimwe bitumijwe
mu mahanga n‘ibikorerwa mu Rwanda nk‘uko
ryahinduwe kandi ryujujwe kugeza ubu;
The Chamber of Deputies, in its session of April 4,
Given the Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of
June 4, 2003 as amended to date, especially in its
articles 62, 66, 67, 80, 81, 90, 93,108,118 and 201;
Given the law 25/2005 of 4/12/2005 on tax
Given the law n◦ 18/98 of 31/12/1998 modifying the
consumption tax rates to be collected upon some
imported and locally manufactured products as
modified and complemented to date;
La Chambre des Députés, en sa séance du 4 avril 2006;
Vu la Constitution de la République du Rwanda du 04
juin 2003 telle que révisée à ce jour, spécialement en
ses articles 62, 66, 67, 80, 81, 90, 93, 108, 118 et 201 ;
Vu la Loi nº 25/2005 du 4/12/2005 portant création des
procédures fiscales;
Revu la Loi 18/98 du 31/12/1998 modifiant les taux
de la taxe de consommation à percevoir sur certains
produits importés et de fabrication locale, telle que
modifiée et complétée à ce jour ;
Icyiciro cya mbere: Ibirebwa n‟iri tegeko,
ibisobanuro by‟amagambo n‟ahantu iri tegeko
Ingingo ya mbere:
Iri tegeko rigena umusoro ku byaguzwe wakwa
ku bicuruzwa bimwe na bimwe bitumizwa mu
mahanga n‘ibikorerwa mu Rwanda n‘uburyo
Section one: Products which this law applies to,
definitions of its terms and field of application.
Article One:
This law determines the consumption tax to be
collected on some imported and locally manufactured
products as well as modalities for its verification.
Section première: Des produits auxquels la présente
loi est applicable, de la signification des termes et du
champ d‟application de la présente loi
Article premier :
La présente loi régit l‘organisation et l‘instauration du
droit d‘accise sur certains produits importés et de
fabrication locale ainsi que les modalités de sa
Ingingo ya 2:
Muri iri tegeko, amagambo akurikira asobanuwe
Komiseri Mukuru ni Umuyobozi Mukuru
w‘Ikigo cy‘Imisoro n‘Amahoro;
Amateka ni amateka ashyirwaho na
Minisitiri abinyujije mu Igazeti ya Leta ya
Repubulika yu Rwanda;
Urugandani inyubako, ibikoresho cyangwa
ibyuma byifashishwa mu gukora cyangwa
guhindura ibintu bitangirwa imisoro;
4° ―Itegeko ni itegeko ryerekeye umusoro ku
Minisitiri ni Minisitiri ufite imari mu
nshingano ze;
6° ‖ Ikigo‖ ni Ikigo cy‘Imisoro n‘Amahoro;
Article 2:
In this law, the following terms are defined as
“Commissioner General is the Chief Head of
Rwanda Revenue Authority;
“Order” refers to order issued by the Minister
through the Official Gazette of the Republic of
“Factory” means any plant, machinery or
appliance used in manufacturing or
processing taxable products;
4° “The law” means the law on consumption tax;
5° ―Minister‖ means the Minister in charge of
6° “Authority” is the Rwanda Revenue Authority;
Article 2 :
Dans la présente loi, les termes repris ci-après ont la
signification suivante:
« Commissaire Général » signifie le Commissaire
Général de l‘Office Rwandais des Recettes ;
« Arrêté » signifie l‘acte édicté par le Ministre et
publié au Journal Officiel de la République du Rwanda
« Industrie » signifie les installations, équipements
ou appareils qui servent à la fabrication ou à la
transformation des produits taxables ;
« Loi » signifie la loi relative au droit d‘accise ;
« Ministre » signifie le Ministre ayant les finances
dans ses attributions ;
« Office » signifie l‘Office Rwandais des Recettes ;
Umuntuni umuntu cyangwa ikigo bivugwa
mu ngingo z‘iri tegeko;
8° ―Ibicuruzwa bisoreshwa‖ ni ibintu byakorewe
mu Rwanda cyangwa bitumizwa mu mahanga
bicibwa umusoro ku byaguzwe;
Igipimo cy‟igihano“ ni amafaranga magana
ane (400 Frw) cyangwa akandi gaciro kemezwa
na Minisitiri abinyujije mu Iteka;
10° “Umukozi wemewe ni umukozi wIkigo
wahawe ububasha na Komiseri Mukuru bwo
kugenzura, gukora iperereza, gutanga impapuro
zaka umusoro, gukora inyandikomvugo,
kwishyuza umusoro cyangwa gukora igikorwa
icyo ari cyo cyose kigamije kubahiriza ibikubiye
muri iri tegeko kandi unafite icyangombwa
cy‘akazi kimuranga;
11° “Itembure y‟umusoro” ni ikimenyetso,
gishyirwa ku gihahwa gicibwa umusoro ku
byaguzwe, kigaragaza ko kizagurishwa mu
“Person” means any legal or physical person
mentioned in the provisions of this law;
“Taxable products” refers to products
manufactured in Rwanda or imported into Rwanda
subject to consumption tax;
“Penalty unit” means four hundred Rwandan
francs (RWF 400) or any such value prescribed by
the Minister, through an order;
10° “Authorised officer” is the employee of the
Authority the Commissioner General gives powers to
inspect, investigate, issue tax declaration documents,
prepare statements, recover tax or to perform any act
aimed at respecting provisions of this law and who is
in possession of an employee identification;
11° “Tax stamp” is a sign affixed on a product
subject to consumption tax indicating that the
product will be sold in Rwanda.
« Personne » signifie toute personne physique ou
morale mentionnée dans les dispositions de la présente
loi ;
« Produits taxables » signifie les biens fabriqués ou
importés au Rwanda frappés du droit d‘accise ;
« Unité d‟amende » équivaut à quatre cents Francs
Rwandais (400 FRW) ou toute autre valeur déterminée
par le Ministre par voie d‘arrêté ;
10° « Agent autorisé» signifie tout agent de l‘Office
muni de la carte de service à qui le Commissaire
Général a conféré le pouvoir de vérification,
d‘investigation, de délivrance des documents fiscaux,
d‘établissement des procès-verbaux, de recouvrement
des taxes ou d‘exercice de toute autre activité
permettant d‘assurer le respect des dispositions de la
présente loi ;
11° « Vignette fiscale » signifie un signe que l‘on
appose sur un produit passible du droit d‘accise qui
atteste que ce produit sera mis à la consommation sur le
marché local.
Ingingo 4: Ibicuruzwa n‟ibipimo byabyo
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya
1y’Itegeko no 57/2011 ryo kuwa 31/12/2011
rihindura kandi ryuzuza Itegeko 26/2006 ryo
kuwa 27/05/2006 rigena kandi rishyiraho
imitunganyirize y’umusoro ku byaguzwe wakwa
ku bicuruzwa bimwe na bimwe bitumijwe mu
mahanga n’ibikorerwa mu Rwanda nk’uko
ryahinduwe kandi ryujujwe kugeza ubu ihinduwe
kandi yujujwe ku buryo bukurikira:
Article 4: Products and corresponding rates
(As modified and completed by article 1of the Law no
57/2011 modifying and complementing Law
26/2006 of 27/05/2006 determining and establishing
consumption tax on some imported and locally
manufactured products as modified and
complemented to date is modified and complemented
as follows:
Article:Produits et taux correspondants
(Tel que modifié et complépar l’article 1de la loi no
57/2011 du 31/12/2011 modifiant et completant la Loi
26/2006 du 27/05/2006 portant organisation et
instauration du droit d’accise sur certains produits
importés et de fabrication locale telle que modifiée et
complétée à ce jour est modifié et complété comme
suit :
Tax rate
Imitobe y‘imbuto
Fruit Juices
Jus de fruits
Limonades, soda n‘indi
Limonade, Sode and
other juices
Limonades, sodas et autres jus
Amazi mvaruganda
Mineral Water
Eau minérale
Ibyotsi, Likeri na Wisiki
Brandies, liquors and
Eaux-de-vie, liqueurs et whiskies
Lisansi (itari iy‘indege)
na mazutu
183 Frw/ilitiro kuri
150 Frw/ilitiro kuri
Primium (excluding
benzene) and Gas oil
183 Rwf/liter on
150Rwf/liter on Gas
Essence (exception faite du benzene) et
pour le
Imodoka zifite moteri
zifite ubushobozi buri
munsi ya 1500 cc
Vehicles with an engine
capacity of less than
1500 cc
Véhicules avec un moteur d‘une puissance
inférieure à 1500 cc
Imodoka zifite moteri
zifite ubushobozi buri
hagati ya 1500 na 2500
Vehicles with an engine
capacity of between
1500 and 2500 cc
Véhicules avec un moteur d‘une puissance
variant entre 1500 et 2500 cc
Imodoka zifite moteri
zifite ubushobozi buri
hejuru ya 2500 cc
Vehicles with an engine
capacity of above 2500
Véhicules avec un moteur d‘une puissance
supérieure à 2500 cc
Amavuta yifu
Powdered milk
Lait en poudre
Itumanaho rikoresheje
Communications tétéphoniques
Ingingo ya 4 bis: Isonerwa
Ibintu bihawe imiryango y‘abagiraneza kimwe
n‘ibikoresho by‘abari bahagarariye u Rwanda bavuye
muri za Ambassade cyangwa mu Miryango
Mpuzamahanga, iby‘impunzi z‘Abanyarwanda zitahutse,
iby‘Abanyarwanda batahutse bamaze nibura amezi cumi
n‘abiri (12) mu mahanga, bisanzwe bikurirwaho amahoro
ya Gasutamo, bisonewe
umusoro ku byaguzwe wishyurwa muriGasutamo.
A rticle 4 bis : Exemption
Goods for charitable organizations and
personal effects of Rwandan diplomats
returning from foreign diplomatic missions,
Rwandan refugees returning home and
returnees who had stayed at least twelve
months (12) in a foreign country entitled to
tax relief under the Customs law are
exempted from the Consumption Tax at
A r t i c l e 4 bis : Exonération
Les biens destinés à des associations caritatives ainsi
que les effets personnels des diplomates de retour
d‘une mission diplomatique, des réfugiés rwandais qui
retournent au pays et des personnes de retour au pays
après un séjour de douze mois (12) au moins dans un
pays étranger, qui bénéficient de l‘exonération en vertu
de la législation douanière sont exemptés du paiement
du droit d‘accises payable à l‘importation.
Ingingo ya 5:
Umusoro uvugwa mu ngingo ya 4 y‘iri tegeko ntureba
imodoka z‘ubwoko bwa minibisi ishobora gutwara
abantu batari hasi ya cumi na bane (14), kamyo na
kamyoneti ―simple cabine‖ zakorewe gutwara ibintu,
imodoka zifite ibyuma bikonjesha, imodoka zikoreshwa
mu bukerarugendo, imodoka z‘abashoramari
b‘abanyamahanga n‘abanyarwanda batuye mu mahanga
n‘abakozi babo b‘abanyamahanga.
Article 5:
The tax mentioned in article 4 of this law is
not concerned with vehicles in the mini bus
category that can carry not less than fourteen
(14) persons, lorries and light duty vehicles
manufactured to carry goods, refrigerating
vehicles, tourist vehicles, foreign investors‘
and diaspora Rwandan investors and their
foreign employees‘ vehicles.
Article 5 :
Le taux d‘imposition visé à l‘article 4 de la présente loi
ne s‘applique pas à la catégorie de véhicules minibus
pouvant transporter au moins quatorze (14) personnes,
camions et camionnettes simple cabine affectés au
transport des marchandises, véhicules frigorifiques,
véhicules de tourisme, véhicules des investisseurs
étrangers et des Rwandais vivant à l‘étranger ainsi que
de leurs employés étrangers.
Icyiciro cya 3: Agaciro gasoreshwa n‟igihe cyo kwaka
umusoro ku byaguzwe
Ingingo ya 6:
Agaciro gasoreshwa ku bihahwa byatumijwe mu
mahanga kabarwa hakurikijwe igiciro cy‘ibyo bicuruzwa
bigeze i Kigali hiyongereyeho amahoro ya Gasutamo
n‘amafaranga y‘ububiko; naho ku byakorewe mu
Rwanda ni igiciro cy‘ikiguzi uwo musoro utabariwemo.
Section 3: Taxable value and time for tax
Article 6:
The taxable value on imported products shall
be calculated according to Cost, Insurance
and Freight upon arrival in Kigali while on
locally manufactured products, it shall be
calculated according to selling price exclusive
of taxes.
Section 3 : De la valeur taxable et du moment
d‟imposition du droit d‟accise
Article 6 :
L‘assiette imposable du droit d‘accise est la valeur CIF
Kigali majorée des droits d‘entrée et des frais
d‘entreposage pour les produits importés tandis que
pour ceux fabriqués localement l‘assiette imposable est
le prix de vente hors taxe.
Ingingo ya 7:
Umusoro utangwa igihe:
1° ibicuruzwa, bisoreshwa, bivanywe mu ruganda, ku
birebana n‘ibicuruzwa bikorerwa mu Rwanda;
ibicuruzwa biri muri Gasutamo hakurikijwe itegeko
rigenga imikorere ya Gasutamo.
Article 7:
The tax shall be payable when:
the taxable products are cleared out of the
factory for consumer use in case of locally
manufactured products;
the taxable products are due for clearing at
the customs under the customs system in case
of imports.
Article 7 :
La taxe est due au moment où :
les produits taxables sont livrés hors de l‘industrie
pour la consommation dans le cas des produits de
fabrication locale;
les produits sont en douane en vertu de la loi
portant régime douanier.
Ingingo ya 8:
Ibicuruzwa bisoreshwa byoherejwe hanze y‘Igihugu
bisonewe umusoro ku byaguzwe. Ariko uwasonewe uwo
musoro, agomba kugaragaza ko yujuje ibyangombwa
bisabwa abohereza ibintu mu mahanga.
Article 8:
Taxable export products are exempted from
consumption tax. However, the exporter
exempted from such a tax is obliged to
indicate that he or she has fulfilled all the
conditions exporters are required to fulfil.
Article 8 :
Les produits auxquels s‘applique la taxe lorsqu‘ils sont
exportés sont exonérés du droit d‘accise. Néanmoins,
l‘exportateur qui bénéficie de l‘exonération de cette
taxe doit justifier qu‘il remplit les conditions exigées
aux exportateurs.
Icyiciro cya mbere: Imenyekanisha
Ingingo ya 9:
Mu gushyira mu bikorwa iri tegeko, ukwezi
kugabanyijwemo ibihe bitatu (3) bikurikira:
kuva ku itariki ya mbere kugeza ku itariki ya 10
2° kuva ku itariki ya 11 kugeza ku itariki ya 20 y‘ukwezi;
3° no kuva ku itariki ya 21 kugeza ku mpera z‘ukwezi.
Umusoreshwa agomba kuzuza imenyekanisha rye
yubahirije ibihe bivugwa mu gika cya mbere cy‘iyi
Section one: Declaration
Article 9:
For purposes of implementing this law, a
month is divided into the following three
1◦ from 1
to 10
of every month;
2◦ from 11
to 20
of every month and;
3◦ from 21
towards the end of the month.
A taxpayer is required to file his or her
declaration in respect of provisions of
paragraph one of this article.
Section première : De la déclaration
Article 9 :
Dans le cadre de l‘application de la présente loi, le
mois calendrier est divi en trois riodes de
déclaration suivantes :
1° du 1er au 10 du mois ;
2° du 11 au 20 du mois;
3° du 21 à la fin du mois.
Le contribuable est tenu de remplir ses déclarations en
respectant les périodes visées à l‘alinéa premier du
présent article.
Ingingo ya 10:
Bitarenze iminsi itanu (5) ikurikira ibihe bivugwa mu
ngingo ya 9 y‘iri tegeko, umusoreshwa wishyura
umusoro ku byaguzwe, asabwa kugeza ku buyobozi
bw‘imisoro urupapuro rw‘imenyekanisha n‘ibimenyetso
by‘uko umusoro ku byaguzwe wishyuwe.
Umusoro ku byaguzwe bitumijwe mu mahanga
utangirwa rimwe n‘amahoro ya Gasutamo.
Minisitiri, abicishije mu iteka, agena izindi mpapuro
ziherekeza imenyekanisha.
Article 10:
The taxpayer who pays consumption tax is
required to deliver to tax administration a
declaration sheet and the proofs of how
consumption tax was paid in a period not
exceeding five (5) days following periods
mentioned in article 9 of this law.
The consumption tax on imports shall be paid
concurrently with custom duties.
The Minister, through an order, shall
determine other sheets to accompany the
Article 10 :
Le contribuable doit, dans un délai ne dépassant pas
cinq (5) jours qui suivent les périodes visées à l‘article
9 de la présente loi, soumettre à l‘administration fiscale
le document de déclaration ainsi que les documents
attestant le paiement du droit d‘accise.
Le droit d‘accise sur les produits importés est perçu
simultanément avec les droits de douane.
Le Ministre détermine, par voie d‘arrêté, d‘autres
documents devant accompagner la déclaration.
Ingingo ya 11:
Hubahirijwe ibihe bivugwa mu ngingo ya 9 y‘iri tegeko,
buri musoreshwa wese agomba:
gutunga ibitabo by‘ibaruramari byuzuzwa hakurikijwe
amategeko agenga ibaruramari ry‘Igihugu;
2° gutanga ibisobanuro nk‘uko imenyekanisha ribisaba.
Article 11:
In respect of periods prescribed under article
9 of this law, every taxpayer is required to:
1◦ keep the books of accounts filed in
accordance with national accounting
2◦ provide information as the declaration form
Article 11 :
Dans le respect des périodes prévues par l‘article 9 de
la présente loi, chaque contribuable doit :
1° tenir les livres comptables remplis conformément
aux lois régissant la comptabilité nationale;
2° fournir des explications conformément au modèle de
déclaration requis.
Icyiciro cya 2: Igenzura
Ingingo ya 12:
Kugenzura bikorwa mu buryo no mu gihe cyagenwe mu
Iteka rya Minisitiri. Iryo genzura rirangizwa n‘igikorwa
cyo kwishyuza usoreshwa umusoro utishyuwe iyo uhari,
inyungu n‘ihazabu.
Zimwe mu mpamvu zituma habaho igenzura ni izi
1° kuba nta menyekanisha ryakozwe;
amamenyekanisha akosheje, atuzuye cyangwa asa
n‘atagaragaza imibare y‘ibanze.
Section 2: Assessment
Article 12:
An assessment shall be conducted in the
manner and in periods prescribed by the
Ministerial Order. Such an assessment shall
be concluded by an action for recovery of the
tax due, interest and fines.
Certain reasons which lead to assessment are
as follows:
1◦ non conduction of declaration;
2◦ returns found to be incorrect, inadequate,
or intended to conceal some basic data.
Section 2 : De la vérification
Article 12 :
Les modalités et la période de vérification sont
déterminées par Arrêté Ministériel. Une telle
vérification se termine par une action de mise en
recouvrement de la taxe due, des intérêts et des
Les conditions susceptibles d‘entraîner une telle
vérification sont notamment :
1° l‘absence du dépôt de déclaration ;
2° les déclarations incorrectes, inadéquates ou tendant à
dissimuler des données essentielles.
Icyiciro cya mbere: Ububasha n‟imirimo by‟abakozi
Ingingo ya 13:
Umukozi wemewe afite uburenganzira bwo kwinjira mu
ruganda igihe cyose uruganda rukora. Afite ububasha
bwo gukora igenzura cyangwa isuzuma iyo bigaragaye
ko ari ngombwa. Kubera iyo mpamvu, umukozi wemewe
afite ububasha bw‘umugenzacyaha iyo akora akazi ke.
Section one: Powers and functions of
authorized officers
Article 13:
An authorised officer shall have the right to
free access to a factory at any time it is
operating. He or she shall have the right to
carry out any inspection or verification if
considered necessary. Due to such a reason,
the authorised officer shall have prosecution
powers during the performance of his or her
Section première : Des compétences et fonctions des
agents autorisés
Article 13 :
Tout agent autorisé a libre accès à toutes les
installations chaque fois que l‘usine fonctionne. Il a la
compétence de procéder à toute inspection ou
vérification quand il est jugé nécessaire. Pour cette
raison, l‘agent autorisé jouit des pouvoirs d‘Officier de
police judiciaire dans l‘exercice de ses fonctions.
Ingingo ya 14:
Hatabangamiwe itegeko rigenga imikorere ya Gasutamo,
ibicuruzwa byose bicibwa umusoro ku byaguzwe
bitumizwa mu mahanga, byaca mu nzira y‘ubutaka, mu
mazi, mu kirere cyangwa mu iposita, bigomba gukorerwa
igenzura n‘umukozi wemewe.
Article 14:
Without prejudice to the customs system, all
taxable imported products subject to
consumption tax, whether by land, water, air
or post, shall be subject to the control by an
authorized officer.
Article 14 :
Sans préjudice de la loi portant régime douanier, tous
les produits soumis au droit d‘accise importés soit par
voie terrestre, maritime, aérienne ou postale doivent
faire l‘objet de contrôle par l‘agent autorisé.
Ingingo ya 15:
Umukozi wemewe wese ahabwa ibimenyetso bimuranga
mu mirimo ye, akanabyereka umuntu ubisabye. Umukozi
wemewe, mu mirimo ye, ashobora gusaba umusoreshwa
kumuha, mu nyandiko, ibisobanuro abona ko ari
Article 15:
Every authorised officer shall be issued with
means of identification during his or her
duties and shall produce them on demand to
any person who requires them. An authorised
officer on his or her duties may require the tax
payer to give him or her in writing any
necessary information.
Article 15 :
Dans l‘exercice de ses fonctions, tout agent autorisé est
muni des pièces d‘identification qu‘il exhibe à toute
personne qui en fait la demande. L‘agent autorisé peut,
dans l‘exercice de ses fonctions, demander au
contribuable de lui fournir par écrit toutes les
explications qu‘il estime nécessaires.
Ingingo ya 16:
Iyo umukozi wemewe abona ko umusoreshwa ahisha
ibicuruzwa bimwe na bimwe kugira ngo atishyura
umusoro ku byaguzwe, ashobora gufatira ibyo bintu
akabiragiza Ikigo. Agomba kandi gusiga gihamya
yasinywe na nyir‘ibyo bintu cyangwa umuhagarariye.
Article 16:
Where an authorized officer finds that a tax
payer conceals certain products in order to
evade consumption tax, he or she may seize
the products and put them into the custody of
the Authority. He or she may also issue a
receipt of acknowledgement signed by the
owner of the products or his or her
Article 16 :
Lorsque l‘agent autorisé a une raison de croire qu‘un
contribuable cache certains de ses produits pour se
soustraire au droit d‘accise, il peut saisir ces biens et les
mettre sous la garde de l‘Office. Il doit à cet effet
délivrer un reçu signé par le propriétaire des produits
ou son représentant.
Ingingo ya 17:
Iyo nyir‘ibintu byafatiriwe, hakurikijwe ingingo ya 16
y‘iri tegeko, atabashije gutanga ibisobanuro mu minsi
cumi n‘itanu (15), ko yubahirije ingingo zikubiye muri iri
tegeko, ibyo bintu bishobora gutezwa icyamunara.
Icyo gihe gishobora kugabanywa iyo bigaragaye ko ibyo
bintu bishobora kwangirika vuba.
Iyo ibyo bintu bishobora kwangiza ubuzima bw‘abantu
n‘ubw‘ibindi binyabuzima, bigomba guhita bikurwaho.
Icyo gikorwa cyishyurwa na nyirabyo.
Article 17:
Where the owner of the products seized in
accordance with article 16 of this law does
not provide information in fifteen (15) days,
stating whether he or she complied with the
provisions of this law, such products may be
sold by public auction.
Such a period may be reduced in case it is
proved that such products are perishable.
In case such products can deteriorate human
and other biological health, they shall be
immediately destroyed. Such an act shall be at
the expense of the owner of the products.
Article 17 :
Lorsque le contribuable dont les biens ont été saisis en
vertu de l‘article 16 de la présente loi ne parvient pas à
fournir des explications endéans quinze (15) jours pour
justifier qu‘il a respecté les dispositions de la présente
loi, ces biens peuvent être soumis à la vente publique.
Ce délai peut être réduit si les biens sont susceptibles
de se détériorer rapidement.
Si ces biens sont susceptibles de nuire à la santé
humaine et à celle des autres êtres vivants, ils sont
automatiquement détruits. Cette destruction se fait aux
frais du contribuable.
Ingingo ya 18:
Mu kurangiza inshingano ze ziteganywa n‘iri tegeko,
umukozi wemewe akorera mu bwisanzure busesuye. Nta
muntu n‘umwe ushobora kumubangamira, cyangwa
kwivanga mu mirimo ashinzwe, usibye ubuyobozi
bubifitiye ububasha.
Article 18:
In fulfilment of his or her duties provided for
by this law, an authorised officer shall be
independent. No person shall obstruct or
interfere with him or her in his or her duties
with an exception of competent authorities.
Article 18 :
L‘agent autorisé agit en toute liberté dans l‘exercice de
ses fonctions déterminées par la présente loi. Personne
ne peut faire obstacle à ses activités ni s‘immiscer dans
ses fonctions exception faite des autorités compétentes.
Ingingo ya 19:
Abantu, ibigo bya Leta, amasosiyeti n‘amashyirahamwe
y‘ubucuruzi asabwe kugeza ku mukozi wemewe, ibintu
byose byafasha mu gushyira mu bikorwa ibivugwa muri
iri tegeko.
Amabanga atangwa hakurikijwe ibivugwa muri iyi
ngingo cyangwa muri gahunda yo kuzuza inshingano
zisabwa n‘iri tegeko ntahishurirwa umuntu uwo ari we
wese, keretse iyo Komiseri Mukuru asanga ko kubikora
gutyo biri mu nyungu z‘Igihugu, akaba ari bwo abitegeka
mu nyandiko isobanura amabanga agomba guhishurwa
n‘uburyo agomba guhishurwa.
Article 19:
Individuals, government institutions,
commercial and business associations are
obliged to provide with the authorised officer
all the relevant information regarding the
implementation of provisions of this law.
Secrets revealed in accordance with
provisions of this article or in fulfilment of
duties required by this law shall not be
disclosed to any person unless the
Commissioner General finds it is in the
national interest, upon which he or she shall
order it in writing specifying the information
to be disclosed and the procedures of its
Article 19 :
Les personnes physiques, les établissements publics,
les sociétés et associations de commerce sont tenus de
fournir à l‘agent autorisé toutes les informations en
rapport avec l‘application des dispositions de la
présente loi.
Les renseignements de nature confidentielle fournis en
vertu des dispositions du présent article ou en vue de
remplir les attributions déterminées par la présente loi
ne peuvent être communiqués que si le Commissaire
Général estime qu‘il est dans l‘intérêt de la nation de le
faire; auquel cas, il émet un ordre écrit spécifiant les
renseignements de nature confidentielle à
communiquer et les modalités de leur communication.
Icyiciro cya 2: Uburenganzira n‟inshingano
Ingingo ya 20:
Umusoreshwa afite uburenganzira bwo kwigenzura
hakurikijwe ibiteganywa muri iri tegeko n‘amateka
arebana na ryo.
Section 2: Tax Payer‟s Rights and
Article 20:
A taxpayer has a right to self assessment in
accordance with provisions of this law and
orders relevant to it.
Section 2: Des droits et des obligations des
Article 20 :
Le contribuable a droit à l‘autocontrôle conformément
aux dispositions de la présente loi et des arrêtés y
Ingingo ya 21:
Impaka zose zivutse hagati y‘Ikigo n‘umusoreshwa
zirebana n‘umusoro ku byaguzwe zishyikirizwa
Komiseri Mukuru ugomba gufata icyemezo mu gihe
kitarenze iminsi mirongo itatu (30) guhera igihe
Article 21:
Any disputes related to consumption tax
arising between the Authority and the
taxpayer shall be submitted to the
Commissioner General in order to take action
in a period not exceeding thirty (30) days
from the day of receipt.
Article 21 :
Tout litige entre l‘Office et le contribuable en rapport
avec le droit d‘accise est soumis au Commissaire
Général qui doit prendre sa décision dans les 30 jours à
compter du jour de sa réception.
Ingingo ya 22:
Umusoreshwa utishimiye icyemezo cya Komiseri
Mukuru, afite uburenganzira, mu gihe kitarenze iminsi
cumi (10), bwo kujuririra Inama y‘ubujurire
yashyizweho n‘iteka rya Minisitiri, inafata ibyemezo mu
izina rye. Icyemezo cy‘Inama y‘ubujurire gishobora
kuregerwa mu Rukiko rubifitiye ububasha mu gihe
kitarenze iminsi mirongo itatu (30).
Article 22:
The aggrieved tax payer shall have the right,
in a period not exceeding ten (10) days, to
appeal to Appeals Council established by the
Order of the Minister and which shall take
action on his or her behalf. The decision of
the Appeals Council may be appealed against
before a competent Court in a period not
exceeding thirty (30) days.
Article 22 :
Le contribuable qui n‘est pas satisfait de la décision du
Commissaire Général a le droit, dans un délai de dix
(10) jours, de faire recours auprès du Conseil d‘appel
mis en place par arrêté du Ministre, lequel Conseil
statue en son nom. La décision du Conseil d‘appel peut
être soumise à la juridiction compétente dans un délai
de trente (30) jours.
Ingingo ya 23:
Umuntu wese ukora ibintu bicibwa umusoro ku
byaguzwe agomba kuzuza, buri munsi, igitabo
kibarurirwamo ibintu byakozwe n‘igitabo kibarurirwamo
ibyacurujwe. Igitabo kibarurirwamo ibyacurujwe
kigomba kugaragaza igiciro n‘umubare wahawe buri
muguzi, amazina ye n‘aho abarizwa.
Article 23:
Any manufacturer of a product subject to
consumption tax is required to keep a register
of daily inventory of the products
manufactured and a sales register. The sales
register shall indicate the price and quantity
offered to every customer, his or her names
and address.
Article 23 :
Tout fabricant de produit taxable de droit d‘accise doit
remplir quotidiennement un registre d‘inventaire des
produits fabriqués et un registre d‘inventaire des
produits commercialisés. Le registre d‘inventaire des
ventes doit mentionner le prix et les quantités livrées à
chaque client ainsi que leurs noms et adresses.
Ingingo ya 24:
Umusoreshwa wese agomba kugira igitabo cy‘ibikoresho
by‘ibanze, igitabo cyimirimo n‘igitabo cyerekana
Igitabo cy‘ibikoresho by‘ibanze kigomba kugaragaza
ibintu bizakoreshwa mu gukora ibicuruzwa bisoreshwa.
Mu gitabo cy‘imirimo, habonekamo ibisobanuro
birebana na gahunda, ya buri munsi, ya buri gikoresho
gikoreshwa mu ruganda.
Umukozi wemewe agomba gushyira umukono muri icyo
gitabo, igihe cyose yasuye uruganda.
Igitabo kibarurirwamo ibyakozwe kigomba kwerekana
ibyangiritse, ibyatawe cyangwa ibyatwitswe bigenzuwe
n‘umukozi wemewe, umubare w‘ibyagiye mu mahanga
n‘ibyashyizwe ku masoko kugira ngo bikoreshwe, ku
buryo, igihe cyose umubare w‘ibintu bisigaye mu
ruganda ushobora kumenyekana no gusuzumwa.
Article 24:
Every taxpayer is required to keep a register
of raw materials, an activity register and a
register of inventory of manufactured
The register of raw materials shall record the
materials to be used in manufacturing of
taxable products. In the activity register, there
shall be recorded the information concerning
the daily status of every equipment used in
the factory or industry.
An authorised officer shall sign in such a
register during every his or her visit to the
factory or industry.
The register of inventory of the manufactured
products shall indicate the products destroyed,
discarded or burnt after being inspected by the
authorised officer, the quantity exported, and
those sold for consumption, so that at any
time, the quantities within the factory can be
established and verified.
Article 24 :
Tout contribuable doit tenir un registre des matières
premières, un registre des travaux en cours et un
registre d‘inventaire des produits finis.
Le registre des matières premières doit mentionner
toutes les matières premières à utiliser dans la
fabrication des produits taxables. Dans le registre des
travaux en cours, il est tenu toute information en
rapport avec la situation journalière des machines ou de
tout autre équipement utilisés dans l‘usine.
A chaque visite de l‘usine, l‘agent autorisé doit signer
dans ce registre.
Le registre d‘inventaire des produits finis doit
mentionner les produits endommagés, les produits
jetés, détruits ou brûlés après avoir été contrôlés par un
agent qualifié, le nombre des produits exportés et ceux
mis en consommation, de telle sorte que, chaque fois,
le nombre des produits restant à l‘usine puisse être
connu et contrôlé.
Ingingo ya 25:
Buri hinduka ry‘ibyumba n‘imikorere y‘uruganda, buri
mihindukire n‘iyongera, isanwa cyangwa isimbura rya
kimwe cyangwa ibikoresho byinshi, bigomba
kumenyeshwa ubuyobozi bw‘Ikigo mu kwezi
Article 25:
Any modification to the premises or to the
functioning of the factory, any changes and
increases, repairs or replacements of one or
more equipments, or tools shall be notified to
the administration of the authority in the
month of the last operation.
Article 25 :
Toute modification faite aux locaux ou au
fonctionnement de l‘usine, tout changement et toute
augmentation, réparation ou remplacement de l‘un ou
de plusieurs équipements doivent être déclarés à
l‘administration de l‘Office dans le mois ils ont été
Ingingo ya 26:
Umuntu wese ukora ibicuruzwa bitanga umusoro ku
byaguzwe agomba kugira igitabo cyerekana, buri munsi,
ibi bikurikira:
1° itariki n‘isaha by‘itangira n‘irangizwa ry‘imirimo;
Article 26:
Any manufacturer of products subject to
consumption tax shall own a register
indicating, on a daily basis, the following:
1◦ the date and time of starting and ending
Article 26 :
Tout fabricant des produits taxables de droit d‘accise
doit tenir un registre journalier indiquant les éléments
suivants :
la date, l‘heure de démarrage et de clôture des
2° ubwoko, amazina n‘ibigaragaza imashini zikoreshwa;
ubwoko n‘umubare w‘ibikoreshofatizo byakoreshejwe
n‘inomero iranga ibyakozwe;
4° umubare w‘ibyakozwe.
Iyo imirimo itakozwe cyangwa yahagaritswe, uyikora
agomba kumenyekanisha ibyo bibazo, mu minsi cumi
(10), ku buyobozi bw‘Ikigo.
2◦ the type, names and the nature of the
equipment used;
3◦ the type and quantity of the raw materials
used and the batch number of production;
4◦ the quantity of the goods produced.
Any service or activities that are not carried
out or that are cancelled shall be notified to
the Authority by their provider within a
period of ten (10) days.
les numéros, les noms, les types et la nature des
appareils utilisés ;
le genre et les quantités des matières premières
utilisées et le numéro des produits ;
4° les quantités produites.
Lorsque les travaux n‘ont pas été exécutés ou lorsqu‘ils
sont interrompus, le fabricant est tenu de déclarer ces
irrégularités à l‘Administration de l‘Office dans un
délai de dix (10) jours.
Ingingo ya 27:
Ibicuruzwa bimwe na bimwe bicibwa umusoro ku
byaguzwe bikorerwa mu Gihugu cyangwa bitumijwe mu
mahanga, bigomba kuba biriho itembure y‘umusoro.
Urutonde rw‘ibicuruzwa, imiterere y‘amatembure
y‘umusoro, uburyo agomba gutangwa, gushyirwa ku
bicuruzwa n‘uko yishyurwa, bishyirwaho n‘iteka rya
Article 27:
Some locally manufactured and imported
taxable products shall be required to be
affixed with a tax stamp. The products to be
affixed, the structure of tax stamps, manner
and design in which the tax stamps are to be
affixed shall be determined by the Order of
the Minister.
Article 27 :
Certains produits taxables de droit d‘accise fabriqués
au niveau local ou importés doivent porter la vignette
fiscale. La liste des produits, la structure des vignettes
fiscales ainsi que les modalités d‘acquisition et de
paiement de ces vignettes sont fixées par arrêté du
Ingingo ya 28:
Buri munyenganda ukora ibicuruzwa bitangwaho
umusoro ku byaguzwe n‘umucuruzi ubitumiza mu
mahanga bagomba gusobanura imikoreshereze
y‘amatembure y‘umusoro bahawe mu buryo
bw‘icyegeranyo. Icyegeranyo, cya buri kwezi, kigaragaza
incamake y‘imikoreshereze y‘amatembure y‘umusoro
mu buryo bukirikira:
amatembure y‘umusoro yari yasigaye mu kwezi
kubanziriza ugukorwamo ibicuruzwa bitangwaho
umusoro ku byaguzwe;
2° amatembure y‘umusoro bahawe n‘Ikigo;
amatembure yumusoro yashyizwe ku bicuruzwa
bitangwaho umusoro ku byaguzwe byakorewe mu
Rwanda cyangwa byatumijwe mu mahanga, bitewe
n‘uko ibintu bimeze;
amatembure y‘umusoro yononekaye mu gihe ibintu
Article 28:
A tax stamps usage reconciliation statement
shall be made by local taxable products
manufacturers and taxable product importer.
The monthly reconciliation statement shall
show a summary of tax stamps indicating the
stamps in stock at the closure of the month
preceding the month in which taxable
products are manufactured;
2° stamps received from the Authority;
stamps applied to taxable products
manufactured in Rwanda or imported into
Rwanda as the case may be;
stamps spoiled or damaged during the
Article 28 :
L‘usage de vignettes fiscales doit être justifié sous
forme d‘un état de rapprochement par chaque fabricant
et chaque importateur des produits taxables de droit
d‘accise. L‘état de rapprochement mensuel montrera un
résumé de l‘usage des vignettes fiscales sous les titres
suivants :
1° les vignettes en stock à la fin du mois passé et
reporté pour l‘emploi durant le mois ;
2° les vignettes accordées par l‘Office ;
3° les vignettes appliquées aux produits taxables de
droit d‘accise fabriqués au Rwanda ou importés au
Rwanda selon le cas ;
les vignettes endommagées durant la fabrication tel
byakorwaga byemezwa n‘abakozi b‘Ikigo;
amatembure y‘umusoro atabashije gusobanurwa mu
mbonerahamwe y‘ukwezi;
amatembure y‘umusoro yasigaye akibitse mu mpera
z‘ukwezi, azakoreshwa mu kwezi gukurikiyeho.
manufacturing process as certified by the
Authority staff;
stamps unaccounted for in the
reconciliation statement;
6° stamps in stock at the end of the month and
carried forward for use in the following
que certifié par les agents de l‘Office;
les vignettes non justifiées dans l‘état de
rapprochement mensuel ;
les vignettes en stock à la fin du mois et reportées
pour être employées le mois suivant.
Ingingo ya 29:
Imbonerahamwe y‘imikoreshereze y‘amatembure igezwa
ku Kigo, mu minsi cumi (10) ikurikira ukwezi
Article 29 :
The reconciliation statement shall be
submitted to the Authority within ten (10)
days of the end of the month covered by the
Article 29 :
Un tableau d‘état de rapprochement doit être soumis à
l‘Office endéans dix (10) jours à compter de la fin du
mois pour lequel il est établi.
Ingingo ya 30:
Amatembure y‘umusoro asonewe amahoro n‘indi misoro
yose yakwa mu Gihugu.
Article 30 :
Tax stamps are exempted from all taxes and
duties levied in Rwanda.
Article 30 :
Les vignettes fiscales sont exonérées de taxes et impôts
en vigueur dans le pays.
Ingingo ya 31:
Ibicuruzwa bikorerwa mu Gihugu bigenewe koherezwa
hanze y‘Igihugu bisonewe ishyirwaho ry‘itembure
y‘umusoro. Ariko mbere yo kubikora no kubyohereza,
bigomba kumenyeshwa Ikigo mu nyandiko.
Article 31 :
Locally manufactured products for export are
exempt from affixation of tax stamps.
However, a written statement thereof shall be
made before such products are manufactured
or exported.
Article 31 :
Les produits fabriqués dans le pays pour l‘exportation
sont exonérés de vignettes fiscales. Toutefois avant leur
fabrication et leur exportation, ces produits doivent être
notifiés par écrit à l‘Office.
Icyiciro cya 3: Inshingano zihariye zireba abacuruza
ibikomoka kuri peteroli
Ingingo ya 32:
Abacuruza ibikomoka kuri peterori bafite inshingano
korohereza Ikigo gusuzuma no kugenzura inyubako
zose na za sitasiyo za peteroli;
kumenyesha Ikigo mbere yo gutangiza sitasiyo kugira
ngo habanze gukorwa igenzura ry‘inyubako zazo;
komeka icyemezo cy‘ubuziranenge cy‘ibipimisho
gisabwe n‘umukozi wemewe;
Section 3: Obligations that are peculiar to
oil products dealers
Article 32 :
Oil products dealers shall have the following
allow the Authority easy access to all
premises and petrol stations for evaluation
and inspection purposes;
make a declaration to the Authority before
any petrol station is started up so that its
premises may be inspected first;
affix a standards certificate as required by
an authorized officer;
Section 3: Des obligations spécifiques des
commerçants des produits pétroliers
Article 32 :
Les commerçants des produits pétroliers ont les
obligations suivantes :
faciliter à l‘Office l‘inspection de tous les bâtiments
et des stations des produits pétroliers ;
informer l‘Office avant de démarrer les stations des
produits pétroliers pour procéder au préalable à
l‘inspection de leurs bâtiments ;
coller un certificat de normalisation sur demande
d‘un agent autorisé ;
kwerekana urupapuro urwo ari rwo rwose rusobanura
ibisabwa n‘ubugenzuzi bw‘Ikigo;
kumenyesha, mbere y‘igihe, Ikigo, mu nyandiko,
impinduka iyo ari yo yose, iyononekara, iyongerwa
cyangwa igabanuka ry‘ibigunguru n‘amapompo;
kumenyesha Ikigo inyubako iyo ari yo yose
yifashishwa mu bucuruzi bw‘ibikomoka kuri peterori;
gupimisha ibigunguru bitabye bibika ibikomoka kuri
gupimisha amapompo no kwerekana icyemezo
cy‘ubuziranenge cyayo;
guhunika no kugurisha ibikomoka kuri peterori mu
bigunguru bitabye cyangwa se mu bundi bubiko
10° kugira ibyemezo by‘ubuziranenge bya mubazi zo ku
mapompo akoreshwa mu gucuruza ibikomoka kuri
11° kwemerera impuguke cyangwa se abahagariye Ikigo
gifite ubuzobere mu gukora imirimo yo gupima
ubuziranenge bw‘ikigunguru gitabye cyangwa se
kwemeza ubuziranenge bw‘ipompo na mubazi;
12° kwemerera kwinjira mu kigo cya sitasiyo umukozi
ufite uburenganzira ahabwa na Komiseri Mukuru aje
gukora igenzura akeneye kuri iyo sitasiyo;
13° kwemerera kwinjira umukozi ubifitiye ububasha
ushaka kugira akazi akora cyangwa se kureba ko
amategeko yubahirizwa;
14° izindi nshingano zose zagenwa na Minisitiri, iyo
bibaye ngombwa, abicishije mu Iteka.
Uburyo iryo genzura rikorwa bigenwa n‘Iteka rya
present any document providing details as
to what is required by the Authority‘s
report beforehand to the Authority and in
writing any changes, damage, increase or
decrease of tanks and pumps;
make a declaration to the Authority as
regards any premise used for the sale oil
7° have underground tanks be tested;
have pumps be inspected and present their
related standards certificate;
store and sell oil products that are
contained in tested underground tanks or any
other tested types of store;
10° have standards certificates for meters of
pumps meant for oil products selling;
11° allow easy access for experts or those
representing the Agency endowed with
expertise in testing whether underground
tanks, pumps or meters respect standards;
12° allow easy access to an authorized officer
sent by the Commissioner General to carry
out relevant inspection in a given petrol
13° authorize any qualified person to carry
out any activity or check whether legal
provisions are respected;
14° any other attribution as may be assigned
to by the Minister where necessary and by
way of an order.
Modalities for carrying out such inspection shall
be determined by an Order of the Minister
montrer toute pièce requérant les explications de la
part de l‘inspection de l‘Office ;
informer, au préalable, l‘Office, par écrit, de tout
changement, détérioration, extension ou réduction des
citernes et des pompes ;
informer l‘Office de tout bâtiment utilisé au
commerce des produits pétroliers;
faire contrôler les citernes souterraines contenant les
produits pétroliers ;
faire contrôler les pompes et montrer leur certificat
de normalisation ;
stocker et vendre les produits pétroliers dans des
citernes souterraines ou dans des autres entrepôts
consolés ;
10° disposer des certificats de normalisation des
compteurs de pompes utilisées au commerce des
produits pétroliers ;
11° accepter les experts ou les représentants d‘une
Agence ayant l‘expertise dans les activités de contrôler
les standards d‘une citerne souterraine ou de certifier
les standards d‘une pompe ou des compteurs ;
12° permettre à l‘agent ayant l‘autorisation du
Commissaire Général l‘accès dans les locaux d‘une
station à des fins de contrôle de cette station;
13° permettre l‘accès à l‘agent qualifié qui veut
effectuer une quelconque activité ou vérifier si les lois
sont respectées;
14° toutes les autres tâches déterminées par le Ministre
par arrêté en cas de besoin.
Les modalités de ce contrôle sont déterminées par
arrêté du Ministre.
Ingigo ya 33:
Umusoreshwa utubahiriza ibikubiye mu ngingo ya 32
y‘iri tegeko, ahanishwa ihazabu itarengeje ibihumbi
bibiri magana atanu (2.500) by‘igipimo cy‘igihano.
Umusoreshwa unyereza imisoro yakwa ku bihahwa
bikomoka kuri peteroli yishyura imisoro igomba
gutangwa hamwe n‘ihazabu iri hagati y‘inshuro imwe
n‘icumi (10) z‘imisoro yanyerejwe.
Article 33:
A taxpayer who fails to comply with the
provisions of article 32 of this law shall be
liable to a fine not exceeding two thousand
and five hundred (2500) penalty units.
A taxpayer evading to pay taxes on oil
products shall be liable to pay the due taxes
together with a fine ranging between one and
ten (10) times the evaded taxes.
Article 33 :
Le contribuable qui ne respecte pas les dispositions de
l‘article 32 de la présente loi est passible d‘une amende
n‘excédant pas deux mille cinq cents (2.500) unités.
Le contribuable qui ne paie pas les droits d‘accise des
produits pétroliers est tenu de payer la taxe due et une
amende allant d‘une fois à dix (10) fois les taxes
Ingingo ya 34:
(Nk’uko yahinduwe kandi yuzuzwa n’ingingo ya 3
y’itegeko 10/2008 ryo kuwa 05/05/2008 rihindura
kandi ryuzuza itegeko 26/2006 ryo kuwa 27/05/2006
rigena kandi rishyiraho imitunganyirize y’umusoro ku
byaguzwe wakwa ku bicuruzwa bimwe na bimwe
bitumijwe mu mahanga n’ibikorerwa mu rwanda, Igazeti
ya Leta no 12 yo kuwa 15 Kamena 2008)
Umusoreshwa watinze gutangira igihe imenyekanisha
y'umusoro, ahanishwa amahazabu ahwanye na magana
atanu (500) by‘igipimo cy‘igihano.
Umusoreshwa utishyuye umusoro mu gihe cyagenwe
n‘amategeko, ahanishwa amahazabu ahwanye na magana
atanu (500) by‘igipimo cy‘igihano hiyongeyeho inyungu
z‘ubukerererwe zingana na 1,5 % zibarwa buri gihe
Inyungu z‘ubukerererwe ntizishobora kurenga ijana ku
ijana (100 %) by‘umusoro wagombaga gutangwa.
Article 34:
As modified and completed by article 3 of the
law 10/2008 of 05/05/2008 modifying and
complementing law 26/2006 of 27/05/2006
determining and establishing consumption tax
on some imported and locally manufactured
A taxpayer who delays to remit his or her
declaration, is liable to a fine of five hundred
(500) penalty units.
A taxpayer who fails to remit the tax due
within the prescribed period is liable to a fine
of five hundred (500) penalty units together
with a late payment interest of 1.5% for each
declaration period.
Interest accrued can not exceed one hundred
per cent (100%) of the due amount of tax.
Article 34 :
Tel que modifie et complete par l’article 3 de la loi no
10/2008 du 05/05/2008 modifiant et completant la loi
26/2006 du 27/05/2006 portant organisation et
instauration du droit d’accises sur certains produits
importes et de fabrication locale
Le contribuable qui ne dépose pas sa déclaration dans
le délai imparti, est passible d‘une amende de cinq
cents (500) unités.
Le contribuable qui ne paie pas la taxe dans les délais
fixés par la loi est passible d‘une amende de cinq cents
(500) unités, plus les intérêts de retard de 1,5 % pour
chaque période de déclaration.
Les intérêts de retard ne peuvent pas dépasser cent pour
cent (100%) du montant de l‘impôt dû.
Ingingo ya 35:
Bitabangamiye amategeko akurikizwa, umuntu wese
Article 35:
Without prejudice to the existing laws, any
Article 35 :
Sans préjudice des lois en vigueur, toute personne qui
ukoze imenyekanisha, utanze inyandiko cyangwa
ibisobanuro, ukoze raporo yanditse, birimo uburiganya
ubwo ari bwo bwose, aba akoze icyaha; ahanishwa
amahazabu atarenze ibihumbi bitanu (5.000) by‘igipimo
person who makes fraudulent declaration,
furnishes fraudulent document or
misinformation, or makes fraudulent written
report or any other act commits an offence
and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five
thousand (5000) penalty units.
fait une fausse déclaration, fournit un document ou
information falsifiés, fait un rapport par écrit
délibérément frauduleux,
commet une infraction ; il est passible d‘une amende
n‘excédant pas cinq mille (5000) unités d‘amende.
Ingingo ya 36:
Umuntu wese udakurikiza ibivugwa mu ngingo ya 9, iya
11, iya 23, iya 24, iya 25 n‘iya 26 z‘iri tegeko cyangwa
uhutaza, ubangamira, ubuza cyangwa wangira umukozi
uwo ari we wese wemewe gushyira mu bikorwa
inshingano ahabwa n‘iri tegeko, aba akoze icyaha;
ahanishwa ihazabu itarengeje ibihumbi bitanu (5.000)
by‘igipimo cy‘igihano cyangwa gufungwa igihe kiri
hagati y‘amezi atandatu (6) n‘imyaka ibiri (2) cyangwa
kimwe muri ibyo bihano.
Article 36:
Any person who fails to abide by the
provisions of articles 9, 11, 23, 24, 25 and 26
of this law or assaults, obstructs, hinders or
resists an authorized officer in the exercise or
performance of any duties he or she assigned
to under this law commits an offence and
shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five
thousand (5000) penalty units or to an
imprisonment of between six (6) months and
two (2) years or one of the two penalties.
Article 36 :
Toute personne qui ne respecte pas les dispositions des
articles 9, 11, 23, 24, 25 et 26 de la présente loi ou qui
agresse, fait obstruction, entrave ou résiste à tout agent
autorisé à assumer les tâches lui conférées par la
présente loi, commet une infraction passible d‘une
amende n‘excédant pas cinq mille (5000) unités ou
d‘un emprisonnement d‘une période de six (6) mois à
deux (2) ans ou de lune de ces peines.
Ingingo ya 37:
Aba akoze icyaha kandi ahanishwa ihazabu itarenze
ibihumbi bitanu (5.000) by‘igipimo cy‘igihano cyangwa
igifungo kiri hagati y‘amezi atandatu n‘umwaka umwe,
umunyenganda ukorera mu Rwanda ibicuruzwa
bitangwaho umusoro ku byaguzwe, cyangwa ubitumiza
mu mahanga iyo:
atandika mu bitabo byagenewe kwandikwamo
amatembure y‘umusoro ku byaguzwe kandi adafite
ububiko bw‘inyandiko cyangwa inyandiko iyo ari yo
yose ibyerekeye;
atohereza ibyegeranyo byimikoreshereze
y‘amatembure y‘umusoro mu gihe cyagenwe;
3° adashyira amatembure y‘umusoro ku byaguzwe ku
bicuruzwa ku buryo aba yometseho neza;
yongera ikindi kintu ku bimenyetso biranga
amatembure y‘umusoro ku byaguzwe cyangwa ayonona;
yohereza icyegeranyo cy‘imikoshereze y‘amatembure
Article 37:
Shall be deemed offender and liable to a fine
not exceeding five thousand (5000) penalty
units or to an imprisonment of between six (6)
months and one (1) year any domestic
manufacturer and importer of taxable
products who:
fails to keep tax stamp registers, records or
any other documents;
fails to submit tax stamp reconciliation
statements within the prescribed period;
fails to affix tax stamps to a taxable
product in a secure manner;
makes an overprint or defaces tax stamps
affixed on taxable products; or
submits an incorrect or incomplete tax
Article 37 :
Commet une infraction passible d‘une amende
n‘excédant pas cinq mille (5000) unités d‘amende ou
d‘un emprisonnement d‘une période de six (6) mois à
un an, le fabricant ou l‘importateur des produits
taxables de droit d‘accise qui :
ne tient pas les registres de vignettes fiscales, les
archives ou tout autre document ;
n‘envoie pas les états de rapprochement des
vignettes fiscales ;
ne colle pas les vignettes fiscales sur les produits
assujettis à la taxe de façon sûre ;
surcharge ou abîme les inscriptions de vignettes
fiscales ;
envoie un état de rapprochement incorrect ou
y‘umusoro ku byaguzwe kirimo ibintu bikosheje
cyangwa bituzuye;
hari andi makosa yagaragara arebana n‘imiterere
n‘imikoreshereze y‘amatembure yumusoro.
Icyo gihano gihanishwa umuntu wese ucuruza
ibicuruzwa bitangwaho umusoro ku byaguzwe bidafite
amatembure y‘umusoro.
Ingingo ya 37 bis: Ihanwa ry‟uwinjiza ibintu
(Nk’uko yashizweho n’ingingo ya 4 y’itegeko 10/2008
ryo kuwa 05/05/2008 rihindura kandi ryuzuza itegeko
26/2006 ryo kuwa 27/05/2006 rigena kandi rishyiraho
imitunganyirize y’umusoro ku byaguzwe wakwa ku
bicuruzwa bimwe na bimwe bitumijwe mu mahanga
n’ibikorerwa mu rwanda, Igazeti ya Leta n
12 yo kuwa
15 Kamena 2008)
Umuntu wese winjiza, ku buryo bwa magendu, ibintu
bicibwa umusoro ku byaguzwe ahanishwa ihazabu
ingana n‘ijana ku ijana (100 %) by‘umusoro yagombaga
stamp reconciliation statement;
6° commits any other fraudulent act regarding
the nature and usage of tax stamps.
The same penalty shall apply to any dealer of
taxable products on which tax stamps are not
Article 37 bis: Fine for Smuggler
(As provided by article 3 of the law
10/2008 of 05/05/2008 modifying and
complementing law 26/2006 of 27/05/2006
determining and establishing consumption tax
on some imported and locally manufactured
products, O.G.n
12 of 15 june 2008)
A person who smuggles goods subject to
consumption tax is liable to a fine of a
hundred percent (100%) of the tax due.
incomplet de vignettes fiscales ;
commet d‘autres infractions en rapport avec la
nature et l‘utilisation de vignettes fiscales.
La même sanction s‘appliquera à toute personne qui
vend des produits taxables non revêtus des vignettes
Article 37 bis : Amende contre le contrebandier
(Tel que prevu par l’article 4 de la loi n
10/2008 du
05/05/2008 modifiant et completant la loi 26/2006
du 27/05/2006 portant organisation et instauration du
droit d’accises sur certains produits importes et de
fabrication locale, J.O. n
12 du 15 juin 2008)
Une personne qui se rend coupable de la contrebande
des marchandises imposables au droit d‘accises est
passible d‘une amende de cent pour cent (100%) de
l‘impôt dû.
Ingingo ya 38:
Iyo bitabangamiye iri tegeko, ingingo z‘itegeko rigena
imitunganyirize y‘isoresha zikurikizwa mu musoro ku
Article 38:
Without prejudice to the provisions of the
law, provisions of the law on tax procedures
shall apply.
Article 38 :
Sans préjudice de la présente loi, les dispositions de la
loi portant création des procédures fiscales sont
appliquées au droit d‘accise.
Ingingo ya 39:
Ingingo zose z‘andi mategeko abanziriza iri kandi
zinyuranyije na ryo, cyane cyane itegeko nº 18/98 ryo ku
wa 31/12/1998 rihindura ibipimo by‘umusoro ku
byaguzwe wakwa ku bicuruzwa bimwe na bimwe
bitumijwe mu mahanga n‘ibikorerwa mu Rwanda nk‘uko
ryahinduwe kandi ryujujwe kugeza ubu, bivanyweho.
Article 39:
All previous legal provisions contrary to this
law, especially the law n◦ 18/98 of
31/12/1998 modifying the consumption tax
rates to be collected upon some imported and
locally manufactured products as modified
and complemented to date, are hereby
Article 39 :
Toutes les dispositions légales antérieures contraires à
la présente loi, spécialement la Loi 18/98 du
31/12/1998 modifiant les taux de la taxe de
consommation à percevoir sur certains produits
importés et de fabrication locale telle que modifiée et
complétée à ce jour, sont abrogées.
Ingingo ya 40:
Iri tegeko ritangira gukurikizwa ku munsi ritangarijweho
mu Igazeti ya Leta ya Repubulika y‘u Rwanda
Kigali, kuwa 27/05/2006
Article 40:
This law shall come into force on the date of
its publication in the Official Gazette of the
Republic of Rwanda.
Kigali, on 27/05/2006
Article 40 :
La présente loi entre en vigueur le jour de sa
publication au Journal Officiel de la République du
Kigali, le 27/05/2006
Perezida wa Repubulika
Minisitiri w‘Intebe
MAKUZA Bernard
The President of the Republic
The Prime Minister
MAKUZA Bernard
Le Président de la République
Le Premier Ministre
MAKUZA Bernard
Minisitiri w‘Imari n‘Igenamigambi
Ministiri w‘Ubucuruzi, Inganda, Guteza imbere
Ishoramari, Ubukerarugendo n‘Amakoperative
MITALI Protais
Bibonywe kandi bishyizweho Ikirango cya Repubulika:
Minisitiri w‘Ubutabera
The Minister of Finance and Economic
The Minister of Commerce, Industry,
Investment Promotion, Tourism and
MITALI Protais
Seen and sealed with the Seal of the Republic:
The Minister of Justice
Le Ministre des Finances et de la Planification
Le Ministre du Commerce, de l‘Industrie, de la
Promotion de l‘Investissement,
du Tourisme et des Coopératives
MITALI Protais
Vu et scellé du Sceau de la République :
Le Ministre de la Justice
Minisitiri w‟Imari n‟Igenamigambi,
Ashingiye ku Itegeko Nshinga rya Repubulika y‘u
Rwanda ryo kuwa 04 Kamena 2003 nk‘uko
ryavuguruwe kugeza ubu, cyane cyane mu ngingo
zaryo, iya 120 n‘iya 201;
Ashingiye ku Itegeko 26/2006 ryo kuwa
27/05/2006 rigena kandi rishyiraho
imitunganyirize y‘umusoro ku byaguzwe
wakwa ku bicuruzwa bimwe na bimwe
bitumijwe mu mahanga n‘ibikorerwa mu
Rwanda, cyane cyane mu ngingo zaryo, iya 10,
iya 12 n‘iya 27;
Inama y‘Abaminisitiri yateranye kuwa
31/10/2008 imaze kubisuzuma no kubyemeza;
Ingingo ya mbere : Icyo iri teka rigamije
Iri teka rigamije gushyira mu bikorwa Itegeko
26/2006 OF 27/05/2006 DETERMINING AND
The Minister of Finance and Economic
Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of
Rwanda of 04 June 2003 as amended to date,
especially in Articles 120 and 201;
Pursuant to Law n
26/2006 of 27/05/2006
determining and establishing consumption tax
on some imported and locally manufactured
products, especially in Articles 10, 12 and 27;
After consideration and approval by the Cabinet
in its session of 31/10/2008;
Article One: Purpose of this Order
This Order implements Law n
26/2006 of
27/05/2006 determining and establishing
20/08/2010 PORTANT MISE EN
Le Ministre des Finances et de la Planification
Vu la Constitution de la République du Rwanda du 04 juin
2003, telle que révisée à ce jour, spécialement en ses
articles 120 et 201;
Vu la Loi 26/2006 du 27/05/2006 portant
organisation et instauration du droit d‘accise sur
certains produits importés et de fabrication
locale, spécialement en ses articles 10, 12 et 27;
Après examen et adoption par le Conseil des Ministres en
sa séance du 31/10/2008;
Article Premier: Objet du présent arrêté
Le présent arrêté met en application la Loi 26/2006 du
27/05/2006 portant organisation et instauration du droit
26/2006 ryo ku wa 27/05/2006 rigena kandi
rishyiraho imitunganyirize y‘umusoro ku
byaguzwe wakwa ku bicuruzwa bimwe na bimwe
bitumijwe mu mahanga n‘ibikorerwa mu Rwanda.
Ingingo ya 2 : Ibisobanuro by‟amagambo
Muri iri teka amagambo akurikira afite
ibisobanuro bikurikira:
“Itembure y‟umusoro” ni ikimenyetso,
cyemezwa n‘Ikigo kigashyirwa ku gihahwa
gicibwa umusoro ku byaguzwe.
“Umucapyi” ni ugurisha amatembure y‘umusoro
wemezwa n‘Ikigo.
―Ikigo‖ ni Ikigo cy‘Imisoro n‘Amahoro.
Ingingo ya 3 : Gushyira amatembure y‟imisoro
ku bicuruzwa
Abakora n‘abatumiza mu mahanga itabi, vino
cyangwa likeri basabwa kubishyiraho
amatembure y‘imisoro.
Ingingo ya 4 : Gukoresha amatembure
Ikigo gishinzwe gukoresha no gutanga
amatembure y‘imisoro.
consumption tax on some imported and locally
manufactured products.
Article 2: Definitions
The following words shall have the following
meanings in this Order:
“Tax stamp” means a stamp approved by the
Authority to be affixed to the taxable product.
“Printer” means the supplier of the tax stamps
designated by the Authority.
―Authority‖ is the Rwanda Revenue Authority.
Article 3: Affix tax stamp
Manufactures and importers of cigarettes, wines
or liquors are required to affix on them tax
Article 4 : Supply of tax stamps
The Authority shall supply and procure tax
d‘accise sur certains produits importés et de fabrication
Article 2: Définitions
Aux fins du présent arrêté, les expressions suivantes sont
interprétées de la manière suivante:
“ Vignette fiscale” signifie une vignette approuvée par
l‘Office pour être apposée au produit taxable.
―Imprimeur‖ signifie le fournisseur des vignettes fiscales
désigné par l‘Office.
―L‘Office‖ signifie l‘Office Rwandais des Recettes.
Article 3: Apposition des vignettes fiscales
Les fabricants et importateurs des cigarettes, des vins ou
des liqueurs sont tenus d‘y apposer des vignettes fiscales.
Article 4 : Approvisionnement des vignettes fiscales
L‘Office est chargé d‘approvisionner les vignettes fiscales.
Ingingo ya 5: Uburyo bwo gukoresha no
gutanga amatembure y‟imisoro
Uburyo bukurikira nibwo bukurikizwa mu
gukoresha no gutanga amatembure y‘imisoro :
1º Utumije mu mahanga itabi, likeri cyangwa vino
akura amatembure mu Kigo;
Ikigo giha umucapyi ububasha bwo gutanga
amatembure mu buryo butaziguye ukora itabi,
likeri na vino bisabwe n‘utumiza mu mahanga;
Iyo itabi, likeri cyangwa vino byakorewe mu
Rwanda, Ikigo gitanga kandi gihorana ububiko
buhagije bw‘amatembure yo guha ababikorera mu
Ingingo ya6 : Gushyira amatembure ku
bicuruzwa mbere yo kubipakira
Ugurisha itabi, likeri cyangwa vino agomba
kubishyiraho amatembure y‘imisoro mbere yo
Ingingo ya 7 : Igenzura
Mu gihe cy‘igenzura, Ikigo gisabwa kumenyesha,
mu nyandiko, umusoreshwa ibi bikurikira :
ko azakorerwa igenzurwa nibura iminsi
irindwi (7) mbere yuko rikorwa;
Article 5: Supply and distribution of tax
Stamps procedures
The following procedures shall apply to the
supply and distribution of tax stamps :
The importer of cigarettes, liquors or wines
shall acquire stamps from the Authority;
The Authority authorises the printer to make
direct supply of tax stamps to manufacturer of
cigarettes, liquors or wines as requested by the
In case of locally manufactured cigarettes,
liquors or wines, the Authority procures and
maintains sufficient stocks of tax stamps for the
supply of local manufacturers.
Article 6 : Affix tax stamp before shipment
The supplier of cigarettes, liquors or wines is
required to affix tax stamps before shipment.
Article 7 : Audit
In case of audit, the Authority is required to
inform in writing, the taxpayer the following:
that he/she will be audited at least seven (7)
days before the audit is conducted;
Article 5 : Procédures d‟offre et de distribution des
vignettes fiscales
Les procédures suivantes s‘appliquent à l‘offre et à la
distribution de vignettes fiscales :
L‘importateur des cigarettes, des liqueurs ou des vins
reçoit de l‘Office des vignettes;
L‘Office autorise l‘imprimeur de fournir directement
des vignettes au producteur des cigarettes, des liqueurs
ou des vins à la demande de l‘importateur;
Au cas les cigarettes, les liqueurs ou les vins sont
fabriqués localement, l‘Office fournit
et maintient de stocks suffisants des vignettes
fiscales pour les fournir aux producteurs
Article 6 : Apposition avant embarquement
Le fournisseur devra apposer les vignettes fiscales sur des
cigarettes, des liqueurs ou des vins avant leur
Article 7 : Contrôle
En cas d‘audit, l‘Office est tenue d‘informer le
contribuable par écrit de ce qui suit :
1º de l‘audit au moins sept (7) jours avant ;
aho igenzura rizakorerwa n‘igihe rishobora
Ingingo ya 8 : Uburenganzira ku bitabo no ku
Abisabwe n‘umukozi wemewe, umusoreshwa
agomba kumworohereza kubona ibitabo
Ingingo ya 9: Gukosora umusoro
Iyo Ikigo gisanze hari umusoro wabazwe nabi,
utarabazwe, wagaragajwe nabi, watubijwe
cyangwa irindi kosa mu nyandiko y‘imenyesha
ry‘umusoro cyangwa mu igenzura, gifite
uburenganzira bwo
Ingingo ya 10: Inyandiko ikosora
Iyo habayeho gukosora inyandiko igena umusoro,
Ikigo cyoherereza umusoreshwa inyandiko
ikosora. Iyo nyandiko iba ikubiyemo umushinga
w'inyandiko ikosora n‘ibindi bintu byose
byashingiweho kugira ngo ikosorwa rikorwe.
Inyandiko ikosora igaragaramo amahazabu
agenwa n‘Ikigo iyo habayeho kutubahiriza
Umusoreshwa afite uburenganzira bwo
kugaragaza mu nyandiko igitekerezo cye ku
birebana n‘inyandiko ikosora mu gihe cy‘iminsi
itanu (5).
Inyandiko ikosora ishobora gutangwa mu gihe
cy‘imyaka itatu (3) uhereye ku munsi w‘iyakirwa
the place where the audit shall be conducted
and the possible duration of the audit.
Article 8: Access to books and records
Upon request by an authorized officer, the
taxpayer is obliged to give access to books and
Article 9: Rectification of assessment
When the Authority discovers a miscalculation,
an omission, a misrepresentation, an
understatement of income or any other error in
the tax declaration or an assessment, it has the
right to issue an adjusted assessment.
Article 10: Rectification note
In case the tax declaration form is rectified, the
Authority sends a rectification note to the
taxpayer. The note contains a draft of the
adjusted assessment and all the elements leading
to the adjusted assessment. The rectification note
contains fines determined by the Authority in
case of non-compliance with the law.
The taxpayer has the right to give his or her
written opinion on the rectification note within
five (5) days.
The rectification note may be issued in a period
of three (3) years, starting from the day of the
filing of the tax declaration.
de l‘endroit l‘audit doit avoir lieu et de sa durée
Article 8 : Accès aux livres et documents
Sur requête d‘un agent autorisé, le contribuable est tenu de
donner accès à des livres et documents.
Article 9: Rectification de l‟imposition
Lorsque l‘Office découvre une erreur de calcul,
une omission, une déclaration inexacte, une
sous-estimation ou toute autre erreur dans la
déclaration d‘impôt ou dans une cotisation, elle
est en droit de procéder à une rectification de
Article 10 : Avis de rectification
En cas de rectification, l‘Office transmet un avis
de rectification de l‘imposition au contribuable.
Cet avis comprend un projet de redressement
ainsi que tous les éléments qui entraînent celui-
ci. L‘avis de rectification peut comporter des
amendes administratives en cas de non-respect
de la loi.
Le contribuable a le droit de formuler, dans un délai de
cinq (5) jours, des observations et des remarques écrites
au sujet de l‘avis de rectification.
Le redressement peut être opéré pendant une période de
trois (3) ans à compter de la date de la déclaration d‘impôt.
Ingingo ya 11: Inyandiko ziherekeza
Buri menyekanisha ry‘umusoro ku byaguzwe
rigomba guherekezwa n‘impapuro zikurikira:
umubare w‘ibikoresho fatizo byakoreshejwe
mu gukora ibyo bintu bicibwa umusoro ku
umubare w‘ibintu bicibwa umusoro ku
byaguzwe byakozwe;
3º ibisigaye muri sitoki.
Ingingo ya 12 : Ivanwaho ry‟ingingo
zinyuranyije n‟iri teka
Ingingo zose z‘amateka abanziriza iri kandi
zinyuranyije naryo zivanyweho.
Ingingo ya13 : Igihe iri teka ritangira
Iri teka ritangira gukurikizwa ku munsi
ritangarijweho mu Igazeti ya Leta ya Repubulika
y‘u Rwanda.
Kigali, kuwa 20/08/2010
Article 11: Documents annexed to the
Each consumption tax declaration must
be accompanied by the following
1º quantity of raw materials used in those
manufactured products;
2º quantity of products produced;
3º products remaining in stock.
Article 12 : Repealing provision
All prior provisions contrary to this Order are
hereby repealed.
Article 13 : Commencement
This Order shall come into force on the date of
its publication in the Official Gazette of the
Republic of Rwanda.
Kigali, on 20/08/2010
Article 11: Documents annexés à la déclaration
Toute déclaration du droit d‘accise doit être accompagnée
des documents suivants:
la quantité des matières premières utilisées dans la
production des biens;
2º la quantité des biens produits;
3º les produits restant en stock.
Article 12 : Disposition abrogatoire
Toutes les dispositions antérieures contraires au présent
arrêté sont abrogées.
Article 13 : Entrée en vigueur
Le présent arrêté entre en vigueur le jour de sa publication
au Journal Officiel de la République du Rwanda.
Kigali, le 20/08/2010
Twebwe, KAGAME Paul, Perezida wa
Umutwe w‘Abadepite, mu nama yawo yo kuwa
26 Werurwe 2009;
Ishingiye ku Itegeko Nshinga rya Repubulika
y‘u Rwanda ryo kuwa 04 Kamena 2003, nk‘uko
ryavuguruwe kugeza ubu, cyane cyane mu
ngingo zaryo, iya 62, iya 66, iya 67, iya 81, iya
92, iya 93, iya 108 n‘iya 201;
Isubiye ku Itegeko-teka ryo kuwa 28/12/1973
rigena umusoro bwite, cyane cyane mu ngingo
zaryo iya 24, iya 25, iya 26, iya 27 n‘iya 28;
LAW 14/2009 OF 30/06/2009
We, KAGAME Paul, President of the
The Chamber of Deputies, in its session of 26
March 2009;
Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of
Rwanda of 04 June 2003, as amended to date,
especially in Articles 62, 66, 67, 81, 92, 93, 108
and 201;
Having reviewed the Decree law of 28/12/1973
on property tax, especially in Articles 24, 25,
26, 27 and 28;
LOI 14/2009 DU 30/06/2009 PORTANT FIXATION
Nous, KAGAME Paul, Président de la République;
La Chambre des Députés, en sa séance du 26 mars 2009;
Vu la Constitution de la République du Rwanda du 04 juin
2003 telle que révisée à ce jour, spécialement en ses articles
62, 66, 67, 81, 92, 93, 108 et 201;
Revu le Décret-loi du 28/12/1973 relatif à l‘impôt
personnel, spécialement en ses articles 24, 25, 26, 27 et 28;
Ingingo ya mbere: Icyo Itegeko rigamije
Iri tegeko rigamije gushyiraho amafaranga yo
kwandikisha ikinyabiziga.
Amafaranga yo kwandikisha ikinyabiziga
asimbura umusoro bwite, inkomoko ya gatanu
n‘ubukode bw‘icyapa byatangwaga bitarenze
kuwa 31 Werurwe buri mwaka.
Ingingo ya 2: Amafaranga yo kwandikisha
ikinyabiziga cyinjira mu Gihugu
Amafaranga yo kwandikisha ikinyabiziga,
cyinjira mu Gihugu, atangirwa muri Gasutamo
mu gihe cyo kwishyura amahoro.
Iteka rya Minisitiri ufite imari mu nshingano ze,
rigena umubare w‘amafaranga yo kwandikisha
ikinyabiziga hashingiwe ku ngufu za moteri
Iyo ayo mafaranga amaze gutangwa,
ikinyabiziga gihabwa ikarita n‘icyapa bikiranga.
Amafaranga yo kwandikisha ikinyabiziga
cyinjira mu Gihugu, yishyurwa rimwe gusa.
Article One: Purpose of this Law
This Law determines registration fees for motor
Motor vehicle registration fees hereby replace
personal property tax, the fifth tax base and
provisional number plate fees paid annually not
later than the 31st March.
Article 2: Registration fees for imported
motor vehicles
Registration fees for imported motor vehicles
shall be paid to the Customs office during the
tax clearing process.
An Order of the Minister in charge of Finance
shall determine the amount of registration fees
for motor vehicles on the basis of the engine
Upon payment of the fees, a registration
certificate and a number plate shall be issued.
Registration fees for cars imported into the
country shall be payable only once.
Article Premier: Objet de la présente loi
La présente loi a pour objet de fixer les droits
d‘enregistrement du véhicule.
Les droits d‘enregistrement du véhicule remplacent l‘impôt
personnel, la cinquième base et les frais de location de
plaque d‘immatriculation dont l‘échéance était fixée au 31
mars de chaque année.
Article 2: Droits d‟enregistrement du véhicule importé
Les droits d‘enregistrement d‘un véhicule importé sont
recouvrés à la douane lors du dédouanement.
Un arrêté du Ministre ayant les Finances dans ses
attributions détermine le montant des droits
d‘enregistrement en fonction de la puissance du moteur du
Après paiement des droits d‘enregistrement, un certificat
d‘immatriculation et une plaque d‘immatriculation sont
délivrés pour le véhicule.
Les droits d‘enregistrement pour un véhicule importé au
Rwanda ne sont exigibles qu‘une seule fois.
Ingingo ya 3: Ingingo y‟inzibacyuho
Ku bijyanye n‘ikinyabiziga gisanzwe mu
Gihugu, amafaranga yo kucyandikisha agenwa
n‘iteka rya Minisitiri ufite imari mu nshingano
ze, hitawe ku gihe cyinjiriye mu Gihugu
n‘ingufu za moteri zacyo.
Kwishyura amafaranga yo kwandikisha
ikinyabiziga gisanzwe mu Gihugu bigomba
gukorwa mu gihe kitarenze amezi atatu abarwa
uhereye ku itariki ya Mbere Mutarama 2010.
Amafaranga yo kwandikisha ikinyabiziga
gisanzwe mu Gihugu yishyurwa rimwe gusa.
Mu gihe ikinyabiziga gisanzwe mu Gihugu
gitinze kwishyurirwa amafaranga yo
kucyandikisha mu gihe giteganyijwe mu gika
cya 2 cy‘iyi ngingo, nyiracyo ahanishwa
ihazabu ingana n‘ijana ku ijana (100%)
y‘amafaranga agomba kwishyura. Agomba
kandi kwishyura inyungu z‘ubukererwe zingana
na 1.5% zibarwa buri kwezi.
Ingingo ya 4: Itegurwa n‟isuzumwa ry‟iri
Iri tegeko ryateguwe mu rurimi rw‘icyongereza,
risuzumwa kandi ritorwamu rurimi
Article 3: Transitional provision
Registration fees for a motor vehicle already
registered in the country shall be determined by
an Order of the Minister in charge of Finance
taking into consideration the time of its entry
and the engine capacity.
Payment of registration fees for a motor vehicle
already registered in the country shall be made
within a period not exceeding (3) months with
effect from 1st January 2010.
Registration fees for a motor vehicle already
registered in the country shall be payable only
In case of delayed payment for registration fees
for a motor vehicle already registered in the
country as stipulated in paragraph 2 of this
Article, the car owner shall be liable to a fine
equal to a hundred per cent (100%) of the
amount payable. Additionally, he/she shall also
be required to pay a late payment interest of
1.5% calculated on a monthly basis.
Article 4: Drafting and consideration of this
This Law was drafted in English, considered
and adopted in Kinyarwanda.
Article 3: Disposition transitoire
Les droits d‘enregistrement pour un véhicule jà
immatriculé au Rwanda sont déterminés par Arrêté du
Ministre ayant les Finances dans ses attributions en fonction
de l‘année d‘entrée au pays et de la puissance du moteur du
Le paiement des droits d‘enregistrement pour un véhicule
déjà immatriculé au Rwanda doit se faire endéans un délai
de trois (3) mois à compter du 01 janvier 2010.
Les droits d‘enregistrement pour un véhicule déjà enregist
au Rwanda ne sont exigibles qu‘une seule fois.
En cas de retard de payement des droits d‘enregistrement
d‘un véhicule déjà immatriculé au Rwanda dans le délai
prévu à l‘alinéa 2 du présent article, son propriétaire est
passible d‘une amende de cent pour cent (100%) des droits
dont il est redevable . Il est en outre tenu de payer les
intérêts de retard de 1.5% calculés mensuellement.
Article 4: Initiation et examen de la présente loi
La présente loi a été initiée en anglais, examinée et adoptée
en Kinyarwanda.
Ingingo ya 5: Ivanwaho ry‟ingingo
zinyuranyije n‟iri tegeko
Ingingo zose z‘amategeko abanziriza iri kandi
zinyuranyije na ryo zivanyweho.
Ingingo ya 6: Igihe iri tegeko ritangira
Iri tegeko ritangira gukurikizwa ku munsi
ritangarijweho mu Igazeti ya Leta ya
Repubulika yu Rwanda.
Kigali, kuwa 30/06/2009
Perezida wa Repubulika
MAKUZA Bernard
Minisitiri w‘Intebe
Bibonywe kandi bishyizweho Ikirango cya
Minisitiri w‘Ubutabera/ Intumwa Nkuru ya Leta
Article 5: Repealing provision
All prior legal provisions inconsistent with this
Law are hereby repealed.
Article 6: Commencement
This Law shall come into force on the date of its
publication in the Official Gazette of the
Republic of Rwanda.
Kigali, on 30/06/2009
President of the Republic
MAKUZA Bernard
Prime Minister
Seen and sealed with the Seal of the
Minister of Justice/ Attorney General
Article 5: Disposition abrogatoire
Toutes les dispositions légales antérieures contraires à la
présente loi sont abrogées.
Article 6: Entrée en vigueur
La présente loi entre en vigueur le jour de sa publication au
Journal Officiel de la République du Rwanda.
Kigali, le 30/06/2009
Président de la République
MAKUZA Bernard
Premier Ministre
Vu et scellé du Sceau de la République :
KARUGARAMA Tharcisse Ministre de la Justice/ Garde
des Sceaux
Minisitiri w‟Imari n‟Igenamigambi,
Ashingiye ku Itegeko Nshinga rya Repubulika y‘u
Rwanda ryo kuwa 04 Kamena 2003, nk‘uko
ryavuguruwe kugeza ubu, cyane cyane mu ngingo
zaryo iya 120, iya 121 n‘iya 201;
Ashingiye ku Itegeko 14/2009 ryo kuwa
30/06/2009 rishyiraho amafaranga yo kwandikisha
ikinyabiziga, cyane cyane mu ngingo zaryo iya 2
n‘iya 3 ;
Inama y‘Abaminisitiri, yateranye kuwa 11/11/2009
imaze kubisuzuma no kubyemeza;
Ingingo ya mbere : Icyo iri teka rigamije
Iri teka rigena umubare w‘amafaranga yo
kwandikisha ikinyabiziga cyinjira n‘igisanzwe mu
Ingingo ya 2 : Amafaranga yo kwandikisha
ikinyabiziga cyinjira mu Gihugu
Amafaranga yo kwandikisha ikinyabiziga cyinjira
mu Gihugu abarwa hashingiwe ku ngufu za moteri
The Minister of Finance and Economic
Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of
Rwanda of 04 June 2003, as amended to date,
especially in Articles 120, 121 and 201;
Pursuant to Law 14/2009 of 30/06/2009
determining motor vehicle registration fees,
especially in Articles 2 and 3;
After consideration and approval by the Cabinet in
its session of 11/11/2009;
Article One: Purpose of this Order
This Order determines the amount of registration
fees for imported and already registered vehicles in
Article 2: Registration fees for imported motor
Registration fees for imported motor vehicles are
determined on the basis of engine capacity as
Le Ministre des Finances et de la Planification
Vu la Constitution de la République du Rwanda du
04 juin 2003, telle que révisée à ce jour,
spécialement en ses articles 120, 121 et 201;
Vu la Loi 14/2009 du 30/06/2009 portant
fixation des droits d‘enregistrement du véhicule,
spécialement en ses articles 2 et 3;
Après examen et adoption par le Conseil des
Ministres en sa séance du 11/11/2009 ;
Article Premier : Objet du présent arrê
Le présent arrêté fixe le montant des droits
d‘enregistrement des véhicules importés et ceux
immatricules dé au Rwanda.
Article 2 : Droits d‟enregistrement pour des
véhicules importés
Les droits d‘immatriculation des véhicules importés
sont déterminés en fonction de la puissance du
zacyo mu buryo bukurikira:
Ingingo ya 3 : Amafaranga yo kwandikisha
ikinyabiziga gisanzwe mu Rwanda
Amafaranga yishyurwa ku kinyabiziga gisanzwe mu
Rwanda angana n‘umusoro bwite hiyongereyeho
ubukode bw‘icyapa ikinyabiziga cyishyuye muri
Uyu mubare uziyongera hashingiwe ku gihe
ikinyabiziga cyinjiriye mu Rwanda.
Ku mamodoka yinjiye mu Gihugu mbere no mu
mwaka wa 2006 ayo mafaranga yikuba inshuro
Ku mamodoka yinjiye mu Gihugu hagati ya 2007 na
2008 ayo mafaranga yikuba inshuro ebyiri.
Naho ku mamodoka yinjiye mu Gihugu muri 2009
ayo mafaranga yikuba inshuro eshatu.
Ingufu za moteri (cc)
no kurenga
Article 3: Registration fees for a motor vehicle
already registered in Rwanda
Registration fees for a motor vehicle already
registered in Rwanda is equivalent to an amount
paid on property tax and rent on number plate in
This amount is multiplied by a coefficient based on
date when a motor vehicle entered into Rwanda.
For motor vehicles imported before and during the
year 2006, the amount is multiplied by one.
For motor vehicles imported from 2007 to 2008,
the amount is multiplied by two.
For motor vehicles imported in 2009, the amount is
multiplied by three.
Engine power ( cc)
and above
moteur de la manière suivante :
Article 3 : Droits d‟enregistrement pour un
véhicule déjà immatriculé au Rwanda
Les droits d‘enregistrement pour un véhicule déjà
immatriculé au Rwanda est équivalent à la somme
de l‘impôt personnel et les frais de location plaque
que ce véhicule a payé en 2009.
Ce montant est multiplié par un coefficient en
fonction de la date à laquelle ce véhicule est entré
au Rwanda.
Pour les véhicules importés avant et au cours de
l‘an 2006, ce montant est multiplié par un.
Pour les véhicules importés entre 2007 et 2008, ce
montant est multiplié par deux.
Pour les véhicules importés en 2009, ce montant est
multiplié par trois.
Puissance du moteur ( cc)
et plus
Véhicule spécial
Ingingo ya 4 : Amafaranga yo kwandikisha
ikinyabiziga gifite icyapa cyanditseho amazina
y‟umuntu cyangwa ay‟isosiyete
Ikinyabiziga gifite icyapa cyanditseho amazina
y‘umuntu cyangwa ay‘isosiyete cyishyura
amafaranga yo kucyandikisha angana na miliyoni
ebyiri z‘amafaranga y‘u Rwanda (2.000.000 Frw).
Ingingo ya 5: Aho amafaranga yo kwandikisha
ikinyabiziga yishyurirwa
Amafaranga yo kwandikisha ikinyabiziga cyinjira
mu Gihugu yishyurirwa muri Gasutamo mu gihe cyo
kumenyekanisha ikinyabiziga. Iyo amafaranga
amaze kwishyurwa, Gasutamo itanga ikarita yo
Amafaranga yo kwandikisha ikinyabiziga gisanzwe
mu Rwanda atangirwa mu Ishami ry‘Imisoro
y‘Imbere mu Gihugu.
Amafaranga yo kwandikisha ikinyabiziga atangwa
rimwe gusa haba ku kinjira mu Gihugu haba
n‘igisanzwe mu Gihugu.
Ingingo ya 6: Ivanwaho ry‟ingingo z‟amateka
zinyuranyije n‟iri teka
Ingingo zose z‘amateka zibanziriza iri kandi
zinyuranyije na ryo zivanyweho.
Article 4: Registration fees for personalised
motor vehicles number plates
For motor vehicles with personalised number plates
registration fees is fixed at two million Rwandan
francs (2,000,000 Rwf).
Article 5: Place of payment of registration fees
Registration fees for imported motor vehicles are
paid at Customs during the declaration process.
Upon payment, Customs issues a registration card.
Registration fees for motor vehicles already
registered in Rwanda are paid at Domestic taxes
The registration fees are paid only once for both
imported and already registered motor vehicles in
Article 6: Repealing provision
All prior provisions contrary to this order are
hereby repealed.
Article 4 : Droits d‟enregistrement pour les
véhicules dont les plaques sont personnalisées
Pour le véhicule dont la plaque est personnalisée les
droits d‘enregistrement sont fixés à deux millions
de francs rwandais (2.000.000 Frw).
Article 5: Lieu de payement les droits
Les droits d‘enregistrement pour les véhicules
importés sont payés à la Douane lors du
dédouanement. Après payement, la Douane alloue
une carte d‘immatriculation.
Les droits d‘enregistrement pour les véhicules déjà
immatriculés au Rwanda sont payés au
Département des Recettes Internes.
Le payement des droits d‘enregistrement se fait une
seule fois pour les véhicules importés et pour ceux
qui sont déjà enregistrés au Rwanda.
Article 6: Disposition abrogatoire
Toutes les dispositions antérieures contraires au
présent arrêté sont abrogées.
Ingingo ya 7: Igihe iteka ritangira gukurikizwa
Iri teka ritangira gukurikizwa ku munsi
ritangarijweho mu Igazeti ya Leta ya Repubulika y‘u
Kigali, kuwa 01/12/2009
Minisitiri w‘Imari n‘Igenamigambi
Bibonywe kandi bishyizweho Ikirango cya
Repubulika :
Minisitiri w‘Ubutabera/ Intumwa Nkuru ya Leta
Article 7: Commencement
This Order shall come into force on the date of its
publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic
of Rwanda.
Kigali, on 01/12/2009
Minister of Finance and Economic Planning
Seen and sealed with the Seal of the Republic:
Minister of Justice/ Attorney General
Article 7 : Entrée en vigueur
Le présent arrêté entre en vigueur le jour de sa
publication au Journal Officiel de la République du
Kigali, le 01/12/2009
Ministre des Finances et de la Planification
Vu et scellé du Sceau de la République :
Ministre de la Justice/ Garde des Sceaux
29/2012 RYO KUWA
Twebwe, KAGAME Paul,
Perezida wa Repubulika;
Umutwe w'Abadepite, mu nama yawo yo
26 Kamena 2012;
Ishingiye ku Itegeko Nshinga rya Repubulika
y'u Rwanda ryo kuwa 04 Kamena 2003 nk'uko
ryavuguruwe kugeza ubu, cyane cyane mu
ngingo zaryo, iya 62, iya 66, iya 67, iya 81, iya
90, iya 92, iya 93, iya 94, iya 108 n‘iya 201;
Ishingiye ku Itegeko n° 25/2005 ryo kuwa 04
Ukuboza 2005 rigena
imitunganyirize y‘isoresha nk‘uko ryahinduwe
kandi ryujujwe kugeza ubu;
Ishingiye ku Itegeko 08/2009 ryo kuwa 27 Mata
2009 rigena imiterere, imikorere
n‘inshingano by‘Ikigo cy‘Imisoro n‘Amahoro
29/2012 OF
We, KAGAME Paul,
President of the Republic;
The Chamber of Deputies in its session of 26 June
Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of
Rwanda of 04 June 2003 as amended to date,
especially in Articles 62, 66, 67, 81, 90, 92,
94, 108 and 201;
Pursuant to Law 25/2005 of 04 December
on tax procedures as modified and
complemented to date;
Pursuant to Law 08/2009 of 27 April 2009
determining the organization, functioning and
responsibilities of Rwanda Revenue Authority
29/2012 DU 27/07/2012
Nous, KAGAME Paul,
Président de lapublique;
La Chambre des putés, en sa séance du 26
juin 2012;
Vu la Constitution de la République du Rwanda
04 juin 2003 telle que révisée à ce jour,
spécialement en ses articles 62, 66, 67, 81, 90,
92, 93, 94, 108 et 201;
Vu la Loi 25/2005 du 04 décembre 2005
portant création des procédures fiscales telle
que modifiée et complétée à ce jour;
Vu la Loi n° 08/2009 du 27 avril 2009 portant
organisation, fonctionnement et attributions de
l‘Office Rwandais des Recettes
(RRA), cyane cyane mu ngingo yaryo ya 3;
Ishingiye ku Itegeko n° 58/2011 ryo kuwa 31
Ukuboza 2011 rigenga ibikorwa by‘imikino
Ingingo ya mbere: Icyo iri tegeko rigamije
Iri tegeko rishyiraho umusoro wihariye ku
mikino y‘amahirwe.
Ingingo ya 2: Ibisobanuro by‟amagambo
Muri iri tegeko, amagambo akurikira
asobanurwa ku buryo bukurikira:
ibihembo byatsindiwe: amafaranga ayo ari yo
yose, igicuruzwa, umutungo, sheki,
igurizwa ku buryo bwa
elegitoronike bwakiriwe,
ideni, ikimenyetso cy‘agaciro, itike cyangwa
kintu icyo aricyo cyose kirengeje
kanditse cyakiriwe n‘umukinnyi
n‘ubuhanga bwe cyangwa se ubw‘ukoresha,
ikoresha ry‘amahirwe cyangwa byombi;
2 º imikino y‟amahirwe:
umukino wose
hakoreshejwe amakarita, utubumbe
nyinshi, amatike, ibikoresho
cyangwa ibintu byose
bikoresha ingufu za mekanike, iz‘amashanyarazi
cyangwa elegitoroniki cyangwa imashini
(RRA), especially in Article 3;
Pursuant to Law n° 58/2011 of 31 December 2011
governing the gaming activities;
Article One: Purpose of this Law
This Law establishes a special tax on gaming
Article 2: Definitions of terms
In this Law, the following terms mean:
any money, merchandise,
property, a cheque, credit, electronic credit
collected, a debit, a token, a ticket
or anything
else of more than nominal
value received by a
player whether as a
result of the skill of the
player or
operator, the application of the
of chance and or both;
2 º gaming activities: any game played
cards, dices, tickets, equipment or
mechanical, electronic or electromechanical device
or machine for money, property, cheque, credit or
spécialement en son article 3;
Vu la Loi n° 58/2011 du 31 cembre 2011
régissant les activis de jeux de hasard;
Article premier: Objet de la présente loi
La présente loi instaure la taxe spéciale sur les
jeux de hasard.
Article 2:finitions des termes
Dans la présente loi, les termes ci-après sont
finis comme suit:
1 º gains: toute somme d‘argent, marchandise,
bien, chèque, crédit, crédit
électronique, débit,
jeton, ticket ou toute
autre chose d‘une valeur
nominale reçue par
un joueur que ce soit en vertu
des qualités
du joueur ou de l‘opérateur, de
l‘application de l‘élément de chance ou les deux à
la fois;
2 º jeux de hasard: toute forme de jeu joué au
moyen de cartes, dés, tickets, équipement
tout autre outil mécanique, électronique
ou électromécanique ou machine pour
argent, bien ou patrimoine, chèque, crédit
y‘amafaranga, umutungo, sheki, igurizwa cyangwa
ikarita y‘igurizwa cyangwa ikintu cyose gisimbura
integano: umubare w‘amafaranga cyangwa
ikindi kintu cy‘agaciro cyategewe ku kintu ariko
ikizavamo kitaramenyekana;
umusoreshwa: umuntu wese ukoresha
imikino y‘amahirwe usabwa gusora
umusoro ku
mikino y‘amahirwe.
Ingingo ya 3: Ibarwa ry‟umusoro ku mikino
Umusoro wakwa ku mikino y‘amahirwe ubarwa ku
kinyuranyo hagati y‘amafaranga
yakiriwe n‘umusoreshwa havanywemo ibihembo
Igipimo fatizo cy‘umusoro ku mikino
y‘amahirwe kingana na cumi na gatatu ku
(13%) yakwa ku mafaranga yavuzwe mu gika
kibanziriza iki.
Ingingo ya 4: Kumenyekanisha no
umusoro ku mikino y‟amahirwe
Umusoreshwa agomba gukora imenyekanisha
ry‘umusoro ku mikino y‘amahirwe
hakurikijwe impapuro n‘uburyo bugenwa na
Komiseri Mukuru w‘Ikigo cy‘Imisoro
credit card or any representative of
3 º wager: a sum of money or representative
value that is risked on an occurrence
for which
the outcome is uncertain;
any gaming operator that is
to pay tax on gaming activities.
3: Calculation of tax on gamimg
The tax on gaming activities shall be
calculated basing on the difference between
the total amounts wagered and the winnings
The rate of the tax on gaming activities shall
be at
thirteen percent (13%) of the amount
referred to
in the preceding paragraph.
Article 4: Declaration and payment of the tax
on gaming activities
A taxpayer shall have to file and submit his/
declaration of the tax on gamimg activities
according to the form and procedure specified by
the Commissioner General of the Rwanda
ou carte de crédit ou autre représentation de
une somme d‘argent ou un titre de
valeur qui est mis(e) en risque en cas
d‘événement dont lesultat est incertain ;
tout opérateur des jeux de
hasard soumis à la taxe sur les jeux de
Article 3: Calcul de la taxe sur les jeux de
La taxe sur les jeux de hasard est calculée sur
base de la différence entre le total des montants
pariés et les gains donnés au contribuable.
Le taux de la taxe sur les jeux de hasard est de
treize pourcent
(13%) du montant visé à
lalinéa précédent.
Article 4: Déclaration et paiement de la taxe
sur les jeux de hasard
Le contribuable est tenu de remplir et soumettre
sa déclaration de la taxe sur les jeux de hasard
selon la forme et la procédure définies par le
Commissaire Général de l‘Office Rwandais des
n‘Amahoro no kwishyura umusoro ku mikino
y‘amahirwe mu gihe kitarenze iminsi cumi
n'itanu (15) ikurikira impera ya buri kwezi.
Ingingo ya 5: Ibarwa ry‟umusoro ufatirwa ku
bihembo byatsindiwe
Umusoro wa cumi n‘atanu ku ijana (15%)
n‘umusoreshwa ku bihembo
n‘ukina imikino y‘amahirwe.
Umusoro wa cumi n‘atanu ku ijana (15%)
ukurwa ku kinyuranyo hagati y‘igihembo
cyatsindiwe n‘umukinnyi n‘amafaranga
kuva atangira gukina umukino
kugeza ashoje.
Mu kubara umusoro ufatirwa, amafaranga
atarenze ibihumbi mirongo itatu (30.000)
by‘amafaranga y‘u Rwanda asoreshwa ku
ijanisha rya zeru (0%).
Ingingo ya6: Kumenyekanisha no kwishyura
umusoro ufatirwa ku bihembo
Umusoreshwa agomba gukora imenyekanisha
ry‘umusoro ufatirwa ku bihembo byatsindiwe
hakurikijwe impapuro n‘uburyo bugenwa na
Komiseri Mukuru w‘Ikigo cy‘Imisoro
n‘Amahoro no kwishyura umusoro wafatiriwe
gihe kitarenze iminsi cumi n‘itanu (15)
ukwezi yayafatiriyeho.
Revenue Authority and pay the tax due in a
period not exceeding fifteen (15) days
following the end of each month.
Article 5: Calculcation of withholding tax
A withholding tax of fifteen percent
be levied on winnings of a player of
The fifteen per cent (15%) tax applies to the
difference between winnings of a player and the
amount of money invested by the player
from the
start until the end of the game.
In computing the withholding tax, an income not
exceeding thirty thousand (30.000) Rwandan
francs shall be rated at zero per cent (0%).
Article 6: Declaration and payment of tax
withheld on winnings
The taxpayer shall have to file and submit the
declaration of the tax on winnings according to
the form and procedure specified by the
Commissioner General of the Rwanda
Revenue Authority and pay the tax withheld in
a period not exceeding fifteen (15) days
following the month in which the tax was
Recettes et payer la taxe due dans les quinze
(15) jours qui suivent la fin de chaque mois.
Article 5: Calcul de la retenue sur les gains
Un impôt retenu à la source de quinze pourcent
(15%) est prélevé sur les gains du joueur des
jeux de hasard.
L‘impôt de quinze pourcent (15%) s‘applique à
la différence entre les gains du joueur et le
montant investi par le joueur jusqu‘à la fin du
Dans la détermination de la taxe retenue à la
source, la tranche inférieure à trente mille
(30.000) francs rwandais est taxable au taux de
ro pour cent (0%).
Article 6: Déclaration et paiement de la taxe
retenue sur les gains
Le contribuable est tenu de remplir une
déclaration de l‗impôt retenu à la source sur les
gains selon la forme et la procédure définies par le
Commissaire Général de l‘Office Rwandais des
Recettes et de payer l‗impôt retenu dans les
jours (15) qui suivent le mois au cours
duquel la
taxe a été retenue.
Ingingo ya 7: Itegurwa, isuzuma n‟itorwa
ry‟iri tegeko
Iri tegeko ryateguwe
mu rurimi
risuzumwa kandi ritorwa mu rurimi
Ingingo ya
8: Ivanwaho ry‟ingingo
z‟amategeko zinyuranyije n‟iri tegeko
Ingingo zose z‘amategeko abanziriza iri kandi
zinyuranyije na ryo zivanyweho.
Ingingo ya 9: Igihe iri tegeko ritangira gukurikizwa Article 9: Entrée en vigueugukurikizwa
Iri tegeko ritangira gukurikizwa ku munsi This Law shall come into force on the date of La présente loi entre en vigueur le jour de sa
ritangarijweho mu Igazeti ya Leta ya its publication in the Official Gazette of the publication au Journal Officiel de la République
Repubulika y‘u Rwanda.
Kigali, ku wa 27/07/2012
(sé) Republic of Rwanda. du Rwanda.
Article 7: Drafting, consideration and adoption
of this Law
This Law was drafted in English, considered
adopted in Kinyarwanda.
Article 8: Repealing provision
All prior legal provisions contrary to this Law are
hereby repealed.
Article 9: Commencement
This Law shall come into force on the date of its
publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic
of Rwanda.
Kigali, on 27/07/2012
Article 7: Initiation, examen et adoption de la
présente loi
La présente loi a éinitiée en Anglais, elle a
examinée et adoptée en Kinyarwanda.
Article 8: Disposition abrogatoire
Toutes les dispositions légales antérieures
contraires à la présente loi sont abrogées.
Article 9: Entrée en vigueur
La présente loi entre en vigueur le jour de sa
publication au Journal Officiel de la République
du Rwanda.
Kigali, le 27/07/2012
ITEGEKO Nº55/2013 RYO KUWA 02/08/2013
Ingingo ya mbere : Icyo iri tegeko rigamije
Iri tegeko rishyiraho umusoro ku mabuye y‘agaciro.
Ingingo ya 2: Ibisobanuro by‟amagambo
Muri iri tegeko, amagambo akurikira asobanurwa ku
buryo bukurikira:
agaciro mbumbe: agaciro amabuye y‘agaciro
afite mu gihe yoherejwe mu mahanga;
amabuye y„agaciro: amabuye y‘agaciro yo mu
rwego rw‘ibanze, urwa diyama cyangwa rwa zahabu;
3°amabuye y‟agaciro yo mu rwego rw„ibanze:
amabuye y‘agaciro ashongeshwa cyangwa
ahindurwa igihe ashyizwe ahantu hashyushye
cyangwa hakonje;
amabuye y„agaciro yo mu rwego rwa diyama”:
amabuye y‘agaciro mu busanzwe yitwa
GEMMES/GEMSTONES agizwe na diyama n‘andi
ari mu bwoko bumwe nayo;
amabuye y‟agaciro yo mu rwego rwa zahabu:
amabuye y‘agaciro agizwe n‘ibintu byo mu rwego
rw‘ubutabire mu buryo busanzwe bigizwe n‘ibyuma
bifite agaciro gahambaye;
LAW Nº55/2013 OF 02/08/2013 ON MINERALS
Article One: Purpose of this Law
This Law establishes a tax on minerals.
Article 2: Definitions of terms
In this Law, the following terms shall have the
following meanings:
1° gross value: the export value of minerals;
minerals: base metals, diamond stones or
gold stones;
3° base metals: metals that oxidize
or corrode easily when exposed to air or
precious metals of diamond category: rare
metals commonly called GEMMES/GEMSTONES”
including diamond and other with the same
precious metals of gold category: rare naturally
occurring metallic chemical element of high value;
LOI Nº55/2013 DU 02/08/2013 PORTANT
Article premier: Objet de la présente loi
La présente loi instaure un impôt sur les minerais.
Article 2: Définitions des termes
Au sens de la présente loi, les termes suivants ont
les significations suivantes :
valeur brute : valeur des minerais à
minerais: métaux de base, de la catégorie de
diamant ou d‘or ;
métaux de base : métaux qui s'oxydent ou se
corrodent facilement lorsqu'ils sont exposés à l'air
ou à l'humidité ;
4° pierres précieuses de la catégorie de
diamant : pierres rares communément appelées
« GEMMES/GEMMESTONES » comprenant le
diamant et d‘autres de même nature;
5° métaux précieux de la catégorie d‟or: rares
éléments naturels chimiques métalliques de grande
6° agaciro nyakuri: kimwe muri ibi bikurikira:
a) igiciro mpuzandengo cy‘ibiciro
by‘amabuye y‘agaciro mu kwezi ku
gipimo cyemewe mu rwego
mpuzamahanga ku isoko ry‘amabuye
y‘agaciro rya Londoni gukuba ingano
y‘amabuye y‘agaciro yoherejwe mu
mahanga byemejwe na Minisiteri ifite
amabuye y‘agaciro mu nshingano zayo;
b) igiciro mpuzandengo cy‘igiciro
cy‘amabuye y‘agaciro
cy‘igitangazamakuru cy‘amabuye
y‘agaciro, ku gipimo cyemewe mu
rwego mpuzamahanga, mu kwezi,
gukuba ingano y‘amabuye y‘agaciro
yoherejwe mu mahanga, byemejwe na
Minisiteri ifite amabuye y‘agaciro mu
nshingano zayo, mu gihe igiciro
cy‘amabuye y‘agaciro kitaboneka ku
isoko ry‘amabuye y‘agaciro ry‗i
c) igiciro mpuzandengo ku kwezi cy‘igiciro
cy‘amabuye y‘agaciro icyo ari cyo cyose
ku gipimo cyemewe mu rwego
mpuzamahanga cyemejwe na Minisiteri
ifite ubucuruzi mu nshingano zayo,
gukuba ingano y‘amabuye y‘agaciro
yoherejwe mu mahanga, byemejwe na
Minisiteri ifite amabuye y‘agaciro mu
nshingano zayo, mu gihe igiciro
cy‘amabuye y‘agaciro kitaboneka ku
isoko ry‘amabuye y‘agaciro ry‘i
6° norm value: one of the following:
a) the montlhy average London Metal
Exchange cash price internationally
recognized measuring unit multiplied by
the quantity of the minerals exported
certified by the Ministry in charge of
b) the monthly average Metal Bulletin cash
price internationally recognized measuring
unit multiplied by the quantity of minerals
exported certified by the Ministry in charge
of minerals when the metal price is not
registered on the London Metal Exchange;
c) the monthly average of any other exchange
market cash price internationally
recognized measuring unit approved by the
Ministry in charge of trade multiplied by
the quantity of minerals exported certified
by the Ministry in charge of minerals when
the metal price is not registered on the
London Metal Exchange or Metal Bulletin;
valeur normative : l‘un des cas suivants:
a) la moyenne mensuelle du prix des minerais
par unité de mesure reconnue
internationalement sur le marché des
métaux de Londres multipliée par la
quantité des minerais exportés certifiés par
le Ministère ayant les minerais dans ses
b) le prix mensuel moyen des métaux du
Bulletin des minerais par unité de mesure
reconnue internationalement multiplié par
la quantité des minerais exportés certifiés
par le Ministère ayant les minerais dans
ses attributions, dans la mesure le prix
du minerai n'est pas coté sur le marché des
métaux de Londres;
c) la moyenne mensuelle de tout autre prix du
marché par unité de mesure reconnue
internationalement approuvée par le
Ministère ayant le commerce dans ses
attributions multipliée par la quantité des
minerais exportés, certifiés par le Ministère
ayant les minerais dans ses attributions
dans la mesure où le prix du métal n'est pas
coté sur le marché des métaux de Londres
ou dans le Bulletin des métaux;
Londoni cyangwa kitaboneka mu
gitangazamakuru cy‘amabuye y‘agaciro;
igiciro kiri ku isoko: igiciro kigereranyijwe ko
cyaba aricyo gikwiye kugurwa amabuye y‗agaciro
runaka, hashingiwe ku makuru yose kuri ayo mabuye
y‗agaciro, ku bwumvikane n‘ubushake bisesuye
hagati y‗ugura nugurisha;
umuntu: umuntu ku giti cye, isosiyete cyangwa
andi mashyirahamwe ayo ari yo yose;
9° umusoreshwa: umuntu wese ugomba kwishyura
umusoro ku mabuye yagaciro hakurikijwe iri
Ingingo ya 3 : Urutonde rw‟amabuye y‟agaciro
Iteka rya Minisitiri w‘Intebe rigena urutonde
rw‘amabuye y‘agaciro.
Ingingo ya 4: Iyishyurwa ry‟umusoro ku mabuye
Umuntu wese ugurisha amabuye y‘agaciro
ayishyurira umusoro.
Ingingo ya 5: Umusoro ku mabuye y„agaciro
Umusoro ku mabuye y‘agaciro ushyizweho ku buryo
4% by‘agaciro nyakuri ku mabuye y‘agaciro yo
mu rwego rw‗ibanze n‘andi mabuye y‘agaciro yo
muri ubwo bwoko ;
market value : estimated amount for which a
certain mineral would be exchanged competitively
between a buyer and a seller in a transaction where
the buyer and seller acted basing upon all
information relating to such mineral and their
mutual agreement and willingness;
8° person: any individual, company or any
other association;
9° taxpayer: any person subject to tax on
minerals according to this Law.
Article 3: Classification of minerals
A Prime Minister‘s Order shall determine the
classification of minerals.
Article 4: Payment of tax on minerals
Any person who sells minerals shall pay a tax on
such minerals.
Article 5: Tax on minerals
The tax on minerals is fixed as follows:
4% of the norm value for base metals and other
mineral substances of that kind;
valeur du marché: montant estimé pour lequel
un minerai quelconque est échangé
compétitivement entre un acheteur et un vendeur
sur base de toutes les informations relatives à ce
minerai et leur accord mutuel et volonté totale;
personne : personne physique, morale ou toute
autre forme d‘association de personnes;
9° contribuable: toute personne assujettie à
l‘impôt sur les minerais aux termes de la présente
Article 3: Classification des minerais
Un arrêté du Premier Ministre détermine
la classification des minerais.
Article 4: Paiement de l„impôt sur les minerais
Toute personne qui vend des minerais paie un
impôt sur ces minerais.
Article 5: Impôt sur les minerais
L‘impôt sur les minerais est fixé comme suit:
4% de la valeur normative pour les métaux de
base et autres substances minérales de même
6% by‘agaciro nyakuri ku mabuye y‘agaciro yo
mu rwego rwa zahabu no ku yandi mabuye y‘agaciro
yo muri ubwo bwoko;
6% by‘agaciro mbumbe agurishwaho iyo
ajyanywe mu mahanga ku mabuye y‗agaciro yo mu
rwego rwa diyama n‘andi mabuye y‘agaciro yo muri
ubwo bwoko.
Ingingo ya 6: Igenwa ry‟agaciro mbumbe
k„amabuye y‟agaciro
Agaciro mbumbe k‗amabuye y‘agaciro gashyirwaho
hakurikijwe igiciro kiri ku isoko.
Iteka rya Minisitiri w‘Intebe rigena urwego rugena
agaciro mbumbe k‘amabuye y‘agaciro n‘uburyo ako
gaciro kagenwa kakanatangazwa.
Ingingo ya 7: Ikurwa ry„umusoro ku mabuye
y‟agaciro wishyuwe mu musaruro ubarirwa
umusoro ku nyungu
Umusoro ku mabuye y‘agaciro wishyuwe ukurwa
mu musaruro usoreshwa mu gihe cyo kubara
umusoro ku nyungu.
Ingingo ya 8: Isonerwa ry‟umusoro ku mabuye
Umuntu wese ujyanye mu mahanga amabuye
y‘agaciro y‘icyitegererezo ku mpamvu z‘igeragezwa,
6% of the norm value for precious metals of
gold category and other precious metals of that
6% of the gross value for precious metals of
diamond category and other precious stones of that
Article 6: Determination of minerals gross value
The gross value of minerals shall be determined on
the basis of market value.
A Prime Minister‘s Order determines the authority
responsible for determining the gross value of
minerals, as well as the evaluation method and its
Article 7: Deduction of tax on minerals paid
from taxable base of income tax
The tax on minerals paid shall be deducted from the
taxable base in determining income tax.
Article 8: Exemption of tax on minerals
Any person who exports samples of minerals for
the purpose of assay, analysis or any other
6% de la valeur normative des pierres
précieuses de la catégorie d‗or et autres métaux
précieux de même catégorie;
6% de la valeur brute pour les pierres précieuses
de la catégorie de diamant et autres pierres
précieuses de même catégorie.
Article 6: Détermination de la valeur brute des
La valeur brute des minerais est déterminée sur
base de la valeur du marché.
Un Arrêté du Premier Ministre détermine l‘autorité
chargée de la termination de la valeur brute des
minerais, ainsi que le mode d‗évaluation et la
publication de celle-ci.
Article 7: Impôt sur les minerais payé déduit de
l‟assiette de l‟impôt sur le revenu
L‘impôt sur les minerais payé est déduit de la base
imposable lors de la détermination de l‘impôt sur
les revenus.
Article 8: Exonération de l‟impôt sur les
Toute personne qui exporte des échantillons de
minerais pour les besoins de test, analyse ou tout
isesengura no ku bundi bugenzuzi ubwo ari bwo
bwose, ku ngano yemejwe na Minisiteri ifite
amabuye y‘agaciro mu nshingano zayo asonerwa
umusoro kuri ayo mabuye y‘agaciro.
Ingingo ya 9: Igihe umusoro ku mabuye y‟agaciro
Umusoro ku mabuye y‘agaciro ubarwa itariki
amabuye y‘agaciro yohererejweho mu mahanga.
Itariki y‘imenyekanisha muri Gasutamo ry‘amabuye
y‘agaciro yoherejwe mu mahanga ifatwa ku mpamvu
z‘iri tegeko nk‘itariki amabuye y‘agaciro
yohererejweho mu mahanga.
Ingingo ya 10: Imenyekanisha n‟iyishyurwa
ry‟umusoro ku mabuye y„agaciro
Umusoreshwa agomba kuzuza no kugeza ku
buyobozi bw'imisoro imenyekanisha ry‘umusoro ku
mabuye y‘agaciro hakurikijwe impapuro n‗uburyo
bugenwa n‘Umuyobozi w‘Ikigo cy‘Imisoro
n‘Amahoro akanishyura umusoro agomba ubuyobozi
bw‘imisoro mu gihe cy‘iminsi cumi n'itanu (15)
ikurikira impera ya buri kwezi
Ingingo ya 11: Imitunganyirize y‟isoresha
Ingingo z‘Itegeko rigena imitunganyirize y‘isoresha
zikurikizwa no ku musoro wakwa ku mabuye
examination in such quantity as approved by the
Ministry in charge of minerals shall be exempted
from tax on such minerals.
Article 9: Due date for tax on minerals
The tax on minerals is due at the date of exportation
of minerals.
The date of Customs Export declaration of minerals
shall be considered for the purpose of this Law as
the date on which the minerals are exported.
Article 10: Declaration and payment of tax on
A taxpayer shall file and submit his/her declaration
of tax on minerals to the tax administration in
accordance with the form and procedures specified
by the Commissioner General of the Rwanda
Revenue Authority and to pay the tax due within
fifteen (15) days following the end of each month.
Article 11: Tax procedure
The provisions of the law on tax procedures apply
on minerals tax.
autre examen, en quantité approuvée par le
Ministère ayant les minerais dans ses attributions
est exonérée de l‗impôt sur ces minerais.
Article 9: Date d‟imposition de l„impôt sur les
L‗impôt sur les minerais est due à la date
d‘exportation des minerais.
La date de la déclaration douanière d'exportation
des minerais est considérée en vertu de la présente
loi comme date où l'exportation des minerais est
Article 10: Déclaration et paiement de l‟impôt
sur les minerais
Le contribuable est tenu de remplir et de soumettre
sa déclaration de l‗impôt sur les minerais à
l‘administration fiscale sous la forme et la
procédure spécifiées par le Commissaire Général de
l‘Office Rwandais des Recettes et de payer l‗impôt
dans les quinze (15) jours qui suivent la fin de
chaque mois.
Article 11: Procédure fiscale
Les dispositions de la loi portant création des
procédures fiscales s‗appliquent à l‘impôt sur les
Ingingo ya 12: Itegurwa, isuzumwa n‟itorwa
by‟iri tegeko
Iri tegeko ryateguwe mu rurimi rw‘Icyongereza,
risuzumwa kandi ritorwa mu rurimi rw‘Ikinyarwanda
Ingingo ya 13: Ivanwaho ry‟ingingo z‟amategeko
zinyuranyije n‟iri tegeko
Ingingo zose z‘amategeko abanziriza iri kandi
zinyuranyije na ryo zivanyweho.
Ingingo ya 14: Igihe iri tegeko ritangira
Iri tegeko ritangira gukurikizwa ku munsi
ritangarijweho mu Igazeti ya Leta ya Republika yu
Kigali, kuwa 02/08/2013
Article 12: Drafting, consideration and adoption
of this Law
This Law was drafted in English, considered and
adopted in Kinyarwanda.
Article 13: Repealing provision
All prior legal provisions contrary to this Law are
hereby repealed.
Article 14: Commencement
This Law comes into force on the date of its
publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic
of Rwanda.
Kigali, on 02/08/2013
Article 12: Initiation, examen et adoption de
la présente loi
La présente loi a été initiée en Anglais, examinée et
adoptée en Kinyarwanda.
Article 13: Disposition abrogatoire
Toutes les dispositions légales antérieures
contraires à la présente loi sont abrogées.
Article 14: Entrée en vigueur
La présente loi entre en vigueur le jour de sa
publication au Journal Officiel de la République du
Kigali, le 02/08/2013
05/07/2013 RIGENA
Minisitiri w’Imari n’Igenamigambi,
Ashingiye ku Itegeko Nshinga rya Repubulika
y‘u Rwanda ryo ku wa 04 Kamena 2003, nk‘uko
ryavuguruwe kugeza ubu, cyane cyane mu
ngingo zaryo, iya 120, iya 121 n‘iya 201;
Ashingiye ku Itegeko n° 46/2010 ryo kuwa
14/12/2010 rigena ububasha, inshingano,
imitunganyirize n‘imikorere bya Polisi y‘u
Ashingiye ku Itegeko 10/2011 ryo kuwa
13/05/2011 rigena inshingano, imiterere
n‘ububasha by‘Ingabo z‘u Rwanda;
Ashingiye ku Itegeko 34/2012 ryo kuwa
03/09/2012 rishyiraho ihariro ryIngabo z‘u
Rwanda na Polisi y‘u Rwanda rikanagena
inshingano, imiterere n‘imikorere byaryo cyane
cyane mu ngingo yaryo ya 5;
The Minister of Finance and Economic
Pursuant to the Constitution of the
Republic of
Rwanda of 04 June 2003, as
amended to date,
especially in Articles 120,
121 and 201;
Pursuant to Law n° 46/2010 of 14/12/2010
determining the powers, responsibilities,
organization and functioning of Rwanda
Pursuant to Law 10/2011 of 13/05/2011
determining mission, organization and
powers of
Rwanda Defence Forces;
Pursuant to Law 34/2012 of 03/09/2012
establishing Rwanda Defence Forces and
National Police shop and
determining its mission,
organization and functionning, especially in
Article 5;
Le Ministre des Finances et de la
Planification Economique,
Vu la Constitution de la République du Rwanda
du 04 juin 2003, telle que révisée à ce jour
spécialement en ses articles 120, 121 et 201;
Vu la Loi
46/2010 du 14/12/2010 portant
compétences, attributions, organisation et
fonctionnement de la Police Nationale du
Vu la Loi
10/2011 du 13/05/2011 portant
mission, organisation et compétence des
Rwandaises defense;
Vu la Loi
34/2012 du 03/09/2012 portant
création du comptoir d‘achat des Forces
Rwandaises de Défense et de la Police
du Rwanda et déterminant ses
missions, son
organization et son
fonctionnement, spécialement en son article 5;
Inama y‘Abaminisitiri
yateranye kuwa
08/05/2013, imaze kubisuzuma no kubyemeza;
Ingingo ya mbere: Icyo iri teka rigamije
Iri teka rigena urutonde rw‘ibintu bisonewe
imisoro n‘amahoro by‘Ihahiro ry‘Ingabo z‘u
Rwanda na Polisi y‘u Rwanda.
Ingingo ya 2: Ibintu bisonewe
Ibintu biri ku mugereka w'iri teka bisonewe
imisoro n‘amahoro.
Urutonde rw‘ibintu bisonerwe rushobora
guhindurwa na Minisitiri ufite imisoro
n‘amahoro mu nshingano ze, igihe cyose bibaye
ngombwa kandi abyumvikanyeho na ba Ministiri
bafite ingabo z‘Igihugu, Umutekano
n‘Ubucuruzi mu nshingano zabo.
Ingingo ya
3: Ivanwaho ry’ingingo
zinyuranyije n’iri teka
Ingingo zose z‘amateka abanziriza iri kandi
zinyuranyije na ryo zivanyweho.
After consideration and approval by the
Cabinet, in its session of 08/05/2013;
Article One: Purpose of this Order
This Order determines the list of goods
from taxes and duties of the
Rwanda Defence Forces and Rwanda National
Police shop.
Article 2: Exempted goods
The goods appearing on the annex to this
Order are exempted from taxes and duties.
The list of exempted goods may be modified
whenever necessary by the Minister in charge
of tax and duties after consultation with the
Ministers having Defense, Internal Security and
Trade in their attributions.
Article 3: Repealing provision
All prior provisions contrary to this Order are
hereby repealed.
Après examen et adoption par le Conseil
des Ministres, en saance du 08/05/2013;
Article premier: Objet du présent Arrêté
Le présent arrêté détermine la liste des biens
exonérés des taxes et impôts du comptoir
d‘achat des Forces Rwandaises de Défense et
de la Police Nationale du Rwanda.
Article 2: Biens exonés
Les biens figurant à l‘annexe du présent arrê
sont exonérés des taxes et impôts.
La liste des biens exonérés peut être
chaque fois que de besoin par le
Ministre ayant les taxes et impôts dans ses
attributions après consultation avec les
Ministres ayant la défense, la
intérieur et le commerce dans leurs
Article 3: Disposition abrogatoire
Toutes les dispositions antérieures contraires
présent arrêté sont abrogées.
Ingingo ya 4: Igihe iteka ritangira
Iri teka ritangira gukurikizwa ku munsi
ritangarijweho mu Igazeti ya Leta ya Repubulika
y‘u Rwanda.
Kigali, kuwa 05/07/2013
Ministiri w‘Imari n‘Igenamigambi
Bibonywe kandi bishyizweho Ikirango cya
Minisitiri w‘Ubutabera/Intumwa Nkuru ya Leta
Article 4: Commencement
This Order shall come into force on the date
of its publication in the Official Gazette of the
Republic of Rwanda.
Kigali, on 05/07/2013
Minister of Finance and Economic Planning
Seen and sealed with the Seal of the Republic:
Minister of Justice/Attorney General
Article 4: Entrée en vigueur
Le présent arrêté entre en vigueur le jour de
publication au Journal Officiel de la
publique du Rwanda.
Kigali, le 05/07/2013
Ministre des Finances et de la Planification
Vu et sceldu Sceau de la République:
Ministre de la Justice/Garde des Sceaux
001/13/10/TC OF 05/07/2013
List Of Goods Exempted from Taxes and Duties with Harmonized System
a) Groceries and other food stuffs
HS code
Polished rice
- Uncooked pasta, not stuffed or
therwise prepared
Other uncooked pasta, not stuffed
or otherwise
Stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise
Other pasta
Maize flour
Maize (corn) flour
Cassava flour
Flour of sago or of roots or tubers of
heading 07.14
Cooking oil
Pig fat (including lard) and poultry
fat, other
than that of heading 02.09 or 15.03.
- Other
Lard stearin, lard oil, oleostearin, oleo-oil and
tallow oil, not
emulsified or mixed or otherwise
- Fish-liver oils and their fractions
- Fats and oils and their fractions, of
fish, other than
liver oils
- Fats and oils and their fractions, of
Other animal fats and oils and their
whether or not refined, but not chemically
Soya-bean oil and its fractions,
whether or not
refined, but not chemically modified:
- Crude oil, whether or not
- Other
Ground-nut oil and its fractions,whether or not
refined, but not chemically modified:
- Crude oil
- Other
Olive oil and its fractions, whether or not refined,
but not chemically modified:
Other oils and their fractions,
obtained solely
from olives, whether or not refined, but not
chemically modified, including blends of these
oils or fractions with oils or fractions of heading
Palm oil and its fractions, whether or not refined,
but not chemically modified.
- Other :
--- Palm olein, RBD
--- Other
Sunflower-seed, safflower or cottonseed oil and
thereof, whether or not refined,
not chemically modified.
-Sunflower-seed or safflower oil and
fractions thereof :
- Other
- Other cotton-seed oil and its 1512.29.00
Coconut (copra), palm kernel or babassu oil and
thereof, whether or not refined,
but not
chemically modified.
- Coconut (copra) oil and its fractions :
-- Other
- Palm kernel or babassu oil and
thereof :
-- Other
Other fixed vegetable fats and oils
jojoba oil) and their
fractions, whether or not
refined, but not chemically modified.
- Maize (corn) oil and its fractions :
-- Other
-Castor oil and its fractions
- Sesame oil and its fractions
- Other
Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their
fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, inter-
re-esterified or elaidinised, whether
or not refined, but not further
- Animal fats and oils and their
- Vegetable fats and oils and their
- Margarine, excluding liquid margarine
- Raw sugar not containing added
flavouring or
colouring matter :
- Other beet sugar
- Other cane sugar specified in
Subheading Note
2 to this Chapter
- Other cane sugar
(including table salt and
denatured salt)
and pure sodium
chloride, whether or not in
Corned beef
Other prepared or preserved meat,
meat offal or
Of bovine animals
Blue band
Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and
other bakers'
wares, whether or not containing cocoa;
communion wafers, empty cachets of
a kind suitable for pharmaceutical
use, sealing wafers, rice paper and
- Other breads
Sauces and preparations therefor; mixed
condiments and mixed seasonings; mustard flour
and meal and prepared
Other preparations
Vinegar and substitutes for
vinegar obtained
from acetic acid.
Cheese and curd.
- Other cheese
UHT Milk
Milk and cream of a fat content, by
1% but not
exceeding 6%
Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or
roasting of
cereals or cereal products
example, corn flakes);cereals (other than maize
(corn) in grain form or in
the form of flakes or
other worked
grains (except flour, groats and
meal), pre-cooked, or otherwise
prepared, not
specified or included.
- Other prepared foods
Malt extract; food preparations of flour, groats,
meal, starch or malt extract, not containing cocoa
Primavita no 1 &
or containing less than 40% by weight of cocoa
calculated on a totally defatted basis, not
elsewhere specified or included; food preparations
of goods of headings.
04.01 to 04.04, not containing cocoa or
containing less than 5% by weight
of cocoa
calculated on a totally
defatted basis, not
elsewhere specified or included.
- Preparations for infant use, put up for retail sale
Coffee, whether or not roasted or decaffeinated;
coffee husks and skins; coffee substitutes
containing coffee in any proportion.
Coffee, not roasted:
-- Not decaffeinated
-- Decaffeinated
- Coffee roasted:
-- Not decaffeinated
-- Decaffeinated
-- Other
Extracts, essences and concentrates,
coffee, Tea or mate and
preparations with
a basis of these products or with a basis of coffee,
or mate; roasted chicory and other
coffee substitutes, and
extracts essences and
concentrates thereof.
-Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, and
preparations with a basis of these
essences or concentrates or with a basis of coffee:
Extracts, essences and concentrates (Nescafé)-
Tea, whether or not flavoured.
- Green tea
(not fermented) in
packings of a content not exceeding 3 kg
- Other green tea (not fermented)
- Black tea (fermented) and partly
fermented tea,
inimmediate packings of a content not exceeding 3
- Other black tea
(fermented) and other partly
fermented tea
Chocolate and other food
containing cocoa.
-Other preparations in blocks, slabs or
bars weighing more than
2kg or in
liquid, paste, powder, granular or other
bulk form in containers or immediate
packings, of a content exceeding 2 kg
- Other, in blocks, slabs or bars
- Filled
--- Not filled
- Other
Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers'
wares, whether or not
containing cocoa;
communion wafers,
empty cachets of a kind
suitable for
pharmaceutical use,
sealing wafers, rice paper and
- Sweet biscuits; waffles and wafers :
-- Sweet biscuits
-- Waffles and wafers:
--- Communion wafers
---Other sweet biscuits
-Rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted
- Yogurt
Ground-nuts, not roasted or
cooked, whether or
not shelled or broken.
- Other:
-- Shelled, whether or not broken
Wheat flour
Wheat or meslin flour.
Fresh fish
Fish, fresh or chilled, excluding fish
fillets and other fish meat of heading
-- Tilapias (Oreochromis spp.)
-- Other
Fresh or chilled fillets of tilapias
(Oreochromis spp.), catfish (Pangasius
spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurusspp.),
carp (Cyprinus carpio, Carassius carassius,
Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys
spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus),
(Anguillaspp.), Nile perch
niloticus) and snakeheads (Channaspp.):
--Tilapias (Oreochromis spp.)
-- Other
Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled, whether or
skinned or split.
-Peas (pisumsativum)
-chickpeas (garbanzos)
-- Beans of the species Vignamungo (L.)
Hepper or Vignaradiata (L.) Wilczek
Small red
(Adzuki) beans
-- Kidney beans, including white pea
beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris
Maize grain
- Other Maize grain
b) Soft drinks
Subs classification
HS code
Fruit juices
(including grape must)
vegetable juices, unfermented and not
containing added spirit, whether or not
containing added sugar or other sweetening
- Orange juice :
-- Frozen
-- Not frozen, of a brix value not
exceeding 20
-- Other
- Grapefruit (including pomelo) juice:
-- Of a brix value not exceeding 20
2009. 19.00
-- Other
- Juice of any other single citrus fruit:
-- Of a brix value not exceeding 20
-- Other
- Pineapple juice:
-- Of a brix value not exceeding 20
2009. 39.00
-- Other
- Apple juice:
-- Of a brix value not exceeding 20
- Other apple juice
2009. 79.00
- Juice of any other single fruit or vegetable:
-- Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon,Vaccinium
oxycoccos,Vaccinium vitis-idaea)
Mineral water
- Mineral waters and aerated waters
b) Scholastic materials
Subs classification
HS code
Counter books
- Registers, account books, note books, order books,
receipt books, letter pads, memorandum pads,
diaries and similar articles
Exercise books
- Exercise books
Drawing books
- Other
Ball point pens; felt tipped and other porous-
tipped pens and markers; fountain pens,
stylograph pens and other pens; duplicating
stylos; propelling or sliding pencils; pen-
holders, pencil-holders and similar holders;
parts (including caps and clips) of
foregoing articles, other than those of heading
- Ball point pens
- Felt tipped and other porous-tipped pens and
- Fountain pens, stylograph pens and other pens
- Propelling or sliding pencils
- Sets of articles from two or more of the foregoing
- Refills for ball point pens, comprising the
ball point and ink
- Other :
-- Pen nibs and nib points
-- Other 9608.20.0
Calculating machines and pocket-size data
recording, reproducing and displaying machines
with calculating functions; accounting
machines, postage-franking machines, ticket-
issuing machines and similar machines,
incorporating a calculating device; cash registers
-Electronic calculators capable of operation without
an external source of electric power and pocket-size
data recording, reproducing and displaying machines
with calculating functions
- Other electronic calculating machines,
incorporating a printing device
-- Other
- Other calculating machines
8470.30. 00
- Cash registers
- Other
-Other drawing, marking-out or
mathematical calculating instruments
Glue stick and
glue pen
- Products suitable for use as glues or adhesives,
put up for retail sale as glues or adhesives, not
exceeding a net weight of 1 kg
Other uncoated paper and paper board, in
rolls or sheets, not further
worked or
processed than as
specified in Note 3 to this
- Other:
-- Weighing 150 g/m2 or less
Manila papers
Other uncoated paper and paper board, in
rolls or sheets, not further
worked or
processed than as
specified in Note 3 to this
- Other:
-- Weighing 150 g/m2 or less
Map pins
- Other pins of iron or steel…
Meter rulers
- Other drawing, marking-out or
mathematical calculating instruments
Scissors, tailors’ shears and similar shears, and
blades therefor.
- Pencils and crayons, with leads
encased in a
rigid sheath
- Pencil leads, black or coloured
- Other pencil
- Paper knives, letter openers, erasing knives,
pencil sharpeners
and blades therefor
Other articles of vulcanised rubber other than
hard rubber
- Other :
-- Erasers
Other office machines (for example,
or stencil duplicating
machines, addressing
machines, automatic banknote dispensers, coin-
sorting machines, coin-counting or wrapping
machines, pencil- sharpening machines,
perforating or stapling machines).
- Other
Nails, tacks,
drawing pins,
corrugated nails,
staples (other than those of heading 83.05) and
similar articles, of iron or steel, whether or not
with heads of other material, but excluding such
articles with heads of copper.
- Non-threaded articles :
-- Other
Schools Bags
- Trunks, suit-cases, vanity cases, executive-cases,
brief-cases, school satchels and similar containers :
-- with outer surface of leather or of composition
-- with outer surface of plastics or of textile
-- Other
Drawing Colors
Artists', students' or signboard
colours, modifying
tin-ts, amusement colours
and the like, in tablets, tubes, jars, bottles,
or in similar forms or packings.
- Colours in sets
-- Other
--Dictionaries and
encyclopaedias, and
serial instalments thereof
Periodic tables
Other printed matter,
including printed pictures and
- Other :
- Instructional charts and
4911. 99.10
journal and
used as
Newspaper, Journals and periodicals,
whether or
not illustrated or containing
advertising material
d)Toiletries and Cleaning Equipments
Subs classification
HS code
Washing soap
Soap; organic surface-active products
preparations for use as soap, in
the form of
bars, cakes, moulded pieces
or shapes, whether
or not containing
soap; organic surface active
products and preparations for washing the skin,
in the form of liquid or cream and put up for
retail sale, whether or
not containing soap;
paper, wadding,
felt and nonwovens,
impregnated, coated or covered with soap or
- Soap and organic surface-active
products and preparations, in the form of
bars, cakes, moulded pieces or shapes,
and paper, wadding, felt and nonwovens,
impregnated, coated or covered with soap
or detergent :
-- Other
Toilet soap
-- For toilet use (including medicated products)
Liquid soap
- Soap in other forms:
--- Other soaps
Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides,
antisprouting products and plant-growth
regulators, disinfectants
and similar products,
put up in forms
or packings for retail sale
or as
preparations or articles
(for example, sulphur-
bands, wicks and candles, and fly-
- Other:
-- Insecticides:
--- Aerosol spray:
----Pyrethrum based
---- Other aerosol spray
---- Other insecticides
Tooth Paste
Preparations for oral or dental hygiene,
including denture fixative pastes and
powders; yarn used to clean between
the teeth (dental floss), in individual
retail packages.
- Dentifrices
Tooth brush
--Tooth brushes, including dental-
plate brushes
Hygienic Pads
Sanitary towels (pads) and tampons,
napkins and napkin liners for babies
and similar articles, of any material :
---Sanitary towels (pads) and tampons
--- Other sanitary towers
Razor blades
Razors and razor blades
(including razor
blade blanks in
- Razors
- Safety razor blades, including razor blade blanks
in strips
- Of cotton
- Of other textile materials
Shaving Blades
Razors and razor blades
(including razor
blade blanks in
- Razors
Shaving cream
- Pre-shave, shaving or after-shave preparations
After shave
- Pre-shave, shaving or after-shave preparations
Baby napkins
Sanitary towels (pads) and tampons, napkins
and napkin
liners for babies and similar
articles, of any material :
---Sanitary towels (pads) and tampons
--- Other sanitary tower
- Shampoos
Detergent Soaps
- Soap and organic surface-active
products and preparations, in the form of
bars, cakes, moulded pieces or shapes,
and paper, wadding, felt and nonwovens,
impregnated, coated or covered with soap
or detergent :
-- For toilet use (including medicated products)
-- Other
- Soap in other forms:
--- Other
Toilet Paper
- Toilet paper
- Brooms and brushes, consisting of twigs
or other
vegetable materials bound
together, with or without
- Floor-cloths, dish-cloths, dusters and similar
cleaning cloths
Powder soaps
Organic surface-active agents (other
than soap); surface-active preparations,
washing preparations (including
auxiliary washing preparations) and
cleaning preparations, whether or not
containing soap, other than those of
heading 34.01.
- Organic surface-active agents, whether or not put
up for retail sale :
- Preparations put up for retail sale
- Other
Bed linen, table linen, toilet linen
and kitchen
- Toilet linen and kitchen linen, of terry
or similar terry fabrics, of Cotton
- Other :
-- Of Cotton
-- Of man-made fibres
-- Of other textile materials
Air Freshener
Preparations for perfuming or
deodorizing rooms, including odoriferous
preparations used during religious rites :
-- Other
Nail cutter
- Manicure or pedicure sets and instruments
(including nail files)
e) Cosmetics
Subs classification
HS code
Body lotion
Beauty or make-up preparations and
preparations for the care of the skin
than medicaments), including sunscreen or sun
tan preparations; manicure or
- Lip make-up preparations
- Eye make-up preparations
- Manicure or pedicure preparations
Other :
-- Other.
Body powder
Powders, whether or not
- Petroleum jelly whether or not
f) Kitchen appliances
Subs classification
HS Code
Sauce pans
Table, kitchen or other household articles and
parts thereof, of
iron or steel; iron or steel
wool; pot
scourers and scouring or
pads, gloves and the like,
of iron or steel.
- Other :
-- Of cast iron, not enamelled
-- Of cast iron, enamelled
-- Of stainless steel
-- Of iron (other than cast iron) or
-- Other
Table, kitchen or other household
and parts thereof, of
aluminium; pot scourers and scouring
or polishing pads, gloves and the like,
of aluminium; sanitary ware and parts
thereof, of aluminium.
- Table, kitchen or other household
articles and parts thereof; pot scourers and
scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the
Food bowls
Table, kitchen or other household articles and
parts thereof, of
iron or steel; iron or steel
wool; pot
scourers and scouring or
pads, gloves and the like,
of iron or steel.
- Other :
-- Of cast iron, not enamelled
-- Of cast iron, enamelled
-- Of stainless steel
-- Of iron (other than cast iron) or
-- Other
Tableware, kitchenware, other household
articles and hygienic or toilet articles, of plastics
- Tableware and kitchenware
Table, kitchen or other household
and parts thereof, of
aluminium; pot scourers and scouring
or polishing pads, gloves and the like,
of aluminium; sanitary ware and parts
thereof, of aluminium.
- Table, kitchen or other household
articles and parts thereof; pot scourers and
scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the
Tableware, kitchenware, other household
articles and toilet
articles, of porcelain or china.
- Tableware and kitchenware
Ceramic tableware, kitchenware, other
household articles and
toilet articles, other
than of
porcelain or china Table, kitchen or
other household articles and parts thereof, of
iron or steel; iron or steel wool; pot
and scouring or
polishing pads, gloves and the
of iron or steel.
- Other :
-- Of stainless steel
Tableware, kitchenware, other household
articles and hygienic or toilet articles, of plastics
- Tableware and kitchenware
Table, kitchen or other household
and parts thereof, of
aluminium; pot scourers and scouring
or polishing pads, gloves and the like,
of aluminium; sanitary ware and parts
thereof, of aluminium.
- Table, kitchen or other household
articles and parts thereof; pot scourers and
scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the
Spoons/ Forks/
Table knives
Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-
servers, fish-knives, butter-knives,
sugar tongs and similar kitchen or
- Sets of assorted articles containing at
least one article plated with precious
- Other sets of assorted articles
-- Other
Food containers
Tableware, kitchenware, other household
articles and hygienic or toilet articles, of plastics.
- Tableware and kitchenware
Table, kitchen or other household articles and
parts thereof,
of aluminium; pot scourers
scouring or polishing pads,
gloves and the
like, of aluminium;
sanitary ware and parts
thereof, of aluminium.
-Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts
thereof; pot
scourers and scouring or polishing
pads, gloves and the like
Table, kitchen or other household articles and
parts thereof, of
iron or steel; iron or steel
wool; pot
scourers and scouring or
pads, gloves and the like,
of iron or steel.
- Other :
-- Of stainless steel
Vacuum flasks and other vacuum vessels,
complete with cases; parts thereof other than
glass inners.
Ceramic tableware, kitchenware, other
household articles and
toilet articles, other than of porcelain
or china.
Table, kitchen or other household articles and
parts thereof, of
iron or steel; iron or steel
wool; pot
scourers and scouring or
pads, gloves and the like,
of iron or steel.
- Other :
-- Of stainless steel
Tableware, kitchenware, other household
articles and hygienic
or toilet articles, of plastics.
- Tableware and kitchenware
Table trays
Tableware, kitchenware, other household
articles and hygienic or toilet articles, of plastics.
- Tableware and kitchenware
Sieve (Passoire)
Hand sieves and hand riddles.
Glassware of a kind used for table,
toilet, office, indoor
decoration or similar
purposes (other
than that of heading 70.10 or
- Other drinking glasses, other than of glass
ceramics :
-- Other
Tea pots
Ceramic tableware, kitchenware, other
household articles and
toilet articles, other
than of
porcelain or china.
Frying pans
Table, kitchen or other household articles and
parts thereof, of
iron or steel; iron or steel
wool; pot
scourers and scouring or
pads, gloves and the like,
of iron or steel.
- Other :
-- Of stainless steel
Table, kitchen or other household articles and
parts thereof,
of aluminium; pot scourers and
scouring or polishing pads,
gloves and the like,
of aluminium;
sanitary ware and parts thereof,
of aluminium.
- Table, kitchen or other household
articles and parts thereof; pot scourers and
scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the
Ceramic tableware, kitchenware, other
household articles and
toilet articles, other
than of
porcelain or china.
Table, kitchen or other household
and parts thereof, of
aluminium; pot scourers and scouring
or polishing pads, gloves and the like,
of aluminium; sanitary ware and parts
thereof, of aluminium.
-Table, kitchen or other household
articles and parts thereof; pot scourers and
scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the
Table, kitchen or other household
articles and
parts thereof, of iron or
steel; iron or steel
wool; pot scourers
and scouring or polishing
pads, gloves and the like, of iron or steel.
- Other:
-- Of stainless steel
Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles
and hygienic or toilet articles, of plastics
- Tableware and kitchenware
Electric instantaneous or storage water heaters
and immersion heaters; electric
space heating
apparatus and soil
heating apparatus; electro-
thermic hair-dressing apparatus (for
example, hair dryers, hair curlers, curling tong
heaters) and hand dryers; electric smoothing
irons; other electro-
thermic appliances of a kind used for
purposes; electric
heating resistors, other than those of heading
- Other electro-thermic appliances :
-- Coffee or tea makers
Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles
and hygienic or toilet articles, of plastics.
- Tableware and kitchenware
Water filter
Centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers;
filtering or purifying
machinery and apparatus,
for liquids
or gases.
- Filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for
liquids :
--For filtering or purifying water
Hand-operated mechanical appliances, weighing
10 kg or less, used in the
conditioning or serving of food or drink.
Sugar Bowls
Table, kitchen or other household
articles and
parts thereof, of iron or
steel; iron or steel
wool; pot scourers
and scouring or polishing
pads, gloves and the like, of iron or steel.
- Other :
-- Of cast iron, not enamelled
-- Of cast iron, enamelled
-- Of stainless steel
-- Of iron (other than cast iron) or
- Other
Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles
and hygienic or toilet
articles, of plastics.
- Tableware and kitchenware
3924. 10.00
Ceramic tableware, kitchenware, other
household articles and toilet articles, other than
of porcelain or china.
Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles
and toilet articles, of porcelain or china:
6912. 00.00
- Tableware and kitchenware
Table Mats
Bed linen, table linen, toilet linen
and kitchen
- Other table linen :
-- Of cotton
-- Of man-made fibres
-- Of other textile materials
Tableware, kitchenware, other household
articles and hygienic or toilet articles,
- Tableware and kitchenware
Soup Mixture
Soups and broths and preparations
homogenized composite food preparations.
- Soups and broths and preparations
Kerosene Stoves
Stoves, ranges, grates, cookers (including
those with subsidiary boilers for central heating),
barbecues, braziers, gas-rings, plate warmers
and similarnon-electric domestic appliances, and
parts thereof, of iron or steel.
- Other appliances :
-- For liquid fuel
Baby cups
Tableware, kitchenware, other household articles
and hygienic or toilet articles, of plastics.
- Tableware and kitchenware
Baths, shower-baths, sinks, wash-
bidets, lavatory pans, seats and covers, flushing
cisterns and similar sanitary ware, of plastics.
Kitchen knives
Knives with cutting blades, serrated or
(including pruning knives), other than knives
of heading
82.08, and
blades therefor.
- Other :
-- Other knives having fixed blades
8211. 92.00
- Bucket
Articles for the conveyance or packing of goods,
of plastics;
stoppers, lids, caps and other
closures, of plastics.
Boxes, cases, crates and similar
Jerry cans
Articles for the conveyance or packing of goods,
of plastics;
stoppers, lids, caps and other
closures, of plastics.
-Boxes, cases, crates and similar
Cooking gas
Petroleum gases and other
gaseous hydrocarbons.
- Liquefied :
-- For gas fuel or for both gas and
other fuels
Containers for compressed or
liquefied gas, of iron
or steel.
7311. 00.00
Subs classification
HS code
Mattress supports; articles of bedding and
similar furnishing
(for example, mattresses,
eiderdowns, Cushions, pouffes
pillows) fitted with springs or
stuffed or
internally fitted with any material or of
cellular rubber or plastics, whether or not
- Mattresses :
-- Of cellular rubber or plastics, whether or not
-- Of other materials
Bed covers
- Bedspreads :
-- Knitted or crocheted
-- Other
Bed sheets
Bed linen, table linen, toilet linen
and kitchen
-Bed linen, knitted or crocheted
- Other bed linen, printed:
--Of Cotton
--Of man-made fibres
--Of other textiles materials
-Other bed linen:
--Of Cotton
--Of man-made fibres
--Of other textiles materials
Blankets and travelling rugs.
- Electric blankets
- Blankets (other than electric blankets)
travelling rugs, of wool or of fine
animal hair
- Blankets (other than electric blankets)
travelling rugs, of
- Blankets (other than electric blankets)
travelling rugs, of
synthetic fibres
- Other blankets and travelling rugs
Night dresses
Men's or boys' underpants, briefs, nightshirts,
pyjamas, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar
articles, knitted or crocheted.
- Nightshirts and pyjamas :
Of cotton
-- Of man-made fibres
--- Of other textile materials
Women's or girls' singlets and other
slips, petticoats, briefs, panties, nightdresses,
pyjamas, négligés, bathrobes, dressing gowns and
similar articles.
- Nightshirts and pyjamas :
-- Of cotton
-- Of man-made fibres
--- Of other textile materials
Mosquito Nets
--- Mosquito net
Pillow cases
Other furnishing articles, excluding those of
heading 94.04.
- Other :
--- Other
h) Clothes
i.Civilian Clothes
Subs description
Hs code
value in
Men's or boys'shirts, knitted or
-Of cotton
-Of man-made fibers
-Of other textile materials
Women's or girls'blouses, shirts
and shirt-blouses, knitted or
-Of cotton
-Of man-made fibers
-Of other textile materials
Men's or boys'shirts.
-Of cotton
-Of man-made fibres
-Of other textile materials
Women's or girls'blouses, shirts
and shirt-blouses.
-Of silk or silk waste
-Of wool or fine animal hair
-Of cotton
-Of man-made fibres
-Of other textile materials
Men's or boys'overcoats, car-
capes, cloaks, anoraks
(including ski-jackets),wind-
similar articles, knitted or
crocheted, other than those of
-Of cotton
6101. 20.00
-Of man-made fibres
-Of other textile materials
Women‘s or girls‘overcoats,
coats, capes, cloaks, anoraks
(including ski-jackets), wind-
cheaters, wind-jackets
similar articles, knitted or
crocheted, other than those of
heading 61.04
-Of wool or fine animal hair
-Of cotton
-Of man-made fibres
-Of other textile materials
Men‟s or boys‟overcoats, car-coats,
capes, cloaks, anoraks
ski-jackets), wind-cheaters, wind-
jackets and similar articles, other
than those of heading 62.03.
-Overcoats, raincoats, car-coats,
capes, cloaks and similar articles:
-- Of wool or fine animal hair
-- Of cotton
6201. 12.00
-- Of man-made fibres
6201. 13.00
-- Of other textile materials
Women‟s or gorls‟over coats, car-
coats, capes, cloaks, anoraks
(including ski- jackets), wind-
cheaters, wind-jackets and similar
articles, other than those of
heading 62.04.
- Overcoats, raincoats, car-coats,
cloaks and
Similar articles:
-- Of wool or fine animal hair
-- Of cotton
-- Of man-made fibres
-- Of other textile materials
Ties, bowties and cravats
-Of silk or silk waste
-Of man-made fibres
-Of other textile materials
Men’s or
boys'suits, ensembles,
blazers, trousers, bib and
brace overalls, breeches and shorts
(other than swimwear), knitted
-Trousers,of cotton
Womens or girls'suits,
jackets, blazers,
dresses, blazers, dresses, skirts,
divided skirts, trousers, bib and
brace overalls, breeches and
shorts (other than swimwear),
knitted or
Trousers, of cotton
lls,breeches and shorts (other than
Trousers, of cotton
Womens or girls'suits,
jackets, blazers,
dresses, blazers, dresses,
skirts,divided skirts, trousers, bib
and brace overalls, breeches and
shorts (other than swimwear).
-Trousers, of cotton
Men's or boys' suits, ensembles,
blazers, trousers, bib and
brace overalls, breeches and shorts
than swimwear),
knitted or
-Jackets and blazers:
--Of wool or fine animal hair
--Of cotton
--Of synthetic fibres
--Of other textile materials
or girls'suits,
ensembles, jackets, blazers,
dresses, skirts, divided skirts,
trousers, bib and
brace overalls,
breeches and shorts
(other than
swimwear), knitted or
-Jackets and blazers:
--Of wool or fine animal hair
--Of cotton
--Of synthetic fibres
6104. 33.00
--Of other textile materials
Men's or boys' suits, ensembles,
jackets, blazers, trousers, bib and
brace overalls, breeches and
shorts (other than swimwear).
-Jackets and blazers:
--Of wool or fine animal hair
--Of cotton
--Of synthetic fibres
--Of other textile materials
Men’s or boys'suits, ensembles,
blazers, trousers, bib and
brace overalls, breeches and shorts
than swim wear),
knitted or
20 000
- Suits:
--Of synthetic fibres
--Of other textile materials
6104. 19.00
Men’s or boys'suits, ensembles,
jackets, blazers, trousers, bib and
brace overalls,
breeches and
shorts (other than swim
--Of wool or fine animal hair
6203. 11.00
--Of synthetic fibres
--Of other textile materials
Women’s or girls'suits,
ensembles, jackets, blazers,
dresses, skirts, divided skirts,
trousers, bib and
brace overalls,
breeches and shorts (other than
swim wear).
--Of wool or fine animal hair
--Of cotton
--Of synthetic fibres
--Of other textile materials
-Of cotton
-Of other textile materials
6109. 90.00
Men’s or
boys' underpants,
nightshirts, pyjamas,
bathrobes, nightshirts, pyjamas,
dressing gowns and
similar articles, knitted or
--Of cotton
--Of man-made fibres
--Of other textile materials
Women’s or girls' slips, petticoats,
briefs, panties, nightdresses,
panties, nightdresses, pyjamas,
négligés, bathrobes, dressing gowns
and similar articles, knitted or
--Of cotton
--Of man-made fibres
--Of other textile materials
Men’s or boys' singlets and other
vests, underpants, briefs,
nightshirts, pyjamas,
dressing gowns and similar
--Of cotton
--Of other textile materials
Women’s or girls' singlets and
other vests, slips, petticoats,
briefs, panties, nightdresses,
pyjamas, négligés, pyjamas,
bathrobes, dressing
gowns and similar
--Of cotton
--Of man-made fibres
--Of other textile materials
T-shirts, singlets and other vests,
or crocheted.
-Of cotton
-Of other textile materials
Men’s or boys'singlets and other
vests, or underpants, briefs,
nightshirts, pyjamas,
dressing gowns and similar
--Of cotton
--Of other textile materials
Women’s or girls' singlets and
other vests, slips, petticoats,
briefs, panties, nightdresses,
pyjamas, négligés, pyjamas,
bathrobes, dressing
gowns and similar
--Of cotton
--Of man-made fibres
--Of other textile materials
Pantyhose, tights, stockings, socks
other hosiery, including
compression hosiery
(for example,
stockings for
varicose veins) and
without applied soles, knitted or
- Other:
--Of wool or fine animal hair
-- Of cotton
-Of synthetic fibres
-Of other textile materials
Articles of apparel and clothing
accessories, of leather or of
composition leather.
-Belts and bandoliers
Caps and huts
Hats and other headgear,
knitted or crocheted, or made up
from lace, felt or other textile
fabric, in the piece (but not in
whether or not lined or trimmed;
hair-nets of any material, whether
or not lined or trimmed.
Jerseys, pullovers, cardigans,
waist coats and similar articles,
knitted or crocheted.
-Of wool or fine animal hair :
--Of wool
--Of Kashmir (cashmere) goats
-Of cotton
-Of man-made fibres
-Of other textile materials
Foot wear with outer soles of
plastics, leather or
composition leather and uppers of
Foot wear with outersoles of
plastics, leather or
composition leather and uppers of
Shoe Polishes
Polishes and creams, for
footwear, furniture, floors,
coachwork, glass or metal,
scouring pastes and powders and
similar preparations (whether or
not in the form of paper, wadding,
felt, non wovens, cellular plastics
or cellular
rubber, impregnated, coated or
covered with such preparations),
excluding waxes of heading 34.04.
-Polishes, creams and similar
preparations for footwear or leather
Brooms, brushes (including
brushes constituting parts of
machines, appliances or vehicles),
hand- operated appliances or
vehicles), hand- operated
mechanical floor sweepers, not
motorised, mops and feather
dusters; prepared knots and tufts
for broom or brush making; paint
pads and rollers; squeegees (other
than roller squeegees).
- Other
Women's or girls'blouses, shirts
and shirt-blouses, knitted or
-Of cotton
-Of man-made fibres
-Of othert extile materials
Women's or girls' blouses, shirts
-Of silk or silk waste
-Of wool or fine animal hair
-Of cotton
-Of man-made fibres
-Of other textile materials
Breast/chest vest
Women's or girls' singlets and
other vests, slips, petticoats,
briefs, panties, nightdresses,
pyjamas, négligés, bathrobes,
dressing gowns and
--Of cotton
--Of man-made fibres
--Of other textile materials
Women's or girls'suits,
ensembles, jackets, blazers,
dresses, skirts, divided skirts,
trousers, bib and brace overalls,
breeches and shorts(other than
swimwear), knitted or
-Skirts and divided skirts:
--Of wool or fine animal hair
--Of wool or fine animal hair
--Of cotton
--Of synthetic fibres
--Of other textile materials
Women's or girls'suits,
jackets, blazers,
dresses, skirts, divided
trousers, bib and brace overalls,
breeches and shorts(other than
-Skirts and divided skirts:
--Of wool or fine animal hair
--Of cotton
--Of synthetic fibres
--Of other textile materials
Men's or boys'suits, ensembles,
blazers, trousers, bib and
brace overalls, breeches and shorts
(other than swimwear), knitted
or crocheted.
Trousers, of cotton
Women's or girls'suits,
ensembles, jackets, blazers,
dresses, skirts, divided skirts,
trousers, bib and
brace overalls,
breeches and shorts
(other than
swimwear), knitted or
Trousers, of cotton
Men's or boys'suits, ensembles,
jackets, blazers, trousers, bib and
brace overalls, breeches and shorts
(other than swimwear)
Trousers, of cotton
Women's or girls'suits,
ensembles, jackets, blazers,
dresses, skirts, divided skirts,
trousers, bib and
brace overalls,
breeches and shorts (other than
-Trousers, of cotton
Baby clothes
garments and clothing
accessories knitted or crocheted
-Of cotton
-Of synthetic fibres
-Of other textile materials
garments and clothing
-Of cotton
-Of synthetic fibres
-Of other textile materials
-Handbags, whether or not with
strap, including those without
--With outer surface of leather or of
composition leather
--With outer surface of plastic
sheeting or of textile materials
-- Other
-Sacks and bags, having a base of a
width of 40cm or more
-Other sacks and bags, including cones
- Trunks, suit-cases, vanity-cases,
executive-cases, brief-cases, school
satchels and similar containers:
-With outer surface, of leather or of
composition leather
-With outer surface of plastics or of
textile materials
Sports footwear:
Sport wear
Track suits, ski suits and
swimwear, knitted or crocheted.
-Track suits:
--Of cotton
-Of synthetic fibres
--Of other textile materials
-Men's or boys' swim wear:
--Of synthetic fibres
--Of other textile materials
-Women's or girls' swimwear:
--Of synthetic fibres
--Of other textile materials
Track suits, ski suits and
swimwear; other garments.
-Swim wear:
-Men's or boys'
-Women's or girls'
-Other garments, men's or boys':
-Of cotton
-Of man-made fibres
-Of other textile materials
ii.Uniforms for RDF/RNP
Subs classification
HS code
Men's or boys' shirts, knitted or crocheted.
- Of cotton
- Of man-made fibres
- Of other textile materials
Men's or boys' suits, ensembles,
jackets, blazers,
trousers, bib and
brace overalls, breeches and
shorts (other than swimwear),
- Trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and
-- Of cotton
-- Of synthetic fibres
-- Of other textile materials
T - Shirt
T-shirts, singlets and other vests, knitted or
- Of cotton
- Of other textile materials
Gum boots
Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics,
leather or composition
leather and uppers of
- Foot wear with outer soles of rubber or plastics :
-- Other
Field jacket
Men's or boys' suits, ensembles,
jackets, blazers,
trousers, bib and
brace overalls, breeches and
shorts (other than swimwear).
- Jackets and blazers :
-- Of wool or fine animal hair
-- Of cotton
-- Of synthetic fibres
-- Of other textile materials
Panty hose, tights, stockings, socks
and other
hosiery, including
graduated compression
hosiery (for example, stockings for varicose veins)
and footwear without applied soles, knitted or
- Other panty hose and tights :
-- Of other textile materials
Jungle boots
Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics,
leather or composition leather and uppers of
- Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics :
-- Other
Rain coat
-Over coats,rain coats, car-coats,
capes, cloaks
and similar articles:
-- Of wool or fine animal hair
-- Of Cotton
-- Of man-made fibres
-- Of other textile materials
Leather belt
- Belts and bandoliers
Trouser belt
Other made up articles
Other made up clothing accessories; parts of
garments or of clothing accessories, other than
those of heading 62.12.
- Accessories
NCOs insignia
Other made up clothing accessories; parts of
garments or of clothing accessories, other than
those of heading 62.12.
- Accessories
Name tags
Other made up clothing accessories; parts of
garments or of clothing accessories, other than
those of heading 62.12.
- Accessories
Other made up articles, including
dress patterns.
- Other
Pull over
Jerseys, pullovers, cardigans, waistcoats and
similar articles,
knitted or crocheted.
- Of cotton
- Of man-made fibres
- Of other textile materials
Sign-plates, name-plates, address-plates and
similar plates, numbers, letters and other symbols,
of base metal, excluding those of heading 94.05.
Men's or boys' suits, ensembles,
jackets, blazers,
trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and
shorts (other than swimwear), knitted or crocheted.
-Trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and
- Of cotton
-- Of synthetic fibres
-- Of other textile materials
Sports wear
Track suits, ski suits and swimwear, knitted or
- Track suits :
-- Of cotton
-- Of synthetic fibres
-- Of other textile materials
Men's or boys' suits, ensembles,
jackets, blazers,
trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and
shorts (other than swimwear), knitted or crocheted.
-Trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and
-Of cotton
-- Of synthetic fibres
-- Of other textile materials
Men's or boys' shirts, knitted or crocheted.
- Of cotton
- Of man-made fibres
- Of other textile materials
Footwear with outer soles of rubber, plastics,
leather or composition leather and uppers of
- Sports footwear :
-- Other
- Other footwear with outer soles of
leather -Other
Hats and other headgear, knitted or crocheted, or
made up from
lace, felt or other textile fabric, in
the piece (but not in strips),
whether or not lined
or trimmed;
hair-nets of any material, whether or
not lined or trimmed.
Cap badge
Sign-plates, name-plates, address-
plates and similar plates, numbers, letters and
other symbols, of base metal, excluding those of
heading 94.05.
Ceremonial Dress
Men's or boys' suits, ensembles,
jackets, blazers,
trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and
shorts (other than swimwear),
knitted or crocheted.
- Trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and
- coat
-- Of cotton
Men's or boys' overcoats, car-coats,
cloaks, anoraks(including ski-
jackets), wind-
cheaters, wind-jackets
and similar articles,
knitted or
crocheted, other than those of heading
- Of cotton
- Of man-made fibres
- Of other textile materials
Men's or boys' shirts, knitted or crocheted.
- Of cotton
- Of man-made fibres
- Of other textile materials
Peaked cap
Hats and other headgear, knitted or
or made up from lace, felt or other textile fabric,
in the piece (but not in strips), whether or not lined
or trimmed; hair-nets of any material, whether or
not lined or trimmed.
Boat cap
Hats and other headgear, knitted or
or made up from lace, felt or other textile fabric,
in the piece (but not in strips), whether or not lined
or trimmed; hair-nets of any material, whether or
not lined or trimmed.
Ties, bow ties and cravats.
- Of silk or silk waste
- Of man-made fibres
- Of other textile materials
Other made up clothing accessories;
parts of
garments or of
clothing accessories, other than those of heading
- Accessories
Gloves, mittens and mitts.
i.Other items
Solar panels
-Photo sensitive semi conductor devices,
photovoltaic cells whether or
not assembled in
modules or made up
into panels; light emitting diodes
Energy saving
Electric filament or discharge lamps, including
sealed beam lamp units and ultra-violet or infra-red
lamps; arc-lamps.
intended for
domestic use.
Premium and
Petroleum oils and oils obtained from
(other than crude) and preparations not
elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight
70 % or
more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained
from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic
constituents of the preparations, other than those
containing biodiesel and other than waste oils :
- Illuminating Kerosene (IK)
Electrical transformers, static converters (for
example, rectifiers) and inductors.
- Other inductors
Bibonywe kugira ngo bishyirwe
ku mugereka
w’Iteka rya
nº001/13/10/TC ryo
05/07/2013 rigena
urutonde rw’ibintu bisonewe
imisoron’amahoro by’ihahiro
ry’Ingabo z’u Rwanda na
Polisi y’u Rwanda
Seen to be annexed to the
Ministerial Order
nº001/13/10/TC of 05/07/2013
determining the list of goods
exempted from taxes and
duties of the Rwanda Defence
Forces and Rwanda National
Police shop
Vu pour être annexé à
l’Arrê Ministériel
001/13/10/TC du 05/07/2013
déterminant la liste des biens
exonérés des taxes et impôts
du comptoir d’achat des
Forces Rwandaises de
et de la Police
Nationale du
Kigali, kuwa 05/07/2013
Kigali, on 05/07/2013
Kigali, le 05/07/2013
Ministiri w‘Imari
Minister of Finance
Economic Planning
Ministre des Finances et de la
Planification Economique
Bibonywe kandi
bishyizweho Ikirango cya
Seen and sealed with
Seal of the Republic:
Vu et sceldu ceau de la
w‘Ubutabera/Intumwa Nkuru
ya Leta
Minister of Justice/Attorney
Ministre de la Justice/Garde
des Sceaux
The East African Community Customs Management Act, 2004
This Edition of the East African Community Customs Management Act, 2004
incorporates all amendments up to 8th December, 2008 and is printed under the
authority of Section 12 of the Acts of the East African Community Act, 2004
Revised Edition 2009 (2004)
Printed and Published by the Government Printer
Section Title
1. Short title, application and commencement.
2. Interpretation.
3. The Directorate of Customs.
4. Functions of the Directorate.
5. Provisions relating to staff.
6. Customs Union seal and flag.
7. Officer to have powers of police officer.
8. Hours of Attendance.
9. Offences by, or in relation to officers.
10. Exchange of information and common border controls.
11. Appointment of ports, etc.
12. Appointment of Customs areas.
13. Accommodation on wharves.
14. Licensing of internal container depot.
15. Offences in respect of Customs areas, etc.
16. Customs control of goods.
17. Liability for loss, etc., through negligence of officer.
Prohibited and Restricted Imports
18. Prohibited and restricted imports.
19. Power to prohibit, etc., imports.
20 Exemptions of goods in transit, etc.
Arrival and Report of Aircraft and Vessels
21. Procedure on arrival.
22. Place of mooring, etc.
23. Restriction on boarding vessel before proper officer.
24. Report.
25. Master to answer questions, etc.
26. Goods in transit shed etc., deemed to be in aircraft or vessel.
27. Goods reported to be unloaded.
28. Master of wreck, etc., to report.
Arrival Overland
29. Vehicles arriving overland.
30. Trains arriving.
31. Arrival overland otherwise than by vehicle.
Clearance by Pipeline
32. Operator of pipeline to report.
Unloading and Removal of Cargo
33. Unloading, etc.
Entry, Examination, and Delivery
34. Entry of cargo.
35. Surplus stores may be entered.
36. Provisions relating to mail, personal baggage, etc.
37. Entry in absence of documents.
38. Provisions relating to goods liable to duty ad valorem.
39. Delivery from Customs area in special circumstances.
40. Re-packing, etc., in Customs area, etc.
41. Examination of goods.
Provisions Relating to Customs Warehouses
42. Goods deposited in a Customs warehouse may be sold, etc.
43 Goods deemed to be in Customs warehouse.
Passenger Clearance
44. Disembarkation of persons.
45. Baggage to be taken to examination place.
46 Baggage declaration.
General Provisions
47. Dutiable goods may be warehoused.
48. Procedure on warehousing.
49. Removal to warehouse of goods entered in a warehouse.
50. Entry of warehoused goods.
51. Operations in a warehouse.
52. Re-gauging and re-valuation.
53. Delivery from warehouse in special circumstances.
54. Removal to another warehouse.
55. Warehoused goods may be delivered as stores.
56. Abandonment, etc., of warehoused goods.
57. Period of warehousing and sale of goods.
58. Examination of warehoused goods on delivery.
59. Access to warehouse.
60. Removal of goods after entry for home consumption, export,
61. Penalty for unlawfully taking, etc., warehoused goods.
Bonded Warehouses
62. Commissioner may license warehouse.
63. Procedure on revocation or expiry of license.
64. Warehouse keeper to provide facilities.
65. Stowage and storage of goods in bonded warehouse.
66. Removal of goods from private to general warehouse.
67. Warehouse keeper to produce goods deposited.
68. Goods in Government warehouse liable to rent, etc.
69. Removal, etc., of goods in Government warehouse.
Prohibited and Restricted Exports
70. Prohibited and restricted exports.
71. Power to prohibit, etc., exports.
72. Exemption of goods in transit, etc.
Entry Outwards and Loading of Aircraft and Vessels
73. Entry of cargo for export.
74. Entry outwards of aircraft or vessel.
75. Loading, etc.
76. Provisions relating to personal baggage.
77. Goods for export not to be discharged in Partner States.
78. Provisions relating to exports of certain goods.
79. Stores for aircraft and vessels.
80. Short shipment of non-bonded goods.
81. Export goods stored at risk of owner.
82. Goods liable to export duty.
Departure Overland
83. Vehicles departing overland.
84. Departure overland otherwise than by vehicle.
Goods in Transit or for Transhipment
85. Treatment of goods under transit and transhipment.
86. Control of entry.
87. Termination of transit procedure.
88. Clearance required for departure to foreign port.
89. Grant of clearance.
90. Clearance certificate to be produced.
91. Deficiency or surplus in cargo or stores.
92. Aircraft or vessel to bring to at boarding station.
93. Application of Act to postal articles.
94. Time of entry of postal articles.
95. Registered courier companies to land, store, etc
96. Power to prohibit and restrict carriage coastwise and transfer.
97. Meaning of carriage coastwise and transfer.
98. Carriage coastwise or transfer in an aircraft or vessel from
foreign port.
99. Loading, etc., of coastwise and transfer cargo.
100. Transire required for departure coastwise and transfer.
101. Transire to be delivered on arrival.
102. Power of Commissioner to vary procedure.
103. Entry outwards of aircraft, etc., carrying goods coastwise.
104. Coasting vessel, etc. not to deviate from voyage.
105. Examination of coasting vessel and goods.
106. Commissioner may require security.
107. General provisions relating to giving of security.
108. Provisions relating to sureties.
109. Enforcement of bond.
Liability to Duty
110. Rates etc., of duty.
111. Community tariff treatment.
112. Preferential tariff treatment under COMESA and SADC.
113. Exemption from duty of goods remaining on board.
114. Exemptions regime.
115. Exemption from import duty of goods entered for
exportation, etc.
116. Exemption from import duty of certain re-imports.
117. Exemption from import duty of temporary imports.
118. Derelict goods, etc., liable to duty.
119. Goods imported duty free liable to certain duties o disposal.
Computation of Duty
120. Time of entry determines rate of duty.
121. Duties, etc., to apply proportionately.
122. Determination of value of imported goods liable to ad
valorem import duty.
123. The value of goods for export.
124. Adjustment for fractions of a dollar.
125. Duty computed on gross weight of package in certain cases.
126. Duty computed on reputed quantity in certain cases.
127. Commissioner may fix litre equivalent of other
liquid measurement.
128. Allowance for tare.
129. Duty on package in certain cases.
Payment etc. of Duty
130. Recovery of duty by distress.
131. Agency notices.
132. Security on property on an unpaid duty etc.
133. Effect of obligation to pay duty.
134. Effect of alteration in classification of goods.
135. Short levy or erroneous refund.
136. Samples may be taken without immediate payment of
Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties
137. Collection of anti-dumping and countervailing duties.
Drawback, Remission, Rebate and Refund
138. Drawback of duty.
139. Drawback to be allowed in respect of certain goods.
140. Council may grant remission of duty on goods for
141. Remission of duty.
142. Rebate of duty.
143. Repayment of Customs duties when goods are returned or
destroyed by fire.
144. Refund of duty.
145. Licensing of agents.
146. Authority of agents.
147. Liability of duly authorised agent.
148. Liability of owner for acts of duly authorised agent.
Powers of Officers
149. Power to require vessels, etc., to bring to.
150. Power to require vessel, etc., to depart.
151. Power to patrol freely and moor vessels, etc.
152. Power to board vessel, etc., and search.
153. Power to stop vehicle suspected of conveying uncustomed
goods, etc.
154. Persons entering or leaving a Partner State to answer
questions concerning baggage.
155. Power to search persons.
156. Power of arrest.
157. Power to search premises.
158. Search warrants.
159. Power to require production of books, etc.
160. Licensing of bonded factories.
161. Entry of premises as bonded factories.
162. Entry of plant, machinery, etc., for exportation or for
home consumption.
163. Manufacturer to provide facilities.
164. Importation of equipment, machinery, raw materials, etc.
165. Provisions relating to goods in a bonded factory.
166. Goods from bonded factory may be entered for home
167. Goods entering export processing zones or freeports.
168. Removal of goods or waste for home consumption.
169. Designated areas in export processing zone or a freeport.
170. Notification to Commissioner.
171. Interpretation of Part XV.
Inward Processing
172. Procedure of operation.
173. Time limit for inward processing.
174. Compensating products in inward processing.
175. Compensating products entered for home consumption.
176. Compensating products obtained from equivalent goods.
177. Rate of yield in inward processing.
Outward Processing
178. Authorisation for outward processing procedure.
179. Time limit for outward processing.
180. Compensating products in outward processing.
181. Relief from payment of duty.
182. Determination of duty of re-imported goods.
183. Relief from duty on emergency repairs.
184. Replacement system.
185. Condition for re-importation in the same state.
186. Rate of yield in outward processing.
187. Customs formalities may be carried out by information
188. Users of the Customs computerised system.
189. Access to Customs computerised systems.
190. Cancellation of registration of registered user.
191. Unauthorised access to or improper use of Customs
computerised system.
192. Interference with Customs computerised system.
193. Conspiring to contravene provisions of this Act.
194. Offences with violence, etc.
195. Removing or defacing Customs seals.
196. Inducing another to commit offence.
197. Offence to warn offender.
198. Offence to assume character of officer.
199. Master of vessel, etc., used for smuggling commits an
200. Offences related to prohibited, restricted, and uncustomed
201. Payment of duty in addition to fine.
202. Offence to import or export concealed goods.
203. Offence to make or use false documents.
204. Offence to refuse to produce documents, etc.
205. Offence to interfere with Customs gear.
206. Uncustomed goods found to be reported.
207. Goods offered on pretence of being smuggled.
208. Aiders, abettors, etc.
209. General penalty.
210. Goods liable to forfeiture.
211. Vessels, etc., liable to forfeiture.
212. Provisions relating to goods liable to forfeiture.
213. Power to seize goods liable to forfeiture, etc.
214. Procedure on seizure.
215. Effect of conviction, etc. on things liable to forfeiture.
216. Procedure after notice of claim.
217. Provisions relating to condemnation.
218. Restoration of seizures.
219. Power of Commissioner to compound offence.
220. Proceedings triable in a subordinate court.
221. Actions by or against the Commissioner.
222. Limitation of proceedings.
223. Provisions relating to proof, etc., in proceedings.
224. Provisions relating to penalties for offences.
225. Place of trial.
226. Protection of witnesses.
227. Reasonable grounds of defence in any action against
228. Power of officer to prosecute.
229. Application for review to Commissioner.
230. Appeals to tax appeals tribunal.
231. Establishment of tax appeals tribunal.
232. Attendance of master before proper officer.
233. Provisions relating to prescribed forms.
234. Provisions relating to all documents.
235. Production of documents.
236. Inspection or audit.
237. Provisions relating to declarations and signature.
238. Receipts for payment on entry.
239. Service of notices, etc.
240. Provisions relating to loading, etc., of goods.
241. Proper officer may take samples.
242. Rewards.
243. Auctioneers legislation to apply to sales.
244. Licensing of vessel conveying goods subject to Customs
245. Application of Act to importation etc., overland.
246. Provisions relating to commissioned vessels.
247. Power of Commissioner in special cases, notices, etc.
248. Re-exportation, destruction and abandonment.
249. Penalty for late payment.
250. Exemption from liability.
251. Regulations.
252. Savings and transitional provisions.
253. Act to take precedence.
FIRST SCHEDULEDeclaration of Officer
SECOND SCHEDULEProhibited and Restricted Imports Generally
THIRD SCHEDULEProhibited and Restricted Exports Generally
FOURTH SCHEDULEDetermination of Value of Imported Goods
Liable to ad Valorem Import Duty
FIFTH SCHEDULEExemptions Regime
SIXTH SCHEDULEWarrant of Distress
. 1
Date of assent: 31st December, 2004
Date of commencement: 1st January, 2005
An Act of the Community to make provisions for the
management and administration of Customs and for
related matters.
1. (1) This Act may be cited as the East African Community
Customs Management Act, 2004.
Short title,
application and
(2) This Act shall apply to the Partner States.
(3) This Act shall commence on the date to be appointed by
the Council.
2. (1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires
―agent‖ in relation to an aircraft, vehicle or vessel, includes
any person who notifies the proper officer in writing that he or she
intends to act as the agent and who, or on whose behalf any person
authorised by him or her, signs any document required or authorised
by this Act to be signed by an agent:
Provided that the owner of any aircraft, vehicle or vessel, if
resident or represented in a Partner State, shall either himself or
herself or through his or her representative be deemed to be the agent
for all the purposes of this Act if no such agent is appointed;
―approved place of loading‖ and ―approved place of
unloading‖ mean any quay, jetty, wharf, or other place, including
any part of a Customs airport, appointed by the Commissioner by
notice in the Gazette to be a place where goods may be loaded or
―boarding station‖ means any place appointed by the
Commissioner by notice in the Gazette to be a place for aircraft or
vessels arriving at or departing from any port or place to bring to for
the boarding by or the disembarkation of officers;
―bonded warehouse‖ means any warehouse or other place
licensed by the Commissioner for the deposit of dutiable goods on
which import duty has not been paid and which have been entered to
be warehoused;
―cargo‖ includes all goods imported or exported in any aircraft,
vehicle or vessel other than such goods as are required as stores for
consumption or use by or for the aircraft, vehicle or vessel, its crew
and passengers, and the bona fide personal baggage of such crew and
―COMESA‖ means the organisation established by the Treaty
establishing The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa,
―Commissioner‖ means Commissioner of Customs appointed
under section 5 of this Act;
―countervailing duty‖ means a specific duty levied for the
purposes of offsetting a subsidy bestowed directly or indirectly upon
the manufacture, production or export of that product;
―countervailing measures‖ means actions taken to counter the
effect of subsidies;
―Customs‖ or ―the Customs‖ means the customs departments of
the Partner States;
―Customs area‖ means any place appointed by the
Commissioner by notice in writing under his or her hand for the
deposit of goods subject to Customs control;
―Customs laws‖ includes this Act, Acts of the Partner States and
of the Community relating to Customs, relevant provisions of the
Treaty, the Protocol, regulations and directives made by the Council
and relevant principles of international law;
―Customs Co-operation Council‖ means the council established
by the Convention establishing the Customs Cooperation Council,
―Customs revenue‖ means any amounts collectable by the Customs
in accordance with the provisions of the Customs laws;
―Customs warehouse‖ means any place approved by the
Commissioner for the deposit of unentered, unexamined, abandoned,
detained, or seized, goods for the security thereof or of the duties due
―Directorate‖ means the Directorate of Customs established by
the Council under Article 75 (3) of the Treaty;
―Director General‖ means the Director General of Customs in
the Directorate of Customs;
―document‖ includes magnetic tapes, disks and microfilms;
―dollar‖ means United States dollar and includes the
equivalent in the currency of the Partner States;
―duty drawback‖ means a refund of all or part of any import
duty paid in respect of goods exported or used in a manner or for a
purpose prescribed as a condition for granting duty drawback;
―dutiable goods‖ means any goods chargeable with duty;
―duty‖ includes any cess, levy, imposition, tax, or surtax,
imposed by any Act;
―export‖ means to take or cause to be taken out of the Partner
―export duties‖ means Customs duties and other charges
having an effect equivalent to customs duties payable on the
exportation of goods;
―export processing zone‖ means a designated part of Customs
territory where any goods introduced are generally regarded, in so
far as import duties and taxes are concerned, as being outside
Customs territory but are restricted by controlled access;
―foreign country‖ means any country other than a Partner
―foreign port‖ means any port in a foreign country;
―goods‖ includes all kinds of articles, wares, merchandise,
livestock, and currency, and, where any such goods are sold under
this Act, the proceeds of such sale;
―Government warehouse‖ means any place provided by the
Government of a Partner State, and approved by the Commissioner,
for the deposit of dutiable goods on which duty has not been paid
and which have been entered to be warehoused;
―green channel‖ means that part of the exit from any customs
arrival area where passengers arrive with goods in quantities or
values not exceeding those admissible;
―import‖ means to bring or cause to be brought into the Partner
States from a foreign country;
―import duties‖ means any customs duties and other charges of
equivalent effect levied on imported goods;
―manufacturing under bond‖ means a facility extended to
manufacturers to import plant, machinery, equipment and raw
materials tax free, for exclusive use in the manufacture of goods for
―master‖ includes any person for the time being having or
taking charge or command of any aircraft or vessel;
―officer‖ includes any person, other than a laborer, employed in
the service of the Customs, or for the time being performing duties in
relation to the Customs;
―owner‖ in respect of
(a) an aircraft, vessel, or vehicle, includes every person acting
as agent for the owner, or who receives freight or other
charges payable in respect of, or who is in possession or
control of, the aircraft, vessel, or vehicle;
(b) goods, includes any person other than an officer acting in
his or her official capacity being or holding himself or
herself out to be the owner, importer, exporter, consignee,
agent, or the person in possession of, or beneficially
interested in, or having control of, or power of disposition
over, the goods;
―package‖ includes every means by which goods for
conveyance may be cased, covered, enclosed, contained, or packed;
―port‖ means any place, whether on the coast or elsewhere,
appointed by the Council by notice in the Gazette, subject to any
limitations specified in such notice, to be a port for the purpose of the
Customs laws and, in relation to aircraft, a port means a Customs
―postal article‖ includes any letter, postcard, newspaper, book,
document, pamphlet, pattern, sample packet, small packet, parcel,
package, or other article whatsoever, in course of transmission by
―Post Office‖ means a Partner State Posts body established in
accordance with a Partner States‘ Communication law;
―prohibited goods‖ means any goods the importation,
exportation, or carriage coastwise, of which is prohibited under
this Act or any law for the time being in force in the Partner States;
―proper officer‖ means any officer whose right or duty it is to
require the performance of, or to perform, the acts referred to in this
―Protocol‖ means the Protocol on the Establishment of the
East African Community Customs Union and any annexes thereto;
―re-exports‖ means goods, which are imported and are under
Customs control for re-exportation;
―red channel‖ means that part of the exit from any customs
arrival area where passengers arrive with goods in quantities or
values exceeding passenger allowance;
―refinery‖ means a bonded warehouse licensed by the
Commissioner for the treatment of oils;
―registered user‖ person authorised to access the customs
computerised system
―restricted goods‖ means any goods the importation,
exportation, transfer, or carriage coastwise, of which is prohibited,
save in accordance with any conditions regulating such importation,
exportation, transfer, or carriage coastwise, and any goods the
importation, exportation, transfer, or carriage coastwise, of which is
in any way regulated by or under the Customs laws;
―SADC‖ means the organisation established by the Treaty of
the Southern African Development Community, 1992;
―smuggling‖ means the importation, exportation, or carriage
coastwise, or the transfer or removal into or out of a Partner States,
of goods with intent to defraud the Customs revenue, or to evade any
prohibition of, restriction on, regulation or condition as to, such
importation, exportation, carriage coastwise, transfer, or removal, of
any goods;
―stores‖ goods for use in aircraft, vessels and trains engaged in
international transport for consumption by passengers and crew and
goods for sale on board;
―subsidy‖ means assistance by a government of a Partner State
or a public body to the production, manufacture, or export of specific
goods taking the form of either direct payments, such as grants or
loans or of measures with equivalent effect such as guarantees,
operational or support services or facilities and fiscal incentives;
―sufferance wharf‖ means any place, other than an approved
place of loading or unloading at which the Commissioner may allow
any goods to be loaded or unloaded;
―tons register‖ means the tons of a ship‘s net tonnage as
ascertained and registered according to the tonnage regulations
applied in a Partner State;
―transfer‖ means the movement of goods from one Partner State
directly or indirectly to another Partner State, but shall not include
goods in transit, goods for transshipment or goods for warehousing in
a bonded warehouse
―transshipment‖ means the transfer, either directly or indirectly,
of any goods from an aircraft, vehicle or vessel arriving in a Partner
State from a foreign place, to an aircraft, vehicle or vessel, departing
to a foreign destination;
―transire‖ means a certificate of clearance issued to any person
under section 100 of this Act to carry goods coastwise or to transfer
―transit‖ means the movement of goods imported from a foreign
place through the territory of one or more of the Partner States, to a
foreign destination;
―transit shed‖ means any building, appointed by the
Commissioner in writing for the deposit of goods subject to Customs
―uncustomed goods‖ includes dutiable goods on which the full
duties due have not been paid, and any goods, whether dutiable or not,
which are imported, exported or transferred or in any way dealt with
contrary to the provisions of the Customs laws;
―vehicle‖ includes every description of conveyance for the
transport by land of persons or goods;
―vessel‖ includes every description of conveyance for the
transport by water of persons or goods;
―voyage‖ includes flight by aircraft;
―warehoused‖ means deposited in a Government or bonded
warehouse with the authority of the person in charge of that
―warehouse keeper‖ means the holder of a licence granted in
respect of a bonded warehouse;
―wharf owner‖ includes any owner or any occupier of any
approved place of loading or unloading or of any sufferance wharf.
(2) For the purposes of this Act
(a) goods shall be deemed to be entered when the entry,
made and signed by the owner in the prescribed manner,
is accepted and signed by the proper officer and any duty
due or deposit required under this Act in respect of the
goods has been paid, or security has been given for
compliance with this Act;
(b) goods shall be deemed to be entered for home
consumption when they have been declared for use in a
Partner State, other than temporary use, and the
provisions of paragraph (a) have been fulfilled;
(c) the time of importation of goods shall be deemed to be
the time at which the goods come within the boundaries
of the Partner States;
(d) the time of exportation of goods shall be deemed to be (i)
the time at which the carrying aircraft or vessel departs
from its final position, anchorage or berth at the port or
place within boundaries of the Partner State at which the
goods are shipped for exportation; in the case of goods
exported overland, the time at which the goods pass
across the boundaries of the Partner States;
(e) where any aircraft or vessel arrives within a Partner State
from any foreign port, in relation to each port or place
within a Partner State at which such aircraft or vessel
may arrive, such aircraft or vessel shall be deemed to
have arrived from a foreign port;
(f) where any aircraft or vessel proposes to depart from a
Partner State to any foreign port, then, in relation to each
port or place within a Partner State from which such
aircraft or vessel may depart, such aircraft or vessel shall
be deemed to be departing therefrom to a foreign port;
(g) any reference to a Partner State, or any of the
neighbouring Partner States, shall be deemed to include a
reference to the territorial waters thereof;
(h) every act, matter, or thing, required or authorised by this
Act to be done or performed by, with, to, or before, the
Commissioner, if done or performed by, with, to, or
before, any officer appointed by the Commissioner for
such purpose, shall be deemed
Directorate of
Functions of the
to be done or performed by, with, to, or before, the
(i) every person employed on any duty or service relating to
the Customs by order, or with the concurrence, of the
Commissioner shall be deemed to be the proper officer
for that duty or service; and every act required by this Act
at any time to be done by, with, to, or before, any
particular officer nominated for such purpose, if done by,
with, to, or before, any person appointed by the
Commissioner, to act for such particular officer, shall be
deemed to be done by, with, to, or before, such particular
3. The Directorate of Customs as established by the Council
under the Treaty shall be responsible for the initiation of policies on
Customs and related trade matters in the Community and the
coordination of such policies in the Partner States.
4. (1) Without prejudice to the generality of section 3, the
Directorate shall, in relation to management and administration of
Customs, coordinate and monitor
(a) administration of the Common External Tariff;
(b) enforcement of the Customs law of the Community;
(c) trade facilitation as provided for in Article 6 of the
(d) administration of the Rules of Origin;
(e) compilation and dissemination of trade statistics;
(f) application and interfacing of information technology in
Customs administration;
(g) training in Customs related matters;
(h) quality control in Customs operations and enforcement of
(i) Customs related negotiations; and
(j) activities of the Commissioners in the implementation of
this Act
(2) The Directorate shall in the performance of its functions
under this Act
(a) be subject to the general direction of the Council and
perform such other functions as may be prescribed by the
Council; and
(b) consult with, and where necessary, delegate any of its
functions to, any Commissioner.
(3) For the purposes of this Act, the Council shall make
regulations for the working arrangements between the Directorate
and the Customs.
(4) The Council shall establish within the Community‘s
institutional framework, a committee charged with facilitating
(a) the Directorate‘s formulation of policies and programmes
on Customs management and administration;
(b) exchange of information between the Directorate and the
Commissioners; and
(c) any other matters on working arrangements between the
Directorate and the Customs.
5. (1) There shall be appointed, in accordance with Partner
States‘ legislation, a Commissioner responsible for the management
of Customs by each of the Partner States and such other staff as may
be necessary for the administration of this Act and the efficient
working of the Customs.
(2) The Commissioner shall be responsible for the management
and control of the Customs including the collection of, and accounting
for, Customs revenue in the respective Partner State.
(3) The Commissioner may authorise any officer to exercise
any of the powers conferred by this Act upon the Commissioner
subject to such limitations as the Commissioner may impose.
(4) An officer appointed to any permanent office or
employment in the Customs shall, on his or her appointment thereto,
make and subscribe before a magistrate or a commissioner for oaths,
a declaration in the form set out in the First Schedule.
relating to staff.
6. (1) There shall be a seal of the Customs Union which shall be
officially and judicially noticed and whose design and description
shall be prescribed by regulations.
Customs Union
and flag.
(2) The seal of the Customs Union shall be used as the official
seal of the Customs.
(3) There shall be a flag of the Customs Union whose design
and description shall be prescribed by regulations.
(4) The flag of the Customs Union and the flag of the
Community shall be used to distinguish vessels employed in the
service of the Customs from other vessels.
Officer to have
powers of police
7. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act,
every officer shall, in the performance of his or her duty, have all the
powers, rights, privileges, and protection, of a police officer of the
Partner State in which such officer performs his or her duty.
Hours of
8. (1) The Commissioner shall prescribe the working days and
hours of general attendance of officers.
(2) Where any person desires the attendance of any officer at a
time outside the hours of general attendance, then such person shall
make request therefore on the prescribed form to the proper officer at
the port or place where such attendance is desired; and, subject to any
regulations and to the payment of the prescribed fees, the grant of
such request shall not
(a) in the case of any person arriving in, or departing from, a
Partner State overland or by inland waters, be refused by
the proper officer;
(b) in any other case, be unreasonably refused by the proper
Offences by, or
in relation to
9. (1) An officer who
(a) directly or indirectly asks for, or takes, in connection with
any of his or her duties any payment or other reward
whatsoever, whether pecuniary or otherwise, or any
promise or security for any such payment or reward, not
being a payment or reward which he or she is lawfully
entitled to claim or receive; or
(b) enters into or acquiesces in any agreement to do, abstain
from doing, permit, conceal, or connive at, any act or thing
whereby the Customs revenue is or may be defrauded, or
which is contrary to the provisions of this Act or the proper
execution of his duty;
commits an offence and shall be liable on conviction to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years.
(2) A person who discloses, except for the purposes of this Act
or when required to do so as a witness in any court or
with the approval of the Commissioner, any information acquired by
him or her in the performance of his or her duties relating to any
person, firm, or business of any kind commits an offence and shall be
liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding two thousand five
hundred dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three
years or to both such fine and imprisonment.
(3) A person who
(a) directly or indirectly offers or gives to any officer any
payment or reward whatsoever, whether pecuniary or
otherwise, or any promise or security for any such
payment or reward; or
(b) proposes or enters into any agreement with any officer, in
order to induce him or her to do, abstain from doing,
permit, conceal, or connive at, any act or thing whereby
the Customs revenue is or may be defrauded, or which is
contrary to the provisions of this Act or the proper
execution of the duty of such officer, commits an offence
and shall be liable on conviction to imprisonment of a term
not exceeding three years.
10. (1) The Commissioners shall furnish each other with such
information, certificate, official report or document on matters relating
Exchange of
information and
common border
(a) prevention, investigation and suppression of offences
under this Act; and
(b) any other relevant information relating to customs.
(2) The Commissioners shall establish common border
posts, carry out joint customs controls and take joint
steps as may be deemed appropriate to ensure that
goods exported or imported through common
frontiers pass through the competent and recognised
Customs offices and along approved routes.
(3) Subject to reciprocal arrangements agreed upon by
the Commissioner, the Commissioner may request
from, or furnish to, the competent authorities of a
foreign state any information, certificate, official report
or other document in order to prevent, investigate or
suppress offences against the laws applicable to the
importation or exportation of goods into or from the
territory of such foreign state.
Appointment of
ports etc.
11. (1) The Council may, by notice in the Gazette, appoint and
fix the limits of
(a) ports;
(b) Customs airports;
(c) places of loading and unloading within ports.
Appointment of
Customs areas.
12. (1) The Commissioner may, by notice in the Gazette,
(a) boarding stations;
(b) Customs areas;
(c) sufferance wharves;
(d) places for the landing and embarkation of persons;
(e) places for the examination of goods, including baggage;
(f) roads or routes in a Partner State over which goods in transit,
or goods transferred between the Partner States, shall be
(g) entrances and exits, whether general or special, to and from
any Customs area or Customs airport within a Partner State;
(h) transit sheds;
(i) internal container depots.
(2) An appointment made under subsection (1) may be subject
to such conditions, including the provision of suitable accommodation
for officers, as the Commissioner may deem fit; and the
Commissioner may, in any particular case and subject to such
conditions as he or she may deem fit, permit any boarding station,
area, wharf, place, road, route, entrance, or exit, to be used as if it had
been so appointed and in any such case this Act shall apply thereto as
if it had been so appointed.
(3) The Commissioner may by notice in the Gazette revoke
appointment of any Customs area if he or she is satisfied that the
conditions imposed under subsection (2) have not been complied with.
on wharves.
13. (1) A wharf owner shall provide, to the satisfaction of the
(a) suitable office accommodation on his or her wharf or
sufferance wharf for the exclusive use of the officer
employed at the wharf; and
(b) such shed accommodation for the protection of goods as the
Commissioner may in writing declare to be requisite.
(2) Where any wharf owner contravenes any of the provisions of
this section
(a) the appointment of a place of loading or unloading or a
sufferance wharf may be withheld until the required
accommodation is provided to the satisfaction of the
(b) any existing appointment may be revoked.
14. (1) The Commissioner may, on application, license any
internal container depot for the deposit of goods subject to Customs
control, and the Commissioner may refuse to issue any such licence
and may at any time revoke any licence which has been issued.
internal container
(2) The Commissioner shall give reasons for his or her refusal
to grant a licence or for revoking a licence under subsection (1).
(3) The owner of an internal container depot shall
(a) provide such office accommodation and weights, scales,
measures, and other facilities, for examining and taking
account of goods and for securing them as the proper
officer may require;
(b) keep a record of all goods in the depot and shall keep such
record at all times available for examination by the proper
(c) provide all necessary labour and materials for the storing,
examining, packing, marking coopering, weighing, and
taking stock of goods in internal container depot whenever
the proper officer so requires;
(d) maintain such records and accounts relating to goods and to
operations, in such form and manner, as the proper officer
shall require; and keep such records and accounts at all
times available for examination by the proper officer.
(e) fulfill any other requirement as may be specified by the
(4) Where any internal container depot owner contravenes this
section, the Commissioner may direct that no other goods shall be
kept in the depot until the owner has, in the opinion of the
Commissioner, complied with this section.
Offences in
respect of
customs areas,
15. (1) A person or vehicle shall not enter or leave any Customs
area or Customs airport, and goods, whether dutiable or not, shall not
be brought into or out of any such area or airport, except through an
entrance or exit appointed in accordance with section 12.
(2) A person shall not enter any part of a Customs area or
Customs airport when forbidden to do so by any officer nor remain in
such area or airport, or any part thereof when requested to leave such
area or airport, or part thereof, by any officer.
(3) A person or vehicle entering or leaving any Customs area or
Customs airport, and all goods which are being brought into or out of
such area or airport, may be detained by any officer for the purposes
of search or examination.
(4) A person who contravenes this section commits an offence
and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding one
thousand dollars and any goods in respect of which such offence has
been committed shall be liable to forfeiture.
control of
16. (1) The following goods shall be subject to Customs
(a) imported goods, including goods imported through the Post
Office, from the time of importation until delivery for home
consumption or until exportation, whichever first happens;
(b) goods under duty drawback from the time of the claim for duty
drawback until exportation;
(c) goods subject to any export duty from the time when the
goods are brought to any port or place for exportation until
(d) goods subject to any restriction on exportation from the time
the goods are brought to any port or place for exportation
until exportation;
(e) goods which are with the permission of the proper officer
stored in a Customs area pending exportation;
(f) goods on board any aircraft or vessel whilst within any part
or place in a Partner State;
(g) imported goods subject to duty where there is a change of
ownership over such goods from an exempt person to a non
exempt person;
(h) goods which have been declared for or are intended for
transfer to another Partner State;
(i) seized goods.
(2) Where any goods are subject to Customs control, then
(a) any officer may at any time examine such goods;
(b) except with the authority of the Commissioner or in
accordance with this Act, no person shall interfere in any
way with such goods;
(3) Where any goods are subject to Customs control, then the
Commissioner may permit the owner of such goods to abandon them
to the Customs; and on such abandonment such goods may, at the
expense of the owner thereof, be destroyed or otherwise disposed of
in such manner as the Commissioner may direct and the duty thereon
shall be remitted or refunded, as the case may be.
(4) A person who contravenes subsection (2) (b) commits an
offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding one
thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three
years, or both and any goods in respect of which such offence has
been committed shall be liable to forfeiture.
17. Where any loss or damage is occasioned to any goods
subject to Customs control through the wilful or negligent act of a
Commissioner or an officer, an action shall lie against the
Commissioner or such officer in respect thereof.
Liability for loss,
etc., through
negligence of
Prohibited and Restricted Imports
18. (1) The goods specified in Part A of the Second Schedule
are prohibited goods and the importation thereof is prohibited.
Prohibited and
(2) The goods specified in Part B of the Second Schedule are
restricted goods and the importation thereof, save in accordance with
any conditions regulating their importation, is prohibited.
19. (1) The Council may by order published in the Gazette
amend the Second Schedule so as to provide that the importation of
any goods or class of goods
Power to
prohibit, etc.
(a) is prohibited, either generally or in relation to any Partner
(b) is prohibited, save in accordance with any conditions
regulating their importation, either generally or in relation
to a Partner State.
(2) The Council may, by order published in the Gazette
(a) provide that the importation into a Partner State, or any area
thereof, of any goods, or class of goods, shall be prohibited
or shall be prohibited save in accordance with such
conditions as may be specified in such order;
(b) limit in respect of a Partner State the application of the
provisions of the Second Schedule in respect of all or any of
the goods specified therein; and thereupon in respect of
such goods the provisions of this Act shall apply as if such
goods are, or are not, as the case may be, included in the
Second Schedule.
(3) An order made under this section may specify goods, or any
class of goods, either generally or in any particular manner and may
prohibit or restrict the importation thereof either from all places or
from any particular country or place.
Exemption of
goods in
transit, etc.
20. (1) Subject to subsection (2), sections 18 and 19 shall not
apply to goods imported in transit, or for transhipment, or as stores of
any aircraft or vessel, unless such goods come within paragraph 2 of
Part A of the Second Schedule, or are goods of which the importation
in transit, or for transhipment, or as stores for any aircraft or vessel, is
expressly prohibited or restricted in any order made under this Act
prohibiting or restricting the importation of goods.
(2) Where, under subsection (1), sections 18 and 19 do not
apply to any goods imported in transit, or for transhipment, or as
stores for any aircraft or vessel, then such goods shall be duly re-
exported within such time and subject to such conditions as the
Commissioner may specify; and where such goods are not so re-
exported, then, as from the last date on which they should have been
so re-exported, they shall be deemed to be prohibited goods, or
restricted goods, as the case may be, and to have been imported on
that date.
Arrival and Report of Aircraft and Vessels
Procedure on
21. (1) Save as provided in section 28, the master of every
aircraft or vessel arriving in the Partner States
(a) shall not, except where so allowed by the proper officer in
any special circumstances, cause or permit such aircraft or
vessel to land, touch at, or enter, any place in the Partner
States other than a port;
(b) shall, on arriving at any such port or place, come as quickly
as the conditions of the port or place admit up to the
proper place of mooring or unloading without touching at
any other place;
(c) shall, in proceeding to such proper place, bring to at the
station appointed for the boarding of aircraft or vessels;
(d) shall not, after arriving at such proper place, depart
therefrom except directly to some other approved place of
mooring or unloading, or directly to some other port or
place in the Partner States, or directly on any voyage to a
foreign port, in accordance with this Act;
(e) shall not, after any such departure on any voyage to a
foreign port, bring to within the Partner States except in
accordance with this Act, or with the permission of the
proper officer, or for some cause which the master
explains to the satisfaction of such proper officer.
(2) A master who contravenes this section commits an
22. The proper officer may, unless other provision is lawfully
made, direct at what particular part of any port or other place any
aircraft or vessel shall moor or discharge its cargo.
Place of mooring
23. (1) A person, except the port pilot, the health officer, or
any other public officer in the exercise of his or her duties and duly
authorised, shall not, save with the permission of the proper officer,
board any vessel before the proper officer.
Restrictions on
boarding vessel
before proper
(2) A person who contravenes this section commits an offence
and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty
24. (1) The master or agent of every aircraft or vessel, whether
laden or in ballast, shall, except where otherwise provided in any
regulations, within twenty-four hours after arrival from a foreign
port at any port, or other place Especially allowed by the proper
officer, make report of such
aircraft or vessel, and of its cargo and stores, and of any package for
which there is no bill of lading, to the proper officer on the prescribed
form and in the prescribed manner.
(2) A report under subsection (1) shall show separately any goods
which are in transit, any goods for transhipment, any goods which are
to remain on board for other ports in the Partner States, and any goods
for re-exportation on the same aircraft or vessel.
(3) In the case of a vessel of less than two hundred and fifty
tons register, such report shall, except where otherwise allowed by the
proper officer, be made before bulk is broken.
(4) The proper officer may permit the master or agent of an
aircraft or vessel to amend the destination, ownership or status of
goods specified in the report where a change in such destination,
ownership or status is intended.
(5) The proper officer may permit the master or agent of an
aircraft or vessel to amend an obvious error in the report, or to supply
an omission, which in the opinion of the proper officer results from
accident or inadvertence.
(6) A master or agent of any aircraft or vessel who
(a) fails to make report in accordance with this section;
(b) makes a report of which any of the particulars contained in
the report are false;
(c) except with the knowledge and consent of the proper
officer, causes or permits bulk to be broken contrary to this
section; or
(d) except with the knowledge and consent of the proper
officer, at any time after arrival causes or permits any
goods to be staved, destroyed, or thrown overboard, or any
packages to be opened, shall, unless such contravention is
explained to the satisfaction of the proper officer;
commits an offence and any goods in respect of which an
offence contrary to paragraphs (a), (b), (c) or (d), of this
subsection has been committed shall be liable to forfeiture.
Master to
questions, etc.
25. (1) The master or agent of every aircraft or vessel
(a) shall answer fully and immediately all such questions
relating to the aircraft or vessel, its cargo, stores, baggage,
crew, and passengers, as may be put to him or her by the
proper officer; (b) shall produce all such books and
documents in his or her custody or control relating to the
aircraft or vessel, its
cargo, stores, baggage, crew, and passengers, as the
proper officer may require;
(c) shall, before any person, unless permitted to do so by the
proper officer, disembarks, deliver to the officer who
boards such aircraft or vessel on arrival at any port or
place, a correct list in the prescribed form containing
separately the names of the passengers disembarking
and of those remaining on board such aircraft or vessel,
and also, when required by such officer, the names of the
master and of each officer and member of the crew;
(d) shall, when required, deliver to the proper officer at the
time of making report the clearance, if any, of such
aircraft or vessel from the port from which such aircraft
or vessel has arrived.
(2) A master or agent who contravenes this section commits an
26. (1) Goods which have been unloaded and landed into a
transit shed or a Customs area shall be deemed to be still in the
importing aircraft or vessel until they are delivered from such transit
shed or Customs area; and so long as they remain in the transit shed
or the Customs area the owners or agents of the aircraft or vessel
shall continue to be responsible for the goods as if such goods had
not been removed from such aircraft or vessel.
Goods in transit
shed etc. deemed
to be in aircraft
or vessel.
(2) Where the goods are handed over to an owner of a transit
shed who is not an agent of the importing aircraft or vessel the
owner of the transit shed shall be responsible and accountable for
the goods.
(3) The owner or agent of an aircraft or vessel or the owner of
a transit shed, as the case maybe, shall be liable for payment of duty
on the goods if the goods are not subsequently delivered or
otherwise accounted for to the satisfaction of the proper officer or
for reshipment or destruction of goods which are condemned while
still in the dry port or inland transit shed.
(4) The owner or agent of an aircraft or vessel or a transit shed
owner referred to in subsection (2) who fails to account for any of
the goods for which he is responsible to the satisfaction of the
proper officer, within such period as may be prescribed or such
further period as the proper officer may allow, commits an offence.
(5) The owner or agent of an aircraft or vessel or the owner of a
transit shed shall be liable to pay for the reshipment or for the
destruction of any condemned goods.
(6) The owner or agent of an aircraft or vessel or the owner of a
transit shed as the case may be, who fails to meet the cost of
reshipment or destruction of any condemned goods pursuant to
subsection (5) commits an offence.
reported to be
27. Where any goods reported for discharge at a port, or place
specially allowed by the proper officer, are not duly unloaded and
deposited in a transit shed or a Customs area, then the master or agent
of the aircraft or vessel shall pay duty on the goods unless he or she
explains, to the satisfaction of the proper officer, the failure to unload
and deposit such goods.
Master of
wreck, etc. to
28. (1) When any aircraft or vessel is lost or wrecked or is
compelled to land or bring to, within the Partner States owing to
accident, stress of weather or other unavoidable cause, the master or
agent of such aircraft or vessel shall, with all reasonable speed, make
report of such aircraft or vessel and of its cargo and stores to the
nearest officer or administrative officer.
(2) Where any aircraft or vessel is found abandoned within the
Partner States, then, unless the master or agent thereof satisfies the
Commissioner that all the provisions of this Act in relation to such
aircraft or vessel and its cargo and stores have been complied with,
such aircraft or vessel and its cargo and stores shall be liable to
(3) A master or agent who contravenes subsection (1) commits
an offence.
Arrival Overland
29. (1) A person in charge of any vehicle, whether or not such
vehicle is conveying goods and whether or not such goods (if any) are
dutiable, arriving overland at a frontier of the Partner States from a
place outside the Partner States shall not, except where otherwise
permitted by the proper officer, cause or allow the vehicle to enter the
Partner States at any place other than at a port appointed under section
11, and shall before unloading or disposing of the vehicle or of any
goods therein
(a) report his or her arrival to the officer stationed at the
frontier port at which he or she entered the Partner State;
(b) furnish on the prescribed form such information as may be
required concerning the vehicle or any such goods;
(c) make and subscribe a declaration as to the truth of all
particulars contained in such form;
(d) fully and immediately answer all relevant questions put to
him or her by the proper officer;
(e) produce all consignment notes or other relevant documents
demanded of him or her by the proper officer;
(f) save as otherwise provided in the Customs laws, make due
entry of the vehicle and of any such goods.
(2) Vehicles or goods to which this section applies shall not be
removed from the Customs area until after due entry thereof has
been made or until permission for removal has been granted by the
proper officer.
(3) A person who contravenes this section commits an offence
and any goods in respect of which such offence has been committed
shall be liable to forfeiture.
30. (1) Upon arrival at any port of the Partner States of any
train carrying goods subject to customs control, the station master or
other person in charge of the railway station at that port shall deliver
to the proper officer copies of all invoices, way-bills, consignment
notes or other documents received by him or her and relating to the
goods subject to customs control conveyed by that train and
consigned to that station or required to be entered at that port.
Trains arriving.
(2) A station master or other person in charge of a railway
station at any port shall not, without the written permission of a
proper officer, permit goods subject to customs control required to
be entered at that port and conveyed to that station in any train to be
removed from the transit shed or customs area appointed for
such station, or be forwarded to any other railway station, and it
shall be an offence to remove any goods from such shed or area
before delivery or removal has been authorised by the proper
(3) A station master or other person in charge of a railway
station shall not, without the written permission of the proper officer,
deliver to the consignee or any person at the station any goods which
are required to be entered at any other station.
(4) An owner or user of a private railway siding or any other
person shall not receive railway wagons containing goods subject to
customs control into a private railway siding
unless he or she has been granted permission in writing by the
(5) A person who contravenes the provisions of this section
commits an offence and any goods in respect of which such offence
has been committed shall be liable to forfeiture.
otherwise than
31. (1) A person arriving overland in the Partner States from a
foreign place, if he or she has any goods in his or her possession,
by vehicle.
shall, before disposing of the goods
(a) report his or her arrival to the officer stationed at the
Customs house nearest to the point at which he or she
crossed the frontier;
(b) furnish on the prescribed form such information as may be
required concerning the goods;
(c) make and subscribe a declaration as to the truth of all
particulars contained in the form;
(d) fully and immediately answer all relevant questions put to
him or her by the proper officer;
(e) produce all consignment notes or other relevant documents
demanded of him or her by the proper officer;
(f) save as otherwise provided in the Customs laws, make due
entry of any such goods.
(2) Goods to which this section applies shall not be removed
from the Customs area until after due entry thereof has been made or
until permission for removal has been granted by the proper officer.
(3) The Commissioner may, subject to such conditions as he or
she may specify, exempt any person or class of persons from the
provisions of this section.
(4) A person who contravenes this section commits an offence
and any goods in respect of which such offence has been committed
shall be liable to forfeiture.
Clearance by Pipeline
Operator of
pipeline to
32. (1) The nature and quantities of goods imported or exported
through a pipeline shall be recorded and reported by the operator of
the pipeline in such manner as the Commissioner may direct.
(2) For the purpose of keeping records and making reports
referred to in subsection (1), the operator shall at his or her own
expense, provide such apparatus and appliances as the Commissioner
may specify.
Unloading and Removal of Cargo
33. (1) Save with the written permission of the proper officer
and subject to such conditions as he or she may impose
Unloading etc.
(a) goods shall not be unloaded from any aircraft or vessel
arriving from a foreign port unless such goods have been
duly entered;
(b) goods shall not be unloaded or removed from any aircraft
or vessel arriving from a foreign port at any time
whatsoever except as prescribed by the Commissioner;
(c) goods shall not be unloaded from any aircraft or vessel
arriving from a foreign port except at an approved place
of unloading or at a sufferance wharf:
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1)
(a) goods may be unloaded from any such aircraft or vessel
into another vessel in order to be landed; and in any such
case such goods shall be taken directly to and landed
without delay at an approved place of unloading or at a
sufferance wharf;
(b) with the permission of the proper officer and subject to
such conditions as he or she may impose, goods reported
for re-exportation by another aircraft or vessel may be
unloaded into any other aircraft or vessel pending re-
(c) with the permission of the proper officer and subject to
such conditions as he or she may impose, goods reported
for re-exportation by another aircraft or vessel may be
unloaded into any other aircraft or vessel pending re-
(3) All goods, which have been unloaded or landed, shall be
conveyed to a Customs area and, if the proper officer so requires,
shall be deposited in a transit shed or in a Customs warehouse:
Provided that such goods as the proper officer may consider to
be unsuited for storage in a transit shed or a Customs warehouse
shall be deposited in such other place as the proper officer may
direct, and thereupon such other place shall, for the purpose of such
deposit, be deemed to be a transit shed;
(4) Goods shall not be removed from any part of a Customs area
or from a transit shed or a Customs warehouse unless such goods have
been duly reported and entered and authority for their removal or
delivery has been given by the proper officer:
Provided that the proper officer may, if he or she considers it
necessary, direct the agent of any aircraft or vessel from which goods
have been landed into any transit shed or Customs warehouse to
remove such goods to some other place (which other place shall, for
such purpose, be deemed to be a transit shed) selected by such proper
officer and, if the agent fails to remove the goods when called upon,
the proper officer may have them removed at the risk and expense of
such agent;
(5) All goods entered for warehousing shall be removed by the
importer by such routes, in such manner, and within such time, as the
proper officer may direct to the warehouse for which they were
entered and shall be delivered into the custody of the person in charge
of the warehouse:
Provided that, if the proper officer so requires, the owner shall
first enter into a bond for the due warehousing of the goods.
(6) A person who contravenes this section, or any of the
conditions which may have been imposed by, or any of the directions
which may have been given by, the proper officer commits an offence
and any goods in respect of which such offence has been committed
shall be liable to forfeiture.
Entry, Examination and Delivery
Entry of cargo.
34. (1) Save as otherwise provided in the Customs laws, the
whole of the cargo of an aircraft, vehicle or vessel which is unloaded
or to be unloaded shall be entered by the owner within twenty one
days after the commencement of discharge or in the case of vehicles
on arrival or such further period as may be allowed by the proper
officer, either for
(a) home consumption;
(b) warehousing;
(c) transhipment;
(d) transit; or
(e) export processing zones.
(2) Where any entry is delivered to the proper officer, the owner
shall furnish with the entry full particulars supported by documentary
evidence of the goods referred to in the entry.
(3) Entries for goods to be unloaded may be delivered to the
proper officer for checking before the arrival at the port of discharge
of the aircraft or vessel in which such goods are imported; and in
such case the Commissioner may in his or her discretion permit any
goods to be entered before the arrival of such aircraft or vessel or
(4) Where any goods remain unentered within the period
specified under subsection (1) then such goods shall, if the proper
officer so requires, be removed by, or at the expense of, the agent of
the aircraft or vessel in which such goods were imported to a
Customs warehouse.
35. The surplus stores of any aircraft or vessel may, with the
permission of the proper officer, be entered for home consumption or
for warehousing.
Surplus stores
may be entered.
36. (1) Notwithstanding sections 33 and 34
relating to mail,
baggage, etc.
(a) mail bags and postal articles in the course of transmission
by post may be unloaded and delivered to an officer of
the Post Office without entry;
(b) goods which are the bona fide personal baggage of the
passengers, or members of the crew, of any aircraft or
vessel may, subject to the provisions of any regulations,
be unloaded and delivered to such persons without entry;
(c) human remains may be released without entry;
(d) diplomatic bags may be released without entry;
(e) the proper officer may permit the unloading and delivery to
the owner of any bullion, currency notes, coin, or
perishable goods, without entry subject to an undertaking
being given by such owner to furnish the necessary
entry within forty-eight hours of the time of delivery.
(2) An owner who contravenes any undertaking given
under subsection (1) (e) commits an offence and shall be liable to a
fine not exceeding five hundred dollars.
37. (1) Where the owner of any goods is, by reason of the
absence of any, or of any sufficient, documents or information
concerning them, unable to furnish full particulars of such goods, he
or she shall make and subscribe a declaration on the prescribed form
to that effect, and thereupon the proper officer may permit the owner
to examine such goods in his or her presence.
Entry in absence
of documents.
(2) Upon such examination having been made the proper officer
may, subject to section 38, permit the owner to enter such goods for
home consumption, or for warehousing, if he or she is satisfied that
the description of the goods for tariff and statistical purposes is
correctly made in such entry, and also-
(a) in the case of goods liable to duty ad valorem, that the value
declared on the entry is in accordance with the Fourth
Schedule; and
(b) in the case of goods liable to duty according to weight,
quantity, number, measurement, or strength, that the weight,
quantity, number, measurement or strength declared on the
entry is correct.
(3) Where the proper officer has permitted entry to be made
under subsection (2), the delivery of such goods may accordingly be
made, but the proper officer may, in the case of goods liable to duty
ad valorem, retain such samples of the goods for such period up to the
passing of perfect entry as he or she may deem fit.
(4) Where the owner of any goods referred to in the declaration
does not make, or is not permitted to make, entry thereof in
accordance with this section, then the proper officer shall cause the
goods referred to in such declaration to be deposited in a Customs
relating to
goods liable to
duty ad
38. (1) Where any goods entered in accordance with section 37
are goods liable to duty ad valorem, then such entry shall be deemed
to be a provisional entry.
(2) Where any such goods are provisionally entered for home
consumption, then the proper officer may require the owner to
deposit, in addition to the amount estimated as the duty for the
purpose of making such provisional entry, such further sum as the
proper officer may deem fit; and such estimated duty and further sum
shall be held on deposit and shall be forfeited unless the owner within
three months, or such further period as may be allowed by the proper
officer, of the provisional entry produces to the proper officer
satisfactory evidence of the value of such goods and makes perfect
entry thereof.
(3) Where the owner makes perfect entry in accordance with
subsection (2), then where
(a) the amount of the deposit is more than the full amount of the
duty, either the difference shall be refunded to the owner
and the balance brought to account as duty or the owner
shall pay the full amount of the duty and be refunded the
amount of the deposit;
(b) the amount of the deposit is equal to or less than the full
amount of the duty, the deposit shall be brought to
account as duty, and the difference, if any, shall
thereupon be paid by the owner.
39. (1) The proper officer may subject to such conditions as he
or she may impose and to the giving of such security as he or she
may think appropriate for the due return of any goods or the payment
Delivery from
Customs area in
of the duties thereon, permit the goods to be removed from any
transit shed or Customs area without payment of the duty for such
purpose, for such period, and in such quantities, as he or she may
deem fit.
(2) A person who contravenes any conditions imposed under
subsection (1) commits an offence and any goods in respect of which
such offence has been committed shall be liable to forfeiture.
40. The proper officer may permit any goods to be re-packed,
skipped, bulked, sorted, lotted, or packed, on any approved place of
unloading, or on a sufferance wharf, or in a transit shed, or in a
Customs area.
etc. in Customs
area, etc.
41. Goods entered under section 34, may in the presence of
the owner, be examined by the proper officer to take account and
determine the accuracy of the entry made.
Examination of
Provisions relating to Customs Warehouses
42. (1) Where any goods which have been deposited in a
Customs warehouse are not lawfully removed within thirty days after
deposit, then the Commissioner shall give notice by publication in
the Gazette that unless such goods are removed within thirty days
from the date of notice they shall be deemed to have been abandoned
to Customs for sale by public auction and may be sold in such
manner as the Commissioner may deem fit:
Goods deposited
in a Customs
may be sold, etc.
Provided that any such goods which are of a perishable nature,
or are animals, may be sold by the proper officer without notice,
either by public auction or by private treaty, at any time after deposit
in the Customs warehouse.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) the Commissioner may
extend the period for the removal of goods imported by the Partner
States‘ Governments, or diplomatic mission or aid agencies.
(3) Where any goods have been deposited in a Customs
warehouse then they shall be subject to such rent and other charges
as may be prescribed.
(4) Where any goods are sold under this section, then the
proceeds thereof shall be applied in the order set out below in the
discharge of
(a) the duties, if any;
(b) the expenses of removal and sale;
(c) the rent and charges due to the Customs;
(d) the port charges; and
(e) the freight and any other charges.
(5) Where, after the proceeds of any such sale have been
applied in accordance with subsection (3), there is any balance, then
such balance shall
(a) if the goods were prohibited goods, or restricted goods in
relation to which there had been any contravention or
where no application for such balance is made as provided
in paragraph (b) be paid into the Customs revenue;
(b) in any other case be paid to the owner of the goods if he or
she makes application for the payment within one year of
the date of the sale.
(6) Where any goods are offered for sale in accordance with
this section and cannot be sold for a sum to pay all duties, expenses,
rent, freight, and other charges, they may be destroyed or disposed of
in such manner as the Commissioner may direct.
(7) Subject to any other written law restricted or prohibited
goods maybe disposed of in the manner the Commissioner may deem
(8) Any officer having the custody of any goods in a Customs
warehouse, or place of deposit deemed to be a Customs warehouse,
may refuse delivery therefrom until he or she is satisfied that all
duties, expenses, rent, freight and other charges due in respect of such
goods have been paid.
Goods deemed
to be in
43. (1) Where under this Act any goods are required to be
deposited in a Customs warehouse, the proper officer may, decide that
it is undesirable or inconvenient to deposit such goods in a Customs
warehouse and direct that such goods shall be deposited in some other
place; and thereupon such goods shall for all purposes be deemed to
have been deposited in a Customs warehouse as from the time that
they are required to be deposited.
(2) Where any goods are deemed to have been deposited in a
Customs warehouse then such goods shall, in addition to
the rent and other charges to which they are liable under section 42,
be chargeable with such expenses incurred in the securing, guarding,
and removing, of them as the proper officer may consider
reasonable; and neither the Comm-issioner nor any officer shall be
liable for the loss of or damage to such goods which may be
occasioned by reason of their being deposited and dealt with.
Passenger Clearance
44. (1) A person shall not disembark from any aircraft or
vessel except at a place appointed in accordance with section 11 of
this Act.
of persons.
(2) The following persons on landing at any port or place from
an aircraft or vessel which has arrived from or called at a foreign port
shall, subject to section 46 proceed forthwith to the baggage room or
other place set aside for the examination of baggage and there remain
until they receive the permission of the proper officer to leave that
room or other place
(a) any person who is disembarking at that port or place;
(b) any person, including any person who is returning ashore,
who has any uncustomed goods in his possession, whether
upon his person or in his baggage.
(c) the crew of an aircraft or vessel who are leaving that
aircraft or vessel either temporarily or for any other
reason, and wish to remove their baggage or part thereof,
from that aircraft or vessel;
(d) any passenger who is temporarily leaving that aircraft or
vessel and wishes to remove therefrom his baggage, or
any part thereof;
(e) any other person who may be required by the proper officer
to do so.
(3) The Commissioner may require the owner or agent of an
aircraft or vessel conveying passengers to provide advance
passenger information prior to the arrival of such aircraft or vessel.
(4) Any person who contravenes this section commits an
45. (1) There shall be established at every place of arrival and
within the baggage room at every major port a dual channel system
which shall consist of
Baggage to be
taken to
(a) green channel for passengers with nothing to declare or
with baggage consisting of only goods within the prescribed
passenger allowance as provided for in Part B of the Fifth
Schedule of this Act; and
(b) red channel for passengers carrying dutiable or restricted
goods: Provided that crew members of vessels or aircrafts
shall use the red channel.
(2) A person to whom section 44 applies shall without delay
take his or her baggage and any uncustomed goods in his or her
possession, to the place appointed for examination of baggage
(3) Subject to section 46 a person shall not remove any baggage
or goods out of the baggage room or such other place until the proper
officer authorises such removal
(4) A person who contravenes any provision of this section
commits an offence.
46. (1) A person shall on entering the Partner States make a
declaration to the proper officer of his or her baggage and the articles
contained therein or carried with him or her; and that declaration shall
be at the discretion of the proper officer.
General Provisions
Dutiable goods
may be
47. (1) Subject to any regulations, goods liable to import duty
may on first importation be warehoused without payment of duty in a
Government warehouse or a bonded warehouse.
(2) On, or as soon as practicable after, the landing of any goods
to be warehoused, the proper officer shall take a particular account of
such goods and shall enter such account in a book; and such account
shall, subject to sections 52 and 58, be that upon which the duties in
respect of such goods shall be ascertained and paid.
Procedure on
48. (1) Where any goods entered to be warehoused are delivered
into the custody of the person in charge of a warehouse, the proper
officer shall, save where the Commissioner otherwise directs, take a
particular account of such goods, whether or not any account thereof
has been previously taken.
(2) The proper officer shall, in taking such account, enter in the
book for that purpose the name of the aircraft or vessel or the
registered number of the vehicle, as the case may be in which the
goods were imported or, in the case of postal articles, the parcel post
reference, the name of the owner of such goods, the number of
packages, the mark and number of each package, and the value and
particulars of the goods.
(3) After such account has been taken and the goods deposited
in the warehouse in accordance with the direction of
the proper officer, such officer shall certify at the foot of the account
that the entry and warehousing of the goods is complete; and such
goods shall from that time be considered goods duly warehoused.
(4) Subject to section 50, all goods entered to be warehoused,
shall within fourteen days of their release be removed to the
warehouse for which they are entered and deposited therein in the
package in which they were imported:
―Amended: Act
No. 5‖
Provided that
(i) in the case of bulk cargo or goods destined for a bonded
warehouse located far away from the port of discharge,
the Commissioner may allow for such longer period
not exceeding forty-five days;
(ii) where any goods are permitted to be repacked, skipped,
bulked, sorted, lotted, or packed, in accordance with
section 40, then such goods shall be deposited in the
packages in which they were contained when that account
thereof was taken.
(5) Any person who contravenes subsection (4) commits an
offence and any goods in respect of which such offence has been
committed shall be liable to forfeiture.
49. (1) Where any goods entered to be warehoused and are not
duly warehoused by the owner, the proper officer may cause them to
be removed to the warehouse for which they were entered.
Removal to
warehouse of
goods entered
(2) Where any goods are so removed to a bonded warehouse
the warehouse keeper shall pay the cost of the removal of such goods
and shall have a lien on such goods for such cost.
50. (1) Goods which have been warehoused may be entered
either for
Entry of
(a) home consumption;
(b) exportation;
(c) removal to another warehouse;
(d ) removal to an export processing zone; or
(e) removal to a freeport.
(2) Where any goods have been entered for warehousing,
they may, before they are actually warehoused, be entered for home
consumption, for exportation, for removal to another warehouse, or
for use as stores for aircraft or vessels, and in any such case such
goods shall be deemed
to have been so warehoused and may be delivered for home
consumption, for exportation, for removal to another warehouse, or
for use as stores for aircraft or vessel, as the case may be as if they
had been actually warehoused.
Operations in a
51. (1) Where any goods are warehoused, the Commissioner
may, subject to such conditions as he or she may impose
(a) permit such goods to be repacked, skipped, bulked, sorted,
lotted, or packed, therein;
(b) permit samples of such goods to be taken by the owner;
(c) permit the name of the owner of such goods in the account
taken under section 47 to be changed if application is made
on the prescribed form and signed by both the owner and
the intended owner;
(d) permit the assembly or manufacture in the warehouse of any
article consisting wholly or partly of such goods; and for
such purpose the Commissioner may permit the receipt in a
warehouse of duty free or locally produced articles required
as components of the article to be assembled or
manufactured in the warehouse:
Provided that
(i) where the finished article is entered for home
consumption, duty shall be charged on the goods
forming part thereof according to the first account
taken upon the warehousing of the goods except in the
case of imported crude petroleum or partly-refined
petroleum oils which are ware-housed in a refinery, in
which case duty shall be charged on the goods
produced from crude petroleum or partly refined
petroleum oils delivered from the refinery for home
consumption and shall be the same as that which
would be payable on the importation of similar goods;
(ii) in respect of blended lubricating oils, duty shall be
charged on the resultant volume of the blend at the
time of entry for home consumption and shall be the
same as that which would be payable on the
importation of similar goods; and
(iii) in respect of any other product as may be
(2) A person who contravenes any conditions which may be
imposed by the Commissioner under this section commits an offence
and any goods in respect of which such offence has been committed
shall be liable to forfeiture.
52. The proper officer may, either on the direction of the
Commissioner or on the application and at the expense of the
Re-gauging and
(a) re-gauge, re-measure, re-weigh, examine, or take stock of,
any warehoused goods;
(b) re-value any warehoused goods liable to duty ad valorem
which have deteriorated in quality;
and in either such case the duty on any such goods shall be payable
according to the result, unless the proper officer considers that
any loss or deterioration is excessive or has been wilfully or
negligently caused, in either of which events the duty shall, subject
to such reduction, if any, as the Commissioner may allow, be
payable according to the original account.
53. (1) The proper officer may, subject to such conditions as he
or she may impose and to the giving of such security as he or she
may think appropriate for the due return thereof or the payment of
duties thereon, permit any goods to be removed from any warehouse
without payment of the duty for such purpose, for such period, and in
such quantities, as he or she may deem fit.
Delivery from
ware- house in
(2) A person who contravenes any conditions imposed under
subsection (1) commits an offence and any goods in respect of which
such offence has been committed shall be liable to forfeiture.
54. (1) Where any warehoused goods are to be removed to
another warehouse, then the proper officer
Removal to
(a) shall require the owner of such goods to deliver an entry
thereof in such form and manner as the proper officer
may direct;
(b) shall require such owner to give security in such amount,
not being less than the duty chargeable on such goods, as
the proper officer may deem fit for the due arrival
and re-warehousing of such goods within such time as
the proper officer may consider appropriate; and
(c) shall transmit to the proper officer of the place where
such goods are to be re-warehoused in such other
warehouse an account containing the particulars of such
(2) Security given under this section shall not be discharged
(a) the conditions attached to the security have been satisfied;
(b) the full duties payable on such goods have been paid in
accordance with this Act;
(3) On the arrival of such goods at such other warehouse they
shall be re-warehoused in the same manner as if they were
being warehoused on the first importation.
goods may be
delivered as
55. (1) Where any warehoused goods have been entered for use
as stores for any aircraft or vessel, they may be delivered for that
purpose to any aircraft or vessel proceeding to a foreign port:
Provided that warehoused goods shall not be entered for use as
stores for a vessel of less than two hundred and fifty tons register or
be delivered for that purpose.
(2) Where any warehoused goods are delivered for the purpose
of being used as stores for an aircraft or vessel, they shall forthwith be
put on board the aircraft or vessel for which they are entered.
(3) Where any warehoused goods are dealt with contrary to this
section, then the owner of such goods commits an offence and any
goods in respect of which such offence has been committed shall be
liable to forfeiture.
etc. of
56. (1) The Commissioner may, subject to such conditions as he
or she may impose
(a) permit the owner of any warehoused goods to abandon
such goods to the Customs;
(b) permit the owner of any warehoused goods which, in the
opinion of the proper officer, are not worth the duty
payable on them or have become damaged, or are surplus,
by reason of any operations in connection with the goods
carried out under section 51 to destroy such goods; and in
either such case the duty on such goods shall be remitted.
(2) Where under subsection (1) any warehoused goods are
(a) abandoned to the Customs, then such goods may be
destroyed or otherwise disposed of in such manner as the
Commissioner may direct and at the expense of the
(b) permitted to be destroyed and such goods were
warehoused in a Government warehouse, then the owner
of such goods shall nevertheless be liable to pay to the
proper officer the rent and other charges due to such
57. (1) All warehoused goods which have not been removed
from a warehouse in accordance with this Act within six months
from the date on which they were warehoused may, with the written
permission of the Commissioner, be re-warehoused for a further
period of three months:
Period of
warehousing and
sale of goods.
―Amended: Act
No. 5‖
Provided that in the case of
(a) wines and spirits in bulk warehoused by licensed
manufacturers of wines and spirits; or
(b) goods in a duty free shop; or
(c) new motor vehicles warehoused by approved motor
assemblers and dealers;
the Commissioner may, in addition to the period of re-warehousing
permitted in this subsection, allow for further period of re-
warehousing as he or she may deem appropriate.
(2) Where any goods required to be re-warehoused under
subsection (1) are not so re-warehoused, then they shall be sold by
public auction after one month‘s notice of such sale has been given
by the proper officer by publication in such manner as the
Commissioner may deem fit:
Provided that any such goods which are of a perishable nature
may be sold by the proper officer without notice, either by public
auction or private treaty, at any time after the expiry of the initial
warehousing period.
(3) Where any goods are sold under the provisions of this
section, then the proceeds of such sale shall be applied in the order
set out below in the discharge of
(a) the duties;
(b) the expenses of the sale;
(c) any rent and charges due to the Customs or to the
warehouse keeper;
(d) the port charges; and
(e) the freight and any other charges.
(4) Where, after proceeds of the sale have been applied in
accordance with subsection (3), there is any balance, then such
balance shall, if the owner of the goods makes application within one
year from the date of the sale, be paid to such owner, or, in any other
case, be paid into the Customs revenue.
(5) Where any goods are offered for sale in accordance with
this section and cannot be sold for a sum to pay all duties, expenses,
rent, freight, and other charges, they may be destroyed or disposed of
in such manner as the Commissioner may direct.
of warehoused
goods on
58. (1) Where any warehoused goods are delivered for home
consumption, for exportation, for removal to another warehouse, or
for use as stores for aircraft or vessels, or are to be re-warehoused or
sold under section 57, then the proper officer may examine and take
stock of such goods.
(2) Where there is any deficiency between the quantity shown
by the warehouse account and that ascertained on such examination,
then, if the proper officer considers
(a) that the deficiency is not excessive or that it was not
wilfully or negligently caused, he or she may allow the
deficiency and direct that the duties on such goods shall be
payable, or that the re-warehousing entry shall be made, as
the case may be, on the result of such examination;
(b) that the deficiency is excessive or that it was wilfully or
negligently caused, he or she shall require the duties on
such goods to be paid by the owner, according to the
warehouse account:
Provided that
(i) where the goods are to be re-warehoused, the duty on
such deficiency shall be forthwith paid by the owner of
such goods and the re-warehousing entry shall be made
according to the result of such examination;
(ii) where the goods are to be sold under section 57, the
duty on such deficiency shall be forthwith paid by the
warehouse keeper in any case where the goods were
warehoused in a bonded warehouse.
59. (1) The proper officer shall at all times have the right of
access to any part of any warehouse and may examine any goods
therein; and for the purpose of obtaining such access the proper
officer may break open the warehouse or any part thereof.
Access to
(2) A person, other than the proper officer or, in the case of a
bonded warehouse, the warehouse keeper or any duly authorised
employee, shall not open any warehouse or gain access to any goods
therein save with the approval of the proper officer; and any person
who contravenes this subsection commits an offence and shall be
liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or
to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.
(3) A person shall not enter any warehouse, or part thereof,
contrary to the orders of the proper officer or shall refuse to leave
any warehouse, or part thereof, when directed to do so by the proper
officer; and any person who contravenes this subsection commits an
offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding two
hundred and fifty dollars or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding one year.
60. (1) Goods entered for home consumption or sold in
accordance with this Act shall be removed from a warehouse within
fourteen days after such entry or sale as the case may be.
Removal of
after entry for
export, etc.
(2) Where goods are entered for export such goods shall be
removed from the warehouse or bonded factory and exported within
thirty days or within such further period, not exceeding thirty days,
as the Commissioner may, in any particular case, allow.
(3) Where goods are not removed within the period required
under this section then such goods shall, unless the Commissioner in
any special case otherwise directs, be forfeited and may be destroyed
or otherwise disposed of in such manner as the Commissioner may
(2) Where goods are entered for export such goods shall be
removed from the warehouse or bonded factory and exported within
thirty days or within such further period, not exceeding thirty days,
as the Commissioner may, in any particular case, allow.
(3) Where goods are not removed within the period required
under this section then such goods shall, unless the Commissioner in
any special case otherwise directs, be forfeited and may be destroyed
or otherwise disposed of in such manner as the Commissioner may
Penalty for
taking, etc.,
61. A person who
(a) takes, or causes or permits to be taken, any goods from any
warehouse otherwise than in accordance with this Act; or
(b) fails to carry into and deposit in the warehouse, any goods
entered for warehousing; or
(c) willfully destroys or damages any warehoused goods
otherwise than in circumstances specifically provided for in
this Act,
commits an offence and shall be liable on conviction to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or a fine equal to
twenty-five percent of the dutiable value of the goods.
Bonded Warehouses
may license
62. (1) The Commissioner may, on application, license any
building or any other place as a warehouse for the deposit of goods
liable to import duty; and the Commissioner may, refuse to issue any
such licence and may at any time suspend or revoke any licence which
has been issued.
(2) The Commissioner may license any building or any other
place as either
(a) a general warehouse for the warehousing of goods
generally; or
(b) a private warehouse only for the warehousing of goods
which are the property of the warehouse keeper.
(3) A licence shall be in the prescribed form and shall be
subject to the payment of the prescribed annual fee and shall expire on
the thirty-first day of December in each year.
(4) The Commissioner may require the person applying for a
licence to furnish such security as the Commissioner may think
appropriate as a condition to the grant of the licence.
(5) The Commissioner may, at any time, require a warehouse
keeper to furnish new security in a different amount or on different
(6) The Commissioner may, at any time, require a warehouse
keeper to make such alterations or additions to his or her bonded
warehouse as the Commissioner may consider necessary to ensure the
proper security or warehousing of any goods.
(7) A building shall not be used as a bonded warehouse unless
there is in force in relation to the warehouse a valid licence to operate
as a bonded warehouse.
(8) A warehouse keeper who uses, or permits to be used, his
or her warehouse in contravention of any of the terms of his or her
licence commits an offence.
(9) The Commissioner shall give reasons for his or her refusal
to grant a licence or for revoking or suspending a licence under this
63. (1) Where the Commissioner revokes any licence under
section 62, then he shall cause to be served on the warehouse keeper
notice of such revocation by leaving such notice with the person in
charge of the bonded warehouse; and thereupon such service shall be
deemed to be notice of such revocation to the owners of all goods
warehoused therein.
Pocedure on
revocation or
expiry of licence.
(2) Where any warehouse keeper proposes not to renew his or
her licence in relation to any bonded warehouse, then he or she shall
cause notice of such intention to be given to the owners of all goods
warehoused therein.
(3) Where the licence in relation to any bonded warehouse
has been revoked or has expired, then, within such time as the
Commissioner may direct, all goods warehoused therein shall be
entered and delivered for home consumption, for exportation, for
removal to another warehouse, or for use as stores for aircraft or
(4) Where any goods have not been entered and delivered in
accordance with subsection (3), the proper officer may cause such
goods to be taken to a Customs warehouse and thereupon such goods
shall be dealt with in accordance with section 42.
64. (1) A warehouse keeper shall
keeper to provide
(a) provide such office accommodation and weights, scales,
measures, and other facilities, for examining and taking
account of goods and for securing them as the proper
officer may require;
(b) keep a record of all goods warehoused and shall keep such
record at all times available for examination by the proper
officer; keep a record of all goods warehoused therein and
shall keep such record at all times available for
examination by the proper officer;
(c) stack and arrange the goods in the bonded warehouse so as
to permit reasonable access to and examination of every
package at all times;
(d) provide all necessary labour and materials for the storing,
examining, packing, marking, coopering, weighing, and
taking stock, of the warehoused goods whenever the
proper officer so requires;
(e) maintain such records and accounts relating to goods and
the operations of a refinery, in such form and manner, as
the proper officer shall require; and keep such records and
accounts at all times available for examination by the
proper officer.
(2) Where any warehouse keeper contravenes this section, the
Commissioner may direct that no other goods shall be warehoused by
such warehouse keeper until such warehouse keeper has, in the
opinion of the Commissioner, complied with this section.
(3) A warehouse keeper who contravenes any of the provisions
of this section or any direction given by the Commissioner under this
section commits an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine
not exceeding one thousand dollars.
Stowage and
storage of
goods in
65. (1) The proper officer may direct in what parts or divisions
of any bonded warehouse and in what manner any goods shall be
deposited therein.
(2) Subject to section 51, where any goods have been
warehoused in a bonded warehouse, then, except with the approval of
the proper officer, such goods shall not be moved or interfered with in
any way, nor shall any alteration be made in the marks or numbers of
any package.
(3) A warehouse keeper who contravenes, or who causes or
permits a contravention of, this section commits an offence and shall
be liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, and any goods
in respect of which any offence under subsection (2) has been
committed shall be liable on conviction to forfeiture.
Removal of
goods from
private to
66. (1) Where the warehouse keeper of a private bonded
warehouse contravenes any of the provisions of this Act, the proper
officer may require him or her within such time as the proper officer
may direct, to remove all or any of the goods warehoused in such
private bonded warehouse to a general bonded warehouse at the
expense of the warehouse keeper or to enter and deliver them for
home consumption, for exportation, or for use as stores for aircraft or
(2) Where any warehouse keeper contravenes any requirement
given under subsection (1), the proper officer may cause such goods
to be taken to a Customs warehouse and thereupon such goods shall
be dealt with in accordance with section 42.
keeper to
produce goods
67. (1) A warehouse keeper shall, on request, produce to the
proper officer all goods deposited in his or her bonded warehouse.
(2) A warehouse keeper who contravenes subsection (1), in
the absence of satisfactory explanation to the proper officer, commits
an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of ten percent
of the dutiable value in respect of each package not so produced and,
in addition, the warehouse keeper shall forthwith pay the duties in
respect of each such package.
(3) A warehouse keeper who takes, substitutes, causes or
permits any goods in a bonded warehouse to be taken or substituted
commits an offence and shall be liable to a fine of twenty-five
percent of the dutiable value of the goods substituted or taken.
68. Where any goods are deposited in a Government
warehouse, then they shall be subject to such rent and other charges
as may be prescribed or as may be provided for in this Act; and, if
such rent and other charges are not paid to the proper officer when
lawfully demanded, the goods in respect of which such rent and
other charges are due may be sold, and the proceeds thereof applied,
in accordance with section 42.
Goods in
warehouse liable
rent, etc.
69. (1) Where any goods are deposited in a Government
warehouse, the proper officer may
Removal, etc. of
goods in
(a) remove, at the expense of the Customs, such goods from
that warehouse to another Government warehouse;
(b) perform, in relation to such goods and at the expense of
the owner thereof, all such acts as he or she may consider
reasonably necessary for the proper custody and
preservation of such goods:
Provided that the proper officer shall not, save where he
or she considers immediate action necessary, perform any
such act until twenty-four hours after the owner of such
goods has been notified that any such act is necessary;
(c) by notice inform the owners of the goods that it is
proposed to close the warehouse at the end of such
period, not being less than three months from the date of
such notice, as may be specified in the notice;
(2) The Commissioner may prescribe the manner in which
the goods deposited in a Government warehouse may be dealt with
upon a warehouse being closed under subsection (1).
Prohibited and Restricted Exports
Prohibited and
70. (1) The goods specified in Part A of the Third Schedule are
prohibited goods and the exportation of the goods is prohibited.
(2) The goods specified in Part B of the Third Schedule are
restricted goods and the exportation of the goods, save in accordance
with any conditions regulating their exportation, is prohibited.
Power to
prohibit, etc.
71. (1) The Council may by order published in the Gazette
amend the Third Schedule, and that order may provide that the
exportation of any goods, or class of goods
(a) is prohibited, either generally or in relation to a Partner
(b) is prohibited, save in accordance with any conditions
regulating their exportation, either generally or in relation
to a Partner State.
(2) The Council may, by order, published in the Gazette
(a) provide that the exportation from a Partner State of any
goods or class of goods shall be prohibited, or shall be
prohibited save in accordance with such conditions as may
be specified in such order;
(b) limit in respect of a Partner State the application of the
provisions of the Third Schedule in respect of all or any of
the goods specified therein; and thereupon in respect of
such goods the provisions of this Act shall apply as if such
goods are, or are not, as the case may be, included in the
Third Schedule.
(3) An order made under this section may specify goods, or any
class of goods, either generally or in any particular manner and may
prohibit or restrict the exportation thereof either to all places, or to any
particular country or place, or to any particular person.
Exemption of
goods in
transit, etc.
72. (1) Subject to subsection (2), sections 70 and 71 shall not
apply to goods in transit, or for transhipment, or exported as stores of
any aircraft or vessel, unless such goods come within the provisions of
paragraph 2 of Part B the Third Schedule, or are goods of which the
exportation as stores for any aircraft or vessel, is expressly prohibited
or restricted in any order made under this Act prohibiting or
restricting the exportation of goods.
(2) Where under subsection (1), sections 70 and 71 do not apply to
any goods in transit, or for transhipment, or exported as stores for
any aircraft or vessel, then such goods shall be duly exported within
such time as the Commissioner may specify; and if such goods are
not so exported, then as from the last date on which they should have
been exported, they shall be deemed to be prohibited goods or
restricted goods, as the case may be.
Entry Outwards and Loading of Aircraft and Vessels
73. (1) Save as otherwise provided in the Customs laws, the
whole of the cargo to be loaded for export on any aircraft or vessel
shall be entered by the owner of such cargo in the manner
Entry of cargo
for export.
(2) Where any owner delivers an entry under this section he
or she shall furnish, therewith to the proper officer full particulars,
supported by documentary evidence, of the goods referred to in the
(3) A person who contravenes this section commits an offence
and any goods in respect of which such offence has been committed
shall be liable to forfeiture.
74. (1) The master or agent of every aircraft or vessel in which
any goods are to be exported shall make entry outwards of such
aircraft or vessel to the proper officer on the prescribed form and in
the prescribed manner
Entry outwards
of aircraft or
(2) Save with the permission of the proper officer
(a) no such entry outwards of an aircraft or vessel referred to
in subsection (1) shall be made before the whole of the
cargo reported in such aircraft or vessel for discharge has
been discharged;
(b) goods shall not be loaded on such aircraft or vessel before
entry outwards referred to in subsection (1) is made.
(3) Any master or agent who contravenes subsection (1), and
any master who permits any goods to be loaded contrary to
subsection (2), commits an offence.
75. (1) Save with the written permission of the proper officer
and subject to such conditions as he or she may impose
Loading, etc.
(a) goods shall not be put on board any aircraft or vessel
departing to a foreign port unless such goods have first
been duly entered;
(b) goods shall not be put on board any aircraft or vessel
departing to a foreign port at any time except as may be
prescribed by the Commissioner;
(c) goods shall not be put on board any such aircraft or vessel
departing to a foreign port except from an approved place
of loading or from a sufferance wharf:
Provided that
(i) goods may be put on board any such aircraft or
vessel from another aircraft or vessel on to which they
had been put on board in order to be loaded on to such
aircraft or vessel;
(ii) with the permission of the proper officer and subject to
such conditions as he or she may impose, goods
reported for transhipment may be loaded on to such
aircraft or vessel from another vessel;
(d) goods shall not be put on board any vessel departing to a
foreign port before entry outwards of such vessel;
(e) goods shall not be put on board any vessel to be loaded on
to any aircraft or other vessel departing to a foreign port if
such goods may not, under the provisions of this subsection,
be directly put on board such aircraft or other vessel;
(f) goods put on board any vessel to be loaded on to any
aircraft or other vessel departing to a foreign port shall be so
loaded within the limits of the port.
(2) A person who contravenes this section, or any of the
conditions which may have been imposed by the proper officer,
commits an offence and any goods in respect of which such offence
has been committed shall be liable to forfeiture.
relating to
76. (1) Notwithstanding section 75, the proper officer may,
subject to any regulations, permit
(a) goods which are the bona fide personal baggage of the
passenger, or members of the crew, of any aircraft or vessel
to be put on board such aircraft or vessel and exported
without entry;
(b) goods intended for sale or delivery to passengers, or
members of the crew, of any aircraft or vessel to be put on
board such aircraft or vessel, subject to such conditions as
he or she may impose, without entry;
(c) mail bags and postal articles in the course of transmission
by post to be put on board and exported without entry;
(d) goods to be put on board any aircraft or vessel departing to
a foreign port without entry subject to an
application being made by the owner on the prescribed form and in
the prescribed manner and to an undertaking being given by the
owner of such goods to furnish the necessary entry within forty-eight
hours, or such further time as the proper officer may specify, of the
departure of the aircraft or vessel and to such security, if any, being
given by such owner for the due payment of any export duties as the
proper officer may consider appropriate.
(2) A person who
(a) contravenes any conditions imposed under subsection (1)
(b); or
(b) contravenes any undertaking given under subsection (1)
(d), commits an offence and any goods in respect of
which such offence has been committed shall be liable
to forfeiture.
77. (1) Goods which have been put on board any aircraft or
vessel for export, or for use as stores, or as passengers‘ baggage,
shall not, save with the written permission of the proper officer
and in accordance with such conditions as he or she may impose, be
discharged at any place within the Partner States.
Goods for export
not to be
discharged in
Partner States.
(2) A person who contravenes this section, or any such
conditions imposed by the proper officer, commits an offence and
any goods in respect of which such offence has been committed shall
be liable to forfeiture.
78. (1) Before any
relating to export
of certain goods.
(a) warehoused goods; or
(b) goods on which duty drawback may be claimed; or
(c) dutiable goods intended for transhipment; or
(d) restricted goods;
may be entered for exportation, for transhipment, or for use
as stores for aircraft or vessels the proper officer may require
the owner of such goods to give security, in such amount and
subject to such conditions as he or she may deem fit, that such
goods shall be duly put on board the aircraft or vessel for
which they are entered and either duly exported to and
discharged at the place for which they are so entered, or used
as stores, as the case may be, within such time as he or she
may specify.
(2) All goods in respect of which security is required under
this section, in this section referred to as bonded
goods, shall, after being put on board, be duly exported to and
discharged at the place for which they are entered, or used as stores
for aircraft or vessels, as the case may be.
(3) The proper officer may require the owner of any bonded
goods which have been put on board any aircraft or vessel for
exportation to any place to produce, within such time as the proper
officer may consider reasonable, a certificate from the customs
authorities at the port of discharge of the due discharge thereat of the
goods according to the export entry; and if owner fails to produce the
certificate, or if the certificate does not show that the goods have been
duly discharged thereat according to the export entry, and the owner
fails to account for any such goods to the satisfaction of the proper
officer, then the proper officer may refuse to allow the owner to enter
for export and to export any other goods in respect of which security
may be required under this section.
(4) Where any bonded goods
(a) are short-shipped, the owner thereof shall so notify the
proper officer within twenty-four hours, or such further
time as the proper officer may allow, of the departure of the
aircraft or vessel;
(b) have been removed from a warehouse for delivery on board
any aircraft or vessel but are not put on board such aircraft
or vessel, the owner shall forthwith enter the goods for
warehousing, or for exportation, or for use as stores for
aircraft or vessels.
(5) Where any bonded goods are brought to any Customs
airport, Customs area, or other place, to be put on board any aircraft
or vessel and, on examination by the proper officer, are found
(a) not to agree with the particulars of the entry;
(b) not to be goods entitled to drawback, the owner of such
goods commits an offence and any goods in respect of
which such offence has been committed shall be liable to
(6) An owner who
(a) contravenes any condition imposed on him or her under this
section in respect of any bonded goods; or
(b) contravenes subsection (4), commits an offence and any
goods in respect of which such offence has been committed
shall be liable to forfeiture.
(7) Where any master contravenes, or causes or permits
the contravention of, subsection (2), he commits an offence and shall
be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars
or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years and any
goods in respect of which such offence has been committed shall be
liable to forfeiture.
79. (1) The proper officer may, on application being made on
the prescribed form and in the prescribed manner by the master or
agent of any aircraft or vessel departing to a foreign port, permit any
goods to be put on board any such aircraft or vessel, for use as stores
subject to the payment of any export duty and to such conditions as
the proper officer may deem fit.
Stores for aircraft
and vessels.
(2) A person who puts, or causes or permits to be put, any
goods on board any aircraft or vessel for use as stores in
contravention of this section, or of any conditions imposed by the
proper officer, commits an offence and any goods in respect of
which such an offence has been committed shall be liable to
80. (1) Where any goods, other than bonded goods within the
meaning of section 78, are entered for exportation and such goods
are not exported in the aircraft or vessel for which they were entered
or are short-shipped, the owner of the vessel or aircraft in which the
goods are intended to be exported shall notify the proper officer
within forty-eight hours, or such further time as the proper officer
may allow, of the departure of the aircraft or vessel.
Short shipment
of non-bonded
(2) An owner who contravenes this section commits an
offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding five
hundred dollars.
81. Where any goods are, with the permission of the proper
officer, stored in a transit shed or a Customs area pending
exportation or transhipment or while in transit
Export goods
stored at risk of
(a) the goods shall be subject to such rent and other charges as
may be prescribed; and
(b) notwithstanding section 17, the goods shall be stored at the
risk of the owner.
82. (1) Where any goods are liable on export to any duty, the
amount of such duty shall be stated on the export entry of the goods.
Goods liable to
export duty.
(2) Goods liable on export to any duty shall not be exported
until the export duty has been paid or security therefore given to the
satisfaction of the proper officer.
(3) Where any goods liable on export to any duty are brought to
any Customs airport, Customs area, or other place, to be put on board
any aircraft or vessel and, on examination by the proper officer, are
found not to agree with the particulars of the entry, or application for
shipment relating thereto, the owner of such goods commits an
offence and any goods in respect of which such offence has been
committed shall be liable to forfeiture.
(4) Subject to the provisions of any law in force in a Partner
State, export duty shall not be levied on the exportation from the
Partner State of any goods grown, produced, or manufactured, in
another Partner State; and such goods shall on exportation, be subject
at the place of exportation only to the export duty, restrictions and
conditions imposed under the law of the Partner State in which they
were grown, produced, or manufactured.
Departure Overland
83. (1) A person in charge of a vehicle, departing overland from
a Partner State shall not, whether or not such vehicle is conveying
goods and whether or not such goods are dutiable, except where
otherwise permitted by the proper officer, cause or allow the vehicle
to depart from a Partner State at any place other than at a port
appointed under section 11, and before departing shall
(a) report his or her intended departure to the officer stationed at
the Custom house nearest to the point at which he or she
proposes to cross the frontier;
(b) furnish on the prescribed form such information as may be
required concerning the vehicle or any such goods;
(c) fully and immediately answer all relevant questions put to
him or her by the proper officer;
(d) produce any consignment notes or other relevant documents
demanded of him or her by the proper officer;
(e) save as otherwise provided in the Customs laws, make due
entry of the vehicle and of any such goods.
(2) Vehicles or goods to which this section applies shall not,
except under and in accordance with the terms of any permission
granted by the proper officer, be removed across the frontier until
after due entry thereof has been made.
(3) A person who contravenes this section commits an offence
and any goods in respect of which such offence has been committed
shall be liable to forfeiture.
84. (1) A person departing overland from a Partner State shall,
if he or she has any goods in his or her possession, before crossing
the frontier
otherwise than by
(a) report his or her intended departure to the proper officer
stationed at the Customs house nearest to the point at
which he or she proposes to cross the frontier;
(b) furnish on the prescribed form such information as may
be required concerning any such goods;
(c) fully and immediately answer all relevant questions put to
him or her by the proper officer;
(d) produce all consignment notes or other relevant
documents demanded of him or her by the proper officer;
(e) save as otherwise provided in Customs laws, make due
entry of any such goods.
(2) The proper officer may stop and question any person,
whether or not he or she has goods in his or her possession,
appearing to be about to depart overland from a Partner State, and
that person shall fully and immediately answer all such relevant
questions concerning his or her movements and any goods in his or
her possession as may be put to him or her.
(3) Goods to which this section applies shall not, except
under and in accordance with the terms of any permission granted by
the proper officer, be removed across the frontier until after entry of
the goods has been made.
(4) The Commissioner may, subject to such conditions as
may be specified, exempt any person or class of persons from the
provisions of this section.
(5) A person who contravenes any of the provisions of this
section commits an offence and any goods in respect of which such
offence has been committed shall be liable to forfeiture.
Goods in Transit or for Transhipment
85. (1) The Commissioner may allow imported goods that are
entered for transit or transhipment, to be removed under Customs
control without payment of import duties, subject to such conditions
as the Commissioner may prescribe.
Treatment of
goods under
transit and
(2) Where goods are entered under subsection (1) the
Commissioner may require the owner of such goods to furnish
security in the prescribed form and in such amount as the
Commissioner may deem fit.
(3) Subject to any regulations, the provisions of this Act
relating to the importation, prohibition, entry, examination,
landing, and exportation, of goods shall, so far as they are applicable,
apply to goods in transit to a foreign port.
Control of
86. The Commissioner, may in the public interest or for the
protection of public morality, safety, health or hygiene, or animal or
plant health prohibit, restrict or otherwise control the entry of certain
goods or means of transport from entering a Partner State.
Termination of
87. Transit may be terminated by presenting the goods and the
relevant entries at the office of destination within the time limit
specified by the Commissioner, without the goods having undergone
any change and without having been used, and with the Customs
seals, fastenings and identification marks intact.
required for
departure to
foreign port.
88. (1) An aircraft or vessel, whether laden or in ballast, shall
not depart from any port or place in a Partner State to any foreign port
unless a certificate of clearance has been granted in respect of such
aircraft or vessel.
(2) The master or agent of any aircraft or vessel which departs
from any port or place within a Partner State in contravention of
subsection (1) commits an offence.
Grant of
89. (1) The master or agent of every aircraft or vessel, whether
laden or in ballast, proposing to depart to any foreign port shall apply
to the proper officer for a certificate of clearance.
(2) Where application for a certificate of clearance is made,
then the proper officer shall not grant such certificate of clearance
until he or she is satisfied that all the provisions of this Act in relation
to the aircraft or vessel, its cargo, stores, baggage, crew, and
passengers, have been complied with:
Provided that the proper officer may, by reason of the provisions of
any other law, refuse to grant such certificate of clearance
notwithstanding that he or she may be satisfied that this Act has been
complied with.
(3) Where the master or agent of any aircraft, or of any vessel
of less than two hundred and fifty tons register, makes application for
a certificate of clearance, then he or she shall at the same time
(a) deliver to the proper officer an outward manifest on the
prescribed form and in the prescribed manner;
(b) produce to the proper officer all such documents as the
proper officer may require relating to such aircraft or
vessel and its cargo, stores, baggage, crew, and
(c) answer all questions which the proper officer may ask
relating to such aircraft or vessel and its cargo, stores,
baggage, crew, and passengers.
(4) Where the master or agent of any vessel of two hundred
and fifty tons register or more makes application for a certificate of
clearance, then the proper officer may grant such clearance subject
to an undertaking by such master or agent to deliver to the proper
officer, within twenty-four hours of the grant of such certificate of
clearance, the outward manifest of such vessel in the prescribed form
and in the prescribed manner, and to answer all such questions as he
or she may be asked relating to such vessel, its cargo, stores,
baggage, crew, and passengers.
(5) Where any aircraft or vessel proposes to depart to a
foreign port in ballast, then such aircraft or vessel shall be cleared in
ballast, that is to say, the words ―in ballast‖ shall be written in those
parts of the forms relating to such aircraft or vessel which contain
provisions for the particulars of its cargo; and for the purpose of this
subsection, an aircraft or vessel shall be deemed to be in ballast
when such aircraft or vessel carries, in addition to the crew and its
stores, only passengers and their bona fide personal baggage.
(6) The proper officer may permit the master or agent of any
aircraft or vessel to amend any obvious error in the outward
manifest, or to supply any omission which, in the opinion of the
proper officer, results from accident or inadvertence, by furnishing
an amended or supplementary outward manifest in the prescribed
(7) Where any certificate of clearance has been granted but
the aircraft or vessel in respect of which it was granted has not left
the limits of the port in which it was granted, then the proper officer
may inform, either orally or in writing, the master of such aircraft or
vessel that such certificate of clearance has been cancelled and may
require the return of such certificate, and thereupon such certificate
shall be deemed never to have been granted.
(8) A master or agent who contravenes any undertaking
given under subsection (4), or who refuses to return any certificate of
clearance when required to do so under subsection (7), commits an
certificate to
90. (1) An officer may board any aircraft or vessel in a Partner
State after clearance and require the master thereof to produce
be produced.
such certificate of clearance and to answer any questions relating to
such aircraft or vessel, its cargo, stores, baggage, crew, and
(2) The master of any aircraft or vessel who fails to produce
such certificate of clearance on demand commits an offence.
Deficiency or
surplus in
cargo or
91. (1) Where, on any aircraft or vessel being boarded by the
proper officer, any goods or stores which are not contained in the
manifest of such aircraft or vessel are found on such aircraft or vessel,
then the master thereof commits an offence and any goods in respect
of which such offence has been committed shall be liable to forfeiture.
(2) Where, on any aircraft or vessel being boarded by the
proper officer, any goods which were reported on the arrival of such
aircraft or vessel as remaining on board for other ports in a Partner
State, or for re-exportation, or as stores, or which after arrival were
put on board for removal under bond to another port in a Partner
State, or for exportation or use as stores, are not on board, due
allowance being made in the case of stores for any goods which might
fairly have been consumed or used, then the master of such aircraft or
vessel commits an offence.
(3) Where, on any aircraft or vessel being boarded by the
proper officer after its return to a Partner State from a voyage to a
foreign port, any goods which on the previous arrival of such aircraft
or vessel were reported as stores or were then put on board as stores
are not on board, due allowance being made for any goods which
might fairly have been consumed or used, the master of such aircraft
or vessel commits an offence and shall be liable to a fine of ten
percent of the value of the goods and to pay the duties on the
deficiency of the goods at the rate chargeable upon importation of
similar goods.
Aircraft or
vessel to bring
to at boarding
92. (1) The master of every aircraft or vessel departing to a
foreign port shall bring to, at the boarding station for the
purpose of disembarking any officer on such aircraft or vessel, or for
any other purpose of this Act, or when required so to do by the proper
(2) A master of an aircraft or vessel who contravenes this
section commits an offence.
Application of
Act to postal
93. (1) This Act shall apply to the importation, exportation, and
carriage coastwise, of postal articles:
Provided that
(i) postal articles may be entered at such place and in
such manner as the Commissioner may direct;
(ii) any provision of this Act may, in its application to
postal articles, be modified or adapted by regulations.
(2) An officer, or any officer in the service of the Post Office,
who, in the performance of any duty under this Act, examines or
seizes any postal article shall be subject in all respects to this Act and
such article shall be dealt with in accordance with this Act.
(3) This section shall be in addition to, and not in derogation
of any law on postal services in the Partner States.
94. In the case of goods
Time of entry of
postal articles.
(a) imported by post, the time of entry of such goods for home
consumption shall, except in the case where actual entry is
required, be deemed to be the time when the duty on the
goods is assessed by the proper officer;
(b) exported by post, the time of entry of the goods for export
shall be deemed to be the time of the posting of the goods.
95. The Commissioner may allow registered courier
companies to land, store and enter goods under customs control
subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by regulations.
companies to
land, store, enter
96. (1) The Council may, by order published in the Gazette,
provide that the carriage coastwise or transfer of any goods, or class
of goods
Power to prohibit
and restrict
coastwise and
(a) is prohibited either generally or in relation to a Partner
State, and thereupon such goods shall, for the purpose of
carriage coastwise or transfer, be prohibited goods;
(b) is prohibited, save in accordance with any conditions
regulating their carriage coastwise or transfer, either
generally or in relation to a Partner State, and thereupon
such goods shall, for the purpose of carriage coastwise
or transfer, be restricted goods.
(2) The Council may, by order published in the Gazette
(a) provide that the carriage coastwise within a Partner State
of any goods or class of goods shall be prohibited save in
accordance with such conditions as may be specified in
such order;
(b) limit in respect of a Partner State the application of any
order made under subsection (1) in respect of all or any of
the goods specified therein, and thereupon within a
Partner State and in respect of such goods the provisions
of this Act shall apply as if such goods are or are not, as
the case may be, included in any order made under
subsection (1).
(3) Subject to this Act and to any order made under this
section, where any goods are prohibited goods or restricted goods in
relation to importation or exportation, they shall also be prohibited
goods or restricted goods, as the case may be, in relation to carriage
coastwise or transfer.
(4) Where, under any law in any of the Partner States, the
carriage coastwise or transfer within the Partner State is
prohibited or restricted, then such goods shall be deemed to be
prohibited goods or restricted goods, as the case may be, in relation to
their carriage coastwise or transfer within that Partner State.
Meaning of
coastwise and
97. (1) Subject to section 98, all goods conveyed by sea or air,
from any part of a Partner State to another part thereof shall be
deemed to be carried coastwise, and any aircraft or vessel conveying
such goods by air or by sea shall be deemed to be a coasting aircraft or
coasting vessel, as the case may be.
(2) All goods, including locally grown or locally produced
goods, conveyed by any means from any place in a Partner State to
any place in another Partner State shall be deemed to be goods
transferred and such goods shall be subject to regulations made under
this Act.
(3) For the purposes of this section, the conveyance of goods by
sea shall be deemed to include conveyance by inland waters:
Provided that this subsection shall not apply to goods in transit
or for transhipment nor to goods entered for warehousing, nor to
goods consigned directly from a foreign place to a Partner State other
than that at which the aircraft or vessel conveying the goods first
coastwise or
transfer in an
aircraft or
vessel from
foreign port.
98. (1) When any aircraft or vessel carrying cargo arrives at a
port in a Partner State from a foreign place, the
proper officer may permit such aircraft or vessel to carry goods
coastwise from such port to another port within a Partner State, or to
carry goods on transfer from such port to a port in another Partner
State, upon the presentation by the master of an entry as set out in
section 100.
(2) Where under subsection (1) an aircraft or vessel conveys
goods from one port in a Partner State to another port in the same
Partner State, such an aircraft or vessel shall not by virtue thereof be
deemed to be a coasting aircraft or coasting vessel within the
meaning of this Act.
(3) When any goods are carried coastwise or are transferred
under the provisions of this section, then the loading, unloading and
delivery of the goods shall be subject to any regulations and to such
conditions as the Commissioner may impose.
99. (1) Save with the written permission of the proper officer
and subject to such conditions as the proper officer may impose
Loading, etc. of
coastwise and
transfer cargo.
(a) goods shall not be loaded, on or unloaded from, any
aircraft or vessel for carriage coastwise at any time
whatsoever, except as prescribed by the Commissioner;
(b) goods for carriage coastwise or transfer shall not be
unloaded from or loaded on to any aircraft or vessel
except at an approved place of loading or at a
sufferance wharf:
Provided that goods may be unloaded from any such
aircraft or vessel, or loaded on to any such aircraft or
vessel, on to or from any other vessel or vehicle used for
the purpose of the carriage of goods between such aircraft
or vessel and an approved place of landing or sufferance
(c) all goods which have been unloaded or landed from a
coasting vessel or a coasting aircraft shall, if the proper
officer so requires, be conveyed forthwith to a Customs
area or transit shed;
(d) all goods which have been transferred by road shall, if the
proper officer so requires, be conveyed forthwith, to a
Custom house or to such other place as the proper officer
may direct.
(2) A person who contravenes this section, or any of the
conditions which may have been imposed by the proper officer,
commits an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not
exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars; and any
goods in respect of which such offence has been committed, and any
vehicle in which such goods were transferred shall be liable to
forfeiture and any coasting aircraft or coasting vessel in relation to
which such offence has been committed may be seized and detained
until the fine is paid.
required for
coastwise and
100. (1) Coasting aircraft or coasting vessel, or any aircraft
or vessel which is carrying goods coastwise or goods for transfer
in accordance with section 98, shall not depart from any port or
place within a Partner State unless transire has been granted by the
proper officer.
(2) The master or agent of any aircraft or vessel to which
subsection (1) applies intending to depart coastwise or carrying goods
for transfer, shall deliver to the proper officer an account in
triplicate on the prescribed form containing the particulars of all cargo
taken on board for carriage coastwise or for transfer; and the original
thereof, dated and signed by the proper officer, shall constitute the
grant of transire for the carriage of the goods specified therein and
shall, in the case of a coasting aircraft or coasting vessel, be the
certificate of clearance for such aircraft or vessel for the coastwise
(3) A master or agent who contravenes this section, or who
delivers an account of which any of the particulars contained therein
is false, commits an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a
fine not exceeding five hundred dollars and the coasting aircraft
or coasting vessel in relation to which such offence has been
committed may be seized and detained until the fine is paid.
Transire to be
delivered on
101. (1) The master or agent of any aircraft or vessel arriving at
a port or place within a Partner State carrying goods coastwise or
goods for transfer
(a) shall forthwith deliver the transire to the proper officer of
that port or place;
(b) shall not, save with the permission of the proper officer and
subject to such conditions as the proper officer may
impose, permit any goods to be unloaded before the
delivery of the transire:
Provided that in the case of a vessel of two hundred and
fifty tons register or more, such transire may be delivered within
twenty-four hours of arrival and the goods may be unloaded
therefrom before the delivery of such transire.
(2) A master or agent who contravenes this section
commits an offence and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five
hundred dollars and any goods in respect of which such
offence has been committed shall be liable to forfeiture, and the
coasting aircraft or coasting vessel in relation to which such offence
has been committed may be seized and detained until the fine is
102. (1) Notwithstanding any provision of this Act, the
Commissioner may permit any coasting aircraft or coasting vessel to
be loaded, unloaded, and cleared, subject to such conditions as the
Commissioner may in any particular case impose.
Power of
Commissioner to
vary procedure.
(2) The master or agent of any coasting aircraft or coasting
vessel who contravenes any conditions imposed by the
Commissioner under this section commits an offence and shall
be liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand five hundred
dollars and any goods in respect of which such offence has been
committed shall be liable to forfeiture, and the aircraft or vessel in
relation to which such offence has been committed may be seized
and detained until the fine is paid.
103. The Commissioner may, subject to such conditions as he
or she may impose, permit the master or agent of any aircraft or
vessel carrying any goods coastwise to enter outwards such aircraft
or vessel and to enter any goods carried coastwise therein for
exportation without discharging such goods.
Entry outwards
of aircraft, etc.,
carrying goods
104. The master or agent of any coasting aircraft or coasting
Coasting vessel,
etc. not to deviate
from voyage.
(a) which deviates from its voyage, unless forced to do so by
circumstances beyond the control of the master or agent,
the proof whereof shall lie on the master or agent; or
(b) which, having deviated from its voyage or having taken on
board any wreck or other goods or discharged any goods
in the course of a voyage from one part of the Partner
States to another, does not forthwith proceed directly to
the nearest port in the Partner States and explain the
circumstances thereof to the satisfaction of the proper
officer and deliver any such wreck or other goods
taken on board to the proper officer,
commits an offence and any goods in respect of which
such offence has been committed shall be liable to
forfeiture, and the aircraft or vessel in relation to which
such offence has been committed may be seized and
detained until the fine is paid.
of coasting
vessel and
105. (1) An officer may go on board any coasting aircraft or
coasting vessel in any port or place in a Partner State or at any
period of the voyage of such aircraft or vessel, and search such
aircraft or vessel and examine all goods on board such aircraft or
(2) Where any such officer goes on board any coasting aircraft
or coasting vessel he or she may require the master or agent thereof to
answer any questions concerning the aircraft or vessel, its cargo,
stores, baggage, crew, and passengers, and to produce any books and
documents which are, or should be on board the aircraft or vessel.
(3) An officer may examine any goods which have been
unloaded from any aircraft or vessel after carriage coastwise or
which are brought to any port or place to be loaded onto any aircraft
or vessel for carriage coastwise in a Partner State; and for the
purposes of the examination the officer may require the owner of the
goods to unpack or open and to repack the goods at the expense of the
(4) A master who
(a) refuses to answer any question or to produce any books or
documents as required by an officer under subsection (3);
(b) makes any incorrect reply to any such question, commits an
offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not
exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars and the aircraft or
vessel in relation to which the offence has been committed
may be seized and detained until the fine is paid.
may require
106. The Commissioner may require any person to give security
for the due compliance by that person with this Act and generally for
the protection of the Customs revenue; and, pending the giving of
such security in relation to any goods subject to Customs control, the
Commissioner may refuse to permit delivery or exportation of such
goods or to pass any entry in relation thereto.
relating to
giving of
107. (1) Where any security is required to be given under this
Act, then that security may be given to the satisfaction of the
Commissioner either
(a) by bond, in such sum and subject to such conditions
and with such sureties as the Commissioner may
reasonably require; or
(b) by cash deposit; or
(c) partly by bond and partly by cash deposit.
(2) Where any security is required to be given under this Act
for any particular purpose then such security may, with the
approval of the Commissioner be given to cover any other
transactions which the person giving the security may enter into
within such period as the Commissioner may approve.
(3) All bonds required to be given under this Act shall be so
framed that the person giving the bond, and any surety thereto, is
bound to the Commissioner for the due performance of the
conditions of that bond; and any such bond may, unless sooner
discharged by the due performance of the conditions thereof, be
discharged by the Commissioner on the expiration of three years
from the date thereof, but without prejudice to the right of the
Commissioner to require fresh security.
(4) Where any bond given under this Act is discharged,
then the Commissioner shall cause such bond to be cancelled and
an endorsement to that effect made thereon.
108. (1) Without prejudice to any rights of a surety to
any bond given under this Act against the person for whom he or
she is surety, a surety shall, for all the purposes of any bond, be
deemed to be the principal debtor and accordingly the surety shall
not be discharged, nor his or her liability affected, by the giving of
time for payment, or by the omission to enforce the bond for any
breach of any conditions thereof, or by any other act or
omission which would not have discharged the bond if he or she
had been the principal debtor.
relating to
(2) If a person being a surety
(a) dies; or
(b) becomes bankrupt or enters into any arrangement or
composition with, or for the benefit of, his or her
creditors; or
(c) departs from a Partner State without leaving sufficient
property therein to satisfy the whole amount of the bond;
(d) otherwise ceases to have capacity to honour the surety,
the Commissioner may require the person giving the
bond to enter into fresh security.
of bond.
109. (1) Where the conditions of any bond have not been
complied with the Commissioner may by notice in writing require the
person who has given security under it to pay to him or her the
amount of the security within fourteen days of the notice; and on
failure to comply with the notice, the Commissioner may enforce
payment of the security as though it were duty due and unpaid.
(2) Nothing in this section shall, unless the Commissioner
otherwise allows, discharge the person who has given security under
section 108 from the obligations entered into by him or her under this
Act or under any other law.
Liability to Duty
Rates, etc. of
110. (1) Shall be paid on goods at the rate and in the
circumstances specified in the Protocol.
(2) Where under the provisions of the appropriate legislation
goods are liable to duty on leaving a Partner State, whether or not
such goods are intended for exportation from a Partner State, this Act
shall apply as if such goods on so leaving the Partner State were
111. (1) Goods originating from the Partner States shall be
accorded Community tariff treatment in accordance with the Rules of
Origin provided for under the Protocol.
(2) Customs shall require production of a Certificate of
Origin and other documents as proof of origin on goods referred to
in subsection (1) above.
tariff treatment
112. (1) Preferential tariff treatment shall be applied to goods
(a) imported under the COMESA and SADC arrangements in
the Partner State as prescribed in the Partner States‘
(b) imported under any other tariff arrangement that may be
approved by the Council.
Act No. 5‖
(2) Preferential tariff treatment shall not be applied to goods
referred to in subsection (1) (a) after 31st December, 2008.
from duty
of goods
on board.
113. Subject to the provisions of the Customs laws, goods
remaining on board and exported in the aircraft or vessel in which
they were imported, whether as stores or otherwise, shall be exempt
from liability to import or export duties.
114. (1) Duty shall not be charged on the goods listed in Part A
of the Fifth Schedule to this Act, when imported, or purchased before
clearance through the Customs, for use by the person named in that
Part in accordance with any condition attached thereto as set out in
that Part;
(2) Duty shall not be charged on the goods listed in Part B of
the Fifth Schedule to this Act when imported in accordance with any
condition attached thereto as set out in that Part.
(3) The Council may by notice in the Gazette amend the Fifth
115. Subject to the provisions of the Customs laws, goods
entered under bond
Exemption from
import duty of
goods entered for
exportation, etc.
(a) for exportation, for re-exportation, for transhipment, or in
transit; or
(b) for use as stores for aircraft or vessel, and proved to the
satisfaction of the Commissioner to have been duly
exported or used as such stores, as the case may be, shall
be exempt from liability to import duties.
116. (1) Subject to the provisions of the Customs laws, where
any goods which are liable to import duty have been exported from
and are subsequently re-imported into a Partner State, then, the
Commissioner if satisfied
Exemption from
import duty of
(a) that any import duty to which the goods were liable prior to
their exportation has been paid and either
(i) duty drawback or refund of such import duty was not
allowed on exportation; or
(ii) if allowed, such duty drawback has been repaid to the
proper officer; and
(b) that such goods have not been subject to any process after
being so exported, or, if so subjected to any such
process, that their form or character has not been
changed and that such goods at the time of re-
importation are not liable to duty ad valorem; and
(c) that the owner of such goods prior to such exportation gave
notice of the exportation in writing to the proper officer
and produced the goods for inspection by him or her at
the port or place from which they were exported the
goods shall, save as otherwise provided in the Customs
laws, be exempt from liability to import duties:
Provided that the Commissioner may in any particular case
direct that this section shall apply to any goods notwithstanding that
(d) has not been complied with if the Commissioner is satisfied
that a failure so to direct would involve hardship.
(2) In the case of any goods to which subsection (1) would
apply but for the fact that at the time of re-importation
liable to duty, such goods shall on re-importation be chargeable with
duty as if the value of such goods were only the amount of the
increase in value attributable to any such process; and for the purpose
of ascertaining such increase in value, any sum paid for the execution
of any such process shall, unless the Commissioner in his or her
discretion otherwise directs, be taken to be the amount of such
from import
duty of
117. (1) Subject to the provisions of the Customs laws, goods
imported in accordance with this section for a temporary use or
purpose only shall be exempt from liability to import duties.
(2) Goods shall not be exempt from liability to import duties
under this section unless the proper officer has given permission for
such importation; and the proper officer shall not give such
(a) unless he or she is satisfied that the goods are imported for
temporary use or purpose only; and
(b) unless the owner thereof has deposited, or given security for,
the amount of the import duty to which the goods would
otherwise be liable.
(3) Where the proper officer gives permission for the
importation of any goods under this section, he or she may impose
such conditions as the proper officer deems fit and such goods shall
be exported within such period, not exceeding twelve months from the
date of importation, as is consistent with the purpose for which the
goods are imported.
(4) Where the conditions of the importation of goods have been
complied with then, on the exportation of the goods any deposit or
security given under subsection (2) shall be refunded or discharged, as
the case may be.
(5) Where the conditions of the importation of the goods have
been contravened then the goods shall become liable to duty, as from
the date of their importation and the owner shall be required to pay
duty and on payment of the duty any deposit given under subsection
(2) shall be brought into account or, if security was given, security
shall be discharged.
(6) Save where goods are allowed to remain in a Partner State
under subsection (5)
(a) an importer who fails to export temporarily imported goods
at the end of the period specified in subsection (3); or
(b) a person who sells, alters or re-places or otherwise modifies
the goods or part thereof;
commits an offence and is liable, on conviction, to a fine equal to
twenty percent of the dutiable value and any goods which are the
subject of the offence, shall be liable to forfeiture.
(7) The Council may, by notice in the Gazette, declare that the
goods specified in the notice shall not be imported in accordance with
this section, or declare that the goods may be imported subject to
proportion of duty.
118. Goods brought or coming into a Partner State by sea
otherwise than as cargo, stores, or baggage, carried in a vessel shall
be liable to duty and to the provisions of the Customs laws as if they
were goods imported in the normal manner; and, if any question
arises as to the origin of such goods, they shall be deemed to be the
produce of such country as the Commissioner may on investigation
Derelict goods,
etc., liable to
119. (1) Where any goods liable to import duty have been
imported, or purchased prior to entry for home consumption, by or on
behalf of any person, either free of import duty or at a reduced rate of
import duty and such goods are subsequently disposed of in any
manner inconsistent with the purpose for which they were granted
any relief from import duty, the goods shall on disposal be liable to
import duty at the rate applicable to goods of that class or description
at the time of disposal:
Goods imported
duty free liable to
certain duties on
Provided that such duty on disposal shall not be payable (in the
case of a natural person) where that person dies and the ownership of
such goods is transferred by way of bequest to or inheritance by
another person.
(2) Where it is proposed to dispose of any goods to which
subsection (1) applies, then the person responsible for the disposal of
such goods shall, furnish the Commissioner with the particulars of
such proposed disposal and shall cause the duty thereon to be paid.
(3) A person who knowingly disposes of or knowingly
acquires any goods to which subsection (1) applies without the
import duty thereon having been paid in accordance with the
provisions of this section commits an offence.
(4) Where any goods to which subsection (1) applies are
disposed of without the payment of the import duty to which they are
liable, then the goods shall be liable to forfeiture.
Computation of Duty
120. (1) Subject to subsection (3) and section 94, import duty
shall be paid at the rate in force at the time when the goods liable to
such duty are entered for home consumption:
Time of entry
determines rate
of duty.
Provided that in the case of goods imported overland, the time
of entry of such goods for home consumption shall be deemed to be
the time when the import duty on the goods is paid.
(2) Subject to the provisions of the Customs laws and of
section 94, export duty shall be paid at the rate in force at the time
when the goods liable to such duty are entered for export:
Provided that where any export duty is imposed, or the rate of
any existing export duty is varied, between the time goods are entered
for exportation and the time of exportation of such goods, export duty
shall be paid at the rate in force at the time of exportation of the
(3) Where goods are entered in accordance with section 34
before the arrival at the port of discharge of the aircraft or vessel in
which such goods are imported, the import duty upon the goods shall
be paid at the rate in force at the time of arrival of such aircraft or
vessel at such port of discharge.
Duties, etc. to
121. Where any drawback is allowed under the Customs laws
according to any specified weight, measure, strength, or value the
drawback shall be deemed to apply in the same proportion to any
greater or less weight, measure, strength, or value, as the case may be,
unless specific provision is made to the contrary in any Customs laws.
of value of
imported goods
liable to ad
valorem import
122. (1) Where imported goods are liable to import duty ad
valorem, then the value of such goods shall be determined in
accordance with the Fourth Schedule and import duty shall be paid on
that value.
(2) Upon written request, the importer shall be entitled to an
explanation in writing from the proper officer as to how the Customs
value of the importer‘s goods was determined.
(3) Where, in the course of determining the customs value of
imported goods, it becomes necessary for the Customs to delay the
final determination of such customs value, the delivery of the goods
shall, at the request of the importer be made:
Provided that before granting such permission the proper officer
may require the importer to provide sufficient guarantee in the form of
a surety, a deposit or some other appropriate security as the proper
officer may determine, to secure the ultimate payment of customs
duties for which the goods may be liable.
(4) Nothing in the Fourth Schedule shall be construed as
restricting or calling into question the rights of the proper officer to
satisfy himself or herself as to the truth or accuracy of any statement,
document or declaration presented for customs valuation purposes.
(5) The Council shall publish in the Gazette judicial
decisions and administrative rulings of general application giving
effect to the Fourth Schedule.
(6) In applying or interpreting this section and the
provisions of the Fourth Schedule due regard shall be taken of the
decisions, rulings, opinions, guidelines, and interpretations given by
the Directorate, the World Trade Organisation or the Customs
Cooperation Council.
(7) The rate of exchange to be used for determining the
equivalent of a Partner State currency of any foreign currency shall
be the selling rate last notified by the Central Bank of the respective
Partner State when an entry is presented to and accepted by the
proper officer.
123. (1) The value of goods for export shall include
The value of
goods for export.
(a) the cost of the goods; and
(b) transport and all other charges up to the time of delivery of
the goods on board the exporting aircraft or vessel, or at
the place of exit from the Partner State.
(2) Where the cost of the goods cannot be determined, the cost
of similar or identical goods exported from a Partner State at about
or the same time shall apply.
(3) Where the value of the goods cannot be determined under
subsections (1) or (2) then the proper officer may determine the
value of such goods.
124. Where the total amount of duty computed with reference
to any one customs document
Adjustment for
fractions of a
(a) is equivalent to 1.5 dollars or less, no duty shall be
(b) exceeds the equivalent of 1.5 dollars and includes a fraction
of a dollar the fraction shall be treated as a complete
dollar and duty shall be collected.
computed on
gross weight
of package in
certain cases.
125. Where any goods liable to duty according to weight are
imported in any package, and the goods are intended for sale, or are
normally sold retail, in the package then, if the package
(a) is not marked or labelled with the net weight of the contents;
(b) is not commonly sold as containing, or as reputed to contain,
a specific quantity or weight, and in either such case, the
owner of the goods is unable to satisfy the proper officer
of the correct net weight thereof, the goods shall be liable
to duty according to the gross weight of such package and
its contents.
computed on
quantity in
certain cases.
126. Where any goods liable to a specific duty are imported in
any package and the goods are intended for sale or are normally sold
retail, in the package, then, if the package
(a) is marked or labelled as containing a specific quantity of
such goods; or
(b) is commonly sold as containing, or as reputed to contain a
specific quantity of the goods, the package shall be
deemed to contain not less than such specific quantity.
may fix litre
equivalent of
other liquid
127. Where any goods liable to duty according to liquid
measurement are imported in any package and
(a) the goods are intended for sale, or are normally sold, in such
package; and
(b) the package is of standard capacity according to any liquid
measurement other than a liquid measurement based on
fractions or multiples of a litre,
then such package, having a capacity within such limits as specified
by the Commissioner shall be deemed to contain such fractions or
multiples of a litre.
Allowance for
128. For the purpose of the computation of the duty to which
any goods are liable, the Commissioner may fix the allowance for tare
which may be granted and the conditions under which any such
allowance may be granted.
Duty on
package in
certain cases.
129. Where any goods are imported or exported in any
package which, in the opinion of the Commissioner
(a) is not the normal or proper package of the goods; or
(b) is designed for use, subsequently to such importation or
exportation, other than as a package for any goods of the
same or a similar nature,
then, subject to any provision to the contrary in the Customs laws,
the package shall be liable to duty as if it were a separate article and
shall, for all the purposes of the Customs laws be deemed to be a
separate article.
Payment, etc., of Duty
130. (1) Where any goods are liable to duty, then such duty
shall constitute a civil debt due to a Partner State and be charged on
the goods in respect of which the duty is payable; and such duty shall
be payable by the owner of the goods and may, without prejudice to
any other means of recovery, be recovered summarily by legal
proceedings brought by the Partner State.
Recovery of duty
by distress.
(2) Goods under Customs control which belong to any person
from whom duty is due, and any goods afterwards imported or
entered for export by that person, shall be subject to a lien for such
debt and may be detained by the Partner State until such duty is paid
and the claim of the relevant Partner State shall have priority over
the claims of whatever nature of any other person upon the goods
and the goods may be sold to meet the duty due if the duty is not
paid within two months after the goods are detained.
(3) Where any duty payable to a Partner State under
subsection (1) or as penalty under this Act by a person is not paid
one month after the due date of payment, the Commissioner may
authorise distress to be levied upon the following items
(a) goods, chattels and effects;
(b) material for manufacturing or plant of a factory;
(c) premises, vehicles or other property;
(d) animals, which are in the possession or custody of
(i) that person;
(ii) his or her agent; or
(iii) any other person on his or her behalf.
(4) The warrant of distress to be issued by the Commissioner
shall be as set out in the Sixth Schedule to this Act.
(5) A person authorised to distrain under subsection (3) may, if
necessary break open any building or place during the daytime with
the assistance of a police officer or other person who can lawfully
give assistance.
(6) A person authorised to distrain shall keep the item
distrained at the expense of the owner for fourteen days from
the date of distress or until the amount due together with the costs and
any other charges are paid in full before the end of the fourteen days
and if payment is not effected after that period the person authorised
to distrain may sell the item.
(7) Where an item is sold under subsection (6) the proceeds of
the sale shall be applied as follows
(a) payment of the tax due to the relevant Partner State ;
(b) payment of any fine imposed for non-payment of the tax, if
(c) payment of the expenses or other charges for levying of
distress and for the sale.
(8) The balance of the proceeds after payment under subsection
(7), if any, shall be paid to the owner, on application to the
Commissioner within twelve months from the date of the sale of the
131. (1) The Commissioner may, by written notice addressed to
any person (in this section called the agent) appoint that person to be
the agent of another person (in this section called the principal) for the
purposes of collecting duty due under this Act from the principal
where the Commissioner is satisfied that the agent
(a) owes or is about to pay money to the principal;
(b) holds money for or on account of the principal;
(c) holds money on account or some other person for payment
to the principal;
(d) has authority from some other person to pay money to the
(e) holds goods belonging to the principal which are liable to
duty and on which duty has not been paid,
and the Commissioner shall in the notice specify the amount of duty
to be collected by the agent, which amount shall not exceed the
amount, or value of the goods, held or owing by the agent for or to the
(2) The Commissioner may, by notice in writing, require any
person to furnish the Commissioner within thirty days from the date
of service of the notice, with a return showing detail of any moneys or
goods which may be held by that person from whom duty is due under
this Act.
(3) This section shall apply to an agent appointed as though he
or she were a duly authorised agent acting on behalf of the owner.
(4) An agent who is appointed under subsection (1) and who
claims to be, or to have become unable to comply with the notice for
any reason shall notify the Commissioner accordingly in writing
stating the reasons for his or her inability, and the Commissioner
may accept, amend or reject the notification as the Commissioner
may deem fit.
(5) Where an agent fails to remit any amount of duty specified
in the notice addressed to him or her within thirty days of the date of
service of the notice on him or her, or, of the date on which any
moneys came into his or her hands or become due by him or her to
his or her principal, whichever is the earlier and he or she has not
complied with subsection (4) then, the provisions of this Act relating
to the collection and recovery of duty shall apply as if it were duty
due and payable by him or her from the date when such duty should
have been paid to the Commissioner.
(6) An agent who has made payment of duty under this section
shall for all purposes be deemed to have acted therein with the
authority of his or her principal and of all other persons concerned,
and shall be indemnified in respect of that payment against any
proceedings civil or criminal and all process, judicial or extra
judicial, notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary in any
written law, contract or agreement.
(7) A person who, in giving a notification under subsection
(4), wilfully makes any false or misleading statement, or wilfully
conceals any material fact, commits an offence and shall be liable on
conviction to a fine not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars
or to imprisonment for a term of not more than three years or to
132. (1) Where a person, being the owner of land or buildings
situated in any Partner State, fails to pay any duty or other sum of
money due and payable under this Act, the Commissioner may by
notice in writing inform that person of his or her intention to apply to
the Registrar of Lands for the land or buildings to be the subject of
security for the duty or other sum of an amount specified in the
Security on
property for
unpaid duty, etc.
(2) If a person on whom a notice has been served under this
section fails to pay the whole of the amount specified in the notice
within thirty days of the date of service thereof, the Commissioner
may by notice in writing direct the Registrar of Lands that the land
or buildings, to the extent of the interest of that person therein, be the
subject of security for
duty or other sum of a specified amount, and the Registrar of
Lands that the land or buildings, to the extent of the interest of that
person therein, be the subject of security for duty or other sum of a
specified amount, and the Registrar shall, without fee, register the
direction as if it were a mortgage over or charge on the land or
buildings and thereupon the registration shall, subject to any prior
mortgage or charge, operate while it subsists in all respects as a legal
mortgage or charge to secure the amount payable.
(3) The Commissioner shall, upon the payment of the whole of
the amount secured under subsection (2), by notice in writing to the
Registrar of Lands, cancel the direction made under that subsection
and the Registrar shall, without fee, record the cancellation.
Effect of
obligation to
pay duty.
133. (1) Where any obligation has been incurred, whether by
bond or otherwise, for the payment of any duty, then such obligation
shall be deemed to be an obligation to pay all duties which are or may
become payable or recoverable under the provisions of this Act.
(2) Where the Commissioner is satisfied that the whole or any
part of duty or tax due under this Act from any person cannot be
effectively recovered by reason of
(a) impossibility, or undue difficulty, or
(b) excessive cost of recovery, he or she shall notify the Council
in writing, who shall consider the matter, and with the
approval of the East African Legislative Assembly, remit or
write off in whole or in part the duty.
Effect of
alteration in
of goods.
134. Where any practice or method of procedure of the
Customs approved by the Commissioner or arising from a ruling by
the Directorate or the Customs Co-operation Council relating to the
classification or enumeration of any goods for the purposes of the
liability to duty is altered with the result that less duty is thereafter
charged on goods of the same class or description, no person shall
become entitled to any refund of any duty paid before such
alteration took effect.
Short levy or
135. (1) Where any duty has been short levied or erroneously
refunded, then the person who should have paid the amount short
levied or to whom the refund has erroneously been made shall, on
demand by the proper officer, pay the amount short levied or repay
the amount erroneously refunded, as the case may be; and any such
amount may be recovered as if it were duty to which the goods in
relation to which the amount was short levied or erroneously
refunded, as the case may be, were liable.
(2) Where a demand is made for any amount pursuant to sub-
section (1), the amount shall be deemed to be due from the person
liable to pay it on the date on which the demand note is served upon
him or her, and if payment is not made within thirty days of the date
of such service, or such further period as the Commissioner may
allow, a further duty of a sum equal to five percent of the amount
demanded shall be due and payable by that person by way of a
penalty and a subsequent penalty of two percent for each month in
which he or she defaults.
(3) The proper officer shall not make any demand after five
years from the date of the short levy or erroneous refund, as the case
may be, unless the short levy or erroneous refund had been caused
by fraud on the part of the person who should have paid the amount
short levied or
to whom the refund was erroneously made, as the case may be.
136. The proper officer may, subject to such conditions as he
or she may impose, permit the owner of any goods subject to
Customs control to take samples of the goods without payment of the
duty thereon at the times the samples are taken.
Samples may be
taken without
payment of duty.
Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties
137. (1) The Commissioner shall on the advice of the East
African Community Committee on Trade Remedies established
under the Protocol
Collection of
anti-dumping and
(a) in the case of goods regarded as having been dumped,
collect anti-dumping duty;
(b) in the case of goods in respect of which subsidy has been
granted, collect a countervailing duty; or
(c) take necessary measures in the case of any other matters in
respect of anti-dumping and countervailing measures.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of this Act, the anti-
dumping and countervailing duty imposed in subsection (1) shall be
in addition to any other duty chargeable on the respective goods.
Drawback, Remission, Rebate and Refund
138. (1) Drawback of import duty may on exportation or the
performance of such conditions as may be prescribed, be allowed in
respect of such goods, such amount, and on such conditions, as may
be prescribed.
Drawback of
(2) Where the owner of any goods claims, or proposes to claim,
drawback in respect of goods, then, as a condition to the grant of such
drawback, he or she shall
(a) enter such goods in the prescribed form and in the prescribed
manner and produce such goods for examination by the
proper officer before the exportation of the goods or the
performance of the conditions on which drawback is
(b) make and subscribe a declaration on the prescribed form to
the effect that the conditions under which drawback may
be allowed have been fulfilled and, in the case of goods
exported or put on board any aircraft or vessel for use as
(i) that such goods have actually been exported or put on
board for use as stores, as the case may be;
(ii) that such goods have not been re-imported and are not
intended to be re-imported into the Partner State; and
(iii) that such owner at the time of the declaration of such
goods for drawback was, and continues to be, entitled
to drawback; and
(c) present his or her claim for drawback within a period of
twelve months from the date of the exportation of the goods
or the performance of the conditions on which drawback
may be allowed.
(3) Drawback shall not be allowed in respect of any goods
(a) the value of such goods for home consumption is less than
the amount of the duty drawback which may be otherwise
allowed; and
(b) the import duty on the goods was less than one hundred
(4) Where the proper officer is satisfied that any goods under
drawback, after being duly put on board any aircraft or vessel for
exportation or for use as stores
(a) have been destroyed by accident on board such aircraft or
vessel; or
(b) have been materially damaged on board such aircraft or
vessel and that such goods have, with the permission of the
proper officer, been discharged at any port or place within a
Partner State and abandoned to the Customs, then drawback
may be allowed in
respect of such goods as if such goods had actually been exported or
used as stores.
139. Subject to Section 138 and regulations made under this
Act, drawback of import duty may be allowed on goods imported for
use in the manufacture of goods which are
Drawback to be
allowed in
respect of certain
(a) exported;
(b) transferred to a free port; or
(c) transferred to an export processing zone Provided that
(i) the goods referred to in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c)
shall be a direct result of the imported goods used in
the manufacture of such goods;
(ii) the owner of goods shall have obtained authorisation
from the Commissioner prior to manufacture;
(iii) the Commissioner shall fix or agree to the rate of
yield of the operations;
(iv) upon fixing or agreeing to the rate of yield, the
description and quality and quantity of various
compensating products shall be specified;
(v) the Commissioner shall prescribe duty drawback
coefficient applicable.
140. (1) The Council may grant remission of duty on goods
imported for the manufacture of goods in a Partner State.
Council may
grant remission
of duty on goods
for manufacture.
(2) The Council may prescribe regulations on the general
administration of the duty remission under this section.
(3) The manufacturer, and the approved quantity, of the
goods with respect to which remission is granted under this section
shall be published by the Council in the Gazette.
141. Where any goods are lost or destroyed by accident either
Remission of
(a) on board any aircraft or vessel; or
(b) in removing, loading, unloading, or receiving them into, or
delivering them from, any Customs area or warehouse; or
(c) in any Customs area or warehouse, before the goods are
delivered out of Customs control to the owner, then, if the
Commissioner is satisfied that such goods have not been
and will not be consumed in a Partner State, the
Commissioner may remit the duty payable in respect of the
Rebate of
142. (1) Where any goods imported into a Partner State are
damaged before such goods are delivered out of Customs control,
then, subject to the provisions of this section, a rebate of the duty
payable in respect of such goods may be allowed in such amount as,
in the opinion of the proper officer, is in proportion to the damage
sustained by such goods.
(2) Rebate of duty shall be allowed under this section in respect
of any goods (not being goods to which section 118 applies) except
where the proper officer is satisfied that the carrier or insurer of the
goods has made an allowance to the owner in respect of the damage;
and in no case shall the rebate exceed such proportion of the duty as
the amount of the allowance so made bears to the value, calculated in
accordance with section 122, of the undamaged goods.
Repayment of
Customs duty
when goods
are returned or
destroyed by
143. (1) Subject to section 144 and to such conditions as the
Commissioner may impose, where it is shown to the satisfaction of
the Commissioner
(a) that goods were imported in pursuance of a contract of sale
and that the description, quality, state or condition of the
goods was not in accordance with the contract or that the
goods were damaged before the goods were delivered out to
Customs control; and
(b) that the importer with the consent if the seller has either
(i) returned the goods unused to the seller and for that
purpose complied with the provisions of section 75 as
to entry in like manner as if they had been goods to
which that section applies; or
(ii) destroyed the goods unused, the Commissioner shall
refund any Customs duty paid on the importation of
the goods.
(2) Repayment of duty shall not be granted under subsection (1)
unless the person claiming the repayment presents a claim within a
period of twelve months from the date of the payments of the duty.
(3) Nothing in this section shall apply to goods imported
on approval, or on sale or return, or other similar terms.
Refund of duty.
144. (1) Subject to any regulations, the Commissioner shall
refund any Customs duty paid on the importation of the goods
(a) of any import duty, or part thereof which has been paid in
respect of goods which have been damaged or pillaged
during the voyage or damaged or destroyed while subject
to Customs control;
(b) of any import or export duty which has been paid in error.
(2) Refund of import or export duty or part thereof, shall not be
granted under subsection (1) unless the person claiming such refund
presents such claim within a period of twelve months from the date
of the payment of the duty.
(3) The Commissioner shall refund any import duty paid on
goods in respect of which an order remitting such duty has been
made under this Act.
145. (1) The Commissioner may license persons to act as
agents for transacting business relating to the declaration or
clearance of any goods or baggage other than accompanied non-
manifested personal baggage of a person travelling by air, land or
Licensing of
(2) The Commissioner shall not license any person to act as
agent under this Act unless the Commissioner is satisfied that, that
person has the capability, office equipment, a registered office and
documents to effectively transact business in accordance with the
provisions of this Act and any other conditions as may be prescribed
by regulations.
(3) The Commissioner may refuse to issue a licence or may by
order, suspend, revoke or refuse to renew, any such licence on the
ground that the applicant or holder has been found guilty of an
offence under the Customs laws or has been convincted of an offence
involving dishonesty or fraud, or for any other reason that the
Commissioner may deem fit.
146. (1) Where under the provisions of the Customs laws the
owner of any goods is required or authorised to perform any act then
such act, unless the contrary appears, may be performed on his or her
behalf by authorised agent.
Authority of the
(2) A person shall not be the duly authorised agent or any
owner unless
(a) such person is exclusively in the employment of the owner;
(b) such person is a Customs agent duly licensed as such in
accordance with this Act, and, in either case, such person is
authorised in writing by the owner, either generally or in
relation to any particular act, to perform the act on behalf of
the owner.
(3) The proper officer may require from any person purporting
to be the duly authorised agent of any owner the production of his or
her written authority and in default of the production of such authority
the proper officer may refuse to recognise such person as a duly
authorised agent.
Liability of
147. A duly authorised agent who performs any act on behalf of
the owner of any goods shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed
to be the owner of such goods, and shall, accordingly, be personally
liable for the payment of any duties to which the goods are liable and
for the performance of all acts in respect of the goods which the
owner is required to perform under this Act:
Provided that nothing herein contained shall relieve the owner
of such goods from such liability.
Liability of
owner for act
of duly
148. An owner of any goods who authorises an agent to act for
him or her in relation to such goods for any of the purposes of this Act
shall be liable for the acts and declarations of such duly authorised
agent and may, accordingly, be prosecuted for any offence committed
by the agent in relation to any such goods as if the owner had himself
or herself committed the offence:
Provided that
(i) an owner shall not be sentenced to imprisonment for any
offence committed by his or her duly authorised agent
unless the owner actually consented to the commission of
the offence;
(ii) nothing herein contained shall relieve the duly authorised
agent from any liability to prosecution in respect of any
such offence.
Powers of Officers
Power to
vessels, etc. to
bring to.
149. (1) The master of any vessel within a Partner State shall
bring his or her vessel to, for boarding, on being signalled to do so by
any vessel in the service of the Customs and flying the Customs flag
or of the Government of the Partner State and flying the proper
(2) The master of any aircraft within or over a Partner State
shall land such aircraft on being signalled to do so by any person in
the service of the Government of a Partner State or in the service of
the Customs.
(3) The master of any aircraft which has landed, or of any
vessel bringing to, for boarding, shall facilitate by all reasonable
means the boarding of the aircraft or vessel by the proper officer,
and shall cause such aircraft or vessel to remain stationary for such
period as the proper officer may require.
(4) A master of an aircraft or vessel who contravenes this
section commits an offence and shall be liable
(a) in the case of the master of a vessel of less than two
hundred and fifty tons register, to a fine not exceeding
two thousand dollars and the vessel in respect of which
such offence has been committed shall be liable to
(b) in the case of the master of an aircraft or of a vessel of two
hundred and fifty tons register or more, to a fine not
exceeding five thousand dollars and the aircraft or vessel
in respect of which such offence has been committed
may be seized and detained until the fine is paid or
security therefor given.
150. (1) The master of any aircraft or vessel within or over a
Partner State shall, on being required to do so by the proper officer,
depart from a Partner State within twelve hours of such requirement:
Power to require
vessel, etc. to
Provided that this subsection shall not apply in the case of any
aircraft or vessel that is registered in any of the Partner States.
(2) A master of an aircraft or vessel who contravenes
subsection (1) shall, unless prevented from complying with such
subsection by circumstances beyond his or her control, the proof
whereof shall lie on the master, commits an offence and shall be
(a) in the case of the master of a vessel of less than two
hundred and fifty tons register, to a fine not exceeding
two thousand dollars and the vessel in respect of which
such offence has been committed shall be liable to
(b) in the case of the master of an aircraft or of a vessel of two
hundred and fifty tons register or more, to a fine not
exceeding five thousand dollars and the aircraft or vessel
in respect of which such offence has been committed
may be seized and detained until the fine is paid or
security given.
Power to
patrol freely
and moor
vessels, etc.
151. (1) An officer while on duty may enter upon and patrol and
pass freely along any premises other than a dwelling house or any
(2) An officer in charge of any aircraft, vessel, or vehicle,
employe in the prevention of smuggling, may take such aircraft, vessel
or vehicle, to such place as he or she may consider most convenient
for that purpose, and may there keep such aircraft, vessel or vehicle,
for such time as he or she may consider necessary for that purpose.
Power to board
etc., and
152. (1) An officer may, in the course of his or her duty, board
and search any aircraft or vessel within a Partner State and may
examine, lock-up, seal, mark, or otherwise secure, any goods on such
aircraft or vessel; and for the purposes of the examination or security
of any goods, such officer may require such goods to be unloaded, or
removed, at the expense of the master of such aircraft or vessel.
(2) An officer acting under this section who is unable to obtain
free access to any part of such aircraft or vessel, or to any container
therein, may enter such part, or open such container, in such manner,
if necessary by force, as he or she may think necessary.
(3) An officer boarding any vessel under this section may
remain thereon for such time as he or she may consider necessary and
the master of such vessel shall either provide such officer with proper
and sufficient foods and suitable bedding accommodation under the
deck or, with the approval of the proper officer and subject to such
conditions as he or she may impose, pay such sum as may be
prescribed in lieu thereof, and any master who contravenes this
subsection, or of any such conditions, commits an offence and shall be
liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars
(4) A master of an aircraft or vessel
(a) who refuses to unload or remove any goods when required
to do so in accordance with the provisions of this section;
(b) in which any goods which have been locked up, sealed
marked, or otherwise secured, in accordance with this
section are in any way interfered with except in
accordance with the permission of the proper officer; or
(c) in which any lock, seal, or mark, placed on any place or
goods in accordance with this section is in any way
opened, broken, or altered, commits an offence.
(5) Where, on the search of any aircraft or vessel under this
section, any goods are found in relation to which any offence under
this Act has been committed, such goods shall be liable to forfeiture.
(6) An officer shall not be liable to any legal proceedings for
any action taken in good faith in accordance with this section.
(7) Where, on any aircraft or vessel being boarded under this
section, any goods are found therein and on such aircraft or vessel
being subsequently boarded, whether by the same or another officer,
such goods or any part thereof are no longer therein, then, unless the
master of such aircraft or vessel accounts for such goods to the
satisfaction of the proper officer, such master commits an offence
and shall be liable to a fine equal to ten percent of the dutiable value
of the goods and to payment of the duties due thereon.
153. (1) An officer may, if he or she has reasonable grounds to
believe that any vehicle is conveying any uncustomed goods whether
or not in transit, or being transferred from one Partner State to
another, stop and search any such vehicle; and for the purpose of that
search, that officer may require any goods in that vehicle to be
unloaded at the expense of the owner of the vehicle.
Power to stop
vehicle suspected
of conveying
goods, etc.
(2) An officer who is unable to obtain free access to any place
or container in the course of a search of a vehicle under this section
may open the place or container in such manner, including by force,
as the officer may deem necessary.
(3) A person in charge of a vehicle who refuses to stop or to
permit the vehicle to be searched in accordance with this section
commits an offence.
(4) Where, on the search of any vehicle under this section, any
goods are found in relation to which any offence under this Act has
been committed, such goods shall be liable to forfeiture.
(5) An officer shall not be liable to any legal proceedings for
any action taken in good faith in accordance with this section.
154. (1) A person entering or leaving a Partner State shall
answer such questions as the proper officer may put to him or her
with respect to his or her baggage and any article contained in his or
her baggage or carried with him or her.
Persons entering
or leaving a
Partner State to
answer questions
(2) A person in charge of a vehicle containing goods being
transferred from one Partner State to another shall answer such
questions as the proper officer may put to him or her with respect to
the vehicle and the goods contained in the vehicle or carried with him
or her, and shall produce any books or documents relating to the
vehicle and the goods contained in the vehicle, which are, or should
be, carried in the vehicle.
Power to
155. (1) An officer may, if he or she has reasonable grounds to
search persons
believe that any person has in his or her possession, whether upon his
or her person or in his or her baggage, any uncustomed goods, search
that person; and the officer may, for that purpose, use reasonable
(2) A female shall not be searched except by a female officer.
(3) Where any officer informs any person that he or she proposes
to search him or her, then such person shall, if he or she so requires,
be taken forthwith before a magistrate, the Commissioner, or any
other superior officer, who may, if he or she sees no reasonable cause
for any search, order such person not to be searched.
(4) Where, on the search of any person under this section, any
goods are found in his or her possession, whether upon his or her
person or in his or her baggage, in relation to which any offence under
this Act has been committed, the goods shall be liable to forfeiture.
(5) An officer shall not be liable to any legal proceedings for
any action taken in good faith in accordance with this section.
Power of arrest
156. (1) An officer may, if he or she has reasonable grounds to
believe that any person is committing, or has, within the past year,
committed or been concerned in the commission of, any offence under
this Act, arrest that person; and the officer may, for such purpose, use
reasonable force.
(2) A person arrested in accordance with this section shall
forthwith be taken before a magistrate, or to a police station, to be
dealt with according to the law.
(3) Without prejudice to the powers of a police officer to arrest
any person for an offence under this Act which is cognisable to the
police under any written law of a Partner State for the purposes of this
section the expression ―officer‖ includes a police officer.
(4) An officer shall not be liable to any legal proceedings for
any action taken in good faith in accordance with this section.
157. (1) A proper officer may, if he or she has reasonable
grounds to believe that there are on any premises any uncustomed
goods or documents relating to any uncustomed goods, enter upon
and search such premises by day or by night; and for such purpose
the proper officer may use all reasonable force and may require the
assistance of, and take with him or her, another officer or a police
Power to search
(2) Where a proper officer enters upon any premises accordance
with this section the proper officer may
(a) require the owner or occupier of the premises to produce,
either immediately or at a time and place to be fixed by
the proper officer, any book, document, or thing, which
the owner or occupier is required to keep under the
provisions of the Customs laws or which relates to any
imported, exported or transferred goods, or to any goods
to be imported, exported or transferred by the owner or
(b) examine and take copies of any such book or document;
(c) seize and detain any such book, document, or thing, if, in
his or her opinion, it may afford evidence of the
commission of any offence under this Act;
(d) require the owner or occupier to answer the questions
relating to any book, document, or thing, or to any
declaration in any such book or document;
(e) require any container, envelope or other receptacle in the
premises to be opened;
(f) at the risk and expense of the licensee, owner or occupier,
open and examine any package or any goods or materials
in the premises;
(g) take and retain without payment such reasonable samples
of any goods or materials as he or she may think
necessary for the performance of his or her duties;
(h) lock up, seal, mark, or otherwise secure any such premises,
room, place, equipment, tank or container.
(3) Where, on the search of any premises under this section,
any uncustomed goods, or any documents relating to any uncustomed
goods, are found, the proper officer may seize and carry away any
such goods or documents.
(4) A person, not being a proper officer, who opens, breaks, or
in any way interferes with any lock, seal, mark or other fastening
placed by an officer in accordance with the provisions of this section
on any building, room or place commits an offence and shall be liable
on conviction to a term of imprisonment not exceeding three years or
a fine not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars.
(5) Where the premises, room or place have been sealed with
goods therein and subsequently such goods or any part of the goods
are no longer therein, the owner or occupier commits an offence and
shall be liable on conviction to a fine equal to twenty-five percent of
the value of the goods or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
five years.
(6) An officer shall not be liable to any legal proceedings for
any action taken in good faith in accordance with this section.
158. (1) Without prejudice to any other power under this Act,
where any officer declares on oath before any magistrate that he or
she has reasonable grounds to believe that there are in any premises
any uncustomed goods or documents relating to any uncustomed
goods, then such magistrate may by warrant under his or her hand
authorise such officer to enter upon and search, with such force as
may be necessary and by day or by night, such premises and to seize
and carry away any uncustomed goods or documents relating to any
uncustomed goods found therein.
(2) An officer in possession of a search warrant may require an
police officer to assist him or her in the execution of such warrant and
any police officer so required shall render assistance accordingly.
Power to require production of books, etc.
Power to
production of
books, etc.
159. (1) Where
(a) information has been given to the proper officer that any
goods have been, or are intended to be, smuggled, or
undervalued, or dealt with in any way contrary to this Act;
(b) any thing or goods have been seized under this Act, the
proper officer may require the owner of the goods or thing
to immediately produce all books and documents, whether
in written form or on micro-film, magnetic tape or any
other form of mechanical or electronic data retrieval
mechanism relating in any way thereto, or to any other
goods imported, exported, carried coastwise,
manufactured, purchased, sold or offered for sale by that
owner within a period of five years immediately preceding
the requirement.
(2) On the production of such books or documents the proper
officer may inspect and take copies of any entries in the books or
documents; and the proper officer may seize and detain any such
book or document if, in his or her opinion, it may afford evidence of
the commission of an offence under this Act.
160. (1) The Commissioner may, on application and subject to
such conditions as the Commissioner may impose, issue a licence in
the prescribed form to any person to manufacture goods under bond
in specified premises; and the Commissioner may refuse to issue a
licence or, by notice in writing, suspend, revoke or refuse to renew a
licence on the grounds stated in the notice.
Licensing of
bonded factories
(2) Application for a licence under this section shall be in the
prescribed form.
(3) A licence issued under subsection (1) shall be subject to
the payment of the prescribed annual fee and shall expire on the
thirty-first day of December in each year.
(4) The Commissioner may require the person applying for a
licence to furnish such security as the Commissioner may think
appropriate as a condition to the grant of the licence and the
Commissioner may, at any time, require a licensee to furnish a new
security in a different amount or on different terms.
(5) Premises shall not be used for manufacturing under bond
unless there is a valid licence for that purpose in relation to such
(6) A person who uses or permits premises to be used for
manufacturing under bond without a licence, or a licensee who uses or
permits his bonded factory to be used in contravention of the terms of
his or her licence commits an offence and shall be liable on conviction
to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a
term not exceeding three years or to both; and any goods in respect to
which an offence has been committed shall be liable to forfeiture.
Entry of
premises as
161. (1) A licensee shall, before commencing to manufacture
under bond, make entry in the prescribed form and in the prescribed
manner of each building, room, place and item of plant in his or her
factory which he or she proposes to use in the manufacture or storage
of raw materials or manufactured goods; and, in each entry, he or she
shall specify the purpose for which each building, room, place or item
of plant is to be used.
(2) A licensee shall not, in the course of manufacturing goods
under bond
(a) make use of a building, room, place or item of plant in
relation to which entry is required under this section unless
there is, in respect thereof, a valid entry;
(b) effect, without prior permission of the Commissioner, an
alteration in shape, position or capacity to a building, room,
place or plant.
(3) A person who contravenes the provisions of this section
commits an offence.
Entry of plant,
etc. for
exportation or
for home
162. (1) Where a manufacturer ceases to be licensed under
section 160, the manufacturer shall enter and deliver for exportation
or for removal to another bonded factory or for home consumption all
the plant, machinery and equipment, raw materials or manufactured
goods in the bonded factory within such time as the Commissioner
may specify.
(2) Where on the expiry of the time specified by the
Commissioner under subsection (1), the plant, machinery and
equipment, raw materials or manufactured goods are not entered and
delivered in accordance with subsection (1) then the plant, machinery
and equipment, raw materials or manufactured goods shall be liable to
to provide
163. (1) A manufacturer shall
(a) provide office accommodation and just weights, scales,
measures and other facilities for examining and taking
account of goods and for securing them as the proper
officer may reasonably require;
(b) keep a record of all types of plant, machinery and
equipment, raw materials and goods manufactured in the
factory and keep that record at all times available for
examination by the proper officer;
(c) provide all necessary labour and materials for the storing,
examining, packing, marking, coopering, weighing and
taking stock of the goods in the factory whenever the
proper officer so requires.
(2) Where a manufacturer contravenes any of the provisions of
this section, the Commissioner may direct that the manufacturer
ceases operations until he or she has complied with those provisions
to the satisfaction of the Commissioner.
(3) A manufacturer who contravenes any of the provisions of
this section or who fails to comply with any direction given by the
Commissioner under this section commits an offence.
164. (1) All items of plant, machinery, spares and imported
raw materials for use in the manufacture of goods under bond, shall
be duly entered and delivered by a manufacturer to the bonded
factory within forty-five days and subject to such conditions as the
Importation of
machinery, raw
materials, etc.
Commissioner may prescribe; and if the goods described in this
section are not delivered, then, as from the date of importation, the
plant, machinery, spares and raw materials shall be liable to
forfeiture, unless a satisfactory explanation is given to the proper
officer to account for any delay.
(2) All manufactured goods shall be duly exported or entered
for home consumption within such time and subject to such
conditions as the Commissioner may impose.
(3) A manufacturer who contravenes this section commits an
165. (1) Where goods are warehoused in a bonded factory the
Commissioner may, subject to such conditions as he may impose,
permit the name of the owner of the goods in the account to be
changed if application is made in the prescribed form and signed by
both the owner and the intended owner.
relating to goods
in a bonded
(2) Where goods warehoused in a bonded factory are to be
removed to another bonded factory, then the proper officer shall
(a) require the owner of the goods to deliver an entry in the
form and manner as the proper officer may direct;
(b) require the owner to give security in the amount not being
less than the duty chargeable on the goods, for the due
arrival and re-warehousing of the goods within such time as
the proper officer may consider appropriate; and
(c) transmit to the proper officer of the bonded factory where
the goods are to be re-warehoused an account containing
the particulars of the goods.
(3) Security given under subsection (2) shall not be discharged
(a) the conditions attached thereto have been satisfied;
(b) the full duty payable on the goods has been paid in
accordance with this Act; or
(c) the goods are otherwise accounted for to the satisfaction of
the proper officer, and any duties due in respect of any
deficiency in the goods not so accounted for have been
(4) On arrival of the goods at the other bonded factory, a
particular account of the goods shall be taken.
Goods from
bonded factory
may be entered
for home
166. (1) The Commissioner may, subject to such conditions as
he may impose and on payment of the duties due, permit goods
manufactured in a bonded factory, including waste from the
manufacturing process, to be entered for home consumption.
(2) The value for the purpose of determining the duty on goods
removed from a bonded factory shall be determined in accordance
with section 122.
(3) A licensee who, without the permission of the
Commissioner, disposes of, or allows to be disposed of, raw materials
or manufactured goods from a bonded factory, within the Partner
States, whether on payment or not, or any person who acquires, keeps,
conceals or has in his or her possession such raw materials or
manufactured goods from a bonded factory, commits an offence and
shall be liable on conviction to a fine of five thousand dollars or fifty
percent of the ex-factory value of the raw materials or manufactured
goods, whichever is the higher, or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding three years or both; and the goods in respect of which the
offence has been committed shall be liable to forfeiture.
Goods in
zones or
167. (1) Subject to the Customs laws, goods in export
processing zones or freeports, whether of foreign or of domestic
origin shall be entered for
(a) export after undergoing processing in an export processing
zone; or
(b) re-export in the same state from a freeport.
(2) Goods entering an export processing zone or a freeport
shall be exempt from duty in accordance with the Protocol.
168. (1) The Commissioner may, subject to the Customs laws
and to such conditions as the Commissioner may impose and on
payment of the duties due, permit removal of goods from an export
processing zone or a freeeport, including waste from the
manufacturing process, to be entered for home consumption.
Removal of
goods or waste
for home
(2) The value for the purpose of determining the duty on
goods removed from an export processing zone or a freeport shall be
determined in accordance with section 122.
(3) A person who contravenes any conditions imposed by the
Commissioner under this section commits an offence and any goods
in respect of which such offence has been committed shall be liable
to forfeiture.
(4) A person who removes goods from an export processing
zone or a freeport for home use without the authority of the
Commissioner commits an offence and shall be liable on conviction
to a fine of five thousand dollars or fifty percent of the value of the
goods, whichever is the higher, or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding three years or both; and the goods in respect of which the
offence has been committed shall be liable to forfeiture.
169. (1) The Commissioner may designate areas in export
processing zones or in freeports in which customs formalities shall
be carried out.
Designated areas
in export
processing zones
or a freeport
(2) An export processing zone operator or a freeport operator
(a) provide office accommodation and just weights, scales,
measures and other facilities for examining and taking
account of goods and for securing them as the proper
officer may reasonably require;
(b) keep a record of all types of plant, machinery and
equipment, raw materials and goods manufactured in the
export processing zone or a freeport and keep that record
at all times available for examination by the proper
(c) provide all necessary labour and materials for the storing,
examining, packing, marking, coopering, weighing and
taking stock of the goods in the export processing zone or
a freeport whenever the proper officer so requires.
(3) Where an export processing zone operator or a freeport
operator contravenes any of the provisions of this section, the
Commissioner shall refer the matter to the export processing zone
authority or freeports authority which shall deal with the matter in
accordance with the Protocol and national legislation.
Notification to
170. (1) The Commissioner shall be notified in advance of any
industrial, commercial or service activity authorised by the operator of
an export processing zone or a freeport.
(2) The Commissioner may impose conditions on the activities
referred to in subsection (1), having regard to the nature of the goods
concerned or the requirements of customs control.
(3) The Commissioner shall not permit any person who does
not provide the necessary guarantees of compliance with the
provisions laid down in this Act from carrying on any activity in an
export processing zone in a freeport.
of Part XV.
171. In this Part
―compensating products‖ means products resulting from the
manufacturing, processing or repair of goods for which the use of the
inward or outward processing procedure is authorised;
―equivalent goods‖ means domestic or imported goods identical
in description, quality and technical characteristics to those imported
for inward processing which they replace;
―inward processing‖ means the customs procedure under which
certain goods can be brought in a Partner State conditionally
exempted from duty on the basis that such goods are intended for
manufacturing, processing or repair and subsequent exportation;
―outward processing‖ means the customs procedure under
which goods which are in free circulation in a Partner State may be
temporarily exported for manufacturing, processing or repair outside
the Partner State and then re-imported;
―rate of yield‖ means the quantity or percentage of
compensating products obtained from the processing of a given
quantity of temporary imported or exported goods;
―re-importation in the same state‖ means the Customs
procedure under which exported goods may be taken into home use
free of import duties, provided that they have not undergone any
manufacturing, processing or repairs outside a Partner State and any
sums chargeable as a result of repayment or relief or of remission
from duty granted at exportation must be paid;
―replacement system‖ means a procedure by which an
imported product substitutes a compensating product;
―replacement product‖ means a product imported to substitute
a compensating product under the replacement system.
Inward Processing
172. (1) The Commissioner shall, subject to such conditions as
the Commissioner may prescribe, allow the following goods to be
entered for inward processing in a Partner State in one or more
processing operations
Procedure of
(a) goods imported directly from a foreign country;
(b) goods transferred from another Partner State.
(2) Goods entered under subsection (1) shall be exempt from
(3)The right to import goods for inward processing shall not be
limited to the owner of the imported goods but shall extend to a
contract in which a foreign consignor remains the owner of the
goods and the importer only processes the goods under contract.
173. (1) Compensating products shall be exported out of the
Partner State within a period of one year from the date on which the
goods were imported.
Time limit for
(2) The Commissioner may prescribe specific time limits for
inward processing.
174. Compensating products
products in
(a) may be exported through a customs office other than that
through which the goods placed under inward processing
were imported;
(b) may be allowed in partial consignment under separate
(c) may, subject to such conditions as the Commissioner may
impose, be re-exported in an unaltered state.
175. (1) The Commissioner may, subject to the Customs laws
and to such conditions as the Commissioner may impose
products entered
for home
and on payment of the duties, permit goods in an unaltered state or
compensating products to be entered for home consumption.
(2) Duty on goods entered for home consumption under this
section shall be determined in accordance with section 122.
(3) A person who contravenes any condition imposed by the
Commissioner under this section commits an offence and any goods
in respect of which such offence has been committed shall be liable to
obtained from
176. Subject to such conditions as the Commissioner may
impose compensating products may be obtained from equivalent
goods as a replacement of goods imported for inward processing:
Provided that the equivalent products shall be identical in
description, quality and technical characteristics as those imported for
inward processing, which they replace.
Rate of yield
in inward
177. (1) The Commissioner shall, where goods are for inward
processing, fix or agree to the rate of yield of the operation by
reference to the actual conditions made under which it is effected.
(2) Upon fixing or agreeing to that rate, the description, quality
and quantity of the various compensating products shall be specified.
(3) In fixing the rate of yield account may be taken of losses
resulting from the nature of the goods used such as evaporation or
drying out of the goods.
Outward Processing
for outward
178. (1) The Commissioner may authorise goods to be exported
temporarily from a Partner State as the Commissioner may prescribe
in order to undergo processing operations and the compensating
products be re-imported and be released for home consumption with
total or partial relief of duties.
(2) The authorisation shall be granted:
(a) where it is established that the compensating products shall
result from processing of the temporary export goods;
(b) where the outward processing procedure does not prejudice
the interests of the Partner State.
Time limit for
179. (1) Compensating products shall be imported into a Partner
State within a period of one year from the date on which the goods
were exported.
(2) The Commissioner may prescribe specific time limits for
outward processing.
180. Compensating products
products in
(a) may be imported through a customs office other than that
through which the goods placed under outward processing
were exported;
(b) may be allowed in partial consignment under separate
(c) may, subject to such conditions as the Commissioner may
impose, be re-imported in an unaltered state.
181. (1) Compensating products or goods in an unaltered state
shall be granted total or partial relief from payment of duty where
such compensating products or unaltered goods are cleared for home
consumption in the name of
Relief from
payment of duty.
(a) an authorised person; or
(b) any other person with the consent of the authorised
(2) The total or partial relief from payment of duty referred to
in subsection (1) shall not be granted where any of the conditions or
obligations relating to the outward processing procedure have not
been fulfilled.
(a) the re-imported goods were repaired, and such repairs
could not have been undertaken in the Partner State;
(b) equipment or other goods were added to the exported
goods that could not be added within the Partner State;
(c) processing or manufacturing was done on the re-
imported goods and the goods exported were the product
of, and originated within the Partner State.
182. (1) Where goods on re-importation are liable to duty, the
value of such goods shall be the amount of the increase in value
attributable to:
Determination of
duty of re-
imported goods.
(a) repairs outside the Partner State;
(b) equipment or other goods added and related work done
outside the Partner State;
(c) processing or manufacturing done outside the Partner
(d) any other costs incurred outside the Partner State.
(2) Where goods are temporarily exported for the purpose of
repair, the goods shall be released for home consumption
without payment of duty where it is established
to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that the goods were repaired
free of charge on account of contractual or statutory obligation arising
out of warranty or manufacturing defect.
(3) Subsection (2) shall not apply where account was taken of
the manufacturing defect at the time when such goods were first
released for home consumption.
Relief from
duty on
183. The total relief from import duties shall be granted in
respect of an aircraft, vessel, train, commercial vehicle or conveyance
re-imported into the Partner State after exportation where the
returned aircraft, vessel, train, commercial vehicle or conveyance was
repaired outside the Partner State as a result of an emergency and
repairs were necessary to ensure a safe return to the Partner State.
184. (1) The Commissioner may permit the use of replacement
system where the processing operation involves the repair of goods.
(2) Compensating products arising from outward processing
procedure shall benefit from the use of a replacement system.
(3) The Commissioner may authorise the importation of
replacement products prior to the temporary exportation of goods to
be repaired.
Provided that:
(a) exportation of goods shall be effected within a period of
two months from the date of entry of the replacement
(b) security shall be provided to cover the amount of the duties
payable on the replacement products.
(4) Replacement products shall have the same tariff
classification, be of the same commercial quality and possess the
same technical characteristics as the temporary export goods had the
latter undergone the repair in question.
(5) Where the temporary export goods have been used before
export, the replacement products must also have been used and may
not be new products.
Condition for
in the same
185. (1) Goods that are re-imported shall be entitled to re-entry
free of import duties and to a refund of any duties paid on exportation
Provided that
(a) the goods have not undergone any manufacturing,
processing or repairs;
(b) the re-imported goods can be identified by an officer as
the goods that were exported;
(c) any amount of duties or taxes chargeable as a result of
any repayment or remission of, or conditional relief of
any duties or any other amounts granted on exportation
are paid;
(d) re-importation occurs within one year from the time of
exportation or such other period as may be determined
by the Commissioner.
(2) Subject to paragraph (b) of subsection (1) re-importation
of goods in the same state shall be allowed where part of the
exported goods is re-imported.
(3) The Commissioner shall not refuse the re-importation of
goods in the same state on the grounds that the goods have been used
or damaged, or have deteriorated.
186. (1) The Commissioner shall, where goods are for outward
processing, fix or agree to the rate of yield of the operation by
reference to the actual conditions made under which it is effected.
Rate of yield in
(2) Upon fixing or agreeing to that rate, the description, quality
and quantity of the various compensating products shall be specified.
(3) In fixing the rate of yield account may be taken of losses
resulting from the nature of the goods used such as evaporation or
drying out of the goods.
187. Subject to such conditions as the Commissioner shall
prescribe, customs formalities or procedures may be carried out by
use of information technology.
formalities may
be carried out by
188. A person who wishes to be registered as a user of a
Customs computerised system may apply in writing to the
Commissioner who may
Users of customs
(a) grant the application subject to such conditions as he or she
may impose; or
(b) reject the application.
189. A person shall not access, transmit to, or receive
information from, a Customs computerised system unless that person
is a registered user of the system.
Access to
190. Where at any time the Commissioner is satisfied that a
person who is a registered user of a Customs computerised system
Cancellation of
registration of
registered user.
(a) failed to comply with a condition of registration imposed by
the Commissioner under section 188 of this Act;
(b) failed to comply with, or has acted in contravention of, any
conditions under the regulations; or
(c) been convicted of an offence under this Act relating to
improper access to or interference with a Customs
computerised system, the Commissioner may cancel the
registration of that user.
access to or
improper use
of Customs
191. (1) A person commits an offence if he or she
(a) knowingly and without lawful authority by any means gains
access to or attempts to gain access to any Customs
computerised system; or
(b) having lawful access to any Customs computerised system,
knowingly uses or discloses information obtained from such
a computer system for a purpose that is not authorised; or
(c) knowing that he or she is not authorised to do so, receives
information obtained from any Customs computerised
system, and uses, discloses, publishes, or otherwise
disseminates such information.
(2) A person who commits an offence under subsection (1) shall
be liable on conviction
(a) in the case of an individual, to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding two years or to a fine not exceeding five
thousand dollars; or
(b) in the case of a body corporate, to a fine not exceeding
twenty five thousand dollars.
with Customs
192. A person commits an offence if he or she knowingly
(a) falsifies any record or information stored in any customs
computerised system; or
(b) damages or impairs any customs computerised system; or
(c) damages or impairs any duplicate tape or disc or other
medium on which any information obtained from a
Customs computerised system is held or stored otherwise
than with the permission of the Commissioner; and shall be
liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding three years or to a fine not exceeding ten
thousand dollars.
193. A person who conspires with another person or persons to
contravene any of the provisions of this Act commits an offence and
shall be liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding five years.
Conspiring to
provisions of this
194. (1) A person who
Offences with
violence, etc.
(a) maliciously shoots at any aircraft, vessel or vehicle in the
service of the Customs; or
(b) maliciously shoots at, maims or wounds any officer while
in the execution of his or her duty; or
(c) commits with violence any of the offences referred to in
subsection (4), commits an offence and shall be liable on
conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
twenty years.
(2) A person who
(a) while committing an offence under this Act is armed with
any firearm or other offensive weapon; or
(b) while being so armed, is found with any goods liable to
forfeiture under this Act, commits an offence and shall be
liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding ten years.
(3) A person who
(a) while committing an offence under this Act is disguised in
any way; or
(b) while being so disguised, is found with any goods liable to
forfeiture under this Act, commits an offence and shall be
liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding three years.
(4) A person who
(a) staves, breaks, destroys or throws overboard from any
aircraft, vessel or vehicle any goods for the purpose of
preventing the seizure of the goods; or
(b) rescues, staves, breaks, destroys, or throws overboard from
any aircraft, vessel or vehicle any goods for the purpose of
preventing the securing of such goods after they have been
seized; or
(c) rescues any person arrested for any offence under the Act;
(d) in any way obstructs any officer in the execution of his or
her duty, commits an offence.
(5) For the purposes of this section, the expression ―violence‖
means any criminal force or harm to any person, or any criminal
mischief to any property, or any threat or offer of such force, harm or
mischief, or the carrying or use of any dangerous or offensive weapon
in such manner that terror is likely to be caused to any person, or such
conduct as is likely to cause in any person a reasonable apprehension
of criminal force, harm or mischief, to them or to their property.
Removing or
customs seals.
195. A person who wilfully removes any customs seal from any
ship, aircraft, vehicle, train or package without the authority of a
proper officer or in circumstances contrary to the regulations or who
wilfully alters, defaces, obliterates or imitates, any mark placed by an
officer on any package commits an offence and shall be liable on
conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to
a fine not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars or to both.
another to
196. A person who by any means procures or induces, or
authorises another person to procure or induce, any other person to
commit or assist in the commission of any offence under this Act,
commits an offence and shall be liable on conviction to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding one year.
Offence to
warn offender.
197. (1) A person who, with intent to obstruct any officer in the
execution of his or her duty, warns, or does any act for the purpose of
warning, any other person engaged in the commission of an offence
under this Act, whether or not such other person is in a position to
take advantage of such warning or act, commits an offence and shall
be liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two
years or to a fine not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars or
to both.
(2) Where any person is charged with an offence under this
section, the burden of proving that anything done by him or her was
not done with intent shall lie upon that person.
(3) A person may prevent any other person from giving any
warning and for that purpose may enter upon any land and shall not be
liable to any legal proceedings.
Offence to
character of
198. A person, not being an officer, who takes or assumes the
name, designation, character or appearance of an officer for the
purpose of
(a) obtaining admission to any aircraft, vessel, vehicle, premises
or place; or
(b) doing or procuring to be done any act which he or she would
not be entitled to do or procures to be done on his or her
own authority; or
(c) doing any unlawful act,
commits an offence and shall be liable on conviction to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years in addition to any
other punishment to which he or she may be liable for the
commission of any unlawful act.
199. A master of any aircraft or vessel, and any person in
charge of a vehicle, which is within a Partner State and
Master of vessel,
etc., used for
commits an
(a) which has any secret or disguised place adapted for
concealing goods, or any device adapted for smuggling
goods; or
(b) which has in it, or in any manner attached to it, or which is
conveying, or has conveyed in any manner, any goods
imported, or carried coastwise, or intended for
exportation, contrary to this Act; or
(c) from or in which any part of the cargo of such aircraft,
vessel or vehicle has been thrown overboard, destroyed or
staved, in order to prevent seizure,
commits an offence and shall be liable
(i) in the case of the master of a vessel of less than two
hundred and fifty tons register, to a fine not
exceeding seven thousand dollars and any vessel
and goods in respect of which such offence has been
committed shall be liable to forfeiture;
(ii) in the case of the master of an aircraft or vessel of
two hundred and fifty tons register or more, to a fine
not exceeding ten thousand dollars ; and the aircraft
or vessel in respect of which such offence has been
committed may be seized and detained until the fine
is paid or security given, and any goods in respect of
which such offence has been committed shall be
liable to forfeiture;
(iii) in the case of the person in charge of a vehicle, to a
fine not exceeding five thousand dollars and the
vehicle and goods in respect of which such offence
has been committed shall be liable to forfeiture.
200. A person who
Offences related
to prohibited,
restricted, and
(a) imports or carries coastwise-
(i) any prohibited goods, whether or not the goods are
unloaded; or
(ii) any restricted goods contrary to any condition
regulating the importation or carriage coastwise of
such goods, whether or not the goods are unloaded;
(b) unloads after importation or carriage coastwise
(i) any prohibited goods; or
(ii) any restricted goods which have been imported or
carried coastwise contrary to any condition
regulating such importation or carriage coastwise;
(c) exports, carries coastwise, or puts on board any aircraft,
vehicle or vessel, or brings to any Customs airport,
Customs area, or place, to be put on board, for exportation
or for use as stores or for carriage coastwise-
(i) any prohibited goods; or
(ii) any restricted goods contrary to any condition
regulating the exportation, use as stores, or carriage
coastwise, of such goods;
(d) acquires, has in his or her possession, keeps or conceals, or
procures to be kept or concealed, any goods which he or
she knows, or ought reasonably to have known, to be
(i) prohibited goods; or
(ii) restricted goods which have been imported or
carried coastwise contrary to any condition
regulating such importation or carriage coastwise;
(iii) uncustomed goods,
commits an offence and shall be liable on conviction to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding five years or to a fine equal to fifty percent of
the dutiable value of the goods involved, or both.
Payment of
duty in
addition to fine
201. Where on conviction for an offence under this Act, a
person is liable to pay a fine, that person shall, unless the goods are
prohibited goods or are ordered to be forfeited under this Act, pay
duty on the goods in addition to the fine.
Offence to
import or
202. A person who imports or exports any goods
(a) which are concealed in any way;
(b) which are packed in any package, whether or not together
with other goods in a manner likely to deceive any officer;
(c) which are contained in any package of which the entry or
application for shipment does not correspond with such
commits an offence and shall be liable on conviction to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to a fine equal
to fifty percent of the value of the goods involved.
203. A person who, in any matter relating to the Customs
Offence to make
or use false
(a) makes any entry which is false or incorrect in any
particular, or
(b) makes or causes to be made any declaration, certificate,
application, or other document, which is false or
incorrect in any particular; or
(c) when required in accordance with this Act to answer any
question put to him or her by an officer, refuses to
answer such question or makes any false or incorrect
statement in reply thereto; or
(d) obtains any drawback, rebate, remission, or refund, or duty
which to his or her knowledge he or she is not entitled to
obtain; or
(e) in any way is knowingly concerned in any fraudulent
evasion of the payment of any duty; or
(f) except by authority moves, alters, or in any way interferes
with any goods subject to Customs control; or
(g) brings into a Partner State, or has in his or her possession,
without lawful excuse any blank or incomplete invoice,
bill head, or other similar document, capable of being
filled up and used as an invoice for imported goods; or
(h) counterfeits or in any way falsifies, or knowingly uses
when counterfeited or in any way falsified, any documents required
or issued by, or used for the purpose of, the Customs,
commits an offence and shall be liable on conviction to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to a fine not
exceeding ten thousand dollars.
204. A person who, when required in accordance with this
Offence to refuse
to produce
documents, etc.
(a) to produce any book, document, or other thing, in his or her
possession or under his or her control; or
(b) to perform any act, refuses or fails to do so;
commits an offence.
Offence to
interfere with
Customs gear
205. A person who cuts away, casts adrift, destroys, damages,
defaces, or in any way interferes with, any aircraft, vessel, vehicle,
buoy, anchor, chain, rope, mark, or other thing used for the purposes
of the Customs commits an offence and shall be liable on conviction
to a fine not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars.
goods found to
be reported
206. A person who, on finding any uncustomed goods on land
or floating upon, or sunk in, the sea, fails to report such discovery to
the nearest officer commits an offence and shall be liable to a fine not
exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars and any goods in respect
of which such offence has been committed shall be liable to forfeiture.
Goods offered
on pretence of
207. Where any goods are offered for sale under the pretence
that they are uncustomed goods, then such goods whether or not they
are in fact uncustomed, shall be liable to forfeiture.
208. A person who aids, abets, counsels or procures the
abettors, etc.
commission of an offence under this Act shall be deemed to have
committed such offence and shall be liable to the penalty prescribed
for such offence under this Act.
209. (1) A person who commits an offence under this Act for
which no specific penalty is provided shall be liable to a fine not
exceeding five thousand dollars.
(2) Where, on conviction for an offence under this Act, a
person becomes liable to a fine not exceeding a specified amount, the
court may impose a fine not exceeding three times the value of any
goods in respect of which the offence was committed or the specified
amount, whichever is the greater; and for the purpose of determining
the value of those goods, the Commissioner shall cause the goods to
be appraised by the proper officer who shall appraise the goods
according to section 122, and no regard shall be had to any damage or
injury sustained by such goods.
(3) A certificate of the appraised value given under the hand of
the Commissioner, shall be prima facie evidence of the value of those
Goods liable to
210. In addition to any other circumstances in which goods are
liable to forfeiture under this Act, the following goods shall be liable
to forfeiture
(a) any prohibited goods;
(b) any restricted goods which are dealt with contrary to any
condition regulating their importation, exportation or
carriage coastwise;
(c) any uncustomed goods;
(d) any goods which are imported, exported or transferred,
concealed in any manner, or packed in any package,
whether with or without other goods in a manner appearing
to be intended to deceive any officer;
(e) any goods which are imported, exported or transferred
contained in any package of which the entry, application
for shipment, or application to unload does not correspond
with such goods;
(f) any goods subject to Customs control which are moved,
altered, or in any way interfered with, except with the
authority of any officer;
(g) any goods in respect of which, in any matter relating to the
Customs, any entry, declaration, certificate, application or
other document, answer, statement or representation,
which is knowingly false or knowingly incorrect in any
particular has been delivered, made or produced; and
(h) any goods in respect of which any drawback, rebate,
remission or refund of duty has been unlawfully obtained.
211. (1) A vessel of less than two hundred and fifty tons
register, and any vehicle, animal, or other thing, made use of in the
importation, landing, removal, conveyance, exportation, or carriage
coastwise, of any goods liable to forfeiture under this Act shall itself
be liable to forfeiture.
Vessels, etc.,
liable to
(2) An aircraft or any vessel of two hundred and fifty tons
register or more made use of in the importation, landing, removal,
conveyance, exportation, or carriage coastwise, of any goods liable
to forfeiture under this Act shall not itself be liable to forfeiture but
the master of any such aircraft or vessel commits an offence and
shall be liable to a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars; and such
aircraft or vessel may be seized and detained until the fine is paid or
security given.
(3) Where any vessel, vehicle, animal, or other thing, is liable
to forfeiture under this Act, then the tackle, apparel, furniture, and all
other gear, used in connection therewith shall also be liable to
212. (1) Where any goods are liable to forfeiture under this
Act, then the package in which such goods are, and all the contents
of such package, shall also be liable to forfeiture.
relating to goods
liable to
(2) Where any goods which are prohibited goods or restricted
goods have been shipped for importation without knowledge by the
shipper of the prohibition or restriction and before, in the opinion of
the Commissioner, the expiration of a reasonable time for such
information to be available at the port of shipment, then,
notwithstanding this Act, the goods shall not on importation be liable
to forfeiture but shall be re-exported, or otherwise disposed of, in such
manner as the Commissioner may determine; and pending the re-
exportation or disposal of the goods shall be subject to Customs
Power to seize
goods liable to
forfeiture, etc.
213. (1) An officer or a police officer or an authorised public
officer may seize and detain any aircraft, vessel, vehicle, goods,
animal or other thing liable to forfeiture under this Act or which he or
she has reasonable ground to believe is liable to forfeiture; and that
aircraft, vessel, vehicle, goods animals or other thing may be seized
and detained regardless of the fact that any prosecution for an offence
under this Act which renders that thing liable to forfeiture has been, or
is about to be instituted.
(2) Where an aircraft, vessel, vehicle, goods, animal or other
thing is seized and detained under this Act by a person other than a
proper officer, the aircraft, vessel, vehicle, goods, animal or other
thing seized and detained under this Act shall be delivered with full
written particulars to the nearest Customs office or to such other place
of security as the proper officer may consider appropriate;
(3) Where delivery of an aircraft, vessel, vehicle, goods, animal
or other thing is not practical under subsection (2), notice in writing
shall be given to the Commissioner at the nearest Customs office, of
the seizure and detention, with full particulars of the aircraft, vessel,
vehicle, goods, animal or thing seized and detained.
(4) Where a person seizing and detaining a thing liable to
forfeiture under this Act is a police officer and that thing is or may be
required for use in connection with any court proceedings to be
brought otherwise than under this Act, the police officer may, subject
to subsection (5) keep that thing in the custody of the police until
those proceedings are completed or until it is decided that no
proceedings shall be instituted.
(5) Where a thing seized is retained in the custody of the police
under subsection (4) the following provisions shall apply-
(a) the police officer shall give notice in writing of the seizure
and detention, and the intention to retain the thing in the
custody of the police, together with full particulars of the
thing, to the nearest Customs office;
(b) an officer shall be permitted to examine that thing and take
account at any time while it remains in the custody of the
(c) where the court orders the release of that thing the
Commissioner shall assess and collect any duty payable
on that thing prior to restoration of the thing to the
(6) Where a person, not being a proper officer, seizes and
detains or has custody of the thing seized and detained, fails to
comply with the requirements of this section or with any direction of
the Commissioner, he or she commits an offence and shall be liable
on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years
or to a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars or to both.
(7) The Commissioner may, at any time prior to the
commencement of any proceedings relating to any aircraft, vessel,
vehicle, goods, animal or other thing which had been seized under
this Act, if he or she is satisfied that it was not liable to seizure,
release and return it to the person from whom it was seized.
214. (1) Where any thing has been seized under this Act, then,
unless such thing was seized in the presence of the owner of the
thing, or, in the case of any aircraft or vessel, of the master thereof,
the officer effecting the seizure shall, within one month of the
seizure, give notice in writing of the seizure and of the reasons to the
owner or, in the case of any aircraft or vessel, to the master:
Procedure on
Provided that
(a) notice of seizure shall not be given in any case where any
person has, within a period of one month, been prosecuted
for the offence by reason of which the thing has been
seized, or the offence has been compounded under Part
XVIII, and if, after any notice has been given but before
condemnation of the thing in accordance with this Act
(i) any such prosecution is brought, then such thing
shall be dealt with in accordance with section 215
as if such notice had been given;
(ii) the offence is so compounded, then such thing
shall be dealt with in accordance with Part XVIII
as if no such notice had been given;
(b) where any such thing has been seized in the presence of
any person coming within the definition of owner
for the purposes of this Act, then it shall not be necessary for the
officer effecting the seizure to give notice to any other person coming
within such definition;
(c) a notice given to any person coming within such definition
of owner shall be deemed to be notice to all other persons
coming within such definition;
(d) where a person coming within such definition of owner is
not known, then it shall not be necessary for the officer
effecting the seizure to give notice to any person.
(2) Where any goods which are of a perishable nature or are
animals are seized, the Commissioner may direct that such goods shall
be sold forthwith, either by public auction or by private treaty, and
that the proceeds of the sale shall be retained and dealt with as if they
were the seized goods.
(3) Where any thing liable to forfeiture under this Act has been
seized, then
(a) if any person is being prosecuted for the offence by reason
of which the thing was seized, the thing shall be detained
until the determination of such prosecution and dealt with
in accordance with section 215;
(b) in any other case, the thing shall be detained until one month
after the date of the seizure, or the date of any notice
given under subsection (1), as the case may be; and if a
claim is not made as provided in subsection (4) within a
period of one month, such thing shall be deemed to be
(4) Where any thing liable to forfeiture under this Act has been
seized, then, subject to subsection (1) (a) and subsection (3).
(a) the owner may, within one month of the date of the seizure
or the date of any notice given under subsection (1), as the
case may be, by notice in writing to the Commissioner
claim such thing.
(5) Where any notice of claim has been given in accordance
with subsection (4), then the thing seized shall be detained by the
Commissioner to be dealt with in accordance with this Act.
(6) The Commissioner may permit such thing to be delivered to
the person making a claim, in this Part referred to as the claimant
under subsection (4), subject to the claimant giving security for the
payment of the value of the thing, as determined by the Commissioner
in the event of condemnation of the thing.
215. (1) Where any person is prosecuted for an offence under
this Act and any thing is liable to forfeiture by reason of the
commission of the offence, then the conviction of the person of the
offence shall, without further order, have effect as the condemnation
of the thing.
Effect of
conviction, etc.
on things liable
to forfeiture.
(2) Where any person is prosecuted for an offence under this
Act and any thing is liable to forfeiture by reason of the commission
of such offence, then, on the acquittal of such person, the court may
order the thing either
(a) to be released to the person from whom it was seized or to
the owner thereof; or
(b) to be condemned.
216. (1) Where any notice of claim has been given to the
Commissioner in accordance with section 214, the Commissioner
may, within a period of two months from the receipt of such claim,
Procedure after
notice of claim.
(a) by notice in writing to the claimant, require the claimant to
institute proceedings for the recovery of such thing within
two months of the date of such notice; or
(b) himself or herself institute proceedings for the
condemnation of such thing.
(2) Where the Commissioner fails within the period of two
months either to require the claimant to institute proceedings, or the
Commissioner fails to institute proceedings, in accordance with
subsection (1), then such thing shall be released to the claimant:
Provided that if the thing is prohibited goods or restricted
goods which has been imported, or carried coastwise or attempted to
be exported in contravention of this Act, the thing shall not be
released to the claimant but may be disposed of in such manner as
the Commissioner may direct.
(3) Where the Commissioner has, in accordance with
subsection (1), required the claimant to institute proceedings within
the period of two months and the claimant has failed to do so, then
on the expiration of the period the thing shall be condemned and
shall be forfeited and may be sold or otherwise disposed of in such
manner as the Commissioner may direct.
(4) Where any proceedings have been instituted in accordance
with this section, then
(a) if the court is satisfied that a thing was liable to forfeiture
under this Act, the thing shall be condemned;
(b) if the court is not so satisfied, the thing shall be released to
the claimant:
Provided that the court shall not release the thing to the claimant
unless it is satisfied that the claimant is the owner or, by reason of any
interest in the thing, is entitled to the possession thereof and if the
court is not so satisfied, the thing shall be condemned as if no claim
had been made.
relating to
217. (1) Where any thing has been seized under this Act, as
being liable to forfeiture, then the condemnation of the thing shall in
no way be affected by the fact that any owner of the thing was in no
way concerned with the act which rendered the thing liable to
(2) Where any thing is condemned under this Act, then
(a) subject to section 218, the thing shall be forfeited and may
be sold, destroyed, or otherwise disposed of in such
manner as the Commissioner may deem fit;
(b) the condemnation of the thing shall have effect as from the
date when the liability to forfeiture arose;
(c) the condemnation shall, subject to any appeal in any
proceedings which resulted in the condemnation be final
and, save as provided in section 218, no application or
proceedings for restoration or in detinue by any person
shall lie.
Restoration of
218. Where any thing has been seized under this Act then the
Council may, whether or not the thing has been condemned, direct
that that thing be released and restored to the person from whom it
was seized or to the owner, upon such conditions as the Council may
deem fit.
Power of
to compound
219. (1) The Commissioner may, where he or she is satisfied
that any person has committed an offence under this Act in respect of
which a fine is provided or in respect of which any thing is liable to
forfeiture, compound the offence and may order such person to pay a
sum of money, not exceeding the amount of the fine to which the
person would have been liable if he or she had been prosecuted and
convicted for the offence, as the Commissioner may deem fit; and the
Commissioner may order any thing liable to forfeiture in connection
with the offence to be condemned.
(2) The Commissioner shall not exercise his or her powers
under subsection (1) unless the person admits in a prescribed form
that he or she has committed the offence and requests the
Commissioner to deal with such offence under this section.
(3) Where the Commissioner makes any order under this
(a) the order shall be put into writing and shall have attached
to it the request of the person to the Commissioner to
deal with the matter;
(b) the order shall specify the offence which the person
committed and the penalty imposed by the
(c) a copy of the order shall be given to the person if he or she
so requests;
(d) the person shall not be liable to any further prosecution in
respect of the offence; and if any prosecution is brought
it shall be a good defence for the person to prove that the
offence with which he or she is charged has been
compounded under this section; and
(e) the order shall be final and shall not be subject to appeal
and may be enforced in the same manner as a decree or
order of the High Court.
220. (1) Without prejudice to the powers of any other court of
competent jurisdiction, a prosecution for an offence under this Act
may be heard and determined before a subordinate court; and where
any such court hears and determines the prosecution it shall have
jurisdiction to impose any fine or any sentence of imprisonment
which may be imposed under this Act on a person convicted of the
triable in a
subordinate court
Provided that all proceedings of civil nature shall be filed and
determined in accordance with the provisions of the relevant
procedural legislation in the Partner State.
(2) Without prejudice to the powers of any other court of
competent jurisdiction, any proceedings under Part XVII relating to
any claim to any thing which has been seized under this Act may be
heard and determined, without limit of amount, in civil proceedings
before a subordinate court.
(3) Save where otherwise expressly provided, any person
brought before a court for any offence under this Act shall be dealt
with in accordance with the laws relating to criminal procedure of a
Partner State in which the court is situate.
Action by or
against the
221. (1) Where under this Act any proceedings may be brought
by or against the Commissioner, the Commissioner may sue or be
sued in the name of the Commissioner and may for all purposes be
described by that name; and, notwithstanding that any such action
may lie in tort, the Commissioner shall be responsible for the acts and
defaults of any officer as if such officer were his or her servant or
Provided that nothing herein contained shall confer any right of
action against the Commissioner in his or her representative capacity,
whether in contract or in tort.
(2) Where under this Act any proceedings are brought by or
against the Commissioner in his or her representative capacity, then
costs may be awarded to or against the Commissioner.
(3) Where under this Act any proceedings are brought by or
against the Commissioner in his or her representative capacity and
(a) any sums or costs are recovered by the Commissioner, the
sums or costs shall be credited to the Customs revenue;
(b) any damages or costs are ordered to be paid by the
Commissioner, the damages or costs shall be paid out of the
monies appropriated for administration of customs in a
Partner State and the Commissioner shall not be personally
Limitation of
222. Proceedings for an offence under this Act may be
commenced, and anything liable to forfeiture under this Act may be
seized, within five years of the date of the offence.
relating to
proof, etc., in
223. In any proceedings under this Act-
(a) the onus of proving the place of origin of any goods or the
payment of the proper duties, or the lawful importation,
landing, removal, conveyance, exportation, carriage coast-
wise, or transfer, of any goods shall be on the person
prosecuted or claiming anything seized under this Act;
(b) the averment by the Commissioner
(i) that any person is or was an officer or is or was
employed in the prevention of smuggling;
(ii) that any goods were staved, broken, destroyed, or
thrown overboard, or were so staved, broken,
destroyed or thrown overboard for the purpose of
preventing the seizure or the securing of the goods
after seizure;
(iii) that any act was done within the limits of any port
or at, in, or over, any part of a Partner State;
(iv) that the Commissioner, or proper officer is or is
not satisfied as to any matter as to which it is
required to be satisfied under this Act;
(v) that the Commissioner has directed or requested
any proceedings under this Act to be instituted,
shall be prima facie evidence of such fact;
(c) a certificate purporting to be signed by the Government
Analyst, the Government Chemist or any designated
laboratory of any Partner State shall be admissible in
evidence and shall be prima facie evidence of the matters
recorded in the certificate;
(d) the production of any document purporting to be signed or
issued by the Council, the Commissioner, or any person in
the service of the Customs or the Government of any
Partner State, shall be prima facie evidence that such
document was so signed or issued;
(e) a copy, certified under the hand of the responsible officer
of any declaration in any book or document required to be
kept for the purposes of the Customs laws shall be
admissible in evidence and shall be prima facie evidence
of such declaration and of the matters recorded in the book
or document;
(f) any certificate, official report or other document purporting
to be certified under the hand and seal or stamp of the
office of a principal officer of Customs or of any other
competent authority in a foreign country and produced by
the Commissioner shall be admissible in evidence and
shall be prima facie evidence of the matters recorded
(g) a certificate or a copy of a document or publication
purport- ing to be signed or issued by or under the
authority of the Customs Co-operation Council and
produced by the Commissioner shall be admissible in
evidence and shall be prima facie evidence of the matters
contained therein;
(h) a certificate or a copy of a document or publication
purporting to be signed or issued by or under the authority
of the Directorate of Customs and produced by the
Commissioner shall be admissible in evidence and shall be
prima facie evidence of the matters contained therein;
(i) any certificate or copy of a document purporting to be signed
or issued by or under the authority of any institution,
organisation or firm recognised and authorised and by the
Government under any agreement and produced by the
Commissioner shall be admissible in evidence and shall be
evidence of the matters contained therein;
(j) an officer shall be deemed to be a competent witness
notwithstanding that such officer is entitled to any reward;
(k) the fact that security has been given by bond or otherwise for
the payment of any or for the compliance with any
condition in respect of the non-payment of which or non-
compliance with which the proceedings are brought shall
not be a defence.
relating to
penalties for
224. (1) Where any court imposes on a person a fine for an
offence under this Act in relation to which an alternative of
imprisonment is not specified, then the court may order that person, in
default of payment of the fine, to be imprisoned for a term not
(a) six months, where the fine imposed does not exceed one
thousand dollars;
(b) twelve months, where the fine imposed exceeds one
thousand dollars.
(2) Where any person is convicted of an offence under this Act
involving intent to defraud, then the maximum fine which may be
imposed on such person shall be double that otherwise provided under
this Act.
(3) Where any person is convicted of an offence under this Act
and is liable to a fine of five hundred dollars or more and the person
has previously been convicted of an offence under this Act or has
previously been ordered to pay any sum of money under Part XVIII
and the order has been enforced by any court, then the court before
which the person is so convicted may order the person to be
imprisoned for any term not exceeding three years, or to pay the fine
to which he or she is so liable, or to both imprisonment and fine.
(4) Where any offence under this Act is committed by a body
corporate and it is proved that such offence has been committed with
the consent or connivance of, or is attributable to any neglect on the
part of, any director, manager, secretary, or similar officer, of the
body corporate, or any person purporting to act in any such capacity,
then he or she as well as the body corporate shall be deemed to have
committed that offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against
and punished accordingly.
225. (1) A person charged with an offence under this Act may
be proceeded against, tried, and punished, in any place in which he
or she may be in custody for that offence as if the offence had been
committed in such place; and the offence shall for all purposes
incidental to, or consequential upon, the prosecution, trial, or
punishment, thereof be deemed to have been committed in that
Provided that nothing in this section shall preclude the
prosecution, trial, and punishment, of the person in any place in
which, but for the provisions of this section, the person might have
been prosecuted, tried, and punished.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), a person charged with an
offence under this Act may apply to be tried in another place other
than the place in which the offence was committed.
226. (1) It shall not be a requirement in any proceedings under
this Act to disclose the fact that any person received any information
relating to any Customs matter, or the nature of the information, or
the name of the person who gave that information.
Protection of
(2) An officer appearing as a witness in any proceedings shall
not be compelled to produce any confidential reports made or
received by him or her in his or her official capacity or any
confidential information received by him or her in that capacity.
227. (1) Where any proceedings, whether by way of
prosecution or otherwise, are taken under this Act, and
grounds, a
defence in any
action against
(a) the proceedings result in a determination in favour of any
person prosecuted, or in favour of any owner claiming any
thing which has been seized;
(b) the proceedings arise out of any act done, whether by way
of seizure or otherwise, by any officer in the execution or
intended execution of his or her duty under this Act; and
(c) the court before which the proceedings are determined finds
that there were reasonable grounds for such act, then the
court shall, on request made by or on behalf of the officer,
certify on the record; and a certified copy of the finding
shall, on the request of the officer, be delivered to him or
her and shall be admissible in evidence in any proceedings
in proof of such finding.
(2) An officer shall not be liable to any action or other
proceedings on account of any act in respect of which a court has,
under subsection (1), found that there were reasonable grounds for
such act.
(3) Where any proceedings are brought against any officer on
account of any act done, whether by way of seizure or otherwise, in
the execution or intended execution of his or her duty under this Act
and judgment is given against such officer, then, notwithstanding that
in any proceedings referred to in subsection (1), a court has not found
that there were reasonable grounds for such act, if the court before
which proceedings are heard is satisfied that there were reasonable
grounds for such act, the plaintiff shall be entitled to recover any thing
seized, or the value of the thing, but shall not otherwise be entitled to
any damages and no costs shall be awarded to either party.
Power of
officer to
228. A proper officer may appear and prosecute in any
prosecution before a subordinate court for any offence under this Act.
for review
229. (1) A person directly affected by the decision or omission
of the Commissioner or any other officer on matters relating to
Customs shall within thirty days of the date of the decision or
omission lodge an application for review of that decision or omission.
(2) The application referred to under subsection (1) shall be
lodged with the Commissioner in writing stating the grounds upon
which it is lodged.
(3) Where the Commissioner is satisfied that, owing to absence
from the Partner State, sickness or other reasonable cause, the person
affected by the decision or omission of the Commissioner was unable
to lodge an application within the time specified in subsection (1), and
there has been no unreasonable delay by the person in lodging the
application, the Commissioner may accept the application lodged after
the time specified in subsection (1).
(4) The Commissioner shall, within a period not exceeding
thirty days of the receipt of the application under subsection (2) and
any further information the Commissioner may require from the
person lodging the application, communicate his or her decision in
writing to the person lodging the application stating reasons for the
(5) Where the Commissioner has not communicated his or her
decision to the person lodging the application for review within the
time specified in subsection (4) the Commissioner shall be deemed
to have made a decision to allow the application.
(6) During the pendency of an application lodged under this
section the Commissioner may at the request of the person lodging
the application release any goods in respect of which the application
has been lodged to that person upon payment of duty as determined
by the Commissioner or provision of sufficient security for the duty
and for any penalty that may be payable as determined by the
230. (1) A person dissatisfied with the decision of the
commissioner under section 229 may appeal to a tax appeals tribunal
established in accordance with section 231.
Appeals to tax
appeals tribunal.
(2) A person intending to lodge an appeal under this section
shall lodge the appeal within forty-five days after being served with
the decision, and shall serve a copy of the appeal on the
231. Subject to any law in force in the Partner States with
respect to tax appeals, each Partner State shall establish a tax appeals
tribunal for the purpose of hearing appeals against the decisions of
the Commissioner made under section 229.
Establishment of
tax appeals
232. Where under the provisions of this Act, the master or
agent of any aircraft or vessel is required to answer any questions put
to him or her by the proper officer, and the aircraft or vessel has not
left its final position, anchorage, or berth, preparatory to leaving a
Partner State, then the proper officer may require the master to
attend before the proper officer at the office of the proper officer for
the purpose of answering such questions:
Attendance of
master before
proper officer.
Provided that the master may, with the consent of the proper
officer, depute a senior officer of the aircraft or vessel to attend at
the office for such purpose.
relating to
233. (1) Where the form of any entry, bond, or other document,
required or authorised for the purposes of this Act has been
prescribed, then all the entries, bonds, or other documents, shall be in
the prescribed form and shall contain all the prescribed particulars.
(2) Where any prescribed form contains, by way of note or
otherwise, a clear direction or indication of any requirement as to
(a) the colour or size of the form;
(b) the number of copies of the form to be tendered;
(c) the nature or form of the information to be furnished;
(d) any action to be taken by the person concerned, or his or her
agent, in the transaction in which the form is used;
(e) the receipts to be signed by any person in proof of the fact
that the goods described in the form have been received for
carriage or otherwise,
the requirements indicated shall be deemed to have been prescribed.
(3) The proper officer may require copies of any prescribed
form in addition to the numbers indicated on the form.
relating to all
234. (1) Where any document required or authorised for the
purposes of this Act contains any words not in the English language,
the person producing or using such documents may be required to
produce a correct English translation of such words.
(2) Where any person is required to submit any form for the
purpose of this Act, the proper officer may require that person to
submit as many copies as the proper officer may deem necessary.
(3) Where the proper officer requires any document to be
produced for any goods which have been imported, exported,
transferred, or declared in transit, the proper officer may require the
document to be submitted in original and duplicate and the proper
officer may retain the original.
(4) Any person who fails to comply with a requirement of the
proper officer under this section commits an offence.
Production of
235. (1) The proper officer may, within five years of the date of
importation, exportation or transfer or manufacture of any goods,
require the owner of the goods or any person who is in possession of
any documents relating to the goods
(a) to produce all books, records and documents relating in any
way to the goods; and
(b) to answer any question in relation to the goods; and
(c) to make declaration with respect to the weight, number,
measure, strength, value, cost, selling price, origin,
destination or place of transhipment of the goods, as the
proper officer may deem fit.
(2) Where any owner fails to comply with any requirement
made by the proper officer under this section, the proper officer may
refuse entry or delivery, or prevent exportation or transfer, of the
goods, or may allow the entry, delivery, or exportation or transfer,
upon the deposit of such sum, pending the production of the books
and documents, as the proper officer may deem fit; and any deposit
made shall be forfeited and paid into the Customs revenue if the
documents are not produced within three months, or such further
time as the proper officer may permit from the date of the deposit.
(3) Where any requirement made by the proper officer under
this section relates to goods which have already been delivered,
exported, or transferred and the owner fails to comply with the
requirement, the proper officer may refuse to allow the owner to take
delivery, export or transfer any other goods.
(4) The proper officer may retain any document produced by
any owner under the provisions of this section but such owner shall
be entitled to a copy of the document certified under the hand of the
responsible officer; and the certified copy shall be admissible in
evidence in all courts and shall have equal validity with the original.
(5) A person who fails to comply with any requirement made
under this section commits an offence.
236. The Commissioner shall have the powers to
Inspection or
(a) verify the accuracy of the entry of goods or documents
through examination of books, records, computer stored
information, business systems and all relevant customs
documents, commercial documents and other data related
to the goods;
(b) question any person involved directly or indirectly in the
business, or any person in the possession of documents
and data relevant to the goods or entry;
(c) inspect the premises of the owner of the goods or any other
place of the person directly or indirectly involved in the
operations; and
(d) examine the goods where possible for the goods to be
relating to
declarations and
237. (1) Where under this Act any declaration is required or
authorised to be made, the declaration may be made before any judge,
magistrate, justice of the peace, notary public, or Commissioner for
oaths, or before any officer authorised by the Commissioner for that
(2) Where under this Act any document is required or authorised
to be signed in the presence of the Commissioner, where the document
is signed in the presence of a witness who is approved by, and whose
signature is known to, the Commissioner or any other officer authorised
by the Commissioner, the document shall be deemed for the purposes
of this Act to have been signed in the presence of the Commissioner.
Receipts for
on entry.
238. Where any person requires a receipt for any money paid and
brought to account in respect of any entry, that person shall furnish the
proper officer with an additional copy, marked as such, of the entry and
the additional copy duly signed by the proper officer and
acknowledging receipt of the money shall be given to that person and
shall constitute the receipt for the payment.
Service of
239. (1) Where under this Act any notice or other document is
required or authorised to be served on, or given or delivered to, the
Commissioner or any other officer, the notice or other document may
be served, given or delivered
(a) by delivering it personally to the Commissioner;
(b) by leaving it at the office of the Commissioner;
(c) by sending it by post to the Commissioner; or
(d) by any other means of transmission of documents provided
for under Partner State legislation.
relating to
loading, etc., of
240. Where under this Act any goods are required or authorised
to be
(a) loaded, unloaded, or removed to any place for security,
examination, weighing, sorting, or any other purpose, prior
to delivery or, in the case of goods for export, to exportation,
or in the case of goods to be transferred, to transfer, all such
operations shall be performed by or at the expense of the
owner of the goods;
(b) unpacked, sorted, piled, or otherwise prepared for
examination, all such operations shall be performed by and at
the expense of the owner of the goods and in such manner as
the proper officer may require in order to enable the proper
officer examine and take account of the goods.
241. The proper officer may take samples of any goods subject
to customs control for such purposes as the Commissioner may
deem necessary; and any such samples shall be disposed of and
accounted for in such manner as the Commissioner may direct.
Proper officer
may take
242. The Commissioner may award to any person
(a) who has arrested or has assisted in the arrest of any other
person under this Act such reward, as the Commissioner
may deem fit on the conviction of such other person;
(b) who has seized any goods or by whose aid any goods are
seized under this Act such reward, not exceeding the
value of the goods seized, as the Commissioner may deem
(c) who has provided information that has led to the recovery
of revenue, such a reward as the Commissioner may deem
(d) by whose aid any offence is compounded in accordance
with Part XVIII of this Act such reward as the
Commissioner may deem fit.
243. Where any goods are sold under this Act, then the
provisions of any legislation of any of the Partner States relating to
auctioneers shall apply to such sale.
legislation to
apply to sales.
244. (1) The Commissioner may license any vessel of less than
two hundred and fifty tons or vehicle intended to be used for the
conveyance of any goods subject to Customs control and any
transporter upon application made in such manner and upon payment
of such fees, as may be prescribed.
Licensing of
vessel conveying
subject to
Customs control.
(2) A person who, without the permission in writing of the
proper officer, uses any unlicensed vessel for the conveyance of any
goods subject to Customs control, or uses any unlicensed vehicle for
the conveyance of goods to which other legislation of any of the
Partner States applies commits an offence and shall be liable to a
fine not exceeding five thousand dollars.
245. The provisions of this Act in relation to the importation or
exportation of goods, or to the arrival or departure of persons, by
aircraft or vessels arriving from or proceeding to a foreign port shall
apply, subject to any necessary adaptations or modifications, in like
manner to the importation or exportation of goods or to the arrival or
departure of persons, overland or by the inland waters of the Partner
Application of
Act to
importation etc.,
relating to
246. Where any aircraft or vessel under commission from any
foreign state arrives in a Partner State having on board any goods
other than stores for use in the aircraft or vessel
(a) the aircraft or vessel may be boarded and searched by the
proper officer in the same manner as any other aircraft or
vessel and the proper officer may cause the goods to be
taken ashore and placed in a Customs warehouse;
(b) the person in command of the aircraft or vessel shall
(i) deliver an account in writing of the goods and of the
quantity, marks, and names of the shippers and
consignees of the goods;
(ii) answer all questions put to him or her by the proper
officer in relation to the goods.
Power of
commissioner in
special cases,
notices, etc.
247. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the
Commissioner may, in order to meet the exigencies of any special
(a) permit any goods to be loaded on to, or unloaded and
removed from, any aircraft or vessel on such days, at such
times, at such places, and under such conditions, as the
Commissioner may either generally or in any particular
case direct;
(b) permit the entry of any goods, and the report or clearance
of any aircraft or vessel, in such form and manner, and by
such person, as the Commissioner may either generally or
in particular case direct.
destruction and
248. (1) Goods imported into a Partner State and are still under
Customs control, may be
(a) re-exported from a Partner State;
(b) destroyed;
(c) abandoned.
(2) A person re-exporting goods under subsection (1) shall
comply with all necessary conditions and formalities as prescribed
by the Commissioner including commercial policy measures.
(3) Waste or scrap resulting from destruction shall be subject
to a customs procedure prescribed for imported goods.
249. Where an amount of duty or other sum of money which is
due under this Act remains unpaid after the date upon which it is
payable, an interest of two per cent per month or part of the month, of
the unpaid amount shall be charged.
250. The Commissioner, any officer or any authorised officer
shall not in his or her personal capacity be liable to any legal
proceedings for acts done in good faith in accordance with this Act.
251. (1) The Council may make regulations generally for giving
effect to the provisions of this Act and for the conduct of any business
relating to Customs and, without prejudice to the generality of the
foregoing, with respect to
(a) the application of this Act to postal articles and the powers
of any officer in the service of the Post Office in relation to
any goods imported, exported or transferred by post;
(b) the conditions upon which goods may pass through the
Partner States in transit;
(c) the fee to be paid for any licence issued under this Act;
(d) the rents and other charges to be paid in respect of any goods
warehoused or deposited in any Customs warehouse,
Government warehouse, transit shed or Customs area;
(e) the conditions under which goods may be transferred
between the Partner States;
(f) the total or partial exemption from import duty for a limited
period of any vehicle, or article of an every kind in actual
use, brought into a Partner State by any person making a
temporary stay;
for late
Exemption from
(g) the transmission by post without prepayment of postage of
any return or declaration required or authorised under the
provisions of this Act;
(h) the operations and management, of a preventive service and
terms and conditions of all officers in such service;
(i) the information to be supplied by the importer or transferee,
or any other person concerned with the importation or
transfer of goods, for the purpose of the proper valuation,
and the production of books of accounts or other documents
relating to the purchase, importation or transfer, or sale of
the goods;
(j) the regulation and control of the conduct of business and
operations of refineries and the manner in which petroleum
products shall be distinguished for the purposes of Customs
(k) the use of information technology in customs operations;
(l) the security to be given in accordance with section 107.
(2) Any regulations made under subsection (1) may provide that
any person contravening any of the provisions thereof commits an
offence and may provide penalty therefor.
(3) The Council may, with the approval of the East African
Legislative Assembly, make regulations to adjust any penalty or fine
prescribed under this Act.
252. (1) The provisions of the Partner StatesCustoms laws in
force at the commencement of this Act and all regulations, warrants
and acts of the Commissioners under the Partner States‘ Customs laws
shall continue in force and apply to
(a) the payment of duty payable before the commencement of
this Act;
(b) the assessment of and payment of any duty assessed or
payable before the commencement of this Act, as if this Act
had not been passed.
(2) Where security was given for the doing of any act or for the
protection of revenue or for an obligation to pay duty, whether by
bond or otherwise, in the Partner States‘ under the Customs laws in
force a the commencement of this Act, that security shall have effect
as if undertaken or incurred under this Act, and may be enforced in
respect to a default occurring at any time after the date it was given
notwithstanding that the date was prior to the commencement of this
(3) Where duty was due to be paid or refunded under the
Partner States‘ Customs laws, whether before or after the
commencement of this Act, and was not paid or refunded it shall be
paid or refunded as though it were a sum due under this Act.
(4) If, under the Partner States‘ Customs laws in force at the
commencement of this Act, the Commissioner was responsible for the
performance of any functions not provided for under this Act, the
Commissioner shall continue to perform such functions until the
enactment of appropriate national legislation providing for the
performance of the functions under that legislation.
(5) Any subsidiary legislation made under the Partner States‘
Customs laws in force at the commencement of this Act shall
remain in force, so far as it is not inconsistent with this Act, until a
new subsidiary legislation with respect to the same matter is made
under this Act.
(6) If, at the commencement of this Act, a tax appeals tribunal
is yet to be established by a Partner State as required by section 231,
appeals against the decisions of the Commissioner made under
section 229 shall lie to the High Court of that Partner State.
(7) Unless a contrary intention appears, the commencement
of this Act shall not
(a) revive anything not in force or existing at the time at
which the commencement takes effect; or
(b) affect the previous operation of the Partner States‘
Customs laws in force at the commencement or anything
duly done or suffered under those laws; or
(c) affect a right, privilege, obligation or liability acquired,
accrued or incurred under a written law of a Partner State
in force at the commencement;
(d) affect a penalty, forfeiture or punishment incurred in
respect of an offence committed against a written law of
a Partner State in force at the commencement; or
(e) affect an investigation, legal proceeding or remedy in
respect of a right, privilege, obligation, liability, penalty,
forfeiture or punishment, and any such investigation,
legal proceeding or remedy may be instituted, continued
or enforced, and any such penalty, forfeiture or
punishment may be imposed as if this Act had not been
(f) affect the employment or appointment of any person to
the service of Customs subsisting at the commencement
of this Act;
(g) affect any contract, undertaking or obligation entered
into, made or assumed under a written law in force in a
Partner State at the time of the commencement.
253. This Act shall take precedence over the Partner States‘
laws with respect to any matter to which its provisions relate.
Act to
take precedence.
I,…………......….do declare that I will be true and faithful to the best of my knowledge and power in the
execution of the trust committed to my charge and inspection in the service of the Customs, and that I will
not acquire, take or receive, any fee, perquisite, gratuity, or reward, whether pecuniary or of any sort or
description what- ever, either directly or indirectly, for any service, act, duty, matter, or thing, done or
performed, or to be done or performed, in the execution or discharge of any of the duties of my office or
employment on any account whatsoever, other than my salary and what is, or may be, allowed me by law
or by any special order of the Government of………....…… (Partner State).
(ss. 18, 19, and 20.)
(1) All goods the importation of which is for the time being prohibited under this Act, or by any written
law for the time being in force in the Partner State.
(2) False money and counterfeit currency notes and coins and any money not being of the established
standard in weight or fineness.
(3) Pornographic materials in all kinds of media, indecent or obscene printed paint- ings, books, cards,
lithographs or other engravings, and any other indecent or obscene articles.
(4) Matches in the manufacture of which white phosphorous has been employed.
(5) Any article made without proper authority with the Armorial Ensigns or Coat of Arms of a partner
state or having such Ensigns or Arms so closely resembling them as to be calculated to deceive.
(6) Distilled beverages containing essential oils or chemical products, which are injurious to health,
including thijone, star arise, benzoic aldehyde, salicyclic esters, hyssop and absinthe. Provided that
nothing in this paragraph contained shall apply to ―Anise and Anisette‖ liquers containing not more
than 0.1 per cen- tum of oil of anise and distillates from either pimpinella anisum or the star arise
allicium verum.
(7) Narcotic drugs under international control.
(8) Hazardous wastes and their disposal as provided for under the base conventions.
(9) All soaps and cosmetic products containing mercury.
(10) Used tyres for light Commercial vehicles and passenger cars.
(11) The following Agricultural and Industrial Chemicals:
(a) Agricultural Chemicals
(i) 2.4 - T
(ii) Aldrin
(iii) Caplafol
(iv) Chlordirneform l Chlorobenxilate l DDT
(v) Dieldrin
(vi) 1.2 - Dibroacethanel (EDB)
(vii) Flouroacelamide
(viii) HCH
(ix) Hiplanchlor
(x) Hoscachlorobenzene
(xi) Lindone
(xii) Mercury compounds
(xiii) Monocrolophs (certain formulations)
(xiv) Methamidophos
(xv) Phospharrmion
(xvi) Methyl - parathion
(xvii) Parathion
(b) Industrial Chemicals
(i) Crocidolite
(ii) Polychlorominatel biphenyls (PBB)
(iii) Polyuchorinted Biphenyls (PCB)
(iv) Polychlororinated Terphyenyls (PCT)
(v) Tris (2.3 dibromopropyl) phosphate
(vi) Methylbromide (to be phased out in accordance with the Montreal Protocol by
(12) Counterfeit goods of all kinds. Amended in L.N. EAC/13/2008 dated 30/6/2008
(13) Plastic articles of less than 30 microns for the conveyance or packing of goods.
Amended in L.N. EAC/7/2007 dated 18/6/2007
(1) All goods the importation of which is for the time being regulated under this Act or by any written
law for the time being in force in the Partner State.
(2) Postal franking machines except and in accordance with the terms of a written permit granted by a
competent authority of the Partner State.
(3) Traps capable of killing or capturing any game animal except and in accordance with the terms of a
written permit granted by the Partner State.
(4) Unwrought precious metals and precious stones.
(5) Arms and ammunition specified under Chapter 93 of the Customs Nomenclature.
(6) Ossein and bones treated with acid.
(7) Other bones and horn - cores, unworked defatted, simply prepared (but not cut to shape)
degelatinized, powder and waste of these products.
(8) Ivory, elephant unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape.
(9) Teeth, hippopotamus, unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape.
(10) Horn, rhinoceros, unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape
(11) Other ivory unworked or simply prepared but cut to shape.
(12) Ivory powder and waste.
(13) Tortoise shell, whalebone and whalebone hair, horns, antlers, hoovers, nail, claws and beaks,
unworked or simply prepared but not cut to shape, powder and waste of these products.
(14) Coral and similar materials, unworked or simply prepared but not otherwise worked shells of
molasses, crustaceans or echinoderms and cattle-bone, unworked or simply prepared but not cut to
shape powder and waste thereof.
(15) Natural sponges of animal origin.
(16) Spent (irradiated) fuel elements (cartridges) of nuclear reactors.
(17) Worked ivory and articles of ivory.
(18) Bone, tortoise shell, horn, antlers, coral, mother-of pearl and other animal carving material, and
articles of these materials (including articles obtained by moulding).
(19) Ozone Depleting Substances under the Montreal Protocol (1987) and the Vienna Convention (1985).
(20) Genetically modified products.
(21) Non-indigenous species of fish or egg of progeny.
(22) Endangered Species of World Flora and Fauna and their products in accordance with CITES March
1973 and amendments thereof.
(23) Commercial casings (Second hand tyres).
(24) All psychotropic drugs under international control.
(25) Historical artefacts.
(26) Goods specified under Chapter 36 of the Customs Nomenclature (for example, percuassion caps,
detonators, signalling flares).
(27) Parts of guns and ammunition, of base metal (Section XV of the Harmonised Commodity
Description and Coding System), or similar goods of plastics under Chapter 39 of the Customs
(28) Armoured fighting vehicles under heading No. 8710 of the Customs Nomenclature.
(29) Telescope sights or other optical devices suitable for use with arms, unless mounted on a firearm or
presented with the firearm on which they are designed to be mounted under Chapter 90 of the
Customs Nomenclature.
(30) Bows, arrows, fencing foils or toys under Chapter 95 of the Customs Nomenclature.
(31) Collector‘s pieces or antiques of guns and ammunition under heading No. 9705 or 9706 of the
Customs Nomenclature.
THIRD SCHEDULE (ss. 70, 71, and 72)
All goods the exportation of which is prohibited under this Act or by any written law for the time
being in force in the Partner States.
1. (a) all goods the exportation of which is regulated under this Act or of any law for the time being in
force in the Partner States;
(b) waste and scrap of ferrous cast iron;
(c) timber from any wood grown in the Partner States;
(d) fresh unprocessed fish (Nile Perch and Tilapia);
(e) wood charcoal.
2. The following goods shall not be exported in vessels of less than two hundred and fifty tons
(a) warehoused goods;
(b) goods under duty drawback;
(c) transhipped goods.
FOURTH SCHEDULE (ss. 37 and 122.)
1. (1) In this Schedule
―customs value of imported goods‖ means the value of goods for the purposes of levying ad valorem
duties of customs on imported goods;
―identical goods‖ means goods which are same in all respects, including physical characteristics, quality
and reputation. Minor differences in appearance shall not preclude goods otherwise conforming to the
definition from being regarded as identical;
―similar goods‖ means goods which, although not alike in all respects, have like characteristics and like
component materials which enable them to perform the same functions and to be commercially
interchangeable. The quality of the goods, their reputation and the existence of a trademark are among the
factors to be considered in determining whether goods are similar.
―identical goods‖ and ―similar goods‖ do not include, as the case may be, goods which incorporate or
reflect engineering, development, artwork, design work, and plans and sketches for which no adjustment
has been made under subparagraph (1) (b) (iv) or paragraph 9 because such elements were undertaken in
the Partner States;
―produced‖ includes grown, manufactured and mined.
(2) For the purposes of this Schedule
(a) goods shall not be regarded as ―identical goods‖ or ―similar goods‖ unless they were produced in
the same country as the goods being valued;
(b) goods produced by different persons shall be taken into account only when there are no identical
goods or similar goods, as the case may be, produced by the same person as the goods being
(3) For the purpose of this Schedule, persons shall be deemed to be related only if:
(a) they are officers or directors of one another‘s businesses;
(b) they are legally recognised partners in business;
(b) they have an employer and employee relationship;
(c) any person directly or indirectly owns, controls or holds five percent or more of the outstanding
voting stock or shares of both of them;
(d) one of them directly or indirectly controls the other;
(e) both of them are directly or indirectly controlled by a third person;
(f) together they directly control a third person; or
(g) they are members of the same family.
(4) A person who associates with another person in business, such that one is the sole agent, distributor or
sole concessionaire, however described, of the other shall be deemed to be related for the purposes of this
Schedule if they fall within the criteria of sub-paragraph 3.
2. (1) The customs value of imported goods shall be the transaction value, which is the price actually paid
or payable for the goods when sold for export to the Partner State adjusted in accordance with the
provisions of Paragraph 9, but where
(a) there are no restrictions as to the disposition or use of the goods by the buyer other than restrictions
(i) are imposed or required by law or by the public authorities in the Partner State;
(ii) limit the geographical area in which the goods may be resold; or
(iii) do not substantially affect the value of the goods;
(b) the sale or price is not subject to some condition or consideration for which a value cannot be
determined with respect to the goods being valued;
(c) no part of the proceeds of any subsequent resale, disposal or use of the goods by the buyer will
accrue directly or indirectly to the seller, unless an appropriate adjustment can be made in
accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 9; and
(d) the buyer and seller are not related, or where the buyer and seller are related, that the transaction
value is acceptable for customs purposes under the provisions of subparagraph (2).
(2) (a) In determining whether the transaction value is acceptable for the purposes of subparagraph (1),
the fact that the buyer and the seller are related within the meaning of Paragraph (1) shall not in
itself be a ground for regarding the transaction value as unacceptable. In such case the
circumstances surrounding the sale shall be examined and transaction value shall be accepted
provided that the relationship did not influence the price. If, in light of information provided by
the importer or otherwise, the proper officer has grounds for considering that the relationship
influenced the price, he shall communicate his grounds to the importer and such importer shall be
given reasonable opportunity to respond and where the importer so requests, the communication
of the grounds shall be in writing;
(b) In the sale between related persons, the transaction value shall be accepted and the goods valued in
accordance with the provisions of subparagraph (1) whenever the importer demonstrates that such
value closely approximates to one of the following accruing at or about the same time.
(i) the transaction value in sales to unrelated buyers of identical or similar goods for export to
the Partner State;
(ii) the customs value of identical or similar goods as determined under the provisions of
Paragraph 6;
(iii) the customs value of identical or similar goods as determined under the provisions of
Paragraph 7.
Provided that, in applying the provisions under subparagraph (2) (a) and (b) of this
Paragraph, due account shall be taken of demonstrated differences in commercial levels,
quantity levels, the elements enumerated in paragraph 9 and costs incurred by the seller in
sales in which the seller and the buyer are not related that are not incurred by the seller in
sales in which the seller and the buyer are related.
The tests set forth in subparagraph (2) (b) are to be used at the initiative of the importer and only for
comparison purposes. Substitute values may not be established under the provisions of subparagraph (2)
3. (1) (a) Where the customs value of the imported goods cannot be determined under the provisions of
paragraph 2, the customs value shall be the transaction value of identical goods sold for export
to the Partner State and exported at or about the same time as the goods being valued:
(b) In applying the provisions of this paragraph, the transaction value of identical goods in a sale
at the same commercial level and in substantially the same quantity as the goods being valued
shall be used to determine the customs value and where no such sale is found, the transaction
value of identical goods sold at the different commercial level or in different quantities,
adjusted to take account of differences attributable to commercial level or to quantity, shall be
used, provided that such adjustments can be made on the basis of demonstrated evidence which
clearly establishes the reasonableness and accuracy of the adjustment, whether the adjustment
leads to an increase or decrease in the value;
(2) Where the costs and charges referred to in Paragraph 9 (2) are included in the transaction value, an
adjustment shall be made to take account of significant differences in such costs and charges between the
imported goods and the identical goods in question arising from differences in distances and modes of
(3) Where in applying the provisions of this paragraph, more than one transaction value of identical
goods is found, the lowest such value shall be used to determine the customs value of the imported goods.
4. (1) (a) Where the customs value of the imported goods cannot be determined under the provisions of
Paragraph 2 and 3, the customs value shall be the transaction value of similar goods sold for
export to the Partner State and exported at or about the same time as the goods being valued;
(b) In applying this Paragraph, the transaction value of similar goods in a sale at the same
commercial level and in substantially the same quantity as the goods being valued shall be
used to determine the customs value. Where no such sale is found, the transaction value of
similar goods sold at a different commercial level and/or in different quantities, adjusted to
take account of differences attributable to commercial level and/or to quantity, shall be used,
provided that such adjustments can be made on the basis of demonstrated evidence which
clearly establishes the reasonableness and accuracy of the adjustment, whether the adjustment
leads to an increase or a decrease in the value.
(2) Where the costs and charges referred to in subparagraph (2) of Paragraph 9 are included in the
transaction value, an adjustment shall be made to take account of significant differences in such costs and
charges between the imported goods and the similar goods in question arising from differences in
distances and modes of transport.
(3) Where, in applying the provisions of this paragraph, more than one transaction value of similar goods
is found, the lowest such value shall be used to determine the customs value of the imported goods.
5. Where the customs value of the imported goods cannot be determined under the provisions of
paragraphs 2, 3 and 4, the customs value shall be determined under the provisions of paragraph 6 or, when
the customs value cannot be determined under that paragraph, under the provisions of paragraph 7 save
that, at the request of the importer, the order of application of paragraphs 6 and 7 shall be reversed.
6. (1) (a) Where the imported goods or identical or similar imported goods are sold in the Partner State in
the condition as imported, the customs value of the imported goods under the provisions of this
paragraph shall be based on the unit price at which the imported goods or identical or similar
imported goods are so sold in the greatest aggregate quantity, at or about the time of the
importation of the goods being valued, to persons who are not related to the persons from
whom they buy such goods, subject to deductions for the following:
(i) either the commissions usually paid or agreed to be paid or the additions usually made for profit
and general expenses in connection with the sales in such country of imported goods of the
same class or kind;
(ii) the usual costs of transport and insurance and associated costs incurred within the Partner State;
(iii) where appropriate, the costs and charges referred to in Paragraph 9 (2); and
(iv) the customs duties and other national taxes payable in the Partner State by reason of
importation or sale of the goods.
(b) Where neither the imported goods nor identical nor similar imported goods are sold at or about
the time of importation of the goods being valued, the customs value shall, subject to the
provisions of subparagraph (1) (a), be based on the unit price at which the imported goods or
identical or similar imported goods are sold in the Partner State in the condition as imported at
the earliest date after the importation of the goods being valued but before the expiration of 90
days after such importation.
(2) Where neither the imported goods nor identical nor similar imported are sold in the Partner State in the
condition as imported, then, if the importer so requests, the customs value shall be based on the unit price
at which the imported goods, after further processing, are sold in the greatest aggregate quantity to persons
in the Partner State who are not related to the persons from whom they buy such goods, due allowance
being made for the value added by such processing and the deductions provided for in subparagraph (1)
7. (1) The customs value of imported goods under the provisions of this Paragraph shall be based on a
computed value which shall consist of the sum of:
(a) the cost or value of materials and fabrication or other processing employed in producing the
imported goods;
(b) an amount for profit and general expenses equal to that usually reflected in sales of goods of the
same class or kind as the goods being valued which are made by producers in the country of
exportation for export to the Partner State;
(c) the cost or value of all other expenses necessary to reflect the costs added under Paragraph 9 (2).
(2) A person who is not resident in the Partner State may be required to, or compelled to produce for
examination, or to allow access to, any account or other record for the purposes of determining a
computed value. However, information supplied by the producer of the goods for the purposes of
determining the customs value under the provisions of this Paragraph may be verified in another country
by a proper officer with the agreement of the producer and provided sufficient advance notice is given to
the government of the country in question and the latter does not object to the investigation.
8. (1) Where the customs value of the imported goods cannot be determined under the provisions of
Paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, inclusive, the customs value shall be determined using reasonable means
consistent with the principles and general provisions of this Schedule and on the basis of data available in
the Partner State.
(2) Customs value shall not be determined under the provisions of this paragraph on the basis of:
(a) the selling price in the Partner State of goods produced in the Partner State;
(b) a system which provides for the acceptance for customs purposes of the higher of two alternative
(c) the price of goods on the domestic market of the country of exportation;
(d) the cost of production other than computed values which have been deter- mined for identical or
similar goods in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 7;
(e) the price of the goods for export to a country other than the Partner State;
(f) minimum customs values; or
(g) arbitrary or fictitious values.
(3) Where the importer so requests, he or she shall be informed in writing of the customs value determined
under the provisions of this paragraph and the method used to determine such value.
9. (1) In determining the customs value under the provisions of Paragraph 2, there shall be added to the
price actually paid or payable for the imported goods as follows:
(a) to the extent that they are incurred by the buyer but are not included in the price actually paid or
payable for the goods:
(i) the commissions and brokerage, except buying commissions;
(ii) the cost of containers which are treated as being one for customs purposes with the goods in
(iii) the cost of packing whether for labour or materials;
(b) the value, apportioned as appropriate, of the goods and services where supplied directly or
indirectly by the buyer free of charge or at reduced cost for use in connection with the production
and sale for export of the imported goods, to the extent that such value has not been included in
the price actually paid or payable as follows:
(i) materials, components, parts and similar items incorporated in the imported goods;
(ii) tools, dies, moulds and similar items used in the production of the imported goods;
(iii) materials consumed in the production of the imported goods;
(iv) engineering, development, artwork, design work, and plans and sketches undertaken elsewhere
than in the Partner State and necessary for the production of the imported goods;
(c) royalties and license fees related to the goods being valued that the buyer must pay, either directly
or indirectly, as a condition of sale of the goods being valued, to the extent that such royalties and
fees are not included in the price actually paid or payable;
(d) the value of any part of the proceeds of any subsequent resale, disposal or use of the imported
goods that accrues directly or indirectly to the seller.
(2) In determining the value for duty purposes of any imported goods, there shall be added to the price
actually paid or payable for the goods:-
(a) the cost of transport of the imported goods to the port or place of importation into the Partner
State; provided that in case of imports by air no freight costs shall be added to the price paid or
(b) loading, unloading and handling charges associated with the transport of the imported goods to
the port or place of importation into the Partner State; and
(c) the cost of insurance.
(3) Additions to the price actually paid or payable shall be made under this paragraph only on the basis of
objective and quantifiable data.
(4) Additions shall not be made to the price actually paid or payable in determining the customs value
except as provided in this paragraph.
General Notes
Sequential Application of Valuation Methods
1. Paragraph 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 define how the customs value of imported goods is to be determined
under the provisions of this Schedule. The methods of valuation are set out in a sequential order of
application. The primary methods for customs valuation is defined in Paragraph 2 and imported goods are
to be valued in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph whenever the conditions prescribed
therein are fulfilled.
2. Where the customs value cannot be determined under the provisions of paragraph 2, it is to be
determined by proceeding sequentially through the succeeding paragraphs to the first such paragraph
under which the customs value can be determined. Except as provided in Paragraph 5, it is only when the
customs value cannot be deter- mined under the provisions of a particular paragraph that the provisions of
the next paragraph in the sequence can be used.
3. Where the importer does not request that the order of Paragraphs 6 and 7 be reversed, the normal
order of the sequence is to be followed, and if the importer does so request but it then proves impossible to
determine the customs value under the provisions of paragraph 7, the customs value shall be determined
under the provisions of paragraph 6, if it can be so determined.
4. Where the customs value cannot be determined under the provision of Paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7
it is to be determined under the provisions of Paragraph 8.
Use of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
1. ―Generally accepted accounting principles‖ refers to the recognised consensus or substantial
authoritative support within the Partner State at a particular time as to which economic resources and
obligations should be recorded as assets and liabilities, which changes in assets and liabilities should be
recorded, how the assets and liabilities and changes in them should be measured, what information should
be disclosed and how it should be disclosed, and which financial statements should be prepared. These
standards may be broad guidelines of general application as well as detailed practices and procedures.
2. For the purposes of this Schedule, the proper officer shall utilise information prepared in a manner
consistent with generally accepted accounting principles in the Partner State which is appropriate for the
Paragraph in question. For example, the determination of usual profit and general expenses under the
provisions of Paragraph 6 would be carried out utilising information prepared in a manner consistent with
generally accepted accounting principles of the Partner State. On the other hand, the determination of
usual profit and general expenses under the provisions of Paragraph 7 would be carried out utilising
information prepared in a manner consistent with generally accepted accounting principles of the country
of production. As a further example, the determination of an element provided for in paragraph 9 (1) (b)
(ii) undertaken in the Partner State would be carried out utilising information in a manner consistent with
the generally accepted accounting principles of the Partner State.
Note to Paragraph 1
Subparagraph 3 (e)
For the purposes of this Schedule, one person shall be deemed to control another when the former is
legally or operationally in a position to exercise restraint or direction over the latter.
Subparagraph 4
For the purpose of paragraph 1, the term ―person‖ includes a legal person, where appropriate.
Note to Paragraph 2
Price Actually Paid or Payable
1. The price actually paid or payable is the total payment made or to be made by the buyer to or for the
benefit of the seller for the imported goods. The payment need not necessarily take the form of a transfer
of money. Payment may be made by way of letters of credit or negotiable instruments. Payment may be
made directly or indirectly. An example of an indirect payment would be the settlement by the buyer,
whether in whole or in part, of a debt owed by the seller.
2. Activities undertaken by the buyer on the buyer‘s own account, other than those for which an
adjustment is provided in paragraph 9, are not considered to be an indirect payment to the seller, costs of
such activities shall not, therefore, be added to the price actually paid or payable in determining the
customs value.
3. The customs value shall not include the following charges or costs, provided that they are distinguished
from the price actually paid or payable for the imported goods:
(a) charges for construction, erection, assembly, maintenance or technical assistance, undertaken
after importation on imported goods such as industrial plant, machinery or equipment;
(b) the cost of transport after importation;
(c) Duties and taxes of the Partner State.
4. The price actually paid or payable refers to the price for the imported goods. Thus the flow of dividends
or other payments from the buyer to the seller that do not relate to the imported goods are not part of the
customs value.
Subparagraph (1) (a) (iii)
Among restrictions, which would not render a price actually paid or payable unacceptable, are restrictions,
which do not substantially affect the value of the goods.
An example of such restrictions would be the case where a seller requires a buyer of automobiles not to
sell or exhibit them.
Subparagraph (1) (b)
1. If the sale or price is subject to some condition or consideration for which a value cannot be determined
with respect to the goods being valued, the transaction value shall be acceptable for customs purposes.
Some examples of this include:
(a) the seller establishes the price of the imported goods on condition that the buyer will also buy
other goods in specified quantities;
(b) the price of the imported goods is dependent upon the price or prices at which the buyer of the
imported goods sells other goods to the seller of the imported goods;
(c) the price is established on the basis of a form of payment extraneous to the imported goods, such
as where the imported goods are semi-finished goods which have been provided by the seller on
condition that the seller will receive a specified quantity of the finished goods.
2. However, conditions or considerations relating to the production or marketing of the imported goods
shall not result in rejection of the transaction value. For example, the fact that the buyer furnishes the seller
with engineering and plans undertaken in the Partner State shall not result in rejection of the transaction
value for the purposes of paragraph 2.
Likewise, if the buyer undertakes on the buyer‘s own account, even though by agreement with the seller,
activities relating to the marketing of the imported goods, the value of these activities is not part of the
customs value nor shall such activities result in rejection of the transaction value.
Subparagraph (2)
1. Subparagraphs (2) (a) and (2) (b) provide different means of establishing the acceptability of a
transaction value.
2. Subparagraph 2 (a) provides that where the buyer and the seller are related, the circumstances
surrounding the sale shall be examined and the transaction value shall be accepted as the customs value
provided that the relationship did not influence the price. It is not intended that there should be an
examination of the circumstances in all cases where the buyer and the seller are related. Such examination
will only be required where there are doubts about the acceptability of the price. Where the proper officer
have no doubts about the acceptability of the price it should be accepted without requesting further
information from the owner. For example, the proper officer may have previously examined the
relationship, or it may already have detailed information concerning the buyer and the seller, and may
already be satisfied from such examination or information that the relationship did not influence the price.
3. Where the proper officer is unable to accept the transaction value without further inquiry, it should
give the owner an opportunity to supply such further detailed information as may be necessary to enable it
to examine the circumstances surrounding the sale. In this context, the proper officer should be prepared to
examine relevant aspects of the transaction, including the way in which the buyer and seller organise their
commercial relations and the way in which the price in question was arrived at, in order to determine
whether the relationship influenced the price. Where it can be shown that the buyer and seller, although
related under the provisions of Paragraph 1, buy from and sell to each other as if they were not related, this
would demonstrate that the price had not been influenced by the relationship. As an example of this, if the
price had been settled in a manner consistent with the normal pricing practices of the industry in question
or with the way seller settles prices for sales to buyers who are not related to the seller, this would
demonstrate that the price had not been influenced by the relationship. As a further example, where it is
shown that the price is adequate to ensure recovery of all costs plus a profit which is representative of the
firm‘s overall profit realised over a representative period of time, e.g. on an annual basis in sales of goods
of the same class or kind, this would demonstrate that the price had not been influenced.
4. Subparagraph (2) (b) provides an opportunity for the importer to demonstrate that the transaction
value closely approximates to a test‖ value previously accepted by the proper officer and is therefore
acceptable under the provisions of paragraph (2). Where a test under subparagraph (2) (b) is met, it is not
necessary to examine the question of influence under paragraph 2 (a). If the proper officer has already
sufficient information to be satisfied, without further detailed inquiries, that one of the tests provided in
subparagraph (2) (b) has been met, there is no reason for it to require the importer to demonstrate that the
test can be met. In subparagraph (2) (b) the term ―unrelated buyers‖ means buyers who are not related to
the seller in any particular case.
Subparagraph (2) (b)
A number of factors must be taken into consideration in determining whether one value ―closely
approximates‖ to another value. These factors include the nature of the imported goods, the nature of the
industry itself, the season in which the goods are imported, and, whether the difference in values is
commercially significant. Since these factors may vary from case to case, it would be impossible to apply
a uniform standard such as a fixed percentage, in each case. For example, a small difference in value in a
case involving one type of goods could be unacceptable while a large difference in a case involving
another type of goods might be acceptable in determining whether the transaction value closely
approximates to the ―test‖ values set forth in sub-paragraph (2) (b) of paragraph 2.
Note to Paragraph 3
1. In applying paragraph 3, the proper officer shall wherever possible, use a sale of identical goods at
the same commercial level and in substantially the same quantities as the goods being valued. Where no
such sale is found, a sale of identical goods that takes place under any one of the following three
conditions may be used:
(a) a sale at the same commercial level but in different quantities;
(b) a sale at a different commercial level but in substantially the same quantities; or
(c) a sale at a different commercial level and in different quantities.
2. Having found a sale under any one of these three conditions adjustments will then be made, as the
case may be, for:
(a) quantity factors only;
(b) commercial level factors only; or
(c) both commercial level and quantity factors
3. The expression ―and/or‖ allows the flexibility to use the sales and make the necessary adjustments in
any one of the three conditions described above.
4. For the purposes of paragraph 3, the transaction value of identical imported goods means a customs
value, adjusted as provided for in subparagraphs (1) (b) and (2), which has already been accepted under
Paragraph 2.
5. A condition for adjustment because of different commercial level or different quantities is that such
adjustment, whether it leads to an increase or a decrease in the value, be made only on the basis of
demonstrated evidence that clearly establishes the reasonableness and accuracy of the adjustments, e.g.
valid price lists containing prices referring to different levels or different quantities. As an example of this,
if the import- ed goods being valued consist of a shipment of 10 units and the only identical import- ed
goods for which a transaction value exists involved a sale of 500 units, and it is recognised that the seller
grants quantity discounts, the required adjustment may be accomplished by resorting to the seller‘s price
list and using that price applicable to sale of 10 units. This does not require that a sale had to have been
made in quantities of 10 as long as the price has been established as being bona fide through sales at other
quantities. In the absence of such an objective measure, however, the determination of a customs value
under the provisions of Paragraph 3 is not appropriate.
Note to Paragraph 4
1. In applying paragraph 4, the proper officer shall, wherever possible, use a sale of similar goods at the
same commercial level and in substantially the same quantities as the goods being valued. Where no such
sale is found, a sale of similar goods that takes place under any one of the following three conditions may
be used;
(a) a sale at the same commercial level but in different quantities;
(b) a sale at a different commercial level but in substantially the same quantities; or
(c) a sale at a different commercial level and in different quantities;
2. Having found sale under any one of these three conditions adjustments will then be made, as the case
may be, for:
(a) quantity factors only;
(b) commercial level factors only; or
(c) both commercial level and quantity factors;
3. The expression ―and/or‖ allows the flexibility to use the sales and make the necessary adjustments in
any one of the three conditions described above.
4. For the purpose of paragraph 4, the transaction value of similar imported goods means a customs
value, adjusted as provided for in subparagraphs (1) (b) and (2), which has already been accepted under
paragraph 2.
5. A condition for adjustment because of different quantities is that such adjustment whether it leads to
an increase or a decrease in the value, be made only on the basis of demonstrated evidence that clearly
establishes the reasonableness and accuracy of the adjustment, e.g. valid price lists containing prices
referring to different levels or different quantities. As an example of this, if the imported goods being
valued consist of a shipment of 10 units and the only similar imported goods for which a transaction value
exists involved a sale of 500 units, and it is recognised that the seller grants quantity discounts, the
required adjustment may be accomplished by resorting to the seller‘s price list and using that price
applicable to a sale of 10 units. This does not require that a sale had to been established as being bona fide
through sales at other quantities. In the absence of such an objective measure, however, the determination
of a customs value under the provisions of paragraph 4 is not appropriate.
Note to Paragraph 6
1. The term ―unit price at which goods are sold in the greatest aggregate quantity‖ means the price at
which the greatest number of units is sold in sales to persons who are not related to the persons from
whom they buy such goods at the first commercial level after importation at which such sales take place.
2. As an example of this, goods are sold from a price list, which grants favourable unit prices for
purchases made in larger quantities.
sales of 3 units 65
Sale quantity sold at each
Unit price
Number of sales
Total quantity sold
at each price
1 10 units
10 sales of 5 units 5 sales of 3 units
11-25 units
5 sales of 11 units
Over 25 units
1 sale of 30 units1 sale of 50 units
The greatest number of units sold at a price is 80; therefore, the unit price in the greatest aggregate
quantity is 90.
3. As another example of this, two sales occur. In the first sale 500 units are sold at a price of 95
currency units each. In the second sale 400 units are sold at a price of 90 currency units each. In this
example, the greatest number of units sold at a particular price is 500; therefore, the unit price in the
greatest aggregate quantity is 95.
4. A third example would be the following situation where various quantities are sold at various prices.
(a) Sales
Sale Quantity Unit Price
40 units 100
30 units 90
15 units 100
50 units 95
25 units 105
35 units 90
5 units 100
(b) Totals
Total quantity sold Unit price
65 90
50 95
60 100
25 105
In this example, the greatest number of units sold at a particular price is 65; therefore, the unit price in
the greatest aggregate quantity is 90.
5. Any sale in the Partner State, as described in subparagraph 1 above, to a person who supplies directly
or indirectly free of charge or at reduced cost for use in connection with the production and sale for export
of the imported goods any of the elements specified in subparagraph 1(b) of paragraph 1(b) of Paragraph
9, should not be taken into account in establishing the unit price for the purposes of Paragraph 6.
6. It should be noted that ―profit and general expenses‖ referred to in subparagraph
(1) of Paragraph 6 should be taken as a whole. The figure for the purposes of this deduction should be
determined on the basis of information supplied by or on behalf of the importer unless the importer‘s
figures are inconsistent with those obtained in sales in The Partner State of imported goods of the same
class or kind. Where the importer‘s figures are inconsistent with such figures, the amount for profit and
general expenses may be based upon relevant information other than that supplied by or on behalf of the
7. The ―general expenses‖ include the direct and indirect costs of marketing the goods in question.
8. Local taxes payable by reason of the sale of the goods for which a deduction is not made under the
provisions of paragraph 6 (1) (a) (iv) shall be deducted under the provisions of paragraph 6 (1) (a) (i).
9. In determining either the commissions or the usual profits and general expenses under the provisions
of paragraph 6 (1), the question whether certain goods are ―of the same class or kind‖ as other goods must
be determined on a case by case basis by reference to the circumstances involved. Sales in the Partner
State of the narrowest group or range of imported goods of the same class or kind, which includes the
goods being valued, for which the necessary information can be provided, should be examined. For the
purposes of Paragraph 6, ―goods of the same class or kind‖ includes goods imported from the same
country as the goods being valued as well as goods imported from other countries.
10. For the purposes of paragraph 6 (1) (b), the ―earliest date‖ shall be the date by which sales of the
imported goods or of identical or similar imported goods are made in sufficient quantity to establish the
unit price.
11. Where the method in paragraph 6 (2) is used, deductions made for the value added by further
processing shall be based on objective and quantifiable data relating to the cost of such work. Accepted
industry practices would form the basis of the calculations.
12. It is recognised that the method of valuation provided for in Paragraph 6 (2) would normally not be
applicable when, as a result of the further processing, the imported goods lose their identity. However,
there can be instances where, although the identity of the imported goods is lost, the value added by the
processing can be determined accurately without unreasonable difficulty. However, there can be instances
where, although the identity of the imported goods is lost, the value added by the processing can be
determined accurately without unreasonable difficulty. On the other hand, there can also be instances
where the imported goods maintain their identity but form such a minor element in the goods sold in the
Partner State that the use of this valuation method would be unjustified. In view of the above, each
situation of this type must be considered on a case by case basis.
Note to Paragraph 7
1. As a general rule, customs value is determined under this Schedule on the basis of information
readily available in the Partner State. In order to determine a computed value, however, it may be
necessary to examine the costs of producing the goods being valued and other information, which has to
be obtained from outside the Partner State. Furthermore, in most cases the producer of the goods will be
outside the jurisdiction of the authorities of the Partner State. The use of the computed value method will
generally be limited to those cases where the buyer and seller are related and the producer is prepared to
supply to the authorities of the Partner State the necessary costing and to provide facilities for any
subsequent verification which may be necessary.
2. The ―cost or value‖ referred to in Paragraph 7 (1) (a) is to be determined on the basis of information
relating to the production of the goods being valued supplied by or on behalf the producer. It is to be based
upon the commercial accounts of the producer, provided that such accounts are consistent with the
generally accepted accounting principles applied in the country where the goods are produced.
3. The ―cost or value‖ shall include the cost of elements specified in subparagraphs 9(1) (a) (ii) and
(iii). It shall also include the value, apportioned as appropriate under the provisions of the relevant note to
Paragraph 9, of any element specified in Paragraph 9 (1) (b) which has been supplied directly or indirectly
by the buyer for use in connection with the production of the imported goods. The value of the elements
specified in paragraph 9(1) (b) (iv) which are undertaken in the Partner State shall be included only to the
extent that such elements are charged to the producer. It is to be understood that no cost or value of the
elements referred to in this paragraph shall be counted twice in determining the computed value.
4. The ―amount for profit and general expenses‖ referred to in Paragraph 7 (1) (b) is to be determined
on the basis of information supplied by or on behalf of the producer unless the producer‘s figures are
inconsistent with those usually reflected in sales of goods of the same class or kind as the goods being
valued which are made by producers in the country of exportation for export to the Partner State.
5. It should be noted in this context that the ―amount for profit and general expenses‖ has to be taken as
a whole. It follows that if, in any particular case, the producer‘s profit figure is low and the producer‘s
general expenses are high, the producer‘s profit and general expenses taken together may nevertheless be
consistent with that usually reflected in sales of goods of the same class or kind. Such a situation might
occur, for example, if a product were being launched in the Partner State and the producer accepted a nil
or low profit to offset high general expenses associated with the launch. Where the producer can
demonstrate a low profit on sales of the imported goods because of particular commercial circumstances,
the producer‘s actual profit figures should be taken into account provided that the producer has valid
commercial reasons to justify then and the producer‘s pricing policy reflects usual pricing policies in the
branch of industry concerned. Such a situation might occur, for example, where producers have been
forced to lower prices temporarily because of an unforeseeable drop in demand, or where they sell goods
to complement a range of goods being produced in the Partner State and accept a low profit to maintain
competitiveness. Where the producer‘s own figures for profit and general expenses are not consistent with
those usually reflected in sales of goods of the same class or kind as the goods being valued which are
made by producers in the country of exportation for export to a Partner State, the amount for profit and
general expenses may be based upon relevant information other than that supplied by or on behalf of the
producer of the goods.
6. Where information other than that supplied by or on behalf of the producer is used for the purposes
of determining a computed value, the proper officer shall inform the importer, if the latter so requests, of
the source of such information, the data used and the calculations based upon such data.
7. The ―general expenses‖ referred to in Paragraph 7 (1) (b) covers the direct and indirect costs of
producing and selling the goods for export, which are not included under Paragraph 7 (1) (a).
8. Whether certain goods are ―of the same class or kind‖ as other goods must be determined on a case-
by-case basis with reference to the circumstances involved. In determining the usual profits and general
expenses under the provisions of Paragraph 7, sales for export to the Partner State of the narrowest group
or range of goods, which includes the goods being valued, for which the necessary information can be
provided, should be examined. For the purposes of Paragraph 7, ―goods of the same class or kind‖ must be
from the same country as the goods being valued.
Note to Paragraph 8
1. Customs values determined under the provisions of paragraph 8 should, to the greatest extent
possible, be based on previously determined customs values.
2. The methods of valuation to be employed under paragraph 8 should be those laid down in Paragraphs
2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 but a reasonable flexibility in the application of such methods would be in conformity
with the aims and provisions of Paragraph 8.
Some examples of reasonable flexibility are as follows:
(a) Identical goods the requirement that the identical goods should be exported at or about the same
time as the goods being valued could be flexibly interpreted; identical imported goods produced in
a country other than the country of exportation of the goods being valued could be the basis for
customs valuation; customs values of identical imported goods already determined under the
provisions of Paragraphs 6 and 7 could be used.
(b) Similar goods the requirement that the similar goods should be exported at or about the same time
as the goods being valued could be flexibly interpreted; similar imported goods produced in a
country other than the country of exportation of the goods being valued could be the basis for
customs valuation; customs values of similar imported goods already determined under the
provisions of Paragraphs 6 and 7 could be used.
(c) Deductive methods the requirement that the goods shall have been sold in the ―condition as
imported‖ in Paragraph 6 (1) (a) could be flexibly interpreted; the ―90 days‖ requirement could be
administered flexibly.
Note to Paragraph 9
Subparagraph (1) (a) (i)
The term ―buying commissions‖ means fees paid by importer to the importer‘s agent for the service of
representing the importer abroad in the purchase of the goods being valued.
Subparagraph (1) (b) (ii)
1. There are two factors involved in the apportionment of the elements specified in paragraph 9 (1) (b)
(ii) to the imported goods - the value of the element itself and the way in which that value is to be
apportioned to the imported goods. The apportionment of these elements should be made in a reasonable
manner appropriate to the circumstances and in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
2. Concerning the value of the element, if the importer acquires the element from a seller not related to
the importer at a given cost, the value of the element is that cost. If the element was produced by the
importer or by a person related to the importer, its value would be the cost of producing it. If the element
had been previously used by the importer, regardless of whether it had been acquired or produced by such
importer, the original cost of acquisition or production would have to be adjusted downward to reflect its
use in order to arrive at the value of the element.
3. Once a value has been determined for the element, it is necessary to apportion that value to the
imported goods. Various possibilities exist. For example, the value might be apportioned to the first
shipment if the importer wishes to pay duty on the entire value at one time. As another example, the
importer may request that the value be apportioned over the number of units produced up to the time of the
first shipment. As a further example the importer may request that the value be apportioned over the entire
anticipated production where contracts or firm commitments exist for that production. The method of
apportionment used will depend upon the documentation provided by the importer.
4. As an illustration of the above, an importer provides the producer with a mould to be used in the
production of the imported goods and contracts with the producer to buy 10,000 units. By the time of
arrival of the first shipment of 1,000 units the producer has already produced 4,000 units. The importer
may request the proper officer to apportion the value of the mould over 1,000 units, 4,000 units or 10,000
Subparagraph 1 (b) (iv)
1. Additions for the elements specified in paragraph 9 (1) (b) (iv) should be based on objective and
quantifiable data. In order to minimise the burden for both the importer and proper officer in determining
the values to be added, data readily available in the buyer‘s commercial record system should be used in
so far as possible.
2. For those elements supplied by the buyer, which were purchased or leased by the buyer, the addition
would be the cost of the purchase or the lease. No addition shall be made for those elements available in
the public domain, other than the cost of obtaining copies of them.
3. The ease with which it may be possible to calculate the valued to be added will depend on a
particular firm‘s structure and management practice, as well as its accounting methods.
4. It is possible for example, that a firm which imports a variety of products from several countries
maintains the records of its design centre outside the Partner State in such a way as to show accurately the
costs attributable to a given product. In such cases, a direct adjustment may appropriately be made under
the provisions of Paragraph 9.
5. In another case, a firm may carry the cost of the design centre outside the Partner State as a general
overhead expense without allocation to specific products. In this instance, an appropriate adjustment could
be made under the provisions of paragraph 9 with respect to the imported goods by apportioning total
design centre costs over total production benefiting from the design centre and adding such apportioned
cost on a unit basis to imports.
6. Variations in the above circumstances will be of course, require different factors to be considered in
determining the proper method of allocation.
7. In cases where the production of the element in question involves a number of countries and over a
period of time, the adjustment should be limited to the value actually added to that element outside the
Partner State.
Subparagraph (1) (c)
1. The royalties and license fees referred to in paragraph 9 (1) (c) may include, among other things,
payments in respect of patents, trademarks and copyrights. However, the charges for the right to reproduce
the imported goods in the Partner State shall not be added to the price actually paid or payable for the
imported goods in deter- mining the customs value.
2. Payments made by the buyer for the right to distribute or resell the imported goods shall not be added
to the price actually paid or payable for the imported goods if such payments are not a condition of the sale
for export to the Partner State of the imported goods.
Subparagraph 3
Where objective and quantifiable data do not exist with regard to the additions required to be made under
the provisions of Paragraph 9, the transaction value cannot be determined under the provisions of
Paragraph 2. As an illustration of this, a royalty is paid on the basis of the price in a sale in the importing
country of a litre of a particular product that was imported by the kilogram and made up into a solution
after importation. If the royalty is based partially on the imported goods and partially on other factors
which have nothing to do with the imported goods such as when the imported goods are mixed with
domestic ingredients and are no longer separately identifiable, or when the royalty cannot be distinguished
from special financial arrangements between the buyer and the seller, it would be inappropriate to attempt
to make an addition for the royalty. However, if the amount of this royalty is based only on the imported
goods and can be readily quantified, an addition to the price actually paid or payable can be made.
The Presidents
Goods for use by the Presidents of the Partner States.
Partner States Armed Forces
All goods, including materials, supplies, equipment,
machinery and motor vehicles for the official use of Partner
States Armed Forces.
Commonwealth and Other Governments
Goods consigned to officers or men on board a naval vessel
belonging to another Commonwealth Government for their
personal use or for consumption on board such vessel.
Goods for the use of any of the Armed Forces of any allied
Diplomatic and First Arrival Privileges
(1) Household and personal effects of any kind imported
by entitled personnel or their dependants including one
motor vehicle imported or purchased by them prior to
clearance through customs within ninety days of their first
arrival in a Partner State or such longer period not
exceeding three hundred and sixty days from the date of his
arrival, as may be approved by the Commissioner in a
Partner State in specific cases where the entitled personnel
have not been granted an exemption under item 4 (4) of Part
A or item 5 (3) of Part B:
Provided that this exemption shall apply to entitled
personnel who may have arrived for a new contract
notwithstanding their previous residential status in a Partner
State while in execution of another assignment, provided
further that each contract is for a term not less than two
(2) One motor vehicle which the ministry responsible
for foreign affairs of a Partner State is satisfied as having
been imported as a replacement for a motor vehicle
originally imported under paragraph (1) which has been
written off due to accident, fire or theft:
Provided that customs duty shall be payable at the
appropriate rate if the written off motor vehicle is disposed
of locally.
(3) Goods for the official use of the United Nations or
its specialised agencies or any Commonwealth High
Commission, or of any foreign embassy, consulate or
diplomatic mission in a Partner State.
(4) Goods for the use of a high official of the United
Nations or its specialised agencies, or a member of the
diplomatic staff of any Commonwealth or foreign country,
where specific provision for such exemption is made by the
minister responsible for foreign affairs.
(5) Goods for the United Nations or any of its specialised
agencies for the support of a project in a Partner State.
(6) On first arrival in a Partner State or within three
months of that date, the household and personal effects,
including one motor
vehicle, of an employee of the United Nations, or of its
specialised agencies, of any Commonwealth High
Commission, or of any foreign embassy, consulate or
diplomatic mission, where the employee:
(a) is not engaged in any other business or profession in
a Partner State; and
(b) has not been granted an exemption under item 4 (1),
(2) and (4) of Part A or item 5 (3) of Part B.
(7) Any motor vehicle acquired free of duty pursuant to the
provisions of this item shall on re-sale or upon other
disposition, whether or not for any material consideration,
be liable to duty notwithstanding that the period of two
years allowed has elapsed.
Donor Agencies with Bilateral or Multilateral
Agreements with the Partner States
(1) Household and personal effects of any kind
imported by entitled personnel or their dependants,
including one motor vehicle imported or purchased by them
prior to clearance through customs, within ninety days of
their first arrival in a Partner State or such longer period not
exceeding three hundred and sixty days from the date of his
arrival, as may be approved by the relevant authority in a
Partner State in specific cases where the entitled personnel
have not been granted an exemption under item 4 (4) of Part
A or item 5 (3) of Part B:
Provided that the exemption under this paragraph shall
(i) to entitled personnel who may have arrived for a
new contract for a term of not less than two years,
not withstanding their previous residential status in
a Partner State while in execution of another
(ii) only once every four years where there is an on
going project; and
(iii) to an additional motor vehicle where there is a
bilateral agreement between the Government and
aid agency entered into prior to the coming into
force of this Protocol.
(2) One motor vehicle, which the Commissioner in a
Partner State is satisfied, is imported as a replacement of
another motor vehicle originally imported under paragraph
(1) and which has been written off due to accident, fire or
Provided that any motor vehicle acquired free of duty
pursuant to the provisions of this item shall on resale or
upon other disposition whether or not for any material
consideration be liable for duty not withstanding that the
period of two years has elapsed.
International and Regional Organisations
Goods and equipment imported by donor agencies,
international and regional organisations with Diplomatic
accreditation or bilateral or multilateral agreements with a
Partner State for their official use.
The War Graves Commission
Goods, including official vehicles but not including office
supplies and equipment and the property of the
Commission‘s staff, for the establishment and maintenance
of war cemeteries by the Commonwealth War Graves
Disabled, Blind and Physically Handicapped Persons
Materials, articles and equipment, including one motor
vehicle, which:
(a) are specially designed for use by disabled or
physically handicapped persons or;
(b) are intended for the educational, scientific or
cultural advancement of the disabled for the use of
an organisation approved by the Government for
the purpose of this exemption:
Provided that the exemption in respect of motor vehicles
shall not apply to paragraph (b).
(b) one gear box assembly complete;
(c) one differential assembly and one front and rear
axle assembly, or such individual parts making
up one front and rear axle assembly as the rally
driver requires;
(d) not more than four front suspension assemblies,
or such individual parts making up those
assemblies as the rally driver requires: and
(e) not more than two sets of rear shock absorbers.
(3) Exemption of duty under Paragraph (1) and (2) is made
on the condition that:
it applies only to motor vehicles and parts imported or
purchased for use by bona fide rally drivers resident in a
Partner State who have been approved and recommended to
the Commissioner or a person authorised by him or her in
writing, by the rally authorities and accepted as such by
(b) where the motor vehicle or parts ceased to be used
or, in the case of parts, to be reassigned for use,
for rally purposes or are disposed off in a Partner
State to persons not entitled to exemption from,
or remission of duty, duty shall, immediately
become payable at the appropriate rate; and
(c) where the motor vehicle parts cease to be used, or
in the case of parts, to be assigned for use, for
rally purposes or are disposed off in a Partner
State to persons not entitled to exemption from,
or remission of duty, duty shall subject to
paragraph (5), immediately become payable at
the appropriate rate.
(4) Nothing in paragraph (3) (a) or (c) shall prevent the
motor vehicle or spare parts from being used in other rallies
in a Partner State.
(5) Where a person to whom an exemption has been granted
under this item, fails to take part in the rally, duty shall
become payable at the rate applicable on the date the rally
Goods and Equipment for Use in Aid Funded Projects
Aircraft Operations
(a) Any of the following goods, which are imported for use by the national carrier
or any airline designated under an air services agreement between the
Government of a Partner State and a foreign Government:
Aircraft, aircraft engines, parts and accessories thereof, air navigational
instruments; lighting, radio and radar apparatus and equipment of
specialised nature for the repair, maintenance and servicing of an aircraft on
the ground; ground signs, stairways for boarding aircraft, imported solely for
use in connection with aircraft; catering stores, such as luncheon boxes,
cardboard trays, paper plates, paper napkins, imported for use by any airline.
(b) Any of the following goods, which are imported for use by an approved
ground handler or caterer:
(i) equipment of a specialised nature for repairs; maintenance and servicing
of an aircraft.
(ii) specialised aircraft loading and unloading equipment; and
(iii) stairways for boarding and loading aircrafts.
(c) Aircraft spare parts imported by aircraft operators or persons engaged in the
business of aircraft maintenance:
Provided that such spare parts shall be imported on the recommendation of the
authority responsible for civil aviation in the Partner State and in such quantities
as the Commissioner may specify.
Containers and Pallets
(a) Containers, including boxes, tins, bottles, jars, and other packages in which
any goods not liable to ad valorem duty are packed and imported, being
ordinary trade packages for the goods contained therein;
(b) Pallets and pre-packing slings;
(c) Containers specially designed and equipped for carriage by one or more
modes of transport.
(d) Imported containers, which the Commissioner on the recommendation of the
Director of Veterinary Services is satisfied, and specially designed for storing
semen for artificial insemination;
(e) Packing material of any kind designed for packaging goods for export.
Deceased Person’s Effects
Used personal effects, subject to such limitations as the Commissioner may
impose, which are not for re-sale and have been the property of the deceased
person and have been inherited by or bequeathed to the person to whom they
are consigned. The personal effects include one motor vehicle which the
deceased owned and used outside a Partner State.
Fish, Crustaceans and Molluscs
Fish, Crustaceans and Molluscs, fresh (dead or live), chilled or frozen caught
and landed by canoes or vessels registered and based in a Partner State
L.N. No. 2 of
Passengers’ Baggage and personal effects
(1) Goods imported by passengers arriving from places outside the Partner
States shall, subject to the limitations and conditions specified in the following
The goods shall be:
(a) the property of and accompany the passenger, except as provided in
Paragraph 7;
(b) for the personal or household use of the passenger in a Partner State; and
(c) of such kinds and in such quantities as the proper officer may allow.
(2) Notwithstanding Paragraph (1) (c), the following goods shall not be
exempted under this item:-
(a) alcoholic beverages of all kinds, perfumes, spirits and tobacco and
Manufactures thereof, except as provided in Paragraphs 6 and 7 of this
(b) fabrics in piece;
(c) motor vehicles, except as provided in Paragraph (3) and (4);
(d) any trade goods or goods for sale or disposal to other persons.
(3) Subject to Paragraphs (1) and (2), the following goods may be exempted
under this item when imported, as baggage by a person on first arrival or a
returning resident of a Partner State whom the proper officer is satisfied is bona
fide changing residence from a place outside a Partner State to a place within a
Partner State,
(a) wearing apparel;
(b) personal and household effects of any kind which were in his personal or
household use in his former place of residence;
(c) one motor vehicle, (excluding buses and minibuses of seating capacity of
more than 13 passengers and load carrying vehicles of load carrying
capacity exceeding two tonnes) which the passenger has personally owned
and used outside a Partner State for at least twelve months (excluding the
period of the voyage in the case of shipment):
Provided that the person has attained the age of eighteen years.
(4) Subject to Paragraphs (1) and (2) of this item, the following goods may be
exempted under this item when imported as baggage by a person whom the
proper officer is satisfied is making a temporary visit not exceeding three months
to a Partner State:
(a) non-consumable goods imported for his personal use during his visit which he
intends to take out with him when he leaves at the end of his visit;
(b) consumable provisions and non-alcoholic beverages in such quantities and of
such kinds as are in the opinion of the proper officer consistent with his visit;
(c) that the goods are imported by a returning resident being an employee of an
international organisation the headquarters of which are in a Partner State
and who has been recalled for consultations at the organisation‘s
(5) Subject to Paragraphs (1) and (2) of this item, the following goods may be
exempted under this item when imported as baggage by a person who the proper
officer is satisfied is a resident of a Partner State returning from a visit outside a
Partner State and who is not changing residence in accordance with paragraphs
(3) and (4):
(a) wearing apparel;
(b) personal and household effects which have been in his personal use or
household use.
(6) Subject to paragraph (1) of this item, and subject to sub-paragraph (b) of this
paragraph, duty shall not be levied on the following goods imported by, and in the
possession of a passenger:-
(a) spirits (including liquors) or wine, not exceeding one litre or wine not
exceeding two litres;
(b) perfume and toilet water not exceeding in all one half litre, of which not more
than a quarter may be perfume;
(c) cigarettes, cigars, cheroots, cigarillos, tobacco and snuff not exceeding in all
250 grammes in weight.
The import duty free allowance shall be granted only to passengers who have
attained the age of eighteen years.
(7) Subject to Paragraphs (1) and (2) of this item, the exemptions granted in
accordance with Paragraphs (3), (4) and (5) of this Item may be allowed in
respect of bag- gage imported within ninety days of the date of arrival of the
passenger or such further period not exceeding three hundred and sixty days
from such arrival as the Commissioner-General may allow. The duty free
allowances granted in accordance with
Paragraph (6) of this item shall not be allowed in respect of goods specified in
the paragraph imported in unaccompanied baggage.
(8) Where any person who has been granted an exemption under Paragraphs (3)
or (4) changes his residence to a place outside a Partner State within ninety
days from the date of his arrival, he shall export his personal or household
effects within thirty days, or such further period not exceeding sixty days from
the date he changes his residence to a place outside a Partner State, as the
Commissioner may allow, otherwise duty becomes payable from the date of
(9) Subject to Paragraphs (1) and (2) of this item, goods up to the value of
United States Dollars Three Hundred for each traveller in respect of goods,
other than goods referred to in Paragraph 8 of this item, shall be exempted
when imported by the traveller in his or her accompanied baggage or upon his
or her person and declared by him or her to an officer, provided that the
person has been outside the Partner State for a period in excess of 24 hours;
Samples and Miscellaneous Articles
Samples and miscellaneous articles not imported as merchandise which in the
opinion of the Commissioner have no commercial value.
Ships and Other Vessels
Passenger and cargo vessels of all kinds of twenty-five net register tonnage or
more, cable ships, floating factories, whale catching vessels, trawlers and
other commercial fishing vessels (other than sport fishing vessels), weather
ships, hopper barges; lighters, pontoons (being flat decked vessels used for the
transportation of persons or goods) and ferry boats; parts and accessories, but
not including batteries and sparking plugs.
Preparations for cleaning dairy apparatus
Surface-active preparations and washing preparations whether or not
containing soap, specially prepared for cleaning dairy apparatus.
Mosquito nets and materials for the manufacture of mosquito nets
Seeds for Sowing
All seeds spores and cut plants, imported specially treated, which the relevant
authority in the Ministry responsible for Agriculture has approved as fit for
Chemically defined compounds used as fertilisers
Upon recommendation of the authority responsible for Agriculture in the
Partner State.
Museums, Exhibits and Equipment
(a) Museum and natural history exhibits and specimens, and scientific equipment
for public museums; and
(b) Chemicals, reagents, films, film strips and visual aids equipment, the
importation of which is approved in writing by the relevant authority in a Partner
State, imported or purchased prior to clearance through Customs by the National
Diapers, Urine bags and hygienic bags
Diapers, Urine bags and hygienic bags for medical use, in such quantities as the
Commissioner may allow.
L.N. No. 2 of
Diagnostic Reagents and Equipment
Diagnostic reagents and equipment recommended by the Director of Medical
Services or the Director of Veterinary Services for use in hospitals, clinics and
diagnostic laboratories subject to such limitations as the Commissioner in a
Partner State may impose.
L.N. No. 12
of June 30th,
and L.N. No.
12/2008 of
23rd June,
Agriculture or Floriculture Inputs
Imported inputs by persons engaged in horticulture, agriculture or floriculture
which the Commissioner is satisfied are for use in the horticulture,
agriculture or
floriculture sector.
L.N. No. 2 of
Packaging Material for Medicaments
Packaging materials and raw materials for manufacture of
medicaments upon recommendation of the authority responsible for manufacture
of medicaments.
L.N. No. 2 of
2005 and
L.N. No. 36
Educational Articles and Materials as specified in the Florence Agreement.
Splints for use in the manufacture of matches
Splints imported by manufacturer for use in the manufacture of matches
L.N. No. 2 of
15, 2005
Inputs for use in the manufacture of agricultural equipment
Inputs imported by a manufacturer for use in the manufacture of agricultural
L.N. No. 2
of September
15, 2005
Relief goods imported for emergency use in specific areas where natural
disaster/calamity has occurred in a Partner State
L.N. No. 12
of June 30,
Goods for emergency relief purposes of such quantities and within a specified
period imported by government or its approved agent or a non-governmental
organisation or a relief agency as authorised by the Director/Commissioner
responsible for disaster management in a Partner State provide that:
(a) the goods are household utensils, food stuffs, materials for provision
of shelter, and equipment and materials for health, sanitary and
education purposes,
(b) the goods are for use in areas where a natural disaster or calamity has
occurred in Partner State,
(c) the importation shall be made within 6 months or such further period
not exceeding 12 months as the Commissioner of a Partner State may
permit in each case,
(d) the quantities of imported goods shall be subject to such limitations
as the Commissioner may impose, and
the Commissioner shall submit a notification of the exemption detailing the
description of the goods and quantities to the Directorate for circulation to
other Partner States.
L.N. No. 2 of
September 15,
L.N. No. 12 of
June 2008
Hotel Equipment
Any of the following goods engraved or printed or marked with the hotel
logo imported by a licensed hotel for its use:
(a) Washing machines;
(b) Kitchen Ware;
(c) Cookers;
(d) Fridges and freezers
(e) Air Conditioning Systems;
(f) Cutlery;
(g) Televisions;
(h) Carpets;
(i) Furniture;
(j) Linen and Curtains;
(k) Gymnasium equipment
L.N. No. 2 of
September 15,
and L.N. No. 12
of 23
June 2008
(a) Refrigerated trucks
(b) Insulated tankers
Speed Governors
L.N. No. 2
September 15,
Computer Software
Any media containing computer software;
L.N. No. 2
September 15,
Electrical Energy saving bulbs for lighting also known as Compact
Fluorescent Bulbs
Compact Fluorescent Bulbs (Energy Saving Bulbs) with power connecting cap
at one end.
L.N. No. 12
dated June 30,
L.N. No. 8
dated June 18,
Specialised Solar equipment and accessories
Specialised Solar powered equipment and accessories including deep cycle
batteries which exclusively use and/ or store solar power.
L.N. No. 12
dated June 30,
Unbleached woven fabrics of a width 80 inches and above imported for
manufacture of textile materials
Woven fabrics made from unbleached yarn and which has not been bleached,
dyed or printed of a width 80 inches and above provided that:
(a) the unbleached woven fabrics are imported by approved Textile Mills
in a Partner State for exclusive use in the manufacture of finished
(b) the imported unbleached woven fabrics shall be subject to customs
control and such conditions as the Commissioner shall prescribe in
accordance with this Act;
(c) the quantities imported shall be subject to such limitations as the
Commissioner shall specify; and
(d) the exemption of import duty on unbleached woven fabrics of width 80
inches and above shall apply for two years from 1st March 2007.
L.N. No.
1dated 1st
March, 2007
L.N. Eo 8
dated June 18,
Items imported for use in licensed hospitals
Any of the following goods engraved or printed or marked with the
hospital logo imported for use in licenced hospitals, as recommended by
the Director of Medical Services subject to such conditions and
limitations as the Commissioner may impose:
(a) shadow less lamps for use in operating theatres
(b) blood freezers
(c) kitchenware and equipment
(d) laundry equipment
(e) mattresses and linen
(f) bedside screens
(g) air conditioners
(h) uniforms for use by hospital staff
(i) water heating equipment
(j) trolleys and stretchers
(k) furniture
LN. No 12
dated 23rd June,
Motor vehicles specially designed for refuse/garbage collection and
disposal imported or purchased by local authorities or persons
contracted by the local authorities to collect refuse/garbage
I, …………………………………………………………………the Commissioner by virtue of the powers
vested in me by 130 (4) of the East African Community Customs Management Act, 2004 do hereby
authorise you to collect and recover the sum of
………………………………………..due for duty from ……………………………........
having his or her premises at ……………………………………and for the recovery thereof I further
authorise that you, with the aid (if necessary) of your assistants and calling to your assistance any police
officer if necessary) which assistance they are hereby required to give, do forth levy by distress the said
sum together with the costs and charges of and incidental to the taking and keeping of such distress, on the
goods, chattels or other distrainable things of the said person wherever the same may be found, and all
vessels, vehicles, animals, and other articles, used within the partner states in commercial transactions
which you may find in any premises or any lands in use or possession of the said tax payer or any person
on his or her behalf or in trust for him or her.
And for the purpose of levying such distress you are hereby authorised, if necessary, with such assistance
as aforesaid to break open any building or place in the daytime.
Given under my hand at …………………this ……day of ……………..20.…….
IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon the Council of Ministers by Section 114 (3) of the East African
Community Customs Management Act 2004, the Council of Ministers has amended the Fifth Schedule of the Act as
Paragraph 15 of Part B is amended by inserting the word "aquaculture," after the word "horticulture"
wherever it appears in the paragraph.
Paragraph 22 of Part B is amended by inserting immediately after subparagraph (c), the following new
"(d). Aluminium cans for diary industry. "
Paragraph 30
of Part B is amended by numbering the first subparagraph as
(a) and inserting a new
subparagraph (b) to read as follows-
"(b) Spare parts for machinery used in mining imported by licensed mining companies."
Legal Notice No. EAC/13/2010.
IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon the Council of Ministers by Section
114 (3) of the East African Community
Customs Management Act 2004, the Council of Ministers has amended Part B of Fifth
Schedule of the Act as follows:
1. Paragraph 15 is amended by numbering it as subparagraph (a) and by inserting the
following new subparagraph (b):
“(b) Poultry parent stock imported by persons engaged in poultry farming as
authorised by the Director of Veterinary
Services and subject to such conditions and limitations the Commissioner may
2. Paragraph 5 (9) is amended by substituting the word “three” appearing in the second
line with the word “five”
3. Paragraph 25 in amended by numbering it as subparagraph (a) and inserting the
following new subparagraph (b):
“(b) lamps and bulbs made from Light Emitting Diodes (LED) technology for
domestic and industrial use”
4. Paragraph 26 is amended by deleting the word exclusively”
5. Paragraph 5 (3) by inserting a new subparagraph (d) as follows:
“(d) Subject to subparagraph (c), a person shall not be accorded an exemption
on another motor vehicle subsequently imported within a period of four years,
and where the motor vehicle is imported after 4 year, all duties on the earlier
exempted motor vehicle shall have been paid”
6. Paragraph 2 is amended by inserting a new subparagraph (f) as follows:
“(f) gas cylinders”
7. Part B is amended by inserting immediately after paragraph 32 a new paragraph as
33. Examination Gloves
Examination gloves for laboratory and medical use”.
This Notice shall come into force on the 1st day of July, 2010.
Council of Ministers. Arusha, Tanzania June, 2010
ACT, 2011
An Act of the Community to amend the East African
Community Customs
Management Act, 2004
DATE OF ASSENT: 27th October, 2010.
ENACTED by the East African Community and assented to by the Heads of State.
1. This Act may be cited as the East African Community
Customs Management (Amendment) Act,
2. The East African Community Customs Management
Act, 2004 herein referred to as the
"principal Act" is amended:
(1) in section 2 (1) by-
substituting for the definition of "agent", the
following new definition-
"agent" in relation to an aircraft, vehicle or vessel. includes any person who acts on behalf of the owner
and who, or on whose behalf any person authorised by him or her, does any
thing required or authorised by this Act to be done by an agent:
Provided that the owner of any aircraft,
vehicle or vessel, if resident or
represented in a
Partner State, shall
either himself or herself or through his or
her representative be deemed to be
agent for all purposes of this Act if no
such agent is appointed:";
substituting for the definition of "Customs
area", the following new definition-
"Customs area" means any place appointed by
the Commissioner under section
for carrying out
customs operations, including a place designated for the deposit of goods subject to customs control;":
substituting for the definition of "document",
the following new definition-
"document" includes an electronic document, a magnetic tape, a disk and a microfilm;";
substituting for the definition of "transit shed".
the following new definition-
"transit shed" means any building or premises
appointed by the Commissioner in
writing for the deposit of goods subject
to customs control;".
(2) in subsection (2) by substituting for paragraph (a), the
following new paragraph-
"(a) goods shall be deemed to be entered when the
entry in the prescribed manner is made
lodged by the owner and any duty due or
deposit required under this Act in respect of the
goods has been paid, or security has been given for compliance with this Act.".
3. The principal Act is amended in section
(3) by
substituting for paragraph (e), the
"(e) comply with any other requirement as may he
specified by the Commissioner."
4. Section 24 of the principal Act is amended by-
(a) substituting for subsection (1) the following new
"(1) The master or agent of every aircraft
or vessel, whether laden or in ballast. shall, except
where otherwise provided in any
regulations, make a report on the prescribed
form to a
proper officer at any port or other
place especially allowed by the proper officer, of the aircraft
or vessel, of its cargo and stores,
and of any package for which there is no bill of
lading, as follows-
(a) in the case of a vessel, not less than
twenty four hours before arrival from a foreign port,
(b) in the case of an aircraft, immediately
after take off from a foreign port
destined for a port
in a Partner State".
(b) Inserting the following new subsection
immediately after subsection (1)-
"(1 A) Where a master or agent of an
aircraft or vessel cannot make a report within
time required under subsection (1) due to
special or unavoidable circumstances, the
or agent shall make the report within
such time as may be allowed by the proper
5. Section
of the principal Act is amended by
inserting immediately after subsection (4),
the following new
"(5) Where goods entered in accordance with
subsection (1) are not removed from the first
point of
entry within fourteen days from the date of entry, such
goods shall be liable to customs
warehouse rent."
6. Section 42 (1) of the principal Act is amended by
inserting immediately after the word
"Gazette" appearing in
the fourth line, the words "and Gazettes of the Partner State or
a newspaper
of wide circulation in the Partner State".
7. Section
of the principal Act is amended by
inserting the following new subsection
immediately after
subsection (2)-
"(2A) Goods referred to in subsection (2) shall be
exported within thirty days from the date of entry or
such further period as the Commissioner may allow.".
8. Section
of the principal Act is amended by
substituting for subsection
(5). the
following new
"(5) Where any bonded goods are brought to any
Customs airport, Customs area, or other
place, to be
put on board any aircraft or vessel and on
examination by the proper
(a) the goods are found not to agree with the
particulars of the entry; or
(b) it is determined that the goods were declared
under duty drawback, but are found to be
not entitled to duty drawback,
the owner of the goods commits an offence and
any goods in respect
of which such offence is
committed shall be liable to forfeiture."
107 (1) of the principal Act is amended by inserting after paragraph (c). the
following new paragraph-
"(d) any other form of security that the Commissioner may allow."
10. Section 117 of the principal Act is amended by Amendment
inserting immediately after
subsection (3), the following new
"(3A)Subject to subsection
Commissioner may, where he or she deems fit, allow
further period as is consistent with the purpose for
which the goods are imported".
11. Section
(1) of the principal Act is amended by inserting after paragraph (c), the
following new paragraphs-
"(d)interferes or tampers with a customs
computerized system in any manner;
(e) does not process an entry within twenty one days from the date it was lodged."
12. Section
of the principal Act is amended by
inserting immediately after subsection (1),
the following new
"(1A) Notwithstanding subsection
(1). the
Commissioner may allow the use of a form other
the form prescribed under that subsection: provided such form includes the particulars
prescribed under
that subsection.".
13. Section 234 of the principal Act is amended by-
inserting the following new subsection
immediately after subsection (1)-
"(I A) An owner of goods shal I keep every
document required or authorised for the
purposes of this Act for a period of five years.":
substituting for subsection (4), the following-
"(4) Any person who fails to comply with this section
commits an offence."
14. Section 244 of the principal Act is amended by-
deleting the words, "and any transporter"
appearing in subsection (1):
inserting immediately after subsection (1), the
following new subsection-
"(I A) A license for a vehicle to transport goods
under customs control issued by the
Commissioner of a Partner State shall be recognized in all other Partner
States for the purposes
for which the license is
15. Section 247
of the principal Act is amended in Amendment
paragraphs (a) and (b) by inserting the words "or vehicle",
immediately after the word
"vessel" appearing in those
16. Section 249 of the principal Act is amended by-
renumbering the existing provision as
subsection (1);
inserting the following new subsection
immediately after subsection (1)-
"(2) Notwithstanding subsection
(1), the
Commissioner may waive the whole or part of
due from the tax payer, where the
Commissioner is satisfied that the interest due
cannot be
effectively recovered by reason of-
consideration of hardship; or
impossibility, undue difficulty or the excessive cost of recovery‖.
September, 2011
Legal Notice No. EAC/38/2011.
IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon the Council of Ministers by Article 42 of the Protocol on the Establishment of the EAC
Customs Union, the Council of Ministers has amended the Simplified Certificate of Origin in the Third Schedule of the East African
Community Customs Union (Rules Of Origin) Rules (Annex III to the Protocol), by increasing the maximum value of goods from
US $ 500 to US $ 2000 (indicated in both English and Swahili on the Certificate)
Chairperson Council of Ministers.
Arusha, Tanzania
1st September, 2011
June, 2012
Legal Notice No. EAC/26/2012.
IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon the Council of Ministers by Section 114 (3) of the East African Community
Customs Management Act 2004, the Council of Ministers has amended the Fifth Schedule of the Act as follows:-
Paragraph 30 to Part B of the Fifth Schedule is amended as follows:
By substituting the word
―equipment‖ appearing in the first line of sub-paragraph
30(a) with the word
By substituting the words ―Spare parts for machinery‖ appearing in sub-paragraph 30(b) with the words
―Machinery and spare parts thereof‖.
Part B of the Fifth Schedule is amended in paragraph 22 (a) by adding in the same paragraph ‘and refrigerated
Part B of the Fifth Schedule is amended by inserting immediately after paragraph 36 a new paragraph as follows:
‘37. Inputs for use in the manufacture of medical diagnostic kits
Inputs for use in the manufacture of medical diagnostic kits imported by manufacturers of medical diagnostic
kits as
approved by a competent authority in a Partner State‘.
4. Part B of the Fifth Schedule is amended in paragraph 15 by adding item (c) as follows:
‗(c) All equipments and gear used in beekeeping as authorised by the Director of Veterinary Services and subject to
such conditions and limitations that the Commissioner may impose‘.
This Notice shall come into force on the 1st day of July 2012.
Chairperson,. Council of Ministers
June, 2013
Legal Notice No. EAC/40/2013.
IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon the Council of Ministers by Section 114 (3) of the East African Community
Customs Management Act 2004, the Council of Ministers has amended the Fifth Schedule of the Act as follows:-
By Deleting paragraph 24 in Part B - GENERAL EXEMPTIONS and replacing it with the new paragraph as
“24. Railway operations
Any of the following goods, which are imported for use by an operator approved by a competent authority
responsible for railways in the Partner State and in such quantities as the Commissioner may specify:
Wagons, coaches, locomotives, trolleys parts and accessories thereof;
traffic control instruments, lighting and radio apparatus;
equipment of specialized nature for the repair, maintenance and servicing of locomotives and coaches;
railway line signs imported solely for use in connection with railway operations;
catering stores, such as luncheon boxes, cardboard trays, paper plates and paper napkins imported for
use in the passenger trains by a railways company or contracted caterer;
equipment of a specialised nature for construction, repair, maintenance and servicing of a railway
infrastructure; and
specialised railway loading and unloading equipment.
3. By Deleting paragraph 27 in Part B - GENERAL EXEMPTIONS and replacing it with the new paragraph as follows:
“27 Plastic bag biogas digesters”
4. By adding a new paragraph 38 immediately after paragraph 37 in PART B - GENERAL EXEMPTIONS as follows:
“38. Water Treatment Effluent Plant”
This Notice shall come into force on the 1st day of July 2013.
Chairperson, Council of Ministers.